vms *vin ;:%A , April li, 1948 . fHl MeHEHRY w.AHmiAT.it WWW ' 8UBVTVB8 POISON j man hospital. 'He responded readi James Tmuber, two and a half to treatment and his condition old son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy proved rapidly. ranber. Palatine, whose life was j -- wed last week, after he had eaten Complete line of Lee's poultry it poison, had recovered sufficient- remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mcrjtne following night to leave Sher- Henry. 8-tf RINGWOOD nn-> P«"ct P§r your cooking convenience, die new ROPER Gat Ranges offer a big "3-in-l" oven ... "Glo" broiler with "Serv-Hot" grill... exclusive "Staggered" cooking top... **5immer-Speed" top burners and other MJewels of Cooking Performance". Why not stop in and see them in action? (By Mrs. Georr# Sbeuard) Mrs. C. L, Harrison entertained the women's 500 club at her home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock luncheon was served. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Luella Stephenson and Mrs. Peter Sebastian. and Mrs. Alan Wagner enteritained at a party Sunday in honor of the first birthday of their daughter, Sandra, and also for the birthday of Ronnie Feezel. spent' Sunday in t&e Fred Wiedrich, | [Jr. home. Kenneth Cristy, Jr., of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. 1 and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. j Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson and son, Harold, of Richmond spent Sun* j day afternoon in the Beatty-Low i home. Mr. ad Mrs. Ansel Dewey and family of Armstrong, 111., spent the j weekend with her mother, Mrs. Rose t Jepson. „ Mrs. Agnes Jencks of Chicago and Mrs. Appley of Libertyville were visitors here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Spring Grove" Were callers at the i TU„ a _ , ,, homes of her mother, Mrs. Viola Low, The Home Circle met at the home Sunriav afternoon v ®owma"' Thursday, Mrs. E. I Rof?Jr Collins Elmhurst called E. Whiting and Mrs. John Black- on his mother here Friday, man assisting A 1 o clock luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wagner and was served. Mrs. Mitchel Kane was family of Lake Geneva spent Sunthe program chairman. Mrs. Clay- day in the Alan Wagner home. 5^riSrn gave a fine book review Mrs Collins spent Friday with On The Leutenants Lady," which Earl Barnard. ' was very much enjoyed. Johnny and Jerry Hogan under- ' The Community club will sponsor . went tonsillectomy at St. Therese ; {a rummage sale at their next meet- hospital at Waukegan Monday. j |ing at the schcolhouse. April 16. Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter,, Community night will be observed Alice, took Marion Peet to Elgin' atjthe Methodist charch Sunday eve- Sunday, where she Will visit tela- i nine:. April 25. The Round-up club tives. • j will have charge of the program. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Harrison and The W. S. C. S. will meet with family of Bay View Beach spent Mrs. Louis Winn, Thursday, AoriM5. Saturday evening with his parents, A pot-luck dinner will be'served Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison, at noon. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kattner of Mrs. C. L. Harrison entertained ; Spring Grove spent Sunday afterthe Home Bureau at her home, Tues- noon with Mrs. Ed Bauer and family, day afternoon Mrs. Maud Deffenbaugh pf Chicago Mrs. John Blackman entertained ^nt *ith her sister' the (Lotus Women's club from Spring ! 1 tf™ Ln#rrl R™,, •, Grove at her home Wednesday. Thi nJ«r p®n.d Sundav 3 ^ *°d « W Brown. a nice lunch was served. | Au?ugt Kattner of Chicago, Mr. KffiTHGWST CHURCH NOTES-? £ aMfc year-ago on April • School „ the Sunday launched on an attendance recognition plan. 'Last Sunday we awarded pins to some thirty children who had fulfilled certain requirements. Three of our students case we present building. Anyone interested in buying it may contact Dr. Howard Fike, Harry Barr or Rev. Price for details. The second sermon of the Eastertide series will be entitled "Know God." v The combined junior and cherub choirs will furnish the special music. These are your services, you received special awards for perfect' ^**jefit from them only as you attend attendance, Guy Chamberlain, Ilene 5- Part,c,Pate- Come and brin* y°ur Bassett and Elaine Schultz. Eleven ,Inenas* \ missed only one Sunday during the year Valarie Johnson, Toby Johnson, Scott Bacon, Barbara Eggert, Diane 'Bacon, Celia Page. Jannette Schultz, Here is how ^television started. In 1873 a telegraph operator umii May, at Valentia, Ireland, noticed that his instrument behaved erratically when the sun shone on Ida selenium resistors. The principle involved inspired several inventors to propose methods " of picture trsns mission during the next few years.' • I Complete .line of Lee's poultry Need Rubber Stamps? Order at remedies at Rattles Drug Store, lfe- *• ' •> & The Plaindealer. The Rural Youth group met at the | ."T' "3 ^„of Norma filler, Thursday Wonder Lake and Georgia ScJmidt of Spring Grove spent Sunday evenine in the Mrs. Ed Bauer home. Miss Marion her sister, Mrs. John ~ in Field, Fla. and Mrs. Frank Hitchens of Elgin ' Mr. Hawley is visiting Woodward at evening. Miss Alice Peet entertained the Round-up club at a hard times party at the home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum are parents of a daughter bom April 11. _ Mrs. Fossum was formerly Miss Sycamore were callers in the E. E. Bobette Cristy. They have another Whiting home Sunday. little daughter, Susie, to welcome' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of I the new sister. (Chicago, Mrs. Eleanor Bacon of . * Mrs. Arthur Larson and Mrs. Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. 4John Blackman, Jr., son of Antioch Andrew Hawley spent Sunday in the i called on Mrs. John Blackman, Mon- Louis Hawley home, day. Linus Wagner of Woodstock spent Mrs. .Bauer and daughter, LuAnn, Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Nicn (visited Mrs. Anna Nordemeyer at "<e£ner> St. Therese hospital' at Waukegan __________ ^ Wednesday evening. j • New Celer Television ± aSTVr. fw!:1 A television tube fces Haberline Jr of Chicaeo called on ' been developed by Arthur B. Bron- Wends here fYiday! °" | ^ miversity. TO. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and tube differs from other color family of Hebron spent Sunday with , tubes in that it is the only system her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George f w'th a ^ composite viewing tube and Shepard. Homer Bassett, Diane Rietsel anJ Lilliane Price. Five students missed • only two Sundays, Joan Colling Penny Fike, Cynthia Rourke, Pats|? Ann McCracken and Patsy Goransoii, We are very pleased with th| records of these students and thf others who missed only a few Sundays. They certainly put a lot of us older folk to shame. We hqpe thai, they will continue and that the parents and friends will continue t®, give them the support they need botlt at home and at church. The special offertory solo last Sun* day was MacDermid's "Ninety-first? Psalm," sung by Mrs. Donald Blount* The anthem for the service was sung by the combined junior and cherut* choirs. The ladies of the W. S. C. S. arf. looking forward to the'Birthday Tea this Thursday afternoon at the church. The choir mothers are planning tf box social for the evening," of April] 29. We cordially invite everyone to j attend. Ladies bring your boxes and men , your pocketbooks. The proceeds will be used for the junior and cherub choir materials. , You have read in this column several times of our plans to remodel or rebuild the parsonage. The majority of the people feel that wi Henry. Rom where I sit ...ly Joe Marsh Now It's Neckties Made of Milk I j- • Fellow in Andy Botkin's Tavern was boasting about a trick necktie he was wearing made out of a byproduct of milk. Took 33 pouds of milk to make this tie," he says. Bill Webster was unimpressed. "Personally," he says, "I'd rather have the milk to drink. Just as 1 wouldn't change one glass of good American beer for a necktie made from thirty barrels of it!" Yes, modern science being what it is --seems like you can make "anything oat of anything" these days. But in the case of milk, well I guess drinking| it st ill a whole ; lot better than just wearing it. Of course there are lots of other ways of abusing goods and bev- ^ f, ; erages--like a fellow who doesn't • * , appreciate good beer enough to d r i n k i t s l o w l y a n d i n m o d e r a t i o n . ' r , . But from where I sit, most peo- j/, -" pie who enjoy a wholesome bev- V' erage like beer or ale are moderate --because beer itself is a beverofi *1 of moderation. : 31, i ' j Copyright, 1948, United States Brewers Foundmtim ALTHOFFS HARDWARE lunrst T • u s : d 3 K Lu ! • i - i you r p u UJ o Y West McHenry Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wick of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Laurence. Mrs. Emma Anderson of Sharon, | Wis., and son, Robert, of Chicago I spent Saturday here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slock and I family of Sheboygan, Wis., and Mr. I and Mrs. Robert Shuetzo and daughter, of Milwaukee were called here by the death of their mother* Mrs. Wm. Hepburn. ;Mre. E. E. Whiting w'as a visitor ^ Woodstock, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Panl Norman and i family of Evanston spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Rose ,Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and son, First Oxford Professor Hie first endowed professorship at *^/.i O*'01*' W8S that of divinity, founded Billy,* of"Waukegan, "Mr*"and" Mra! hr^e mother of Henry VII in 1502 a single electron gun. Other television color systems have three tubes and two or more electron guns. By coating three screens with a different color phosphor which corresponds with the three primary colors, a composite image screen is provided which enables the viewer to see the television programs in natural color. The three screens are optically superimposed upon each other but are separated by a microscopic distance and electrically insulated from each other. Phelps Saund^s of Sycamore and named the Lady Margaret pro- Mrs. Bertha Saunders of Harvard .-fossorship for her. The new Cadillacs you see today on the streets and highways of America have been more than forty-five years in the making. Back of them is a long line of fine, pioneering ancestors--every one of which has made a basic contribution to Cadillac's development. Without this long background of experience, today's Cadillac could not be built--for character in a motor car is like that in a human being--it is a long time in the making. ANCESTRY If f-- SV .SSMK for m mow Coditioe--plomso bo tuturod thai ovory ogort it Mmg : Mali to Ikrtkor trodmctimm. Dotmmmd is so gromt, komovor, thmt wm ioUf l> doUvory i> MMI 111 koli to. four pmrpotol Thoto it m nkttituto for « Cadiihr. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET McHKKRY. ILLINOIS -----* Yes, year MP ctere aieaefer Is a nlfkty laperteat ftfliw--h y«a •e M. That's why we're peyiaf trlfcste to kla darlaf Meae«er's ¥foefc with e «ter»-wMe eslsbratlsa. Aad becease aefhlaf pleeses bin aere HHeiaa MthMe eepppaeerrlfaaaallttyy tIo help yea ea|ey «eed eeMa« at aiedsit cost. we're feetarlae e ha«e Stop ta aad teas year array eff eread pMi todeylf t lifk e--IUf st Pricci! BACK AftAIN--MTTIR THAN iVMI IONA BUNS WITH PORK rcONOMICAL, TIHOCR, NUTVITIOUS IONA KAS I "Slit VMCTAtlAN, TOMATO SAUCf, SOSTON STTU HEINZ likKED KMS I4AKBS WONOMFUL PAn III. IOMKSTUKK MEDIUM RED ULMON FANCY QUALITY, LOW PtICCO AAP 8RAPEFRUIT JUICE CHOPPED, IN POTATO SALAD. KOSHlil OS PLAIN DIU PICKLES. NfW LOW PRICE, TRECT, SPAM 6it SWIFT'S PREM SAKE A PIE TODAY WITH COMSTOCK SLICED PIE APPLES ANOTHER A1PVALUE IONA TOMATOES SERVE WITH CHEESE, TEMPTING CUT 8REEN ASPARA6US S mis125c .53611s ?«A 30s 2*oz. TINS 31c .2 MRS 49s 9s 2 TINS2 31s 2 Nrms2 27c 2'«z31c NEW LOW PRICK PETER PAN PEAS 2nT«ns0327c OASE OF M SS.S4 SULTANA RED KIDNEY sr RED SEARS FINE FLAVORED. LOW PRICED ISNA LIMA BEANS LOW PRICS, SPARKLE CHOOOLM* 2*% 21s 2^ 21s ICE VCeCTABLK. VatETARlAN. MA SAMPSELL'S SOUPS SREAM MIX VMETARIAN, NAN WITH BACON pxes. FOR DESSERT. SOUTH HAVEN MICHIGAN PLUMS WHILE THEY LAST! MARSRMALLSWS •eeM*H«l«*i< 19s 2^N°,t2Ts 3NTI°NS229S 18s OVEN-FRESH BAMLED GOODS! NEW LOW PRICE, JANE PARKER ANSEL FOOD CAKES LAR6E SHE B»« BAk sttl 4e« NEW ITEM! RAISIN OR OATMEAL SIZE 2DOZ. JANE PARKER COOKIES .IN PK«. SBIVE WITH STRAWBERRIES. JANE PARKER SHORT CAKE CUPS 0f LOW PRICED, WHITE BATTER. JANE PARKER SOCOANUT LAYER CAKE .. SERVE IT TOASTED ---- MARVEL WHITE BREAD ; ' 29s IBs «MN. CAKE BBS 2LOAVES33S BANQUET COOKED CHICKEN a lb. eaa FLSS t AGAR'S , ° ' I • ' •'S 5 CANNED HAM 10 lb. can ...... lb. 79s SMOKED BUTTS 4b. SUMMER SAUSAOl lb. 59e MICKELBERRY'S I ? ' : SKINLESS FRANKS lb. 49e CHEESE FEATURE OF THE WEEK MUENSTER CHEESE... u 48* AMERICAN. PIMENTO, BRICK Oil SWISS ^ MEL-MIT . FOR SANDWICHES. SHARf CHEDDAR CHEESE FOR MACARONI AND CHEESC L0H8H0RH CHEESE. ,;&HIr-i AMERICAN OR FIMENTO CHEI CHED-0-BIT rFoOooO D Ee e e 2 L& COUNTRY-FRESH PR0MICE7 FRESH CUBAN PINEAPP|JB i FLORIDA ^ CUCUMBERS NEW TEXAS ONIONS i } ~ir .. - 2 lbs. for 29c FLORBlA JUICE ORANOES ___ bag 40» MUSHROOMS -rt>. box RICH IN LATHER WOODBURY TOILET SOAP lc*«s34c •UY ONE, GET ONI PURO 2 - 2 5e IT FLOATS! IVORY SOAP 'LARGE I9e CAKE FOR LOVELY SKIN Caaay TsiM Smp 15^ 1ATH SIZE DUZ DOES EVERYTHING DUZ SOAP POWDER LA'RGE 37 For Priiritd Walk, Woodwork SPIC and SPAN fKG. 24e IBs CHASES DIRT KITCHEN KLENZER 3~22* •AMES* DELIGHT! UBfTS BABY FOOD 3^29* CRisPY-oiuaous rLAvoB-tair f * * kail SALTINE& . ^ hCG. 27 ! 5 fOll CAKES. lONGt ' Frssfc lyifciBllowi ~ i r •Sfc: