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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 May 1948, p. 5

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r * . ;•* •...»» '- I '. »•: •'. . :v: •••• >w-»: •is;o- if-:*; #?-y "SO I by EARL R. WALSH Dima^i ihoald vdl qualify him to •a this sobjaet. AH boy* are fteb«pi Fath«r Donavan can tell us how to keep them that way. didn't know there was a newspaperman's prarsr, but i is created to the Syracuse uiy be' sotne good for any man--even the inside of Raii^ spoiled what promised gnite^a Jbif event . to be last vedttod as Pesehke's new golf driving range was all pressed v aad ready Jmt the swingers. * In addition to the long-range driving, Bernie has one of those tricky, little Fee-Wee courses where you sort of putt-putt around. In this area where golf is a major . ort, we expect to see a lot of interest in this new range. You can go out there and drive those balW hither and yon without worrying •bout chasing them. Teaek me minutes make ™ bride was eecquisite in a wedatBg gown of white brocaded satin. Her' fingertip veil was hdd in plaea fay a crown of seed pearls and she carried a bouquet of white flowers. LaVerne Olson, as maid of honor, wore a pale green set and taffeta grown while Dolores Olson and Marion Steinwehe, as bridesmaids, wore formats of pale yellow marqui- •«tte. Mrs. Olsqn chose a black and white print for the occasion and Mrs. Steinwehe chose a print of black and an hour, 16 OVKeTone pound and P»nk-. A*oth mothers wore corsages 100 etttts a dollar: ;of Pink »nd white carnations. Help me to Hve so that I can lie) .Stein??he ?s ****' down at night with a clear con- ™an, Robert Steinwehe andj science, without a gun under my'^*rJf8 J*6®86 serving1 as ushers, pillow, and unhaunted by the faces Following a reception at the Oak-, of those to whom I have brtught!™°°T ^ the young couple^ departed for northern Wisconsin, where they rant that I may earn my. meal *"11 s**nd their_ honeymoon, Upon ticket on the square, and that I may J*"1 G Bernie is providing this fast-growing area with another means of «, v . their return to Woodstock, they will not stick the gaff in where it doesj j not belong - I *"e ®r,"e' "*"° attended Wood- Deafen me to the jingle of tainted:**** hi*h 4 schoo]' now w2Iks at the money and t)» rustle of unholy Electrometnc company. The groom, . {a graduate of the class of 42 from il*?' h • * "•* ' Vf - J»4 ' • * x • - *- • * ^ \l 0:M% VOLp BAIT SHOP AiS WHfB COT or OKYVTAL UKB 0LAS8IC LEAQUI The V61o Bait Shop bowling team won the coveted cup in the fast Crystal' Lake Classic League the past week. tie local team piled up a commanding lead in mid-season, but had to put up a gallant stand at the finish to ward off competition. ITie league is composed of * top bowlers with 5 teams from Crystal Lake, 2 from McHenry and 1 from Fox River Grove. Congratulations go to the following name members of the Bait Shop team: Dill Schlitt, John Gnoit, Art Kranse, Ed Peisert and Pete Koob. BOWLING NOTK8 -- SCHAEFERS' -- • SduMferettes Deablea 1. M. Rochelle, K. Freund, 1076. 2. E. Meeker, E. Smith, 1070. 1 B. Freund, J. Oxtoby, 1061. 4u- H. Knox, H. Surtees, 1047. it. E. Rand, F. Dean, 1044. were "Blind me to the faults of the other fe^tock high, is employed fellow but reveal to me my own. [Electric Auto-Lite Company. recreation. It should prove popular, flop and take a look. The boys in charge will be glad to see ;*>u. B ersotwis and Mrs. H., Smith of Christie, Tex., and the grandmother, Mrs. George FRITZ FENSKE Friends and relatives sfeddened on April SO to learn of the by death of Frits "Pop" Fenske, who! passed away in a Chicago hospital1 | following a long illness. He had be*nj ! a summer resident of McHenry for' ! forty years and a peijpanent resident jfor seven. » ; Keep me young enough to laugh with my children. And when comes the smell of j flowers, the trend of soft steps and jthe crunching of wheels out in front jmske the ceremony short and the Speaking of rain -- Bill Althoff [epitaph simple^'Here lies a •man.,'| planted some cucumber seeds one i ' • I Lieut. morning and tripped over the vines That fellow, ••©bet, phones to, Corpus tlig ift€rnoon* .offer help in our ennmp s&l&d pr©fr~liorwi6r'8 §i«uuuivuici, mub. £ ni . • llems. "Have you ever tried a cigar Smith, of Elgin, were recent visitors ^e. first concert of the Elgin Choral FRANK S. MAY * TRUCKING Black Dirt , -- Crushed Gravel Light Excavating. Limestone Track ^jrUtre -v,a. PtfOIiTE McHENRY 580-M-l *> B-l McHenry f. E. Peterson, B. Seoger, 1044. 5. F. Larson, B. PavHk, 1044. 6. M. Wilbrandt. A. Vogt, 10W.-r, Majors Singles-- _ Bob Con way/ 664 V. Jones, 608. U oacon, c -r . - , - -- PALACB -- .' Invent-- C. Behnke, 547; H. Behnke, 22ft. 526; Zuelsdorf, 202-665; Dean, 2S4» ^ A-J"^"' _ LGG-the 6 to I favorite APPEARS WITH CHORAl/GROUP? One of the most distinguished sg- < a gregations cf top musicians of the Fox Valley to gather together in this area in recent years were beard in During the course of fcis pastoral lighter under the dish to wilt the'in the Robert Thompson and George Visits, a white-haired minister called (lettuce?" sex he. Of course, he adds Johnson homes. that it might take a good grade of j Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stonewell glass to stand the treatment, v land four children of Janesville,.Wis., 1!-- | visited friends in McHenry one re- At press time we learn taht Her? cent day. Mrs. Stonwell is the on one of his parishioners, who in recounting his blessings said that his little family had lived together for many years without a single quarrel or difference. Replied the wise old minister. "If there never was a difference, there must have been a vast amount of in- _ difference." Union at the Congregational church in Elgin last Friday evening. Seated in the choir loft were recognized vocalists who have pursued their music studies for many years and have been outstanding in their art. Among the 150 voices was that of Warren Jones, tenor, of McHenry. It will give yrco u a lift to look ovevr •me new v. F. W. club house and beautiful grounds. The boys pitched, in and worked hard to build their own club house. The public will be invited to look it of weeks. man Steffes has received evidence of ; former Miss Anna Popp of this city. membership among the bowling elite, j Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Quinlan It's called the "700 Club of Ameri- spent Mother's Dav with her sister; SELECT COMMITTEEWOMEN ca." Herman went over the mark: and husband, the William Schneiders,1 Republicans from two local prethis past season. Nice going. jand with her mother, Mrs. Clara ' cincJ have seiected committeewomen ' i Scholeneld, in Chicago. Remember -- The Shamrocks play, Miss Christine Adams war an Oak at Johnsburg next Sunday. Niiff said.1 Park caller last Friday. HABT-SOHAEFER VOWS over ip a «t>uPie j EXCHANGED SATURDAY {IN CHICAGO CHURCH enthusiastic to serve during the next two years. In precinct 1, Earl Whiting has appointed Mrs. Andrew Hawley, while •-----in precinct 2. Charles "Chuck" Mgler : ~ % NOTICE has selected Mrs. Albert Purvey. Thr-mmual meeting Committeemen R. I. Over^n and of officers of the local chapter of the Joseph Frett have not made their Red Cross will be held on Friday selections at this time. Christine Krinn, ap worker in many civic betterment pro- . . jhscts, asks us to mention that the j service which was solemnised at St. American, Legion Auxiliary is soon- j Clotilde church in Chicago on Satursoring a program at St. Patrick's I day, May 8, at 11 o'clock, Miss church hall Sunday night, May 16 at Patricia Hart, daughter of the Irwin S. Harts of Chliago arid McHenry, t Saturday, May 29. became the bride ot-Mr. Robert L.; nsint: will be 8KH) p. m- • (Father Donavan, Chaplain of the re greatly appreciated. 5. KATHRYN L. FREUND. •MOW WITH .Many people hare" fcfcpted this advice and joined the thousands of users who now mow their lawns with this famous power i mower. , /ARD ofthanks IS2 ^ l~.l th. P.«« ye,, | »*4LW;,h.n°d S ?.yr J cards a and the other kindnesses Open House Demonstration at Al- j extended during my recent illness tholrs Hardware, West McHenry, on They were Free can of! *52 MRS „ i paint will be given each adult! ' Schaefer, son of the H. B. Schaefers customer that day. Stove and deep i Complete line of Beebe livestock of McHenry. j freeze demonstrations by noted home < remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Mc- Junior attendants were Patsy Joan economists. 52-2 sp p' Henry. 8-tf Hart and her brother, Howard Hart, niece and nephew of the bride. Serving as matron of honor was Mrs. J^hyilis Saunders, a close friend of |he bride, while Miss Maureen Jones, Another friend, acted as bridesmaid. jMrs. Saunders wore an orchid- Colored floor length dress, while the ' ridesmaids were attired* in yellow. ey wore headpieces of yellow tlaisies and carried bouquets of the Bame kind of flowers. Donald Schaefer, brother of the bridegroom, served as best man, with Robert Reinhart of Wauconda, his cousin, as groomsman. The bride was lovely in a white satin dress, .with long train, and white sfttin headpiece. _ For her. bouquet she carried lilies of the valley with an orchid in the center. The immediate families were pre- HOW! ANYONE CAN INK PUNtt Of HOT WATER IN A JIFFY! ,; Hwr-Tnclnrfvrr features X'A'ht " ** , found in no other lawn mower.) Following a wedding trip east, the-- Ylonun wwiilnl finndn a itlniPeRsAe mmnacouhiiun^pss couple will reside in the Hart cottage at IdyU Deu south of thig city> Mr. at thig store. Drop in and in- Schaefer is employed With the UKspect them today. The name "0" Bell Telephone Company here. "Reo" means high quality. NEW "POCKET-SOT PORTABLE WATER HEATER COSTS LESS THAN £25 HEATS FAST AS GAS Merely place aFAST-W AY Portable Water Heater in a receptacle eont*inine water. Plug in nearest socket. Presto! -Heats water quick for bathing, scrubbing, washing, etc. Also cleaning milk separators, etc.--spe«d depending on quantity. Heats fast as average gas burner. No fires to build or hot water to carry--no running up and down stairs. No dirt, no muas, no top-heavy fuel bills. Handy! Inexpensive! Now costs lew than 92.26. Caution! Bead directions before using. For sale by-- Carey Electric Shop GREEN STREBT ' M'HENRY a WEDDING BELLS RING "We also have, the Reo Michi TOR IRENE OLSEN AMD gan Noiseless--the finest hand mower money can buy--at a' The altar of St. John's Lutheran price anyone can afford. church, Woodstock was beautifully -- j decorated with tulips and lilacs on I Saturday, May 8, as Irene Olson, j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mehrin Olson of Wonder Lake, exchanged jantriaic vows -with Albert Stein- Nickels Hardware ALBERT STEINWEHE, JR. •• Phone 2 Main St., West McHenry •»»»•»»»••»••< wehe, Jr., son of Mr. Ind Mrs. Alberf ' Steinwehe, 816 Blakley, Woodstock,} The wedding was. performed by Re*. H. L. Pfotenhauier. Dolores Page, accompanied by Mrs, Ted Hamer at the organ, sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Because," at HOMES AND FARM BUILDINGS OEFFLING & THELEN GENERAL CONTRACTORS Johnsbnrgf AL OEFFLING Phone 685-M-l McHenry, 111., R-l AL THELEN Phone 583-W-l PAINT-O-PL AST DEMONSTRATION Saturday, May 15 th Stop in and see this new wall finish PAIHT«MASm a ONE COAT over any i:, surface ' I* costs more -to keep weeds than to kill Ihem! DESTROY WEEDS WITH WEEDESTROY THE SELECTIVE WEEDKILLER J*'"" • Footer kffl of wood* • MlifroiTn mmffimc ruttTm tm "'v'" • Low ool I gcdkm nffl fewt as much aa 10 acne al a cost of only 65c an acre. • Complete diractiona for «ee • WEEDESTROY ie BOBpoieonooa, will not sterilae the eoil nor haun mrnmne graieee. ITOUCI ue give you all the facts. AvaOoMs «» •• • - - WSEDCRIOY H fcljl s«M> oi S4D WOPeSTlOT AM m !!•!•» si ik«iM» 1 9aHaa. S qaBoa. $4 fol SMaukKtarad by RlrerdaU Chemical Co. ^ Hanrey. DL Said by The Dairyman's Supply Co. Phone 684- J-2 McHenry IWAUSOARD* j '^yOQP with ^jitcrpnsc PAINT-O-PLAST p , • p i t. t o 'i i A a : pusmatACXS, NAA Green Street, 1GS JTSTEursai ttSjSV« a Irak. Om s^EFC. FT •T*NTKM MtaMMnm to teMrtor wik. Mm hW M plMMr or pMy «mI1 i* O-PIm* ftUs wmma cracks <• plaMr, hc« tmi mimm (MOM--« m it pdbrta. It mi tin* « rfwh M4 <WfKRMANENT WASHAtU Mnt-O-PlMt is dar»bl« miptrlinmt Tha colors do not lads. Tou can rrcn wash it with soap and water and a brush. JOHN J. VYCITAL HARDWARE McHenry, 111 ANNOUNCEMENT We have been appointed wholesale and retail district distributors on WEEDONE. the original 2, 4-D weed killer. Our stock includes diiferent types in all sixes up to 50-gallon drums. Before using any of the new chemical weed killers, BE SURE you have the correct information, as to type, dosage and material for your particular job. If you do not have a boom sprayer, we can supply one or make arrangements for custom spraying. McHENRY MILLS, INC. West McHenry, Illinois , Phone 92-R i » Lee left Dernrr Otera1 is DEE lC€ Matched Shirts and P3nts A n a t i o n a l s u r v e y b y e prominent publishing company proves Lee Overalls, Lee Matched Shirts & Pants are the 6 to 1 favorites. For top quality work clothes buy Lee. McGee's McHanry I I > 1 11» 11IH4H I I i I H 111 >» COMPLETE DEPARTMENTS TO SERVE YOU BETTER AND SAVE YOU MORE ON ALL YOUR FOOD NEEDS PABST-ETT * CHEESE PLAIN OR PIMENTO Wt-oz. HC6. 29' VITAMIN B4RICHED NATION-WIM SALS ON CANNED PEAS ISc Off ON CVHY DOZIN t CANS YOU BUT LARCCSWiST PSAS 3 25' ALSO LINY, STOKtLY ANO ML MONTt AT EQUALLY mmv 9tiaa OUR BREAKFAST COFFEE J«1" BROADCAST FRANCO AMERICAN n-az. CAN FANCY QUALITY 37* Spasbetti • • • • • 22^15' LIBBY*S DEEP BROWN 2^29* Perk ni BMRS 2^25* MLLSSURY Oft Wi n,ow1|Mi$li<N EVAPORATED NefeeMift 3 CANS 3l€ HOLSUM QUALITY BlaeklierryJelly DELICIOUS COFFEE CAKES Py-O-My Cake Mil ^°6 z 2Sc RED t*OSS MACARONI Oft Cpaghettf 2 KSS. I9c MILANI S IMS Freeeh Dressiig .ii0mi 29c HAZEL Salad Dretslig .......JSi 45c SWIFT'S SHORTENING SwiftRlRg CAN Si«IS BROADCAST CORNS) Beef Hash - MB. 39c 23c COLLEGE INN . WktliCkitkra •LENOALE CLUB Cheese Spread PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese 2 $Sh. NATIONAL'S SLICED WHITE T*pT»ltBrM< lit NATIONAL MAID CAKE. CHOCOLATE Devils Feed each33c NATIONAL MAID PLAIN Oft SagaredDeRNts 13c FRESH PACK JORDAN ALMONDS FUCL IB POUND PKG. HERSHETS CHOCOLATE SYRUP 2lwtt 4Qc CAMS ^ NATCO FANCY TOMATO CATSUP 14-OZ. BOTTLES ASSORTED FLAVORS JELLO 3«« 20® HHOHCRISrv SaltnieSatttoiS R|3w» ASSOftTfO SANDWICH SalenieCeeUtf 2PMS. h*. 23c Wt 23c UNCO BLEACH 2 BOTTL£S ; H«K FLORIDA BLACK DIAMOND J| « WATERMELONS. »4?c Wi cut tfcam IwUt «r qxiliii <1 m ahi share** • Mm LOUISIANA FRESH v " . BEANS • • m o • n il1 JLOR1DA JUICE ORANGESU>'J; • • • i euk» eaowN Mbmome TOMATBES 13b CALIFORNIA PASCAL CELERY „ALK1|C FLAVORKIST «. SaltiRes Swv p& LEMON DROPS. MINTS-FRESH Pack Candy FUL^L«. ALL POPULAR SC faady Bart 3 FOR ALL POPULAR 5c CHCWIN9 6m *£ • re., PURITAN Marshmallewt '^1

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