V-F"' ^ • j£~ *4Ll' --H:; "*' „.f ... ^.c*. .\ -'4 p, -V..T- >•--- > fttfHHx FOR SALE---Medium-sited ice box,' QUICK SERVICE REPAIRS "iheap. Call Saturday or Sunday, 114 OUTBOARD MOTORS repaired or Cl oouunnttriyj Cl iluuob uDnri ve. Bernard G. Lisa^. S. MreAbLuLil t. GASOLINE ENGINES repaired or rebuilt. SEWING MACHINES--motor to fit 1 notice . . Became of the great nuiMtr of classified ads which anpear in the Pl&ndeaW each week, we have found it impossible to keep books on such small accounts. Therefore, in the future, only ads which are paid for before this section of the papergoea to press at 10 4'dock on Wednesday moraine* wfll be printed. fX)R SALE--1929 Pontiac coupe; excellent shape; low mileage. W. Phalin, Ringwood, 111. 1 j FOR SALE--Re® business, includini all ig fixtu: $40 per mtfnth. On account sickness. rant, an year all fixtures. Rent FOR SALE (Price $2,500. JACOB FRITZ. REALTOR, at iohnsburg. Tel. McHenry 137, or Chicago Lincoln 1338. See Hank Nell. 51-tf FOR SALE -- Household furniture and rugs for a 7-room house. Phone McHenry 692-J-2. *1 ! FOR SALE -- Dream homes for i newly married couples, on West Shore i Beach, McCullora Lake, as low as TOR SALE-N«„B«-Cr.ft JW* g-« * ".SVSS. SrS ^ your treadle type machine installed $22.50; electric light to fit your machine, $3.25. BICYCLES repaired or rebuilt. FREE ESTIMATES. Phone Wayne Smith, McHenry 278-W between 12 noon and 1 p. m. or 5:30 and 6:30 p. m. *1 WEAR-EVER NEW METHOD waterless cooking is demonstrated and distributed by Mr. Maass R. R. 2, McHenry, 111. If interested write or phone 597-W-2. Not sold in stores. *1 WEED SPRAYING -- Lawns and fields; whitewashing and DDT spraying. A1 Phannenstill. Phone McHenry 433-R. 1-4 outboard runabout and heavy service pqr SALE -- Treadle sewing mi- 14-ft. row boat (ideal for resort chine. Jos. M. Freund. Phone Mcowner.) Boe-Craft Boat Co., S. Mc- Henry 620-J-2. ** Henry avenue, Crystal Lake. Tel. C. •» - L. 1273. 1-tf fOR SALE -- New General Electric ' refrigerator, 6 cu. ft., $175. ^ New FOR SALE -- Three 24x24, 2-lt. v,r0Ught * iron porch furniture; j Hank Jackson, 'Box 852, Fox Lake, windows, complete with frames, re#sonable. Phone McHenry 675-J-l. j niinois. Phone McHenry ?07-W. screens and storm sash, $45, also *1 *51-4 lawn mower $3.00 Call McHenry u-- • - --: -- . 428-R. *1 FOR SALE --f ;New bronse sump GENERAL CONTRACTOR for ce- RENOVATE YOUR BRICK OR STONE BUILDING New and old brick tuck pointed, cleaned, replaced. Water proofing,^ window caulking, concrete restoration patios, sidewalks, barbecues. Free Estimates immediate delivery. $$9. pump, j i ment, FOR SALE---Piano and bench, rea- Gamble's West McHenry. sonable. Joe Wagner, Call Wauconda o"*Tf Pints ouarts irallons, mcnenry oo*-iw. .msu r*. 4i!L_ 1 WEEDb^! ,^ | Rockwell St Ctuc.,0 18. Phone FOR SALE -- Nash 4;600" 5-pass. original 2,4-D jreed kjller. Priced | Brunswick 9022. ^ 51-13 , and brickwork. Nick McHenVy, 111. Phone .llons! McHenry 654-R-l. Also 2826 N. plastering, Hasler. Route 3, coupe $1950 ; fully equipped; low,-mileage. reasonable. McHenry Mills Inc., W.j TREE SPRAYINi*-- Frank Henkel, . Tel. 698-R-l. *1 McHenry. Tel. 92-R. 1-3 j Volo p 0. Round Lake. 111. Tel. Mc- 45_tf FOR SALE -- Three reconditioned poR SALE--Antique 3-drawer and i _ --1 •ashing machines. Carey Electric drawer chests and mirror, all fc£ | CARPENTER - Shop. Phone 251. 11$60- large ice box, $10; ten Frenc * FOR SALE -- Tent. 14x14; bov's windows, $25. Tel. McHenry 419. 1 bicycle and girl's bicycle; electric, pqR SALE -- Gas stove and many sewing machine. Tel. McHenry 30. other household articles. Mrs. Wm. ^ Hay, Washington street, McHenry.^ FOR SALE--Six-foot dairy display AND CEMENT WORK Asbestos Shingles and Iflsulatien Free Estimate ARVIDSON BROTHERS Tel. McHenry 653-M-2 60-tf PAINTING--Painting and decorating; plastic tile; first class work; . _ „ , _ . x insured. For free estimate phone case in good condition; also medium FOR SALE--1935 Diamond T. 2-ton McHenry 552-W-l. (Bert Engstrom. stee French fryer in perfect con- chassis. Good shape and good | dition. Big Freeze Ice Cream Co., ti _ phone Crystal Lake 1302-J-l.1 Arlington Heights, 111. , 1 *1 IF YOUR WATER IS RED, and IS? S 1'VnE~^>Iie J°Hni Sprayer- FOR" SALE-ALL YEAR HOMES j MICROMET^Modem C<£It2 |165: 140 other models. Dairyman s Riverside Drive--6 rooms, tile kit-1 softeners and heaters. Doherty and Supply Co., Phone McHenry 684-J-2. chen and tile bath; 2-car garage. Lot McCafferty, Wonder Lake, Ringwood, ^ ___ 1 50x200. ,TV * ! 111. Tel. W. L. 388, or McHenry FOR SALE-Kerosene five-burner "floors? omatfc ™il'i 259~M' 48"tf range with built-in oven; large oak recreation room in base-'HAVE YOU A GARBAGE PROBma r ina onrrino• 9.nvl in^or Pui r - Storm illdOWS and i courteous^ YE 4R-F ^ PV m;H». Frit- 9 " _ SKS S,rf^d"T„r«e SeTrSaleri' «• WI1<TZ- Ph»"C McH,e 7"7, Service, Lilymoor Sub. of Lily Lake. ?fpnR FRlT7 REALTOR at Johns-: -- -- Tel. McHenry 183. 1 J^rg TJl M^kfnry 37, o'r Chicago ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FOR SALE--Large beefsteak Pon- Lincoln 1333. 51-tf "JfBri'ki ' ' '• ' 1 Tlm iKoUm& MJUMDEALSl mm 20, 1941 WILDING TRADESMEN are in demand. Carpenters, bricklayers, electricians, etc. Men also needed wno can supervise, estimate and read blue prints. Prepare yourself now for -the largest building boom in history. The field where big money is made. N<o need to quit your present job or leave home. G. I. approved for vets, also special planl for ndh-vets, 18-50. Write now for the important details how to get started. No obligations. Box 7, care Plahidealer. 11 Egg Good BeMoM for Growl** f t U the cadde oC a hen--or puttet--Is her advertisanMKt that.she has laid an egg, the poalttf ymeda ti America are noisier places than they used to be. En the ten years l^om 1936 to 1946 the average egg production of layers In the flodts foersassd from 121 eggs s year to 105, says the V. S. department of agriculture. This Is an Incresas of more than 38 per cent. The National Poultry Improvement way on a national scale itSt. and ls to be credited with a large shan In the Improvement which gladly grant an interview. State acal rh# ®ft productloo records reveal and experience. Must have car. 11 ^ hureaitof animal Industry. ^ - I In ISM th$re were 1,017 hatcheries AIRING CARS -- Greasing, I operating mnder the NFIP. h 1MT the sharpening ^ lawn mowers, saws, l -number was 4.4M. The egg capacity of knives; welding. Phone McHenry | the hatcheries under the NPIP was 88 SALESMAN--If you are interested »n making $400 or more per month, I write "Box 4," in care of Plaindealer. I . And if your letter proves to u^thatr you can meet our standards, wfe will | 148-R. Buchert Front St. Service Stn. 601 •51-4-tf mUlion In 1S36 and 326 milion M 1916, nr nearly two-thirds of the total hatchnry capacity. A notable result of operations under the NPIP has been a SO per cent de- SHEET METAL AND FURNACE WORK ---Gutters and furnaces repaired; John MdDonald, Bowman St., McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 772-M. | cllne In the Incidence of pullodum dl- • 88-tf I aease reactors--from I.M per cent In G ARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us I *194* _ , „ „ dispose of yecr garbage each week.1 Over the y**1*. says Paul B. Zum or eftener if desired. Reasonable I »ro of the bureau of animal Industry, rates. Regular year round routa.1 the poultry population of the United John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, Me-1 States hss been greatly Improved Henry, Phone 866, ATTENTION PAINTERS AND-I HOUSE OWNERS -- Complete competitive test of eight of this country's best known house paints I showed Seck-DeVault No. 450 as the] only paint not to crack. Test conducted by Kttsburg Testing Lab., Now selling for $4.92 per gal. Covers better, lasts longer, easier to apply. Insist on this paint. Will send name | of painters using this paint only. Engstrom Sales & Service, 300 feetl from Nell's ballroom. Phone McHenry 552-WM. * *52-2| through the efforts of relatively few specialised breeders and the multiplication of efficient strains by hatcherymen. There are 847 breeders entered in the highest stage of quality breeding under the NPIP, known as "Record of Performance.'* These breeders have 471 flocks and are trapnestlng about 220,000 birds. "These 'flocks." says Zumbro, "Aimlsh a major portion of the stock used for hatchery flock Improvement work. The work of the pedigree breeders has greatly enhanced the egg production quali£tas .of our poultry population." WE BUT AND SELL USED CARS '--CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, i rtnnj T McHenry. I1L Phone 277. 49-tf| Good Artificial Lighting HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--Waitress at Art & Lee's Restaurant, Riverside Drive, McHenry Tel. 396. 1! In!? IT ™hWo FOR SALE--Beats, flat and round ROTHERMEL ELECTRICAL SHOP First ^ouse north on Sherman Hill bottom. Pink Harrison's, Pistakee 304 Rivtrside Drive, McHenry, 111. EE"M Tto Bay. Tel. McHenry 323. 1;'46«6 Phone McHen^ 760. Floor furnaces. Let us estimate your next job. i road and Rt 610-J-2. 120. Tel. McHenry #1 FOR SALE--Kroll Kab baby bug EXPERIENCED FOR SALE-- Four room vear round child's maple bureau; child's ^ax LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY home at McCuHom Lrite* 2 Birch, 4-drawfer chiflferobe; Irish AND REMOVAL--INSURED iTmS,*co.»p£?Ilk. new. Tel. McHenry FREE ESTIMATES |4asi tered walls, garage. George, 599-™-^- Bauum beck. Phone 678-W-l. *1-2 pOR SALE--Lady's Admiral bicycle, FOR SALE--Slightly worn ladies', excellent condition. Call McHenry 63. nwiNr Miaaoa' ^rosoas o^ofa anife fArmola t LUI* J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 163 Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, 111. 45-tf misses', dresses, coats, suits, formals, all sixes, children's clothes, men's gALE _ Pure bred Yorkshire suite, coats, slacks; antique dishes, ^ read for aervice. Matt's Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, 1 p. m. FOR $AtE -- Craftsman 8-in. benchto 5 p. m. Saturday, Sunday, 10:30 saW; Complete with %-hp. motor; J. m. to 5 d. m. Evenings, Tuesday, slightly used; bargain, $69.50. Thursday, 7 p. m. te 9 p. m. Closed Gamble's West McHenry. • 1 Thursday afternoons. Terra Cotta Consignment & Resale Shop, Terra i FOR SALE -- Gasoline range and ~Cotta Road. Phone Crystal Lake . maple dinette set; douSe window 1 3 4 6 - R - l . „ - ' . . . ~ » • - -- ROT ARTILLER, wood sawing, etc. Herman Dowe, 208 Richmond Road, Phone McHenry 241. 45-tf HELP WANTED -- Reliable farm) helner. Must be experienced in operation of farm macninery; married or single; good wages; state experience in reply. Write Box 3, in care of Plaindealer. *1 HELP WANTED -- Two girls for | general work, part or full time. Pinks Harrisons' Pistakee Bay. Tel. McHenry 323. 1 HELP WANTED -- Disi.washer lor I weekends. Nagy's Restaurant, Riverside Drive, McHenry. 1 j PORCELAIN WALL TILE FOR ALL PURPOSES FRED KLING VEOS -- TILE -- SERVICE 618 W. Crystal Lake Ave., Crystal Lake 41-tf Phone,Crystal Lake 490 1 casement and. windows. Call either CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling br eronings Richmond 3510 «nd repairs of all kinds. Free esti- 1 mate. A. Lessard. Phone McHenry 634-R-2. *46-9 FOR SALE--One and one-half tonjmornmg «sed International truck. Box body., Alexander Lumber Co., McHenry. j FOR SALE--Large coal and wood 52-tf stove; bottled gas stove. Tel.^Mc-j CLOGGED SEWER? -- Save the a A i IT e. . . I Henry 616-W-2. ®2-2 electric rod cut out the obstruction. FOR SALE---Seven-room house, com- _: No digging, no lawn mess. Septic tanks and grease traps cleaned, built, repaired. University engineer on all construction. Lake County Sanitary 48-tf HELP WANTED--Girl lor general housework; own room and bath; two adults. Salary $25 , per week. I Call Pistakee 652-R-l. *52-21 HELP WANTED--Woman to help) with light housework, one day a I week. Five miles from McHenry; can furnish transportation; goodl wages. R. F. Blash. Mail applications to Plaindealer, Box 19. *52-41 HELP WANTED -- Waitress. Mil Place Restaurant, Green St., McHenry. 52-t.* | HELP WANTED--Yard man. Lumber and coal. Alexander Lumber Co. McHenry. 52-tf | HELP WANTED--Housekeeper foi employed couple; stay or go home] nights; no laundry work. Tel. McHenry 486 or 93-R. 51-tf | May Save Eyes, Accidents Good lighting In the home promotes safety; Inadequate Illumination may contribute to accidents on stairs, in working spaces, or elsewhere. Poor lighting may permanently Injure the eyes, especially the eyes of children. It has been found-that the majority of the homes in this country are not provided with adequate artificial lighting Use of the eyes under poor conditions >f lighting leads to eye fatigue, which >an lead to eye strain and permanent njury to the eyes. Essentials of good lighting consist >f s sufficient Intensity of illumination i suitable distribution of the light, and freedom from glare. A sufficient Intensity of Illumination will be provided In the case of electric lighting by usinp the proper size and number of lamps RINGWOOD (By Mrs. Georvs 8beuard) The Home Circle was entertained m the home, ef Mrs. Lena Peet *Tmhur4sd ayb.y A 1 o'clock luncheon was Mrs. Pert. Mrs. Paul VdUnjftai .nd Mn. Aj£g«drieh, '*•» **«• J- C. Pearson had charge of the Mother's Day program, which was very much enjoyed by alL The cemetery association held a card party in Muzzy's hall on Thursday evening. Miss Lu Ann 'Bauer returned home Thursday from the Woodstock hospital where she was a surgical patient. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family moved to Stockton, III., Saturday where he is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Tonyan »nd daughter family visited relatives at Winn*, bago on Sunday. Miss Suzanne Muzzy of Galesburg spent the weekend with her parents, the F. N. Muzzys ' Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughter, Marion, and Mrs. Maud Deffendaugh visited in Fox Lake on Saturday^ _ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek of Ridgefield visited in the hemes al relatives and friends on Sunday^. Cristy Renlen On Sunday, May 1«, Mr. and Mli. Kenneth Cristy entertained at > i years old and his four sons and four daughters and their families, consisting of twenty-two grandchildren, and eleven great-grandchildren. Those to attend were; Mr. an# Mrs. Clarence Nelson and son, Clarence, Jr. of Colby, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maes and daughter, Sue, and Ronald have moved from the Muzzv apart- Nelson* of Milwaukee, Marjorie Nelment to the Bruce house. i son of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jean Muzzy, Charlotte and Mary I J1j1so w *£n', Dale- Lafayette, Hogan, Grace Glowser, Wilms Feezel j ^ Nelson and son, Sherand Caroline Laurence, with the man' ^r" an<Lr^ra" Walter Nelcounty 4-H girls, went to Chicago! ^°n'j0 *n^ Saturday on a tour to the aquarium Godfrey and daughter, j»nd Art Institute. They had dShS Dorothy, of Waupaca, Mr. and M„. at the Art Institute and then all n* an» daughters, attended the Children's show Wisi Mandels in the afternoon. There' ? »i ? ™ Milton iLeitzke of were 124 girls to attend and they Mra Rob^18"!^^^ ?°n and mbuasdees . the trip in three chartered i Michaeil , o*f Wisconsin Rapids, Geo8rogne' Th« narnh... ,.t »• Nelsoji, Jr.. of Menacha WSs., Bfr. Hnrnf Of the Ringwood and Mrs. Reuben Nelson and sons, Ch^Lo MnnH.^604 0n * ^ ™ Bob, of Waupaca, Wis m£T' xx , 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Cristy and home Fridlv 7 returne<| | daughter. Geraldine. and sons, John weeks' v?J!f Juu ? fron? • «e»eral i Gene and Frsnk of Huntley, &fr. and ^ h*r .8J8t®r. Mrs. Mrs. Gordon Fossum and daughters, Mr mwF1°n5a- , i Susie »nd Cristy, of Richmond, Ken! called u rwl J,8rnL wf,re neth Cristy, Jr . of Chicago, Mi'ss Ei- Sriola IllSi^ H lhe leen Stein of Milwaukee. Mrs. „• f " 'Mness and .health of his; I>orothy Nelson and son, Bob and Ina Sorenson of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and son, Nelson. Mrs. Maud Deffenbaugh of Chicago spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Louis Hawley and family. Miss Amy Harrison, R. N., of Shawano, Wis., is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mrs. A. Wice of Sturgis, Mich, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carney of Chicago spent the weekend in the Roy Neal home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hiene of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger^ and family of Hebron spent Sunday in the George Shepard home. Mrs. Cora Flanders and Mrs. John Blackman visited Mrs. Jennie Bacon at the rest home at Solon Mills Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rolapd McCannon and family of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and Mr. and Mrs., Leland Benz and daughter of Liberty-1 ville spent Sunday with Mrs. Rose Jepson. | Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kattner of J Spring Grove spent Sunday withj Order your rubber stamps at Th# Plaindealer. 70< plete with 1^ bath; screened and; SUMMER HOMES window sun porch; fully insulated;1 Five rooms, water, gas and elec- *-car garage. Call McHenry 54-J. trie; all furnished; Fox River *">nt- •52-g »g«; t~r of Johns-;S.¥•"mS f®'*. --Four-room year-round McC«liom l^.ke-^-2 rooms, large •teStf h^.r,T°'d ,i.Vp,,?.h,! Perch;_? W Price *2,500. C. J. H. D1EHL Woodstock Piano Tuner KiA! McCullom Lake:„^> alj '"Xt"" Pistakee Lake--3 rooms fur-j Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St. McHenry 54-J. finished. Price $3,500. 30-tf Woodstock, I1L TOR SALE--Generators, armaturea, starters, fuel pumps, distributors D^r»- voltage regulators and ignition parts Lincoln r Ford and all other cars. Seacc les & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J Z 'dSK^urg. Tel McHenrv 37, or Chicago DEAD ANIMALS - Highest cash gxhri ferr Linco'n ztfass-Sss. si 9 oboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 183. above water level. Priced to sell. , Wheeling No. sf reverse charges. >' . 4Vtf Tel. McHenry 227-J. 50-tf | * 36-tf Bauer and family. Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter,! Alice, visited relatives in Elgin Sun-j 4 proper distribution of the light will day. | t>* determined by the location of thp j Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ritt of Algon-1 lamps and the reflecting character of , quin spent Sunday with her parents, valla and celling. j ®r- and Mrs. fBetts. ( To avoid glare bare lamps of high The W. S. C. S. will meet with i ntensity should not be used nor should Miss Rose Jepson on Thursday. AI •amp filaments be exposed In the di- pot-luck dinner will be served. , rect field of vision. The best way to ob- J?an a"d ,Jane Betts were among. ^iate glare Is to provide lamps wit* a. cla.ss o. f .e leven to be ..c.o nfirmed at suitable diffusing shades. Glare I*! Mvmettmes eaua# by use of glossy pa- { oer. polished desk tops, and similar reflecting surfacea. Children should b- ^autloned against working where direct reflections ars throw* Into the eye. HELP WANTED--Girls and boys, 16 years of age and over; after school work. Apply Admiral Cora., 507 W. Elm St., McHenry or call Mc- HentV 470. 47-tf flttnots Communist Colony One hundred years ago a communist colony, known as Bishop Hill, wa^ lr> full swing, In Henry country, 160 mile* southwest of Chicago. Here one than the Lutheran church at Richmond j Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family of Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison and daughter and Amy Harrison, R. N., were dinner Siests of their parents, Mr. and rs. C. L. Harrison Sunday. Mrs. Collins is visiting in the home of her son, Paul, and family at Arlington Heights. w Mrs. Clsra Dienlien of Libertvville spent the past week with Mrs. Ed Baue HELP WANTED--Laborers, See I. Fredricksen at Wonder Lake or call W. L. 221. 46-tf uer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hopper^ of sand people, all from Sweden, lived in Crystal Lake spent (Sunday evening brotherly amnlty and ate three times jWith Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. a day In a great communal dining hall I , Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Eckstein and The entire plsnt was believed to * McJ®nry spent Sunday worth one million dollars. There ww with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. oy l0f®7 °f rtf1 HMnols land. The. Mr; and Mrs stephen Schmidt of HELP WANTED--Girl for general! residents of the colony soon became ra- i johnsburg 'spent Sunday eveningwork in drug store. Bolger's, Green ™us for their livestock. They mart* Mrs fy Bauer and famny. St., McHenry. 39-tf wagons for the neighboring farmers j Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., spent .j * i thelr mill, like their esrliet Wednesday with relatives at Elk- . . ^and mills which, kept them from horn. HELP WANTED -- WOMBW ANU l stanv»ng, ran most of the time. During • Mr. and Mrs. Roland Jackson and fbe Civil war Bishop Hill raised s com family of Richmond spent Sundsy WR WOWP^P*-1 of men. and ln 18«, while Its with .her parents, Mr. and Mrs. t. E. pi y RiWRCinP MFG CO 2001 soldiers were still away, all Bishon Whiting. _ . . . u ? k T « . . . ^ < . r A f n i i v t nv p n t n r i r r f M r s . ( F r e d W i e d r i c h , Jr., Mrs iiniigti to Mnt • Hcydo - Choir - Toitot -- Ccwiitor Sot -- Point Jobs. A L?nr* JSnm " HOM?LTX# FOR SALE-Used cars and trucks PiANO TUNING & SERVICE JJla™n.0CGu.™S "?r«™e-. n^n^».l_S.ll..3He,ry. 44-tf H-y CCalhou^W^kl^W "Xistalled by the WaUfillCo. Call or MISCELLANEOUS | Memffa Le™ write Leo J,_Stilling, 200 E. Pearl Piano Technicians 28-tf RIVERSIDE PHONE 39. DRIVE, McHENRY. 20-tf Bt., Tel. McHenry 18. tf K,ECTRIC WORK DONE IM- "FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- MEDIATELY -- One outlet or an WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN, ING MACHINES. Service on all entire house. Work guaranteedI to WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair makes. Also ribbons for all makes; meet Public Service standards Tom and; J! carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., M1an, McHenry 651-R-2 or Fox Lake Main Street, McHenry. Telephone WANTED Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf 4081. •52-4 93-J. 10-tf ,nTo rnn cup T_t_ r(,oc/» rFVlFNT AND CARPENTER WORK HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch -on°TRSoute°R31SAaW bloS^fr^ S^n^^rforLtT. M^Unga- HaSins.septic^^cgtorns cleaned depot. Inquire at- 715 Center St. rone. Emerald Park. Phone McHeniy bv Eddie s Samtary Service^ Eddie -Tel. McHenry 27frJ. ?? tf fifil fr'l. • ' • Pr°P- TeL McHenry 290. 29-tf f. . ' " I # Helen Weber Says: WANTED--Dwelling to rent or purchase, within city limits of Mc-1 Henry. Earl R. Walsh. Phone 43. *37-tf WINTED--Watches and jewelry _to| ep*ir. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. I Ireen street, McHenry. (Front part I >f Claire Ber.uty Shoppe.) l®-tf | WANTED TO BUY San!!d! ddiiv^ild!e^dy,a nan^dth tVhe^ ^cmomumn^utnvit^yf '«cei«as^- Louis Winii and Mrs. Jack Leonard ! fcnd ^ Butchie. spent Monday in i exist. Each man reoelved one the pj^jpg Saunders home at SycashArje, each woman and child a frac- more tlon. j Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldson and family spent Sunday in the W. Africa's Dreaded Tsetse 1% home at Wbnder Lake. , . j5® Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shuetze and Sleeping sickness Is a dread diseas. daxlRhter, Ruth, of Milwaukee spent -aused by the tsetse fly. This sickness- the weekend , with her father, Dr.! has made tens of thousands of miles Hepburn. ' in Africa almost uninhabitable for both I Mrs. Gordon Larson and daughter, men and livestock. The fly which car- Mrs. Dick Oldson, Mrs. Arthur Dimon rles the infection Is found In scattered and Alan Dimon and son visited areas throughout west and central Af- relatives at Marengo, Friday after-! rlca. The tsetse fly resembles our com- (noon. _ , ' I mon horsefly to some extent. It makes ! _ Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Nelson and 4 NUENAMtl • •• • • • IMV Ml • «M A ww MAiiB fWeliVklWootoWaAfWl I 0 *TM« MMpiw •m9Mm bsarsr' • ta 9m FOi osiwMiMtioii* j • D J IN M I* aNNMlf '• He) • KbIM Nsis estyl 9 S • * •, *0 • MMMM • • • • • • • • • + • • • • • • • And it's usually your favorite dress or suit. Now is the time to send us your garments -- Our U-SAN-0 insured moth proofing will protect you thru those dangerous summer months -- No Extra Charge. It is also time to put those furs away -- These wiUJ>e cared for by one of Elgin's most reputable furriery %lcHenry Cleaners ~ 1M-M 103 Elm St, ^ Helen Weber, Mgr. LUMBER - BUILT FARM EQUIPMENT mote WITH GOOD WANTED TO BUY -- Used babyi .»«•. uu.«iy ™ i# n , M . itroller; must be in good condition. I its home mainly In dense vegetation Thorwaldt Nels^i of -1! CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP spraying DDT Is of little value In rirt- famj]v | ding the country of the pest. Sleeping sickness starts with fever and headaches. Paralysis often results If it Is left untreated, followed by death within a few months or years. WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plaindealer. 62-tf I foUM]) ~ FOUND -- Set of car" keys neftH George Barbians home, Riverside! Orive, McHenry. Call 90-W. • Lumber-built -snnipaisas it ecooomicsl snd durable. No one need deny himself tbeheae* fit of it. It saves labor snd feed. We offer plans for every type of fsrm equipment for cattle, sheep, hog snd poultry, hsy rscks, wagon boxes, gates, portable panels. Come in ana see the plans of our Wejrerhaeuser 4-Squsre Fsrm Building Service. POE RENT *X>R RENT -- Room at 807 Court treet, McHenry. *11 American WUmUbUI . Daniel Holloday of Connecticut in 1854 invented the flrst American ftrsl class windmill. , Churek far Stndents America's first church ezpfMtly for college students was organized in 1906 at University of Illinois. ol Eeaadof Past <3i Of all Ecuador's trees, perhaps more has been written about balsa than any other. Balsa trees are easily dlstlnguishable by their large, broad leaves, about a foot long. Among the mort rapidly growing trees known, they spring up like weeds and reach lumber size In less than 10 years. The first year s seedling will elongate moro quickly than a corn plant and will reach a greater height Maximum size Is about 100 feet In height and four feet In trunk diameter. Balsa has large brownish-green, succulent, flowers about etgUTlnchea to length. family- GREEN ST. > McHENRY Mr. and Mrs. .Wehlon Andreas and' TELEPHONE 251 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. PHONE McHENRY S - WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS Floor Sanding Refinishing, varnishing and Duro-Seal. Waxing new and old floors; also Kentile, a lifetime floor. Tree 'estimates. Call McHenry 481-W Artificial Limb Aid The average artificial limb contains at least 10 highly polished steel balls to aid free movement. - Early Writing Implement Earliest writing implement was probably the stilus, a pointed piece of metal, bona or Ivory used to produce letters on tablets covered with wax. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- Henty. ; • - NEW RCA VICTOR RADIOS - Table Models Q., -- Portables Phono Q.om^llllp® ^ -- tM AM TELEVISION SETS Record Playew - r Auto Radios WEBSTER WIRE RECORDER* Come Ift For Demonstration Batteries For Yonr Portable Used Radios Of All Types WILSON RADIO SERVICE 361 Elm St. ^ Phone 460 McHenry •jJ: *•-*' -b* i. •;i!V