SPRING GROVE '• ; Mlaa Helen Rornelle, danihtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kornelle, be- OM the bride of Mr. Dyna Baknia ,ef Massachusetts, in a lovely cerewhieh took BIMI on Sitvdty May 22, at Fox Lake Club at 4 o'clock, rbe charming bride was attired in old hrory satin gown with fitted Ike and very fall skirt which was caught in gathers at the hemline by safin Maes. AN wow a white fingertip veil held Ui place by a tiara trimmed with seed pearls. She carried a pearl-eovered prayer book upon which was placed a boqgoet of lilies of the valley. Miss Catherine Letachka, a cousin of the bride, senad at maid of honor and was attired in a poudre blue gown with accessories to match and carried 'yellow tea roses. Walter Bakula* the groom's brother, 'served | as best man. I Two hundred fifty guests enjoyed 1 the reception at the^ Country Club following the nuptials, file young . couple left on a honeymoon trip to • • / • . v *•* * ' ' MI.MaihasUU, where they will visit at his htwas. Upon their return they will reside in PVa Lake until Member, when On? wffl move to Tnawn, An*, where they plan &a staking their home. They wift be Mar her parents, the Mar Kornelles, who are moving to Ariaona the first week in Jane to make their home libera I permanently. * * r3F*; s g* . £ v«£:tfrr ^ ^ 11 C - ifiv v to JP\V . , ^\vil U/s HJIBIFS H0ME"MAGW„ dvFOR YOU •'•M " -fevTss SWlli 'though you : p live beyond the gas <--"• "../•^your borne can be truly /,,>! modern through the magic . ^ifof PrmorAX gas. With V, I this superior bottled gas ia ^>| service you solve three important home appliance ^problems. You will be able ~ to enjoy the conveniences of a Magic Chef tangs, a silent Sarvel refrigerator, and an automatic Ruud or Bryant water heater with no strain on your budget. Ptvofax gas is econom- ' ical and completely dependable. You need never worry about service interruptions duejto weather conditions. - Come in or call us for complete details about PntorAZ Oas Service and the home appliances you want no obligation, of oourse. ill SUPERIOR aOTTUD MS SERVICE TOWN and COUNTRY UTILITIES LeSOTH. SMITH ...; I PPhhoo ne 770-W Apt. 9 - 419 Main 81. jkcHenry The ChrlaUan Mothers and Blessed i Virgin Sodality held its annual meeting at St. Peter's parish hall on I Thursday night. Thine was Benediction and services in church before ! the meeting, at which time new man* Ibers ware installed. Mrs. George j Waspi joined the Christian Mothers I and new members in the Blessed | Virgin Sodality were Misses Char- : lene Sheets, Snaron Freund, Elaine i Freund and Patricia Bosch. At the {meeting in the hall, Father Daleiden I announced a party preceded by i a luncheon, given by Mrs. Heinz and Mrs. Heraty, at Mrs. Heinz's home in ; Wildwowod on Tuesday afternoon, June 8. Cards and refreshments fol- ' lowed £he meeting. j Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Tinney on Thursday afternoon. Games of five hundred ! were played and prizes -went to Mrs. William Britz, Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Ben May, Mrs. Jake Miller and Mrs. Fyffe. A lovely lunch was 1 served by the hostess. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ni^k Jung of Mc- ! Henry were Sunday guests in the Math Nimsgern home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent have rer turned from their trip and are new visiting in Sharon. Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers of St. Peter's parish held th^ir meeting at the Walter Brown home on Tuesday night. There was also a social evening at cards and refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. William May and family, Miss Catherine Ann May and Richard Dehn of Chicago were Sunday dinner guests in the Arthur Kattner home. Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Kutish, daughter, Susan, and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer were also callers that day. Visitors in the Charles Freund home on Friday night were Mr. and Mrs. George P. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Michels of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rauen and . Mr. and Mrs. George Kattner and ; children of Chicago spent Sunday ; with Mrs. John Kattner. Friends of Tony Widhalm will be 1 glad to hear that he has leff" St. Therese hospital and returned home Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner of Chicago spent the weekend here and attended the wedding of their nephew. Naturally OlipBcal The good old country doctor came home all worn out and prepared for a good night's sleep, but no sooner had he retired than the phone beside his bed buzzed shrilly. He nudged his wife: "Listen, Ma, see who it is; say you expect me soon, or anything you can think of." The wife answered the phone. '^Doctor is not at home," she said. "Well, this is Mrs. Jones," rattled a voice in the receiver. "I got a pain and I want to satf him as soon as he comes in.** The old doc aritispared some instructions to his wife, which she repeated to the would-be patient. "Do thai, and I'm sure you'll soon feel all right," she concluded. "Thanks very much," said the lady on the phone, "but before I take your advice, tell me something. Is that gentleman who seems to be wi^h xou qualified to advise .me?" Psychologists Make 8tudyu, y Of Guises Behind Suicide More men than women sucosig «n committing suicide, bat there are. usualy more attempts, hysterical and fake, among females, according to a recently completed study of BOO saljddal attempts. The study was mad* by Ale* J. Arfeff, associate In nervous and mental diseases In the Northwest* era university medical school, to asso- : datloc with Dr. DevM & Rotman, director of the psychiatric institute of the municipal court of Chicago, and FATAL INJURIES j getting on or getting off of a ... Patric J. L^nch, 56, a Milwaukee!He was, found* by other sectionrailroad section worker who re- J workers about 10 p. m. Both of sided near Franklin Park, died in this legs had heen severed near tha Elmhurst hospital early last week knees and he lost considerable Mee& Wednesday morning from injuries j ---------- suffered the previous night when> Many Big Faasfltea he yfas run over By a train. Lynch Rats may raise six or more litUSS, is believed to have been injured in { a year, with from f to S la a AS ADVERTISED A beggar on New York's East Side was plodding along with a small! dog. Around the dog's neck was a card on which was printed, "Pity the Blind." A businessman passed by after, dropping a coin into the beggar's j cup. Tlien he turned back. "Wait," he said, "was that a 50- cent piece I gave you?" I "No," said the beggar, "it was only a quarter." ] "So," the man said. "I thought so. You're not blind at all!", "Heck, no," replied the^ panhan- r dler. "It's the dog that's blind, not ! me." J. The eaass studied were referred to Dr. Arlatt and his associates by the court. It was learned that. In the age group under 20, the majority of attempta (52 per cent) were hysterical or fake. In the group aged 20 to SO, 48 per cent were fake, and from 50 to 70. only about 1 per cent fell Into this, category. The older the person, there- j fore, more genuine and ominous the attempt to take his own life. The investigation found that acute; alcoholism generaly acts as a precipl- j tating, not a causative, factor. Ii oth- j er groups. It Is the precipitating agent j . In between 40 and SO per cent of the > Peases. "From this we can safely conclude that many suicidal attempts nev> i er would have been made If alcoholism | 'did not enter Into the picture," the re- > searchers said. ' Another significant trait of suicidal j • types la their work record. It was; . learned tn the study that 41 per cent of the cases had Inadequate employment histories. Lack of work, or a pooi occupational record, often Is an Important symptom of maladjustment, and, tn the absence of bona fide physical handicaps, psychiatric reasons can be suspected, the report stated. - FOR SALE - Hot Air Furnace complete with pipes and registers, equipped with Automatic Coal Stoker* and all controls. Can be seen in operation at 410 Main St m BUSS MOTOR SALES Phone 1 or 30, McHenry, Illinois •'<3 Complete line of Lee's poultry! remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me-: Henry. 8-tf, WE'VE SEARCHED THE DICTIONARY FOE WORDS, ADEQUATE, TO _ FITTINGLY DESCRIBE THE FEAST OF MOVIE HITS Delayed Judgment He was just out of law s<?hool and was seeking a suitable location to begin practice. He decided to make a tour of all the state's county seats. Pausing at one courthouse that* sages. Specially trained hawks also did perched in the very center of a their bit in discouraging flocks of small town, he approached a white- small birds from gathering around air- Sport of Falconry Wanes Since End of World War II The British falcon, which served Its country tn one of the world's strangest air forces, is facing loss of popularity. While Britain's "austerity" program is on, any reduction in game through the sport of falconry, to say nothing of rugged Individualism on the bird's part tn raiding barnyards Is considered less than patriotic. Before World War II, the ancient and once royal sport of hunting with falcons was winning new followers both In Great Britain and the United States, notes the National geographic society. The hobby paid dividends during the conflict when "squadrons" of peregrine falcons were drafted to patrol England's -oast and Intercept pigeons suspected of carrying German mes- % > -ANNOUNCING THE BILL: « {SPUEHRS •iv :7 \ RUSS .; ,-fcNewly Remodeled FIRESIDE TAVERN Rt 31 -- 4 miles north of McHenry Ringwood. Illinois Fine Liquors -- Tasty Sandwiches Moderate Prices "Where old friends meet"" . A <*,»*• : bearded old codger who sat drowsily on the steps. - "Do you have a criminal lawyer here?" he asked. The old man squinted up at him. "We think so, young feller," was the brisk reply, "but we ain't proved tl on him."- tfslag Mara Klectridty SOON £'TH™0"1. MILLER THEATRE, WOODSTOCK, ILL. THEY ARE • UNEQUALLED m'- UNSURPASSED • UNPARALLELED • --THOSE WORDS Are Too Modest to suggest, in the slightest drgree, the magnitude and greatness of the attractions scheduled for your early entertainment pleasure! so, IN SIMPLER TEMkfS NOT We say -- They're the finest and most outstanding in entertainment value of any pictures it has ever been our privilege to offer you! FURTHERMORE ... Many major improvements have been made in the past few weeks which we are. rare. have, not escaped year notice--finch as . . . PAINTING . . i . . . 4 DBDORATING . > . « CABrisiltfG • i SEAT REPAIRS Other Improveftnitr^r. And modifications in our property, service, accommodations and appointments are to follow in quick succession to further enhance more completely your pleasure, comfort and enjoyment in viewing our programs! BECAUSE . . • , The finest and be* fa WNM |fo good for our patrons! Our Cooling System*. "" . Is ready, on a moment's notice to provide cool, comfortable, healthy conditions throughout the hot summer ONE PICTURE BUT . . . HIT AFTER HIT . ... AFTER HIT! LOOK OVSJt THIS IMPOSING ARRAY . . : . v flIOBERT TAYLOR in *HIGH WALL" "GOOD NEW$" With Jane Allysea, Peter Lat^srl "SITTING PRETTY** . \ * "GREEN DOLPHIN '•SAIGON** "CAPTAIN FROM CASTILE" "Secret Beyond The Deaf* "BLACK BART* -4- NORTH8IDE 7ffT with JAMES STEWART , Sfreneer Tracy, Laaa Ttermer "CASS TIMBERLANEr "TEE TENDER YEAR# fONG OF LOVE" ' KILLER McCOY"* . Hay" . Farmers ahd farm women keep giving electricity more work to do. Last year consumers on farms used an average of 123 kilowatt-hours monthly as compared to 114 kilo- Watt-hours monthly the year before. fields, thus reducing collision hazards. The peregrine falcon, close kin to the American hawk, Is outstanding for its courage, speed and power. The hunting falcon operates like a fighter plane. Climbing high above the prey, the falcon swoops In power dives that have been estimated at more than 200 miles per hour. . » Their Independence bay The Waldensians of Valdese, N. C., who fled Italy in 1893 to escape religious persecution, celebrate the Saturday nearest February 17 as their Independence Day. Memorial Day Week-End Specials ..... 18c 2 for 49c 10-oz. Cello Bag Marshmallows Economy Sixe Nestles' Chocolate Bars Almond, Crunch or Plain Bcrgers Dill Pickles, Full Quart Saratoga Pork & Beans, No. 1 Can Libby's Fruit Cocktail. No. 1 Can Del Monte Coffee, Drip or Regular Grind Rich, Fresh Roasted Flavor Meeters Sauerkraut, No. 2l/2 Can Richelieu Fussv Wussy Peaches, No. 2% Can Fancy Shortcake Pcaches - Special Value 2 for 25c 2 for 49c lb. 49c DICKDW'5 If Aa a^ nR nR iKv aE ~Tr W •v MC WEN RY 3 -- ,4k 8 M*Ultri-Hf4«ri ia thi Car Hi Salts! the new Fntanwic Oiii--nliile--the ear that's out ahead in e*mytki*gf InstyBng! In safety! In performs nee, too--with the Futuramic action-pbu of Ilydra-Mattc Drive* ssd Whir la way! of the Sierra Ma*V rt^AN IDEAL HUSBAND" And Many Others Which We are Unable to List Due to Space Limitations! Alae the eastsading oatdoer pictarc3 indnding Roy Sogers Gene Aetry ... in addition to selected short sahjects and late nawa! » We Welqpme and We Do Appreciate Tour Patronage! IICONSTRUCTITE OTITIC ISM INVITED ALWAYS! St ffi i LLC R A forward-lootiag organisation like OMs> SMbtle natasaUy has kepC right np-to-ths* nunute in aeiiiue lethodi, spedficaticaHi and equipaseni. As OUsnrahtle dealers in this area, we have Made it our policy to lis in with this Oldamobile program. We've kapt our efn^Mpt rrtrtTr* an^l complete. Y O Oar nen have been thoroughly trained in fectery-etandard techniques. And weVa buih up a well balanced stock of Oidsmohtle parts. So nest tiase yon repair or maintenance work on your car, why not give us s try? We think jroul agree, acelm "Futuramic" in acrrke, tool I A I I M' • s :r. ~ SALES * 403 FRONT STREET ' •/ MdHENBY, ILLINOIS I' ftMfcSwt/. A«br. "II * '"2 4 •