r. • !•';<£-V ixmm w ' < ' *vv: LOCAL MLAXfVM AT ANDEMOM-WEOENER WEDDIHQ ON MAY 8 1 11 _ 1 o-• f , •UUMIWIP , noomTw*. attired In Director Carl R. Gray of the Vet- : i / .6- ^ any H takee from two fla thre fish of any _ 10 aatl*r th« appetite Of a gaktBuni*. ---- V- ; Sabcerio* for The Plaindeakr bb U. B. HU VtUriuriu An announcement was received this week of the mfrriaffe on May 8 of Miss Tnga Anderson of Maple Park and Anthony .Wegener, Jr., son of i Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wegener, Sr. j of that city, well Known in thi jvicinity. Rt. Rev. Msgr. this Conron On Hiakway SI -- Office aai Heme! officiated at the noptial high mass Tel. MeHenry Si jsun* in St. Mary's church. ry, IB. , 7 * . MeHenry. 1 p.m. to 2 I* niarsdays by Appoiatnmnt I >V - f «V ' ~ y*- - * JOHN F. BRDA A SON Metal and Faraaee Work |§1 N. Green St, MeHenry, IB. Phone S4S-R . , ' BELL & SHALES- •. Interior and Exterior Paintinr faper Hanging Also Spray Painting M N. Green St. MeHenry K t T»L MeHenry S43-J or Crystal Lake 1SI8-M-1 The radiant bride was attired in a white gown, the fingertip veil held In place by a wreath of orai blossoms and peed jmarls. carried a bouquet of white carnations. Her maid of honor was a niece of the groom, Miss Marion Wegener, Esther Wiser, and Mrs. Ed Wiser, who chose pink taffeta gown. The little flower girt and ring bearer weri the ulster and toother of the groom. Doris Wegener a green taffeta dress and saat headpiece and carried a booquet pink sweetpeas. DavidWegM a white »oit and earrfi^l a pillow of white satin. Donald Wegener, the groom's brother, was best man, and Raymond Wegetfer James Wegener and Douglas Brown, cousins of the froom, ushered. Those from this vicinity to attend the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. araaa .{Administration, after four months of responsibility has issued instrnctens which have for their purpoee dominating the frills and lovely WEINGART TRUCKING Sated -- Gravel fHling -- Black Dirt -- Limestone Tracks for Hire FreeBrtimating M S56-R-2 MeHenry, IE. extra enrviealar services which grown mf within the Veterans AdminiatrnMon under the previous administratien. He feels that a | of tke activities now being earbe eliminated without ?*-«' VERNON KNOi;;:;.^V -' Attorney-At-Law^ - • i • • Cm. Green and Elm Sts., MeHeary Taeaday and Friday Afterneena . Other Days By AppointM* Phone MeHenry 4S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE Ml Main 8t- MeHenry Eke trie Portable Welding and Catting W. WIRFS, Operator C15-W-1 or 444 M*HENRT, ILL. WELDING J Maintenance and Contraction Portable Eqaipment H. B. VANCE--MeHenry «l||i; HI South Green SU MeHenry, QL any real lees of essential service to the veterans or their dependents. Hu iaagnitude of the VA as an agency can be visualised when jr<m realise there are over 18.000,000 veterans and the VA is disbursing 7 billion Hftllars annually for benefits * , - a w . u ,of one kind or another. There are Joseph Wiser, Sr., Mr. ^ and^ Mrs. gJdOJW, wfag to school or taking if* ^ w \ fiwiu» ^Sv^"faStoW: 117.000 veterans in hos- Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bradley, Mrs.' pjt^ls; nort than 40,000 schools and Margaret Wegener, Mr. and Uri ^mo Jab training establishments E«nry g*i"en ii Tir ft Ai to give schooling or train Wegener ^and Bill Wiener, all of Ttewai are more than 186,000 Volo; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wiser and rj?i|<irail ^j.r ruaftdianshiD fend and Mrs. Ed Wegener, Mr. and Mrs.'c|>|BMt j|#Ve been allowed. Phannenstill and Mary Wow* of are £10,000 employees MeHenry. ' -- Estate. J. KNOX, OF - PatHck [NOZ. Attorney GLUM DATS k J. Cleary, -4 Netiee is hereby givan to all parsons that July Bth, IMS, Is tke claim date in tM estate of ftrtrfek J. Cleary. deceased, pendipg to^tte County Court of MeHenry County. Illinois," tad that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before end date without iseuance of summons. s STANLEY G. 8CHAEFER, Executor. (Ptab. May 20-27-June 8) STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of MeHenry, ss. In the County Court, hi- probate. Joseph J. Died rich, surviving executor of the aetata of Joseph Dfedrich, deceased, petitioner, vs. Joseph Freund, et al PETTrtON V'5Y^ iM-mMN-nnncr WdMd Mli Mi ot Hr. na Mr.. | U(k B. B. Ward, of Richmond Road, is one of the 275 engineering students enrolled at Valparaiso university who arecooperating in the building 1 ^ of -three ongineoiing' shops on the: university's new campus. - The students imated tliis unprecedented M notion when Informed by University authorWes that it woul<j| be several years before a full four-year course kai'iaOsd'hua I felloff tkl IBAL Notice VSTSTBvS death " - 1 There neirs or < in the VA. Director Aeetylene Weldiag ai "ALEX WATER PUMPS Fairbanks Morse Ejector and Pamp types. All sises. Complete and Easy to fatftalL Samp punqw- Take oM K3^OS1TALKS AND SERVICE TeL MeHenry 552-W-l (80# ft. from Nell's Ballroom) TeL Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS Deatist --Office Honrs-- 1\ieeday A Saturdays: S a.m. to S pja. Evenings aad Sunday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point _. AI, ... , Gray feels that the VA r X j CARE OF ILL should adhere to the essential ser- . Coontles were urged to establish vices and eliminate activities that homes for care of chronically ill 9tm up ^thin the VA. He persons by representatives of county fee|g responsibility to the vetpublic aid advisory boards and eom-jaran ^ ^ the taxpayers for the mittees attending an all-day con- entire program carried on by the ference sponsored by the Illinois yA. He is insisting upon economy public aid commission. The recom- an() (fieimcy a8 long as it does not mendation w»« made during a dis- interfere with essential service, cusion on facilities for the care of| There Will be a reduction in some ailing persons. It was pointed out of ^ activities within the loan de- Phone MeHenry -- Basement Excavating -- NETTS SAND AND GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling. . . Black Dirt . . Power Leveling and Grajling.^ » Johasbarg » P. O^--MeHenry adopted by the Illinois public aid commission. Old age pension and blind assistance funds may be used to psy for chronic invalids receiving aid under these programs. Read the Want Ads! of supervision being extended what we call on-the-job-training. to •Chinese Blskee -- WAN! ED TO BUY --. We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horses, less for down horses and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH joktutburg • Spring Grove Road Phone Jonnshnrg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, - HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone ehargea I McHENRY FLORAL CO, . Pkone 4§4 \ One Mile Soutk of MeHenry en Route 81 Flowers for all occasional McHENRY SIGN SERVICE SHOW CARDS -- OUTDOOR SIGNS TRUCK LITTERING 4"WTND0W LSTTSRINO H. REESE Fox 81. Phont 41041 Uly idup and chrysantf&ftttum aalad are among the moat popular diahaa on the Chinese menu. Both are mad* from the bulbs of the Uade* Sam Says TO SELL ATE TO PAY DBMS otiee is hereby given you, Joseph dead his un devisees; also the unknown heirs or devisees of Joseph Diedrich; Hubert Hamnan and Unknown Owners, that Joaeph J. Diedrich, surviving executor, of the estate of Joseph Diedrich, deceased, on the 17th day of M«r, 1948, filed his petition in this Court to soil Lot 6 (except the North 68 feet thereof) and Lot 7 in Mock 19 in Village of MeHenry on the West side of Fox River, and aituate lying and being in,the South East quarter of Section 26, Township 45 North of Range 8 net of the Third Principal Meridian, situated in the -City of MeHenry, County of MeHenry and State of Illinoisi owned by said decedent at the time of his demise, to pay the debts and legacies of his estote, and that said cause is now ponding in said Court against you ana others. And you are further notified that unless on or before the 21st day of June, 1948, you shall appear and defend in said cause, Judgement by default may be entered against you on the day following or thereafter. R. D. WOODS, Clerk of the above-named Court. C. Russell Allen . , . ; Vernon J. Knox | Attorneys for Executor. (Pab. May 20-87-Jun# •BERNIE MATCHEN UVXSTOOX HAULING -- GENERAL TtUCXnTG iri' 7«k8tTMt mm* -* L: kpH FRANK S. MAY TracHag Black Dirt -- Crushed Gravel ligkt Excavating -- Limestone Track for Hire MeHeary 580-M-t R-l MeHenry A P. FREUND 90NB •xcavatiag Contsactors -^Stacking, Hydraalie «ad Crane Service ~~~ --ROAD BUILDING-- SM-M MeHenry. m. fc'v PLASTIC WALLTILE Eigktom colors of beautiful wall eXvering. See them before decoratiag your bath or kitchen. Colors are through the tile--will not peel or acmthch off. Write for estimate or pot it on yourself. Engstrom Sales 4 Service, MeHenry, 300 feet from Nell's ballroom. Phone Pistah »e 5CS-W-1. FREUND'S DAIRY GRADE A MILK Homogenised Milk, Ooflfee Cream, Whipping Orema, Bottermilk, Chocolate Milk, Butter, Xgga, Hall and Cream, Cottage Cheese. --PHONE McHENRY 636-W-2 r ML B. DeROMB -- Dentist -- 188 Green Street S98-J. MeHenry Office Honrs: Tassdsy aad Satardays from It to 4. Evenings by appoint- MOSEY INN RINGWOOD TELEVISION Fish Fry Every Friday Night PRAOER BRER ; ^RED BOWMAN, Prop. 1 ANNOUNCING THE • , spuehrs * - mas, v r; Newly Remodeled FIRESIDE TAVIERN ^ Rt W -- 4 miles north of MPHSBIJ ^ Ringwood, Illinois ^ Yine Liqnors -- Tasty Sandwiches ^ Moderate Prices . "Where old friends meet." OPENS LAW OFFICE William M. Carroll, Jr., of Woodstock, son of Atty. and Mrs. William M. Carroll, Sr., recently opened an office for thepractice of law in association with Tlieodore L. Hamer at 110 Benton street, Woodatock. COMPLETE REPAIRfHOP Rewinding A Rebuilding ^ Redesigning' MeHenry Electric Motor Serrici BRUCE W. KLONTZ 102 W. WAUKEGAN RD.: PHONE 181 Read the Want Ada Tea howled year head off whoa a 1 tewa player, hat ea Shealdor, let a .^aMt for ths thkd stalko. Wen. yea'd have 4 fee SBSM rich! IMowl If yea sew the whe witfcs aMSt to yea a^as Um kail Bytaktac It tato through the K» 1 iM'avlagfllsa'ii aotuaBy weaM >MIMh| a lMaOMrumfer security for Tear eeantry needs asllUens ti savers new to preserve the natteat security. America's sssarltf Is year seeartty. v - jjf O. S, Trtmmr? Ptfrntrntml - • Hblsphsas No. SM STOFFEL * REIHANSPERGBR Ihearaace ag«|to for all dames of ' property in the beat cempaaisa. Wast MeHeary, lllinoia FOR the Chain O' Lakes It'i HE WES 'BOAT Company. Pistakee Road -- Pox Lake, 1& . -- . ; Pox Lake 949% Prompt deliTeries of new 1948 Chris-Craft are available ^ t TIME CHARLES 8. PARKER, Attorney (Joelyn ft Parker) Office Hoars: Wtrfaeoday Afteraeoas-rl^e-SAe Office--Koehr Supply Coaipany, 542 Main 8treet* Weet MeHeary ^Jhene MeHenry 484 ** Woodstock 11S5 INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH lira, Aato, Farm aad Life Iaaaraaee BBLIALBBLBB^ COMXA NIES CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird houses, lawn furniture, lawn and porch swings, pier and park benches, picnic tables, window boxes, trellises, etc. Kitchen cabinets and cupboards made to order, hand woven wash baskets, shopping and market baskets. Full line of leather belts, suspenders, billfolds, etc; 5^ CLARENCE SMITH Td. tEsHviuy 883-1-1 lohnalniig, Til v Whoa yea need iasaraaee of aay Uadj Phone 43 or 118-M i Green 1 Elm MeHeary FARM DRAINAGE Tiling Work Done With Modern Equipment Can Furnish Tile , LEO G. ZIMMERMAN ! Contractor Phone 1699-M-l R. F. D. S Woodstock, 111. tlM STREET FL0R #T£ 120 U-PHMH£NR\ • W E Lightning Protection -X Faee EstimaMe jm| New, Installations and ffajalrs to Preaeut Systems. • All Work Gaa#aate^d. ^iko Afpttabce Arrestera. Tel. MeHenry 175 INSURED SAFETY plus liberal earnings are.. OATUIUI We will gladly handle your savings account -m by maiL.no need for wtMmwl you to make trips in " person to our office. OA lfOUA. THE WORLD'S MOST MODERN PIER •mHtr • FEATURES QF STEEL PIER--i Safe, Strong, Rust-Resifltant, Durable, Attractive, Aligning to Size, Easily Installed Marengo Federal Saving! arid Loan Association Assets Over One Million Dollars that old pre-war pier and install the LIFE-TIME pii% Cottage Owners, Gamps, STANDARD •* If yon need a new, outstanding Buperstrmcture, Gnaranteed PIER. A Waterfront 6omfort and Heeded Convening! See Dealer ^ HENNING'S Movie Bar lV- 1. - On Pistakee Bay, near MeHenry, I1L PHONE PISTAKEE 346 0" OOHTkAC-f - BUILD£^- :• •. -• * ' * ,'}•'* • j* INSTALL REMOVE rrrrsiSRij:- * . . . A :