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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jun 1948, p. 4

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every Thursday at Mc- BL, by A. Howard M< osher. Editor--Adele Froehlich Entered as second-class matter at the postoffiee at McHenry, III., under the act of May 8, 1879. One Year «... 12.50 NATIO L€DITORIAL_ SSOCIATION Saturday mdtning, with the «ncg> t!ve board in charge of the meeting which followed. They presented a reviJTW of the year's work, offered plans for the new year and cave a report on the convention In St. Louis recently. Those in attendancec were Verda Dierzen, Mary End res, Blanche Thompson, Sussnne Reed and -Ruby DeRensy, all of .Woodstock, Faitn Harrington, Florence Colby and Agnes Thomseh of Crystal Lake, Eileen Nolan of Harvard, Georgianna j Election Donahue of Huntley, Nellie Doherty, | at this time Lillian Bolger, Eleanor (Foley and The annual eleventh district con- Ethel McG£e of MeHew^irv ^ vention will be held at the .Wood- Girls' Juvenile Forester Installation Green, Pearl Pietsch, Agnes Buch, GirtT Juv^i'nV"Forester install-'{?ane"e, V«n!* and Christine Krinn. ation of officecrs will be held on)™M1*rs-•. Krinn Ji*s credentials chairman Monday, June 7. A pot-luck supper ifor the convent* served at 6:30 o'clock. Each [ c - j A, girl may bring a^ guest. Announce Betrothal Of McHenry Girl Circle 4 At Reenter Hon# O Mr. and Mrs. W. C.' McGUttwrn1 Circle 4 of the-Wf 8. €. fcj aninnoouunnccee tthhee eennigraagireemmeenntt o--f their' Communit„y Methodist churen , . daughter; Beverly^ Matis Michaud,, have^ a pot-luck dinner at ^1 ' and Chicago in attendance. Surprised At Bridal Sluirti Miss Claire Longway was honored at a surprise bridal shower on L a . {Thursday. May 27, in the Legion -m ; hall, with about sixty guests -from r, j*"*; | Woodstock, Crystal Lake, McHenry Kt. I«r. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiated at the nuatial mass at 9:30 o'clock ft J [guests wishing < birthday wishes. Those present were Ethelmae Hifbarfi Anna Jacqueline Justen, Donna craft and Cha•r le•n e • Hagberg. County Legion Auxiliary To Meet Here Ob Jaae 4 The McHenry County CouneiL American Legion Auxiliary, win hold its next meeting in the Legion hall on Friday evening, June 4. of officers will take place stock Armory on June 6 at 1 J), m. Delegates from here are Minnie church last Saturday united in marriage Freund, daughter of Mr. Mrs. A. P. Freund, >and lith, son of Mrs. Rena „ _ altars were beautifully itfld (for the occasion with bouquets of gladioli ' and bridal wreath. Miaa Freund was radiant in a gown of whit* satin with scalloped bertha collar and' long, tanpered sleeves adding detail to the fitted bodice. A full hurtle highlighted the bouffant skirt en train. She three attendants, Miss to Mr. Albert G. Samec, son of the'on the afternoon of June 11 at the John Samecs, of McHenry, No date i home of Mrs. Harold Reemer it Huehas been set for the wedding. |mann's subdivision. Celebrate Silver Wedding Anniversary a -• George P. F rounds Osberve Anniversary : -i-. • • Mr. and Mrs. Join ^ and Mrs^ torgji t entertained seventy relatives snd are. observing their silver wedding friends at their home in the north anniversary on Sunday, June C^Open part of the city last Saturday, May lioiisc^will be held T^lock in 30, in observance of their twenty-fifth the ^ evening at St. Mary s-ot. Patwedding anniversary. A social after- ricks school MIL ^ noon and evening were enjoyed and! a delicious supper served. f? d^. Miss Catherine Freund and John J Mis* 7 p" y Qwen^"*entertained nbers : grades p last Friday evening at an "end-of R. Schmitt were married on May j __Miss mw_ 30, 1923, at Spring ^drove's St. Peter's church. ^ Patsy of the seventh and eighth des of the public grade school j school" party. A pleasant social Welcoming Party hour was enjoyed and the young For New Pastors I folks were served a tasty lunch. The Holy Name society of St.' • • • Patrick's church, with the help of Pinochte £lnb Met - the ladies' sodality, will sponsor a 4t Thonncnon Hone • Airplane bunco provided the evening's entertainment, with prises being won by Barbara Freund, Shirley Schwartz, Eleanor Ficken, Betty Bulletel, Lucille Pries and Vera Hutton. After jthe prises were distributed, the Wride-to-be opened the many beautiful gifts. A delicious luncheon was served by the hostesses, the Misses Shirley Wfcber. Shirley Patzke and (Lila Mae Rosing. Miss Longway will become the bride of Richard Rosing on June 19. THELEN-DONNELLAN' * VOWS EXCHANGED AT ST. JOHN'S CHURCH 1 In a very lovely nuptial service which took place at 9 o'clock last Saturday morning in St. John's church, Johnsburg, Miss Julett Thelen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. welcoming party next Sunday eve- j Mrs Thomas Thonneson was hos- Arthur Thelen, became the bride of, munie win live m tne rTe mng June .6, in the church hall at te8s to member, of the East River j Mr. Steve Donnellan, son of Mr. and hf>i£ fSerlTthe Bauer^™o£m 7 ?clo<* m *°noT. °l t,h,e,r ne* Road Pinochle club at their last Mrs. James Donnellan of Chicago.' ™ y ' served as maid of honor, and Miss Marian Freund, another sister, and Miss Eileen Smith, the groom's sister, as bridesmaids. All were attired in Nile green taffeta gowns styled witK fitted bodice, sguare collared neckline and cap sleeves. The fall skirts were detailed with full, tapered hip interest. They wore matching gauntlets. Ray Smith served his brother as best man. while Donald Freund, the bride's wetter, was groomsman. Ushers were LeRoy Smith and Ralph Freund. James Lennon sang "Ave Maria" at the offertory and at the close of the mass "Sancta Maria." A breakfast for the bridal party was held at the home of the bride's parents, with dinner and sUpper being served to 200 guests at St; Mary's-St. Patrick's school hall. Hie former Miss Freund is a graduate of the local high school in 1948 and of St. Therese School of Nursing in Waukegan in 1946. She has been employed at the Woodstock _ hospital. Mr. Smith, also a local caller on Memorial Day. Mr. and Mii Georf* Vales and Val«ML Jr.,^rSi*a^«*K a week visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales, Sr. The men were on a vacation from their' duties as musicians with Carl Sand's orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Smith and son, Dennis of Rockton spent Sunday visiting her parents, the Martin Conways. A weekend guest in the Conway home was Mrs. Ed. Hwlle of Oak gark. Mrs. George Vales flew to Washington, D. C., last week for a Visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phelan and children of Chicago spent the weekend with her. parents, the William H. Althoffs. ( Mrs. Albert Vales, son, George, and daughter, Delores, spent a recent day in Chicago; The Misses Lucia and Margaret Rausch of Chicago visited McHenry friends last weekend. Miss Ellen Walsh of South Bend, Ind., spent the holiday weekend with her mother, Mrs. Jack Walsh. Martin Smith of St. Louis. Mo., has been visiting McH« and relatives this Mr. and Mrs. visited relatives in Richmond on Memorial Day. Miss Kathryn Kortendick of Rockford spent die weekend with her sisiter, Mrs. John Bolger. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reutell of Chi-' cago were McHenry visitors last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting of of Elgin visited relatives here last Sunday. I John Sutton of Elgin was a local lenry #. friends is past week, i. George Lindsay V( *•-& SOME Home-financing plans may sound very attractive until you figure the total cost We wfU be glad to discuss your mortgage jtooeas. Together we can work out a plan that will give you maximum advantages now, and lowest paf" fible total cost over the long McHENRY STATE BANK ^ - • Member. Federal Reserve System ^Member Federal Dsasait IasaraKca Corperatiea +tY MATTiaS STYOOf~ graduate, served a long period of time with the army in the Pacific theatre and is now owner of Smith's Service Station. The couple will live in the Freund ' Chica I "r>Tne' *°™ prizes were merit«l! Rev. Fr. A. J. Neidert officiated at' the new assistant pastpr, Rev. Wm. j jjy Mrs. B. Juergens, Mrs. Georg« the double ring ceremony. Kegnier. I qjos> Mrs. Eleanor Nye and Mrs.! Miss Thelen, who was given iti Under the guidance of the Sisters,, Amy HinricksT The group is meet- marriage by her father, approached the children of the parish will pre- ing today, June 3, with Mrs. John sent a short program, after which Braeseke. - ^ refreshments will be served. Those. * * • » desiring may then play cards >Qr McH FoUffl bunco. All members of the parish Attended Wedding are urged to attend this social Mr and Mrs B 0tt0 Mueller, Mr. gathering to become acquaint^ with ^ Mra. Pete Fischer and Mr. their new pastor ^and his assistant. and Mrs g Engh attended the * * * ; wedding of Miss Marion Helen Delta Kappa Gamma j Palgowski and Ralph Lloyd Haack Entertained At Brunch at St. Eulalia rectory in Maywood Miss Genevive Knox entertained on Saturday. Mr. Haack is a summembers of Delta Kappa Gamma,; mer resident of this community, teachers organization, at brunch last | * * * Dessert-Luncheon At Foster Hone Circle 1 of the W. S. C. SM will McHenry. Illinoii FW. - 8AT^ JUNE 4-5 Heaiy Fanda - Delores Del Rio THE FUGITIVE" Phn - News A Cartoon SUN. - MON. JUNE 4 - 7 Heary Fooda - John Wayne Shirley Tenple "FORT APACHE" Plus - World News & Cartoon • • /' L- v- . TUES. - WED. Eddie Albert - Constance Moore (1) iBT PARADE" Adele Mara • Wanta Douglas (2) THE PILGRIM LADY" STARTING' THURSDAY Robert Yoaag - Maariae (TBara "SITTING PRETTY" the altar, lovely in a white gown ot slipper satin, colonial style, her fingertip veil being held in place by a beaded crown. She carried a .colonial bouquet of white roses and sweetpeas, cascade style. Her matron of honor was Mrs. Donald Monte, sister of the bride, who wore an orchid-colored dress and a matching headpiece and carried a bouquet of yellow roses. Mrs. Charles Rowland sister of the groom, and Mrs. iFrancis Belongie, friend of the bride, both of Chicago were bridesmaids, wearing yellow dresses and matching headpieces and carrying bouquets of red. roses. meet on June 8 at the home of Mrs. Ed. Donnellan, brother of the bride- Keith Foster ,in Shaliraar, with groom, served as beet man, while Mrs. Walter Haug as co-hostess.; Harold Thelen, brother of the bride, Deissert luncheon will be served was usher. promptly at 1:30 o'clock. All members are -requested to turn in their books at this time. • * • * O. E. S. Plans For Members' Night The last meeting of the O. E. S Mrs. Thelen wore a light blue dress and w£iite accessories and Mils. Ponnellan wore a dark blue dress and white accessories. Both had corteges of pink carnations and pink Sweetpeas. - ...v 1WWW w A dinner, with reception followini chapter was held on the evening > 7ras "eTTe<* bride's home, with of May 25, at which^^ time Mrs. I twenty-five members of the immedmte Marion Cannon was initiated into j attending the dinner and the crder. Refreshments were ")0 guests pre&nt at the reception, served by Mrs. Lillian Cox and Mrs. b"de attended St. John's Louise Kramer. A large attendance' 8?h°o1 and, recently has been emis expected on June 8, when Mem- P*°yed at the F. W. Steward Co., in bers' Night will be observed. Altar and Rosary Meeting Jane 7 The Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church will hold its next meeting on June 7, with the following committee in charge: Miss Lenore Frisby, Mrs. Eleanor Peterson, Mrs. Joe Glosson, Mrs. Jean Niska, Miss Mary Sutton 4Hi4 Mrs. Ralph Justen. * * • Happy Clover Club Beets Officers New officers were elected for the Happy Clover 4-H club recently. They are as follows: Wilms Feezel, president; Mary Hogan, vice-presi- G Glauser, treasurer; Carolyn Lawrence, membership chairman; Jean Muzzy, recorder; and Dorothy Smith, reporter. The meeting was held at the home of Carol Harrison. Roll call was Chicago. The groom attended the Chicago schools and is now employed as a printer. The couple will ref| ide in Chicago. ELIZABETH ROGERS OF LILY LAKE WAS BRIDE OF SYLVESTER WIRFS The highlight of social events in Lilymoor was the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Margaret Rogers, daughter of Mr. and "Mrs. Charles Edward Rogers, to Sylvester Wirfs of McHenry. The wedding took place at high mass at St Patrick's church at 10:30 Saturday, May 28. Rev. PLAY DIRECTOR MISS CATHERINE LAKE Miss Catherine Lake of New York City arrived in McHenry on Tuesday of this week to take over production of "Fun For You,' home Miss Susan Olson is spending this week visftinr in the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lawrence at Whitewater, Wis. Mrs. F. E. Cobb and Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson and daughter of Naperville visited friends in McHenry on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis McDonald of Woodstock were local callers last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen were visitors in the Elmer Olsen home at Richmond on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey of Genoa City, Wis., visited Mrs. C. E. Sherman one day the last of the week. Mrs. Mary Dibler of Woodstock family of Hammond, Ind., and Mrs. Harvey Rapp and daughter, Carol, of Arlington Height spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon. M^ and Mrs. Charles Brda were guests of friends in Ottawa last weekend. Mrs. Theresa Hickey of Chicago visited friends here last weekend. Hurry Bateman spent the weekend at his cottage at Orchard Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Seepe of Chicago were weekend visitors in McHenry.. Mrs. Walter Carey and son, Dick, traveled to St. Mary's college at Notre Dame last weekend, where they called for Nancy Carey, who spent the holiday weekend with her accompanied them home for the daughter and family, the Ed Nickels, j summer months. Miss Georgianna Donahue ^ Mr^^eon"d "P6"* Huntley spent the holiday weekend j ^ visiting Mrs. Harold Aim, visiting in the home of Miss Genevieve Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stilling of Lake Forest visited relatives here last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Freund of Plattville, Wis., were holiday visitors in the home of McHenry relatives. Weekend guests in "Mi-Hi/' 1948 Annual, Distributed Recently There have been many admiring glances in the window at Worwick's Studio during the past few weeks, ... the Walter Iwher® many fine pictures of the Brooks home were Mr. and Mrs. > various classes, sports and musical Henry Flynn and Eugene 'Brennan organizations, and even pictures of pf Chicago. j the students of M. C. H. S. at work Ed Walsh of Chicago visited Mrs., CiM\uroom" uar? 011 di8P1"y" Jack Walsh on Sunday. t Reason for the enthusiasm and in- - - - - terest in these teen agers is the Jacob Buss of Chicago spent the 1947-48 annual, ' Mi-Hi," which went weekend in the Henry Dowe home. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Rodda and children of Hammond, Ina., spent Sunday visiting in the homes of Chitalent play which the Mothers club George and Joe Wegener, is sponsoring on June 10 and 11 inj The Donald Hayes family of the high school auditorium. The cago visited his mother, Mrs. Edith complete story of the production ap- Hayes, last weekend. EH-lSdSE >nd Mr,: Harry Fredrick™ tne rtainaeaier. *nd son Larry, and Mrs..William GUEST OF SOHAETTOENS TELLS OF HSR REGENT TRAVELS TO ALGIERS Fr. Heavey, Ji from Mhrquette dent; Louise Hunt, secretary; Grace j University, came from Milwaukee tD ' perform the service. FatKer Heavey The Schaettgens of Sunnybank subdivision entertained a cousin from St. Paul last week. The visitor was Miss Dora Schaettgen, who teaches music at McAllister college in St. Paul. She also lias been on the air as the pianist with the Schaettgen Trio on WCCO. Miaa Schaettgett has traveled extensively and is a first rate racon- !. H was the grooms army The lovely bride wore an exquisite frown of white eyelet with matching gauntlets. Her fingertip veil of illusion was held by a lily of answered by telling what each one a the valley headpiece. She carried liked and disliked about last year's]a prayer book, with streamers of club^ after^which a tatk was given ribbon and white roses. ~ Miss Rogers was attended by Miss Helen Rogers, her sister, who wore a pink gown of eyelet and net and carried a nosegay. The cowna were designed and made by Mrs. Chairles by Grace Glauser. * * e Entertain Classmates At Birthday Party Patricia Rosing , celebrated eleventh birthday anniversary Saturday, May 29, when she entertained six c? her schoolmates at a party held at her home. Games were her on , SINGLES -- Ken Griffin's ! "YOU CAN'T BE TRUE" j "MY ISLE OF GOLDEN DREAMS" ! "SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY" LOUIS BLUES" Lawrence Welk's Theme Song "BUBBLES IN THE WINE" •tJOOL WATERSSOUS of the Pioneers •*T. LOUIS BLUES MARCH" By Tex ffeagefce. *UTRINiG OF PEARLS" By Glen Miller TO GREEN COCKATOO" Wf Ethel Smith teuse. Her description of the Casbah in Algiers was quit* exciting. She gave so many vivid details that one thrilled to the dancers of travel thru the Casbah. The petty crimes of the native children who snatch at your purse, the more serious crimes of the opium dens, the depravity, filth and sordidness encountered there make one appreciate the cleanliness, both moral and physical, of our own country. In a lighter vein was her story of • trip into the mountains of Italy. Johnson, * 'There she pre-arranged with the The best man was Edmund Wirfs, drjf«r °J » horse-drawn cart td brother of the grocm, of Rockford. 'caH for her in the early morning. He „ The bride's mother, Mrs. Charles with hor«e and cart bedecked played "and prizes awarded "the Win-1 ^«s Jwore a stunning mauve £ith flowers^ ners after which Miss Rosin? was crepe dress with sccessones to | flowe™ ^dorned_tbe bonMM presented with a number of loyely (Iwith thp wLtw^in^Innv gifts. A tasty lunch was served* at I Following the service, breakfast | ^,th ^{J« ln.^f the close of the afternoon, with the ^s served to the wedding party at 2"! K«tbering to.. ^ (the Villa Hotel Resort. flowers into the cart, they started The beautiful warm May day | made it possible for them to use the spacious lawn at the bride's home, which was attractively decorated with colored lights and white tables. About 250 guests were present at Johns and daughter, Kathy, of Elgin were callers in trfe home of McHenry relatives on Monday. Miss Lois Wiedemann of Chicago spent the weekend at her home here. Weekend visitors in the Geogre Johnson home were Frank Johnson of Oak Park, Miss Marguerite Johnson of Wheaton and Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson of. Evanston. Edward Dwyer of Evanston spent the weekend visiting in the home of f his sister, Mrs. Walter Walsh. Mr. and Mra. Paul Boyk and family and William Herdrich. of Chicago visited their mother, Mrs. Cora Herdrich, over the holiday weekend. Mrs. Peter Roche and son are spending this week with Rockford relatives. Peter M. Justen is vacationing in Denver, Colo. The Ed (Brefeld family of Chicago spent the weekend with relatives in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lang and i's Picture Records Six Stories * 3 Records fljft Children's AHrans-- 8«ngs and Singing Gan«a Mother Goose ' • Happy Tin's Tanas % Saaga of America Hsae and Gretel Don't Fcrget Our Recofd &ab. • \; x " 114 W. Main Street, McHenry V % • • TeL WtHisiy ItS-J m I L L€ H TODAY . FRI. - SAT., JUNE 3 - 4 - S Mickey Rooney t in ^JULLER McCOY" • - with . - Brian Donlevy gUN. MON, JUNE C A true story SMMdOONICl IM J. COM tMsnWJOXERl TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY JUNE % • 9 Katharine Hepbara Robert Wsilkeir ia "SONG OF XiDVr ' the reception, among them being Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Newman from Baltimore, Md. After a honeymoon in the Osarks the young couple will reside McHenry. BIRTHS their rattling ride over the mountainside via cobblestone streets. The: Mr. and Mrs. William Houck of Rt. 8, McHenry, are the parents of a daughter, born at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan on May 27. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Grooms are the parents of a daughter, born at the Woodstock hospital on May 26. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gende are the parents of a daughter, born on May 28 at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Gende la the former Bcjbty ThenTies. A son was born on May 27 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schmitt. Mr. and Mrs. Rolland C. Ehsign announce the birth of a son at tne Woodstock hospital on May 27. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith announce the birth of a daughter on May 31 at the Wodstock hospital. Mrs. Smith is the former Miss Louise Kilday. Rue of Lee's poultry Urac Statu, ~~ ney met many trains of olive-skinned, Italian girls dressed. in bright-hued dresses, singing gaily as they carried their burden of wine kegs slung over their shoulders, or baskets of grapes astride their hips, down the moun tain-side. The kaleidoscope of color, the Iq clean air filled with song, the nor; fume of the vineyards, created never-to-be forgotten picture. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to my neighbors and friends who so kindly remembered me by sending me cards, flowers, gifts and for visits during the time I was confined to the hospital and since my return home. ne remembrances were very much appreciated. *8 MRS FRANK G. SPURLING . PLASTIC CUftllftS pmskut on sale last week. Miss Florence Lacy, a sophomore, selected the name for this year's book. . The new Ixwk contains, in addition to the pictures shown in the HISS JUANITA FREUND, FORMERLY OF CITY, MARRIED LAST WEEK : • " . • * McHenry friends will be interested to learn of the marriage on Wednesday afternpon, May 6, of Miss Juanita Freund, daughter of Gerald iFreund of Dundee, formerly of McHenry, and Mr. W. R. Baldwin, Jr. The wedding ceremony took place at 3 o'clock in the afternoon in the parsonage of St. Catherine's church. Fr. Thomas S. Green officiating* The bride, who attended the local high school before moving to Dundee four years ago, was attired in a white suit, with which tffie wore white accessories. She carried her brother's prayer book, upon which was placed white and blue carnations. Her only jewelry was a necklace which belonged to the bridegroom's aunt, Mrs. Jennie .Weber, of Chicago. Mrs. W. R. Stahl of Champaign served her sister as matron of honor, attired in a grey suit, with which she Were aqua accessories and a corsage of white and aqua carnations. James Daniels of Elgin served as best man and Daniel Freund as usher. Mrs. Baldwin was graduated from the Dundee high school in IMS. Her husband, a veteran af the navy, where he served in World War 2, ia employed as a fireman by the Milwaukee railroad. • IN MEMORIAM ^ In memory of George King, who passed away two years ago, June local window, photos of the seniors! 9, 1946. and the faculty, school clubs and, In our hearts your memory lingers, student council, the class prophecy Sweetly tender, fond and tnwT and will. It has been receiving the scrutiny of the entire student body and has even given a bit of pleasure to mothers and dads as they recalled their own school days. \ Ihay Also Live Leagii ttavnen, on an average, outHve tuan by four years. There is not a day} dear father, That we do not think of LOVING WIFE AND t Complete line of Badbe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- Henry. 8-tf Subscribe for The Plaindealer ft CARD OF THANKS In this manner I wish to thank friends for cards, gifts and the many other kindnesses extended during the time I was confined to the hospital. They were all greatly appreaciated. *8 MRS. LEO KIN$> CARD OF THANK8 We would like in this msnner to thank friends and* neighbors for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, donations of cars, sympathy cards and the many expressions of sympathy offered in our bereavement. RITTER AN® DOWELL 8 FAMILIES. Need Robber gtaqap*? Order The Plaindealer. . TariCm^fcaaVtt 4-OZ. JAI 95« ».«z.iuas 4* MUSK'S DRUG STORE GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. PRINTS V C-OL IkgHi Mow? ef Swhptf 44c yard to 89c yard - • m m m ^ t #' * I Gay twamar prists for drapw^ sprang, bkynas> pofonos* 136-inch width good^udly parcola 140 tftraods par kick. I Buy an ample supply --enough for a| summers sawing. We have a complete stock of v , « SIMPLICITY PATTERNS Authorised lfealor 489 Ihe friend^ Store SKO. OOLLSTTS, Owmt- Ihh StiMt WEST HcHKNKY li . "... "V. j.

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