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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jun 1948, p. 11

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t* 't*t ^ ^ r-'^ ^ f» ^ *£, „.* y 4^2' /_ ^J.*_ ^ •• - -.-' • • '.-- - * nrj-^^iz*7Fr&xtfi -*te :.«^i3 Boise's fart achool house, butt fa *1. was a small log oahin. Iti int high achool wma opened in ISO, and tta first fradua^i din received diplomas in 1888. ^ " -'**• •; - «*vj *t ^ • " #awnseilpt of Ap«l0HI '• 'Bodleian library, England, ha* «e Laudian manuscript of the Acts the Apostles. It probably was written in the west of Europe about the 6th century. Let* Mayor** |«m Mansion house, official residence of the Lord Mayor of London, was traded in ITS#. ; " T No Boday fwry Thomas Marshall operated the Whmisimmett ferry, from Boston to Charlestown to Chelsea, in 1635. The Puritans prohibited the terry service from operating on Sunday, for it was considered a crime for a colonist to leave the village on the Sab* bath. RINGWOOD (By Mrs. Georr* Sl>u>ard) MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Records Installed and Maintained tt&n ELMER P. ADAMS. •• ^ -j Oertified Tax Consultant OM Mile North of J^x Ilka on Kt. Phone Fox Lake 5801 . FOX LAKE, ILL. McHmtt Sand and Gravel U . Excavating Crime Service;* • Black Dirt •Sand and Gravel Road Grading CALL McHENRY 97-1 Richtr •..^Harvest By •> •• • .:;.?4bouel inpr;-r \/f ELISSA FINCH would have , fainted from shock if joe Sutton j had told her she was a pretty girl or even smiled at her. His pa, Jake, did that right alfing, which was fair enough. But Joe did like her cooking. Otherwise she'd have gone away before this; but today was definitely her last day as housekeeper for Jake Sutton and his son, Joe. Melissa hoped she had taken at least a part of the place Joe's ma had left some six years ago when she had passed beyond. She knew that Joe lived with"the memory of his ma; acted as though she were in the next room. Melissa had never k»t the idea of being an intruder. "I'm loooimg todoy," ommommeti Mtlit- **• Jo0 k*pt moving toward lb* door. "I'm Wm| Melitss rtpesitd. Jo* ttoppodf t fingers cUwcb. could iM bis grtsi •/ • DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST ___ At 5141ffain St., West McHenry Steffan's Jewelry Store (Closed Thursday Afternoons) Eyes Examined -- Glasses Fitted J Tlsnal Training -- Visual Rehabilitation Complete Visual Analysis Hear* Daily: • «e 11 and 1 to 5--Saturday Ereaings: • fa 141 pja. PHONE McHENRY 452 Prompt Service Day or Night We're getting more phone .calls from folks who value their time and energy! And any time yon call ns -- night or day -- you're sure of prompt, comfortable service. McHENRY CAB Phone 472-J Melissa went back io the pump and sink. She began washing the dishes. At the same time she remembered that this was her last day. Three years ago she had started in this house of the Suttons--Jake Sutton and that son of his, Joe. She had nothing against Jake because Jake had the sense to look at her as j if she was a human being. But that Joe--he was a born woman-hater if ever she saw one. Then she considered -- wiping the damp towel over the plates--that Joe had lost his ma. She watched Jake come in for a packet of carrot seeds. Jake didn't glance at her as he rummaged in the seed pile. "Reckon as how Joe an' that Blossom Appenzeller gonna be hitched come this fall," Jake announced quietly. Joe wouldn't marry any girl, not even Blossom with her fancy ways, Melissa thought. And, as for herself, she had stood about all she could. If Joe hadn't noticed her for three long years he sure wasn't. , going to change overnight. U ER suitcase was packed and 11 she sat down on it to close it tight. Then she wondered what Joe was doing. She could see him through the window plain as day. She had to admit that he looked mighty like a man as he wheeled that tractor round the field. He'd make any girl a providing husband So Jake thought Blossom Appenzeller was for Joe. Maybe BtoMom would have liked to nab Joe but Jce had no eye for painted-up lips and ch^lked-up eyes. That blue dress on her suited hei blue eyes. Melissa stood straight up in front of the dresser glass. Her hand halted midway to her face powder box. She was looking at Joe's ma, an old photo encased in a frama^Of gilded wood. For the first tinj£^#Mugh she had seen that pic 1 tWre -every day, Melissa could setwhy Joe remained aloof from girls; how could any girl coyne up to Joe's ma? On her way down, carrying the suitcase, she wanted to cry but sob- Table Models- Phono Combinations portables FM-AM TELEVISION SETS Record Players -- , Auto Radios WEBSTER WIRE RECORDERS Come In For Demonstration M h > ' ' Batteries For Your Portable Used Radios Of All Types WILSON RADIO SERVICE 206 Elm St. Phone 469 McHenry HOMES, GARAGES and SUMMER HOMES REMODELING ATTIC APIS. CEMENT SIDEWALKS & STAIRS INSULATION HEATING ELECTRIC WIRING ALL LUMBER MATERIALS AND LABOR FURNISHED BY McHENRY - OUR/GUARANTEE We will furnish material and labor with superior construction and quality lumber for less than Chicago advertised prioes. -m RR-3 H. B. Williams & Associates • McHenry, Illinois : Phone 227-J Melissa was awfully small; a speck of dost blown here by the wind. bing eased that sickening feeling ot departure. As she camfe out into the afternoon sunshine she could see Jake looking at her from the chicken yard. "Joe!" Jake shouted. "Ain't you goin' to say good-by to Melissa?" And then she saw Joe stop the tractor and turn to stare at hei Melissa felt another lump in her throat as Joe stood near her, like a great pine tree. She was awfully small; she was a speck of dust that had been blown here by the wind and now was being blown away. "Why don't torn look ot m* bo tsid vory loir, omd bit voieo com* from m dis- Smo Iwobod up omd wincod bocomso bo MM oloof. I U'osn't cortmrn," bo smd, "kmt wow I know, lft tko wof mom hopt bomto. Mo bod o btmo dron uho tbot. Yotfro liko bor." He took the suitcase from her. Without knowing it, she walked at his side, back to the house. The sun was hot on the fields, a white butterfly floated toward the cabbage patch, and Joe's arm felt good around her waist. R«1mm4 by WHO Feature*. General and lira Pairs A general pair in rengross la an arrangement to take cars of a definite period at time, and covering all measures coming to a vote within a fixed period. On a particular question, a member desiring to be absent may seek a "pair" from another member who expects to be present and vote contrary to the way that the absentee member would vote if present. It is, in effect* a member casting an absentee vote, and Is called a "live" pair. -- , spending the week with friends at ViCleveland, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. John (Blackman spent Friday at Burlington. Joanne Bauer had her tonsils rej moved at St. Therese's hospital, * Waukegan, Friday. Mrs. Luella Stephenson " enter- i Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and tained the five hundred club at her fami,y and Mr. and Mrs. Albert home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock des- Oonk and daughter,9 Dianne, were sert luncheon was served. Prizes i visitors at Brookfield Zoo Sunday, were awarded to Mrs. Viola Low and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kane, Jr., and Mrs. Peter Sebastian. family of Diamond Lake spent Sun- Mrs. Ray Merchant entertained day with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell the Bunco club at her home Thurs- Kane and daughter, Nancy day afternoon. Prizes were awarded Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins of to Mrs.,Letser Carr and Mrs. George YVilmette and Roger Collins of Mel- Shepard. _ !rose Park were, guests of their The W6men's Auxiliary of the m°ther, Mrs. Harry Collins, Friday. Wonder Lake Rod and Gun Club Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and held a party in Muaty's hall, Fri- daug-hter, Jean, and son, Frapk, day evening. drove to Galesburg Wednesday and Mr. and Mrs: Walter Low enter- brought Suzanne Muzzy home, tained their five-hundred club at Suzanne has completed her first year their home Saturday evening. Prizes of college, were awarded to "Mrs. fcaniel Raw- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klasen and son and John Benoy, high, and Mrs. daughter of Algonquin were callers Robert Howe and John Cristy, low. in the E. E. Whiting home, Sunday On Wednesday evening a gradua- 'afternoojj. tion party was held at the B. T. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Collins, Beloit, Butler home honoring Muriel Butler !»P*nt Sunday afternoon and evening and Carol Harrison. There were W'th the former's mother Mrs. Harry fifty neighbors and friends present. Collins. Those from out of town were Mr.1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walkington and Mrs. Leonard (Brown, of Pala- an<* family. Libertyville, spent Suntine; Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Marlowe day afternoon with their mother, and family, of Huntley; Mr. and,Mrs- ®en Walkington, Mrs. Ray Peters, Harvard; Mr. and! Mrs. Eleanor Bacon, Crystal Lake, Mrs. Vivian Austin, Genoa City was a visitor in the home of her Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens, Syca- brother Louis Hawley. J?®1*! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek 1 Mrs. Madeline Stone and Howard o i?? an<* Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Sar^» Kenosha, spent Sunday in Smith and family. ; the John Blackman home. Mrs. Ed Bauer entertained a few' Mr* and Mrs* w- A- Collins and relatives and friends at her home Mrs* ®*rry Collins. visited Mr. and Wednesday evening in honor of her Mrs. Beatty at Huntley, Sunday daughter, LuAnn, who graduated afternoonfrom McHenry high- school that eve- i Miss Marion Hawley and Johnny "in£- Those to attend were Mrs. and Louis Woodward spent Thurs- *** a"d family, Mr. and day afternoon in the Harold Stanek Mrs. Marvin Arseneau and Mr. and home at Ridgefield. Mrs. Harold Wirch, Richmond; Mr. lda a"d Mildred Rugg .of Washand Mrs. Frank Bergs ma, Lake ington, D. C. spent Tuesday and Geneva; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Nord- Wednesday in the B. T. Butler home. m®yer a"d family, Mundelien, Mr. Wednesday S. W. Brown took and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer, Waucon- them to Huntley to visit friends, da, Mrs. Elizabeth Weber and Mrs. A. Pagni, Chicago, is here daughter, Esther, Antioch; Mr. and to spend the summer in the home of Mrs. Gregory Kattner, Mr. and Mrs. her son, Will and wife. Jerome Miller, Georgia and I^nna Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldson and Schmidt, Spring Grove; Mrs. Clara family and Mrs. Gordon Larson and Dienlien, Libertyville; Mr. and Mrs. daughters were visitors in Elgin Stephen Schmidt, Johnsburg, and Monday evening. 1 Mrs. John Hogan and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. WVn. Klasen and Irven Bauer. ' daughter, of Algonquin were callers Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby entertained a party of friends at their home Sunday in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Oxtoby. Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Winters and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phalin are the in the E. E. Whiting home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., spent a few days the past week with relatives in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dimon of Ostend spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Dick Oldson, and family. . Mrs. Catherine Vogel and daughters of Elkhorn spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr. home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuetze and daughter of Milwakee spent Sunday with her father, Dr. Wm. Hepburn. Mr, and Mrs. George Shepard spent Tuesday in the home of their daughter Mrs. Alan Ainger and family at Hebron. S. W. Brown spent Sunday in th# home of his son Leonarg and wife at Palatine. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Soddy and daughter, Jane, of Kenosha visited in the John Blackman home the past week. '::3§ * Problem In Light It will take 129 candles to produea the same amount oi light as nished by * 100-watt electric bulb. - , - W COMMERCIAL, DOMESTIC AND AIR CONDITIONING SALES AND SERVICE Phone 680-R.l McHenry, HI. proud parents of a daughter born1 at the WVnxistock hospital, Saturday,' June 5. Janet Winn of Richmond spent Sunday with Mrs. John Blackman. i Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Benoy and J family of Elkhorn, Wis., Mr. and! Mrs. C. L. Harrison and daughter, Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Tonyan and daughter, Mrs. Etta Wattles and r son, Glen, spent Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and family, i Paul NoAnan, Evanston, spent the| weekend in the home of Mrs. Rose Jepson. a Mr. and Mrs. Alan Aingein and family, Hebron, spent Sunday wjth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Harry Paul, Harvard, was a recent guest of Mrs. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. John ]Woodwgrd spent the past week fishing--in Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Jackson and family were supper guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting, Wednesday evening. Many parents and friends from here attended graduation exercises at McHenry, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley left Wednesday for Arizona where they will visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bryant, Crystal Lake, spent Thursday evening in the E. E. Whiting home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lowell, Orlando, Fla., spent a few days the past week with her sister, Mrs. E. E. Whitirtg. Mrs. Roy Neal spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Chicago. Miss Marion Peet, Elgin, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lena Peet. Audrey and Darlene Andreas are CLASSES NOW FORMING ROCKFORD SCHOOL of BEAUTY CULTURE ENROLL NOW CaUjirjwrite f&iw further information m W. STATE ST. - 3-6833 ROCKFORD, ILL. v \ See T. P. on the SSfUke Shore for your : Real Estate • and Insurance WONDER LAKE ~ ATTRACTIVE 4-ROOM HOUSE, modern conveniences; furnished ; garage; 75-ft. frontage. $6,750.00 4-ROOM HOME with English basement; laundry tubs; gas. heat; all conveniences. Price right for quick sale «~" COZY, FOUR ROOM HOME with enclosed sun porch, automatic hot water heater, water softener, completely furnished. 'Located on 3 lots overlooking lake and countryside. $9,500.00. ATTRACTIVE \ACANT lake frontage, 100x400-ft., $8,950.®fr GORGEOUS LAKE FRONT YEAR-ROUND 5-ROOM HOME, completely furnished, electric range and refrigeration, tile bath and kitchen, large master bedroom with cedar clothes closet, natural , stone fireplace; basement, laundry tubs, furnace heat, garage, boat. Must be seen to be appreciated. $18,750.00. BEAUTIFUL 4-ROOM HOME, sun porch, complete bath, gas hot water heater, 2-car garage, two lots beautifully landscaped. Full prfee* §M60.00. V McCULLOM LAKE Beautiful year-around home on 75-ft. frontage; sun parlor, living room; 2 bedrooms; kitchen; complete bath; full basement; electric hot water heater. Terms. Large choice of beautiful lake front homee and vacant at Wonder Lake, McCullom Lake and' Fox River.' List yowr property FOR RENT or FOR SALE. T. P. MATJJEWS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BKOKEB Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Center Wonder Lake, 111., P. 0. Ringwood Phone Wonder Lake 306 • --rt. " * . V'5%: •v, * '-•-PJ : 4 ;•* • 'MJ-' t * . ' J . .. > -MP | pjtg THROWIT AWAY O* COURSE your oil filter Nmw4Sm.p.h. Chriu-Crm/t rmeingrunmboa* Come aboard, Sailors! ^ See today. oar Chris-Craft display Get your free copy of the new 44-pare Chris-Craft catalog in fall color from as. Remember, we can gite yon immediate delivery on many Chria» Craft ranabouta and n< Hit its. Come in. or call Hewes Boat Company, Inc. ~ PHONE FQX LAKE U91 AND SOME OTHER THINGS TO THINK OF Whlh you're with us Io# •• «*erhavl you for good Spring mnd Summer going. , # Wall chcuigt your oils and is foul and full of folly after ten ; thousand miles,--so take it out !j and throw it away. It costs almost nothing for a new one, and oh the difference those few cents make, it now, so your engine gets the purity of oil it must - i have;--so you get the per- 1 formance you expect. 1 -4 • Wall ad|wt your bralno, • Wall tuna your angina, • Wall scrub and clean you, • Woll align your wheels. Wo'll do everything thaf* AND WHILE YOU'RE PAUSING WITH US--HERE ARE SOME OTHER THINGS WE DO FOR YOU--lor « happy, wafm and tomfortabh of driving. DONT DRIVE WITH YOUR FINOiRS CROSSED i t A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES 301 E. PEARL STREET PHONE 156 McHENRY, ILLINOIS DODGE • PLVmOUTH Dodge Trucks ' • K }^ •,.3 •' .1^ • vm ;

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