-s "A* #' Flftfiftll %$, ;« & f • js vm ^r<f® » «•-* > ">» *;• •?' y^sTOf,nif" •* */V *Vj **' 5$ "»'4v» ;>t V^r..rr«.J*>n "' y~"., " • ; * " • r, • " " « - r ~ ; . '7r ^$~~~ ••-- • •• * - «• «»>»qU»»t > / -U- •• ^ ^ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Svoboda ind a few days the pa: slighter, Arleen, drove to Cham- : Miss Genevieve Kn last Thursday to see their son, kst week by the serious illness Her mother, Mrs. ^Catherine Young. Mrs. Ada Smith and Mr. and Mr% Granger Smith of Elgin visited rela* tives in McHenry on Sunday. Miss Mary Walsh of Chicago spent K st week visiting nox. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and iiw;# •ffeS Prod, Jr., and Larry Phalin, the daughter, Marie, of Johnsburg and latter accompanying them home for Miss Patricia Henn have been spend- rimer vacation from their studies ing the past ten days at Tomahawk, the University of Illinois. " j Wis. > Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Pierce* oft Mrs. E. R. Sutton, Mrs. Eleanor Vixon were Sunday visitors in the | Nye and Arthur Martin spent Frii /$. H. Mosher home. ' day evening in Aurora, where they Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Duker spent a; attended the eighth grade graduation lew days the past week visiting their excercises at St. Therese school. The JtOn and family, the Guy Dukers, in former's niece, Miss Eleanor Stran- Alton, 111. "s»> j del, was a member of the graduating Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. j class. She returned home with th# Martin May were Mr. and Mrs. Les, McHenry folks for a visit. Bungard and children and Mrs. Mae! Miss Rose Huemann has returhed Bungard of Elmhurst and Mr. and Hrs. Ray Henniken and Bruce of Woodstock. v Mrs. Harry ®arr was a Chicago -.caller on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geary of San v . ' V * ' S r ? ' " home after spending at Pensacola, Fla. several weeks George Adams of Elgin spent th* weekend visiting relatives Henry. Miss Vinnie Bacon of Wauconda jLndreas, Calif., who have been yiajt-land her guest, a niece, Mrs. Alvii ing relatives in Wauconda, spent a Johnson and daughter, Vema Mae, few days this past week with his1 of Wall Lake, Iowa, visited relagfster, Mrs. Frank Meyer. | tives here last week. • - Mrs. J. Graham, Mrs. Kate Graham j Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smith of' -;#id Miss Claire Kraus of Lon^ Lake 1 Urbana visited in the Arthur Smitli .Were McHenry callers on Friday. I home a few days last week befor* Dr. and Mrs.John Radcliffe of (leaving for Arkansas, where the* Boston, Mass., spent a short vaca-j spent some time visiting her rela* tion with her sister, Mrs. H. C. tives. Following his graduation from Hughes in Wbod3tock. Dr. Radcliffe'the University of Illinois this week* was formerly minister in the | the couple will move to Chicago to Universalist church in McHenry. j make their home, where he is em : Mrs. John Meehan and children ployed.. Srived in McHenry from Jackson-1 Mrs. Zena Bacon spent a few days lie, Fla., on Saturday to spend some the past week in Kenosha, Wis. time visitinig with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Walkup of The Misses Florence and Joyce Saxonburg, Pa., who have been visit- _nox and Thomas Knox attended ing his parents, Mr.- and Mrs. Ralph commencement exercises at the West j Walkup, at Woodstock, called 01 Aurora high school recently, the McHenry relatives and friends last former's neice, Donna Marie Knox, week feeing one of the graduates. j Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales, Deloreg Mrs. James R. Allan is accompany- and George, attended the wedding of r *••** <4- ^ thi Vm fltoea'&ri ftlib "" "" Father's Day gifts. Because he know* that famous name means top style and quality. ; - Gome in and chooae his gifts here--yOu*H be sore of an extra-hearty thank-you Idas--because you'll be sure that it's just the style, and qt and value he'd choose for himself! ' t; £&',• \ - - *"' L ' r :rl%- tu ,;4._ ^ Jfeg her husband on a business trip to Memphis, Tenn., where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Bartlett Han- Albert Frank Thomas and Miss Ann Sutor in Cicero last Saturday. In the evening they were present at Bn. the reception held in the blue room Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilbrandt of the Cicero Stadium. tfevie to Champaign last week,! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adelmeier ; where they met their son, Roger, spent last week visiting relatives in Who accompanied them home from Lombard. tile University of Illinois for summer Sister Mary Henry, the former vacation. Anna Bolger, of Milwaukee, Wis., .George Whitcomb. who spent the ^ite£^UtIve8 here a £ew **** past several months in the South, „u;, . nas returned to his home in Wattles | c U Lowe and childrenof apartments 1 San Francisco, Calif., have been Mrs. Bertha Snyder of Chicago friends in McHeRry the past spent last week with her niece, Mrs, Ajina Rassmussen. week. Mrs. Timothy McClary and son Mr. and Mrs. WUliam Brahm of l?®f. of Chi,c^9 h®Je Chicago visited in the John Murtaugh visiting McHenry relatives this borne on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Jr. and son, James, of Chicago were ? . 1 jrmu , » Shiwwtair »k. ki. : friends here last Mrs. Charles Vernon Howe of San Diega, Calif. ; a former local resident, visited Sjnday viator* in the h.mi of his;|rft gt of Dayton, Ohio, ave been visiting visitins; in the home of her son, Vsk, having been called to Elgin this j Howard, at Willburn. Mrs. Cornelius Quinlan spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Clark have returned from a week's business trip to Newark, N. J., and to New York City. During their absence, Mrs. Clark's mother, Mrs. A. A. Thomson of Richland Center, Wis., stayed with the Clark children. Mrs. Glen • Robison and Miss Helen Welch of Woodstock visited McHenry relatives on Tuesday evening. AMONG THE SICK i Jack Thies,* Jr., was a patient at ; Wesley Memorial hospital in Chicago | last week. ! Mrs. William Bishop of Riverside ; Drive has been a patient in the Woodstock hospital. ! Herbert Howorka of Wonder Lake : has been a surgical patient at the | Woodstock hospital. { John Meier is a patient at the ! Woodstock hospital, where he underjwent surgery on Tuesday. ~ NOTICE j Riverside Bake Shop is now closed j all day Mondays and open all day Thursdays. 4-4 Mil Materials Mil Labor. GUARANTEED Long-lasting tlate-surfaccd asphalt shingle roofs fmt on as low as .... 5.Q0 Free estimate on materia] or labor. Call or write FRANK GANS 300 Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois Piwne 106-W J Vies, P0^ jport ^ McHENRY * > T; ' »*'. t % «VtA * ^ .1 * \ ' t - . - y , 'A Van Heusen Shirts, with exclusive "Comfort Contour" ooOar styling. All Sanforized. Fine white broadcloths *3.50, $3.95, $495 Exclusive stripes 4, .$3.95, $4.96 Van Heosea Ties» In colon and pattens to match his shirts • * • • •••.«•» SI. $IJSQ>$Z Van Heusea Pajamas, new patterns, al Sanforized fabrics $4.95, $5.9S Van Hensen Sport 9dito, in cool fabrics and cool colors............ |B^0 to $SJS Fine Socks, in rayon or nylon or colorful cotton knits ...................... 59c and up 9 LIQUOR SPECIALS $•§0' IMPERIAL J - FOUR MOUNT VERNON 6th $247 UJS 5th $3^9 SEAGRAMS 7 - 6th »3J4 SCHENLEY RESERVE fith $3.94 CANADIAN CLUB 8th $535 P.; M. DELUXE "'« 3th 13.45 OLD CROW ....... ioo proof 5th $6.75 CALVERTT RESERVE 5th $3J9 LORD CALVERT 5th $4.52 OXFORD CLUB GIN ..., 5th $3.99 WALKER'S Gill-...„k 5th $*|* OLD GRAND-DAD .... 100 proof pint $44MI SHEAFFER*S CREST Dl LtlXf 1 THREESOMB TM> THAT DAD WHO HAS EVERYTHING I Vmpm flna writing instruments for his every writing n«#d ;; j Dod w« soy Ifs fust what he wanted. Teamed up In iw kwdwns Crest De Luxe Threesome by Sheaffet's Is In famous ~mmnr pen with 14-K point, a matching Finofcie pendl and Sheaffor^s ever-dependable baB-point writing hstnnunt Strutowiaei. Wo have a beautifui display of ' ***'***? totnmmH. Let «s «how Ibemt^^^" _v. 1 • Jj- ' SUNDAY, JUNE 20 FATHER'S PAY SPECIA ^ $2°^ GREETING CARDS " FOR DAD Send A Gibson Card Imported Briar PIPES *91 Shapes - All Slaw MS - 7 JO . 19.09 valnee NOW $1.49 • GOLF BALLS 55c - 95c eacb BILL FdLDS $1.50 - $15.00 Remington ELECTRIC SHAVER $19.50 PIPE RACKS $3.89 up 11.00 Pwi Aqjc **00 to I7IV. DRUG SPECIALS SKOL For Suntan PHILIPPS MillcdfMagnesia CIGARS All the Popular Stands WHITE OWL VAN DYCK PHILLIES . Box of 25's _ CIGARETTES Bnv the Carton h. i' ' jj'i lj| SERUTAN_ J^axative COLGATE Tooth Paste , •WpWMIIW-nlMIW <***> EXTRA PACKAOB $1.20 VALUE • # 8 c :. An IXrtA>«c*s#« fa ymr car. jMjbea jre* aeed H .. . tkmrm jrev srs». 60e sise 49c 50c size $1.2^ tin Giant Size 39c 98c 41c V A S E L I N E t ®74lc SUNGLASSES GIVE DAD-A GOOD PAIR WILUOKITES and KRAKKS SHAVE CREAM Ponnd Jar 63o Omunnsiun O cstsMi sum anus Optically Gronnd and Pottabed Lena as IB.50 tD $12.00 wfth 10 Modes ^3 QQc f0Z 0/VlS O-/