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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jun 1948, p. 3

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"JSTi5 Ti# *JTr~W>M!f$ 7**%*^ ^ >T ,$TF <> *,L 7 w \r-S ^ , Tf* 1 4 ?wi - , ~ " --V^, v- - .^-i--+^-1. •-. „ -;1 fa.-. J _ . <Jf iiWw»-4u v,«^ * •**' *»« *W-. *,«»: i-iAv |T, JUM *7,1MB 4«Peai«lMa PLAINDEALER ,i|^tj|.i.'!u .1 1 -i ^.- • rs'j' 4- ' i.. '•" i •'»;» ;" •• j. * . .-J.4.- ,' 1. .- t I ^-I.'A'-. ".' ..-.^.rrrr-Tr-^^-vV^'JV " ' .. ••«. ••**-:• • -'-y , &}&'~*Z *v'^; .." ••f#»»e« wee»e»»«»»»eeee« MeCallom Lake • OaParatfe *»••< IM •• t IIIIMI m|fM< (By TnMiek) '^?:% v folks: Tke bi* ne^B this week comes IfeM the camp of McDonald's Shami «cku? McCuDom Lice's official team. At their first meeting, the following: were elected to office: Frank president; "Chuck" Bracken, y-treasurer; "Bdb" ]Doran, i^and Ken Ingersal in charge the meeting "Bob" Doran little time In arranging a ffMe between the Shamroeks and »V. V. W. team, whfeh was played at MeHenfry last Friday and ended with a score of 15 to 19 in favw off the V. F. W. Alan McKim was «*• the mound for the Shamrocks, with Fred Matthiusis on the receiving, end. Last Sunday's game between McDonald's Shamrock's and the Johnson Sea Horses of Waukeg&n played at McDbnakl'f field provided many thrills for the hundreds of spectators. "Chock" Ingersol did a swell job on the monad. The game saded with a score of 20 to 14, this time in the Shamrock's favor. Frank Rourke, playing^ /left field, made a sensation at catch in the fifth inning and can well be acclaimed the hero of Sunday's game. Tomorrow evening the Shamrocks will journey to Chicago to plav their first game hi the Chicago Herald American tournament against the formidable Chicago Wildcats at the Volts school grounds, Haeding Ave. and Argyle St. Anticipatng a hard time . with the Chicago Wildcats, manager, Bob Doran decided to rest his boys next Sunday and to keep married ladies' team boys will bat left handed and use a 12-inch' ball on the ladies while the gals use a 16-inch sphere on the Shamrocks. With Irv. Budlong- acting as umpire ( we predict a runaway victory for our married ladies' nine next Sunday. Wanna bet? , We could take up at least tweaty Inches of column space with the many nice things we could say about Hugh McDonald, who sponosrs our Shamrocks, and has contributed so much to provide clean sport for our boys as well as entertainment every Sunday afternoon for the residents of our community. His latest project, which has just been completed on his property on j Greenwood road, is a well graded field for our team to play on, with many comfortable seats for th£ spectators. The natty uniforms are another from going soft arranged a with the mi of McCullom 'Lake at the home field. To give the girls a handicap, the Prompt Service Day or Night We're getting more phone ealls from folks •:$mwho value their time and energy! And any time you call us *-- nigh* or dayr,-- you're sore of prompt, comfortable service. , McHENRY CAB Phone 47W -- - • DON'T FORGET! fha,[ A GIFT FOR DAD NW mat RAC IKHB For gofer bad weather driving. Modem style in glooming chrome. Approved sealed beam amber bulb. Complete gg Pair with mounting bracket. 095 » Pair Hiawatha CASTING S1WM wWi Keel A«W-- I piece steel, baked seowel UnMv 4 Hft 6.49 CANS POUE, 14 feet America* ^ 1ACKLE BOX Vsbtl Is--lar Low Price 2.98 •ju HIAWATHA OUnOAID MOTOTS MAXIMA 1M HP. .. IfcepeHb# •> l»fy --»r iUI MAWATNA J ILP. mn |«hM »d»T. oS Will H/JW i NUMTATNA12 ILP. BOAT SEA|| CAMP JUOS IL. ..Is eesly st-t. Am4s er R^mMs. Ughh • <Q CAST1NQ ROLS ^ Free rtmMli«n|t----lleevveell . - 100 y4.«eeL 4.9j| W»iwd--tecH«e Cap TOP CARRIERS Cetyen--easy elf. SMhg bredwls to •» rj r%C elipy............ G«»M^ 1U fnmdkf Stem ^ GEO. COLL1TT1, Owner AUTHORIZED DEALER PHONE McHENRT 4H iSI MAIN 8TKBBT WKT MeHBNBT, ILL. vain.-- No film in ,the camera and no hope of a repeat performance. 01 JOBLESS PAY IS {to make certain that their subsis- , NOT VACATION MONEY, Itence allowance for school or train- Tht extra weU fed look our Otter j STUDENTS AEE WARNED Purposes has ^ discontinued Ebert is sporting these days is due ! !before they apply for unemployment to his good fortune at the regular! .. ' , j allowances. The GI (Bill (Servicemonthly birthday party by the Veterans readjustment ($20 a week | men»s Readjustment Act of 1944), Screwy Dosen, which was held at anemP^°yment) allowance? are not . , Roy-Al last Saturday evening and ^tended as summer vacation pay,ih®. "P^ned provjdes severe penfs usual was a big success. i Kenneth W ' ' "" i i i jfj;-' XJnempltojrment Compensation 'acts as agent for the U. S. Veterans Administration in the administration of the readjustment allowaiwe fM* ; visions of the GI Bill. Birth of the Rsdie back in the 1880s the idea of An overstufFed basket of groceries nf : . TT . is what Otter walked off with when 2llnois D'vlsion , ®£ Unemployment Dame Fortune smUed on him that pcmpensation, advised student vetevening. . jerans tod«y- Otter is that kind of a guy who is! "S^d?nt ?Vm w>. Plan Pla? eligible for a smile from any dame ^e.'^easy^ between school and knows when and how to smile! "i8 >r?, entitled to readjust- W. Strong, deputy-in-charre slties and forfeiture of all future . Woodstock «ice of the readjustment allowances for the will-! * division of Unemployment ful_ vi9!.*tlo.n °' lts provisions. , ®IM6r* MdfeJ# In Illinois the State Division of WM ridiculed. back to maintain his position in^he j !?*ent al1,^an?es'" .. - safety _one | Strong. "The law requires that 1 veterans who claim readjustment said Deputg one of Hugh's contributions to pro- __.v T in two weeks. torn nic. p~ple. | „ „ . . M i , . . . a l l o w a n c e s b e g e n u i n e l y i n t h e l a b o r II iwlri ei market, looking for work*and able, %oie Ottve isa patiwit at McCleary|ready and available to accept any <*Uni4> -r,H hflMtal at .'Excelsior suitable job offered. , where she underwent . , . , ^ . ... - - "A veteran's intention to return clinic and Springs, Mo the Last Monday Kenny Sawdo passed Tm^Ln f" e tenth milestone in his young' American male is the erican felife and to celebrate the occasion aim^J®V xiur^r q birthday party was held at his home. . with ten guests present expects to .get support from the to school this fall automatically linu its his availability to temporary jobs. Therefore, almost any work which he is physically able to perform and _ . . . i t_ . . . . which p a j r s the rate of pay p r e v a i l - 5? in& in the communty for that type ^ «... " of work will usually be considered LIGHTNING i ^ PROTECTION TOUR HOME V suitable temporary work to get support from the Deputy Strong cautioned1 "stuu"decn,vt yvsMifc. 1 *t November^irhen he can't!veterans who are unable to obtain VAfAM nAV4 NAtfAmh^r vh»n ha Mn'l TCiciMS wuv tui«uic w uuuuit ' m Jac^kri^en ^rOhsvteWrbeyri, v.^DnohninLieC ki Osterby," set it from his own eightieth Con-1'employment during school vacation e is what the girls put back ears to keep the boys on ... .... , .their toes. After enjoymgr a delicious lunch-1 jt'8 mUch more fun for most of us, eon, which included generous serv- and (less tiring) to listen to dirt, ings of cake and ice cream, the after- j than to sweep it. ! noon was spent in playing many j a little co-operation please! Shoot I games, with prises awarded the ^ scoops to us vift Slfif's Food Marti winners. It was a big day for or by Dial 566J-2 anytime be-1 $lO«SO Installed Tel. MeHenrjr I7S Kenny, as well as his guests. Great Grandma Danielson's guests last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bradley and their daughter Sandra, of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Markovic and the new Walter, Jr., are at present making their home with grandma. A card postmarked Ashland, Wis., from Harold Vycital and Ernie Schroeder informs us that the boys have had many bites from the big ones and none of them got away. We strongly suspect that the only bites these two got were from mosquitoes and wood ticks. The boys will be back early next week to tell us all about it. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brautigam, their daughter, Patricia, and uncle Ed, journeyed to Villa Park last Saturady to attend the wedding of Joyce Brautigam to Lee Romei at the Trinity Lutheran church in that villag<ey with the Rev. <Sfche4che officiating. The wedding reception was held at the V. F. W. hall in Villa Park, where our Katie danced until the music stopped, which was some time in the wee sma of the yawning. Uncle Ed. who has recently become a shutter bug, made elaborate preparations to make a photographic record of this important day in his kid sister's life. To add to the many photographic accessories, which he purchased especially . for this occasion, Bd got himself three dozen flash bulbs and began shooting as soon as the lovely bride made her first step down the lonfA aisle, and quit only when his supply of bulbs ran out. It was a. good job well done thought Ed after festivities, Ed couldn't get home soon enough to get the film into the M. Q. and Hypo to see how the pictures turned out. c You can just imagine the nasty things he said about EM when he realized that all his shooting* was in fiiii L Le ri Thars. • FrL - 8*t. J«ae 17-1S-1» Baaahrtr Bogart/ • ..Walter. Hestea • hi •TEE TREASURE Of SIERRA MADR1 "RETURN RET hit-- OP RIN-TIN-TIN" EXTRA SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY! Another GIANT CARTOON SHOW! KIDDIES See ai ll favorites Including Hags ny, Popeye, Domm Dock, and others. In addition te negular program! SUN. - MON, JUNE 20-21 TUES. - WED, JUNE 22-23 <amn ntooucnoNS gGNEHASSO-EDMONDOTOIEN SSBMBBMMatiBI A EXTRA! Added EXTRA! Tues, Wed. June 22-2S Round By Round . , . Punch by Punch . ... I Just Like Having a Ring-Side Seat! Complete b Its Entirety Down the Knock-Oat Blow! Exclusive Official Motion Pictures JWCIY Q K A Z I A N 0 * 0"H f :I>L» : Regular Pricea! fore Monday evening and read about it in the Plaindealeir the following Thursday. ADIOS. Toni Permanent Wave Kits. S1.25 and $2.00. Wattlee Drag Store. 86-tf I, •V > '« I'M HAPPY ON WASHDAY! IScHtBry. Illinois FRL - SAT. Johnny WsiasameBer ONnda Joyce Linda Christian (1) "TARZAN AND THE MERMAIDS" The Holt - Nan Leslie (2) •'WILD HORSE MESA' SUN. - MON„ JUNE 20-21 g Spencer Tracy Katherine Hepburn Van Johnson "STATE OF THE UNION" Plus - News 9t Cartoon TUES." - WED., JUNE 22 - 23 Abbott & Costell* (1) "BUCK PRIVATES*1 -- Roy Rogers Jane Frazee (2) "SPRINGTIME IN THE SIERRAS" THURSDAY (Only) Katherine Hepburn Robert Walker ••SONG OF LOVff* But only sines I got my Otntrol Itoctrk AII-A«itomatic Waiharl ~"r'" * You'll bt happjr on washday, coo (with a Ol All-Automatic Washer), because your pan ol the washing is done in 20 seconds. That's juac how lon|[ it takes to load" the washer, set d»r ' controls, and start it You'll be happier with a General Electric All-Automatic, too, because it really gets the clothes clean ... sweet-smelling dean. All the clothes are soaked, washed, and rinsed in filtered, circulating water, and the G-E Activator* gets the dirt out of heavy workclothes-- while it's gentle with the finest Idxia Ask to see this amazing washer te action. It's being demonstrated today-- every day--to show you how to make washday a happier day. ^ I.**.***.*** m* I' VrM. • » GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHERS • DRYERS • IRONERS CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP- 149 S.. Green St. • ! McHenry, I1L !*.- * 'V,' f M* i I 11 I M I I I I » I » I !<•« I I 1 » I I I I > I I I I 1 1 » HMM' I > I I I| < 4 « • < I 1 t H I ! I I H I I • I 1 1| M 1 1 1 X * ?1fvj EXCELLENT FOOD MODERN ROOMS COCKTAIL LOUNGi 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 » I M1 1 1 1 IMM I I f l l I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 » 1 1 » 1 1 1 > I M IM M »M I MM I Dining Room Open Every Day BREAKFAST; LUNCH/DINNER FOR FUN AT ITS BEST , VISIT THE n i i H H i i i i i mm* \ ' m a r hs T . : Note! Resort * "Featuring Nightly . (Except Monday) BILLY RUSSELL Americas Most Exuberant Singing Pianist Inviting Your Requests .ir * Let us help you plan that next party. Special ratea to groups. Includes good food, a scenic speed-boat ride and a modern room in OETHEBN ILLINOIS FINEST RESORT HOTEL OAK PARK HOTEL, PISTAKEE BAY PHONE McHENRY 176 y-;J • * * < y.i Si •

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