yJZ r*ft if ** * \t". ^ <• iry i "j - H v "• ^ * " <••* i*.' „ .a-«-*> **r^>s*rs:;A ' • '•• '• •• . • .* v.: f - - ' :' ' .-• . ^ ' " - '. * • "7"u •/ - ' • * • .'.4 .' - •*' ' • . Adams spent a few' Diednch. His wife and daughter, • »« I 8 8 "» ' mffijmm cpr^C '."JT1 • ' 'gltpff&erf&jt & ^ t- ^ . j, . ' -*> •> . •'•. ' n * < « .J acob , . t • i.__ rp. who had spent the previou days this -week visiting her n,ece»iweejc here, returned home with him *• Mrs. Bertrang, in Aurora. jjn the eVening. f- Michael Thill of Aurora sp*nt v ' Sunday in the home of Mrs. Jacob! • Subscribe for The FlalndNiir RINGWOOD (By Mrs. Gtowa Shawird) g£? ••- *A * ii;" V «*« •tttaiil the cafeteria sopp«r at Greenwood, Thursday evening. Mrs. Wfcnda Yuenger and Mrs. B. T. Butler spent Saturday in Chicaro. Mrs. Raymond Harrison and Mrs. Henry Hlnze spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mrs. Walter Wilcox^ and • Mrs. G R E Y H O U N D l/THAuyu.KceJ- - Mrs. E. E. Whiting entertained the Women's five-hundred club at her home Wednesday. A dessert i Polnir of Spring Grove and- Mrs 'luncheon as served at 1 o'clock p. m. "* * * -- ' ~ T*T--J Prizes were awat-ded to Mrs. Luella Stephenson and Mrs. Marie NOW -- NEW, ADDED SCHEDULES. ' TO CHICAGO AND LAKE GENEVA, Greyhound is pleased to announce the addition of Arti !*iw schedules to Chicago and intermediate points, for the added convenience of travelers in this area. New return schedules from CMCftgo ateo give McHenry added service to Lake Geneva. New Departures for Chicago: ' v ^ ' 6:C5 A. M. 5:05 P. M. t:» A. If. ; New Departures for (jike Geneva: . . I JiW A. M. 11:4S A. ML 12M A. ft, Greyhound continues its other well-timed schedule* to Chicago as well rs to Lake Geneva and Madison and points beyond. For detailed schedule information, see your local Greyhound agent. Aad ask about Greyhound's low fares which aavo you more mm ever before. , ' Viola Low were visitors in Woodstock Tuesday. Miss Nlorma Whiting of Grayslake Wegner. spent the weekend with her parents ! A group of young folks attended' Mr. and Mrs. £. E. Whiting, a shower for Marilyn Miller and; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrison of Roy Benoy at the home of Mr. and; Chicago spent the weekend in the Mrs. Gerald Miller, Wednesday eve- John Skldmore home. ! ning. Mrs. Harold Ackerman and chil- 1 Mrs. George Shepard entertained' d«n of Belvidere are visjting in the the W. S. C. S. at her home Thurs-|J°hn Ho«*n homeday. A pot-luck dinner was served ] Nancy and Freddie Bowman had I at noon. Mrs. Louis Winn led the j their tonsils removed at the^Woodi devotionals. A cafeteria supper will' stock hospital Saturday morning, be served ip Muzzys' hall Thursday, Mrs. Paul Jolits and son, Billy, of June it. ' i McHenry were visitors here Satur- Miss Ann Paulson, who teaches das ischool in Chicago and has a summer ' home here, is wry Ul with pneumonia I daughter were visitors in the Edge water hospital in Chi-' Saturday. I cago. Latest reports hospit es sne is a little improved The Ringwood 4-H club girls held a scrap drive here June 15. On June 14, the Happy Clover Club Mr. tad •ttandtfi a Mrs. John Blackman funeral in 'Kenosha, Mr. and Mrs. Don • Smart and sons of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Telephone 104-R GREYHOUND BUS DEPOT Cor. Green & ISha . ^ • i-MeHe#*y B,'- GREYHOUNSI m -• • -*• girls went to the Iwmcs and tied the ™P« of. S^*™°Le' paper in bundles and on the fifteenth I Saanders^ of Harvard, Jack the Sunshine 4-H girls came and' j j171' h¥r" ^ # picked it up. These girls all worked j J?? ' i hard and a great quantity was coi- j S^aiond and Mr. and Mrs. Charles lected. Brennan spent Sunday in th? Fred The Sunshine 4-H club girls held j ^ honJfi w-, . r,. their fourth meeting at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wick of Chi- Carol Harrison, Friday. Audrey ®**° ®Pfn* nday with her parents, Andreas gave a talk on putting hems, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Laurence. j* in dresses. Betty Skidmore gave ^r- >nd Mrs. Walter Wilcox of a talk on fire. The next meeting <*llwl on her mother, will be in the Weldon Andreas home. j Mrs. Viola ILow, Sunday afternoon. £tillusm<jthe Some old oilT Misa Jeannette Mackenstadt. Miss Marie BUtaeroth and Miss Marion Peet of Elgin.and Alice Peet enjoyed a picnic as Lake Geneva, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Curly Wilson and Milton Laurence of Elgin spent Supday with thair parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Latirence. • . | Mr. and Mr«. George Shepard *Pent Su5^*v in the Alan Ainger home in Hebron. Mrs. Hitseroth of Elgin spent Sunday with Mrs. Lena Peet. Mrs. Wanda Yuenger of Harvard ft* (010 Oil* UMKtCATIOM We me only factory-approved lubricant*, and our "aparta" have the "know-how" to do a thorough job I Oar Sarvtc* PiUHinwit la •quipped to taat your tnllnc'i heart and nerree ectentlBcalljr . . . and to reetore smooth, powerful operation. Aoiofinublt/ ^lattar Gtt CImm, fresh OA in Ymf Cor RIGHT AWAY I Let oa check your car's crankcaae,- oil liter cartridge, and- clean and re-oil carburetor, air cleaner, yon* differential, and tranemleelon . . . now! Honeatly. Juat how long has It been sine* you've given your car the careful point-by-point lubrication It deaerrea? New car. or old--it win (he yon longer aerrlce and ftreater rldlnt pleasure when yon |ln It regular lubrication. If you like to have your car ready to go anywhere--and who doeen't? drop In and see ua. It'a the right placa, lor the right aarvlcal • I I I I J I I I I I I Baseball News . The Ringwood A. C. S. club had two games this week and won them both. Friday night they beat Spring I Grove by a 4 to 3 score and Sunday | afternoon they beat Barrington . by ! a 13 to 4 score. Rinrwood's next | three games are all at Ringwood on Tuesday and Thursday nights and Sunday afternoon. The evening games start at 7 while all Sunday games ! are to start at 2 p. m. Everybody who j ^an possibly attend these games, gp^ Friday and Saturday with Mrs. ! do so and see your favorites play I T Butler. 1^®^" _____ | Mr. and Mrs. Dawson and, Victor . . I Wegner of Waukesha spent the • y | weekend with their mother Mrs. i Standay evening in the Marviiv Arse>- neau home at Bidupond. Mr. and Mrs. WVn. Harrison of, Round Lake, Mrs. Ardin Frisboe of Greenwood and Mr. and Mrs. Verne Malsch of Lake Geneva spent Sunday- with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Mrs. Collins returned . home Wednesday from a visit in the home of her son, Frank, at Wilmot^ She was-accompanied home by her granddaughter, Lynn Mary Collins, of IMelrose Pane, wfeb stayed until Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Oewey Bock and family of Arlington Heights spent Sunday with her father, Charles Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph . Smith and son, of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. tod Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mr. • and Mrs. Paul Norman and family of Evanston spent the weekend here.' Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and daughter, Muriel, Alvin Benoy and A W. Brown spent Sunday m tlx Harold Stanek home at ltidgefield. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family spent Sunday at the Brookfield Zoo and also visited in the Mrs. Ruth Hoffman home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Gleii Martin of West Allis, Wis., and Mrs. Irving R. Bundy of St. Josefph, Mo;, spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Luella Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Agnes Jencks Stephenson attended Past Matrons and Past Patrons' Night at .Woodstock, Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldson and family are visiting relatives in Minneapolis and South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family were visitors at Brookfield zoo Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson and Victor Wegner of Waukesha, Mr. and Mrs. Linus Wdgner and family of Wood- Stock, Agnes Wfegner of Elgin and Mrs. Marie Wegner and sons, Cyp and Con, enjoyed a picnic at Trout Park in Elgin, Sunday. Mrs. Marie Wegner* visited her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Phelps, and new granddaughter, Dorothy Ann Fhelps, who was born Sunday, June 20, at St. Joseph's hospital in Elgin, Sunday. City Ommeil Proceeding! c -- - , Jttne 21st, IMS The fcfty Council met in regular semi-monthly meeting with Mayor Overton presiding. Aldermen present: Afthoff, George J. iFreund, George P. Freund, Tonyan. Absent: Anderson, Regner. Motion by George P. IFreund, seconded by George J. Freund, that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Althoff, seconded by George J. Freund, to pass and approve annual appropriation ordinance in the amount of One Hundred Nineteen Thousand Five Hundred Fiftysix dollars and no cent ($119,556.00) as read. Motion carried. Motion by George J. Freund, seconded by Tonyan, to change the date of the next regular meeting from July 5th to July 6th. Motion carried. Motion by Althoff, seconded by George P. Freund, thai the be adjourned. Motion carried. B. I. OVERTOP ,$m. ' BARL R. WJ Mr City • §1. , :-- High Traveling Bill Before the war, Americans wme 400 million dollars a year m foreign traveL Farmers Use Ply weed ' Many farm buildings, such n portable Chicken brooders, are ball of exterior fir. plywood because flMgr s ^lraft-free and warm, as w«B aa jo BMW. New silos are bilH entirely of plywood aad eli •Uoe are lined with exterior to get a smooth, tight timer surteea. arei Complete line , of Lee^k remedies at Wattles Drag Henry. _ Chancy Harrison, s and Mrs. Luella NOW h%i' Ton can enjoy 100% control of flies, mosquitoes, lice, tides, cockroaches, bedbugs, potato bngs, and etc^ by using some of the new war-time developed chenir icals, including DDT. These chemicals are easily applied, non-poisonous to humans and livestock, long lasting and inexpensive. We- are now mixing some of these materials for sprays and are stocking others not practical for us to compound here. ___ We can also supply power and hand sprayers or make arrangements for the .custom spraying of your farm buildings. Our products are of the highest quality and the prices are right. McHENRY MILLS, INC. < . • Phone 92f-B " v West McHenry, UL 0*, Mrs. Wm. Phalin and | daughter returned to their home here | Mlrie'we^Ier and"son& ! Tuesday evening. , j Mr and Mrs Mitch^i Kane and • .?U,ie,a i daughter, Nancy, spent Sunday with •attended a dance at Crystal Lake former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Tuesday evening. | jggr] Kane Sr., at Mundelein. i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sebastian of | Mrs. Clara Dienlien of Liberty- | Chicago spent Sunday in the PeteJvine an(] daughter of Denver, Colo., Sebastian home. , Mrs. Joe Diebild and daughter of i Mr. and Mrs. Louis-Hawley spent, Grayslake and Mrs. Fred May and (-Wednesday evening in Elgin. | children of Spring Grove spent , Mrs. Elsie Low and children of j Thursday with Mrs. Ed Bauer. j San Francisco are visiting friends] Mrs. Louis Scheuer and daughter, jhere. . „. iTherese, of Waukegan spent Saturj Mrs. Paul Walkmgton and Miss. <jay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alice Peet were Elgin visitors Thurs- Clayton Harrison. ^ powarftM A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES S01 BL PEARL STREET PHONE 156 McHENRY, ILLINOIS i day. j Mrs. Louis i Hawley and daughter, ! Marion, attended the funeral - of | their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. I Sadler in Elgin, Thursday. I Muriel Butler* land. Marjorie | Cruickshank are attending business j college in Chicago. Carol Harrison, Ferol Martin and j Charlotte Hogan went on a 4-H tour at Champaign Thursday. Elijah Coates is visiting relatives : here. j Mesdames Luella Stephenson, Viola Low, George Shepard, Louis Wiim, John Hogan and Harold Ackermi Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Lena Peet. Mrs. Ed Bauer, daughters, LuAnn and Joan, and son, Marion, spent u SPEEDY" by NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE JUST -TUSK, fiPKOV- > IT TAKES THOUSANDS OF NUTS AND amp just one -roeottTBR AU.OVCP TH COONTBYCIpe r CERTAINLYNICK MfLLER'l CAN <aive NOU THE BBBT SERVICE AND RemjR . JOB IN TOWN, PUT' 608 FRONT STREET ROUTE 31 PHONE 108-R FREE! FREE! ON THE FOX RIVER AT McHENRY / SUNDAY, JUNE 27 $200,000 Worth cf the World's Fastest Boats! Program Starts at 10 o'clock DST. . 4--PARADE. 2--ROWBOAT RACES. 3--CANOE TILTING. ^--FANCY AND COMEDY DIVING. 5--SHELL RACING. "" 6--SURFBOARD AND WATER SKIIN0. WORLD'S GREATEST INBOARD BOAT RACES START AT till Including Inboard and Outboard Boats of all Typflj Races under auspice* of Chain O'Lakes Boat Club WARNING--Racing area on river will be closed to all boat ~ from 12 noon to 6 p. m. Sponsored by _ M'HENRT BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION '*£-• ' ' ' - ) , •• Vs- "s -V" - ^ Y" s .<# s ^ ,,4-, , - - w \ " H. N .- V /C'y - 1 ^ i - 1 l^ viM-mont matoHng tnfoymma for yarn moMjr--day after day and year after year! it's what you want, and that's mxacHy what you get in this smarter, -riding, more dependable and more economical Chevrolet. You get more vafue in its trim, tasteful, style-leading Body by Fisher; you get mere value in its road-smoothing, road-leveling Unitized Knee- Action Ride; you get more value in the thrilling performance with economy of its world's champion Valve-in-Head engine and in the stopping-power of its Positive-Action Hydraulic Brakes^--all exclusive to Chevrolet at tewest pricmt and with low cost of operation and upkeep! Yes, CHEVROLET AND ONLY CHEVROLET IS FIRST in all-round value. That's why more people buy it and more people drive it than other make. That's why you and your family will be wise to a Chevrolet, tool SPECIAL EXTRA-LOW PRESSURE TIRES •n Wide Rim 15-inch Wheels* (*•*< Chevrolet offer* you the lire of tbm for oosy, i--Hd riding. Romorlrablo now oxlro-fow pnam tiros that givo a much sofor, tmorm comfortable ride; obtorb rood shocks irateod of tronwelttlHy them to you and your car; provide safer Hopping, greater blow-out protection, and long, more luxurious mileage. AS due to larger tire-body, more oir at lower pressure, advanced lire design •Opdeeel et wdi •"i ^PHONE 277 SALES McHENRY, ILLINOIS V • •