. * : M S J I r I C £ C T I ON $ • c. han NOTIC* . , of the great noanr ef ads which appear in tM PtdEindeakr each week, we fMmd it impossible to keep on such small accounts. tore, fe-the future, enljr ads an paid for before this i of the piMfOM to PWM at 10 •'dock on Wednesday mo will be printed. Sc3H enry '405-R. MT80KT.I.A instal come at oneo. Call McHenry 6T4-J-1 *4-4 Arabian pick up l| it. aepyorais LOTS FOR 8ALE--Lets, 50xS50 ft,| on Ronte 31, about two block from depot. Inquire at 715 Center St. Tel. McHenry 27&J. 28-tf FOR SALE--Gas range; used one 108 Main St., McHenry. Tel. FOR SALE--ALL-YEAR HOMES. $5,000 and up. STOMPANATO'S REAL ESTATfc, Woodstock, 111. Call CECELIA R KNOX, McHenry. Tel. 421-J. . *4-8 FOR SALE--12-ft. Speedliner rowboat equipped with 6-hp. 1946 John- ! son motor and pair of oars; perfect condition; $200 or best offer. Ed. Carlson. Call McHenry 668-J-l. *6 FOR SALE _ ; FOR SALE--Ice box, 75-lb. capacity; i bed, spring's and mattress; child's double swing; combination child's .FOR SALE-Approximately rtfteen, »nd la.d* acres (vacant) in beautiful northern1 der- Tel- McHenry ^ M'1- 6 Wis.; 1,000 ft. on U. S. 51, with 33 poR SALE--Bache brown spinning ft. on Bolger Lakj. Excellent fishing ro(j outfit, complete; used. Cost $45, and hunting Two miles south large ia, $35 Gamble's, West Mctown and Chicago N. W. R. R. sta- fjenrv 6 tion, Minocqua, Wis. Write E. Mp- Kim, West McHenry, or phone Mc- pqr . SALE--5-rdom yeav^round in* Henry 567-M-2. 5-2 gulated house; large wooded lot; all ">* salb - .y^t, gte stoMX »r ^cili offer. T.I. McHenry 657-J-2. >6 P, istakee 633^J-2. •4-tf FOR SALE--30 acres standing al- FOB SALE - SUMMER HOMES. ,V£n? b!df to fiiSSh.fr.? UJArOBU FRITZ °Re\i - ^ Gies, P. O. Box 354. Bemedjl, CARPENTER XND wont FLOYD S. COOLEY McHenry 491-R 193 Main St. •5-10 COMPLETE TILING SERVICE PORCELAIN TILE FOR WALLS ;;*T AND FLOORS . Call or write for estimate FRED KLING •18 W. Crystal Lake Av4* *. . Crystal Lake, 111. Phone Crystal Lake 49# • . 1ttf TRUCKING Alfred Ton: McHenry. Livestock and Lime. ¥»n, 111 W. Pearl St., el. McHenry 60-R. *6-9 NOTICE--In connection with the Gold Crown Tavern in Johnsburg, I will not be responsible for any debts except those contracted by myself. Henry Dierken, Prop. HELPWANTED HELP WANTCD--Man to work in plant. McHenry Ice . Cream Co., phone 303 for interview. *6-2 HELP WANTED--Man for route to sell salted nUts and tavern supplies. Route established. Must have a car or light truck. Write Box "SD," care Plaindealer. *6-2 HELP WANTED -- WAITRESSES AND KITCHEN HELP; ALSO WEEKEND BARTENDER. Mc- HENRY COUNTRY CLUB, PHONE McHBNRY Ml. *6 HELP WANTED--Girl for general housework; own room and bath; | electric dish washer; modern con- _ veniences; two adults. Salary $25 PAINTING --v Interior and exterior. Per week. Call Pistakee 652-R-l; 6-2 Plastic tile; rubber First! HELP, WANTED--Waitress, full or class work. Insured. (For free esti-' L.in mate, phone McHenry 552-W-l. Bert! Part tlme' and kltchen help' good Engstrom. 5-tf lfadagaecar. The aepyornis became extinct in comparatively recent times. Scientists belie vethe'bird wis 10 or move CMt tall and much like the oetrich. If. had powerful legs and was a . runner. Nit it could not fljr. Its egg* etc. will >be on display ' at the j have the capacity of three ostrich Saturday. eggs. madia ocwith silver beiame ^op4w l> of the tnor* exposal** aieffleld plate. 80m plate articlee today still mm shaped from nktkeLaUver, than itad with sQvar. VETERANS -- Accept nothing less than the best if you want training to become a skilled mechanic in the following big pay jobs. Auto and Diesel Mech., Body and Fender work, Refrigeration, Electricity, Radio, Teleours. Nagy's Restaurant, Riverside Drive. Phone McHenry 422. 6 HELP WANTED--Nurse. Call or inquire Italian Home for the Aged. Pistakee Bay. Phone 169, Leo No>l lan, Supt. 5-2 Mrs. Charles Fraud) The Christian Mothers and Blessed Virgin Sodality held its^ regular meeting at St. Peter's parish hall on Tuesday night. A bake sale was planned, to be held on Satuday, July Homemade pies, cakes, oreads, be displa) Royal Blue store on that at 10 o'clock in the morning. Following the meeting, there was cards and bunco and prises went to Mrs.. -- •»,« ^ George A. May, Mrs. Charles Freund, . If®®*' color afthe broek Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Miss Charlene' black and may be more or Sheets, Mrs. Anton Widhalm and I 1ms mottled or barred with red Miss Lorraine Huff. Cake and ice «POtB along the sides. Tbe body is cream was served by the committee ofcloag, modevaUAy eeaapreaeed; in charge. | head rather large but not long; Mrs. William Engels entertained I snout bhintish; mouth large with the and tear into a shooter's face members of her club at her home ott maxUlnry reaching beyoiid the ---------- Thursday afternoon. Games of five- orbit: caudal fin slifhtly lunate in hundred wer, ptayrf ,„d prl™. the .dull >nd torkTta tbe younf. were .warded to Mrs. Ch»rl« Oille.- Six of the brook trout Wto. gmt. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern. A lovely P01"1*18 hav® bttn recorded but the lunch was served after cards. Iar*" "Pecimens are not so com- There was a family gathering atj mon *°day as they were years ago. the Math Nimsgern home on Sunday in honor of Fathers' Day. Dinner Ate Beware of aouvenir weapons. No American ammunition to made for Jap arms. Many other foreign weapons are not safe for use with the generally more powerful American ammunition. The German semi-automatic Gewehr 41-M particularly ia a potential postwar booby trap. Unlesa Ha bolt is locked securely in position. It will fly bade Complete line of Lee** poultry -remedies at Wattles Drue Store. McHenry. g*f . -j i i n »1 1 1 1 H 11 H i i i n n 11 HELP WANTED--Three men vision, Bldg. Construction, Mechani-1 maintenance department; experience Hity work, Learn about the increased benefits * * • « « 1 / J . t « i i n Conn* Citv cal Drafting. Earn while you learn not necessary; mechanical ability de- 2.tf Minn. F eld G<nioa X.tj America?s greatest trade school, sirable. Steady work. THE EDWAL F<)R SALE -- NXT ew „B oe-^C raft 16-ft. lulmnd,e'trSpJaUss' to n left side of rlonadd Lcom:- iLearn LABORATORIES, Ringwood, 111., u „ . «... p.j detaiIs no " .in..b oa--rd runabout and utility,. $1,650 m from McHenry, on Hwy. No. !2,• obhllii gattiio n* , wwrriittee nnooww wwhhiillee -^e 1h ave and up complete; also 12-ft deluxe first farm. 0 nn^in^ Box AC, care McHenry row OOK SSL1»***»^r r•esSwnS FOR.. .S. ALE. -1, 93.9.. Ch.e.v. rjo lxej t m..|tomoe d!Pl.mde1«r. , 4-3 owner.) Boe-Craft Boat Co. S. Mc- condition and with good tires. $675 Henry avenue, Crystal Lake. Tel. C. i Phone McHenry 106-J. ^ 1273' 1-tf j HOUSES FOR SALE--Large wooded F<Mt SALE --Drapes (never used), *ot; . ^™°m» ladies' and misses' dresses, &its,furn,shed; ref formals, men's and boys' clothes, ^reened-m porch. $8,500. Phone Mcshoes, children's clothes, glassware, Henry 675-M-l. b dishes, antiques. Terra Cotta Con- FOR SAL E --Galvanized hardware signnvent A Resale Shop. Terra 24-in. width, 23c running foot. Cotta Road, Crystal Lake, 111 % Gamble's, West McHenry. 6 mile west of Terra Cotta factory., -- Tel. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 6 FOR SALE--Upright piano; treadle : 1 ' I sewing machine; book case; library FOR SALE -- Martin Aluminum table (oak); two kitchen cabinets; Grain Bins available for prompt wooden bed, spring and mattress; shipment. All sizes. Price of 1000 reed rockers and chairs and many bushel bin $310 plus freight. Call 0ther articles. Mrs. Martifl May, Tel. or write FIELD STEEL A CON- McHenry 131-W. *6 STRUCTION CO. WOODSTOCK,, -- Phone 1240. 6 ^ FOR SALE--Bunting metal glider, TOB Is 7" M,Sh' ^rrai5Pr™isSn'lefftodS« "c£ Hills Food Shop. *6, FOR- SALE--Beautiful inlaid walnut FOR SALE--4-room carpenter-built J?om "t; f cost. $975' Iab,e' SSEJi ^rer"^"S;h^r • mSl TU rSSSi mSTh xfi ^d:y's,turd,y °r sunti Ridge, Wonder Lake, R-l, Ringwood, aIt€r b P- m. m. Call Chicago, Mul. 3118. *6-2 roR SALE--Coal or wood kitchen FOR SALE--John A-l shape, 4 years IW 7.ft KinH»r white enamel; good condition, fold. William j!' Price $20. Tel. McHenry 611-M-l. *6 £•"7' 0\ mii?,n^;h L o£ ®i,]STrood i FOR SALE -- Twelve acres alfalfa Route 31. Tel. Richmond 631. *« ,nd timothy mixed. CaU McHenry FOR SALE--Fireworks--One block east of Fox Rivec bridge, on Route 120, McHenry, opening June 25. Marjorie Thomas. *6-2 96-W. *6 I DEAL IN USED CARS THAT ARE IDEAL FOR YOU 1941 Chev. Club Coupe, $995. Angus 1941 Chev. Club Coupe, $U»&. t side, i 1946 Chev. 4-door, $1695. FOR 8ALJ&--Two Aberdeen second calf heifers, "calves at and re-bred, safe in calf; blue rib^ 1946 Ford Business Coupe, bon winners. Also sorrel riding! 1946 Ford Club Coupe. « mare, gentle. Miller Bros. Tel. j 1947 Chev. 2-door. Antioch 467-W-2. *6; 1930 Ford, Model A. We only buy clean cars. COSMOWING-- Lots or acres; wood sawing. Herman Dowe, 208 Richmond Rd., McHenry. Tel. 241. 4-tf guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent, daughter, Linda, Mrs. Lufor cille Nelson and son, Bobby, from Sharon and Mr. and Mrs. 'Lawrence Nimsgern of Richmond. A large crowd attended the dance at 4he town hall on Saturday night phone Ricfemoad 5. 5-2 j for. the benefit of the baseball club. There was an electric roaster and 60 MEN IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS toaster for prizes and were won ELECTRIC WORK DONE IMMEDIATELY -- One outlet or an entire house. Work guaranteedv to meet Public Service standards. Tom i allied products assure continuous and EARNED OVER $7,3)00 EACH IN 1947 IN OUR BUSINESS To men of character, initiative, ^and capable of self-management we offer a franchise, without investment, in a well established, permanent business. W\e manufacture, sell, and finance accounts for one of today's most popular products. A dozen other Allan, McHenry 651-R-2 or Fox Lake 4081. *4-4 CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK Cement mixer for rent, J. M. Stangarone, Emerald Park. Phone McHenry 661-J-l. 50-tf CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and repairs of all kinds. Free estimate. Lessard A Panza. Phone McHenry 634-R-2. *3-4-tf GENERAL CONTRACTOR for cement, plastering, and brickwork. Nick Hauler. Route 3, McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 654-R-l. Also 2826 N. Rockwell St., Chicago 18. Phone Brunswick 9022. *51-18 CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK Asbeetos Shingles and InsalatiOa Free Estimate ARVIDSON BROTHERS Tel. McHenry 653-M-2 50-tf HAVE YOU A GARBAGE PROBLEM? Call us for prompt and courteous YEAR-ROUND SERVICE. Rubbish hauled, loads or half loads. FRED WIRTZ. Phone . McHenry 751-J. 47-tf ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Floor furnaces. Let us estimate your next job. ROTHERMEL ELECTRICAL SHOP 804 Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. *46-26 Phone McHenry 760. increasing repeat business. Car necessary. For an interview write to box "EX" c/& this paper. Replies confidential. For an evening interview call Dundee 98 between 5:30 p. m. and 6:00 p. m. 5-3 HELP WANTED--Girl or woman for general housework and assist with children; stay for summer. Call McHenry 694-J-2. Friday or Sunday. *5-2 HELP WANTED Place Restaurant, Henry. -- Waitress. Mi Green St., Mc- 52-tf HELP WANTED--Laborers, See I. Fredriclcsen at Wonder Lake or call W. L. 221. 46-tf WANTED WANTED---If you have any old riding bridles you would like to sell, pleose bring them to the John Freund Shoe Repair Shop, Green street, McHenry. *6 WANTED--Dwelling to rent or purchase, within city limits of McHenry. Earl R. Walsh. Phone 48. •87-tf cJear tomers won't be satisfied with less, lot, 50x145 ft., level, high and close ^ neither will we to North Beach. See or call owner, ARMAND PAQUIN MOTORS Roy Kinsey, Orchard Drive, one Rt 12 and old Rand Road, across Wock from Hwy Phone McHenry from Breezy point. 6 567-R-l weekends or Evanston,; -- Greenleaf 3879 Monday- to Friday jFOR SALE--Overstuffed living room | 6 ; suite. Hke new; matching 9x12 rug FOR SALE--Power lawn mower, 20-1 ^ P8* arm chair radi®- in. cut; 1% hp. motor, $147.50.! Fhone 188- ® Gamble s, West McHenry. ® FOR SALE--Attention, young me- POR SALE--1941 Chrysler Royal 4- chanic--for sale, cheap, Plymouth door sedan; good condition? low with excellent general body condimileage; $1,000. Tel. McHenry 128-M. tion, motor needs work. George •6 Panza, Emerald Park, MccHenry. *6 "" i ^ FOR SALE---One and one-half ton' FOR SALE!--Large row boat; also used International truck. Box body. | automatic electric water pump. A. P. Alexander Lumber * Co., McHenry. ! Gehrman, 106 Riverside Drive, Mc- 52-tf; Henry. EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL--INSURED , FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 163 Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, ID. 45-tf C. J. H. D1EHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St. 30-tf W oodstock, IlL WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. , Telephone 93-J. 10-tf WANTED--Watches and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan. 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beruty ghoppa.) 16-tf WANTED TO BUY by Charles "Muck Brennan aqd Edward May. Refreshment!! were served. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Stratfb and family of Chicago were weekend guests in the Albert Britz home. Eugene Meyer of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. -and Mrs. Fred Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders of Rockford spent Saturday and Sunday with the George Sanders family. Sunday afternoon callers in the Math Nimsgern home were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pittges and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Connell and son of Chicago. Margaret Bowers returned to her home at Spring Grove after spending several weeks at the Sacred Heart Sanitarium at Milwaukee, .Wis. An Empty Tomfr^ ; > Washington, D. C., has not only its "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier," but also its "Empty Tomb." The original design for the capitol provided for a tomb for the first president in the sub-casement where he and his wife were to lie in a marble sarcophagi. A member of the Washington family objected to removing Washington's body from Mount Vernon, and the Virginia general a»- sembly also protested. So the tomb remaina egnpty, the space being uati tsr' flbri the catafal(]ue on wHdLasMffMen lie in state In the rotunda of tip capitol. Lineoi the first so honored. Growing Coffee High The better grades of coffee produced in Colombia are raised on land from 3.000 to 6.000 feet high. Won't Crack, Warp, Chip or Discolor! WE HERCULEAN SEAT :: Durable. Much easier to clean . Cttateainc marblebed effect hi m» orchid, ~pesch, powder blue, sea Jreea. •aowy-white or jet black. - itting* of solid brsiii plsstic cofled. Buaipen molded as part ef the test. sympathetic Service In everyone's life, times ! I of sorrow and grief must ] [ come. But sympathetic J; advice and assistance will ;; help to lighten the bur- ;; den. We stand ready to 11 aid you in times of die- ! I tress--and to help you !! give the last, loving trib- !! ute to your dear departed1 1 > one. Call upon ^s confi- 1' dently when the^ n&ed • > arises. "Our years of ex- <' perience are at your ser- < > vice. " : • Jacob Justen Sons:: FUNERAL DXRBCT0R8 Fanarial Hease Phone McHenry 10341 Green, Cor. Ehan McHenry u n t i l n 11 HAVE TOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie s Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOB F1UTZ; REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 2-tf WANTED TO BUY--Hopse or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plaindealer. 62-tf WANTED TO BUY--Live poultry, all* kinds. Wm. Staines, West Mc Henry, Phone McHenry 607-R-2. *4-10 SITUATION WANTED FDR SALE--Generators, armatures, poR SALE BY OWNER--Year-round hel starters, fuel pumps, distributors water front home> Pi8takee Lake;l«na ™ vol tare regulators and ignition P&rts | furni8heid; all conveniences; carpeted tor Ford and all other cars. Seaco j |{vjng, room; fireplace; automatic oil Sales & Service Ialymoor, Fred J. hemt; for quick 8ale. Phone Svoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry ^183L i 2226. 6 FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE ^ ^n^^wasonSbly priSd! TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN-1 McHenS' pnJ!§ 8ULATION. Guaranteed not to settle, i "M>ne wcttenry •61 DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for - cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day ight, Sundays and holidays. Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, ng No. 3; reverse dtarges. 86-tf Wheeling SHEET METAL AND FURNACE WORK --Gutters and furnaces repaired. John McDonald, Bowman St., MeHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 772-M. 38-tf Instafled by the WallflU Co- Cajll or ^u SALE--ALL-YEAR HOMES-- ri^nrien a.fwrbt thm write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl t,"" ° __ wtl i_r_„ lnt ioo LOGGED 8EWEB7 -- Have the 8t, Tel. McHenry 18. tf £ ielectnc "d cat out the obstruction. 1: ------ u T ™ Rivlr No digging, no lawn mess. Septic FOR SALE-TYPEWRITERS, ADD- «£ry 6-room home on vJr ox_n^[' tanks and «ease traps cleaned, built. IMG MACHINES. Service on all ™ ^repaired. University engineer on ali •sakes. Also ribbons for all makes; caH at ^Johnsburg JACOB, construction. Lake County Sanitary cjttbon paper. L. V. Kiltx, Clay St.. FRITZ, REALTOR. TeL McHenig ^ Tei. Ubertyvine 1346.* 48-d Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf 37. , 2-tf I SITUATION WANTED -- Refined middle-aged woman wishes to act as baby stter days or evenings. Must have transportation. Call Mrs. Weinert, phone McHenry 480-M. *6 SITUATION WANTED -- PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER -- Notary public, legal, real estate, insurance experience; statistical typing, addressing and copy work. Orders may be mailed. Call Selock Secretarial Service, McHenry 666-W-l. 4-12 POSITION DESIRED--Would like to care for children during the daytime. Tel. McHenry 77-W*. ?6 GREEN STREET HONE 98-M FOUND GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us FOUND--Rowboat; owner can have same by identifying. Phone McHenry 630-R-l. •« mile from McHenry; twelve feet1 frigerator with new motor; reason- j or sftener if desired. Seasonable above water level. Priced to sell. able. A. Mackey, Shalimar sub- rates. "Regular year round route. ,„r.nt Tel. McHenry 227-J. 60-tf , division R-3. Box 364, McHenry. *6, John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, Me-t rescen* ,amPs FOR SALE--Used ears and trucks.! _ . | Henry, Phone 366. tf Downs Nash Sales, McHenry. 44-tf Need Rubber SUmpsf Order at MUes ef Tnfelng One ot the larger electrical manufacturing plants haa a furnace that turns out 800 miles of glass tubing a month, enough for one million fluo- The Plaindealer. BARN SPRAYING-- Whitewash or DDT. Frank Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, Volo. Tel. McHenry 543-J-l. 3-tf Helen Weber Says: You can raise your own vegetables, but as for dry cleaning! Better let us take care of that for you. Our service is prompt and cleaning the best, plus Mothproofing at no extra charge. ^IcHeury Cleaners -- 104-M 103 Eha St. Weber, Mgr. RENOVATE YOUR BRICK OR STONE BUILDING New and old brick tuck pointed, cleaned, replaced^ Water, proofwindow caulking, concrete restortinbn, patios, side walks, barbecues. Free Estimates Hank Jackson, Box 852, Fox Lake, Illinois. Phoiie McHenry 207-W- *4-12 TREES--Trimming, spraying, feeding, tree surgery. Latest methods used. Phone J. W. Gustafson, 328-W, Crystal Lake, 111. *4-3 Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. Floor Sanding Reflnishing, varnishing and Duro-Seal. Waxing new and old floors; also Kentile, a lifetime floor. Free estimates. Call McHenry 481-W Uncle Sam Says As you drive along the coaatry roads yoa will see one ef America's most familiar scenes -- farmers pitching hay. From this scene has come a phrase you have nsed maay, amay times--making hay while the sen shines. Well, aieee and aephew, that's exactly what yoa are doing when yea stack ap United States Savings Bends. Yea're making plenty of future secarity whea the going is good, when a few extra dollars haa beea added la yew take-home pay through the new income tat law .«. . and when jroo sbeeld be acting for fatare secarity. Say Automotive* Experts guy expert and he'll tell you that the ruts and ~ bumps of winter throw wheels out of line and that summer's no time to pay the penalty. Summer's the time for sweet tracking wheels in perfect alignment. .Summer's the time, too, for brakes that ace soft, silent and mum, for any speed. And while Wheels and Brakes are getting theirs,--We'll tune the engine to a true pitch and rhythm, we'll switch you to your summer oils and greases; we'll clean you up with our "Old Faithful" steam treatment for the salt, rust and barnacles of winter. Then we'll give you a beauty bath all over. Com in Today,-' For all of this and any more you need, with Factory Engineered parts for replacement if you need them. "Save" money on your car or truck--Don't "spend" it. A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES 301 E. PEARL STREET PHONE 156 McHKNRY, ILLINOIS • ••DE • PLVmDUTH Dodge Trucks