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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jul 1948, p. 9

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^ : ?J* f ** * t* ^ ^ * r< *.$ i#~ ,» -9 ,*k <T -fi ;,\>. .• •?-««•• -T.-- HM to six wins the RINGWOOD <1II 111 HMII Ilium H»M MM UMB Toeaday sight they beat Terra Cotta <by a 9 ta t aeon; Tfcurs- ' ST > < "V "L V 1 ' It 1 nf 11.>firs «li 11 Hi)ii[?«'in (By Mia. for Bar, family, who are aati, Otto. T%m ManhaU for Ctedn- FeUowsfcip Mr. and Mrs. K. X. Whiting enter- , ^ with a gi_ft ttAMSilSASS George Wapwi, law. ateiit^ yaars 01 B»n<ct -ifn.^ii mlr - _. ^IJhninie Pearson was given his i a Ring wood and JUTre°eunpw* ooo.' T'e ar bar» on April li and has the Jgarter tomw.a.JrdIs7 hWiUs s«i<x«t*hH .y•e«ar.; Jay the farewell party Walkittgton for two jaws; Janetjlfarahall awTfamily at Greenwood, day night they boat the flow Jockeys of Barrington by a 11 to 6 seem; and' Sunday they beat Sehridere by a 16 to S score. Hitting honors went to Gene Ackennaira in Sunday's game, who had 5 for 6. Tuesday night Rinrwood plays at Spring Grove and Staidly afternoon they play Barrington in a return gana Quite a few from here attends i family of Eranstoa «ent the weekend here. Joe Laurence ia spending a few days with relatives in Chicago. ra. Frank Justen of Chowchilla, Calif., spent Friday evening in the home of her brother, E. E. Writing. Mrs. Ed Bauer and family attended a birthday party for Mrs. Urban Baueerr at Wi nil fonder Lake, Friday eve- Wkm far two years iro years; ; Lou H'uunn t has a churches held a picnic at FfeH Lake Sunday. The new Ringwood unit of Bureau met with Mra. Paul walkington, Friday. Mra. Hogan gave the lesson on "Texture, Color and Meal Planning." Mrs. Mitchell Kane year and two quarters toward as MM, for Bev. and Mra. two-year pin and one quarter towards her third year, Louiae Hunt has one year and two quarters toward second' year: Jimmie Hunt Friday evening. Mr. and . Joe King and Sons of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting. Mr. and Mra. Joe Shrer of Waukegan spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Ed Bauer ana family. Mrs. Alan Ainyer and j pa^nu, Mr. and Mrs. E. R Whiting. sbron Sunday eve- Hn T.*n. m anA five a book review on 'Home is ou Find It." Hie Youth Fellowship group entertained in the home of Charlotte and Mary Hogan, Wednesday evening. • * second year; Jean Mussy has and three quarters toward Pater G Chan* There will he no church services w or Sunday school next Aanday, July 4. The following Sunday our new Ssstor, Rev. Charles Stevens, of hio, will be with us. The Home Circle will meet at the rchoolhouse Thursday, July J. They -will present an Antique and Hobby exhibit. Community night was observed in H>e her Groaby has one and one quarter towards his year. At the close of the program^ refreshments were served. Mrs. wm. Pagni entertained memyear family of Hebron spent ning with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. 1 vear Mrs. Irene Lindermaim daughter of Crystal Lake Thursday evening in the Wm. man home. Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter. Alice, visited relatives at Crystal ! Lake, Sunday afternoon. • and i Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart of Wauspent kegan and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wied- Hoff- rich, Jr., are vacationing at Albert i Lea, Minn. Mrs. L. W. Ender and Miss Frances1 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Becking of Wood- Steinbrecker of LaCross, Wis.t are "tock spent Sunday afternoon with visiting their sister, Mrs. Marie , Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Hng group for lunch: Wcgner and family. : Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan spent Saturday evemng. Those to, Jim Laurence spent the weekend ^*J^Hf"? attendw«re Dee Isardof Crystal with relatives in Elgin. Lake, Lois Johnson of Chicago, Ce- » u his mother. < leate Ellis of Mt Prospect, Ruth wJ™ J™S**1ep°l1 _ Mr. and Mrs? Kenneth Cristy spent Johnson of Chicago, Marge Izard of «*®mng tW" TL~ Lincolnwood, Mickey Seymour of wflkin^t°n ho™« Sunday afternoon. hom€ at Gtateofc, and Marion Cole, Chicago. BaaahaU Neva Ringwood A.CJ3. • I* n i *"« *no Mrs. Mniwtn cristy sgttnt m the Ben Saturday evening in the John Cristy1 v afternoon home at Huntley. I Mr. and Mrs. Marcellous Wilson of A. W. Smith and S. W. Brown Elgin spent Sunday with her parents, called on .Walter Peatt at Greenwood! |Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Laurence. have run; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman and Of Dogs wttti Uigt to Km It la not difficult to brsak farm dogs af the habit 0# killing steep or poultry, according to scientific reports. Veterinarians who have studied this problem say that a paychologfcal procedure is ths simplest and moat effective means of dealing with audi cases. Ihsy explain that the killing habit la a "conditioned reflex*". TMs reflex can be Inhibited by repeating the Condi tioned stimulus, which tn this case Is bin •pent t*. with her I „ ed course. For example. If a chickenkilling dog Is surrounded by chickens yet rsatralned ao that It cannot attack them, the atlmull of the sight, smell and aounda of chickens eventually wllL cease to suggest Mlllng. When the dog la freed after a few weeks of doae aaaodatlon with the birds, It no longer wlO be Intersated to destroying them,: The usual procedure Is to confine either the dog or the livestock la a wireeneloasd pen, allowing the dog to be In the aama area with the stock. For the first few days, the dog will bark, drool snap and rush at ths wire fence, but within a period of weeks It win become lsas concerned and finally win pay no attention to the animals. Then, when allowed free association with its former "enemies," the dng win not thotest Recent improvement in robber makes the product ing. This non-atalnittg achieved by ufthag stabilizer or pceaervative, doea not cauaa white rubber to darfcan on expoaure to sunlight and which does not stain white or light colored surfaces with which it comes in contact. Plastic Liver A peraon's liver ir "plastic,** li that it moulds itself to neighboring viscera electrically heated, fti Hy coatroBad drWdng A ia'a statically SUmilar to the familiar in a dairy barn, it ia houaad h « metal cylinder IS inch-- in (Bamalar and 4 feet long. It can he buried In the ground at the right dmtti tsf -- by stock. One 09 urQl aerva IS oi Vi«* " '-J Una ef Le^V pm nmediea at Wattles Drag State, Henry. fioift where Isit^.^ Joe Marsh A. Collins and) mt Sunday with his, one Attractive Earnings With 100% Safety DIVIDENDS PAID 30th AND DECEMBER 31st Our most recent dividend was at the annual rate of.. 3% •f)])en an account now to receive dividends from July. 1st. Dividends'paid from first of July cn investments .tuadt: befo^ tenth of July* * Marengd Federal Savings anil Loan Ass'n Sa¥« by Mail. v Marengo, ' -- ASSETS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS -- This principle has been applied socesafuny on farms where poultry end sheep are kept, but Investigators caution that It may not apply In an cases and that conditions of extreme excitement may cause a recurrence of the Mlllng habit. Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. son of Beloit s mother, Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. Matt Camella andf Mrs. Matt Camella^ Jr., of.Wauke-l igan, Miss Dorothy Linassi of Chica-j ro and Mr. and Mrs. E. Kulin of w%uconda spent Sunday afternoon in i the Wm. ngni home. Mrs. Madeline Stone, Howard Sark, j and Mr. and Mrs. Psul Miller of Renc^ha, Mrs. Arthur Clark of Florida and Mr. and Mrs. Dave! Order vour rubber atanmi at fhfe Hamilton of Racine spent Sunday PUindealer afternoon and evening •ith Mr. and' * ^ iMrs. John Blackman. i . ri y »•; « Mis. Lill ConWsy is visiting ' . Mrs. Cora Flanders. On Thursday j ;afternoon Mrs. Conway, Mrs. Flan-' J ders, Mrs. Blackman and Marv Ann: Wiedrich called on Mrs. Jennie Ba-I con at the Rest Home in Solon Mills.' Mr. and Mrs. Dawson and Victor1, Wegner of Waukesha spent the! . weekend with their mother, Mrs.1 | Marie Wegner. ' Mr. and Mrs. Crape of Morristown, Ind., spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley. j Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughter , Marion, visited Mrs. Jennie Bacon : Sunday at the Solon Mills Rest home. Pampered Formers i n the folks in ear less teleraat, they'd he realty haraed ap ever that nationally escalated article ea "pampered farm* era," describing thesl aa Uviag fffthe f st ef the land. From where I sit the farmer is anything hut "pampered." If he's better off today than twenty yews ago it's because he's worked hard to improve the qaality and quantity of his production. . Take Bert ChUders, for svsmpie Bert is ap st four in the awnlag, ta get the ea the the oveaiag he Inally the misses ever a mtm efbeer. And the farmer today's not euly fsmpsrete ia his habits, like BeirfiH evening glass ef beer... bat telcr*- ant in his opinions. So hell preb« ably say of that article, "somebody' got the facts wrong," and just let it go at that. • ' V Copyright, 1948, United Sata iisssi FmmMm Has Na Atmosphere Scientists say that the moon has ng atmosphere in the sense that atmosphere ia known here. Probably even the atmosphere visited by Profesaor Piccard and Commander Settle, on their trips into the stratosphere, would seem chokingly dense compared with the rare nothingness of the-moon's envelope. Scientists have found that there are no such holders of heat as running water and vegetation on the moon, and there being no atmosphere, the temperatures are exceedingly variable. Water, vegetation and atmosphere act as brakes on the swift changes of temperature. Read the Want Ads ltAPORiftS1 AH AAP Stores WW dm Closed Meedey, Jsly Mfc. r j Veer Shopping lertyl NEW LOW PRICES AT UP NEW LOW PRICE SAWYER'! BUTTER 12-OZ. aa nee. NRER'5 COOKIES 27" A&P's GMNIFOOK -- FOR A GLORIOUS FOURTH TtiereH be picnics, outings, wtek-en4 trips, etc. over the Fourth. A&P has the foods you will need to make the Fourth a huge success. Stop in today and stock up for the long week-end ahead. Aad don't forget-- YOUR BEST BUY... FOR THE FOURTH OF JULY •• -- IS V ANN PAGE QUALITY FOODS NEW LOW PRICE, ANN PA6K e e Ift-OZ. • JAR wr HUNT'S BRAND CHILI SAUCE 2 r 29* Soft WofeT NOW AVAILABLE TO IVIRY HOME IN McHENRY ON A SERVICE tASIS At last you can have Soft Waterln yotir h(Ane without any investment, bother or worry. A PRIZE IN EVERY PACKAGE CRACKER JACK PK6S. 25' FOR THE PAUSE THAT REFRESHES COCA COLA re 6 ""25* PLUS DEPOSIT NEW LOW PRICE, YbUR CHOICE WRIGLEY'S OR BKCHNUT OUM 3^ur Think of it! Water, softer than nun, without any trace of ... for bathing, shampooing, dishwashing, lanndcring^for all washing processes .,. on a Public Service Basis . . . just like electricity or the telephone. No equipment to buy... no work or worry on your part... we do everything for yofl - v$j ^- JWBK hand water, FOB pay for qoft water service without lUYiqftt. Make isimvetOToatkatthesavwfsfroaioor lerrioeafc BORdua twice Accost. We'll •' "'Ihow yon how Bofaii water will save the soap yon now use in washing %ith hard water... how your dotbeswiM ^|ook better and wear hn^er... how your llumbing t^air bifls and fuel costs for ^fearing water will be redaced. Zero soft water not onfy deans die lime and rust ___®ut of your water pipdt sod coils, but yeps them dean. Don't put up with hard water troubles ... have Culligan Soft Water ice installed oodsj. COSTS ONLY $2.50 net PWk MONTH JfumM mm fiimm ^2ISSS •Mlrf««SbMCMdiklEMSS ajyigfgasiraKg tmern WMM MP mmmmbi V aa^ riii frmm wwitaaitnaMi W« --da--» k ftt »JW|(iayspirh. JS^oFanAMMMi " ** IATH--Cwar, lutmgtmk tb^sik Kp fcsl fMlljr deaa, yet riaw off in • Jiff, SR jrom witfc Msfoaed w«tcr in your bick. MSGC nit water forsM ao »ap "audi", then '» so Ink tab nag to ditcoktr the tub. SHAMPOO A *oft water thanpoo wtdl heap* of silky aadi will briof thrilliM arw liwiyte yow Immt. Soap riaw* oat cnmplcsrii ... as Ml Ha a gorftoiM gleSB. Dad will Ion KK MR water thaw, too . . aa4 Us rasor IMn will last for twice si MWB--Scad* of ioa«y lads wlutk ^L swnr Uks SMpr Diifcei, dattri, aeSm ub acw. NO • tKea wteh s md ... tofcesad w ao soap na to snr, or USK to i exd to in water f tpot. ClOTHKS--All No dingrtraMi hard water, that woa't #snch dcsacr la aatit KMpCMd^CMMdM^ rpt oet Md lem w*h«hles cray and Aw looUsf. Clortw latt longer becante than ktt ra£bia( the toft water way. QOOKMO The ftlcinia and nnyiiti-- uMltitn iiss hhaartdd iw ater aakc naetabkt tongh ssd &L ' better aad ate ^w wMcrakcnci vtgetabkt coogh i Soil water coolciag retain faf» Soft water coffee aad tea CMS rahoat lot jroaadi. better for driakiog, tso. CULUGAK STOJRBAN SOFT WATER SERVICE .WAUCONT^V 5426 Reverse Charges mm SU68ESTI0NS •aa-rr. .ROLL 'W CUTTE* ON BOX, CUT RITE vifandPaptr ~ M YOUR PICNIC ap«r Natn 25c ESH, CRISP, JANE PARKER frChlM tin29« ARVEL FRANKFURTER OR •Mcfc Rills ... ftouflSc FOR VOUR PICNIC Craeksrs NEW LOW PRICE 6hstf-0-Bit ^E 0 SE KRAFF'S CHEESE FOOD Vtlvssta ASSORTED SEVERAOFIS YMICM Club . P^ 30e 2LOAF9IC . 2 LOAF 99C I PLUS DEPOSIT) VUKON CLUS ftottlMr LUNNVFIELO ftsst'tf Csrsals KCKER JACK OS vBars RVE COLD. RROAOCMF li-Msat BOND'S FAVORITE Pitklts 3^f25c (PLUS DEPOSIT) . ^LL I5C TRAY OF 91M ..ISPKOS. M IS FOR 2Sc .!^n41C Sitlt Nuaari RIOKIM YOUR MOCTIK AND •AMBLI COUPONS AT AAP. SAVE lOe WHh Cssaoa aa Larfo PaclMfo ta Km* Paehaaa N Itrti Pasafo SAVE 5c WMb Csapos Oa laras Fashaao Ivory Sasw FREE WM Cosysa Oao lltdlta Coho Ivory Soap hrekan off • Ur«t Cabs BOSTON VEGETARIAN TOMATO SAUCK ANN PA6E BEANS. . SMOOTH, CREAMY ANN PAGE SALAD MESSHM , . IT S PUREI A 1*4*1 PAGE? -- SHAPE JELLY . . . . SULTANA BRAND TASTY PLAIN QUEEN OLIVES. 2 V^a7s 39s 14-OZ. JAR 23s «tt-oz. «iA O JAR CLIP SULTANA IRAND RED OR RED KMasyBsais 2'V.«2lc JUST HEAT AND EAT. ANN PA«E PREPARED SMCbttti 2'™SZ! TENDER AND FLAVORFUL UMa Bsais SULTANA BRAND OELICIOUS PsaaatBattsr '^SSc HEAT AND SERVE IONA' NrfcaUliaas ^lie Par Pkalc Saadwicbat, Aaa Paoa Salad Mustanl l4^ ISc °zJ7c ICALA I9c IT'S NEW. ANN PA6E KIDNEY BMM&, t "nmtSC S«H<N Braad Tap Q«alitr SHRFFTD Maaz Olivss 29« EASY-TO-SERVE IONA Nrkaatf Bsaas ,4^N | li , SPARKLE CHOCOLATE ! §Lm POWDERS ««IBS SERVE FOR LUNCH, ANN PACE * ^Ibav Maaartal I7t For Ywtr OMMTN, Aut'D Ftavart Sparkls8slatiaSpK«s.! •m. AiP HAS TOP QUALITY MEATS, FISH OR POULTRY FOR YOUR PICNIC REEDS MICKELBERRY'S . SKINLESS FRANKS MORREL'S SLICED BAr70N ...... SMOKED PIONTCS HORMEL'S ; CANNED HAMS -• ii lb. 69e lb. 53c l<m avg. Ib. 85e FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR A 0L0RI0US FOURTH TEXAS TOMATOH YELLOW SWEET COBN CALIFORNIA PLUMS l ARIZONA CANTALOUPES TEXAS d WATERMELONS Whole 1 lb. 19c I for ^Ib. Large Siaa 25c Vi 39c $1.56 HANDY ALL-PURPOSE American Family SOAP 10™ 89s NEW, IMPROVED American Family FLAKES 33c LOE. PKG. FOR DAINTY THINGS IVORY -- SNOW tGL PKG. 33 FOR LOVELY SKIN PERSONAL IVORY SOAP 3 CAKES 20^ mam- ' '

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