_ IS • •OUDAT ACTIVITIES 3* . ' " r--:'v^r * V ; ~ lP. . - i"WA»«ff if triedto The KXTSHMT And J f*- -. v *:*"?•- «J?fes*»?rjfclfi^Si5iSSp®^® atfjj^yiifi ""iftf 111 *{*&l *u **' 4»»M»>«i>iJiiiMimnH « .**'• * v.,•* Tim a great dayl After waeks «f " ^ Water OniMI, 3| BHB awokalaat Bundaj ; ssa dondjr sides. •'•>1 ;:i> • •> *' * > Oh--there were little For Instance--who sawed George Barbian's oar* in two and poked a hole in the bottom «f hi* boat? ^ George found ha was in a handicap race, bat came in third in spite of having to row with, one hand and bail with the other. Then, as we sat on Maya* and Mrs. Overton's beautiful lawn, the on Alderman Joe Hefner's chair kept sinking into the ground. Nobody else tad that trouble. . Had quite a treat getting a ride witn Tony Freund and his family on "their "duck." Land or water is all the same to that outfit. Maybe it can fly, too. We forget to ask Tony. The police and fire departments functioned in grand style in handling the crowds. Showed that a planned program for handling crowds w the efficient way. -- f ' With all the joy and fun of the summer season ' along comes a tragedy that has left a deep impression on all. Never has this community been more saddened than in learning the news of the sudden death of Dick Williams. Dick was certainly one of McHenry's finest young men, full of pep, willing and able to assume responsibilities. While Dick's sudden departure from this earth is naturally severest to those close to him, many heavy hearts and tear-filled eyes have shown that he wasn't. far away from the interest and high esteem of all: i A loaf taam comas true. McHenry's new athletic Add will open next Sunday, featuring ,a base ball game between two teams inheriting • natural rivalry (carried down throughout the ages--McHenry Bhamrocha n. Johnsburg Tigers* Meat off you cloee to the spmH" picture will recall that some nun. was put ia the box, and his ~^C». » big woman almost twice hia se, stood by bar solicitor's table. The magistrate adjusted Ma and turned to the defendant ' You are accuasd off bsatlai your wta».*' ha said. **Do you plead guilty or not guilty?" T ••Guilty, my lord." said the little man without hesitation. "Twenty-five dollars fine or 10 daya,** cam* the magistrate's verdict. After the court had cloaed lb* magistrate was approached by one of the other court "Weren't you somewhat severe with that little man?" said the let- _ tar. Sfo it became known that the site *'N<* •* •V (vturtrnd the magieof the present McHenry baesball dia- ^ had to give him somemond was being subdivided. What tiling for bragging. to do? Well, the fellow doing the subdividing, A. P. **Tony" Freund, had the answer. He donated a tract of land and 'was paid a sum equhrilant to the amount neoessary to fill the grounds. Two extra lots were later purchased to enlarge the. field when the demand for a flooded iceskating rink camo to light. With general interest and enthusiasm aroused, many willing workers carried out a drive to secure funds to put over the project Response was most gratifying and a total sum close to (5500 was banked for athletic field purposes. (Incidentally, thoee who may have been missed in the drive may still make their donation*.) Following the acquisition of the j An expensively dressed Part avproperty under municipal ownership enue matron, glittering with jew- *p"o?in ft"ed\" ,nA.tlfd,enramncee-n George° Ple. r£Frne u*nPd , |I enlhrvyc, ieonint^e red the swank office of her Bn<i -°.-TT : ' Wm. H. AlthofF, and George J. Freund las a committee in charge of the new ,<rJ. . field. This committee, with willing Oh, doctor, how can I ever show assistance from many others through.- appr^1®H°n tod repay you tor out. the community, has functioned! , wonderful operation you perafcly and worked hard toward this ,,m uP°n me?" she gushed, grand opening day. | "Madame," replied the surgeon Badt-Stop Installed j gravely, "ever since the Phoeni- A new back-stop has been installed; cians invented money there has this week and work has been going! been an adequate answer to that tn each day in an effort to place the i question." /-v diamond in good condition for the' game next Sunday. IT ALWAYS TALKS '-i On Saturday nd Sunday, June 26 and 27, the weekly series of sailboat races for the *V fleet of the Pistakeo Yacht dub got under way. Vila fleet consists of eleven boats this year; and the skippe crews, after walks of work c boats, had them in perfect condition. In addition to tie regular series reces on Jaly S and 4, the fleet will will be competing on the fourth for the valuable and coveted Henry L. Herts Challenge Trophy. This was the Boyce Trophy won by the late among the sick threat' . ^ajr Walkington of Ringwood un- DISCUHHOir GEOUP WILL BK OKGMUV1ZSD A Great Books discussion under the auspices of the vireai1. ------»™m »• Books Foundation will be started 1 d*nTer\t » tonsillectomy at the Woodhere in McHenry under the spqn-.8tock hospital last week. sorship of Rudolph Johnson. The . Mary Jane Pitsen of Pistakee Bay ™rat. meeting has been tentatively |her tonsils removed at the scheduled for, Julir 21, with meeting*! Woodstock hospital during the past every two- weMf thereafter in the**®*- high school. The exact time aad Mrs. Gladys Schuringa has been place will be announced. Interested ,a medical patient at the Woodstock persons should register for the group j hospital. before July 11. This can be done! William »--» - v., «. _ j by calling Mr. Johnson at 158 in J**" the evening or by leaving your n^n! ^keiin ^ UtmorUd and addreas with the librarian in' July 1 ;of A^8odal aid Commodore Herts on July 4, 1900, with in H. ' wni. D. , representing Pistakee Yacht club in ^ Public library at the City Hall.1, j ^ William of Ringwood, who wtSr« U^ MkWgi;!be no charge for «tSnd- Snt aj^ry ,at sponoered by the Columbia Yacht !n* discussions, but the number £ Saturday, is club. - *n;in the group is limited to thirty to ^ improving nicely. Social activities for the weekend IP*"®"8- . J*net VanKanegan of Wonder will conaist of a dance on July 31 Persons taking part should be , u"«•*' »®nt surgery at ttie Woodand a barbecue dinner and fireworksi"w«rned that this new type of social' ^ 5"Ul i"1 week. on July 4. I reading requires ACTIVE partici-' j ^Mary Wesson of Ringwood I pation. You must be prepared ^ i underwent surgery at the Woodstock * • • hospital this week. SWIMMIHO OOTJRSS WILL BB OTTERED : HESS BY BED GROSS j devote at least two or three hours a week to reading the material to , Mrs- Arthur Klein of Fox Lake be - .discussed, to express your un- h" "J^raed from St. Tberese hospiderstanding of the reading, and to ta,» Waukegan, where she undersubmit your views to the group for went aurgeiy last week. critical examination. The leader of Mrs. Robert Snyder of Johnsburg ^ Under the sponsorship of the Mc- wiU not tell you what was a surgical patient at St. Therese Henry Red Croas chapter, in co- P" should thmk about the books; hospital, Waukegan. the past week operation with the cky of McHenry, h* wiU not ddiver lectures on the Mis. Betty Freund, daughter of f folks in this area will be «ieir periods; he will the John Freunds, underwent *n a course in swimming at the direct the discussion by ask- emergency aDoendectomv 5* beach* hegiuning on Monday, inlt Questions. 'There** txr--< Jojl Registration will be at 9 i The method of discussion which week. o dock that ,d ay<mw, with c».lwawswsevso ifvotr j i w"*ilwl bie# vfowllovw\ead wwaialal iniwecceosbsiimtatwe JyUoUuIr ,' ; • j swimmers and non-swim- engaging in group thinking with .. ) ••Ch day for a six weeks' other adults about the ideas in the »OOt g Rest&UraAt veen the hours of . 9 a. m. books which provide and OlW'npH On Imu M It is important that >11 found insight intn the WD» "Un® ^ between » at. III. UWU wuko pruviue new una pror and noon. all into fundamental interested persons register the first problems--personal, moral, social-- „ _ day, before the quota is filled. of mankind. It will not be easy, _ HPot 8 Rostaurant, located at 202 The Red Cross members feel fortu- it promises to be rewarding. S" Green street, McHenry, with A • - - _ L. Noonjin. nrAnri«fnp. AnonA/l +* East-River Rood PfafacMs Oab--Mra. Ffafik Adelmeier.^^ » Jaly 2 1^* "•T- *• Bake .^te--Prie, Market-Saoni •ore^ b^ y. F. w. Auxiliary. %. ! . ' • Jaly 2, t. 4, S j^-^val--Legion Park, 6rees Jaly 4 Installation ef b Lutheran CKofcn--n, .-^u^ Jaly • Alter and Rosaiy Sodality Business Meeting. Circle 4, W. g. C. &--Mrs. Vehaa Douglas. . „ „ Jaly IS . O. E. S. Initiation, , * Jaly 14 Luncheon and Card Party--Mrs. Jules Gonseth Home -- Sponsored by Circle 1, W. S. C. S. Jaly 22 Pu^,ic ,p«rty -- Sponsored hy 8t Clara's Court--St Mary's-St Pa»- nck's School HalL „ ^ Jaly 29 St. Clara's Juvenile Court Veterans' Acres, Crystal Lawn Party--Sponsored by . Altar and Rosary Sodality -- McLaughlin Hpme. . , . ^ Aagust S O. S. S. Public Card Party. Aagast 18 yje Review -- Sponsored fear 8k MaryVSt Patrick's School PTT.A. --Villa Hotel Resort. - r =*: j • * { 1 the public on Saturday, June 26. D.J r> -- ... . , 'Lunches are beinir served MDUTARY SCHOOL GRADUATB Bill Dinkmeyer, son at „Mr. aad E. Noonan, proprietor, opened to j ^rsj J* Dinkmeyer^ McHenry, Red Cross water safety instructor She has just completed a refresher course at Cornell, Iowa. Miss Ostrander has served as an instructor at a Girl Scout camp at Kirkland and for th^ Y. M. C. A. and has ! Lunches being between 11 BIRTHS m- and 2 p. m. and dinners from i 5 to 8 p. m., with short orders thereafter. Mr. Noonan has had considerable Eta*, Raemaker ^ l««i « member of th« water patrol'JelTerton. Iow«, «re the parents of Jf" friends »' Uke Genm. a Sunday. June 27, Un. " iT* " k,rn ^ h" re"tmur,nt All of thoM comnlptmor J8 the former Jeanette op*n,n** T Exteaded Lea«e In the American army of occupation in Germany, Sam Turner, a colored soldier, is a constant and unrepentent breaker of army regulations. When Sam was being dis- The St. Patrick's softball team beat Si. Mary's 11 to 8 last night to remain undefeated in the Parish League. .. -Word just cornea- in that the Shamrocks have a home game scheduled for Monday, July 5, with a Chicago team known as the Woodchucks. Many new additions and improvements are planned for the future. The biggest dream of all is to see the field lighted for night games. This will take a lot" of what it takes. I The committee has asked Mayor ,au 1?ns- ™nen Sam was dis- Overton to practice this week to be! cipl,ned for his latest escapade, a in readiness to throw out the first buddy ®sked him to reveal his latest ball next Sunday. "Tony" Freund, enme. an old time catcher, has been asked "Ah went on a furlong," Sam exj to be on the receiving end. j plained. I There has been a lot of hard work "Boy, you're crazy," the other reperformed and time spent in getting, torted. "You mean furlough." ready for this big opening day. It { "No, Ah don't," declared Sam. is hoped that a large crowd will be "Ah means furlong - Ah went too in attendance to make the day a; lur. and Ah stayed too long." huge success. r ' * - Could Be! An Irishman, who was coming out of the ether in the ward after an operation, exclaimed audibly: "Thank God! That's over!" "Don't be too sure," said the man in the next bed. "They left a sponge in me and had to cut me open again." Just then the surgeon who had performed the operation stuck his head in the door and called out: "Has anybody seen my hat?" The Irishman fainted. those completing these- Ramaeker courses will be certified by the Ameri- Miller can ^ Cross, amilar courses are w now being conducted in neighboring Need Rubber Stamps? Order at remedies at Wattles Drug Store. Mecities also. The Plaindealer. Henry. g tf Complete line of Lee's poultry graduated from the Onargm Military i School, Onarga, 111., on June 6^ 1948, with a class of twenty-nine | students. His rank upon graduation i was Cadet First Lieutenant. Lt. Dinkmeyer attended Onarga for four years and was very active in student life. He plans to enter the University of Arizona in September. - NOTICE Riverside Bake Shop is now closed - all day Mondays and open all day Thursdays. McHenry is proud i* hear that : L. Don McCracken won the Junior TIGKRS EXTENDED Amateur golf tournament at the TA T TMT*I* TV T a Elgin Country Club last week. r.V 2 * The tournament was sponsored by GrAMS WITH HEBR01V the Elgin Junior Chamber of Com- -inerce with entries from Elgin, Dun- A 5-run uprising in the sixth hl- ® and McHenry. ^ i ning by the Hebron nine at Johns- « i io ? t in, * nea on ^ burg last Sunday extended the 83 °n the second, league leaders to the full extent. 3 strokes better than George Hoopen- Johns'burg won 7 to 6 after a tussle. 2 r i i * , ni un ' .C Klapperich and Lyle Johnson Bob Miller, of McHenry, won the started on the mound, but both nine-hole low gross awwrd with a needed help before the finish. Klapsjwre of 40. Other McHenry boys, p€rich pitched shut-out ball for five Gene Scnaeffer and Dick Michaels innings, but ran into trouble in the came in for awards when they tied sixth and had to have helo from Bill io?" In, * 27-hole low gross Kreutzer, the eventual winning with 131 each. pitcher. 4<Lefty" Loerscher came to . =ati0D8, fellows, for keep- Johnson's rescue in the seventh when injf McHenry on the Wip in folf Johnsburg put over four runs. circ es. j L]0yd Freund turned in the play j . . of the day when he raced back to' Anybody seen Muggs ? • All we make one of those impossible look-' get is rumors. Some say he is ing plays on a blooper for the last spending the summer at Arlington, out of the game. Others report seeing him over in "Canada" a few nights ago. jJokasbarg H At 7:30 Friday night the V. P. W. G.° JiMskMn,"^..^ softball team will meet Vic Miller's B. Miller, cf All-Stare on the Ugh school diamond. S. Meyer, cf Who are the All-Stars? Wa dunno. L. Freund ss Guesa well have to «• down and W. Smith, lb look 'em over. ' (A. Jackson, 3b .... -- ID. Freund, rf We have word that the "5th Pitsen, If Annual Hooker Day" ia all set for Klapperich, p .1 July 22 at the McHenry Country Kreutzer, p Chm. So popular has this event become Totals ~...ww*.. that it is necessary to limit the Hebron number of participants, so get your Loerscher, If, p .... W. Tibbitts, 2b SILENCE NOT GOLDEN reservation in now. Nobody has more fun than "Hookey Day boys. the Kuecker, 3b ; L. Schmidt, ss ....... ! B. Schmidt, c The Shamrocks were rained but at L. Johnson, p, If.... Dundee last Sunday. As you will Slavin. cf see on this page, Johnsburg beat D. Tibbitts, lb Hebron 7 to 6. Only other league Andesen, rf ........ game saw Richmond shut out Algon- Johnson, rf quin 7 to 0. Vern Miller pitched; another high class game, limiting Totals Algonquin to two hits.- . „ , . - i Score by Innings: There's a busy week-end coming Hebron 000 006 100-^-6. 'round the corner. Remember the Johnsburg 300 000 40 --7. grand opening of McHenry's new - athletic .field. And, of course, you Two-Base Hits: G. Jackson, won't forget the American Legion Schmidt Carnival. PIECE KROMEX ALUMINUM iSSsiHX n to «M Mk • Mm •IsiMsrlai wNfc vslaet for tbe secaad Mf halldey of Me plaa far aad yea aoe sfcesd, kMMH NsMsssI Is ready ead flrsf efola far fhe Narlk w OSCAi MAYSft PLAIN OR JAR-I-Q I FRANCO AMERICAN OR HEINZ ^ 4 WIENERS • • '-43c I SPAGHETTI • 2 -29c f \ 4 I'm paymg you by the hour. Are you working? I don't hear a sound. Painter--I'm putting the paint on with a brush but if it's noise you want, I'll nail it on with a hammer CHICKEN OF THE SEA JMTII 1WM FBI Child Psychology Little Georgie received a new drum for Christmas, and shortly thereafter, when father came home from work one evening, mothei said--I don't think that man upstairs -likes to hear Georgia play his drum, but he's certainly subtle about it. Father--Why? Mother--Well, this afternoon he gave Georgie a knife, and asked him if he knew what was inside the drum. 7-OZ. CAN 39* AGAR'S SPICED 12-OZ CAN 39* N. •. C. Ll. KG. 27e CAMPBELL'S-VAN CAMP'S LIBBTO PORK & BEARS 2-Ns 25e Three-Base Hits: Loerscher. Double Plays: L. Johnson to W. Tibbitts to D. Tibbi tts. Struck Out by Johnson 5, Loerscher 1, Klapperich 2. Bases on Balls off Klapperich, 2; Kreutser, 1. Winning Pitcher: Kreutser. Umpires: Butler, Oglesby. To Highest Bidder "To what do you attribute your long life?" the reporter asked the centenarian. | "I don't rightly know yet," replied the old-timer, puffing lazily at his pipe. "I'm still dickering with two breakfast-food companies." 4-H FEDERATION, WITH LOCAL YOUTH AT HEAD, WILL SPONSOR CIRCUS NO, IOC DIDN'T "Walter," aa Irate eastsaier starmed, ".there's as ehiekca at all la this ehiekea saap ast a Wt!" iM. "Did yea ever sea a Hew Forest biastry new forest industry has devel- 1 in the past decade in Alabama and adjoining states -- the production of storax or sweetgum. 8torax is tiie fragrant, balsamic gum that exudes frctn the baric of the sweetgum tree. Used in »«•i»«fiwi and pharmaceutical preparations, aa an incense, for perfuming powders aoape and to flavor tobaccn. It farmer ly waa imported from and Asia Minor. The raidd riae of atorax --_ u n . . nmrfueftWm in T,„ Two McHenry teen-agers have been SEntiS? SL ^ "elected as oTicers of the 4-H Federa- *** t"'™* y«r They are vaded by the Japs. The method of, Bobegene Peterson * of the Busy worktag the sweetens for atorax 'Three 4-H club, president; and Ferol is much Uke turpentining except that i Martin of the Ringwood Sunshine n® ®**ded as the gum ad- i Girls, vice-president. Other officers here* to the cuts aad must be elected were Hanna Pagles of the scraped off. It than must ha melted Dunham club, secretary; Don Muelcarefully, strained and parked for- ler of the South Dunham club, shipment. Each tree produces from treasurer; and Gene Tomlin of the one-half to one pound of gum a year ' Creek club, reporter. for-three to five years, one m^n . '"1>e ®rst event being planaed can operate 1,500 to MM trees a b7. th* "eT 1 Ttlr ' - jship of Cole Brothers' _ 1 Town, Woodstock, on Friday, July Republicans, interested « HTu 16. This is one of the largest service reform, who deserted their . _ . T m.- • in t1*® United States. Thirty1 party in 1884 In favor of Cleveland Dennis McDonough of Chicago is 74-foot railroad cars are scheduled *«. th* nrMidencv a faw wmalra viai#in» kta ^ • t_ tlf - -1- «!«»--it < • * REGULAR OS D*ir ORINO WINTERVAUEY _____ D«l MmU e««H 2 mkN€ MNRT1MR E IHRAC *JOL HEKSHCY'S ^ rHltArrLE JBIvt CAN ChtNliti Syrvp 2 ciS« He WYANDOTTE EXTRA LAR6E firapt Mm »©i?»*-47« RIPE OLIVES a e e cSn IV •EfCrt-NUT _ Paaant Buffer Me YOUR IAEAD COSTS LESS AT NATIONAL MirMkwIilp TOP TOTE BREAD . ^15* CONWAY'S NATION L MAID HOT DO© OR SASiJiWICN BINS . • • S'ilS' SaitfvMi Sprta^ GJS 29C FRESH FACK CA^DY AN AOE VALUE CALIFOSMA JUICS BAll BAH# FULL POUND 4A* r m i m m i . . . . . M M B U R S • • • • • • p a c k a g e J J f * 39 BANQUET BRAND WHOLE CNIGKEI ^ v, r BOROO Oraagt ft firaptfratt BletM Jiice 2^39c She How do Gert and Sam get along since they are married? He -- Oh, she treats him like a Grecian god. She--How's that? Ha--Burnt offerings three times a day. Hg . by the new officers is the sponsor-. ~ circus at 4-H i 11» Mugwumps were a group of in civil PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING CRISCO* • •»• • Ian AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP FLAKES AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP FLAKES AMERICAN FAMILY LAIRIRY SOAP SANTA ROSA VARIETY SWEET FRESH PLUMS lb. FACIAL OR RATH A CAMAY SOAP V FACIAL 6R RATH rA CAMAY SOAP FOR SILKS AND WOOLENS spending a few weeks visiting his to arrive in Woodstock before dawn aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh on July 16 and unload their Murphy. A sports fan, young Dennis Top" attractions. spends much of bis time cheering "Big on local athletes. MARRIAGE LICSN8Z8 ®ini Permanent Wave Kits, tl-2* „ . . aad 12.00. Wattles Drug Store. SS-ff Lavetta M. JHLna, M>Heniy. The ore bDl for every man, an and child in the United I during 1046 was $4.01. This is nearly <w.p. ^. .W^woKh, .no DUZ DOES EVERYTHING FOR WHITER AND DRFFT P0WBEI DOI BUZ FOR SILKS AND WOOLENS IVMV mnt 4xe tMCHMAN aOLSSN CELERY HOT HOUSt KXTtA FANCY CUCUMBERS aOtOSN BANTAM SWEET CORK CALIFORNIA LONO WHIT® POTATOES URGE MED SIZE IS* LARGE • e a a -a PACKAGE , "t. '