Origin of Old Custom The custom of throwing shoes after a new brutal originated in medieval times. In those days people threw shoes because leather shoes represented economic power, authority and position. Use of Atomic Energy A, report by David E. Lilienthal, chairman of the atomic energy commission, points out that it will ba some time before atomic power can meet any substantial part of this country's energy requirements. Although a demonstration power unit *•"" -"".probably will be built within the Nat Only on Friday j next two years, so many complex During the grain emergency, MB • gcjentiflc and engineering problems Is a logical choice tor any must be solved that the first commeal in addition to its ^ traditional ! mercially practical, large - scale use on Fridays. Fish feed tnem- -jant j, still many years in the fuselves and don t require grain as tufe it doeg come, atomic do cattle and poultry, and energy only gradually will suppleaiso a good source ment other energy resources; thus extensions of power plants and hydroelectric developments should not await it. . • • Order your rubber stamps *t The Plaindealer. quality fish, frozen or canned, ara available in almost anj community. Fresh fish should be boright on the day 'it is to be cooked and served. Fish usually are less expensive early in the week than oh Friday. V- '"K-l '•( '"-y FRANK S. MAY . : trpckino ^rr ^ Sand -- Black Dii*.:gv^^ Light Excavating 3^' ^15 Limestone .Truck for Hire . .,v_# • x • PHQNE McHENRY 580-M-l ; McHENRY SIGN SERVICE SHOW CARDS -- OUTDOOR SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING & WINDOW LETTERING £L REESE Fox St. Phone 440-R for big doings at HcCullom Lake Beach Park Prizes! Prizes!! and more Prizes!!! ' •>' . v. sponsored by PROPERTY OWNERS ASS N. of WcCTJLLOM LAKE Wm. Creutz, Pres. Al. Wetle, Secy. WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1948 PRIZES Admission 65c tax inc. Time 8 to 11 p. m. JUST FOR FUN West McHenry, Illinois Iff Ntw.Mlfi Sxifi Nc # H*» here--Iha gnat new Fox Da Luxe, straight from our Una now brow house. This wonderful now Fox Do Luxe is blended with costly imported Bohemian hops. It's extra polo, with a superb smooth, mellow flavor that's a real taste fhrill. Try H todayl Don't say Fox... toy fOX DELUXE Fox D>- L u x f B r i ' w e r i f . ' s. C h i c a q o Grand R a p i d s M a r i o n I n d Huge Destruction by Fire Shows Need For Clean Up Property and resources now ara being destroyed by fire in the United States at thefastest rate % history. During the past year, 1692.635,000 w?nt up in smoke, most of it in housing, buildings, food, raw materials and manufactured goods that are in short supply, states the National Board of Fire Underwriters. This loaa figure does not begin to include all the other indirect losses caused by the hundreds of thousands of preventable fires that broke out during the year. These 'other losses include forests and timber watershed, production losses, business failure, medical expenses, wages, tax values wiped out and fire fighting costs. whichPare the result of fire. Much of the fire destruction Is the result of the deterioration of h&ating systems and machinery, and the overloading of electrical circuits. In recent ^ears, shortages of repair parts and manpower have caused this deterioration; hence it is of extreme importance that every householdei and every propei ty owner keep close check on his heating equipment, and inspect fuses regularly to be sure that fuses are of proper irize. A major factor In most large fires is delay in notifying the fire department. Every citizen should learn the fastest way of calling the fire department from his home, office, school or ractory. Where feasible, automatic detection and alarm systems should be installed, particularly In large establishments. -ATTENTIONWATCH NEXT WEEK'S PAPER THIRD ANNIVESARY PARTY How to Save Water Losses Through Proper Irrigation " Six suggestions have been offered by F. J. Veihmeyer, irrigation professor, and A. H. Hendrickson, fruit tree specialist, of the Universtiy of California college of agriculture, to help farmers conserve In times of drouth. First, they say, remove all weeds, since they use a good deal of moisture. Second, don't plant annual crops unless sure there will be enough wamature then*;. -- Third, put on enough**wateF all at once to soak the soil as deeply as the roots go, rather than irrigating ofte..- er with shallower Wetting. One heavy irrigation will cut down the water losses in getting water onto the land. Fourth, irrigate early in the season to g ve the crops enough moisture. Lack of water hurts a plant more in early summer than late in the fall. Fifth, wait until the soil is almost dry before irrigating. When oroadleaved weeds wilt, the upper layers of soil are dry and it soon may be dry deeper down. Sixth, find out How much water in depth of application is needed and how often it should be applied for each crop. » I I l l H n < Newt Fren Wonder Lake «aa+o a By Vanessa SeSs Seventy-Ave Start . « - , Course In Swimming About seventy-five youngsters reported on Saturday morning for, the course in swimming offered J»y the McHenry County Red Cross. Mary Kay Carman, chairman of the League of Women Voters of the Wonder Lake Region; Mrs. Pauline Grill, chairman of the Community Club; Mrs. Dorothy Powers, chairman of the Rod and Gun Auxiliary; and Mrs. Gradelle Proper, chairman of the American Legion Auxiliary formed a welcoming committee to the Red Cross instructor, Miss Barbara Stripp, who was accompanied by Mrs. Marion Phinney, secretary of the McHenry county chapter of the American Red Cross. So much interest was evinced in the swimming that a request for instruction for adults may be instituted on Saturday afternoon if enough names are secured to start a class. Cpll 129 and leave your name if vou would like to learn to swim. The course will be free. Through the kindness of the directors of Wonder Center,, the beaches of that subdivision are being used for these courses. Swimming Program The Red Cross is sponsoring this program and would like as many children as possible to learn to swim. Lessons are conducted at north beach, Wonder Center on Saturday and Sunday from 9 a. m. to 12, noon. d:00 to 9;30 a; m.--Intermediate Boys. 9:30 to 10:00 a. m.--Intermediate Girls. Z 10:00 to 10:30 a. m.--Beginner Boys. stock hospital a little over a week ago Happy Birthday to Lynn Cheney, who celebrated his eleventh birthday with a party on Sunday afternoon. Lynn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cheney. The Ringwood choir is sponsoring a community night program on Sunday evening, July 18, and the residents of the Wonder Lake community are invited to come and meet the new pastor, Rev. Charles .Wesley Stephens, and his wUfe. „ Refreshments will ba served. 5 Mrs. Aileen Martin was a weekend visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Selsdorf. Mrs. Martin has been residing in Washington, D. C., but her' work now takes her to California. She flew here from Washington and went on, via plana, after her visit with her old friends here whom she had not seen for several years. , t ,, SECOND TIME QUEfcN I CARD OF THANKS Lovely Louise Marrs, Harvard's | We wish in this manner to 1948 Milk Queen, walked off with j our sincere thanks for the m another crown on her titian curls j kindnesses extended during the recently when she was named queen (ness and at the time of the and northern Illinois contestant ^ tUing In the BoeUtt Colorado rapidly is winning renown as one of North America's to danors of blood. 9 . HENRY MEIER FAMILY First BmMi Telegraph George Louis Lesaga Jr., bast skiing areas. Numerous moun- j philosopher, in 175S, carried out ft* tain ranges, high altitude, bracing air and dry powder snow help produce unsurpassed aiding conditions. There are practice slopes for beginners and gentle slopes for those preferring leisurely pkiing. Colorado's rugged beauty adds much to the sport. Subscribe for The Plaindealer Geneva the idea of Using a separata wire for each letter ct the alphabet^ By attaching a pith-ball electro scope/ to each wire, he made HmT first electric telegraph, static tricity. Complete line «f Lee's ... ! remedies at Wattlse Drag Store, \ Henry. ' 4-H Newa .. The Busy Bumble Bees 4-Jfr club met at the home of Joan DornbushI on Monday evening, with eight, mem-J bers present. Joanne Resheske, president, called the meeting to order and Mary Boldt read the | minutes of the last meeting. Othfersj present were Geraldine Cormier,, Barbara Sellek, Sharon Grace Sells,! and Peggy Selsdorf. j The next meeting of the club will i be held on Monday evening, July 18, at the home of Sharon Sells, starting at 7:30 p. m. i The 4-H'ers hofpe that people of the district will be sure and attend the Cole Brothers circus coming to Woodstock on Friday, July 16, under the sponsorship of the McHenry county 4-H clubs. There are two performances, one at 2:15 p. m. and on< at 8 p. m. Christ the King Church Masses at 9 and 11 each Sunday, with confessions heard before each •" French Conversation * promptly ajid pleasantly acquired--sitting under a shady umbrella on a terrace overlooking beautiful Wonder Lake--with Parisian lady, until recently Senior French tutor at Northhampton College, England-- i 'Vir'-Also; Tutoring for Examinations-- Call'or write: " :VV • MADAME DeCOURCY at Mrs, Martell *8, Wonder Lake. . Route 1, Ringwood, 111. (near Hickory Falls, last mail box on the blacktop road) 10:30 to 11:00 a. m.-- Beginner mass. Girls. i On Saturday, July 17, a requiem 11:00 to 12:00 noon--Supervised high mass will «be said at 8 a. m. for Swimming (Life Guard on duty) the late Dick Williams. Children, please be careful in the. -- -- water if you swim when you are not Gospel Center having class, the life guards cannot I The Sunday evening service was unwatch you and teach others. There, usual and unique, with a good attendwill be plenty of time to swim from ance in spite of the extremely hot| _ / 11 to noon when the life guard can weather. There was a lot of ex-j onoulders drooping, middle sagging, clc see to your safety. ceptionally good inspiring gospel1 }U fitting? You'll feel and look better if IS YOUR FIGURE SAGGING? Brace up with a singing. '! | The Vacation Bible School is now in progress under the direction of seven or eight teachers, who have Rod & Gun Auxiliary Held Picnic Saturday A picnic was held on Saturday volunteered^ their service in this ifternoon on the Rod and Gun truly important ministry. The school grounds by the Auxiliary of the Rod will Continue over Friday, July 2S». and Gun club, with Mrs. Mayer in New members may still be admlttea. charge. The children participated No tutition. Books and material prom many contests for which prizes vided free. Girls and boys in the age were awarded which had been put-1 0f four to fifteen are invited. chased with a donation received from! The alteration on the second floorr the Kjwanis club for this particular 0f the building is still in progress, purpose. I It's a greater task then at first Others who donated to the picnic anticipated. We are very grateful were: Mrs. Karen Widen, Woodstock | to the men who have given so freely A & P; John Viola, Mrs. Proehl,'of their time and strength in this Horace Wagner, Mrs. Joseph Monte-j work. Also to those who have conleone, Mrs. Albert Franz, Mrs.! tributed toward the material, which Franzen, Mrs. Walter Troxell, Mrs. is not a small item. % Petersen, Mrs. Harold Armstrong, | Next Sunday, July 18, the pastor Thomas Lansgston, Mrs. Al Repan, will be preaching in the Summerdale Ernest Mayer, Mrs. Corrigan, Mrs. Evangelical Free church of Chicago. J. GraflFe, Mrs. Jay Hansen, Mrs. E. The pulpit of the Center will be Ohlin, Mrs. Helen Reuter, Mrs. Elmer supplied by men of the Christian Murphy, Mrs. Harvey Biggers. Mrs. Business Men's Committee of Chi- Dorothy Powers, Mrs. M. Druml, cago. !Mrs Ted Paknik, Mrs. E. C. Morin, clothes you wear the New BRACER. Exclusive features include a newly designed top that snugs up to you without rolling, special tubular leg bands that won t crease, curl or roll--a soft fly front pouch that's self adjusting, fits in any position. You'll kno w . it's a BRACER *1 only if it's Bauer & Black. 'Kffiunt V. S. T«. Off. 350 BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY, III* Mrs. M. Horn, Susan H«hder, Mrs. | Antdn Grill and the Handy Pantry " "[Food Shop. Bag of Rock Salt ^ Shore Hills Elects A bag of rock salt carried in the .New Directors i nianpc "j" trunk of an automobile often comes ! On Sunday afternoon, tha Shore j. g urorij w__ TT q; « .. " in handy. When the rear wheels start! Hills subdivision held a picnic on; _I their beach and elected directors for1 northern land of the moose and Crossroads af tha Worfd Newfoundland, a little larger than Ohio, is North America's closest point to Europe. It was a lifesaving way station for thousands of warspinning or when the car is stuck on snow or ice spots along the curb the driver generally can pull out of trouble by throwing a few handfuls of rock salt under the wheels. Rock salt crystals act as an abrasive, provid the coming year. Three directors car|h°u, of lonely spruce forests and were fleeted for a term of one year! scattered fishing settlements, has each, j They are Vincent Adams, Mr.: developed into a leading crossroads Newman and Mr. Johnson. Three, I ?n the world's commercial and mili- ' p!.. jjCCaarn non, Ray Von Bampus, and 1 tary air lanes. The United States Fred Wendt, were elected for a term! has a 99-year lease on bases there, j ing traction and keeping the wheels I of three years; and one, Elmer Newfoundland was the first New from spinning. . Murphy, was elected for a term of World land discovered in 1497 by the Unlike ashes, rock salt will not soil three years. Cannon, Wendt, and English-employed Venetian naviira- cloUthhiimngv or 11 arm 1it1 1in_ any way, and1 Miirnliv urovA oil A/1 tVlfi : A. v 1 « 1 . --. ® it is safe and easy to use. A 10-pound bag takes up little room in the trunk. Spread on icy driveways, sidewalks. porch steps and other spots around the house al the beginning of a storm, rock salt also will melt dangerou- ice and light snowfalls without making it necessary to shovel. If the fall Is hebvy, it will keep the snow from j those from the ladies of the district, packing and bonding to the surface, were from the Shore Hills Food making shoveling easy. I ShoP' Mrs- E- Cannon and Mr. Murphy. Murphy were all re-elacted, the; tor> John ItJ j »."t"feiV,nv«™en Ar"ew t,re.id n ?n£ «•« lhe <"eir test fool" SSll £ elected l~m the! ^"^^"'^butalsoestal^ directors at the next meeting. I permanent fishing ship" The home owners of the district ^1^5 ^ near tha world s richest voted to place a lien on all property codiwn grounds. in arrears and also voted to put up a small community hall in the park. Donation for the picnic, besides The Atom In Peace r>, Now you can have soft water on a service bttisi No expensive equipment to boy . , , no messy maintenance work. You simply turn p your faucets for all the filtered soft water you need with ... CULLIGAN SERVICE WAUCONDA 5421 Reverse Charges One of the first to employ atomic energy in peaceful pursuits, for benefit of all mankind will be American Allergy foundation, a national nonprofit organization for the support ot scientific research and public education in the field of alleigy. The foundation was organized In Cleveland less than two years ago by a group medical and lay men In an attempt to push a coordinated attack on the mysteries of allergies--hay fever, asthma, eczema, migraine and the more serious conditions such as rheu- I Lounnne Howorka was guest artist at a oinner meeting of the Woodstock Doe Club, which met on Monday at the Rolaine Grill. Louanne sang six numbers, all of which were greatly enjoyed. ' The Doe Club wiP hold a picnic on August 9 on the lovely lawn at the home of Mrs. Josephine Wendt. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wally Saranec this week are Mr. and Mrs. Zander of Chicago, parents of Mrs. Saranec. Dickie and Danny Zander, her brothers, are also visiting here. First Radio Set Elihu Thomson, American electrician, operated the first radio set in history, in 1875. This set antedated those of Hertz and Marconi. earope rakes Africa - In 1876. only 10 per cent of the African continent was in European hands; 36 years later, in 1912, 95 per cent of it had been divided among European nations. See T. P. oil the Lake Shore for your Real Estate-Insurance FOR SALE--GROCERY AND DELICATESSEN STORE--Fixtures,, stock, counter refrigerator, d«wp freeze and all necessary items for good going business. Building has attached living quarters, consisting of living room, bedroom, kitchen, sun parlor, complete bath and 2-car garage on 150 feet of business frontage.. Present owners have decided to retire and have priced this property at a very conservative figure. One-half cash, monthly terms for balance. Don't hesitate as this bargain will sell quickly. Large choice of beautiful lake front homes and vacant at Wonder Lake, McCullom Lake and Fox River. List your property FQR RENT or FOR SALE. T. P. MATHEWS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKER Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Center Wonder Lake, 111., P. O. Ringwood Phone Wonder Lake 306 The American Legion would like to matoid, arthritis and rheumatic fev- j remind everyone that their big dance er. The foundation's work is financed ^wil1 be Saturday night at the Woodby the contributing memberihips of 8to£k Armory, anti Joe Turner's physicians who specialize in allergy. °rc'?e8^r» ?ill provide the music, nf th»<r Bud McMahon is chairman for the ara large Industrie with an Inltdeurealsst , dtiac"k«et ! and will gladly sell you In the problems of allergy. • ______ New "permanent residents in Wick^. line Bay (Wooded Shores) are Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Praether from Buffalo, New York. Spending the summer in Wooded Shores are Mr. and Mrs. Haines, who are occupying the home of their daughter and her husband, Mr. ai^L Mrs. George Peterson. They are also the parents of General Haines. On Trail of Chlorosis Radioactive substances (tracersi ai- paving the way for agricultural scientists who are trying to learn the en .se of chlorosis, a disorder which causes a plant to lose its green color. They already know that lack of iron and perhaps lack of phosphorus contributes to this condition. According to members of the institute of radiobiology and biophysics at University of Chicago, one of three institutes in a 12 million atomic research program, radioactive Iron and phosphorus will help to provide tha A meeting of the directors of the Rod and Gun club will be held on Sunday, July 18, at 10 a. m. to elect a new president and a new secretary as Andy Kunz and Ross Moore have resigned these positions. The meeting will be held at Horn's Lakeview Inn, " Barbara Moore, 12, and her sister, Kathy, 6, are visitors this week in ' fhw Ormw •«--*--- the home of their grandparents, Dr. Mora than half of the nation's sup- an<^ ^r8' E- Moriifc The littla that's new in Olds--the sew Futuramic **96" far '481 ply of mushrooms comes from two Pennsylvania counties, f^^yftr and Delaware. Eieeme Card Keal A new electric cord red is dagned to take up tha slack and •limlnate saaria In the wires to ap. pllances. girls live in ChicSgo. So sorry to hear that Fred Armstrong is ill. Mr. Armstrong is recuperating at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Armstrong, after a siege in the Woodstock hospital. • IDS / Mrs. Marjorie Erber is home this week with her new baby daughter1, Cheryl, who was born in Wood- SUBURBAN MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET R. J. OVHtTON . McHENRY, ILLINOIS r