XIOOKD OSOPS WOITT mcouun houbxwivks ftUDOET, SAT EXPEKTS i At the rate corn is growing today, America will have its biggest corn Crop in history this fall. As of July t. the Agriculture department estimates the yield at 8.328,862,000 And this may be a conservative estimate, a general spokesman for the " department said. Ordinarily this would be great lews for the housewife. Corn is the Erincipal feed for meat animals. A umper crop should mean much lower prices for the grain. This, in ' turn, should encourage the farmer to raise more animals at less cost, Which normally would mean more meat for the consumer also at lower prices. But these aren't ordinary times. Market observers are agreed that Iftiere will be greater supplies of pork jiifrid pork products during 1949. But they were reluctant to predict that pork prices will be cut. Why? ; To begin with, although our total, ' Jjork supply in storage this summer Is nearly twice as great as last sum- .. liier--579,15,000 pounds as against ,./852,814.000 pounds -- pork prices "generally are higher. There's hardly a suitable explanation for this, although some obserV- ; frs point out that the supply of other ViMeats is lower and the public is1 ittierefore buying more pork. But , *^at argument doesn't jibe with our -4$pld storage holdings. I V, Secondly, our total meat production, • won't be increased too much in 1949* Hfftpspitc the bumper born crop. It takes almost two years to raise a ihref animal for table use. Of all the IBeat animals, pigs are the ones that1 become marketable the soonest. : If the hotisewife insists on buying --meat at high prices, her hopes of Saving a little out of the household budget fo- a new hat will continue to be a ( ream for a long time to rapine--at least until well into 1950. Culdceac, Idaho Culdeaac, Idaho now • shipping ©enter for a farming area, was named lifter a French expression, cul-de-sac, ^meaning blind alley CiH Of the Rui : . *r LIE U TOUt* H Fictioe IS sneakers raising puffs of dust, Billy raced down the path to the lake. New he stopped, snatched an -overhanging branch and clung to it, gasping for breath. After a backward glance satisfied him that the little white schoolhouse no longer showed through the trees, he jerked up his Mack trous-i ers and shuffled on. ' "School!" he mumbled to him-1 self. "I'm sick of it! And if Ma J puts on any more! crying acts when, I talk about quitting, it just ain't going to do her any good. I could fake my age and join the navy to see the-- Nah! too much orders to t£ke. Maybe I'll just drift around, fre^ like a kite." A thin column of smoke rising from the clearing caught his eye. "funny time for anybody to have a fire on the beach," he told himself am( dashed across. The two men crouching' over the fire turned around as Billy afi* proached. Both wore shabby clothes, and their faces looked as if untouched by water or razor for weeks. "You -- you tramps.?" Billy blurted. The two gien looked at each other and the one sitting on an overturned lard can answered. "Yeah, we're bums. What you doin' here? Ain't yuh supposed tuh be in school?" "Sure. Just taking a vacation today," and Billy grinned, pleased with his wit. THE big man who had just spoken nicked un a twis. manned it. Back in 1841 Wmi IB years to ' for* Pocahontas saved John Smith's life--tha first white man set foot on Kansas soil. Ht was Gen. Francisco Vasques de Ooronsdo, who traversed "mighty plains" covered with "humpbacked oxen." "The earth," he said, "is very strong anS black, very well watered by brooks, Ai warning to motorists of exceptionally rigid enforcement of state end local traffic laws in eighteen Illinois communities and two Indiana dues was Issued last week by Charles M. Hayes, president of the FKAMAY DOLLARS DUIDTO YEAR springs and rivers, and the country 1 CM**#* Motor Club. itself is the best X have ever seen." Stressing that these enforcement More than 300 years later, in 1854, efforts in no way represented "speed settlement of Kansas was begun, Hayes said that motorists and here commenced the battle over slavery which culminated in the Civil war. In 1861, Kansas became a state, 400 miles wide and 200 miles deep, and after the Civil war, people poured into the state, plowed up Can *nd planted corn and wheat. These brave pioneers replaced the Indians, and the herds of buffalo that once roamed the plains gave way to herds of cattle. Cover for Battleship It requires about 400,000 pounds of paint to cover one battleship. Mr. Hay< were'being poli \ ance with all -p ced for strict compli- • posted speed limits as Swine erysipelas a crippling and often deadly blood disease that usually starts with skin eruptions--robbed hair producers of about a million dollars last wear, according to reliable estimates. And there is no indication that this disease will run a smaller expense account this yeafc While outbreaks may occur in an* well as statutory limits of 20 miles the J?™?* *?,™' per hour in business districts, 25 in \g Vetrin»rv * residential ditricts, and 30 In subu^ that^e^™iii»e^™™ mm LS ban districts, in communities con- remain ducting intensive enforcement cam-1 it ^ jtg way in«^ ^ J „ „ . \ Swine growers who have never had Motorists are under equally strict j trouble with this ice of ... to obtain' bears. . o n l y t u H n b k n o w n t o b e f t * ! ® - of tikisinfection. It is risky to ship! _ , feeder iftgs in from market channels, Carnlvml especially to a swine-breeding farm, but If this 4bi to be done, the fhsdsr Pigs should be kept separate* from the homegrown stock, still another precautionary measure is to require trucks to be cleaned and* disinfected; n before entering hog lots. ooMiira ivxnts dub- July 29 East River Road Pinochle Mrs. Eleanor Nye. St. Clara's Juvenile Court Picnic- Veterans' Acres, Crystal Lake. Lawn Party--Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Sodality -- McLaughlin Home. Aug. 3 Peter's Parish, Br ing Grove. - -Aoiist 18 le Review Seoasorsd by ft " BfttriekY School P.T.A. Hold Resort. August It D, ef A. Picnic--Bohner's August 18-89 St. John's Carnival--NtO's Ballroom. Sept. 8, 4, 8 *ad f Annual IPsll Festival -- Christ " King Church, Wonder Lake. surveillance for observance amber therefore/ do their* utmSi^to keeMtj caution lights and failure to come to off their grounds. To this end, pro-1 John«burg Community Club--Nell's complete stops at stop signs in the ducers are advised to select their own I Ballroom. following eighteen Illinois towns and j cities: Arlington Heights, Brookfield, ffWv:1"!!"-11 ; < •-- :-- the peatqr may be used ss a Cor fOldad piaose ot wnypl _ paper begs. bells of twine, and a pair of scissors. The eontsBts^f such a bag, moreover ate surprisingly ussM If placed conveniently at hand. 'CfciSddBg Plant NatrtelftS . Radioactive isotopes or tracer atoms are being used by agronomists at Cornell university to follow the course Of plant nutrient* through the soil and plant? Forest Park, Lincolnwood, McCook Oak Park, Bellwood, Cicer.o, Forest View, Lycns, Melrose Park, River Grove, Berwyn, Evanston, LaGrange Maywood, Nort1-brook and Skokie. , Summer motorists are reminded that speed is the greatest killer of the highway..'.- With' more vacationing d iv ",s oy th(;. read'.this month. .• than ever be!ore, the need for safe, .,^,driyihfc is essential... If. youy tvacaiioii,;;5 W-':a:-jB»st' on«»;--5f • #ia'y 'be: your -tastr' "'•C.:^one.• *• .. :•'s. .'<*•' Rouse ef Commons Britain's house of commons Is being rebuilt. Hitler's luftwaffe had reduced tt to ruins. Air conditioning, loud speakers and a well-equipped gymnasium will introduce modern notes. The task of restoring commons is a great one and the work Is not expected to be completed before April, 1950. Joughauta, Here and There In Pennslyvania the round cake with vhe hole js known as a cruller and the twisted piece of dough is knowr as a donut. Then, down South, In certain sections, what Is known as a doughnut is referred to as a "cake donut" or "fried cake." picked up twig, snapped and threw it on the fire. "Hey, Joe," he grunted to his companion, "what yuh say duh kid joins up wid us?" He put his hand on the boy's shoulder. "You mean go around tramping with you?" Billy broke in. "Yuh know how tuh ride rails, kid?" Joe inquired. "Sure--sure I do." Billy wasn't as certain as he sounded, but from what he had seen of "riding the rods" in the movies it looked ea*y enough. The first tramp (ricked up a rusty can and with the aid of a stick propped it on the center of the crackling twigs. He was^till poking it into position as he drawled out, "Hey, Joe. 'Member Horsey Sindler? Jus' heard other day he lost his leg ridin' onnah Santa Fe. Trackman followed up his blood fer 10 miles." "Mike, wouldjah ast dah kid- tuh gimme his shoes? Mine's ain't got 'nuf sole on 'em tuh grind up fer chewin' tobacco." . . . . . . "Mine?" Billy cried. He held one „ Ammiiaasoeleorate In-+ forwanj for them to see. "These Dewa throegh the decades Uncle Sam Says they have cherished aad feeght to aiaiatain lsfcpwdn» aad Security, for1 both the aatlsa aad fer theauelvcs. For Security, U. 8.8aviags Boads offer the ;safest meaaa ef baildiag yefr future. Bvery deDar iavceted la Savings Bonds today la ptrt ef year "take home sav- 4ags" siaasy that GROWS. There's no safer or easier way to save than through ithe Payroll Savhigs Plan. Use that salaryiacrease, auuie passible through tax reductions, to step up your purchase of Savings Bonds. Or, for the self-employed, the Bond-a-Month Plan where1 are my only school shoes and I--" "Yeah -- yours," Mike snarled. "Yuh ain't goin' tuh school no more, is yuh?" He started to stand up but Joe motioned him down. "Awh, lettem have 'em. He'll be wearin' noospapers 'round his feet soon 'nuf. We get 'nother 40 below winter of -your beak provides the automatic, prof- i •cadence. way to assure continued lade-1 V S. Treasury Dcpanmtni < Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me*1 Henry. . 8-tf 1 V XltK : ftN; J COOL [Poronet Shirts to you comfortable Here are Wilson or Van Heusen shirts with a collar which will stay crisp all day. / *3.95 McGEE'S " - STORE FOR MEN - "*eu mean go around tramplag with you?" the bey asked the man. las' year an' no doubt dah remains of muh toes'11 get frozen off." MIKE grinned broadly and picked dp his stick to poke the can. "Chow's on!" he called to Joe. Billy leaned over and peered into the can. "What--what is it?" he stammered. "Stewed pig tails," Mike drawled. "Ain't often we got such luck as tuh get such good eat'n as that, do we Joe?" "Yeah, 'member dat time we couldn'n get nuttin but fish heads otta dah garbage pails? - Musta been time wasn't much meat 'round." "Here, Idd." Mike was proudly holding up the can. "New members foist. Gobble it down whan it's still good'n hot, boy." "No--M. tbmhs. t--4--f BiUy'i lips ciencbed together amd Hi hemds wemt instinctively ever bk memtk. He thook bis heed amd Ued. Mike dropped the can, threw back his head and laughed until he sank uf the ground exhausted. His companion wiped a laugh-tear away. "What did you do, Mike?" he panted. "Broil our worms?" Mike nodded. "The fishing was getting terrible, anyway." Be rose wearily off the ground. "Come on, let's look for the canoe and start home. And please remember, dear brother, that if s your turn to take mother to a fish dinner at the Seafood Grotto." tf WMU IMna Uooae la Nova ScoUa Present population density of moose la Wova Scotia la only ««1m«i to 14 square miles. „ ®rftl*h " U- 8. Workers British "working party" commit* tees, sent to the United States to do on-the-job studies comparing American factory methods with those of Britain, agree that productivity per American worker exceeds that of Us British counterpart in each of the industries Wonder Lake Gospel Center , (Nonsectarian) Frank W. Anderson, Pastor -- WNDAY, AUGUST ^ ' The Choir of the Sommerdale Ev. Free Church, Chicago Witt Present an Unusual Program of , Sacred Song and Music - - A Great and Inspiring Variety of Choir Singing, • Quartettes* Duets and Solos. The Meeting Will Be Held Out Of Doors. On Lawn COME FOR AN ENJOYABLE EVENING WELCOME ONE AND ALL There s no time lost when you step at tin siga OMsmolnle service. Factory-trained mechanics, using modern equipment, swing right into action. Tour caff receives maximum attention in minimum time. Fop* efficient, tiiae-faring servicer drive in today; MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET McHKNRY, ILLINOIS R. J. OVERTON A prescription is a blueprint for medicine made especially for you. For many years, our registered pharmacists have been compounding prescriptions, exactly as the doctor prescribed, with fresh potent drugs. You are safe in rfelying on us for servicfey at all times. . > on 1 Ounce 17c 4 Ounces 60c 1 Pound ..$1.60 Bandage . 1 x 10 Yards 16c 2 Inch x 10 Yards ............ 25c • ... Adhesive Tape ' .6 Yards x H Inch ^0c 5 Yards x 1 Inch 36c 5' yards x 2 Inches 1. 60c Band-Aid* Adhesive Bandage 86 In Assorted Sixes ........ 29c 12 Regular Size 10c •Trade Mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Drug Specials SERUfAN $1.35 Sise PLASTIC cununs D RsgntarKtt. •tarcstaiB »|29 Sasor • Blades Regular 25c Value DRENE Regular 60b sise ABS0RB1NE, Jr. Regular $1.25 size Shunpo^ •v# Mm H. 23 FIRST Alt TRAVELKIT A pocket six* kit* Sfcwfl but coRyhtRi s f i r s t o i d It saw. Isiprettd fer. sisxlsissi cesrfsrt sad ssppefl. BACKACHE? Q.T.C Suppocta are «*• •ellntfarlMrbscbdMi and sacro-Iltiic LSfhtwaighta easy to wear, it f«ds right* Expertly fitted to your doe* tor s prescription, by our trained fitters. Don't delay----get that relief «nr. • photos i WE CARRY A WIDE STOCK OF TOP-FLIGHT CAMERAS AND KODAKS IN EVERY PRICE RANGE AND PLENTY OF HMMI GRADE FILM IN ALL 8IZES. Eastman Kodak Tourist Ecstman Befcy Brownie Ansco Rediflex 2D ....-- Aneco Sure-Shot -Vlasii Unite and Bulbs Atl Siaes Color Film In Most Sixes See US About New Kodaeoler Enlargements NATIONALLY ADVKRTI8KD $71.M . $3.16 >1635 LIQUORS SEAGRAMS 7 MT. VERNON FOUR ROSES FLEISCHMAN'S GIN P. If. DELUXE :.................. SCHENLEY RESERVE GLENMORE STRAIGHT 6th $&94 6th 9&J9 6th $4.25 6th $3.19 6th $3.45 5th $3.94 6th $4.95 BEACH BALLET A Good Valea WATER WINGS FaQg Guaraateed W.9S Don't Miss This Special ;; BATHIN© CAPS :: 89c Valns While They Last 59c B O L G E R ' S assagsg 1