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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Aug 1948, p. 1

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Final Service Held For Fr.~John F. Blal Victim of Auto Crash The beautiful, mw, red brick church: Twin Lakes, Wls^ Md Fr. Blake, a with slate roof and white wood trim Wend- ******* v"itm* them" ffll doubtless be completed in Rich- j Ordained In SI . iaond, as pUnned, in time for Christ-! The deceased pastor was bom for- ^ ' t™ -» .. | ty-nine years ago and was ordained Mas mass next December, fiut the | Jn Rockford by Bishop Hoban in 1981. jw of this first memorable service j He served as assistant pastor at within its stately portals will be St. Patrick's in Rockford, coming to #aimed somewhat by the absence of; St. Joseph's at Bichmond in the faU ^en* whose spiritael guidance and | of 1933. enthusiastic _ encouragement in the j He is survived by three sister* fry1,,?. ihe ,Unrely Mrs. Kathryn Carver, Mayme and Mqponsible for the aejr St. Joseph s unian Blake, all of 437 Marquette chnreh becoming a reality. | Road, Chicago. His parents and Tbe shock with which the Rich-; two brothers! William and Harry, •ond community met the news ofj preceded him in death. Ike tragic death. of their beloved The body rested at the Ehorn LOCAL SCHOOLS MAKE PROVISION FOR HORE SFACE Additional dan Rooms Accommodate Increase In Pupils When we enjoy ourselves COUNTY «LS 11EPARE FOR ANNUAL 4-1 SHOW Throughout McHenry,' Aug. • is a red letter date on the calendars of 4-H firls, for that is the day set for the annual county 4-H show to be c high school, iVlock in the held at the .W< beginning at 10:80 morning. Approximately 280 girls carrying a clothing project will be judged on style, posture and jpneral appear- . ance in the clothing review which time j will start during the morning program. Six girl* will be selected to model in the dress revue at the state fair on Tuesday, Aof. 17. Eight passes quickly, which is perhaps the reason for the fleeting call which summer has paid us this year. In ... . just a few weeks thoughts of base- garments will &e fleeted on~conball and golf, and even vacations, j struction to be entered in the clothwill be just a memory, and we will ing construction daas at the Pair. Demonstrations will be given by girls carrying food projects or room improvement, on* ok which will be begin to settle down to crisp autumn days. While the subject of school is still remote in the minds of the young j seated to represent the 4-H girls of folks, those who must provide ade- McHenry county in the state demonn quate space and facilities for them stration program held during, and. as ' to1 --* M-x throughout Illinois. It reached" into, which it was taken to the church to alterations^ wor^ '1M '>e*un on j°£" P-®,ak*!i2' ?'home in Richmond until Sun- have already given much thought to a part of, the state fair program. £?. y. . day afternoon at 2 o clock, after the subject and work h-- hemn on Sixteen girls may attend the state the many homes where, though he lie in state until 11 o'clock Monday! - f^a-inrn namndir . st•>a y 'at the 4-H or home waarunlcnown, his name had come to morning, when a solemn raouiem . V • ilKniy**f .J" stand[ for an intelligent, influential1 mass was read. The most Rev. John fX it U tJSS^Lisd >. «r th. B~Wor<i economics building, the number atfrom the various counties on the total enrollment. 2 ^r^foThU fJffiS S^TTS. ^ TV-pr»^» U bin.; Tfc p.rtici. m Thursday •on.l.t, l»«r. St. church. Hintlejr, M SS^ibSiS Tor a_fter an ,a uJtSo mob.i le a„cc ident .on " deacon, and ^/ ^ward C.' w°°S. IMiway leading into Powers Lake,0f St. Patrick's McHenry. as masteT A. library, on |Lo#f ^Cr*e monie. M_U ^•r "UW ^iSD^..1 McIM Ulan ^remnovTing ?a wwaallV t^o ^a SsjhSor'tS dEisttaen.cSe Fatally injdred also was Atty. John of St. Peter's church, ftockord, pre- J*™®*1!!?R* ^ a _ f T? threi other isented the sermon. Deacons of honor w *ii™£ m .«T the commodate . I.rge number of pubil.: Clancy of Chicago, while three aasse: Srish ock and minor injurlM. They Egan of St. Mary's Woodstock, andlTh .. were Mrs. John Clancy, Edward P. Fr. John Daleiden, St. Peter's, Spring J" Carroll, driver of the car, of Oak Grove. ! h, fr„^ K,n u Park, and Mrs. Irene King of Chica- It is rumored that Fr. Frank library Is go. According to Carroll, he lost < Miller pastor of the Catholic Church rpv, . . j .ifi i {_ Control of the auto on a curve and at Warren, 111., and formerly assist- hJ^ eST £telieip±honne. hpeo^led. ,^BlEothlu nrCClavnc"yt 0.a»n3a. twiii,lil assume• 'p a^sto rship of tth^eH RsicJh»- i hT d«L *f u * n Sfy Carroll owned summer cottages at: mond church. not assume any transportation. WATER FIGHTS TO BE ATTRACTIVE FEATURE OF ANNUAL 0A&N1VAL HEW SCHEDULE FOR WAF BUSES NOW INJECT We«^end Serviot- Accommodation To Many Patrons The W. A. F. Transportation Company has -arranged a new, boa schedule for operations between McHenry, through Wonder Lake, to Woodstock. The schedule should be of much value to the residents of these comtfM&ltles. The west bound schedule leaving at McHenry and stopping at various points In between before arriving at Woodstock follows: Leave Riverside Drive in McHenry at 1:00 a. m. Tfeis Is an Automate special. Arrive McCullom Lake, *:08 8mitha Corners, t:ll Ringwood, 6: IS Handy Pantry, Wonder Lake, 6:22 Wonder Lake Tire Shop, 6:26. Wonder Lake Shore Hills Grocery, 6:28 Airport Grill, 6:41 Electric Auto-Lite........ 6:45 and News Depot 6:60. Depot, 6:50 Skepper*8 Special Another bus leaves West McHenry at 6:55 a. m. arriving at McCullom Lake, 7:08, Smith's Corners, 7:11, Ringwood, 7:15, Handy Pantry, Won- Cornerstone Rites To Be HighlightrOf Spring Grove Carnival Aug. 7-8 TKat very widely anticipated and]of the,, new school are new eagerly awaited event of evety sum- pieted and ready for use; they will cp^n ^ -j !"to fv-, «•? ish. Spring Grove, will be held on j during the carnival. In ad* Saturday and Sunday, August 7 and dition. to the two delicious meals 8, on the church grounds, according. which the ladies of the parish will to word fr6m Rev. Fr. John Daleiden, | prepare, a variety of games and the pastor. Dinner will be served from. serving of refreshments throughout noon until 3 p. m. and supper will! the afternoon and evening will probegin at 5 p. m„ on Sunday. Ivide diversion for those who attend. There are always many attractions! As an accommodation to those at the carnivals which St. Peter's j friends of the parish living outside sponsors. This year, however, the' Spring Grove and who desire to come highlight of the event will be the j and spend the entire day, Father laying of the cornerstone of the Daleiden has announced that masses >* • \ \ 1 new church and school, which are rapidly nearing completion. This special ceremony will take place at 8 o'clock in the evening, at which will be read at 8, 10 and 11 o'clock. This year the pastor and members of the committee in charge of the carnival take special pleasure in time all parishioners and the many > inviting everyone to attend. They interested friends of Fr. Daleiden are justly proud of the expansive and his church members are ex-1 building program which is taking pected to be on hand to witness the;place in their midst and are anxious impressive service. j that their many friends see the pro- Use New Kitchen jgrfcss which has heen made in this Since the auditorium and kitchen i worthwhile project. THEATRE GUILD HAS SCHEDULED SIXTEEN PLATS NEXT 8EA80N DOLLAR DAY WILL BE HELD IN 01Y AUG. 20 rfpr T-ako 7 - 9 9 i-wV The McHenry County Theatre lhnn^*k iS J?n ! Guild announces the list of plays that Only W*. 11 kMrt . (Mat <M .bout « W'b. printed by th. foodstook the superiority of our McHenry firemen in recent water fights, hut how many have seen thorn in action. If you haven't, your next opportunity _ , , , . , wUl come on any of the three ova- Lake schools. However, for the pres- ning8 when the Veterans of Foreign Sfhth gSte SXt!jnSS"i^iS^SJw1 I\i^ilff^^eS'ofA|ifoL1,1 a bu« leaves MC>!cS» «Mu^erwi« Crime," Ifet local pe^le better acquainted will come to McHenry, an attendance! "ghlighte rf fhe annjl cve,Ii at,2:4° f^ R,\verside Drive-l"The Fatal Weakness," "The Im- w'th vaneJv«^ Qu^ity merchan^ unit for lower grades maintained in | Another feature of the festival wilil"18 8 ps at McCullom and Won- j portance of Being Earnest, The y • that district. be Se apieaSnce of the Cnrlte der Lake and arr,vlnK at the News Voice of the Turtle," "The Hasty Two Dollar Days have been hsfaf What has long been used as the, Lake Drum and Burfe Corns on Sun D*Pot at 3:35- - Heart," "Pygmalion/' "Post Road, in McHenry m the past, and botn ; , lunch room on the basement floor of evening I Another bus leaves the Admiral i "Jason and '<The ^ MrS" Csrrols." have proved very successful. With _ . , .. ^ Rodents of Orchard Beach "di^e»^0r^rt^^ ^ the various events j Plant in McHenry at 4:S5 making! fJ®n h U^u£n tour S One person was seriously injured: their many friends are looking for" liso ^ emDloved for aome of the I kV ^ BelecUd, a f t,he,r 8toi)S ln betwoen *** arriving w La whS would mean that >o<*al merchants being well stocked two ^™ h,UrtJwa_rd w.thL pleasure to thev,r annual | SecoitiJj SiLthlS®|Shore Hills Grocery in Wonder Lake^f.t^ Covers0 in ^McHenry8" wou?d f.or the normal increase in business * Vf remain befufl * ONE SERIOUSLY INJURED IN HEAD-ON COLLISION RESIDENTS OF ORCHARD BEACH MAKE PLANS FOR ANNUAL PARTY, "AUG. 7 two weeks presented by the Woodstock anotner gigantic Dollar Day in Mc- Grocery, 7:28. Airport Grill, 7:40 and«Players in the Opera House in Henry, sponsored by the Business News Depot. 7:46. i Woodstock this next winter. They MenS Association. On Friday, Aug. Tbe Woodstock Shoppy. Sp~l,l!y"„»P«" A*' T9**- VS H.„H. P...„ T.U»th.nd p«nt [f ».«" Thi^i.1 IK "Laura" "Heaven Can Wait," another effort on the part of this "Hope," "Mrs. Moonlight," "Brief comparatively new organization to leaves Handy Pantry at Wonder Lake at 9:Oo a. m. with intermediate stops and arriving at Woodstock at 9:30 a. m. an accident which occurred last party, to be held on Lot No. 11 on j c'*^se8' 5ener^| I]f^vCO ! "w^° help provide you with gay is being done throughout the building. Enlarge Playground The west side of the structure on Waukegan street which was last year transformed into a kindergarten, la now being remodeled into class rooms Sunday evening about 9:10 o'clock! Saturday, August 7, beginning -at •n the blacktop read known as coun-' 8 o'clock in the evening. ty road "M," near the Malsch meat Provisions have been made for Ceking plant, southeast of Johns- games, music, dancing and refreshrg. ' ments and also for special enter- Most severely injured were Mrs. tainers. A treat which the kiddies Joseph Shanley, Jr., 20, of 6343 N. are eagerly awaiting is the appear- Oakley avenue, Chicago, who was j snce of French?, the clown, who be- which will take care of one half of taken to the Wbodstock hospital; tween 5 and 6 © clock in the evening the first grade pupils. This portion •offering a fractured skull,. broken j will appear on the streets of Mc- of the former Cristy house tras ocarm and internal injuriea. Mrs. Henry and later will perform for tbejeupied until recently by the Jamee Christina Holser, 20, of the same little tots and grown-ups alike at i Orr family. In the rear of the buildaddress was also injured and hos-1 the party. I ing a more expansive playground is pitalized and Clifford Jaoobeon, 19, | This annual event is undertaken being planned, with slides, teeter-totef Sunset View subdivision, Johns-!for the maintenance of good roads hnf, was treated and released. A j jn the subdivision and general imfoorth person involved jn the acci- provements for home owners. The public is invited. Vet, Urgad To Apply FdV •BfibUity Oertifiealw * tat, Joseph Shanley, 24, was uninjured. Shanley was driving his Chevrolet •path, following traffic, when he approached the Jacobaon ear, travellag north. The kttter, on making a turn, hit the snovlder of the road! Illinois veterans who plan to enter and then swerved into the oncom-, school this fall under the GI Bill of ing'auto in a headon coiMsKm. Both Rights are urged by the Illinois the Shanley --' r- «tsn, driven pletely demolished • Officer Joseph Henry police investigated tin ters and a Kitty-Climb being installed 'before the start of schooL At Lily Lake, in addition to general re-decorating, erection has begun of a small addition to provide wash room facilities for the lowor grade pupils who will remain there. entertainment will appear next week. Watch for the list along with a revue of the attractions to be offered. at 5:02. Ihave seVeral opportunities to see during the summer months, there Still another bus leaves McHenry j these talented actors and actresses should be a great variety from which .t «:S« p m. with nop. .1 Medium !""!><!»' Th<»e cit"!»|t'> m*k' 'd,!C,K,n d'""d """• AROUND THE GOUNR HOUSE $5,000 SUIT A salt to recover $5,000 was filed in circuit court last week by Attorney Thomas Mathiesen on behalf of and Wander Lake and arriving at Woodstock News Depot at 7:10. Klght Service A night bus leases McHenry at 10:00 P- m- and arrives at the Shore Hills Grocery In Wonder Lake at 10:26. The east bound schedule finds a bus leaving the Woodstock News Depot at 6:00 a. m. in the morning going via Wonder Lake and arriving at West McHenry at 6:50. A later bus leaves at 7:00 a, m. desiring one or all four of the plays! Watch for more particulars tafin their own town are asked to write! next week's issue of the Plaindealer*, to the Woodstock Players' business; manager in Woodstock. MRS. ROBE MULDOON DIED UNEXPECTEDLY SATURDAY, JULY 31 WARREN JONES TO SING AT RAILROAD FAIR AUGUST Id Warren Jones, tenor-, a shock to relatfves a_n_dH ! Va, u®g hn Jones of McHenry, has been* Coming as friends was the death of Mrs. Rose Muldoon, 70, wife of Sylvester Mul- j, a n j l i i* i ^ iHivr iiub ie»Tv« i.w i doon ovf W*: oodstock/, who passed away T •. iajo 'un iucsaay e ?"d8itV1n n!™lnf R t°S with intermediate stops and arriving I'°? AlthiSS North Western's exhibit at the "40® T™J at Crick's Grocery in McCollum Lake[at P>»yhouSe." located on the Fait The n4t tha4t resulted. .ind a"trh8e „at l7..4n7. . |j™ P°°r health t?r "1 "l""' plaza, opposite the grandstand. she was apparently recovering when 8. Few rchanres are "being made~'in: Aling of the foregoing suit occurred] A Wonder Lake special leaves here | taken ill last Thursday. warren, who will sing a group m the old high school buil&ag except 29' 1943- "le <lefendant was {at 8:30 a. m. and arrives at the Handy | Mrs. Muldoon, mother of the late to ^ppear^ h|r srlected as guest artist to appear at the Railroad Fair now in progress in Chicago. He will sing at 9:80 p.m. on Tuesday evening. Aug. 10, at C. Eri> and the C. C. and E Service, a corporation, defendants, for the usual summer house cleaning traveling south on Route 83 near Pantry tn Wonder Lake at 8:54, and painting. Those who pass the i intersection of Route 64 in Du-1 Afternoon Schedule grounds may note the progress which1 °a«re county and^ the plaintiff was, The eut bound afternoon schedule dedent. Immtoiui Response Ta 1948 March Of ittmes their subsistence cheeks on time **»e winter for completion of the(»nd maliciousness are charged ^Failure to file before registering for structure hy September of 194$. ^ 4 School may IIIG&n Ionic ™'aVK i*1 m- ! An •HftMAnsI K»s #a K* nn«Ta#isil ; oBlmo Woodstock at 3:35 McHenry at 4:30. Wesley Guffey of McHenry, was born Quentin M. Lambert, program chairin Marengo on Sept. 10, 1877, the of the fair. His uncle, C. W. d.u^«r of M, .«! M,. gjjjWU whom Sumror. incluj. thi iMower;! ^I™'1 •• daughters, Mrs. Mildred Pope, ________ f .. Woodstock and Mrs. Row Jo. j HANDICAPPED 0ITIEE»| | hanson of Elgin; two grandchildren, r|/>TT1VTV AM I William Guffey and Roseann Johan- t»UUlilX Ana An afternoon special leaves Wonder | eon eKreat.„anddaufhter, Patricia IN PAYING POSITIONS ceipt of the first subsistence checks.!by James Thompson, will trimsport1 ®«fcond ^ 6^°xfnd ^Tn" Ann Guffey; three pothers »nd two f Veterans who plan to enter school pupils to the local schools this fall.! Franc18 P. Mcl^ll^r ^with Drive in McHenry at 5.43. Still an- gisters. _ Her \ A total of forty-seven physically this fall should contact their nearest, bringing the total number to five!' *"d. wmnt,°nnes8 *nd w»"*r Willie other leaves Woodstock at 8:40 and . her in death in March of w,th negligence and wretawness, m arriyes in McHenry at 0:30. . ' | Funeral services were held _ _ „ *. 8U.I.t to_i rfu°Ver !!!? Kin I • A special Friday night schedule Wednesday morning at the home at area were gaeccsfaUy rehabiliUted circuit court this pftst week. The bill . a , , «_ a.aa I2!t S. Jefferson street Rt 9.30 oclock mng\ in navin» ^KvAn«k IVC service office. In McHenry The American people contributed! county the IVC office is located at ,669,299.75 to the 1948 march of 100% N. Benton St., in Woodstock. Basil O'Connor, president of the .national foundation for Infantile McHENRY YOUTHS HAVE Paralysis, announced last week. Fifty percent of the sum went to actional headquarters of the organisation for research and education Ejects and polio emergency epinic aid. The remainder waa retained by national foundation chapters to pay for services to polio vicaided in each chapter area. COMING EVENTS' ENTERED COMPETITION AT KANE COUNTY FAIR Conservation Course To Be Given In Oonnty Next Week * Beginning Monday, Aug. 9, a oneweek coarse in conservation will be given, sponsonell % the eounty superintendent's office, the McHenry 7:30 p. m. on Tuesday, Aug. S, and f wiH continue through Friday, Aug. 6. The fair, according to Orlo E. Salis- ' handicapped citizens residing in McHenry county and the surrounding ^.tes th-.'t Mr-P^rrs w« a "p^n" \oo4stoc* at 9:00 »J SC Se «?is ^WviSS^ ger ln the McNally car at the invi- P- m. (This is a shopper's special) |church( Woodstock. service 01 _we liimois uvimqu eg bury, president, is held as a yearly tribute to agriculture and to encourby superintendent of Schools, Roland McCannoA. It is being given for all teachers In the eounty, and to date over thirty have signed np for course, sessions to be held at Central school, tation of Mr. McNally. The McNally;and arrives in McHenry at 9:60. car was traveling south on Route The above schedule is effective 14, four miles north of Harvard, July 30 and is' for Monday through when the McNally car and one jyiday Operated by Walter O. Willie, travel-! Rervlm ing in the opposite direction,* collided, i weea-«s causing injure, to the plateUff. He o company has a Saturday and asks $5000 from the Reverend Mc- Sunday schedule with a Saturday Nalley and $15,000 from Mr. Willie..only bus leaving Woodstock at 6:20 The accident occurred July 4, 1947. a. m. and arriving in ®ur*a ,n Vocational Rehabilitation during the past fiscal year, according to a re> port released by Frank G. Thompson director of the Department of Registration and Education and chairman of the State Board of Vocational Education. - _ I The rehabilitants were persons A modern 200 milliamperes X-Ray (with many different types of voca- McHenry" at' machine to replace the 100 milli-1 tional disabilities -- the blind and Calvary cemetery. MODERN EQUIPMENT TO REPLACE OLD AT £ WOODSTOCK HOSPITAL age farm youth in the development a# tMMaA«a<l 4*jtWnMiias sn<l mA^lkAila W OOOS vOCIC* of improved techniques and methods Mornings will be devpted to lecin all branches of farm activities.: . ;• tl The 1948 fair is being held at the VS ^1° new Aagnst $ O. E. S. {Public Card Party. Aagnst 7 Orchard and all "feature events will be staged •^.fK^apX ATTACK FATAL W» I popular subscription by the Elgin TO CARL VOGEL, BAY " show--Woodrtock Hich " 7 ^ t s . o o o » i i i R K & I D H I T 1 6 Y E A R S 'be offered in premiums and special • •* of" a°a a",*|,nK • amperes now in use has been ordered i visually handicapped, the deaf and 6:50. A Saturday and Sunday bus . the ^oo^gtock hospital, so that hard of hearing, the tuberculous WILL SET NEW TRIAL_ leaves Woodstock aa#t 5K:•3 IA0 np . mnrc. an.4 * • n A . A • • « T p»tienU may have the finest equip- amputees, victims of heart Judge William R. Dnsher of Rock- arrives in McHenry at 6:15. 8till an- ment available for diagnosis. An and many others. They are now sue» ford will preside inftjw circuit court other ]eave8 Woodstock at 10:00p.m.{additional electric kitchen stove ia cessfully employed in such occutnia j, u_:n_ v-ij .t 1.U- tunsa, uiacuMHons ma motion ptcturos. of McHerny county llmrsday, Aug. night and arrives at Hhndy Pantry being installed, also a large new pations, sales work, shop keeping, imnrovfti wfnirnark fairgrounds • Afternoons will be spent on field; 12. end hear motionsm theOtis I*. fa Winder Lake at 10:25, the end of thirty cubic foot refrigerator and a radio and watch repair, office work, improveti wing park fairgrounds . r Tanner suit aga»nst Charles M. th u ^ needed Ventikitor for the teaching and in numerous other Fflmerof Dm.h.m towmhip, WMt bound: L..».« k™S..n v ^ . .W». McHenry county supervisor. A date, at 9:00 p. m. and arrives These are all being purchased by Successfully rehabilitated cases for Sit'tiST in Woodstock at 9:25. Another leaves the hospitaL These purchases have the state ,8 , whoie totaled S03T, tnat time. McHenrv at 6;20 o m and arrives in' been made possible since ine an increase of nearly 50 per cent •a!?® Ca J*e Wai._jrS # Woodstock at 7:14. Still another'for advance deposits on hospitalita- over tj,e previous high gf 2081; *n resulted m a verdict of , McHenry at 2-30 p m. andition has been enforced. ^ 'achieved during 1946-47, the report guilty" and a commendation that,»e»r«" ^.,?• ^ *naj Heretofore many outgoing patients slkicL * ^ awards to exhibit at the fair." The' Carl A. Vogel, a resident Of Plata- plVmpr Jlv" i22000 to"his"nephew*;arrives in Woodstock at 3:15 p. m. iBu^S. bESLS. ^n-tock d i v i s i o n ^11 indod. com- k<* B.y tor^H, p . , t i Jack C l t . . . b . . l n ^ of th. Ag.-at ig I petition in beef cattle, classes, dairy! died unexpectedly of a heart attack; TK .. . .. lt f 1^- ' company said that every effort will •tele Review at I cattle, sheep, Juljr 1948. jJlfibe made to give the best service ifary's-St. Patri u aairy aiea unexpecceoiy oi neart attacic Th . . companj ^Soonsortd by St little, "heep, swine, rabbits, poultry, j last Friday evening, July 80, 1948, The suit is the result M an ajter ^ ^ rick?School P.T. A,]"^ dres«ed ' H^'had^n i^'ifline 1941- Tanner alleged that'his uncle P°ttH>le RAonrf : competition will includ® sewing, knit* rthe ndio. He hftd ton in wilinflfi , A«ror KaaH witK a h*m. _ Vflla Ho¥ j tingf crochet articles, handicraft, j health for some time. Mr. Vogel was C D of A Picnic--Bohner'a Lake.' bakery goods, and canned goods. I a retired nursery owner, having car ' Angnst 28-29 I Extensive exhibits are also planned in | ried on his business ft John's Carnival--Nell's Ballroom.! floriculture and horticulture. Partici- j many years ago Sept. 8, 4, 5 and 6 in Michigan pant will include all Kane county! Survivors include the widow, Lena; 4-H clubs and FFA groups from! and two sons, Willard A. apd Alfred Cook, DuPage, Dekalb, McHenry and R. VogeL Kane counties. Open classes in sll The body rested at the chapel at events are also planned for un-! 1460 Sherman avenne, Evanston, until affiliated exhibitors, as well as 4-H 11:80 o'clock on Monday, when last and FFA exhibitors. Several from the McHenry Community have i entered in competition. CONTEST WINNERS A large crowd attended the Folk Annual Fall Festival -- Christ the . King Church, Wonder Lake. 'MIMIIMMHimilimiM ' AMONG THE SICEL Mrs. Edwin Denman of Gurnee, formerly of McHenry, underwent,4--.. __ , surgery at Victory Memorial hospital, i Festival presented last Thursday eve- Waukegan, cn Monday. • i ning at the Dean street school in Richard L. Marsh of Lily Lake Woodstock. "A" ratings were award- Underwent surgery at the Woodstock 1 ed fotar groups, including the tromhospital on Monday of this week, j bone quartet from McHenry, which William H. Althoff had the mis- is made up of Carol Harrison, Ferol fortune to break his hand while play-! Martin, Martin Klappench and Paul ing baseball last Sunday. j Schmitt They presented two selec- Fr. William Mannix has been a tions, "Oh, 'fom Golden Slippers patient at Mercv hospital, Chicago, and "Annie Laurie. The nttog Miss Norma Miller of Ringwood entitles recipients to participate in underwent surgery at the Woodstock the Sports Festival which will be * hospital last week. ! held on Aug. 26 and 27 in Springji mHy, sen of Mr. and Mrs. Carl field.rJ--i-- Weber, was a patient at the Wood-1 ' ---;----- .. Stock hospital the last of the week. The J. Burke family roirilsBette -- Snhscribe lir Km risked relatives and mends la Me- Henry on Sunday. rites were conducted there, with interment in St. Paul cemetery, Skokie. SHOW WINNERS A Junior yearling bull owned by Buren Anderson and Sons of McHenry placed third in that division struck him over the head with a ham mer following a verbal battle over pigs which belonged to Tanner's father who resided across the road from Mr. Palmer. The resultant injuries were permanent, according to Mr. Tanner. RESIDENCE CHANGES have "«Kle^ted to pay the^Jr,P,J^ Services available to handicapMd bill, 'herebv -usmg citixens through the Division of Se! oss to the'hospital. It urns^ absolute , habilitation include medical treatly necessary to make g men, artificial annliances. counasl '\t' ho^Ul ^ the proper equipment for the com-, J°b P»c««nent. fort and treatment of all patients| BIRTHS I '••••••••••KMX! Illl l l l i A son was born on July 81 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tonyan. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frett announce the birth of a daughter, Rose- _ mary Louraine, at the Woodstock To the west and to the east went j on A,u*- f the McHenry firemen during the nast't,Doed the scales at 7 week to extinguish flames which; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Tonyan of threatened to cause considerable | Rin;r'vood are parents of a daughter, damage. Due to the quick action of (born Saturday, July 31, at the Woodthe local department, however, loss. tock hospital. was kept at a minimum. i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin of Last Saturday morning flames, Los Angeles, Calif., announce tne from a burning rubbish pile on the j birth of their first child, a daughter, L. B. Wheelock farm west of town Theresa, born on July 29. Clarence set fire to a nearby com crib, but s Martin of McHenry is tne prow it was put out before much damage; grandfather. was done. On Wednesday noon, fire- * ' men extinguished a prairie fire at Lilymoor Which buildings. Last Rites Held Sunday For Grove Chittenden, 60 -- - - - ----- _ . ___ j(i far more important than the seem- ^ . cn ! ing inconvenience caused the pa- Grove Chittenden, 60, well known tient by the reqUest for advance paythroughout McHenry• county, j ment for hospitalization. The hospiserved as an executive of the Mc-1 ^ wighes it understood, however. Henry Title and tSSBS ' that in accident^^and emergency eases for many years, died last Thursday, ^ ^ fa not enforc^. July 29, in Woodstock after a long Mr. and Mrs. Earl .Walsh and | illness. -He was for some . time a family are moving from the Diedrich member of the 'Board of Review and house on Richmond Road to the assisted in the treasurer s office. Henry Kennebeck place east of Mc-, The body rested at the Merwin Henry. TTiey will reside there until, funeral home until Sunday, when the comoletion of their new home on services, were conducted there at 3 north ween street. o'clock by Rev. C. C. Urch of the Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blake have Woodstock Presbyterian church, with at the j Northern Illinios Gurnsey j moved from the Rose Huemann home burial in Oakland cemetery. Breeders Araociation's ninth annual j on Elm street to the Arnold Blake He is survived by his widow, Emma parish show held On Sunday, Aug. 1,! house in Lake View subdivision. Chittenden; also a sister, Blrs. Clarice at the Dorvillee Farm, southwest 6t j The Hilary Rodenkirchs of Chi- j Thacker, of River Bank, Calif. Barrington. First prize senior calfjcago are now residing in the upper in the 4-H division was shown by i apartment in the Peter Freund build- Valerie Creaves of Wauconda. The | ing on Elm street, calf later was selected as the 4-H ~ champion of tbe show. John Shadle of Ringwood is serving the McHenry community as photognpher during the absence of Andrew Worwick. Mr. Shadle has been assisting Mr. Worwick ist|(h^fMt two summer seasons. - . 1; PURCHASE HOME Miss Eileerf Fitxgerald and Mra, Mrs. Roy Cromwell has moved Ethel Munson were high bidders on from the FYeund apartment in West;the Patrick Cleary house on Main McHenry to a room on Riverside j street which was sold at public auc- The Richard Fretts have moved ition last Saturday. The home sold from Riverside Drive to a home in; for $9,750. the Country Club^ subdivision. Little Damage Reported In Two Fires This Week Order your mbfrer «PUhutealer. I Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin of endangered three Need Robber Stampe? Order at The Plsindeeler. A daughter was born at tin Woodstock hospital on Aug. 2 to Mr. and Mrs. John Grannth. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dohm are the parents of their first child, a boy, oorn at the Woodstock en Ang. 3. .

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