>3a • • = jlV - f.-J.r' IM =4 MMII >'» ll l l l *'**""»* 1 Meyer and Joseph Wum were ncrs, 8 all. " . Pt; News Wonder Lake By Vaneaae 8db Browni* Seoati Held Organisation -Meeting Fifteen little girls signified tiprfi ; i n t e n t i o n s of becoming Browaie I Scouts at an organisation meetf _ . held on Tuesday of last week at the . home of Mrs. Virginia Monteleone. Those present at. this meeting were: Jean Selsdorf, Mary Lotf anSBtl- ! zanne Miller, Betty Holocwost, Sandi Mr. and Mrs. GailjaM and Jane Dunaway; Mr. ami ortii, huh?? -.jristensen; Mr. and Mrs. 3«rr; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mr. and" Mrs. Fuller; Mr. ftoherty; and Mrs. Betty and Mrs. Fuller, who have ig in McHenry* are movthe home in Wooded Shores, ickline Bay, recently occupied by Joan Dorn from a two Rhinelander, and Mrs. Edwin Dornfush, and har brother, Clayton, spent their vavatio* at Crescent lifer earlier in the season. IWented chtt- et^ ^ a marvellous! churth tfl k tW to *tgram of Gospel staging; last Sun-1 P»ayiy eveiUng, Aur I Thirty-eight ember* spare present at the oeoa-j . Ce*te* Ertato bbta weg> XJaroVL Osberg Friday, August 6--Rod aid Ova- Virginia AMietifn, with Auxiliary. Oie Gaudrey aa accompanist.; Friday, August 6--American Lee •director is Clifford Anaenson, 'gion Election , . END LIFE - j Clyde Smith, of Genoa, w»*: ffcund dead early last Friday morning j • fa a tool shed near his home, by Or-: irille Kyler, a postal employee. Pblice' * reported the body was found hanging; by a rope from a rafter. Death had I • resulted from strangulation, they said. Friends of the dead man s*y.he' ~ • ; w, had been despondent for many weeks McHenp Resident «ins due to the illness of his wife, Mrs. Television Set Sunday - Hilda Smith who is with a sifter in^ Mrs. Helen Kreutzer, SO® Green frMdere. * ^Street, McHenry was the winner ofjJo Monteleone, Sandra Sella, Helen jthe beautiful television set which was Armstrong, Cora Jean Henth ^ ^ . ithe grand prize offered at the picnic J4y""* >iwt!!ii o*4)*6 j °n Weditedday of last week. Mr.; elect new officers, ftr tfl* Coming J will speak at "the morning, service at sj/I.,. I**, «» M*ck B3&at?«WEla5WJL^"STSSSii!^5 "- ^Lookout Point. - Bastian. j back Mtr^big job in The weather man favored the Look-1 Membership in the Brownies is not'future, The Robert Vanderstraeten Post, "l So sorry to learn that.Way'ne Sart , A. meri.c an Legio^n, will meet- on Fri lorne, well had to undergo major surgery i.d®y» Aug. 6, at Harrison Stfibol to A > -- «* j i > *. » * • i « •»»• ! aIIM4 MA«W ^ ^ _ • out Pointers by giving them a really ^ closedand little «irls between i. 'the apes of 7 and 10 are invited to turn out as important business will be discussed. The American Legion post of .Wonder Lake hag its firs wcde.fui day for »eir a.mu.1 turn.,SI,.".?:*"*!' PUgriJ, "l. "JE J??!!.1*? out which started on Saturday eve-. ,i0 so may either write Mrs. Mont*. au c{ N. Y, ore visitors in I Corps dwlng World War MI. Her mng. Picnic lunches were brought Jeone. ^DJ, Kin^wood, or phone the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph | husband^ George, is an army vetin the rst woman. memperson of yrs. Louise by many; others satisfied themselves! b^^t \^ondcr Lake 451. by purchasing refreshments at stands. " the The Brownies are being sponsored by the Community Club and will be WHEN YOU CHOOSE CANDY Choose it Wisaly . Gat man Monteleone. Mrs. Olive Tallnian will serve as leader with Mrs. Virginia Monteleone serving as assistant leader. Visitors at the Tuesday meeting were Carol Bell of Chicago, and Cindy Sue Tallman. at Our Stora! EVERY BOX YOU BUY MERE IS GUARANTEED FRESH That's because in our Whitman's Refrigerated Candy Department every box of these delicious confections keeps its richness and tastiness : the way you want them--the. way you expect Whitman's! One of the high points of Sunday [three: Mrs. Maida Bastian, chair was the baseball game between the ™JV,1» ¥, s* Margel TroXell, and Joseph | Legion Team and the Kiwanis vteam |wth the Legion winning 12 to 6. On the Lecion team was "Red" . Corcoran, J. Widen, M. L. Smith, . i-Tcny Grill, Tom Ramsier, Joe Ku- > ' cera", Bob Corcoran, Paul Murdock, 5Bud Grubb and Dr. Raymond Watjlcins. -A- Playing for the Kiwanis were: (O'Block, Keeler, Duttko, Moschel^ '-lloiines, Cheever, Buxton, H. Wagjier, Jurgens, and Sullivan. ! the orientation meeting of the League Sgt Steven Duttko, chairman of | °t Women Voters held at the home |he Lookout Point subdibision and of Mrs. Esther Bom oh Mondiiy eveiiis chairmen for the picnic: " Mrs.; n'»g- Bernice Moschel, Mrs. Marie Bendl, Mrs. Drummond, an able and fas V T V •«- J! care for Mrs. White, who is quite ill under the direction of a committee of, Mr. i? Mrs.. Crooker's - army White of Indian Ridge. Mrs. Crooker! eran* They are the parents of who is Mr., White's sister, is helping | small son, who is 14 months old. A number of other friqjfds ^pm oiicago. with a good representatioiv of local people made up the audience., It was a mst denghtfnl under the stars, with ideal weather and the best ^of fellowship. Next Sunday, August 8, the pastor! ,y, August 8--Wickline Picnic. -I. i AWfidrt j^operty totaled almnat 10 mlllkm dollars la 1M7. Thaas Aires, ooily <T.lil ttamb«r destroyed 680 aircraft, 43 htnfanaaf at least 10 other buildings. V Paul F. Anderson will; sing. Sunday Bible School is at 10; a. m. The evening service at 7:45 > will be another "out of door" meat- Complete line of Lee's pouftxy in? on the lawn. The string band remedies at Watties Drug Store, of the Rockford Evangelical Free Henry. S-tt a. Mrs. Dreseher daughter. { Voters League Meetin Mrs. Warren C. second, Foam, Peter A. Georgesonji sum- \ third» Admiral Scott, John T. George f f Yacht Club News [ Sunday was a beautiful day at Wonder Lake. Under sunny skies j Mrs. Anna Reihms died in Chicago .and moderate winds tv\o sailboat on Sunday July 25, 1948 at 4:00 p.m. Iraces were run and eight outboaraj Burial was on Wednesday July 28,i!rafes> The winners of tne Class "A"i from the funeral home at 4561 Mil- (»ailt°»t race were as follows: fiirst,| waukee Ave. She is survived by j Lightning, Peter I. Georgeson; her husband, Charles. J " ~ Mr. and Mrs. Reihms were , mer residents of Shore Hills for the past six or seven years and made j The winners of the Class ' B" koS1: M^'caca of'"?"^ fri«nd» in thiscommunity. A j ^ ^ere as follows: first, w w-o- 1 Chicago were the »ne»t sneakers at ster' and four brothers also sur-! ^in«y Sa1?' S*'P Noren; second, H. ^«g- ^I,,ca«.° ^'.e tne ???e*\®r,ea,er*_a! vive Mrs. Reihms. - |Sandpiper, Lyle Schttfft; third, Snipe, She was a member of the Comfort Hank Sczlowicz. Chapter of the OES, number 9061 Two heats were run in each class and interment was in Fairmount outboards starting at 2 p. m. The cemetery. " | winners were as follows: 4 hp. Class, ---:--' iiirst heat, first, Albert RischoW) New residents in Wonder Woods ^T41, Fra"k third, Chariea are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wurm ' second beat, first, Albert Riswho, together with their black Lab- ^ w' - 8epon ' Frank Wish, third, of and Mi*s. Gertrude Watkins, would i ("mating speaker told of a citizen's like to thank the general public for duties; the true meaning of politics; JO kindly helping to make the picnic and the educational programs of the fcuch a success. They are very grate-, Le»Kue. „ tul to Mr. and Mrs. B. Peterson, Mrs.! Mrs. Mary Kay Carman, president 12. Gamen, and Mrs. Virginia Mahal, of the League of Women Voters of 11 of Hickory Falls, who also as-.! the Wonder Lake area presided at sisted at the picnic. I the meeting. The minutes of the Fatso," the funny, funny clowi* previous meetings were read by Mrs. T , See T. P. on the Lake Shore for your Real Estate ^Insurance Largs choice of beautiful lake front homes and vacant at Wonder £ake, McCullom Lake and Fox River. Lict your property FOR RENT or FOR SALS* T. P. MATHEWS ESTATE AMD INSURANCE BBOKEB I.ake Shore Drive, Wonder Caite^vv; f. Wonder Lake, 111., P. 0. Ringwood * i ^ Phone Wonder Lake 308 1 Bolger's Drag Store I kept the little folks amused by the Bom, secretary, and reports were 'hour. He organized and ran the given by various chairmen. *»'««« ' games and awarded the prises. (In. for the census were discussed private life, ' Fatso" is George PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. Mickes of Chicago.) who, £,uw» "an" W1!n- ™ua> rador, "Lady," moved into the home T0™ Hartmann; 10 hp., first heat* formerly occupied by the Demko Ken Bauske, second, Richard family. The home is an all-year- t^rd> Cal Kolar; second i around place but the Wurms'will tle^ ' '/. ^en Bauske, second, Cal probably reside permanently in the Qj a 5 u' * - tW8,' i home only until the weather gets Mercury Class, first heat, first, Jack bad; but they will probably be per- JCtl'v',sec°n^ Henry Rischow; secondi manent residents by next year. ' Kea ' H Kelly, second, pale: * Voss; 22 hp. class, first heat, first,.' Three Wonder Lake girls were on George Rischow, second, Andy Runs, I » «... ft..t «,,tl-J!third, L^triy Fuhrer; second heat, 1 In a close contest of horseshoes,: tion will hold a big picnic on their | being played at the picnic, the Won- beach this Sunday with the public 1 der Woods team, composed of Clair, cordially invted to attend. There will Wm.ll,in5,.,^WenJ^ r, . the corn-detaaslin^ cwwR that nulled third' fuhrer; second heat, The Wickline Bay Farms Associa- of^SdSlJk at 7^15 am everv! first Rischow, second,^Larry - """ ^ w t!W ^ Kunz; ^ „ «« te'silta*1*"* S,"*to' BW": auspices o?C' Lake Yacht Club will the be Wonder this H-O When the razzing and the ribbing on the Nineteenth Hole begins to get you down, don't throw your clubs away.. Spend a little time with us correcting those dub ?hots that spoil your game. In the cool of the evenin', if it's only relaxation you need after a hot sultry day at work or business, drive out and spend a leisure hour where the breeze is always blowing. Our brilliant flood lighting and Midget Golf Course are a combination that can't be beat for an evening's amusement. i- Golf Range Stop & SOCK PEE WEE GOLF Route 120, 2 miles east of McHenry be games and contests for the children, as well as two mixed swim- . "Aj «> coming Sunday, Aug. 8, at 2 p. m. ming races for boys and girls. One, Have just heard that Mr. flfid Mrs. starting from A1 Home's Lakeview for the youngsters between the ages; Jobn Viola celebrated seventeen ynn Pier. i of 6 and 10; and the other for those years of marriaire on July 18, which - • was also Mr. Viola's birthday. j Christ the King Church J The way I heard it, Elly was, Masses at 9, 10 and 11 a. m.,' going steady with John that with confessions heard before each spring seventeen years ago and she mass. 0n Saturday, Aug. 7, a asked him what he wanted for his requiem bigh mass will be said for! birthday and John--who hadn't been Mrs. Emily Raboin. On Sunday, from 11 to 16. For grown-ups there Will be games with prizes; dancing in the evening and lots • of good food will be on sale bv the members of the various committees. Home-made potato salad; good baked beans; hot dogs and hamburgers with all, the trimmin's; as well as soft drinks and coffee will all be available for those who wish to purchase a little snack or a whole plate dinner. There will also be several large special prizes. Don't forget the picnic at Wickline. Visit with your neighbors and contribute to, their improvement fund, for that is where the proceeds will probably be used. able to get up enough courage for Aug. 8, the Hoh that onfe-knee act of declaration of intention--blurted out "You!" and that is "how-come" that the birth-: day and wedding fall on the same date. ' Name Society will: at the 9- a. m. 4-11 Clubs Hold Their Local Achievement Day The two Wonder Lake i-H Cluba held their Achievement Day on Friday evening, at, 8:00 pan. in the Harrison school. There were nine members of the Busy Bumble -Beea 4-H Club and eight members -of th% Handy Helpers club present. Sharon Grace Sells served as mistress of ceremonies and also gave a demonstration on flower arrangement. The flowers used.were donated by the James Flower Shop. Esther Martin demonstrated the way to put in a zipper; Helen Tronsen gave a talk on postage: Joanne Resheske gave a brief l&it&ry of the Busy Bumble Bees; Peggy Selsdorf told of' the life of Stephen Foster; receive communion mass. Robert Moreau and ILyle Stensrud are co-chairmen for the big Fall Festival which will be held again this ------ year by the church over the Labor! Another of the items that just Day weekend. The boys are plancame to my ears was that a beau- ning a lot of gala events. More de-' tiful congratulatory card addressed tails on this affair will appear at a to Mr. and Mrs. A1 Repan, congrat- later date. * ulating them on their seventh wed- Gospel Center . ding ianniversary was signed, "Ron-' The Summerdale Evangelical F^ee Why Pay Rent BUNYAN Lodge-t^QtJj.e only $1883.00: W T. • - F.O.B. St. Igrtaee, Mtcl ^'*26'. Ideal for all- Jrear home, lake or : guest bouse, tourist cottage. This smarts professional^' designed Lodge is a spacious 4-room home. 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitch nette, porchette, knotty pine inside and out. fecial oil finish preserves natural beauty for years --no painting exterior or interior. Solid, enduring. Pre-cut. Easy to erect by one man and a boy in less than a week. £ligible for F.H.A. Title 1, Class S, Insured Mortgage - S e n d f o r D e t a i l e d S p e c i f i c a t i o n s , " v r Cabins (12'*16') and Bungatowz M'l&'f v ^ Also Available KNOTTY PINE BUILDERS EAN3S LAKE WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS ive a fine CLOSING OUT Will sell merchandise at a great sacrifice NOW IS THE SNOW SUITS. Formerly $11.80 __ TIME TO BUY CHILDREN'S Now . *869 _____ 9.95 11.50 6.98 5.98 7.95 3.9# CHILDREN'S A24U WOOL JUMPERS Formerly Now $6.98 $4.79 WOOL PLAID SKIRTS Formerly How $ 2.39 * $1.69 2.65 1.89 LADIES' FLANNEL PAJAMAS Formerly How $2.95 $2.15 CHILDREN'S LONG AND THREE-QUARTER Tormerfy Now $ .49 1 . $ .35 •39 .29 WOOL MITTENS AND GL0VE8 Formerly Kow $ 1-15 - $ .79 •79 .55 LADIES' DRESS GLOVES - Formerly Now $1.79 $1.49 1.35 .98 * Kathryn Barbian's Style Shop, GREEN STREET McHENRY, -ILL. and Geraldine Cormier ga> demonstration on First Aid. Workinig together Etta Reinhard and Martha Boldt put together la Waldorf salad, and Virginia Audino and Sandra Sells gave one on the making of carrot and raisin salad. The program was opened by an introduction of the officers of both clubs, followed by the 4-H pledge, led by Marilynn Stromstedt who later sang a solo in her clear soprano voice. A beautiful table was arranged by the members of the Handy Helpers to show the basic-seven foods served over the three meals of ' the day. On Tuesday, August 3, five of the 4-H'ers departed for Camp Shaw- Waw-Nas-See at Lake Geneva, where, with 100 other 4-H'ers they will spend a busy week. Those leaving were: Etta Reinhard, Martha Boldt, Peggy Selsdorf and Sancka and Sharon Grace Sells. .......JV/* ' "k:[ . Softbell Team Plays ty'~ Ten Inning Game Two games were played last week by the Wonder Lake Softball team. On Sunday, the game between the local team and the Johnson Sea Horses of Waukegan was one of the most outstanding in tlje local team's history. The score was tied at the seventh and it was necessary to 1 play ten innings before a winning score of 9 to 8 was established by the Waukegan team. This grueling game was pitched by George FVeund with Kespeth Fossler acting as catcher. The "Hitless Wonder," who prefers anonymity, surprised himself and his teammates by getting a single with two men on bases--both men scored. The team traveled to Camp Duncan near Volo for the secona where they won 24 to 12. The team lineup is as follows: Gil Rhode, ss; Kenneth Fossler, so; Dick Wilhelm, lb; Ronnie Wilhelm, If; Jack Kraemer, 2b; Bud Schau, cf; George Cross, rf; Les Krieger, 3b; Oob Lawrie, eatcher, and George Freund, pitcher who is also a fine batter with a total of eight runs for the season. In the Volo game, Freund was plenty hot--got three hits in five times at bat. Dick and Ronnie Wilhelm each scored' a homer as did the "Hitless Wonder," who is ' trying to live down that scornful | appellation. | Sew 'nd Sip Club | Gives Farewell Party I The "Sew 'nd Sip"* eltili «*«•" a picnic for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Alle , tag at Fontana on Thursday after ; noon of last week. As a farewell j gift for the Alletags, who left on Saturday for their new home in j Binghamton, N. Y., the crowd presented them with a pair of silver candle holders. j Present at the picnic were: Mr. and Mrs. lack Carman; Mr. and Mrs. game 4MP ACfHfff mum mamm* m .^SSrisL/. rm mukwmom* mhqcmiua JM ' ivpturrr. A Motntoy. BAkwQmf *9* C NmLAnilm D E Nt* I00hp¥£,or95hp$kc. F 01 COME IN i SEETHB FOPny-NlNER! BUS$ MOTOR SAL SSI KA1H ST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS •X