v ffw.--. •. '** - 'Jlf J^^.y'fiir ? ,^>i»f c*fi»^ »?»H«.\;-sg.<• - -f!^>|*y- 7^ *• r,- *# , - v .'.. ' r.', .-. - . "W "•"*• 1f!*- * «r .•«'•'J Jper^ ?: .** ..** w ?~, • " ~ ~ ^ ' ' ; ' : * : * ' • » ' * - ^ _ - »-.<«»«, ,«*• % vv ! • r M t * N y ^ * f * £ ( * * ~ h * * ' • % vr-.-u •£%! '«*£-«>; >-'£;. - U*« •• ->* * . -' J H* gb,ii - Wi*'-**; 'a* ' «' •* *"' »* ; , •jp. <t • • : . ' ' ^..t-*" < '."_: . a.j:. - .- <«. >• •* •v.«t>'U' * ff *»,** & **•-»• < %i' "•' ajjS&piy *W.~ . MSK» \ -* .7 • 'r. .Jtf., -y\f . : ,«. s .V , M wiiftftlr-H-t*i< oxnme 74 McHEKRY, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9.1948 LONG ILLNESS OF WILLIAM SPENDER ENDED IN DEATH Retired Business Man Resident H«re ";'/•. ?;. i- f Nearly Half Century f;: .^C, One of McHenry's veteran retired businessmen, William Spencer, 71, 4led early, last Friday morning, Sept. £, following a lingering illness. He passed away in the Woodstock hospital, where he was confined for only a . H.\ few days, although he had been in ••" failing health since last December. ' He was born on November 16, 1876, in Chicago, the son of the late - John and Charlotte Spencer. Following his marriage to Miss Mary Mattern of Chicago forty-eight years to, the couple settled for a time in auconda, where young William «orked with his father in the operalion of a mill. When their establishment burned to the ground forty-two years ago, they moved to McHenry «nd purchased the old Hanley Mills, Which 1-hey renamed McHenry Flour Mills. Upon his father's re- ' tfrement 1915, Mr. Spencer took over Ownership and management of the business, a position he held with continuing success until his retirement two years ago. Through nearly a half century he -----Watched with pride the steady growth if McHenry and the transition from .®ie horse and buggy days to the tbodern auto. His own business kept lace, and during this time he saw ffie old fashioned steam power give Way to oil. Also, with some reluct r? t f:> M McHENRY IN THE SUMMER TIME •aee in giving up one of the last ties with his early business, he took over -- fhe flour grinding equipment a few :--pears ago. Mr. Spencer was a member of the local Masonic lodge and for many years was very active in its work. He was an untiring worker in civic """iievelopment as he was in his own fcusiness, having served at one time •4m alderman from the west side and Abo a director of the Citizen's bank And of the^ West McHenry State bank. ' ^ Although retired for more than "two years, he maintained his machine shop in the basement of the rs untill ill health forced him abandon this work. NEW INCENTIVE OFFERED MCHS FOOTBALL SQUAD ^ Wonder Lake Are* - : " itiw&nis Club Plaifts - Dinner For Athletes Every now and then some club or civic group comes up with an idea which merits the attention of the entire community. This time it.is the Wonder Lake Area Kiwanis club, which is planning to sponsor the first annual dinner for the letter men on this year's M. C. H. S. football squad. The banquet will be held at the Villa Hotel Resort at Pistakee Bay, the big night being scheduled for Monday, Nov. 8, just after the close of the football season. Final arrangements prior to setting the actual date were made this past week at a meeting of club officials, Supt. C. H. Duker and Coach Leonard McCracken. The incentive which this gesture will no doubt provide prospective top notch players will be interesting* to watch as the season progresses. The dinner is being planned pr!« marily for the players, their families and friends and Kiwanis members. However, it is expected that the general public will get solidly behind this worthwhile movement and lend support. At this early date it has been im- • possible to release the name of the guest speaker, but Kiwanis officials assure the boys that an outstanding football personality will be present to present thrilling events in his own career. This will be the highlight of a varied program which is now in the making for Nov. 8. Another feature will be the presentation to the school of a beautiful trophy which will remain in the school's posession. Each year the name of the boy who is selected as outstanding in a combination of football ability and scholarship will be engraved on the trophy. While the above award is a challenge to the team as indivduals, incentive for the team as a whole is being offered in the gold footballs which will be presented to each member should the McHenry boys win the conference championship this year. Needless to say, Coaches McCracken and Roche and their large number .. of young athletes are deeply indepted .! to the Kiwanis club for presenting to very special goal toward No. 17 - -4 • .< •-i "t Many Chieage visitors during the first snow flakes transform our city grown slowly but steadily, and this photography. While continuing his Drive studio, and during August, in summer months said goodbye to the' 'n*° a winter wonderland. j summer he has made his decision studies, he also studied aviation and the absence of the owner, took com- • J® ^ loyely countrysidepictured .bo« ^ ?„.-*«*, Bg "I «""> «« ^ P« ! P'etc oh»^. Thj, f.U he »iU enroUj^ SS^SSl on Labor Day, as they left McHenry August by John Shadle of Ring- hobfcy was developedduring his army VHt« "cense. He expects to make in a photographic school, either m: always shown good school spirit, but to resume life in the big city until wood, who obtained the views from days. Upon his discharge he en- extensive use of his knowledge in Indiana or Connecticut. ^ _ j the added impetus of some new and next spring. Others will be return- inside a Piper cub plane. His pilot rolled at the University of Illinois t'l,s ',ne in "ls photographic work. Other scenes taken in this vicinity i coveted recognition should make for ing over the weekends, untile Jack was William Johnson of Woodstock.. in an engineering course, but soon During J;his summer he has aided will appear in later issues of the (even more fight in 1948 autumn (Frost tints the autmn leaves and the_ John's interest in photography has ' found that* his real love was Andrew Worwick in his Riverside Plaindealer. LAST BIG BOAT RACES OF AB AtfD ONED^AFTER TWO CA9ES OF THEFT REPORTED IN AREA. DHRINOPAST WEEK^ ^UNDAY, SEPT, 12 LABOR DAY WEEKEND WALTER H. HOPKINS IS NAMED DIRECTOR FOR BAKING PROGRAMS Two cases of theft ia this were reported to Sheriff Fred C. Bail in recent days. | Two rugs valued at $460 were: > ratio games. Final preparations for the dinner will be completed in future weeks by Richard Richards, president; Floyd Covalt, vice-president. Robert G. Behrens, chairman of the arrangement committee, and all of the mem- He was accomodating and Jn his business associations, And friendly to those in need of his kelp. Even in later years he retained •n unusual interest in pebple and fcappenings about him and a joy of Survivors include the widow; three daughters, Mrs. Thomas (Ellen) •Fhalin and Mrs. Lester (Dorothy) °'!"t boat raelnc ^ however," i. «h. to* it -., „f the ..don-wid. B.kin. Industry iiic i/nun-u-uiKcs Boat Club is, met Lake in the 10 hp. Mercury' w Jl? 'in(.r° AJi.' combining efforts with McHenry busi-: Motor class will be here to compete Friday. •sazoo, Mich., nine grandchildren; two great grandchildren; and three aister, Mrs. Lina Kirwin of Crystal Lake, Mrs. May Grove and Mrs. Lucy Peake of Chicago. The body rested at the Peter M. Justen funeral home, where a host of friends called to pay last respects. •"Kites were conducted at 2 o clock on fcurday afternoon, with Rev. Wayne .Price of the Community Methodi.l church officiating. Masonic services were held at the grave in Woodland cemete.-y. Burglars broke into the Charm j hundreds of visitors who have demon- House tavern at Lily Lake Monday strated their love for spills and evening and escaped with an unde-; thrillg OH the water. termined amount of money. Thej races will again include both burglars took $18- in nickels which j,^,^ an<j outboards, with many were in two cigar boxes and wme familiar drivers plus new entries excash from the cash register. Theyipected to ^ on hand at racing time. - - ., also Stole twenty-five cartons ofi t r*cer<» *re known tn unend XLnC*fnr7, irMr- Th®. rg,a[y w", dU" much time, money and effort in Ev- , , j. ... lx „ „ , . - n, . bers, each of whom has been assigned Most people who love vacation Walter H. Hopkins of Oichard|a particular part of the entertaindays and outdoor life have consider- Beach, McHenr>' and advertising and ( men^ . „ i able regret in taking leave of sum- merchandising executive in the bak- j _. jr. • , . . . ^ •«> «•"..».*« th*" Si on Monday instead of Tuesdav evenings in the future. Several outstanding programs have been arranged. The program chairman, with the co-operation of United Airlines, haa arranged for the presentation of the company's lastest color and sound picture, "Highway to Hawaii," oa Sept. 13 date. Made at considerable cost to United Airlines, the picture covers the high spots of interest ia each of the Hawaiian Islands. Few businessmen have made more Bennett Waikes, who resides one and Sund.v September ?2 yciu.wt.nce, or more mead, i» a*, mi|«. s^th 0f M?H„r, I. tost nlty yearsthan .W iUiam SgMieer.!fffcir Oaks subdivision. It is believed combining efforts with .«nWr. uu.,. „lutuI vtrng W111 ^ . . , ... .. cfenfittiat they were taken some time to bring this last big race against the best in the same cKss the,r masters ,eave for mne months ' of the season to McHenry, and the from the Chain-of-Lakes. of city life. 8TATE COURT WILL DECIDE ON VALIDITY DF REORGANIZATION ported to Lyle Huchinson, deputy, who investigated. class shape before each race. Last minute preparations are now going on to make this a thrilling wind-up to a highly successful season of racing on 'Fox 'River and adjoining lakes. Dave and Bob Switrer have a new Forrest Rose, who was injwed in f«>ng boat which they tried out at an automobile accident on Aug. 24 the Wtmder Lake races last Sunday Accident Victim Died Of Injuries In Omsk Many eyes will be on the Switxer We were considering the plight of boys since their racing has drawn! these anials (usually dogs) just after; much comment in the press through- j Labor Day when a call trom a justly1 out this part of the country during irate animal lover reminded us tnat the entire racing season. i human nature has not greatly The enthusiasm for boat races changed and that there are still a few among McHenry residents reached a people whom we flatter by our high point at the time of the huge reference as humane. j water carnival earlier this season Mrs. Mary Hoff, who has resided and is bound to carry through this on Bay View Lane, Pistakee Bay, program next Sunday. With the during the summer months for many, experience gained this year, the many years, was awakened about 5 McHenry Business Men's Association' o'clock on Tuesday morning of this will start early in making plans for | week by the crying of a dcg. She the '49 racing season. McHenry has immediately dressed and began a all the natural advantages for spon- search of her premises. After consoring these programs. lLarge, en- siderable time she came upon three thusiastic crow<ds 'ire convincing beautiful little puppies which she evidence that boat races rate a high thought to be acout six or seven nn Rt 1 !T thrLamiiesneastnof C?vsta! September 5. The boys were pleased spot in the recreational and enter- weeks old and of collie parentage T.«lr» AieU la** Saturday Sent 3 at with the results in the trials and are tainment programs of our com- Someone had evidently driven into the Highland Park hospital. Mrs. anxious to find out next Sunday just munity. [the lane, thrown the puppies over the Rose said that their auto was struck in the rear by a station wagon driven FIVE INJURED IN ^Ust^k63 ScharnfWeber' °f MINOR ACCIDENTS Schamweber was. booked on ; a on HOLIDAY WEEKEND charge of driving while intoxicated,. on complaint of Mrs. Rose, but' Tax Complaints Keep Board of Review Bmy fence, and left. At present the little puppies are __ WALTER H. HOPKINS WEBER BROTHERS' BOAR PROCLAIMED CHAMPION McHenry farm boys chalked^hfe more honors for themselves last week with their entries in the Walworth County Fair held at Elkhorn, Wis., Sept. 3 to 6. This is one of the largest county fairs in the midwest and is annually attended by hundreds of farms folks, both* as exhibitors and I being fattended on milk iii the home Promotional Program, it was an-1 spectators. J of Mrs. H c f f , awaiting someone who nounccd this week by Arthur Vos,' Top honors were-awarded to Da* wiB provide a good home. Any- jr.f 0f Denver, president of the j and Billy Weber, sons of Mr. and With the opening of the new school year reports concerning the questioned validity of consolidation is Interesting to the many persons who were concerned-with the reorganization problem locally less than a year . . . A special session of the state legislature will be needed if the Supreme Court declares Illinois' school reorganization law unconstitutional this month, Vernon L. Nickell, superintendent of f>ufclic instruction, said last week. "An adverse decision would cause so much confusion throughout the ' state that only -the legislature could settle it," Nickell said. Nickell said he still expects a decision on the validity of the law this month. The Supreme Court reconvenes Sent. 13. ~ The law permits areas to vote on school survey committee recommendations to consolidate smaller districts into larger community districts. So <far, 133 districts have been formed with an assessed valuation of more than $2,500,000,000. The law has been challenged in three suits, but most interest has been shown in an appeal to the high court by officials of common school district six of Sangamon and Morgan counties. They challenged the law on grounds that it does not promote an "efficient natem of schools" as required by the state constitution. They also , argued that the law promotes "land crabbing" by school districts eager % -- * •* -- * - r / l i A a i . . . Q„^t,-rin_ aV.j fiiinc one, who wishes one of the dogs may American Bakers Association. Mr.; Mrs. Joseph Weber who reside on the The job Of an& g ® Anll 4-U^a«. a>4nnfiirl miatrofiv nhnnp uAKt:«n ...ill Vu><vin Ivvo natv naeiirn. I PifitnlfpA Hnv hlftpktnn riuH Thpir X complanits is kee; . anea 9*er me nonaay weeitenu e b, oa.r..d. .o. f re_ vie• w,„ uQ:__-,Q_ _f nrs. rion, tiuu onu yim- *-»« uk «,«.»».«. j--'-, -- -- -•-- """ . ' in this area, although hundreds of JE^L ^SJUn^Tohn Haves.-anthropic work in Chicago for many been associated with^the Chicago^ entries andI then oil Kasm iir% fllA The jo-b of .an®^'®r.,nJ __l"f call their adopted mistress, phone Hopkins will begin his new assign-! Pistakee Bay, blacktop road. Their ** Zv°l 565-W-l. ment Shortly alter September 15 | junior yearling boar won fl»t place Mrs. Hoff, active in club and phil- For the past three years, he has : in its class among Poland China was liberated on a $1500 bond and Only two minor accidents were th boaiTd of revievv busy these days. the case continued pending the oi« i reported over the holiday weekend come of Mr. Rose's injury. ! motor^ts^were11 onU*thehUh^Say°s^ Rroup members being Pear^TecaUs" that'severe "pVosecu- office "of" Batten. Barton, Durstine claimed champion of all boars in the mi ortll/.:iQ nt <l°hn Deneen and Ka> uusenDerry, ^ awaits one convicted of a- and Osborn, advertising agency, Poland China division. The 17- NEW TRIAL Hebron wer^ injured slightly on chief clerk- f ^ fil .1 bandoning animals in such a manner, fchere he was in charge of midwest j month-old, 900 pound animal woa The petit jury will report to circuit "heir car and one Ninety out of - a toUl^ of 166_filed ghe add|d that she would gladly activities of the General Baking over keen competition, including a court Monday morning c""* 0/1 1 - - ----- hear evidence granted Pierce his uncle, McHenry county siy>erviM>n e rst, motorists were taken to JhT ZS .nJ ,Vl.f TJ«r«.e ho.pU.1 in W.uk^n ing, Sept. 20, to Sen b^Mrs Hazel Ox^oby of have been clo8ed- 4 ,The ,?lloM;i"8 press charges if she were able to Company account. Previously he was j junior boar and fall boar which.had ... the new trial ^'„dstor? Confded !.t the intersw- stin spending: Algonquin, 16; Mc- gnd the on responsible. executive cn the Purity Bakeries taken third and fourth place at the by former Judge William*.. - ^ eravel roads northwest Henry, 50; Chemung. 12; Dorr, 6; dosin* our cqaversation with Corporation account- with Cambell-; recent Illinois state fair. in the damage auit ae.in,t Nunda. 6. Hh/, dot Uver she STwe mTgh" Mithun agency, Chicago. He ».» Olher entnea of these brother Ch"l" '"T'r nl.n GtTtThrdWoJ^Sl,te*t rnH request the publil's cooperation Lt «»»nt advertU.ng manager for. «re awarded the plaintiff asked and granted. last Saturday night following an AMONG THE SICK sru -bSrsr-sTf^, ^ «*»'«» ^ t_j_ ??- two junior boars placed third ami Vos said Hopkins would carry "full! fourth, two junior gilts placed third The 11 triaf 'ToiT"damages was the »cc ;^ent in which their car sidesecond in the family feud resulting swiped » truck on U. S. Route 12, ine jam y whirh at Volo. They were Evelyn Edens fSSJS oX thL Palmer g. Jerhardt 60, .nd Mildred hoSi'Wof McHenry, .legedly stray the 'Flood, 38, driver of the car, of Chi- Mr< Freund Tul. ' uninmlo arp abandoned wouia iuuiiounn, gnus piacea hi»™ others where^ ammals are abandoijA l for BIPP'Siand fourth, produce-of-dam rated Tooog^s^ wwhhlicchh hhaavvee obeeeenn fioorrssaakaeenn buyy ad,v ertising, merchandising and public second and get-oifn-vsiirteo ! placed spe-cuo^nsdta, visitors to our community and event-. relations^ programs Mrs. Emily N. Hunter is HI at her ually has secured homes fog them. land. Falmer wrs indcited by j - a# Um McHenry county grand jury on a ^Sfht eye^n S ^Sdent charge of assult with a deadly wea- < ri^nt eJre ln ine acciaenl" pon and was assessed a fine of $100 ne»e i and costs by Judge Ralph E. Dady presiding in circuit court. The damage suit followed. Tanner charged that Palmer struck him over the head with a hammer and that as a result he suffered permanent injuries. Palmer asserted that he was defending himself when BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bennett are the parents of a son, bora at the w--v -- - -- . Woodstock hospital on Sept. 4- The Tanner's hired man, Wayn$ Kobert" | Bennetts have three ether children, son, wielded a pitch fork. two boys and a girt. A daughter was born on Sept. 5. RESIDENCE CHANGES The boys were invited to te guests on a radio broadcast from the fair grounds which was carried bv • leading Chicago station. John Knox was another McHenry exhibitor. His Poland China junior EARLY MORNING FIRE M mattress burned in a room at the Riverside hotel about 4:30 o'clock . on Wednesday morning, local fire- _ 1 men extinquishing the flames before' boars placed second and sixth, his The T e Loescher family has moved further damage resulted. Although two junior gilt entries were awarded ~ 1 *• ..... fifth and sixth places, his get-of-sire, third, and his produce-of-dam third. MARRIAGE LICENSE . Ernest Phillips and Ruth Lavin, McHenry. . Howard Wesson, Rmgwood, and Mary Sutton, McHenry. at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Betts of Ringwood. Mrs. Herbert Freund is a surgical patient at St. Luke's hospital, Chicago. patiaent8atDVket?ry Memorial hosjjul! from the Buchert house in West t^e occupant "of the room had de- Waukeean | McHenry to Wisconsin. \ parted when the firemen arrived, it Wesley Hunt of Ringwood was an The Dale Dixon family has moved was believed that a cigaret had accident patient at the Woodstock to McHenrv from Evanston. They are dropped cn the bed. hospital this past week. residing with the Fred Bienapfjs j „ _____ Mrs. Therese Miller of Spring until the completion of their new | GRASS FIRES . Grove has been a medical patient at {home on Elrin Road. j The local fire department spent . --. r ^ - Me_ Woodstock hospital. - a busy Sunday afternoon, having ex- Piotrowski, 16, of Fox street, DM- . __«A_ ha« hrrn m m»ili I tinguished grass fires at McCullom | Henry, left home Sunday on a Arthur n A 1 RECEIVES DEGREE ! Lake and at Lily Lake. The first j Greyhound bus to attend * Chicago cal patient at St. Tnerese Hospital,! * u ar_n, 9 o'clock and the I school but did not arrive. Margaret SEEK MISSING GIRLS Sheriff Fred C. Bau received • pill early this week to aid in locating two missing girls. Margaret _ in their new districts. The law was to include areas with high tax7bases | upheld in ft* tower eewrt wt Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Burns are; Augusta hospital, Chicago, the parents of an 8 pound son, born at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, on Saturday, Sept. 4. Waukeean. i McHenry friends of Lowell Walk- one occurred at 2 Mrs. Maernus Nelson has been a | up, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walk- other about 3:S0. medical patient forjhe past week at up of Woodstock, willj^^erested^to, REGISTRATION Sxur, alias Peggy Platrowsky, alias Peggy Peters, 16, of Evanston waa believed to be accompanied by John Bead the Want Ada T ^ . of faster of*educiUiiorf from the! The registering of men under the N. Johnson, enroute to St. LoaU to Mrs Hene Sal«^wm a medial fr^veikv of PittobSg? He will peace-time draft law continues at be married. She left Evanston Sept fifwee? ' W0Od8tOCk h°8P,Ul ^Tor^hesecondteye2in the high ^Sstock e^h day A toUl of 632 5 or last weeK-__ • at West View Park, Pa., a young men from McHenry county formerly resided at the Kiverswe Subscribe Ur The Plaindealer suborb ef >e**toug. [ registered during the first four days. (hotel. ^