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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Sep 1948, p. 2

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•*iumnnf< Nnn Wonder Lake By Vaness# Sells »•+ Mfas Dania Samora> Is Crowned Miss Wonder Lake On Monday afternoon at the Fall Festival, right "up until the voting was halted at 4 p. m., it was still a question as to who would be "Miss Wonder Lake." When the scores •were all in, Miss Dania Sanioray, 19. with a grand total of 1742 votes, was declared winner, with Miss Joan manship of Mrs. Pauline Adams;1 tfrl can have is tohjsen •"•"fe** Iemy Tonyon was in charge of puw :t a big church weddmg Just Meh ting up the stands; and Mr. Paschkei » thrill was 8-year-old Judy Kolara vras responsible for the public address; Jn Saturday, September 4, when ah* system. I served as junior flower girl at the The big deep freeze was won by! wedding of her cousin, Polly Mihalik, A V. Topin of Wonder Center and daughter of Mr. and Mrs- Joseph Chicago; and Judy Liberatore and Mihalik of Riverside. The can< > Lynn Carey were first and second light service took place in St. Mary « respectively in the doll buggy parau*.; church at Riverside. The groom was Christ the Kihg church will prob- j Robert Roontfy of the state of Wyomably rise another story with the ing. proceeds from the fine four-day festl-, Judy wore a floor-length gown ol val of fun. | blue taffeta, made with a hoop, and - j wore a blue bow in her hair. She League of Women Voters j carried a bouquet of daisies and blue Plan Fall Working Agenda I mums. The first need for every member! # of the League of Women Voters, i&4 L*le 1^3r8 to learn the simple lessons of; Third Game Friton McClmom Biggers. 16, with 1526 votes, coming econom{cs" said Mrs. Warren Drum-! The Wonder 00MHXHT8 Lake softball team in second. Others finals were: Peg?y Martin, and Eileen Hyland. A narrow gold crown was placed on the placing in the d chairman of public relations played McCullom Lake Sunday at ; O'Neil, Esther state organization of the' McDonald's field, and with a quick league as she spoke before the local burst of run-producing hits In the row guiu Vt' i'j" croup here on Tuesday night. Mrs. first three innings, they took a 9-0 -queen's head by Mrs. Dolores Wildo jjvuiwniond likened the studies of le$d and held it until the l^st inning Harrington, queen in 1947. jvavoinment to a housewife's chores when McCullom Lake, somehow, got Prizes running to $175 were given ..and. ably and clearly, explained the one run. to Miss Samory, who is the daughter various agencies of the government,; The two -teams have played five of Mr. and Mrs. John Samory, 10540 ail(1 0f the United Nations. ! times this seeson, with Wonde* S. Longwood Drive. Beverly_ Hilb. >pc:niocrtfcymeans your are a par-; Lake taking three of the games and • ^ a ' i i i c i t i z e n " U i - e n m m ^ - ^ 4 c ( n l l o m t a k i n c ? t ^ o . A t ige appearence some alfalfa fields have nowadays? This shows the difference in root depth between alfalfa and firasses. The alfalfa roots are down n moist ground while the grass roots are not. Such alfalfa should be plowed up and started over. It doesn't pay to try to thicken up an old stand with new seeds. Speaking of grass -silage, one farmer told me he became interested after attending the Farm day Aug. 11, at John Lindsay's farm near McHenry. The catch is, though, he needs another silo, a field cutter, wagons, blower, etc., which all add up to better than $4,000. Should he make the investment? His is a rough farm, needs and gets excellent care with soyabeans and corn on the contour this year and some marginal land planted to trees. You see, he is cooperating with the soil; electricity but, according to a previ- IUin ois, and .is a student at the Art Institute. She is a summer resident niond, a j f ui aic cv - , p . , said Mrs. Drum- McCullom Lale taking two. At awl vou owe your government l-res* nt the Wonder Lake boys are of the Lake and is the niece of Mr. t) at Effort'/ Jet ling like the champion team of the jind' ilr«. ;.Piet,,yf W>«?^v^Jfw.e.iit.y-four "persons '-were present tounty with seventeen wins and only Center. , ' -at the Rolaine Grill to hear Mr£.[two loses. . Drummond' give another of her! • The big guns of the game Sunday Bi%-'6i«t«iK ;**^leritati.r.a.talks on the meaning of were George Freund, with his superb 'Twenty-seven babies .competed in tin' league. Guests present were: patching, and Ronnie Wilhelm with > tlte contest on Sunday afternoon o£ Mrs. I'tggy Fyfe of Woodstock,! his seventh home run and Kenneth ;\^'the'- Festival for the beautiful gifts.president of the McHenry county Fossler who had three hits with three d'Qniated bv various shops in Vontle* group of the league; Mrs. Pauline> times at bat. Lake. McHenry and Woodstock. Grill;. Mrs. A. C. Prather, and Mrs. Folks here are asked to turn out In the first group, babie? between Jeannette Ketel. *\ thit> coming Sunday at 2 p. m. when the ages of nothinjg and six months The meeting was called to order t^e local boys play the McHenry Jeantiine Hiatt, 6 months old was by Mrs. Mary Kay Carman, bresi- y. F. V/> team at McHenry. adjudged first, with Marilyn Marke, dent, and the minutes and roll calL^ | also months old. second. were presented by Mrs: Esther Born.; Little Linda Von Bampus was 6 Susan Jo Cannistra, 8 months old, Reports bv ^ Mac- years 0id on Labor Day. She cele- '-was first in the girls' contest for Facinen, Mrs. Olive Tall man ana [)rated the occasion with a party at babies between 6 months and 1 year Mrs. Lillian Forsberg followed anu j,er home in Shore Hills to which came old; and "Chickie" James was winner the pointing cf various committees (panna Mae and Ronnie Tummillo, for the boys of the same ages. to report at the October 14 meeting. can{jra Sells, Sandra and Billy In the toddler groups, Gayle Wes- It was announced that the result jfonteleone, Ronnie Cecieh, Danny sling. 18 months eld, was the little of the census by the league had shown amj Lynn Cheney, Jane Anne girl chosen, and Billy Farrell. 1 year, r.irety-three children P»us three larin \yre(je, Danny Tronsen ad Karen and old. was the boy. children: whereas the actual -en"-Linda Ravegnani. "Lindy" received In the Grand Champion -contest, rollment as reported at the meeting niany beautiful gifts but«the one she little Billy Farrell was chosen as the had totalled 106- However, the was a ruffled half slip cutest baby of the show and wj»» league had said, in presenting their which she insjsted on Wearing li a awarded a gift certificate for, $10.00 findings to the school board, that a ^jrn<jj gjjirti L leeway of ten either way should be. _ .-' - • - Splendid. Co-operation allowed due to the lrailties of human The success of the Fall Festival nature. : Electrte „ Farm wive* and their families are j now using many of the electrical ap- { pliances that have long been common in the homes of city folks, according to a questionnaire mailed to farmers. Electricity helps do the washing on about 43 per coif of all U. S. farms, replies from about 8,400 farm people indicate. The next most common appliance is the electric refrigerator which is reported in 38 per cent of the farm homes. One farm in four throughout the country has an electric vacuum cleaner but the proportion is over half on farms in the Middle Atlantic, East North Central, and Pacific states. Several electrical appliances still are not common on. farms. Only one in 10 of the farmers had an eledtric water heater. Foot-, operated sewing machines apparently are still widely tised by farm women. Only 7 per cent had one powered by conservation district. ^••/Slarathon Speaker Mr. arid Mrs. Frank T. White of was undoubUMlly^ue^to'SIe untiring ""irs. Fyfe invited all of the loc^ a^trmtfnew ^it"^ Sand* co-operative efforts of all the chair- members to attend a public , v. h ^ Aiicrii«t 17 Th* ' me• n ap• point-ed to c>a re- f-o r the v'a rio-•u s ing at the Opera „vH#o.vuasle iinm nWorotaondt- littlKe gill weighed 6r lb, 1129 onVz . annnHd Father Bernard Hubbard, scientist, explorer, and author, familiafly known as "The Glacier Priest," recently broke all existing speaking records of ttie Rotary club of Holllster, Calif., according to Joseph L. Gabriel, a past district governor. The speaker started at 12:50, and after 40 minutes announced that anyone who wanted to leave could do so. Only five of the nearly 400 persons left. After another hour, he made the same announcement. This time two persons absented themselves. At 3:15 the meeting adjourned. Feed for Hogs Hogs weighing 75 to 125 pounds should have a feed containing 16-17 per cent protein. Above 125 pounds, 15 per cent Is satisfactory. ous survey, 82 per cent of all farms l«ad some kind of a sewing machine Sliver Makefi Radar "See" activities. General chairmen for the stock, at which several important Mva pnK0.t both Democratic and Re-, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert will speak. She also urged Eiter of Elrawoed Park. Nancy has everyone to ask their neighbors about two brothers, Robert, 5, and Thomas, registiation for the presidential elec- 3. tions and tp note • that the Anal date is October 5. "entire affair were Lyle Stensrud and candidates, Robert Moreau, with Mrs. Charles publican, will speak Pike as chairman for the "Miss Wonder Lake" contest. Other chairmen were Paul Marke. Fishpond; Frank Corradn, Earl Miller, Jim Brennen, A. Rathske and Tom Mathews Jr., various games; > Friends of Harvey Biggers will brighten his days in the Lake county j tubercular sanitorium at Waukegan | if they will drop him a few cards Serves As Bridesmaid the lights were put in by Mr. Sulli- At Eig Church Wedding - - _. \ aii; the foods were under the chair-' Al out the greatest thrill aiiy.littlc^ now and then. Mr. Biggers was taken to the sanitorium last week for an j • . _ "~ ! " ' i n d e f i n i t e s t a y which we all hope will not be too lohg. j Fox Electric Service WONDER LAKE RT. 1, RINGWOOD, Itfcr Electric Wiring Motor Repairs Pumps Sold and Impaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 402 Sgt. Steven Duttko and A1 Repan left this week for a nice long fishing trip up at Eagle River, Canada. After a long and hectic season, A1 certainly deserves the rest--and as for "Sarge,"--well, A1 wouldn't want to go alone! Maybe they'll bring back some big ones to brag about. Diiane iFossler left this week to return to the University of Oklahoma at Norman, Okla., where he is study- ' ing architecture. Mrs. Pat Stoddard Fossler and little Cheryl will join him some time next week. You Don't Have To Guess! Members of the American Society of Piano Technicians are sponsored by an international organization of professional craftsmen. The have the indorsement of piano mfgrs., music merchants and musical authorities. Their membership card is your ^ assurance of highly skilled piano tuning and repairing. Next time don't guess--be sure! HARRY CALHOUN Woodstock 1063-W or HARRY J. GEARMAN C&ry 4502 PIANO TUNING • AND SERVICE Members of American Society of Piano Technicians Although they are not on ordnance lists, "silver shotguns" helped win the war. They have now become aids to safety in peacetime transportation. When man learned how to shoot' a stream of electrons at a distant target and catch them when they bounced back, that was the beginning of radar. But, in order to focus on the area you wanted to observe--through fog or night--jrou had to be able to draw a bead on your target. Broadcasting electronic impulses in all directions, as in radio, would not do. So, radar sights its target by firing through* a silver tube. Silver is the best metal for this use because it is tops in "reflectivity". Used as a curious kind of "gun barrel", it absorbs less of the passing electronic current than would a tube made of any other metal. » MAIL CARRIER DBOWNlED ChArles Chaveriat. 58, of, Chicago,] a mail carrie^, drowned last week Tuesday in Lake Marie, three miles > southwest of Antioch, in Lake county.; He and members of his family were preparing to return home from their j vacation when the accident occurred, i Chaveriat, who was subject to epi-, leptic seizure, is believed to have' suffered an attack and fell into the1 water from the end of the pier. His' body was found in three feet 'of j water. - On average tclMcco land in United States, from 10 to 35 tons ef fertile topeoil per acre are lost each year through erosion, laying out row* on the contour, these soil" could be held to a minimum. Complete line of LeeSi remedies at Watties Drug Stor% McHenry. 8-tf. Subscribe for The Plaindealer m SEPTEMBER SALE VELVA CUT POWER MOWERS $119.50 value, |I02J« Modern 52-gaL Electric HOT WATER tlEATER, ( ^/ ^ $154.50 value^|140.00 HANDI-MITE DISH* WASHERS. $9.95 value, $7.50 Moderfn Water Softeners Special for September, 10% off. 1-lb. box Mkromet FREE with each purchase of Micromet Feeder. SEE US FOR ALL HOME APPLIANCES, ELECTRICAL SERVICE. Estimates Cheerfully Given WONDER LAKE HOME APP ; • 5 One Door West of Standard Oil Stati •\J fa? v Wonder Lake, Ringwood, Hi. Phone Wonder^ Lake 388 Thawing Out Meat* Slow-thawed and fast-thawed meat give equally good results in cooking according to a survey. No difference In flavor, juiciness and shrinkage between meats thawed slowly in the refrigerator and thawed out rapidly on the kitchen tabls was found. . See T. P. on the Lake Shore for your Real Estate- Insurance y, ..liarge choice of beautiful lake front homes and vacant at Wonder Lake, McCullom Lake and Fox River. List jour property FOR RENT or FOR SALE. T. P. MATHEWS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKER l.ake Shore Drive, Wonder Center Wonder Lake, 111., P. 0. Ringwood Phone Wonder Lake 306 Subscribe fcr The PlaindeaniP "SPEEDY" M JNICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE • YOU 6QT T&SA* UBJLPt- SR-DO XDURSCIFA FV4VOR ^ AND TAKE VOUR CAR TO 40OP6OSH'- WHV DpN'T ^ VgUCWlVE ACARUK6 tMDVE A60LFSAU. $ THEN WO NEVER nick MUErs ffNENKVOUtftH THmtMAKE ITAS400D AS IJ1W AND IT WILL BE _MOCH EASIER ON MY P0CKETB00Ki 608 FRONT STREET ROUTE 31 PHONE 108-R • 'prf** iff ii r i --rr ^ •" n-- -- - p* - NOW APPEARING - Villa Hotel . Resort PisUkee Bay EARLE E8TE8 at the Organ Formerly with Balaban and Kate and Orpheum Circuit. Dining room and cocktail lounge open daily. Serving dinners without reservations. . • -- o OPEN ALL WINTER t Gospel Center The summer vacation season now ^ ' just about over, we wish to express ; our sincere appreciation to the many i of our friends among the summer j residents, who have shown their ^interest in the work of the G. C. in attending our services and by praying for and contributing to the cause of Christ in this place. We thank you. May God rightly bless you wherever I you may be and make your lives • {blessing to others. I The Youth for Christ meetinff, 1 scheduled to be held on Saturday i evening, September It, at the Free Methodist church in Woodstock is I postponed until the evening of Sept 118 at 8 o'clock. Prayer meetings, with Bible study, I are held at the Center every Thurs- ! day night. The book of Daniel, the 1 great prophetic book in the Bible, | which fortells and described the very j clays in which we are living, is our ' special study at present. I For next Sunday, Sept. 12, we 1 cordially invite one and all to our Sunday Bible School at 10 A. M„ Morning Worship Service at ^ 11 o'clock and our Evening Evangelistic Service at 7:45. Orde* your rubber stamps .at, The Plaindealer. DODGE Lowest Priced Car With Fluid Drive IL LIN OIS GO LDEN J U BIL EE FIRST ANNUAL ALL-PALOMINO SUNDAY SEPlU2th Beginning 10 A. M. Dodge ears. Chardon Farms On Route 59-A, 5 Miles East of Volo. GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS 4 There's a lot of talk today about this new feature or that. But down-to-earth engineering advances ik ft matter of record. And this record shows that many of today's so-called "new car features" have been part and parcel of Dodge over the years. From the earliest Dodge Safety Steel Body to today's Dodge All-Fluid Drive, Dodge owners have enjoyed a succession of engineering "firsts". These features have made Dodge famous for comfort, economy and dependability. You are cordially invited to come in... to check... to compare the scores of "new car features" that Dodge has had for years. SMOOTHEST CAR AFLOAT* A S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. 301 E. PEARL STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS " PHONE 156 » •

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