the lSOTa, OMmwUm aff Alter Dny An tntsnsfflsd nhssrsoiiBi of AiW ^•y. pwwnlil katMBftf of iptiiii, which now Is being cslShratod cm va- vs-s sj&ssa i "ii lieu to the flnt Penniylf. Oil was on flstboats which wm steerrent from ths upper.reaches of the ocgmnlsstions throughout ths nation. river to t^he Pittsburgh •2 ? ""•Co |S done on AnOF 5®S7>1 hhs2s !j **• JM»°®of rli*an"w1'r Phmthn«e lac reoanttiaver Msn urged by successive presidents j ~ rf of the United States since the inoep- ; tlon of Alitor day, 7# years apk ~ !-- >7 I "*$ Subscribe for The PUindeakl' deeper channels, water oil has become an outflaetor In Ks distribution. Order your rubber stamps at Ths Plaindealer. McHENRY SIGN SERVICE V; BHOW OASNT OUTDOOR SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING ft WINDOW LITTERING Jfc? *#»«•»«•••>wwfcvv** *•' _ r»Y*ror " REESE ' Fox St. Phone 440-R ANCI i 06 wbo was " wrj JM her boy friend eternally kiddod hsr about it. So om night the piamd to show him that she wes not as neersichted as he thought. Taking a needle frotn her sowing basket, she craftily stuck it in ths huge pine tree standing next to the porch. That night as they were sitting on the porch swing the said, "Why, honey, isn't that a needle there in the tree?" "NOodle I What noodle?" said ho. "Just o minute, FU get it for you," she replied. She rushed down the steps and tripped over a cow. , -o Financial . . - "Stop wasting your time dtt' &at bum, MabeL He hasn't had a Job for months." "Yeah, but he's got a system. It's all planned-" "Whadds ya mean, a system?" "He's got it figurOd out so that his unemployment compensation will rim right into his social security." Hcflenry Sand and Gravel Co. Excavating and Crane Service Blade Dirt -- Sand and Gravel Road Grading * y . ;v.,'apM 0 ••••: CALL McHENRY 97-J MAKES A DimXElfCE The mountain woasaa had eoane aeress the ereek Iron her Utile cabin to tOU a sympathetic neighbor abeot her man's goings-on. "He whapped me this mornia'," she eomplshisd. The big honed neighbor woman turned upon her indignantly. "Don't yon never say ho whopped yon," she ordered. "Jos' say •wo fit!' " *WICK TOLD •f Istersat Taken Froi fhe FDas Of. tto Plsindealer of Years Age The rain came down in torrents and the thunder was terriffic. I FORTY YEAR8 AGO Joseph N. Miller is the first of MeHenry's four rural mail carriers • having purchased a Kiblinger for that purpose. His first trip by way of the horseless was made last Friday. Wm. Stoffel has become the I possessor of the implement business .formerly (conducted % ,the lafce | Jacob Bonslett. i Miss Mary E. Knox, who last fcas'on taught the Lincoln school at. Burton's Bridge, has been engaged i to teach the Ostend school the com-! iflg year. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Perry and. daughter, Agnes, returned home! Monday evening from . their eastern1 trip. TWENTY-F1VE~YEAR8 AGO Mrs. Eva Eppel of Ostend undertook a ^j-ip alone with their automobile to Woodstock and when a little way inside the city limits, the machine refused to go further. AI doctor was needed . to proscribe for •we automobile. J. A. Pouliot local boat builder and whose plant is located just across the river from this city, will soon start the erection of a modern road' house. * F. O. Garis and family have moved from the upper flat in the Mrs. Nizzie Holly building on Elm street t-j the Flusky house on Riverside Drive. Mr. and Mrs. John Keg, who have been residents of Fox Lake during the past few weeks, havfc Returned here and are making their home in the,, Louis Wrede house on the Drive. SIXTY YEARS AGO Everybody will attend the Old Settlers meeting at Wauconda Thursday. Jacob Bonslett has shown us a potato vine, grown in his garden that measures seven feet in length. Fifty-seven couples attended the Harvest party, at the Riverside House on Friday evening last,- and all report a pleasant time. The work of repairing the new village hall and councel room has been commenced, and will be completed as soon as possible. ' *1FTY YEARS AGO Joseph J. Frett, of the firm of Frett Bros. A Witf, has ' sold out his interest in the firm to his partners and will retire from the firm. Miss Laura Murphy, now sports around town with a handsome new wheel. . The dam at JWsbopV mill is about completed, and it is hoped that the water will get high enough so' jthnt they will be able to start the mill again next week. Severe thunder storms occurred in this section on Sunnay and Monday nights, and considerable damage by lightning is reported in the county. PLANS WINTER SEASON Miss Beth Sears returned to her Barrington home last week from Memphis, Tenn., where she had a summer season engagement with the Civic Opera Company's Symphony orchestra. The group presented fortyeight concerts. Miss Sears plans • to -be associated with the orchestra again next year. The young musician's winter intrrests will be with, the North Carolina Symphony' orchestra where she is booked for her third. season. • •• •, ; NOTICE OP Estate of JOHN jceased. Notice is hereby given to aft - - 15, i i« ths sons that October claim date in the WEBER, County Court of Illinois, and that against the said estato en Of «aid date, without of mons. BEATRICE JUSTEN, ; Administrator. (Pub. September 9, 16 and B) A CLARENCE'S SHOP-- Bird houses, lawn furniture, lawn and porch swingi, pier and park benches, picnic tables, window boats, trellises, etc. Kitchen cabinets and cupboards «n<u to order, hand woven wash *baskets, shopping and ^"frirti v> • . • • Full line of leather belts, suspenders, MlHftM*t etc. CLARENCE SMITH Tel. McHenry 583-J-l Johnsbttrg, Hi. t Subscribe for The Plaindealer FREUND'S DAIRY GRADE A BULK ffamo^enlaed Wllk, Coffee Cream, Whipping (fream, Buttermilk, Chocolate Milk, Butter, Eggs, Half and Half Cream, Cottage Cheese. PHONE McHENRY 636-W-2 Use Sons Brass Harrison was proud of his golf game and had brought his motheri in-law slong to watch him play with | a friend. "I'm particularly anxious to msko s terrific drive just now," Harrison told his friend. "There's my mother-in-law over there, end I--.** "Don't be a fool," said his friei "You'll never hit her at 200 "yards.1 Poor Alibi Her (at prom)--"Wait right hero for me, Bill, while I go powder my nose." Her (three dances later)--"Bern waiting long?" Him--"No, but I've been looking all over for you to give you your compact." MOSEY INN ------ r~ RINGWOOD ^T~~ TELEVISION Fish Fry Every Friday Night PHASES BEEB FBED BOWMAN, Prop. Insomnia "I feel tired. Haven't been sleeping well lately." "Have you tried counting sheept" "Yep. But that just makes me mad. Things are so high these days, those sheep are 25 per cent, cotton." WINNING WORDS 9 It's here--Hie great new Fox De Luxe Straight from our lino new brew house. This wonderful new Pex Do luxe is blended with costly imported Bohemian heps. It's extra pale, with o superb smooth, mellow flavor that's a real taste thrill. Try H todayl Don't soy Fox... say FOX DilUXi MARINE SUPPLIES OUTBOARD BOATS MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTORS Wholesale and Retail -- BRASS SCREWS^ MARINE PAINT BRASS PVLLEYS STEERING CABLE CANVAS COVERS _ MARINE PLYWOOD STEERING WHEELS BOAT CU8HI0NB BOAT HANDLIf OANOE PADDLES, STO. Switzer Craft Under" Gladstone's Dept. PHONE 798-J , , Store m TARPAULINS CANVAS GOODS iLarge Selection of Materials i ORDER EARLY ^ Problems? i i V w horse Specialising in Store and Residence Awnings McHENRY AWNING CO. Phone McHenry 571-W-S, Thos. Thonneson, Prop. j Exterior Completed Interior Unfinished We Can Build for Yon Immediately IP YOUR LOT IS PAID POR Thtiust FRmA •-M* -E 4 HOM*, VinivlNfV 11*9 f iVMI« 1. 37 years in same place it business. 2. Over 55,000 jobs built/ 3. We do our own financing. No delays, no red tape. 4. We have oar own lumber and material yard. 5. We manufactare oar opt mill work. Visitor: "How did your happen to win the race?" Jockey: "Well, I just kept whispering in his ear, 'Roses are red, violets are blue; horses that lose ara made into glue.' " Safety First An officer approached a drunk who was trying to get the key into his car door lock. "Look here," he said, "you don't. mean to tell me that you intend to drive that car?' "Sure," replied the soak. "Can't you see I'm in no condition to walk!" Cooperation --"Every Sunday you go fishing " she complained, "and you know 1 don't like fish." "Well," said he, "I catch as few ftg possible, don't I?" FORGOTTEN MALE W'V.. ' ' - Uttmf y#vf #W9 OTPHIt W Om we ^w1m14 Sot# lnr--imrf %MPrll«IVI« Wf MM wmtrn 90$ iM> rrnmm.V fogi tor,if M0 fot. -fall fMr I--wm; tARM BUILDINGS TO MEET EVERY NEED USE BEST BUILrS EASY PAY PLAN "Gerald and his wife have separated, and all over a letter she found in his pocket." **Forgot to mail it, I suppose?"* ••No--forgot to burn it." Heavy Drlaker "And * is the prince incognito!** asked the reporter, referring to o] titled guest "Well, no, sir," replied the hotel porter, "I don't know as I'd say that, t But he's certainly had a few." Ovr Ag Engineers really have 'embut it's yours they're helping to solve! Open Saturday and' Sunday 9 to Wednesday aeon te 8p.SS. They Both Chatter Ion: "What's the difference roen a gun and a machine gun? Dad: "The same as if I said your mother replied, i»rr Ifkir Ag Engineers go to great lengths to look for trouble; in fact, they invite trcgjjhU because nothing gives them greater pleasure than to have a farmer say: "I've got a little problem ... I'm going to remodel my &ed handling system and I need some adfice!" Or: "I'm planning to put in a crop Whatever your problem--be it barn ventilation, wiring, water systems, barn cleaners, or crop driers--you're welcome to the free advisory services of our Ag Engineers* -7 Where is your local Ag Engineer? Jit the other end of the telephone or on the receiving end of a penny BEST BUILT CO. Branch Office McHENRY ILL. -llS RIVERSIDE DRIVE V - ^IHcBENRY T4f|v: , ' f / > j • f~ I..;. Name •: Come In, Write or ^ 9>AoNE MeHENRY WAIL THIS COWON TOdI# Please give me a Free Estimate. MY lot is paid, ready to build. City -"Ajj? 4'* A high gnsllly hen may lay 100 Hps per year, and, if fed adequately, agr pwSttes a doaen eggs on less n fish pounds of feed. Others, not teoA for high production, may lay leas than 100 eggs per year and may need tight pounds of feed or more to produce a doaen eggs. Plaindealet. drier and there's a few things about it that's "postcard. Simply phone or write ^|©t me stumped." y°ur lo^al electric company's Helping farmers in this area Store or office. Can you think is one job our Ag Engineers of an easier way to get the and are qualified for* help you need? UBUC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS