Ham rmim t u" •A;* >...•:* r<®i/f** 20/'•>'.; • w " /.••* $ i i PiftTvo Tho win ig«« •»»»»!»< Mit M l M o * ! t a x r a t e , s a i d M r . F u l l e r , b u t he 7-En ste that you get more for your ' tax dollar by shopping as carefully | for his area as a business executive ' would for his firm N«WI itNM WonderLake In 1934 only 528 cities and villages tm•••»!i « H»i jwe.r e. hiring managers; kb.ui*t llaaasti MyAeOaWr ; M.I. _ V. J «*MA11AM 4A QHA In By Vsnasse Sells 1 the number had swollen to 860. In - Illinois there are seven who hire |managers: Brookfield, Glencoe, Glen- Tview, Riverside, Wilmette, Winnetka Fand Bellwood. Ira K. Fuller Speaks To Council On City Managers i .... .. .I r,a, if P„„ 11?„ ,n f Wwooooddeedd Ssnhoorreess ^M r-^ M urphy had some figures on named and wi„ present (neckline Bay), former manager of stjjj more at the next meeting. The two cities in the East, was Vhe chajrman, Ben Davis, appointed guest speaker before representative wJth Mr Murphy, Joseph Elliott and members of the subdivision who, ^jjliam gom to further investigate as the Wonder Lake Council, met va,.jous forms of local governments on Sunday morning at the \\onder ar)d to report back to the group in C-tnter beach. Mr. Fuller had been the very near futare. If a plan is naked to explain to tjhe men present foun(1 "0f advantage for Wonder " • TVhat a city manager plan is and j^aj.e 0pen meetings will be held how it operate^ and his appearence amj the generai public will be in- 1s a part of a series of meetings formed of the wmmittees findings. ift, "vSu^fomrS Tk» """Kll i» not taking ^ •••>' ture • £4WS.- M? ATS. &£& • ;L* J3f. llm f^Lh%L*:»UbU!hlbtLsi,In5 other W *«•* -• iFj?A'r mmh " " th/JEfc.'*>M .hSSd • Si™ the manager V hired, not remain pur.lv voluntary." " Mected, he has no political friends Present at the meeting were Wal- , io reward and can operate ill a lace Sinclair, Ben Davis, H. H. strictly non-partisan fnanner. It is Wohnrade, Ted Leckband, i-dward oibvious that such a manager could i Cannon, Phil Hastings, William, - . gave money for the people he serves, Born, E. E. Murphy, Mrs. Gertiude and Mr. Fuller pointed out the var- Watkins, Mrs. Mary Kay Carman, .ious ways in which this is accom- and Mrs. Oli^e Tallman. plished. ~--- A city manager cannot lower a Property Owners Are Given Judgment In Assessment CaDfc "** In a civil suit brought before Justice of the Peace Charles F. Hayes of Woodstock on Saturday morning, [Sept. 18, C. J. Dejong of Wonder '"Center was ordered to pay assessments in the amount of $58 to the • Wonder Center Property Owners Association. Other subdivisions have been , watching this' c&se with great interest wondering if it would be possible, by law, to compel a non-co-opetating property owner to pay his share of assessments for the upkeep of roads, beaches and other necessary improvements. The judgment rendered apparently settles the question of the right of a subdivision to levy. Mr. Dejong was assessed for the years 1941 through 1948 inclusive* Wallace Sinclair, secretary of the Wonder Lake group, appeared in be-i half of the plaintiffs, with Charles j Stadtman of .Woodstock as the Attorney for the property owners. j Yacht Club Awards j Special Trophies and I Elects Officers r ! At the annual dinner meeting of the Wonder Lake Yacht Club held last Saturday evening at the Rolainel Grill, beautiful engraved trophies' were awarded to the winners of the sailboat and outboard races held j Rutduring the past season. aers are as follows; "Class "A" Sailboat 1--"The Lightning," C. M ledge. 2--"The Ftoam," George Georgeson. Class "BM Sailboat 1--"Windy Sam," Skip Noren. 2--"Heather Belle," Hal Georgeson. "The Lightning," owned by C. M. Rutledgej was the fastest sailboat. Outboard Winners 5 hp. 1--Frank Wish (awarded tbe.Al Horn Trophy). 2--Albert Rischow. 10 hp. r 1--Richard Mathews (Awarded the Bill Silk Trophy). 2--Ken Bauske. . • 10 hp. Mercury ---- 1--Jack Kelly (Awarded the T. P. Mathews- Trophy). 2--'Bob Bro^n. • 22 hp. 1 -- George Rischow WLYC Trophy). 2---Andy Kunz. Frank Wish Was the winner <*f the Handicap race, and Bob Brown was the winner in the Free-For-All race. for aMUien. From 12 to 5 Air* will at dancing. Three of the Wonder Laki will serve at one of the concessions. They are: Lillian Druml, Marianne Lundgren and Lillian Mc- Mnlwau ' ^ , Mary Rose Swearinger, Roth Kolar and Alice Murdoch attended the Legien Auxiliary meeting for the first time last Thursday night when a meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Ed Cannon. Mrs. Swearingen was the first new member of the new season. Mrs. Miriam Corcoran resigned as treasurer and Mrs. Evelyn Gallup waa elected to fill the post. On Oct. 21 the Legion Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. Sylvia Paknfk in Indian Ridge. There will be a plastic demonstration and visitors are invited. On Oct. 2 the Auxiliary plans a bake sale, the place to be ' determined next week. Mrs. Glenna Kinsella is chairman for this event. Florence Dean, Rachel Van was six years did on Sept. 17, and congratulations to her parents who were married twelve years on Sept. 22. Everything hsppens to the Mofeaus in September--they moved bum jtwo. years ago Sieplp-V Malta Jgf* jg Oil Thursday and Friday of 'Ht week the teachers of Harrison school held consultations with the parents of their students. These consultations are for a better understanding between the school and the home. . . Madame Helene DeCourcy was a guest speaker before the language classes of McHenry high school on Friday. Mrs. DeCourcy came last year to make her home with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. L. Maitell of Hickory Falls. . Mrs. Mildred Howorka served as associate matron at (Friends' Night at Legion Chapter, OES, on derstraeten, Nelle von Bampus,! {?°ndAy night . Mr. and Mrs. Ted (VAAwwaarrdaeeda i - D*<*. and Sylvia Paknik will! r T pin t M Vincplla Is brand-new family out at Red assist jars. Kinsella. Lady's doghouse. On Saturday, the big Irish setter presented them with eight little red bundles from dog heaven. . M*rs. Martha Da,vidson of Chicago is a house guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mueller of Wonder Center. . . Mrs. David- „ . . . a.. - , i,. , Ison has fallen in love with Wonder Robert Ploog was elected «o at the regular polling place m Lake and has purchased a lot in •dore the Muzzy s Ringwood. j Falls. . . will probably . - Betten Register '. , * October 6 will be the last day for voters in McHenry county to register if they want to vote in the na- In the election of officers, Don tional election on Nov. 2. Those who Coumbe was re-elected commodore • wish to register on that day can do for 1949; vice-commodore and chairman of the; Muzxy's Hall, Kingwood. Up to Oct. I Hickory sailboat racing committee; George ;5, those wishing to register my do build there •lees will be as follows: Sunday] Bible School at 10 a. m..Morning Worship S e r v i c e at 11 o ' c l o c k , the i Wistor pleaching. In the evening I there will be a missionary service, > When members of the. Eastern Mis-1 sionary Gospel Crusade will provide the program. The group consists of ex-service men, who saw service jn the Pacific during World War I^i- , Steps for Preventing Mildew next spring. Ton Don't Have To Guess! 4 . ^ ^ Members of the American Society of Piano Technicians are sponsored by an international organization of professional craftsmen. The have the indorsement of piano mfgrs., music merchants and musical authorities. Their membership card' is your assurance of highly skilled piano tuning and repairing. Next time don't guess--be sure! HARRY CALHOUN Woodstock 1063-W or HARRY J. GEARMAN Cary 4502 PIANO TUNING AND SERVICE Members of American Society of Piano Technicians Rischow was chosen as rear-commo-i so with John Viola of Wbnder Lake, number of the children from Harridore and chairman of the outboard;local registrar. ! son 8Chool attended the community tracing committee, and Jack Kelly! Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Murphy were theatre at Richmond on Saturday | was elected secretary-treasurer. j present at the Maywood fair; afternoon . . they went via WAF ------ ., ! grounds on Saturday to attend the bus. . . Congratulations to Do- Choral Club Invites • v . Small Towns County Fair. Gov. lores Murphy Kunkel, who observed |New Membership " [Green, Senator Brooks and many her first wedding anniversary on j At a barbecue party held recently °tber outstanding political figures Sept. 20. . Hear that Ronnie at the home of Mrs. Pauline Grill were present at the fair. jFredricksen. now enrolled at Nofthjih Wickline Bay (Wooded Shores),' ' --: ---- j western Military Academy, is look- 'the McHenry Choral club made plans! Folks in Lookout Point aTe M-iJj,"*? pretty handsome in his new uni- ,to hold their first meeting of the!minded that there will be a meeting *°fm- • • Velma Sinclair enter- ! fall season on October 4, at 8 p. m.,! of their subdivision next Sunday. i tained her card club last Wednesday ! in the McHenry high school. ; . ; evening. Present were Grace Sellek, 1 The Choral club would very much Now She's Five' {Louise Behrtns and Mary Schmidt, like to have new singers join them| Little Joan Marie Marke, daughtertak#; *?«*" Th°mS land invite everyone interested in of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marke, Sr., of p d, „ n. Ma.uch .of McHenry* ' ' singing to come out and smg with; Wonder Center, celebrated her fifth Marke, Jr., is now on a two them. They are particularly in need birthday anniversary on Sept. 16,^. ^ca^.on trip at Mamoser of basses. . . with a party. Present were Jimmie Springs, There is no age limit except that Hansen, Bilhe and Susan Larsen and. to ">nil? Ht.C n som# i members are required to be beyond Randy Sellek, all of Wonder Lake.1 j high school. Mrs. Mary Alice Barrjand Donnie and Pattie Conard ol Leather shoes often mildew in humid weather. Here are some sir"*)!* ways to protect them against thf~ dair"?*e. FT»ep shoes on hirh shelves in the clothes closet. Hiph shelve* are drier rnd therefore safer agn^nst r-iJ-'ew than the floor or low shoe racks. Because damp air is heavy, it tends to settle along the floor and encourage mildew. Heat from an electric light bulb kept burning in the closet often will keep the air. dry enough to prevent mildew on clothes and shoes. Frequent airing with an electric fan also helps. To absorb moisture from the air and thus help keep the contents of a closed closet dry, a jar of calcium chloride is an old standby. Its disadvantage is that as it absorbs moisure, it becomes liquid and must be drained and new Solid chloride added. This year, for the first time *m» 1870, the nation's horse and mule po^ ulation droppfed below the 10-mfflU» mark, The department of agricultOM estimates It at 8,607,000 horses 2,544,000 mules. arc i'yM Need Rubber Stamps? Order The Plamoeaier. MA ST IT IS C A N B E C U R E D ! Hard ON CMS It is estimated that each rat can eat and spoil about two bushels of corn in a year. The National Research composed of leading antherfHes^ has surveyed all treatsMnta fsr chronic mastitis doe to Streptococcus agalagtiae. The sarvey •hows np to 95% of cases wot cared in milking quarters by treating with G-LAC (Tyrothricin). Tyrothrtein, marketed aa Beebe G» LAC Is suspended in a soothing mineral oil emulsion to reduce Irritation, Dose: 40ce. Easily injected into the teat canal-quick acting -- long lasting. Milk can be used at* th» second milking after treatment. See us about our mastitis testing MCTfc* ' : '• ;...t" ' WATTIES WOG STORE 515 MAIN STREET McHENRY the Woodstock high team winning; •their game; McHenry tied theirs. .1 JOdrTGrill was on the lineup at Wood- Stock. . . Joan and Clayton Dorn of McHenry is the director and Mrs. I Woodstock. t Virginia Monteleone of Wonder Lake| ° * -- is accompanist. Either of these la-; Add New Subdivision dies will be glad to provide any fur- j The Board of Supervisors last bush* were' amonjr°'the *voun'«? *folks • q,. .... ?ay' °* 2; I Woodstock on Saturday night when The chorus will immediately start, Wonder Lake, subject to approval of|a county-wide rally was held.. * * --1----1 -- av_j_ tjje enforcing off jeer of the county' zoning board. The subdivision is located on the west side of the lake. BRING YOUR FRIENDS TO PLAY vSCHUFFLE BOARD AT CLUB LILYMOOR *' , On Route 120 French Fried Shrimp, Barbecues and Fried Chicken at their first rehearsal, Christmas program which elude carols and portions ' Messiah." on their will inof the Man Att McHenry^aES^Meeting freshman in'the liberal arts school.i«reMntedwill aK Advance night of the McHenry |SkJ souvenirs for eve^body Nei mem , 14,aPw1th°Elsie and^'George^Reiker Wonder Lake boy left this week for,1*™ *>« welconfied. | of Pistakee Bay serving in the East college. Kenneth Fossler, who grad- Confirmation Class (a class for and Mrs. Mildred Howorka of Won- uated from Woodstock high school! B,W«(instruction » will be conducted j der Lake in the west with Leslieithe class of 1947, and who *t the Center this y«ar providing, Neff of Woodstock serving with Mrs. chose to work last year> has enrolled a sufficient number of girls and boys Howorka. Elizabeth Bohr of Mc-iin college, as has Gene Wagner, j ®PPjj-. Parents and children inter- Henry was in the south Gene "Wag is a graduate of Mc- estfd in this supremely important | It wM extremelv well attended Henry - higfi. I pd neceslary teaching of God's Word j weVrbjSLnTmmtron^^^^^^ Happy birthd^lTRoberta Moreau matron of Illinois; and Mrs. Thomp-1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roberti *or this class is from 12 to 15. son's husband; Valeska Hoppe, grand|Mor®*» of Spring Woods, who] Next Sunday. Sept. 26, the sefrepresentative of Manitoba, Canada; ^ Mr. and Mrs. R. Pinkel, Mrs. Anna Nagel, Mrs. Gertrude Watkins, Mrs. Gladys Watkins, Mrs. Joseph Hansen, Mrs. Edward Cannon, Mrs. Ed Murphy, Mrs. Joseph Monteleone, Mrs. Johnson and Louanne Howorka. Goepel Center , Sunday, Oct. 3, is the day for ouri Skip Noren left today for Law- ^"u®^S n u"day rally; .^e borence college, whete he starts as a m° i ln, ?res.)i j HARD TIME at CLUB LILYMOOR SATURDAY, SEPT. 25 Music bv "C" Not#ir r^riaes for Appropriate Dress < Adm. 50c Incl. Tax sponsored bv LAKE-MOOR CLUj| (Formerly Teen Age Club) SEPTEMBER SALE VELV4.CUT POWER MOWERS, ...... $119.60 value, fltZJt Modern 52-gaL Electric HOT WATER HEATER, $154.50 value, $140.00 HANDI-MITE DISH WaSHERS $&.95 value, $7Jf Modern Water Softeners Special for September, 10% off. 1-lb. box Micromet FREE with each purchase of Micromet Feeder. SEE US FOR ALL HOME APPLIANCES, ELECTRICAL SERVICE. .Estimates Cheerfully Given WONDER LAKE HOME APPLIANCES Door West of Standard Oiil Station ' ' v'..:VWonder Lake, Rinrrond, 111,, Phone Wonder Lake 338 Friendship Fund Purchases Stone Suitable For Two «•* '-"-"-7s One of the most beautiful and touching tales of devotion came to an end last week when Mrs. Edith V. White, wife of Ralph White of Indian Ridge, was laid to rest in the Greenwood cemetery on Wednesday last. Mrs. White, long an invalid, had been tenderly cared for by her husband during all the years of her illness with a heart condition which had kept her completely bedridden since November of last year. Friends of Mr. White started to collect a fund for flowers which grew and grew and grew until they thought it might be better to give i the fund to Mr. White and let him I use it as he saw fit. He saw fit to purchase, with the money, a beautiful 'gravestone which not only bears the j name of his wife, but his own name I beside hers. He says that it comforts | him to know that someday he will I lie beside his wife beneath a stone | entirely purchased by their friends ; in Wonder Lake. r, nuyta anil matt fuojali aJtt the Dollar-Tfahte-- ALL ARE HI CHEVROLET! ACCESSORIES REPLACEMENT PARTS Community Auto Supply Located on Highways 120 and 31 IGNITION PARTS J GENERATORS STARTERS BRAKE LINING ' ' . MOTOR HEARINGS GASKETS FUEL PUMPS -- CARBURETORS RINGS TIMING GEARS" --^ BEARING-WHEEL ~ WESTINGHOUSE BULBS , CHASSIS PARTS FUEL LINES VALVES CLUTCH PARTS WATER PUMPS MUFFLERS TOOLS SEAT COVERS MACHINE SHOP SERVICE School Children Visit j B a r n a r d ' s Old Mill j The fifth and sixth grade room,' taught by Mrs. Lathrop, went to B a r n a r d ' s Mill on Monday a f t e r n o o n j | as a part of their social studies. They iwcre transported by Ray Von Bam- i ; pus, Mrs. Leah Cormier and Mrs. i O. Ti onsen, Sr. > j Mrs. Barnard told the children' > tales of the old mill and how the mill! wheel laid flat and turned clockwise; | instead of being vertical; she also! told how the mill was built of white pine which was cut in the neighbor- | hood at the time it was built many j years ago. White pine is almost ncn-existent in this area at this 1 time. | J Once there were two blacksmith; shops by the mill; and a busy cpm- 1 munity revolved around the little j settlement. Mrs. Barnard also showed I them the big millstones which ground the stones. The original mill at Barnard's was the inspiration for the well known old song, 'Down By the Old Mill Stream," and Mrs. Barnard <has an original copy of the song. Wonder Lake Boys Make McHenry Team Henry Cross, played left guard in, McHenry h i g h ' s f i r s t f o o t b a l l game j and will be on the regular lineup in f that position. Richard Wohnrade! played right end in the Saturday! game. "Hank" played all but twen-' t y - f i v e seconds of the game and j Richard played the first two quarters, i Henry got a "charley-horse in his I right leg about twenty-five seconds! before the game ended and is still, limping with i t . j The McHenry .team will play Delavan Lake, Wis., at McHenry on Friday, Sept. 24, under the lights on the new football field. County Legion Plans Picnic . . . C h e v r o l e t a l o n e g i v e s the B i g - C a r Q u a l i t y and B i g - C a r . V a l u e that have caused more people to buy Chevrolets than any other carl Chevrolet alone gives these Big-Ccur Advantages at lowest cost! >M!h« Vain* |n Riding Luxury! One reason Chevrolet has mors riding comfort is Chevrolet's Body by Fisher--better by far. Another, Chevrolet's Unitized Knee-Action Gliding Ride. Only Chevrolet in its price field offers these Big-Car contributions to riding Kmiry. Ma*m t/a/mm In All-round Sabtyl The tripk nrafsction resulting nx>m Chevrolet's Unitized Knee- M+M Valum in Performance wi€h Economy! Chevrolet's valve-in-head "World's Champion" engines have delivered more miles, to--.--Action Gliding Ride, Positivemore owners, over a longer•Action Hydraulic Brakes and period, than any other automo- Fisher Umsteel Body Constnicbile power plant built today! lion is another Big-Car Value, You get performance and found only in Ckevmkt in ike pleasure... thrill* and tkrifll |ow-priced fiddl k • ' In Tasteful Beauty! Your Chevrolet will twnmMd attention for its smooth design and its world-famous Body by Fisher. With this most-desired of all car bodies, you will be sure of beauty-leadershqt as weD as fine worianaMbipaNistwdbr construction! • • • CntHygEfVypKAQTIOT / JET--cutci UttUf f/ CHEVROLET -IS FIRST! On Sunday, Sept. 26, McHenry County Legion will have a picnic! at Veteran's Acres, Crystal lLake. In case of rain, it will be held in] the American Legion Home in Cry- j stal Lake. This picnic is for Legion-i naires and ^their families. From 10 j a. m. until noon, there will be games CLARK CHEVROLET SALES FHOMI 277 McHENBY, ILLINOIS