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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Sep 1948, p. 5

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f' T - -.Aft" by EARL R. WALSH Johnsburg Tigers Are '48 Champions Of County Loop YOUNG PEOPLE'S ATHLETIC CLUB TO OPEN SEASOlf rinming against the fut Delavan| M 'HKN&Y WARRIORS Coach McCracken __ eight boys out for football this year; FOX LAKE, SATURDAY of those, twenty-two are Freshmen, j . Sev^n lettermen have returned this TH. , Grant Lt^tuSly^t^pK, ~F", '• ^ ___ Young P«pl«, Athletic club £&?: f0U,[ht M W,th FMf -- T- ^re°v"i:"'Sr3o',T„Th.m hTch handling the ball at center; Becker | „ „ . , jfJ o . "S1 i u ' grounder td firlt "Base moved Meyers \ school gymnasium. It will verv likelv at his experienced quarter back; T" lfc.™. wLtS tJaL ' I^st Sunday the Johnsburg Tigers. to second. Then came Ted Pitzen! depend on the number present thJ tion; McCulla doing a good job in; ?urnsick*l11 oir to Grant's ten yard, came to McHenry beat the McHenry with his third hit to drive in the j first meeting as to the rules adopted his new full-back position; Peterson! ilne- Th®, was returned to the < Shamrocks 4 to 8 and, with that winning fun. In the past it has been custom*™ veteran rfcht half; and Hopkins as forty llne where they tried un- victorytucked away the champion- McHenry had a chance to do their to accept last year's members «tta^iaherqU1 # use SOTYIP fPOftH in tko ninth Knf ' anrf tk^n tn nff^r momKA»BVin il. _ . . SATwy. ball fanes start the evening's M»> p"m- followed by rkW mmi bop? basketball games. Titers are fmg pong gets and shuffleboard «pip» ment for those who desire tUs of entertainment. Leonard en Is the club's siqfcrrisor. V ilin iiiwJ An electrical firs can be ---j- T - •* . r--•! uished by an approved carim dtaaMsl 1; „L" UquM or Orj d-mhaUS substitute quarter back. | successfully to pick up a first; downship of the county league for the cause some good the ninth, but and then to offer membership to the 25 Other varsity men are; Jack Burn*' McHenry took over on the 46-yaH, fourth straight year. things went wrong. Harry Stilling first new people who apply up to, UUhlng at left half; Paul Frjsund at left '1!"® an<!, r?n through Fox Lake's This game drew tremendous in- led off with a base on balls. Tom j the number forty, which is set asi end; Schlitt and Qlsen alternating }*ne unt» they, reached the 10-yard I terest and the large crowd had its Bolger raft for Stilling Bill Boleer a maxium ! at right guard; Foley and Duncan hne where the scorinp --" "J-J -* *»•-»- >- • » - - * _ We tip our hat to Manager Harry Freund and his baseball mates on the Johnsburg Tigers baseball team this week. The boys beat the Mc- Henry Shamrocks here last Sunday, switching at right tackle W a 4 to 3 battle before a large Wohnrade at right end. crowd and are now the champions of The Warriors will play seven UF * 1,151 aown or any yardage ana wagner on to coucg*, Mcnenvy pre- came tile McHenry County League. games this yiar (three of them at. had to punt on the. third down, sented a new battery with 'Sonny" bunt, home) in the Swani Conference Becker fielded the punt nicely and Miller pitching and "Willo" Mc- cover McHenry gave 'em a battle, but which they have played and taken made a good return to tHe 40-yard Culla catching. While Miller allowed on These sittngf agents arc non-cenducttWa. r hne *h®J® scoring threat ended j full measure of thrills and disap- laid down a sacrifice bunt that Klap- An von* over hio* «rWi C®^p,et« JJ"* o ; Rkh the Warriors' fumbled on the 7.! pointments. > perich picked up but juggled Both - I jff ftS, g «ay J?medie» at Wattles I Grant took over and failed to pick- With Hugh Murphy and Gene runners were safe. As Waallllyy Smith member, Mixed volley- Henry. in fast for an anticipated Howie Freund cut over to first and tagged Bill Bolger snappy pick-off throw from «f Lee's , Drug Store, M»- Mf the champs showed why they have [second in for the paft two years. 'ine where the Warriors made a I fourteen hits, his effectiveness with catcher Harry Freund. klapperich ««>n the title four years a-runnin'. j Burlington, Wst year's conference £oal ,ine drive but were again men on bases was clearly shown. then got Freund on a fly to third. . I winner will be the Hmccoming game.' stopped by another fumble on the I Klapperich, who* showed marked Jackson hauled in Conway's fly "Sonny" Miller deserves much \ Adult season tickets may be pur-; 8-yard line. 'improvement as the season progress- hall to center for the final out. credit for stepping in to fill the j chased at the gate this Friday for ; Shepard of Fox Lake had to punt ed, pitched a tight ball in this all- Thus. Johnsburg tucks away anitching shoes left vacant when $4.50 which admits you t6 all home on the third down and got off a, important game. , other hard-earned and well-deserved pgh Murphy left for college last, football and basketball garner •>-- . ..J week. He wasn't easy to beat. pji •FOOTBALL TROPHV ' Johnsburg's defense sparkled both nw TITRPT AV TOTl A V in the infield and outfield. Bud Miller "" went over the road in right field _ in AT GAMBLE STORE the sixth inning to haul down a drive! off "Sonny" Miller's bat. Art Jack- Starting, this (Thursday) nice'boot that rolled all the way to! ^The game opened like the Sham- championship the midfield stripe and out of bounds.; rocks weite in no foolin' mood. Con- Congratulations!# '-:' • . . ' ; McHenry took the ball for three i way got. a two-bagger along the Johnsburg • .. Ail plays and the gun sounded the end right field line. McCulla, who had Howie Freund, 2b»...' 5 of the first half. The score at the a perfect day with 4 for 4, hit to L. Freund, ss. V........ i - N e n d o f t h e f i r s t h a l f s t o o d 0 - 0 . c e n t e r . T h a t w a s a l l t h e h i t t i n g f o r M i l l e r , r f * : i The second half started off as the but a couple of infield Meyers, 3b- , noon Grant kicked to McHenry and the' blows moved McCulla around for the Smith, lh son covered lots of ground in center the beautiful trophy which the'Won- Wafr iors rolled down to the 7-yard' se«>n<?, "*"• Jackson, cf ..........j.iv feW fts did Ted Pitzen in left> ider Lake Area Kiwanis flub is pre- The goal line only 7 yards Wally Smith led off for Johns- Pitzen, If ' jsenting to the high school at the'away^ Becker took the ball on,an end burg's fourth with a double and Harry Freundf-:c:;;~-; (Howie Freund was quick as a cat. conclusion of the football season run and with some fancy side step- the first run for his mates. Klapperich, p on a couple of plays. In the first'Will go on display for one week in P'lP and hard blocking, scored a Y^}y promuient again in the < inning Gerry Larkin hit - a sizzler the window of the Gamble store in touchdown to make the score 6-0. "*th. Bud Miller hit safely.- Then, Totals that'.Wally Smith had only time to; West McHenry. Mr. Collette has Laures was sent in for the conver-1 with two out, Wally cracksed a double block. The ball rolled a few feet arranged an attractive /football dis- sion, but the attempt was no good. ; along the right field line. On the Mclte®ry away. Howie pounced on the ball play in which the trophy is the | The Warriors kicked off and Grant relay^ Freund threw wild to third Conway, ss. and slid into the bag ahead of the runner. And there was no grass centerpiece. Athletes of years ago turned on a goal line spirit which; and Wally crossed the plate with the McCulla, c at M. C. H. S. will find it as in- started with a long pass by "the ru?„lh®t Johnsburg ahead 3 to 2. J. Larkin, 3b U..i teresting as present day* players, for Lakers" quarterback to the left end,' , - looked like a rally on Mc- G. 'Larkin, ss «... L.._, get them Jn scorin„ ^e?ry8 fizzled ,n thp M,1W n ; *20-yard J'^hth. Howei 5 .- ..4..^ •4 5 42 AB 6 R R 1 o- n - ; - y l : 2 <f K 0 o growing under his feet in the ninth u«, 1UI w mc rcn, cnu, , . . , , . when he combined with includes pictures of high school which set them , in scoring position ."r£8 .Part ftzz,^d out ln the P . Freund to pick Bill Bolger off first, stars of other years. The trophy on the *20-yard line. On the next ^Wfhth. However, they put over the McCracken, rf \; | will rotate among local club mem-" fcur plays Grart penetrated our for-! ^in?, r.u."* ? i - ° with his H. Stilling, If Our congratulations to the Johns- bers for display purposes. ward wall for a 15-yard gain, until i R "" burg team for winning the champion- The trophy will become a per- they reached the 5-yard line. On; tb»d with a hit. VVhile John.- B. Bolger.... .... l)yn manent possession of the school this third down, goal to go, Grant scored i burg s second base combination tried • Freund.&> lb .. ™ . (fall and each year the name of the on a quarterback sneak. On the 5, ,P'ay °n a,w" bpys, ^ ks i outstanding football player and stu- conversion the whole McHenry formuch happier with first place, they dent will have his name engraved ward wall broke through the de- 4 5 4 3 0 2 ^ 4 McCulla hugged third. Why 'the, Totals 32 runner wasn't sent home will be left: SCORE BY INNINGS-- 2 :JL 0 0 0 0 0 0 & s 0 3 -2 •;:2'- 14 H X •m 4^ know that they put up a 'battle |on fense to block the kick and made 'or discussion in the hot-stove leaall the way and lost to a good ball | Plans for the forthcoming banquet the score stand at 6-6. Pe ®t"°^ ba! and" UiY down team. Second place in van 8-team *°r the players were discussed at the In the final period the ball see- . league means that the boys played last meeting of the Kiwanis club sawed back and fourth with the Mca lot of good baseball. iheld on Monday evening. Guests Henry line playing a wonderful dei were C. H. Duker, Rev. Wayne Price fensive game. The game ended as Johnsburg 000 120 001--i McHenry , 200 000 010--3 Stolen bases : G. Larkin, B. Bolger. a bunt to squeeze McCulla home. Two-base hits Conway, Howie Bud Meyers waited until the ninth Freund, \V. Smith (2). to get a hit, then drove a line single Double plays: Smith to L. Freund Manao-er Harrv iFreund calls to'and John Lathrum. the latter prinic- Grant had the ball on their own ,to leef"t fi®eld aa»s a* Jll6e*a*d1--o0f"f mmaann-. MMiill-- ttoo HHoowwiiee Ff rreeuunndd.. tiort rtmt the Timers will nlav the P*" at the Wonder Lake school. 40-yard line trying desperately for Jer K°t^Wally Smith and Art Jack- Struck out by MiUer, 4, by Klap- rep^o rt that .t1he TigRn u .< Two Prominent muricians will 1m> a lonir touchdown nnan ; son out of the way. but Smiths perich, 3; off Miller, 1. N&son-Hirschberg-Keynolds team Gf Two prominent magicians will Chicago"on^'the* ^Johnsburg diamond ?.ue,sts at the next meeting next Sunday. Fans will |et a look ^e club on Monday, Sept. 27, at Joe Jackson's pitching in one of tne "olaine Grill. these post-seasgn games and it may ».n)imVp T AV>V AW A happen next Sunday. ! WOWDIUC LAKE AK£A Received a card from Colorado from the Kinsalas--"Zukie," Minna, Bill, Eleanor and Miidred -- marked *0ur favorite view." The picture on I KIWANIS DELEGATES TO ATTEND CONVENTION be a long touchdown, pass. of The Warriors expect strong com-' at petition as they oppose Delavan in' (the first Swani conference game of j the season on the home field tomorrow (Friday) night. 1 1 •»»»••• i * » » 1 1 . . | . » < . » » » » » » ! JUNIOR Sports Calendar The Kiwanis Club of the Wonder. the card was "The Face on the Bar- J Lake Area wiillll bbee rreepprreesseenntteedd aatt!j SPORTS! Boom Floor." We've heard that Col-! Lhe 1948_ convention of the Illinois- j ; Srodo is famous scenery. Eastern Iowa Kiwanis district to be ( S11' 5-•2--5^9^5*-?' 5-1' held Sept. J6 to 29, at Chicago, club ( JUNIOR FOOTBALL * • } by Ed Murphy "j -Football- Public trap shoot at McHenry ! Sportsmen's Club next Sunday, j Sept. 26. I'.- Care of Goldfish . When goldfish are sick be sure they are not overcrowded, overfed, given ^ Improper foods or that sick fish have been mixed with healthy ones. Per- . Lou Orr, boxing coach at Grant president Dick Richards announced High will headline the boxing- show with Ken Pratt at Round Lake Friday night. Friday, Sept. 24--Night game--Dcla- hapsjthe^water needs changing or the "WW at McHenry. ° ' Next Sunday the McHenry Sports-1 men's Club will sponsor a public trap | shoot at their club grounds on the, Crystal Lake (black-top) road on the! south edge of McHenry. - The club' will also sponsor skeet shooting. Tro- j phies and prizes are ready for the, winners, | We do have otir problems in the i usports department. This week it isn't i a ""question of space. Our ace line-o-. type operator, "Jackie" Guffey, is on the ailing list. We are trying to get I everything covered so will relinquish part of S.I.H. space to the following. report from the high school sports: staff: The first home football game will he played on the new field tomor-1 row (Friday) night when Delavan! plays the Warriors. WSth the one j game experience with Grant last week, the boys should make a good jtfore than 160 clubs in the district, rfVUiAJ*>ivir nr nrinfinj~innnrinnnfM~ir ! Which embraces 10,000 business --Baseball--r On Tuesday evening, Sept. 7, a Sunday, Sept. 26 -- Nelson-Hirsch-. aquarium needs more light. A pinch of salt, either epsom or table, will benefit all fish. WALTER J. L. RAT What Thoughts Do Fall To You? Bring • A beautiful* autumn season lies ahead of us, although the j meeting at Roy Kent's office came to several infportant conclusions,] I Mr. Kent and Mr. Long had asked, the men present to state their opin-l I ions primarily about the forthcom-| !ing football program, but the ques-1 i overall organization to include mem- ! bers form the whole- surrounding | area; and related subjects were dis- | cussed. Father Baumhofer and Fred ; Rogers gave their ideas as related | to the two town grade schools. Mike Schoenholtz, athletic director of the public school in addition to his other capacity, had intended to come to the meeting but was prevented by illness. Jim Lennon, Bob Devore, Ray McGee, and Roy Kent represented the committee which is striving to raise the necessary cash to provide football equipment. Mr. McCracken, head coach- at McHenry High, attended the meeting and his background in athletic programs was especially instructive.' Ed Lay, junior football's Bert Bell, ' Shorty'* Long, junior athletics prime mover, membership of! a"<J the writer of this column comand professional th« 1,s^ . . . . . .. . With the thought in mind that such a venture should be extremely sure of a solid background, and because he felt that a representative group should formally discuss several important objections to league formation in football, Bob Devore rightly asked frank discussin about the possibility of more harm than good coining to the boys, and the possibility that the league had not adequate plans for protecting its young members. Mr. Devore emphasized He was not trying to berg-Reynolds Johnsburg. Chicago team Toni* Permanent Wave Kits, $1.25 and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 35-tf BOXING and WRESTLING • FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th, 8:30 P. M. BOXING Lou Orr vs. Ken Pratt John Chcouske vs. Chuck Brown Davis Lundman vs. Ken Johnson Bruce Priebe • vs. % Billy Cross Willie Grogan vs. Jerry Paschke .• A WRESTLING 4 Johnny Koram - vs. Red DtiVls •f Angelo Poppo vs. Tarzan Joe LAKE COUNTY STADIUM ROUND LAKE PARKr ILLINOIS leaders, are expected to send delegates to the three-day meeting, Mr. Richards said. The speaking program will feature the appearences of Walter J. L. Ray, prominent Detroit hanker, and Donald T. Forsythe, Carthage, 111., publisher, bfcth. mtemlbeits of the board of trustees of Kiwanis International. , Delegates who will represent the Kiwanis Club of Wonder Lake Area at the convention include Dick Rithards, Floyd ' Covalt, Jr., Anthony! P°«tion Audino and P. L. Cormier. M. F. CLARK PLANS very warm weather last week j to ATTEND SHOWING end tended to make one bt' OF TRUCK EQUIPMENT lieve that summer was still with us. The encore wa* short, however, and by Mon dav a chill in the air had coni discourage football, but only to see1 it started by consideration of every < ! important angle. Discussion on these] points was thorough by all the gen-r tlemen present. Mr. McCracken and! Father Baumhofer especially made' valuable suggestions, and "Shorty*'i ! Long re-emphasized the many steps! M. F. Clark of the Clark Chevrp- and plans the league has for pro-! H £•••» *• u , mpMll'i far Hmr I •« Pack TtmatrStap SWLFL'I IMNTOO SWIFTttlM H«. CAN SIM co,r MAM CANDY CMM ChtMlatM BA« SWITZEFT OTLFTLNAL OLD FASHIONFD UttriM SSc VMKTABLK O* FtA-MTTY CftOCKM soun imitk n, . >>*»' M* KELLSMTS PEP wm, nuoMi W* OUOMl MocKmsncs WITH IAR-S-9 SAUCC OA PLAIN a 1 OSCAR "Wllflmtii ...CAN OSCAR MAYER tAR-fc-9 B*«f tr Nrfc PLAIN OR AMSRICAM S«hr«ilMrt' ChttM PLAIN OR PIMENTO Kraft's VtlvHta "-OX.4JC 2P/I-OZ. WAS. Z9# .CAN *!*&*§ WHUT u-or %-f7a *&2 9a OCCtDCNT CAKK BAKK M-OZ. tt--, PK6. 4J6 Ocddtut CmMI M Pt«. II* EVERBEST PUKI MAPI PKKSSRVES 14-ox. Jar wNb Ctavar New Sw-«ld Cl»it «9e let Sales is making arrangements to. tection of the boys. attend a grand snowing of special; Committee meetings are difficult vinced everyone thqt the old calendar is a pretty reliable institution after j|M[. Thoughts of hunting, footv IMIII and the like will fill the minds of outdoor, enthusiast? during the next two months. While we have no intention of disturbing such very pleasant dreams of fall recreation, it is noj wise to wait tck> long before doing the small but necessary jobs about the hom< in preparation for. colder -^Wfathen ' rN? . LNOW is the tine to think of equipment for trucks to be held in j to report accurately in any the Industrial building at State Fair j but generally the following decisions. Park, Milwaukee on Oct. 5-6-7. The were made. McHenry will sponsor display is being co-sponsored by two teams made up of boys from 86 Chevrolet Motor division and manu- j to 115 pounds. Strict organization facturers and distributors of truck; of the teams will necessitate the equipment. I boys playing properly or not at all Approximately 150 C h e v r o 1 e t'under league auspicies. A meeting Trucks, each equipped with a special | will be called shortly of all prospective body or other items of equipment de- j players and- their parents to outline signed to fit that truck to a'special- some surprisingly professional regized hauling need, will be displayed. {ulations concerning training league A total of several hundred different rules etc. Medical (examinations, items of equipment designed to cut I parental consent and other necessary hauling costs, promote driver comfort j items in such a program were merely BEACH-NUT QUALITY PEANUT BUTTER CORN OFF THE COR CORN WBLETS PURE VEGETAILE SHORTENING CRISC0 ci!i41e DRY CLEAN AF HOMC WITH RENUZIT SOAP FLAK® v AMERICA! FMULY AMERICAN FAMILY JF SOAP FUMES AMERICAN FAMILY 6AL- Me CAN 3 cans4$C HI. | |2 CAN •••• SWANCO HAZEL PURE ENRICHED PEACH MARGARINE PRESERVES 2 PKGS.57C !ABR 15C FLAYORKIST 2-cal. i m Gaeaaaat Bart CAN L«NI FLAYORKIST Saltiaes 4 * SUNSHINE Krispy Craektrt llfll FOR WHITER WASHES " 33e oiyM 89e THAT OXYOOL SPARKLE NATIONAL BROADCAST VIENNA 89c IN CARTON 27c 25c WM2 Mims Cam and increase safety, will be avail able for public inspection. Mr. Clark extends a cordial invitation to evervone to attend with him. There will be no admission charge and free parking facilities are available on the grounds. Mr. Clark says that this exhibit •will prove interesting to truck operators in every vocation, as new developments in bodies and truck restated. We- might mention again the league's determination to have football played as it should be played and not sand-lot fashion, with no equipment and po supervision. Equally as important as league regulation is cooperation of the parents to enforce training rules. Father Baumhofer and Mr. McCracken emphasized this point and the committee heart-' equipment have outmoded most types | ily suggested that parents acco now in use. Extensive use of alumi-: pany their young Charlie Tryysiea num permits greater payloads, com- j to the first meeting of all team bination bodies of all types serve j members at a time and place KOGB dual purposes, hoists and dump (to be announced. bodies on pickup trucks as well as i Lastly, 'and most important to the heavy duty trucks „ save time and boys, full equipment (except shoes) replacing window glass and injuring a warm home by using putty, caulking com^ juiv _ ^ pound and weather stripping, j labor. Comfort, safety and conyen- has-been ordered for two teams. Mr; dome in and select your cessities today. ne- Nickels Hardware Phone 2 Main St., West McHenry equipment lessens driver McCracken has already approved fatigue and reduces accidents, and samples of the type helmet and new mechanical devices, which make shoulder pads to be used. All equipfor faster, easier loading arid unload- ment is of the best quality insofar jng. reduce overall hauling costs as safety for the boys is concerned, greatly. Never before have truck and it's on its way. owners and operators • had such an T M MM- '"" DISCOVERY # RARS ZTC LAUNDRY •IANT SIZE ! oportunity to inspect the latest in j hauling equipment. The 1947 Show was a great exhibit and a huge suc- I cess, says Mr. Clark, and the 1948 Show will be even bigger and hetter. Need Rubber Stamps ? The Plaindealer. Order 'at Saceeoa Very Cleanly Raccoon gets its name from th« ftoct that it washes lta food before eating it. The name raccoon is a derivation of the Indian name "arathcone" meaning "the wfcsher." For Walls «nd Woodwork SPIC ft SPAN LARGE . K6. 9WC FIRM--|M»c JENOER RUHON Mathraaaw CALIFORNIA CRISP Carrilt 2 Ur®* HOME 6IOWN YELLOW ®,lM» u Sc FANCY DELICIOUS EATING 2 PK6. bunches MASS. CAK COO PM Saaa OCEAN SPRAY *OLO. McCLURES CraaberHet 19c POTATOES APPLES IRS. 45c 3 « Sfc CALIFORNIA SEKOLBS TEXSUN QUALITY MAPEFRINT J0NE.2S£»* WCY QUAUTY RED SOUt DOLE FANCY GMISHEB PINEAPPLE 2 NO. I CANS CHERRIES 45 DOLE FANCY PINEAPPLE JUICE. CHOICE CALIFORNIA FRIHT COCKTAIL AMERICAN HOME APRICOT HALVES NATCO FANCY TOMATO CATSUP /HAND PACKED NATCO TOMATOES. NO 9m • CAN ^ 29« CANS UHMRY soii a.... J *sa m SSPS?^ REGULAR SIZE RARS ' | TMa ^ SU0S CAMAY SOAP IATH SIZE RARS ' CAMAY SOAP FOR FINE WASHINGS DREFT OUZ DOES EVERYTHING DVZ FOR SILKS AND FINE FABRICS IVORY FLAKES WHITE FLOATING IVORY SOAP WHITE FLOATING IVORY SOAP WHITE FLOATING ----~"' IVORY SOAP FOR SILKS ANFT WOOLMS IVORY SIOW FOR FACE OR RATH KIRK'S CASTILE REMOVES DIRT AND GRIM! LAVA SOAP FOR WALLS AND WOODWORK SPIC & SPAN ... .-.'.- .SI America's Fovoritt Flibi CHIPSO • .

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