' fi •"' **.y--If- t*lll|'-=--^L-» ^i 'm •~ y'^,.1^ 'r 'V LARD PACKAGE COTTON BS8ENT ABROAD A new ptcktfe to help meet one pf the greatest single needs of undernourished European families--* 10- pound package of lard--was announced this month by Paul Comly^ French, CARE executive director. At the same time, Mr. French made known that CARE was withdrawing its cotton package. He explained that this step was in line with CARE's policy of responding to may be aent to relatives or friends or designated croups. Other packages offered by CARE, at $10 each, are standard food; special food for Italy, Greece, Britian and Japan; koeher food: baby and infant food: woolen, blanket, layette, household linen and knitting wool packages. s Berlin, Bone of Contention A jumble of twisted steel and shattered masonry at the end of World War II, the streets of Germany's once proud capital have been largely cleared by piling up the wreckage. Damaged houses 'M2 : i changing conditions overseas. He | have been repaired and some new said that the cotton supply hi Europe j ones built of salvaged bricks. Long is steadily improving and that pro-j before jt was established in 1871, f • •, duction there makes it unnecessary for CAitE to continue offering its; cotton package. j The new lard parcel is being offer- j ed at $5.50 and orders may now be sent to CARE, 50 Broad Street, New York 4, New York, with delivery: guaranteed in Austria, Belgium,! Czechoslovakia, France, Great Britain, as the national capital of the united German empire, Berlin served as a government seat, first of Bradenburg, then of Prussia. As headquarters for the powerful Prussian ki^gs, it expanded spectacularly. By 1850 nearly half a million people lived in this crowded, lively me- American section of Berlin, including Tempelhof airfield, extends south and southwestward. Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland tropolis of palaces and parks^ The and the*American, British and French * 1 Zones of Germany. For the city of Berlin, the price of the package has been set at $6.50, since CARE is unable to maintain its customary stockpile there as a result of the blockade, and the package must be flown in from Frankfurt. The product contained in the new parcel is called "Swift'ning" and aside from the fact that it will place a long missing necessity on European •"4 \ ' f > UiDvwt StHk* DOCTOR «M called upon to attend the butler of an aristocratic but impecunious patient. When he arrived he found the man in bed, and a superficial examination revealed that there was nothing whatever the matter with him. "It's like this," said the butler in a hoarse whisper, "Mrs. Parkington owes me $30 in wages, and Fm going to stay in bed until I get it." "And a darned good idea, too," said the doctor. "Move over--she owes me $250." WELL--AH--PERHAPS "Has Grandpa left tor work yet, mommie?" asked the«.little girl. "No, dear," replied her mother. "Grandpa is retired. He doesn't work." "But, mommie, he goes to the race track every day. Doesn't he work out there?" Missed by a Drop Facts About Oriental Rugs Because Genghis Khan invaded Persia with his Mongolian hordes in ancient times, many Persian rugs, eveh to this day, show a strong Chinese influence in their i~v:7 • u" i * *»,«f :• designs. Most oriental rugs have' tables, it has qualities that make it • » horders Seven is a nooular1 especially suitable for long distance several borders, seven is a popular; -shIi"p men*t and sctmo™rag™e . °"«S<wSviifftt"nr,iinn«gr'" number among weavers of fine; requires no refrigeration and will not turn rancid. CARE's addition of the lard package is the result of surveys disclosing that the lack of fats remains one of Burope's most serious nutrition problems. As is the case with all other CARE packages, the lard will be admitted to Europe without duties 1 or taxes of Persian rugs. The famous crimson found in oriental rugs is made from the female cochineal insect; the The pastor of a little church in Vermont was famous for the fact that every one of his sermons lasted 22 minutes. Then one unfortunate Sunday the sermon lasted threequarters of an hour. At dinner his mortified wife asked him what had gone amiss. "It was one of those things," said, the pastor moodily. "My secret device was to slide a cough drop under my tongue just before beginning Rhode iigjftd has taken t&e lead in aoMng'-mt problem of where to build , a * SEtted States feotrandmouth disasii research laboratory. A coagysaahjnal delegation of that state has proposed that the necessary facilities be constructed on Prudence island in Narragansett Bay, R. I. Government acceptance of the site hinges on final approval by, and necessary arrangements with, state and local officials and livestock interests. The island has an area of several square miles and is ample for the 500-acre establishment needed for the research work All things considered, Prudence island fulfills the requirements o' federal legislation and meets gen era! operating needs more fully than any other available location yet proposed. The principal federal requirement is that the laboratory must be 'on a coastal island separated from the mainland by deep, navigable water. Construction costs are estimated at a minimum of 25 million dollars, annual operating costs at 2.5 million dollars or more. The project would be staffed by about 800 employees.; Ont President 'Missing,' ' Accordinf to Researchsr Research experts, digging into history, have unearthed evidence which indicates that we have overlooked a president. Instead of 33 men holding the highest' office in a ^ All. _ the sermon. It melted in exactly 22 males do not contain the dye. Fifty j minutes. Then I knew it was time to j the land, we could, "by virtue of a thousand females are required to | st°P- This morning I was talking technicality, list 34. make one pound of cochineal crtol- for over 40 minutes before I realized my cough drop was a suspender button." „ „ Complete line *>f Bfttte livestock any kind, and the recipients will lose remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mcno part of their regular rations. It | Henry. 8-tf •ha w mtire i ftnkte lint! ALLIGATOR $10.75 to $40.75 • Now! Get your water repellent or waterproof Alligator coat First in Btyle, protection, value. Wide range of models and fabrical K wiwy-.f McHENRY Closed en Thursday afternoon. As the "missing" president if also a Missourian, there is a doubt about Mr. Truman's claim to fame as the first chief executive to hail from the "Show Me" state. , The gentleman who thus far has' been slighted by the historical record is David R. Atchison, senator from Missouri, 1843,55. The main historical clue to Atchison's presidency is found in the 1913 edition of the Biographical Congressional Directory. The directory reveals that Atchison was president of the United States for one day. According to World Book encyclopedia, President Polk's term expired on March 3, at midnight. Zachary Taylor was not sworn in as president until Marqh 5, 1849. ; At that time there was no vice Little Georgie received a new! pre^dent, a"d Atchison had claim drum for a gift and shortly there- i to th? Pudency because he was after, when father came home from Pre®,den,t P™ tern of the senate and work one evening, mother said: "I n In e or J0^' don't think- that man upstairs likes ! „ !to hear Georgie play his drum," -- , . „ . . , but he's certainly subtle about it." Tornadoes Are Explained Father* "Why?" ' Tornadoes are like lightning- Mother: "Well! this afternoon he I J®* hardly ever strike twice in gave GeOrgie a knife, and asked | th® sam® placf; . L .^ac°^s°2 him if he knew what was inside the j veteran forecaster for the U. S (jrum». j weather bureau in Chicago, says i tornadoes usually are caused by DRUMMING UP BUSINESS Farewell Speech WATCH THIS PAPER -for the ANNOUNCEMENT of the GRAND OPENING of our new HARDWARE STORE yo ; ' " •••'.• / / , ! * • 130 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY . : which will be SATURDAY, OCT. 16 W. B. Bjorkman & Son BTOBE IS OPEN NOW FOR BUSINESS Herman Fitzpatrick was a great landowner in Ireland in the days before that fair land became independent of mother England. The country was, as always, in a great ferment of political excitement. To this ^kindly and indulgent landlord there came one night a tenant, hat in hand, asking a favor. "Shure, it's this way, Mr. Fitzpatrick,". the man explained, "they're after asking me to make and I be thinkin' maybe your honor j would help me with my speech?" "Of course I will," the great land-; ! lord replied,' "if you will tell me what you want to -speak about." i The tenant hesitated, and then; blurted out: "That be a delicate question, your honor, as the subject. we are discussing is--dividing up' your honor's land!" opposing air currents during a se vere thunderstorm--cold air mov ing downward and warm air upj ward. The weather man says tht ! same principle applies to the water I spouts sometimes seen in large | bodies of water. The water rise: ; through the vacuum in the centc | of the whirling air currents. Jaco' i son says no accurate wind meas- I urements ever have been mauv i near the center of a tornado. Ho | explained that there are more ! tornadoes in the spring because there is more moisture in the ai» Oil that grows on tioplea! trees and ends up in the making of tin cans or big-city btdUUng materials has a 1948 price tag nearly five times higher than it was before the war, according to a recent steel industry survey. This vegetable oil, obtained from the African oil palm, tops percentage- cost rises for more than two dozen raw materials of steel manufacture. It is essential,'however, as a protective coat in rolling strip steel, in tin and other metal-plating operations, and as a lubricating and cooling agent in such processes as wire drawing. The term "palm oil," notes National Geographic society, usually refers only to the product of the African palm, which in the United States goes almost entirely into the Steel and tin-plate business. Other vegetable oils, notably coconut palm, at present are used chiefly in soaps, with «ninor amounts in margarine, candies and cosmetics. The African 6il palm, so named after its native continent, now is growing in other regions. Experimental stations which had been established in the Netherlands Indies and British Malaya were followed by extensive plantations. New palm pil operations also are rising in Latin America. The African oil palm takes from four to eight years to* mature. The fruits, which ripen to characteristic red-orange color, come in big bunches, in pointed oval forms one to two inches long. ttff: gas hot crater as it penetrates Ifct fibers more quickljr. Use a •Prinkler that will distribute the wntar to a spray. Pbld clothes narmUy to avoid introducing unnecessary wrinkles. Fold the hems and double portions to the inside and roll up, using a slight kneading pressure to help the moisture Penetrate. Use less moisture for machine ironing than for hand ironing. Dampened clothes should "season" at least half an hour. In cool, dry weather, they may stand overnight. In hot, damp weather, iron within an hour or two lest mildew develop. Simplest dampening device available is a perforated metal cap which fits into the neck of a bottle. Sprayers also are used. These distribute the water in a very spray and are good for rayons and line fabrics of all types which do not need a great deal of moisture, but «nuit have it evenly distributed. Read the Want Ads « B M ) i b e l p f t t f to have a MMrtp el ftwmeiwade so# eon hand, advise bona taniisbspecialists. 8oap JaQy is mad* simply by pouring one cup of hot water over two cups of mild soap flakes and beating to a Jelly with a rotary egg beater. A sponge, squeezed tightly from lukewarm water, should be used to apply the jelly. The sponge then is rinsed in clear water, wrung tightly and uaed to remove the suds from the surfaoe beipg cleaned. Upholstered for* niture may be shampooed with soap Jelly if the colors are fast Rugs or carpets and parchmentized lampshades also can be cleaned in this way. Soap jelly is useful in washing light soil from painted walls, clean* ing washable wallpapers if they era erf firm quality and washing the toM on Venetian blinds. \' C>|5. \ "Kefcp Homeflfea Baraliig* The Second American division ep^ tared the line on the Hturne on Jmto: 4, i»i8. * ••. . if r Archeologists to Decipher Rosttta Stong Inscriptions - American archeol-ogists have gone to Iran iri quest of the first complete copy of the "Rosetta; Stone of Western Asia"--the Ian-, guage key which unlocked the mysteries of several ancient tongues, i The expedition is using standard I mountain-climbing equipment and j skyscraper scaffolding to copy and > photograph the enormous, 2,000 ( year-old inscription. The expedition! is being sponsored jointly by the j University of Michigan and the American Schools of Oriental Re-j search. J "the inscription which the arche- j ologists will study and an accompanying relief were carved more j than 2,500 years ago by order of! Darius, king of Persia, on the rocky j walls of Mount Behistun, 500 feet! a)wve the plain .and 100 feet above a sheer vertical wall. Two previous examinations of the ancient writings, the first made 100 years ago by the English adventurer, Sir Henry Rawlinson and the ^econd by a British museum group' in 1904, have been found inadequate.! The present day investigators hope to bring back a cast of the' relief itself, re-examine all the i doubtful passages from previous translations and copy four additional columns which have never' been transcribed. j The anscient inscriptions have had I great historical significance in that; the relief portrays Darius and his! accomplishments in three different! languages which were current 2,500 j f years ago. MOTHER ALSO WONDEIMi Sz&f- NYLON HOSE SPECIAL SALE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, JgfPT. 30, OCT. 1 and 2 3 Days Only Regular $1.49 Nylon Hose L.-J *1J9 per pair - 48-gaujre Nylons, new fall shadesFsheer; colors, brown waliiut, autumn dueky morning mist: sizes 8Va to 10M;. MAIL ORDERS FILLED itit Town and Country Studio On Riv«ndde Drire, four blocks north of State Bridge, McHsnry. Tel. McHenry 297-J Where Aspen Can Be Used Aspen is one of the least durable woods and is known to deteriorate or rot rapidly under conditions fa voring decay. Records on aspen used under moist and severe deca> conditions have shown that serious decay and failure of the product may develop in three to four years Although there is considerable prejudice against aspen for uses in which decay is not a factor when good constructiQn practices are: followed, for such uses as siding, roof boards, sheeting and rafters, ex- | perience has shown that aspen is as durable as* any wood, either j hardwood or softwood, under use j- conditions where it remains dry ] or is exposed to moisture for restively short periods. City of Contrasts Havana, 111., situated at the confluence of the Spoon and Illinois riv- < ers, is a contrast in 19th and 20th century architecture. Along its j dreaming streets, bungalows of the | 1920s, '30s and '40s and 100-year-ok} mansions stand side by side. More j than 100 years ago Havana was one ! of the boom towns of Illinois. Steam- j boats, which appeared at its waterfront in 1828, soon made it an important port. It was one of the great- ! est fishing centers in the nation, i catches of 100,000 pounds daily being not uncommon. RaUroads and river pollution ended both industries. The teacher was explaining to the: class the meaning of the word "re- i cuperate." "Now, Tommy," she! said to a small boy, "when your! father has worked hard all day, he is tired and worn out, isn't he?" "Yes, ma'am." "Then, when night comes, and his work is over for the day, what does he do?" "That's what mother wants to know," Tommy explained. Snhscnfce for The Plainc'taler Lest and Foand Clerk: "What's the matter, little boy?" Little boy: "Please sir, have you seen a lady without a Uttle boy who looks like me?" Unimpressed Soph: "Man is wonderful. He has lesnied to fly like a bird." Frosh: "I won't be impressed until fee learns how to perch on a barbed wire fence." IsmtMly for Malaria Malaria is caused by the anopheles mosquito. The Allies discovered a secret German chemical during the North African campaign, effective against malaria. It is called "Aralen," aad, unlike atabrtne (widely used la& the war) it does aot yellow the SUB, aad yet it controls malarial attacks MM quickly than either atabrine or gy > ••W?.? Arjh. w ^ pwiw "wm cost iwnt fi. Blackberries In the Garden Some people have failed with blackberries because they did no< realize that blackberries are self sterile and that sometimes it is necessary to have more than onrvariety in order to insure cross pollination. The home garden?" finds also that his blackberrv patch becomes unmanageable wher he does not care for it properlv It becomes an impenetrable thick et and sometimes overgrows r small garden. With proper man agement and the possible develop ment of better varieties in the future, the blackberry may become move important fer. the garden. Trend Towards Cities Within little itnore than a century, says a Twentieth Century fund report, the United States has changed from a primitive agricultural economy to one of the most highly industrialized countries. Only 5 per cent of its four million inhabitants lived in urban communities in 1790. By 1890, with a population of 63 million, 35 per cent lived in urban territory, and by 1M0 nearly 87 per cent of a population of 132 million was urban. Sigar Ooontry Puerto Rico's principal crop is sugar. The 1948 sugar crop Is expected to bring 120 million dollars to the little island. In Puerto Rico there are immense fields of sugar cane as far aj the eye can reach. Three hundred thousand acres of it make the island the third largest eagaiNfveducing country In the western hemisphere. Order your tbbbsr ftafrdaakc. at The * I 40 •UARANTIIDYssr Mbr ladk I Ml idbM With hormone cnacu telling for •3.50, $5.00 aad $7.50 and up, •on womtn cotdd only wonder -wfll hormones help my skin?" Now, Cor only fl (plus tax) every woman can afford the anewer. Kathrynfl Hormone Creme is a rich, pleasing day-or-night cream that contains pstural estrogen (female hormones). Bey Kathryn# 1 Hormone Creme here. Keep your sales receipt. If oot satisfied with results, send the receipt with jar, within 60 days, to Kathrya, Inc, 540 N- Michigan, ' Chicago, aad yoer dollar will be I refunded. (To oer knowledge, ao v other hormooe cream hi Aisoflar.) Bolger't Drag Step PHONE 4S McHENRY, ILL* LQOK,SMA^^;v^^,:.:.: BE SMART -AT : JEANNETTE'S "The Store of Values" • 208 Elm St. McHenry Phone 224-M Selection of Dresses Colorful Plaids, Gabardines, Failles, Crepes Sizes 9 to 15 - 12 to 52 - $8.98 to $22.50 Skirts, Sizes to 40, $4.98 to $7.98 -----Blouses. Sizes 32 to 38, $2.98 to $4.98 /• fjlacks, $193 and $6.98, Sizes 10 to 20 Corduroy Jackets, $10.98 Dungarees, Sizes 12 tc 20 Hosiery, Regular and Outsizes Werner Bros, and Stardust Blip $1.25 and $1.50 LINGERIE ANKLETS SPECIAL .CLEARANCE FOR SATURDAY, OCT. Colored Anklets, 5 pr. for $1.00, 39c and 49c valfK Half Slips, $1.00 -- Blouses, $2.00 (not all sizes) ' Dresses (Not All Sizes) $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00 Values to $16.98 ^ OUR LARGER LADIES STYLES THAT ARE DIFFERENT Sizes 46 to 52 :"vv. :1 HOW ARE YOUR % •J ARE THE? READY FOR WINTER? •' Drive in and let us inspect them. If you need new ones we can furnish you with the best-- that's FIRESTONE Passenger Car Tires 6.00x16 Tires * as low as $11.95 plus tax TRUCK TIRES Everyone operating one or pofe trucks will save considerable money by buying at our sale prices. SEAT COVERS To fit all cars. Good ataterials and priced reasonable. $9.95 and up. ACCESSORIES Pumps, Jacks, Etc, Look over our sto^k. FIRESTONE Tractor Tires - Guaranteed to out-pull any tfatfan tire made. FIRESTONE BATTERIES To fit every car, truck and tractor. . „ We allow 9S to 95 fer year eld battery. MOTORCYCLE TIRES IflRESTONES VULCANIZING Tires and Tubes- Bicycle Repairing- Come in and inspect the new FJRESTONE BICYCLES AND REFRIGERAT0R8 WALTER J. FREUND Tires -- Tafees -- Batteries -- Accessaries Tire aad Take Yaleaaisiar Bicycle Repairinf AM Wetfc fiaarsateai Phsae m Weet McHeary opto irarnfOB and sundays