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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Sep 1948, p. 9

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f f*4 ?_ » - - **„-«•. »'fjW. J.('s--J / f ,- S fi*\ - f A ,* . , . • iMUiiiiiilMiitt •www^diMwaw* *9e*** f • ' ' ' • • - K---'-K' -"•%•*-'• ••* '-: " !' ' _ • > & V" „ , " 7 m . v 'V * . .**. * >••-' ; * » .- £ <'nwl ' *' -[ - -.iy%;-.-,j-;"- "' ' " **' -*- .V ' • ~ " '.' '4-~ 1 *" - d i -',' „ ^ • •'*. •**4 -V-r? t ;,- • -'; r * *> «*• 'X-4'*:^-frrw ,&ji . -- • 7 r&i'Kr jxpfir** " * • " - • --2Sf .-v. - • - •4 • •. '-«• - • *•--**v .-- . ? •••n7r-&:, ? . _ .•**«• • < " ' X * * * * ' * ' ' '*A '*J« " • V * ' . Mil • s^eS^-H L»*.-;-5-, 74 MoHKHRT, ILLINOIS, TEUS8DAY, SKPTBMBEB 30, 1948 No. 20 Order your rubber stamp* at. The riaiultaler. <>V? . vin--c ' ^Call af-A» ^ McHenry Cab Phone 723 rr. TRAVEL IN COMPORT Yaall hecre a lift of eoasfert as yea ride in Mr modem cabs. Every trip is free of 'bumps aad Jan--you arrive at your iillasllsn aafaly and « time. y. "__yC . . • ; STATE OP ILLINOIS, | COUNTY OP McHENRY. wk ' In the Circuit Court. 1 Acnes M. Vernum, Plaintiff* I VS. ' Samuel A. Vernum. Defendant' Complaint in Chancery for Divorce --No. 31S33. Affidavit showing that the defendiant, Samuel A. Vernum, has gone out 1 of this State and on due inquiry 'cannot be found, so that process, cannot be served upon said defendant, ' having been filed in the office of the Clerk of this court, notice is there-j !fore, hereby given to said Samuel A.! ; Vernum, defendant, that the plain-j tiff in the above entitled cause filed' |her complaint in said cause on the! i 16th day of September, 1948, and! that said action is now pending and ' undetermined in said court, and that you, the said Samuel A. Vernum, de-l fendant, must file your appearahce in j said action on or before the first Monday in the month of November, ' 1948, and in the event you fail to j do so default may be entered against -you any day thereafter. LESTER EDINGER, Clerk of Said Court. . (Court Seal) Plaintiff's Attorney it Attorney's Address: iHugh A. Deneen, j Woodstock, Illinois. , i (Fob. Sept 28-80 and «st. 7) V. S. eettaaaU of V. 8. tlon July 1. IMP, was ISO.t •ugu* 1, INT. 144.* i. By Jtdy 1, 1M0, it la expected to reach 150 million with a tilth rate 10 per eent above the ear* ly Ws. FtrsoniHty Pky» Big Pan 1B Aeddcata, 8umj Shows, People who habitually crumple the fendera of other peopk'a cars do not do It because of poor eyesight but becauas of peraonaltty. This Is the conclusion readied by Northwestern university psychologists after a atudy cf personal characteristics of commercial bus drivers aa related to their accident records. Extensive questionnairea amor.5 bus drivers with both good and bad records were issued, in order to determine which personality factors coincide with accident pronenes*. They found that, contrary to general belief, differences between safe and accident- prone drivers on the Job could not be attributed to any differences in visual acuity, depth of perception, night vision, recovery from glare, complex reaction time or mental test scores, but rather to basic personality differences which tend to make an individual "accident-prone'* or "accident- free." Rigid company screening, however, had eliminated applicants who were markedly deficient in the former qualities, the educators pointed out. Answers showed that the accident* prone drivers tend to decide things on the spur of the moment, without forethought. They like to tell "tall stories" and enjoy parties at which there la a lot of "loud fun." They have a ready, often unreasoned, retort when their work ia criticised. The safe driver will stick with s "lost c^ise," think about himself and Ilia plans a great deal; and although believing a person should get eight hours of sleep to be healthy, he wears himself out by taking on too much work. He prefers conservative styles In clothes; likes to think through a problem before he tackles it, and enjoya spending an evening alone. ---- MM of Interest Taken Proa the Pile* or the PlaMealar •f TOMS Af* c in f. SIXTY YEARS AGO well, it can be used "for kindling I wood. | Rev. John Miller, of California, an uncle of C. G. Frett of this place,' preached last Sunday morning. This was the first German sermon that i Rev. Miller has preached in twenty j years. « | J. F. Wisner has a gang of men at! work * constructing new walks about town. ^ hoary Monarch, Mount Aconcagua, waa reosntly scaled for the first time by •MI using short-wave radio.and weather reporta, are the longest and la ways the moet spectacular itata ranges In the woril No. 1 Bice Eaftsrs The Chinese are the greatest rise boilers in the world. Every Chteeae dinner features rice, either boiled er Med. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Married--At the residence of the bride's parents, in this village, on! fami'lv Thursday evening, by the Rev. H. wrn»n Slade, Frank S. McOmber, of Hartley, Iowa, and Miss Effie Gilbert, daughter of B. Gilbert Esq., of this village. , O. I. C. Kennedy/ the barber, is j agent for laundry work. Elisha Hubbard is treating his j residence to a coat of paint on the outside, which much improves, its appearance. j The new music and speske'rs stand in the public square has been completed and is now receiving a coat tasty Baas Isy lets sf sgn at low esst whsa ysa feed the VSI-0-PM Wajr. By fnilag % Fttf-O-Tep Igg Bnsdsr Mssh, H whsle sals sad % sen** gnias yeaa*rsave«* to20% eafeedcest Sochafssd- lac flsa Is ysssiMs wfcss yea feed Val-O-Fsp IfS Bnedsr Mssh beeaass It's ss rich la esesatiel feedtagsslaee See as tsdsy far year eepply e( fei-Q» McHenry Go. Farmer Go-op. Assn. PHONE 729 MCHKNRY, ILL. 's Gotten Industry , ' Tbtal investment In cotton indus- • if8 J?""®11 «t»rted work try in Alabama is more than three in the Fox River Valley State bank fourths billion dollars. More than one "m, . / morning of this week, minion peo|de are engaged in some Mr. snd Mrs. Jos. C. Holly and 1 _/7rrLA,-»«, have moved from the Uni-1 *** of ths tadustry. _ versalist parsonage to the upper flat wmers n i,ee of the Mrs. Nizzie Holly buiiding on! With the sales of oil burners In Elm street. ; 1P4T exceeding 820,000, the total num- Wm. Schaefer is now occupying his ' ber of oil burners now In operation In new garage building located just east' the United States i« over 3.500.000. of the Fox river'bridge. j~~ "v.';, .;^>. Peter W. Frett, proprietor of-, the! •. • West Side meat market,'is now the '1. . :-'.7:"• s ' '- Subscribe for The Plaindealer KfLLS RATS & M/CE * V ; :/:k ; Ar, N YE DRUG STORE | Herman F. Nye, R. Ph. .fh^iie 2« r ,v; 1 ' 11 •.;..'vr^.nky «;y-'. W;l$m owner of the building in Which his market is located, having recently closed a deal with Mrs. Delia Mathews for the purchase of the property. Ttmbertine at the equator in. Ecuador Is at about an 11,000 foot elevation, no higher than In the eouthern Rocky mountains of western United Statea. At the upper limit of forests the trees are only 18 to 80 fast tall. Lof paint. It is a neat and [pieee o^workmanship. ' FIFTY YEARS AGO I Work on the new German church ; is progressing favorably. ' Farmers inform us thst the corn crop is the largest this year ever known in McHenry County. 1 Order your rubber stamps at The The residence owned by Mrs. Sarah | Plaindealer. McOmber, in- this village, is receiving a coat of paint on the outside. Among the sick and, convalescent soldiers who arrived at Old Point Comfort on board the streamer Panama, on Saturday last, we noticed the name of Herbert L. Bennett, of Co. G., Third Illinois. Herbert is expected home the last of next week. McHenry Sand and Gravel Co. Excavating and Qr*n« Borrfc* Black Dirt -- Sand and OraYtl Road dndtaff GALL McHENRY 9?-J ' ij Wire Window, Door Screen*, Need Care for Best Results wafer th* ®fj« Phone us and make arrangements to im a load of year dothss washed .iRain spattering off dusty window tdreens can cause needleaa soiling of draperies, curtains, upholstery fsbrid and even rugs; To prevent such unsightlv streaking, clean wire window "•aid door screens reguWly with the *ustin? attachment of the vacuum cleaner or with a soft brush. If the cleaning dlsclosss small breaks in the mesh, repair them with ready-made screen patches. Lkrger holes can be patched temporarily with Vdeces of metal scrsentng one-half inch larger than the opening. Remove cross-wires around the patch to form a fringe and bend the fringe down SG its wires slip through the screed around the hole. Then pinch the | fringe tightly against the screen. Screening gives longer, more efficient service when it is painted regularly. Wipe the screening with bensine, then apply varnish thinned with turpentine and linseed oil. This mixture keeps the mesh openings from clogging and insures good light and air circulation. FORTY YEARS AGO The McHenry cannig factory is again in full operation. The earning1 this year is devoted to corn exclusively. A steam engine went through the creek bridge a short distance west of Johnsburg one day last week. The engine survived the accident, with but little damage, but the bridge, f\jxruv\AAA/*irLrf'^ ^ • V.' Chlldblrth Is Lees Painful , University of Michigan hospital is 1n%king extensive used of caudal anesthesia, which virtually eliminates pain while the mother remains awake all during the birth process. Dr. Reynold L. Haaa, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the university medical achool, points out that cpudal anesthesia Is entirely diffsr- ; ent from spinal anesthesia, an alterf nate method of reducing labor pains. In caudal anesthesia the drug is Injected in the lower end of the spine and blocks the nerves to the organs of birth. In the soinsl method the drug is put directly into the spinal fluid. The use of caudal anesthesis has not become exteAiive because of the special training required to administer it, according to Dr. Haas. sn us FOR NEW '41 Prompt or immediate delivery on most models Runabouts and Utilities ORDER NOW! (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report it the Condition ef . McHENRY STATE BANK McHenry, Illinois transmitted in response to call of the Auditor of Public Accounts, pur» suant to law and showing condition at the close of business on tHt 20th day of September 1948. ' • #4 i "A l' -,<a: - y\. • k'7 RESOUBCES 1. Cash and due from banks ^ - ^a>l,44V5lAiA 3. United Statea Government obligation!, direel and/or fully guaranteed 2,593,565.75 4. Other bonds, stocks ahd seenrkiea, . 567,517.56 Hewes Boat Ctompany1, Inc. Phone Fox Lake 2491 5. I»ana and discounts ,4. Overdrafts 7. Banking house $13,523.50; Fur^H«rfe and fixtures $7,469.22 •' . GRAND TOTAL R^OPRGES LIABILITIES 12. Capital stock 14. Surplus y 15. Undivided |>SrfH^. (Net) •16. Reserve accounts ^ 17. t>einand deposits 18. Time deposits . Total of deposit*: (1) Secured by pledge of assets ...$ 73.t (2) Not secured by pledge of assets 6,173,628.99 (3) Total deposits 25. Other liabilities .... $6,247,185.68 2,037,226.42 ' 1,836.43 . 90,992.72 ^,664^29(^2 50,000. 100.000.00 i45.<;;;5.78 102.500.00 3,721,985.07 2,525,200.|| * .'•'•'A t 18,968.96 ..$6,664,290.42 * t. SAW WATM--Pradow bet watar and soap. Important saTinp that help the Leuadrooat paj |DC itadf while voridoi for you. 1. WMNB OBANMt--Eaduate patented WMhing action washes imtly. thoroughly. Safled water dnans AWAY firaeraotiMB, not TnRCRJGH thsm f. MDS WASHDAY WORK--No bending or stooping. Completely automatic. Fills, washss, tiiple- " damp^es, deans ttsdf, shuts itself off. 1 Hrtmii WfestinghouSC tSAREY ELECTRIC SHOP -.ELEqp0Q4L CONTRACTORS - 119 ft.. Qrecn St. : } McHenry, 111. %* ia IS» MAIME... ewr E*s*E, Weadsr •WAY... ASC aaw-4174 ' / Britons Growing London tailors are. convinced that the present-day Briton on the average Is taller and greater of girth than his forbears, dsspite anything that anthropologists may have to say to the contrary. The question of the dsmand for shirts snd suits of lsrger sizes had been debated In the house of commons without any definite conclusion having been reached as to why customers had to be content with tightfltting clothes. A large clothing sstab- Us^rr;ent, questioned on the subject, •aid: "There haa been a decided tendency for cheat and waist measurements of our customers to InUoaac. There is no doubt that the young man of today ia a bigger fellow than his forbefcrs. A vtttt to any school wttl <»nflrm thia?* Fish sf Way ; crappie ia ta NaaMW Black really a scrappy spine fish, fly fishestasa use light equipment and get the WBSt o^t of Its fighting quailtiea. However, fishermen long alnce have dteoovered that minnows are the best bait for big crappies. The blade crappie haa more names any other coasmon fiah-- aa many aa 54 have been counted. Among them are calico bream, white bass, rock fish, silver perch, speckled base, apottsd trout, bitterhaad. Lake Brie bass and papermouth. KASTIC CURLERS pmtsK GRAND TOTAL LIABILITIES Memorandum: Assets Pledged to Secure Liabilities: 26. Assets pledged: ' , (a) U. S. Government obligations direct and/or \ fully guaranteed 333.500,00 Total Amount of Assets Pledged (excluding rediscounts) , ft. Purpose and Amount of Pledge: 333,50000 (a) Against U. S. Government and postal savings deposits : I.?. $ 305,500.00 (b) Against funds of/State of Illinois 28,000.00 Total Amount of Assets Pledged $ 333,500.00 I, Robert L. Weber, Cashier of the above named bank, do sally swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowtedge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above agree with the items and amounts shown iii the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. J* ROBERT L. WEBEB, Cashier. Correct, Attest: , GERALD J. CAREY, C. J. REIHANSPERGER, Directora. State of Illinois, - -- County of McHemjr. n. ' Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of September, 1948. H I'S IT'S Teid Crane Staapos 4-OZ. IAI 95« 49« (SEAL) C. h ---7 DDIECTOKS Wm. M. Csrroll Joseph W. Gersld J. Carey JAMES E. LARKIN, Notary Public. FNMd WM. A. Nye, M. D. I MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Bcaltyed throughout ZMs Boar lake, In the extreme southeastern corner, to Priest lake In the north, are more than 1,400 bodlee of water from the alae of a pool to lahas an {PHONE M Which steamers navigate Bolger's Drug Store1 McHENRY, ILL.!

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