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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Sep 1948, p. 11

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Estasttee ^^o^f A%ALBNA KMSER,J _ . , Deceased. (Batata of ArthnrP.Diedrieh,De Notice is hereby given to all ,per-' ceaaed. tens that November 1lsstt,, 11994488,, is tthhee .t Notice U hereby g_ iven to all perclaim date in the estate of MAG- sons that November 1st, 1948, iji the DALENA K. BOHR, Deceased, pend- claim date in the estate of Arthur P. ing in the County Court of Mc- Diedrich, Deceased, pending in the Henry County, Illinois, and that | CjOBty Courts of McHenry County, claims may be filed against the said J Illinois, and that claims may ht estate oh or before said date with-!filed against the said estate ou or issuance of summons. jbefcr® aaid date-without issuance of ERNEST BOHR, jaummont. % Executor. tLYDA DIEDRICH, r • v& i Administrator. t~l-~ H. (P^>- Sept.. 16-23-30) , A. L. Sengstock, Attorney 311 First NNaa tional- -B an-k -Bliiff.' Des Plaines, Illinois ? • (Pub. Sept. 23-SO-Oct. 7) 17. 8. Railroad Bridges IN THE MA CATION OP CLAUDE F. MOTT, NONA ACEbEY, THE APPLI jtoncs 11TI AIhGI\ FOR VARIATION OF ZONIN SET BACK LINE REGULATION AND AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zonor variation of the zonini IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLI- „ CATION OF NONA ACKLEY.! wheat, grown in all 48 American JAMES SZAREK, WALTER! ***** oe!f*n more of the worW'B SZAREK AND CLAUDE F Mc-' farm Und" th*n «»y other crop. Of DERMOTT FOR VARIATION OF K«hi"torlc origin in southwestern ZONING CLASSIFICATION AND Asia, it ts harvested somewhere ev- AMENDMENT OF ZONING OR- month of the year. Only in humid, DINANCE. tropical lowlands is it entirety «b- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' sent, , that in compliance with the pro- ] __ visions of the McHenry Countv Zon-j --- __ - ing Ordinance, relative to a change; 'City Council Proceedings V | by Alderman Ahheff, seconded by i AMerman Anderson, that the bids bo September 13, 1948 ,held in fiance untfl the next reguA, special meeettiinngg ooff tthhee CCiittyy l,r .meet,nK- Monday, September 20. Council was held Monday, September Motion carried. IS, 1948 at 8 p m. in the atv~Hall* . M°tion by George Freund, seconded McHenry. for the purpose of receiv- b>'. Tonyan that the meeting be I ing proposals for the construction of a"-lourn€"- Motron yarned. - jnew Green Street Bridge and ap- ! froaches. designated under Motor ing Ordinance, relative to a change 'Ft ~ nc classifl- _ ^ cation, a public hearing will be heard or variaition of the toning classiftlirn American Salky uel Tax as Section 2B-C. S. . Mayor Overton presided at the The first sulky to appear on a 'meeting. Aldermen present: Althoff, R. I. OVERTON, iMaMr EARL R. WALSH, city cmm. Diabetes Diabetes la most Iiliely to occw in The Plainaeaier. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, J*~ __ Attorney-at-Law ~ , llO'/i Benton St. Ptione Woodstock Woodstock. Illinois' before the Board of Appeals in con-cation, a public hearing will be heard t track in the United States was along 'Anderson. George j. Freund, George toection with the application of before the Board of Appeals in con-' the 1830's. It was a four-wheeler, P. Freund, Tonyan. Absent: Regner. CLAUDE F. McDERMOTT, NONA1 nection with the application ef 'and the chances are It was nothing Motion by George P. Freund n»r«r>no^»,r" ™ ACKLEY, ET AL, that the zoning NONA ACKLEY, JAMES SZAREK,' more than an ordinary family buggy, seconded by Althoff, that bids be Th«» rHaoa diabetic relatlTas minimum Kt-kuk Jin. on th.ft.l- WALTER SZAREK AND CLAUDE j t0 (Mr p«.gm «t». 2.1 iS >l«l «<<lMMion C.S. Si "T lowing real estate be changed from F. McDERMOTT that the zoning enough only for the driver The following hid* »nH nmnr««lc 2® d ***' *nd mor« eighty feet from the established classification of the following des- CnOU*n or uie driver. ,f01eonst uct on were s^Sd^o thaJl "Jf^et it. The highest diabeti. ^ , ^aan icenter ,ine 01 Highway 120 to sixty cribed real estate be changed-from - -----,rr -rr **re *ub™tte* *> mortality is among the better-off end to e^d, would attend nearly 4,000 feet from said center line. that of Residence District ( •R-l") A ^ _ u « r. »• classes, and he lowest workers ~ ass Construction Company, doing hard manual m»ir « /ui„ wl. There are in the United States lfly iMeiuer 719 wJlroad bridges, which, if placed miles. Blocks 25, 26, 28, 29, 30 and 31 classification to Business in Sampson Sex and Company's ( 'B-l") classification: McHENRY FliOIlAL CO. Phone 404- One Mile Boath of McHenry f on Route 31 '--A Flowers for all occisioill . <:'• *, ?'• - j ^^FRANK S. MAY j;Vl. Tracking Sand -- Black Dirt -- Crushed Gravel Light Excavating -- Limestone Track for Hire v • Ffcene McHenry 580-M-l ^ B-l McHenry A. P. FBEUND SON* j V. V • I Excavating Contractor ... Trucking, , Hydraulic and Crane Service --BOAD BUILDING-- J Tel. 204-M McHenry, 1*1.1 Sand IJmettflWf VERN THELBN j Trucking j Gravel Black Dirt ---- ' Track for -Hire -- ---- Tel. McHenry 588-W-l Box 172, Rt. I. McHenry 7 COPYING '. A ^Old^hotograplg" Snapshots and Proofs for whicli negatives are not :avai|_abl!&,y'r J u,' ' ' - ^ WORWICK'S STXJDIO Phone 275 117 Riverside Dr., MeHenry Lily Lake, a Subdivision in the, Northeast quarter of Section 5,1 Township 44 North, Range 9, East' of the 3rd Principal Meridian, and; the Southeast quarter of Section: 32, Township 45 North, Range 9,j East of the 3rd Principal Meridian according to plat threreof recorded! July 28, 19?6, in book o of Plats, page 81, in McHenry County; Illi- ] n<lis. | The hearing will be held at 3:001 o'clock P. M. on Friday, October 22, 1JM8, in the County Court Room in District A U C T I O N Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10, 11 and H. M. $83,569. E. M i m .25. 13 in Block 26 in Sampsdn, Sex .fe C'" "3 1 mile east of Hwy. p„ny, $84,721.61 I ;C and Company's Lily Lake, a Sub- ^*f?J^Jt e®/^ ?/m^J,TO^^ mi^*f~Folk>wtng discussion, tt mOireS Plai division in the Northeast quarter'north,kest 01 Wadsworth, oik .1 Melahn Construction Com-; .Crder ycur rubber sump* at Tlko P l a i n d e a l e r . • - 3 ; . . ' - . > • , f SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, , lit 10 :30 o'clock sharp k ft M LUNCH WAGON --HOLSTEIN CATTLE-- quarter of Section 5, Township 44 North, Ranjre 9 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, and the Southeast quaisi ter of Section 32. Township 4|' North, Range 9 East of the 3rd Frincipal Meridian, according to , plat thereof recorded July 28. 1926, 2? cho,c* Holstein dairy cows, conin book 5 of Plats, page 81, in of 3 with calf at side; 6 McHenry County, Illinois. springers, 4 fresh past 30 days, 2 The hearing will be held at 3:00 fr^ Pas,„6? days, balance' milking the Court House in Woodstock, Illi-; o'clock P. M. on Friday, October 22. *°°®- -2 HoReln heifers, 18 months |nois, at which time and place any 1948. in the County Court Room in f ® months old. Registered cattle person or persons desiring to object the Court House in Woodstock, Illi- |,K'uded in *b#»e are listed as folto such application will be entitled to.nois, at which tifne and place any ^or --Herd Sire be heard. " 1 persoti or persons desiring to object T7^roe<5Lr 1*®eTee<'es , DATED this 30th day of Scptem- to such application will be entitled to • ' Hobtem cow--Skylark Chiefber, A. D. 1948. i be heard. tain, born Jnly IS, 1942; No. 2, Hol- McHENRY COUNTY ZONING- i PATFD this 80th day of Septem- ftein cow--Chieftain OrMbi Marie, ber A D 1948 torn Oct. 11, 1942; No. 3, Holstein McHENRY COUNTY ZONING ' hi®f*ain S**0?1*? korn BOARD OF iWPEAIS 12- 1W?! No* *. Holateln cow By ROY KENT. v« Its Chairqian. (Pub. Sept 30) BOARD OF APPEALS. By ROY KENT. Its ChairoMMK ,i? (Pub. Sept. 30) ; YERN THELEN H&u TRUCKING' mmg" <• . • V •• :iAjhiCTlti!ral Limestone- Spreading1 - " / • , Soil Samples Taken On Request feND GRAVEL BLACK DIRT Johns':urg, McHenry, 111. Tel. McHenry 588-W-l Inc. i- $ {' *, A Complete Telephone No^ 300 4 f STOFFEL & REIAANSPERGF£T2 Insurance agents for all classes af: property in the best companies, West McHenry, Illinois 'Itteoplng Crane ! Die wliooping crane is nearly as : taO aa a man, and is fast disappear- j Ing. Only about 30 such cranes re- I main of the vast armies of birds thai j ance traversed the Mississippi valley. J # . --< - | Injvioua to CMcka j % the brooder houae is given a hea- ' yy spraying with creosote or a coal tar disinfectant, the chicks should not be placed in the houae for several days. The strong fumes are injurious to chicks. Vtevie Oramby Creator, born Disc. 25, 1943; No. S, Holstein cow--Mercedes Vevie Hello, born JaiC 11, 1945; No. 6, Holstein heifer--Marie Creator Fobea, born Sept. ,2 194S; No. 7, Awt m t /<v k t Holstein heifer--Merrymnne Creator I J ff' 1 I • f Ormsby. born Nov. 13, 1945. Ttie two W ^ v-' L ^ registered Holstein heifers each placed second in their claaa ai the CHAS. LEONARD & ED VOGEL. < Elgin Fair. When shown 'at Lake * Auctioneers | County 4-H Fair, one placed first and -- ; ' the other second in their class. This Having rented my farm and de- is an outstanding herd of Holsteins, CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney i' (Joslyn & Pari Hours ivanneaaay Aiiernoon Office--Koehr Supply Wadneaday Afternoons--1 :©0-5:00 542 Main Street, West »ny, Done in Our Owa Phone--rMcHHeein ry Woods ififi tock 1135 Plant INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH , k | Fire; Auto, Farm and Life Insursnea. Representing T ' > RELIABLE COMPANIES , When yon need insurance of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M ' ! Green & Elm McHenry^ . ' V -ioes. GREEJtgB; ^ McHENRY 4 FARM DRAINAGE Tiling SVork Done With Modern Eoaipment - f Can Furnish Tile LEO G. ZIMMERMAN Contractor Phone 1699-M-l R. F. 1). 2 Woodstock, 111. Pickup and Delivery FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE , -- R..1, RINGWOOD, ILL. ESectric Wiring Motor Repaiva Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 402 Phone VERNON KNOX ' Attoraey-At-Law Cor. Green anfl Elm Sta^ McHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appoint McHenry J 43 20 A U C T I O N Located on Petersen Rd., being 2% miles north of Mundeleln, 3 miles Hlw^rhU'h. Uliol R,cr .. mond, oh TUESDAY, OCT 12 northwest of LibertyviUe, 3 miles' °' cows, several fresh, some southeast of Gra^ slake, on inspect them jjrior to the sale. Calfhood vaccination practiced for 10 years. T. B. and Bangs tested. ( starting promptly' at 12:3cT o'clock, HORSES--Bay mare. 1500 lbs., U the following described property, to- years old;, Brown gelding, 1400 lbs., wit: ® years old. | 52 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK ! MAPHIOTRY P i. u.t_._!• m,K_' 27 head of Guernsey cattle, 17 head v^r with DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST | At 136 S. Green St., McHenry. ^ (CIcssd Thursday Afternoons) j,, Ev»< Examined -- (Hants Fitted ^ ! ' Visual Training -- Visual Rehabilitati«j^| • Complete Visual Analysis i ' C Hours Daily; 1 to 12 and 1 to 5--Saturdays Evenings: 0 to 8^0 p. PHONE McHENRY 452 SUNDAY, OCTOBER at 1 o'clock ber, with starter, 6 speed transmisrVl'r- iV ire8n,J?m! fluid in tires (likVnew); F. F. springing, balance milking good, 5 tractor olow F F 14 ft. weeder- I - cIo« K1 Tb- \ on rubber (with fwwer JlV ; good condition; 2-row power r a^^^rn 7 R .n,,tft cultiv*t01; F-14 tractor on rub- K A M LUNCH WAGON iy^ounngi nheeiirkerras 2nalvee hhaLd c^aflhfbaolodd p u( flo2.°ri0dw i nc uVltri:veas)t'o rg;0 SN?e wc oHndoiltliaonnd: CATTLE---12 choice Holstein, and ,b«!er. on rubber, with mounted enc. n«, ..wi, - < „ ?50«f^;>^ 8 ye.™,Si'. S,™,;;*A"t Mn,b,ne o"-ruM>"" if apringers, 4 recently fresh, 4 milking good; 2 outstanding brad heifers; Holstein bull, 12 months old. This is young hea» v producing herd, with * yearly, average herd test of 4%. ^1500; grey mare, 8 years did, wt. vith mourited enfine. McD. f 12 years old, *rt- j binder, with wagon loader; new McD. H SHOATS^ wt>51bs;; 190 hena,^^1 ^Wlth_'ert* attach.) McD. Leghorns and White Socks. new Case side delivery m ;wi ¥ . v i n u r n r r a mi u i «%. i r t c n r> A 1/ % * . ^ rake; iMwcvDu,. f2c--bwovt.. lifvt-min,. tura acutiovri pyiluovws 2; Calfbood vaccination has been fol- ftr^f ^7tL°nS McD. 7 ft. tractor disc; McD, cultilowed for the past 10 yeaM). Cows 1bred artificially to bulls of Northern Illinois Breeders Association. T. Bl and Bangs tested • cutting;15 tons alfalfa and j , a c>e r ; n e v r 4-section steel drag; new clovejr hpv; 325 belts oat straw; 300 McD 8 ft j drill (with Cl»nton^oaU; 2C acres of shock f^iz^r attachment; McD. 7 ft. ipounted tractor mower; McD. 5 ft. lure spreader, on condition); McD. bu corn in field. CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird houses, lawn furniture, lawn and porch swings, pier and park benches, picnic tables, window boxes, trellises, etc. Kitchen cabinets and cupboards made to order, hfiid woven wash baskets, shopping and market baskets. < Full line of leather belts, suspenders, billfold:, etc. CLAJRENCE SMITH TeL ifebenry 583-J1 Johnsburg. HL • Jim : i •i5 ana mrn iciicu. u a ruT%vnv t . r> iM^vnuru uacuir mowtr; HORSES -- Grey gelding, wt. 1450 A *T . w ^°,hn n,w,u!"e mower; Oliver manure lbs.; Bl•a -c k mar-e !, wt-. 1450 lbs• ., -8 I snPawre a<km m• MncDln. nfhnafy 'M""ctDie. r, ItnlOeTaCtlry! *p jbber. (excellent condi years old;'.breeching harness; single Pm ^"nimer mill; power corn shelter; harness 3-sec. drag; McD. corn binder, like st ^ cultjvator- ---.... --• ,, i . . . . - s t t e l w h e e l w a g o n a n d b o x ; b u s : ; new; cultivator; Deenng grain bind- __w. 3_SPt.tion snrin«rtooth- dumn MACHINERY--Oliver "60" tractor er". side delivery rake; dump rake: rake*. road drag. ' t on rubber, with - P. T. O., powerlift' sleigh; cutter; John Deere sulky ' * j and 2 row power lift cultivator; pfc>w; new rubb«'r-tired wagon with FEED -- 1000 bushel Clinton oats; ^Oliver 2-bottom tractor plow; new rack, 6-pty tires; track wagon and 3000 bales alfalfa and timothy hay. G. 1. manure spreader (on rubber); j box; fanning mill; 1,000-lb. scale; 2 35 acres' standing corn; 400 bales iiew McD. 5 ft. oil bath mower (on j solution tanks; DeLaval milking ma- straw; 4 acres soy beans. rubber); Case silo filler; Int. corn | chine, 2 single units, capacity for 22 planter (with bean .attachment); 6-ft. tractor disc; dump rake; J. D. corn binder; two 2-bottom 14-inch tractor plows; 75-ft, 6-inch belt; sulky culticows; 7 milk cans; mflk cart; horse- MILKING EQUIP drawn 16 disc pulveriaet^Jland roller; milking machine. 3 sil Surge ig macnine. a sin^ieHinits, com- McCormick-Deerintr eorn\ husker; 2 plete; McD. double unit milking mabrand new wagon poles; >50 ft. hay chine; .pail; electric water heater; rope and fork; brooder iwith kero- 2 sterilizing tanks; 15 milk cans. MILKING EQUIPMENT--Hinman 2 i re^i^ hoV^waTe^ mukellutoOts - Stewart single unit milking machine, com-' and tackle block for butchering; 2 mikm i« plete with motor, pump and pipe; 121 ladders; blacksmith forge; anvil; cha5n* (1&x28 m- *nd 10x38 ,n*> \^~r(/LO-PiPMy^ HIGHEST CA8H PRICES paid for Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattle WETNGART TRUCKING Sand -- Graval and Hogs r- 8anitary Power Load- Filling -- Black Dirt -- -- Tankage Mid Meat Scraps] Tracks for Hire , t> ^ " , e-™o n M A r l i n g t o n H e ' g h t s F r e e E s t i m a t i n g 116 or McHenry 659-J-2. Reverse . #rr _ . .. « .» Charges. Palatine Rendering Service. | TeL 655-R-2 McHenry, in. good miTk cans; 2 sterilising tanks; electric water heater, etc. NELSON BROS., Owners ' Chandler and Elfers, Auctioneers Public A«tkn Service Co., Clark. • IHHIIIMIMMIMHMH JOSEPH X. WAYNNJ5 WELDING Attorney at law , J Maintenance and Constrnction 809 Waukegan Road (RFD 1)Portable Equipment WEST McHENRY, ILL. II. E. VANCE--McHenry 51-J ji: PHONE McHENRY 492-W ^fl®» South Green 8U McHenry, BELL & SHALES Interior and Exterior Painting j Paper Hanging Also Spray Paintilii| 105 N. Green St. McHenyry TeL McHenry. 243-J or Crystal Lake 1S28-M4 Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist j --Office Hours-- | Tuesday & Saturdays: 9 aja. to 5 p.m. Evenings and Sanday Mornings i bv AppointaMnt! i Laekout Point Wonder Lake, iy.1 JOHN F. BRDA ft SON Sheet Metal and Furnace Work « 101 N. Green SU McHenry, III. Phone 243-R I/S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE FRANK E. LOW Insurance Writing Fire, Accident ft Health Auto, Casualty and Life, in Reliable Companies. 'Pwne 95-J 30,1 Waukegan St. McHenry, 111. PLASTIC WALLTILE Eighteen colors of beautiful wall covering. See them before decorat- , ing your bath or kitchen. Colors 'J, 661 Main St.. McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS. Operator Phone 615-W-l or 4.64 M'HENRY. ILL. DR H. S. FIKE Veterinarian Tel. McHenry 31 McHenry, III. Office Hours: 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Except Thursdays Ereniags by Appointment DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Pfcane 292-J. McHenry A' Ketuge In Troublf ;; The <juiet, restful sur- «' t-/ furm On Highway 31 -- Office and Hoaie;" rouiwiilisfs of Olll* beauti- T<1 Mi-llonrv 31 II » . . . , . «• till chapel are a refuge in ;; times of grief and sorrow. ;; " A service conducted by ;; !! our Funerid Home com- ;; !! forts, and consoles those ;; \ \ "who remain--and is the ;; ,j>erfect tribute to the departed one. It is a com- ;; fort to shift tiie burden of !! arraiiffoments to compe- !! tent shoulders. Call upon us in time of need for IT services- of l>eauty and diftinetion. are through the tile--will not peel Office Hours: Tuesday and Saturday* 4- or scrathch off. Write for estimate from 10 to 4, Evenings by appoint- ^ or put it on yourself. Engsrrom went. • \ Sales & Service. McHenry, 300 feet | from Nell's ballroom. Phone Pista-1 - WATER PUMPS kee 552-W-l. Fairbanks Mor^e Ejector a?d Pump tvpes. Ail sizes. Complete and Easy to install. Sump pumps. Take "Id ^ tumps in trade. 1 yeSTROM SALES ANI) SERVICE A Tel. McHenry 552-W-l •% (300 ft. from Nell's Ballroom) ji. ELM STREE1 FLORIST PTE UO^ZI-PHM UOl •WE z 2 ^ t ^ . F L 0 W £ R S -- W ANI El> TO I51Y -- We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horses.: less for down horses and cattle.: VATTS MINK RANCH , Johnbburir • Spring Grove Itoad Phone Johnshurg 314 ! CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS,! HORSES AND CATTLE . We pay phone charges ! Jacob Justen Sons JFTNERAL DIRECTORS J Funeral Hom^ • Phone McHenry ll^R Crws, Car. Bn, McHenry X I Ml 1H I U I J »» M4U I l i t i» several' antiques; S*i MO.!'*?" «r" '.'"it •Wiffh bells; bellows; top butrjry. Cow . . . ^ ,1?, Boy tank heater; electric water ^ 9 1 heater for milkhouse, new; 2 grainI individual hog drilTs; 2 gas engines; several!h o u 8 e 8 ( 6*8 f U )* too numerous to mention. FURNITURE--G. E. refrigerator If TERMS: All suras of $26.00 and >excellent condition: Pertoetton 8 under that amount, cash; over that burner oil ranffVKalamSokltchen amount a credit of six months at 6 mnge (goodcondition); Maytagwaahper cent will be extended on notes Ing machine: beds; dressers; chairs, approved by the clerk. Anyone dc- 1&4 Ford aadan, good condition, good siring credit kmnly make arrange- tires. ments -before purr hase is made. No * . „ property to be removed until settled [ McALLISTER (MAX) IRVING, for with the clerk. Owner. Thsra^i • new, way of iZ.M gi owing tiigi smdf ttvalwINrcalvaa. Ra the •fMiwrirri fnl O PepWaf hMMM Calf lattoo. ThMl HMRiM w cnw pratMm it pvwtk aai ta taBd stnaf Saa aa<tsday for yoar np», ply af Vnl-a-Pw Odf Battaa aai UonnatkM on War ta pw Ui ED PEET, Owner McHenry State Bank, Clerking Chandler And Elfers, Auctioneers Public Auction Service Co., Clerk McHenry Co. Farmers Cc-ap. Assn. PHOMB 729 McHENKY, ILL. !*«• CLINTS 'r, Refrigeration Service DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL WORK ALL WORK GUARANTEED PHONE CRYSTAL LAKE 1280-R AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT Now Costs So Little! SsOW**0*>m f [fflClCN1 flOORS ARE always Phone BIcHenxy 660-J-2 after 6 p. m. LAURENCE N. PITZEN EVERGREENS -- SHRUBS -- TREE** LANDSCAPING Eight Years of Nursery Experience Route Ofifi11 McHENRY, ILL. WARM* Coleman OIL FLOOR FURNACE Take it aaty--atop firetending drudgery--yet have a better-heated house. Colenan OQ Floor Furnace aits in the floor, is easy to install quickly. Burns low coat oiL No fuel to carry, no ashes to mess up the bouse. Wa have a size to give YOUR home, too, real "warm-floor" heat it low cost. Listed by Underwritara' Sea os| MOSEY INN RINGWOOD ^TELEVISION -- Fish Fry Every Friday Night PEAGER BEEB FRED BOWMAN, Prop. Coleman OIL Floor Furnace tow Mt COHWHKKI Althoff's HardWtrfe tiain St. Phone McHenry 284 West McHenry £ **• ~ ~r'-al£ -, v .X^

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