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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Sep 1948, p. 2

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*'W/"w "" #•<<-, IPtv•,•|£-t.' mil 'Wonder Lake >»»»•»•• »•»»••••• ini»»»*» By Ytnim General Meeting HeM to Explain The School Situation I second grade room; twenty-nine in the third and fourth rrade room; : twenty-seven in the fifth and sixth j grade room; and twenty in the seventh and eighth grade room. The -twenty first graders go only from 8:30 a. m. until 11:30 a. m. and the fourteen second graders go in the ,afternoon. They expect to separate jthe third and fourth grades in the "same manner. Mr. lLathrop explained that the school may receive $2,420 in state *t: aid if certain requirements are met, Bergdahl asked j rotlK: standing present bttUaii _ was told that ft amounted to" •84, in this idea. Mrs. what the present outs edness on the indebt-in trig? and •4 A general meeting was neld p Harrison school on Tuesday of last bu~t "that with split shifts, it may Week to acquaint the public with the' not ^ possible to receive this money JTresent physical aspect of the from the state unless the children school. The new superintendent of go a fun four hours each day. M»*. Audino then asked the people Produced by AnttonyAudino, P1**®1 tflr present a plan to v help the school, §ent of the _school board. Mr La- " , £iacussion followed. throp then explained that there are thirty-four children in the first and CLASTIC Lightweig Wants Fireproof School Mrs. Olive Tallman asked if it weren't possible to start a fireproof 600. She also thought a committtee should be formed. EL E. Murphy thought that the head of the St. MaryVSt. Patrick's parish should be contacted to see if it might be possible that a Catholic school might he in Wonder Lake in the very near future. Suggested Coauaitte* ^ Fred Sells also thought a committee to investigate might be a good idea and Mrs. VanKanegan asked that Mr. Lathrop be appointed to the committee. Mrs. A. J. Wright pointed out that the need for more room exists now and suggested that a portable room, such as were used Jn Chicago, might be the answer. to Ms wife1 the servjlees last 8«u*day. le to show that he ted not she gave one or her sp OMDeaidre splendid object lessons and also took part in the Sinclair did it much nicer ,morning service in singing a duet «mn that. She prepared a lovely'with Franklin Anderson. It was good luncheon and invited several of Mrs.1 to see the other three workers who Tollman's closest friendf to be tires-1 were with us in this work from the ent to help her get through the lone-' beginning, namely Mr. and Mrs ly day. (They didn't take the place! Franklin Anderson and Mr. of her partner-in-life, but it did help. Swenson. little.) Mr. and Mrs. John Christoffersen 1» Bleat O WUey Poet and Harold Getty are visiting with their children"in1 *** **"•* "&*"*** the World" Iowa, hot are expected home soon. I "Winnie Mae," in, 1081. The dis- We .wish to call attention to the! tance was 15,488 miles, and the time was 8 days, IS hours and 51 minute*" Clab Bitot Officers At a Community Clab meeting held fact. th*t every Thursday "evening we in Jiarrison school on Saturday night, conduct prayer •»--ti»«A «t the f£00 was voted to be turned over to Gospel Center. No meeting held in Charles Lathrop; $100 to be used any place or at any time is of greatfor the purchase of books needed by er importance then the Draver meetthe school and the rest to purchase ' ~ one piece of playground equipment - »<>UUIJ, u » community and as and the remainder to be used for (individuals will be solved satisl nags and maps for the classrooms, factorily only as we believe i it was recommended that a jungle prayer and will set apart time for i Ob fcew tWs day in 1804 the fa- ! Milk ana dspsndmcft of the .country of Haiti *as detlafed. Xt was ao longer a French possession bat a country In Its own right not esutrlbuted l*y I cto ' _ I vartity cuts oi meat also are ! lor to muscle meat In •ad often are available tor less assa> £} "n&jr. mplete hne of Lee's poultry , remedies at Wattles Drug Store, -- playground equipment. MolSflirt, Not Faulty Paint, There were nineteen persons pres- i n „••• Casus 'Blisters' t« fwp In localities of high humidity of Some of those present were asked j gym be given preference in the way errroof to stand up and say why they had' of school at some part of Wonder Lake j voted "No" on the bond issue pre-1 . i where a long-term program of fire-jsented to the people in April of this lent at the meeting, over which'Mrs. i proof rooms could be planned, one at year. In answer to tuis, "Andy" i Pauline Grill, chairman presided. ja time if necessary. Mrs. Mary KayjKunz said that he felt that the pri-j A nominating committee was ap-1 vj*" Carman suggested that a committee j mary reason was that, of the esti- j pointed by Mrs. Grill and they will • ramlaIJ> recently applied be appointed to investigate many ; mated 468 families at the Lake, only1 Present a slate of officers to be j P?mt sometimes "blister" and' plans for the relief of the present, seventy of them had children, and j voted upon at the next election. The ®1^® r^se to a supposition that the situation and of a long-range pro-j that this was an outstanding reason committee is composed of officers to m»y have been faulty. Such' gram. t in itself why the bond issue was j be voted upon at the next election, an impression is a misconception of Mr. Freyerer stated that he thought' defeat6d. (The committee is composed of Mrs. the real cause of the trouble. Nai, a more centrally-located school should i Mr. Kuns also asked Mr. Audino Y' Mrs. J. VanKanegan, Mrs. tional Paint, Varnish and Lacquef be built for the smaller children snd how much taxes* on $100.00 property!"; Schmike, Mrs. H. Wahnrade, Mrs. association points out that moisture ,t hl._a tx man:y peo--p.1le wou1ld J support lh_ iZm 1 il xl 1 1 • i « mm . . W TollfMann n«i/l If *m> r**n11 and not the paiint generally is responsible for the blistering. You Don't Have To Guess! * Bolger's Drug Store PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. Members of the American Society of Piano Technicians are sponsored by an international organization of professional craftsmen. The have the indorsement of piano mfgrs., music merchants and musical authorities. Their membership card is your assurance of highly skilled piano tuning and repairing. Next time don't guess--be sure! HARRY CALHOUN Woodstock 1063-W or HARRY J. GEARMAN V , Cary 4502 ? PIANO TUNING AND SERVICE Members' of American Society af Piano Technicians valuation the school received and Mr.' Tallmann, and Mrs. Grill. ^ Audino answered that people in I The next meeting^ of the Com Wonder Lake pay $1.66 on each j munity Club will be held at the1 "Blistering generally is* due to $100.00, and that of Uie 11.66, 86i«chooI on Saturday, October 9, at moisture within or upon the «urtac« cents of it eoes to Harrison school. 8 p. m. | of the materia to which the paint I _ „ Lied7 I a_ u t, u u xt ! applied. As a ruler, it is more [ Ernest Meyer said that he would An open house was held at the, likely to be due to moisture within like to know just the exact truth *f,r-and Mrs. PL. Cormier rather than upon the surface about the $60,000 bond issue, and j !n '"dian Ridge on Saturday evening, T# j . , ' . which side was composed ef liars. Mr. ° dedicate the beautiful new game .** saturated wood is covered Meyer thought the same bond issue' room recently completed in their *lth two or more coats of paint and should be presented to the people. basement. Combined with a belated then quickly exposed to the sun, the Mr. Audino stated that the situ- j celebration for Mr. Cormier's birth- water within the wood may be" ation in the McHenry Schools is very ®ay> the evening was a gala occasion, drawn to the surface, and push upacute and said, "If a merger with the | hich^more than thirty-five per-; the top coats of paint in the form of Subscnoe for The. FTalofeoalor mifim f C#. I COMPARE Duo-Therm's BIG Hspplewhite Heater McHenry schools went through, it [son® dropped in to offer their re^ might lower your taxes temporarily, 18®r°sbut the first time a bond issue was commenced for a consolidated school, it would raise the taxes higher than they are now." Ml-. Behrens Mothers of children attending St. UiiiiNAlf'a a blister. Usually greater quantities of water than are contained in new wood are required to show such a phenomenon. As a rule, blisters are WONDER LAKE ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE Lighting Fixtures, Oil Burners and Pumps Ringwood, 111. RAY SULLIVAN TO. Wonder Lake 316 Rt. 1 -• HOME FREEZERS - Now is the time to install a General Electric Home Freeser. Save time and money by having a year 's supply of food right in your basement. .. ^ Sw w for immediate delivery. WONDER LAKE HOME APPLIANCES Oae Door West of Standard Oil Statkm Wonder Lake. Ringwaod. 111. Phone Wonder Lake $88 8®h001 due t0 the water from new plaster. 8 added*, McHenry will be ^Isd t€^ know| MCM8ivs humiHiAratinn aiaamw that the cost of transporting the that, starting Monday, October 4, kitrh*n« . J:, ' . y children into McHenry Would be a 'a WAF bus will pick up the children! nilimui--^ i ^®throoms, leaks in substantial amount. I at the school each afternoon at 3:15 ® 0r »eaks tha. admit ram. Mr. Cormier suggested that a com- j P- m. A schedule has not yet been1 "e™endous quantities of water ; mittee be formed with members frem! possible to take the seventeen young-• condense on the back of the sid ngjeach subdivision, and Mrs. Bastian sters in to school in the morning. i ^ then migrate to the underside fagreed that this might be a good' j °' paint films. Here the water colidea. | Happy Birthday to Janet Schmike, lects and forms the blisters. Mrs. Noren suggested that a tax who was 4-years old on Sept. 26. A Although blisters mav include expert be consutted on what the:P«ty »as held on Saturday to cele-the primtag1o.r?f pSm 5 district can qfford. | brate the occasion. Present were the usnallv ie fn.w +Ko* " i Three Proposals ifour Reinhard children, Betty and ®r- \ Mr. Sellek said 'that he thought Tommy Holocwost, Cora Jean Hen- outer coats ofpaint, (that at least three proposals should! tl?OI'ne and Karen and .Wayne Meyer.j ^ stlU v at* j be presented to the taxpayers, and, tached to the wood. ^ I he was asked to put this into a Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Brown, Sr.,j *• motion. I cosmopolites from everywhere, were j Copper Country The motion was made and it was visitors for two weeks at the home of j Northern Rhndoain <*. agreed that several more meetings their daughter and her family, Mr. I ^ should be held to present the findings!and Mrs. C. L. Wright, in Wooded! t 'f th about 12 per to the public and let them help in Shores (Wickline Bay). The Browns,;. .. ^ ' world s copper, produced the final decision. j in their beautiful trailer 'home, are j JUJjr modern mass mining me- The meeting ended with Mr. Au-1now on their way to Florida, where j thods. dino asking that everyone, during the | they will spend the winter. next two or three months, start edu- j eating everyone with whom theyi The first meeting of the .new come in contact on the needB of the | fiscal year for the McHenry County school. , jl American Legion was held on Sept. No date was set for the next meet-' 24, at the Rolaine Grill in Wonder infif* | Lake. Charles Lathrop, new princi- =-- pal of the Harrison school, showed * LAJTE NEWS FLASH: film, "The Fleet That Came to As we go to press, we bear that Stay," and a report on the recent the Gospel Center has been rented {state convention was given by Past and a teacher hired to teach second County Commander Lester Siedand third grade in that building. | schlag. ^ Hurt In Freak Accident With TYuck Raymond Mendyk, - • m\ .with any ether fnel«a beater! h for KCONOMY! You get fuel savings of up to 1 faM gallon of oil oat of every 4 with Duo-Therm's exclusive Power* Air Blower. You, get more beat from every drop of oil because the Duo-Therm Heppiewhite is built#round an amazing fuel-miser burner. The Heppiewhite has a special built-in Waste-Stopper, too, that gets more heat into your home . . , Iteaps-best f«*py flying up the flue! Compor* It for COMfOHtl " ' ' ' v 'v You get gentle waves of warm air circulating evenly from floor to ceiling . . . no cold corners ... no ' cold floors. Finger-tip Control Dial makes it easy v as tuning a radio to get just the heat you want! ' Compare It for BKAUTY! You get fine period furniture styling. The Hepple- > 1 white beautifies your home as it beats it! Come in, •M the Duo-Therm Heppiewhite Heater today at-- John J. Vycital Hardware Green St. / Fhone 98 ; McHenry S"b:crioe lor Tne Plsindealer 39, of Oak Mrs. Myrtle* Davidson is a paient at Woodstock hospital, where she underwent major surgery on Monday Park and Wonder Lake, was the of this week. Marilyn Prince iibs victim of a most peculiar and pain-1 helping out in the Davidson houseful accident last Tuesday. His car hold during Mrs. Davidson's absence stalled and he called for the tow '• and looking out for Johnnie, Lyle, truck sponsored by the Chicago Winn and Harry--and Harry, sr.! Motor Club. The truck then stalled! and Mr. Mendyk, in helping push the Mr. and Mrs. George Weisenberger truck, fell under the side wheel when j of Wonder Lake are parents of a the truck suddenly jerked into mo-'girl born on Monday, Sept. 27, at tion. Mr. Mendyk was taken to 10:06 p. m. Kurt and Karl finally Woodstock hospital, where it was discovered that he had several fractured ribs and a frastUred upper forearm. u r e W i t h BEST B U I L T Co n s t r u c t i o n 1. 37 Years in Same Place of Business. 2. Over 55.000 Jobs Built. S. We Do Our Own Finandng. EXTERIOR COMPLETED Interior Unfinished Your Lot Must Be Paid For See Our Designs and Layouts Partitioned To Meet Your Needs Save Money By Finishing House Yourself Frame Garages of_ Quality OVERHEAD DOORS IF DESIRED FARM BUILDINGS of All Kinds MACHINE SHE98 BARNS BROODER HOUSES HOG HOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES have that little sister they have been wanting for so long. On Fri., Oct. 1, at 8 p, m., in the Legion Hall at Union, there will be a It's A Girl! , i meeting of the McHenry County lite little bunidle delivered at j Legion Auxiliary Council. All Aux- Woodstock hospital last Thursday iliary members are invited to attend, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gabel was j Anyone needing transportation is te one of the smallest of this year's i telephone either Mr*. Gradelle Proper packages, as the little lady, bom two'or Mrs. Louise'Dick. months too soon, weighed in at onlyj The Bake Sale will start at 9:80 2 lbs. 14 oz. and will make her home j a. m. on Saturday and will be in in an incubator for some time to building next to the filling station come. We heard that there was j which houses the new cleaning preat excitement on her advent, which establishment. involved a 90-mile-per-hour run to! Marianne Lundgren is selling Woodstock and the almost complete 1 articles made by nospitalized vetecollapse of both Grandma and Grand-1 rans. These little items, made of pa Fiala, who are standing up well,! plastic, shells, woven materials, etc. now, however. Even Uncle Willie i are ideal for Christmas gifts and was distraught! (She was almost a are not too expensive. barhtday present for him.) j This exciting little creature will! On Oct. 9, at 7 p. m. in the Mcanswer to the name of Pamela, and! Henry high school, a Great Books all of Wonder Lake is anxious to1 Seminar will start. Several from tell her "Hello." j here have indicated that they would like to participate. Those interested are to contact Mrs. Virginia Grosby at Ringwood, or Mrs. Alice Noren at Wonder Lake 646. "SPEEDY" by NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE WOU,l«W0Nf •KfOafelUtT NICK MILLER'S MCRENHGMMSf m MTOttUP- thcycmn 608 FRONT STREET Mamrr ROUTE 31 PHONE 108-R ONUTONE CASH OR EASY TERMS FREE ESTIMATES ON ALL WORK BEST BUILT CO. ' B r a n c h Office i - McHENRY, ILL. ' in biverside tovs; McHENRY Come In, Write or , PHONE McHENRY 741. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Please give aie a Free Estimate. My lot is paid fit ant I MB ready to build. ' City,™ Local Women Voters I To Co-operate With | County Group . The board of the League of Wo-, men Voters met at the home of Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pilch' have Lillian Forsberg on Wednesday eve-1 just returned from a trip to the east ] ning, with all members present ex-, which took them almost 3.000 miles, cept Mrs. June Morin, who was un- 'They went to Boston, New York, , able to come. Detjjoit, Niagra Falls, London „Cana- • During tfie meeting it was de- j da and New Haven, Conn., 'before . cided that, at the next general, they returned home. ; meeting, the business will be dis-1 \ I pensed with and only the program j „ , Coming Events j will be given so that it can be made Thursday, Sept. 30, Board of League a little more interesting to those1 "* w who are not members, but are interested in the League program. It was decided that the Wonder Lake League will lend whatever assistance they can at the "candidates' meeting" which will be held at the opera house in Woodstock* on Oct. 13, under the sponsorship of the McHenry Countv League in co-operation I with the Woodstock Civic Club. ' Many local candidates will be present, both Republican and Democratic, as well as the Hon. Chauncy Reed and his opponent, Richard Plum, and several aspirants to offices in the state. j The public will be invited to attend this meeting, which is frle. ! Warren Tallmaas * Olebrate Their 15th Anniversary ^ I Mr. and Mrs. Warren Tallman of! place at the 9 a. m. mass." (Hickory Falls celebrated their fif-j ___ tcenth wedding anniversary on] Gospel Center Tuesday , Sept. 28, but, unfortunate-; Remember, that next Sunday. Oct. ily, they could not celebrate it to- (3, is our annual Sunday School Rally. i jrether. Mr. Tallman's business isiAn excellent program is prepared, in . keeping him in Canada much longer which manv of the children will have of Women Voters. Friday, Oct. 1, Rod and Gun Auxiliary. Friday, Oct. 2, Legion Auxiliary iBteke Sale. Sunday, Oct. 8, Rally at Gospel Center. Tuesday, Oct. 5,-Last chance to register. Tuesday, Oct, 5, Hospital Auxiliary; Crystal Lake. Christ Hie King Church Masses for the month of October only will be 9 a. m. and 11 a. m. On -Friday, Oct. .1, there will be a requiem high mass for Michael and Joanna Lazz at 6 a. m. On Saturday, Oct. 2, there will be a requiem high mass for Teckla Mazer at 8 a. m. On Sunday, Oct. 3, the Altar and Rosary Communion Sunday frill take Stt THi FAMOUS SCRVIL RKFMGERATOR Come in today and discover the one d|> Cerent, simpler refrigerator. In its fzeesinf system there are no moving parts to wesav no machinery to make noise! It's the !§» mous Ssrvel Gas Refrigerator Just a tiny gas flame does the And--as over 2,000,000 know--Ssrvel stays silent, lasts longer. You'll find every new food-keeping coa* too. There's a big froaan food' compartment, plenty of ice cubes, cold and dry oold for fresh foods. See the Gat Re&afnrator today. | than he had anticipated and 'he 'wouldn't get home in time to be with his wife on the anniversary date. a Part. We welcome one and all to this festive occasion, especially the parents of the children. This service To try and make it a little easier will begin at 10 a. m. MMoorrnn ing serfor his^ wife. Mr. Tallman wired advice at 11 o'clock as usual. close friend, Mrs. Vdma Sinclair, and! We were very elad to see Miss t asked her to boy two doxen Talisman J Margaret Kott of Harrisburg, Pa., iuj SEE YOUR DEALER OR OUR NEAREST STORE WESTm UNITE? $£S, AND ^ECTRIC COMPANY^ ; l i j if

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