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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Oct 1948, p. 2

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Whooping Crane "HI® whooping crane la nearly as . Ufl as a man, and is fast disappear- j ta|. Only about U such cranes ra» Main of the vast armies of birds that ? eaee traversed the Mississippi .valley. , Newt Wwmm Wonder Lake TRUSSES SwH f t t from Hani* (Maptar*) may now •njoy our No CH«rq« Sarrk*--off«r«d to •II mm mrm by our wpoHMKod fH» tan. Lot thorn holp you ia your solactioa and application from tha linatt llaa •( surgical appliancat manufacfurad. To intura our cultotnart 01 trust caaa- (ort and tacurlty wa racommand NON-SKID SPOT PADTRUSSES v thou llqhr-waiflht appliancat nold yoar -tuptura tacuraiy, raaufrlng only wa wH tha pranura of. ordinary truuat. Our atpanancad tittart alto tarva yoaf .raadt tor Abdominal Supportart, Elastic Hotiary, Shoulder Iracat, ate., and oar raatonabla pricat will turaly plaata yoa. BolgerV Drug Store PHOS'E 46 MCHENRY, ILL. By Vanasse* Sells Mrs. Marian Cann0lf~j"~"T t™ E!c<cted Chairman Of Rod and Gun Auxiliary \ ^ , Mrs. Marian Cannon was elected chairman of the Auxiliary of the Wonder Lake Rod and Gun club at their regular monthly meeting held at Harrison school on Friday evening. Others elected for the coming year were: Mrs. Olive Armstrong, vice chairman; Mi's. Helen Reuter treasurer; and Mrs. Louise Scott, secretary. Beautiful corsages were presented to the outgoing officers as a gesture of thanks for their services. The group decided to hold their Halloween dance on Qct. 22 in Nell's ballroom, and it will be a joint project with the men's club. The commitee in charge of the dance will be Mrs. Sylvia Paknik, Mrs. Lorraine Moore, Mrs. Lucille Liberatore, Mrs. Helen Marks, Mrs. Dorothy Powers, Mrs. Jeannette Peterson, Mrs. Zimmftrlin, Mrs. Clara Novak, Mrs. Charlotte Mayer and Mrs. Rose Silk* . "Happy Birthday" was sung to Sylvia Paknik. Olive Armstrong* Helen Reuter, lone Willets and Mrs. Matz. Each presented the Good Will chairman, Mrs. Dorothy Powers, with money in the amount of her years. This fund is for the newbaby gifts presented to members who are mothers of new babies. Dust off the ghost and goblin Costumes and get ready for the big annual dance on the twenty-second. All , the members .have tickets ftor •ale. A birthday party was held fot Mrs. Paul Matz on Saturday night at her home in Indian Ridge. Present at the party were Mr. and Mrs. William Heser, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. E. Dettloff, all of Wonder Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Geisler of Forest Park; and Mr, and Mrs. James Kolar of Hollywood, IlKPrcsident of the Women Voters' Waa Kiwanis Speaker Mrs. Peggy Fyfe, president of the League of Women Voters of Mc- Henry county, and Mrs. Dorothy Mc- Eachren, vice-president of the League of Women Voters of the Wonder Mayw&itf The little girl has bean named Patricia Rose--probably the! "Patricia" is for Grandpa Murphy's Irish ancestors, and the "Rose" must make Grandma Murphy proud as punch! The baby weighed & lb. 7 oz. Mrs. Joseph Dornbush, 88, mother of Edwin Dornbush, fell at her home in Crystal Lake on Saturday and broke her hip. She was taken to Woodstock hospital, where a plate was inserted in the bone and where she is now resting comfortably. j Mrs. Nina Heilman, bride of Otto! Heilman and step-mother of Dorothy j and Joan Heilman, arrived in West McHenry on Monday, where she will | take up residece in an apartment! there. The girls moved from their! grandparents' home in Wooded Shores' to the new residence of their parents, j ilnar and Piaul Anderson of Elgin will be in charge of the muaic. More than' twenty children from the 2nd «nd 3rd grades of the Harrison School are now being taugh( in the Sunday School rooms of the Gospel Center; We are glad to cooperate in relieving the congestion in the school building and will endeavor to make it as comfortable as possible for the children. TtaisiB. of course, a temporary arrangement. The school board and the people of this community will no doubt make plans and take action to provide adequate room for all the children 1 under the same roof, in the near fu-i ture. I Services next Sunday, Oct. 10, | wiljJtte held both in the morning, j at o'clock, and in the evening at j 7:45. Sunday Bible School at 10 a. m. I for all ages., Welcome! ; » Brown, an abolitionist, was for seising the state armory rper's Ferry, West Virginia. Complete line of Lee's remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mb. Henry. 14 WONDER LAKE ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE Lighting Fixtures, Oil Burners and Pumps * ' SULLIVAN Tel. Wonder Lake 346 Bt. 1, Ringwood, 111. Briefies * Mrs. Alma Davis will be a member of the committee in charge at the Doe club meeting ^f Monday, Oct. 11 --Mrs. Elsie Vycital Hoppe is the I Lake Area, were guests of the Ki- j new teacher hired for the second and I ^ franis Club at a dinner meeting held i third graders, now located at the! on Monday evening. Mrs. Fyfe was j Gospel Center--Pat Wrede spent one j the guest speaker and tdld the Ki-1 day of last* week with her mother! iwanis members present of the back-1 a!?d dad in Arlington Heights?--Mrs. .'ground, the aims, and the nature of Lillian Forsberg. was among those I ithe League. She told of the non-'present at a craft demonstration! partisiari nature of the League and i given by the County Home Bureau in its concern with issues rather than'the Woodstock Armory last .Wednesi with candidates. iday--"Uncle" George James is a i Mrs. Fyfe also spoke of the aim j Piedi?ial, P»tie"t at the Woodstock pf the League to educate the • women of/51, ~ Louise Behrens, Grace 'voters and the various levels on j ®e. j* and Mary Schmidt were a which the League operates: the local bndge group at the home of Mrs. ' level, the state level, the national, \ Xelma Sinclair on Wednesday--Jack . and the international levels. She! rJ]?anj . V*- Hawthorne, N. J., I told of the policy of the League to! Monday of this week and returned, start out the beginning groups on a if 90, ®y ?!ane'T^),? Wednesday--Sorry I "Know Your Town" basis, up through 1 ,ar Del Tallman has been ja "Know Your Country"*and "Know!' with this new virus _'X that has ! Your State," with emphasis on the I been going1 around--Skip Noren has fact that individuals make up the I P'edged Delta Tau Delta at Lawrence Lutheran Servicol 4 Lutheran services are hell at Eion Lutheran church, John street, onehalf block east of highway 31, McHenry, each 'Sunday morning at 10:15. Sunday School meets at 9 a. m. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. country. The next meeting of the League of Women Voters of the .Wonder Lake area will be held in Muzzy's hall o'n Oct. 14- All interested persons are invited to attend this meeting, at which voting procedure and College and is playing on the Fresh man football team--Received a card from Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marx, now on a trip t6 California. They will return round Oct. 18--Young Mr. and Mrs. Barth are a honeymoon couple residing in the "Little House" next the' way to mark a ballot will bej£°°r to £he P. L. Cormier's in Indian - HOME FREEZERS - Now is the time to install a General Electric Heme Freezer. Save time and money by having a year's supply of food right in your basement. See us for immediate delivery. WONDER LAKE HOME APPLIANCES Door West of Standard Oil Station Wonder Lake, Rinewood, 111. Phone Wonder Lake '388 explained. The County League is sponsoring a Ridge--Kristine Irene is the name: that Mr. and Mrs. "Woody" Weisen- "Knpw Your Candidates" meeting on I beftfer have nahied their 8 lb. 7 oz. 1 Wednesday, Oct. 13, at the Wood-1 daughter bom last week. That makes stock Opera House and will introduce I at, t'ie Weisenberger's, j various candidates running on both W1V\ ',^'e brothers, Kurt and Karl Republican and Democratic tickets.! ^fa'^In.g see the little sister--Mrs. j This meeting is open to the public! Caherine Boldt is in Woodstock hos-; and there is rtt> admission fee. If Pital awaiting major surgery after a you want to see some of the men you' *ew days of building-up program-- vote for, this is a fine opportunity, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lowery and 1 to see them, and heinrthenrexplain children, Mary, Bob and Don, are. I their platforms; new permanent residents of Wonder | ' ' 1 Center. They have been weekenders \ Against Arbitrary Arrest In another of its fat-reaching civil liberties decisions, the U. S. supreme court has strengthened "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses* papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures." In marked contrast to the trend to arbitrary arrest in other parts of the world, the court's decision freed an obvious offender because' of an improper arrest. Michael DiRe was arrested and searched without a warrant during the war by an OPA investigator and a Buffalo police official. Counterfeit OPA coupons were found under his shirt, and he was sentenced to a year in jail. Justice Jackson wrote in the opinion which upset DiRe's conviction, that the writers of the Constitution sought "to place obstacles in the way of a too-permeating police surveillance, which they seemed to think was a greater danger to a free people than the escape of some criminals from punishment." Read the'Want Ads with furniture styling! The distinguished npw SHERATON fuel Oil Heater "DUO-THERM v Keeps you warm without work, without dirt --ai it beautifies your home! ^ You save up to 25% - » on fuel bills with the Power-Air Blower. Saves as much as 1 gallon of oil in every 4 by actual test! Gets heat into hard-to-heat corners, too! • SM HM aew Ove-Them Mmalsw Requires very little r floor space -- adds charm and distinction to any room. ' You get more heat from every drop of oil! Duo-Therm's fuel-miser Burner is the secret! No moving or mechanical parts -- it's utterjy silent. Iliriw IMM aew. Caty taM John J. Vycital Hardware Green St. Phone"93 McHenry 1 Child Guidance Group Started on Friday A Child Guidance group was o*< jganized in McHenry on Friday evehere for many years-- ' Gospel Center • . . | A new record for Siindav School ! ning. This group will meet in the! Rally Day attendance was established j very near future, on successive Tues- • last Sunday, Oct. 3. The children.! I days, to hear Dr. Drykers of Chicago' presented a very splendid program, : speak on the parent-teacher-child j under the direction of Edwin Corn-1 relationships. Mrs. Bernice Blount bush, the superintendent. j j spoke tor the group on Saturday night The next Youth for Christ meeting' jand explained the aim of the or- jn McHenry and Boone ctfUnties will j j ganization. .be held next Saturday night, Oct. 9,] Present from Wonder Lake were: at the South Baptist church in Bel-! Leone rd, Vogel A DeWane, Auctioneers Having sold hi- farm the undersigned will sell at Public Auction on his farm located 3 miles West of McHenry; 8 miles East of Woodstock and 1 mile E&at of Wouder j^ake blacktop on State Rt. 120, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14 starting at 12 o'clock the following described property to-wit: 26 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of ---- : Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monteleone, j Mrs. Pauline Grill, Mrs. Betty Pav- ! lik, Mrs. Libby Moreau, Mrs. Jay .Hansen, Mrs. Florence Dean and I Mrs. Libby Repan. - " I . Pat and Gail Wrede have been telling all around about the wonderful iishing that can be had at a certain place on the northern peninsula and took their good friends, the Gruels of Hebron, up there last week- i end to prove it. You know what ? \ They caught two fish--and not very 1 big ones, either. . j videre. The Rev. 0. W. Johnson of Woodstock w i l l b r i n g the message o f j "SPEEDY" NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE NEXT TIME TAKE VtXM? GAR TO NICK MILLER'S tPHENRVGIUMSE irmTtvi HOUR MONEY ENTIRELY r 608 FRONT JjTREET ROUTE 31 ?H0NE 108-R Will Organize __ J.:_ Sewing Group ----^ ~ Florence Dean, Libby Repan, Louise Scott, Pauline Grill, June Morint Dorothy McEachran, Marian Cannon and Charlotte Mayer were present at the Lake Country Club in Crystal Lake on Tuesday afternoon when the Woman's Auxiliary of the Woodstock public hospital held its annual meet*, - • FEED- / 1,000 bushel oats, Clinton; 20 ton 1st and 2nd cuting alfalfa, baled; 8 ton baled straw, 1 stack of straw; 5 ton old corn; 30-ft. of silage in a 12-ft. silo; 20 acres tstauding corn, this is A>1 corn. ^ " MACHINERY 7 : e Auxiliary is trying hard to raise enough money to build % wing for women and children on the „ _ "[hospital and will hold a show, "Tan- 15 Guernsey cows; 6 Guernsey heifers, 2 years old, bred,idem Tke" on Nov. 12 and 13, the catthood vaccinated; 3 Guernsey calves, calfhood vaccinated; I wh'cl1 wm 80 th* 1 Guernsey bull, registered, 2 years old; 1 Belgian Mare The hospital shop, also operated by Hte main and tail, weight abont lTOO lbs. ceeds are used for the hospital. A sewing group will be organized in Wonder Lake in November and Mrs. Chester Gould, chairman at the sewing groups, will come out to Wonder Lake and help the girls get started. Materials for sewing, crocheting and knitting will be fuiv nished. Anyone interested in belonging to this sewing group is to contact Libby ii- « » n . . ,, Repan. Small separate groups may MCUOrmiCK leering rftnnall tractor on rubber; Mc^-D, be organized if the women here would tractor cultivator; Gelil silo filler with 40-ft. pipe; Case!prefer 11 that way# manure spreader on rubber; Little Genius tractor plow 14" Case side delivery rake; tractor mower 7-ft.; tractor pul ' The Community Club of Harrison | schbol district will meet on Satur- -- _ 1,4 j- t.- i r. .. . • jday, Oct. 9, at,8 p. m. in the school vciizei, 14 oiKc; cultipacker; o-section harrow; dump rake;'for the purpose of electing the Chevrolet truck lV-j ton; Black Hawk corn planter with ferti- officevs f9r coming season. If i;„. „ . t, .* _ ' . , . , '. vou live m the community, you be- "iizi'i attacJnnent; Alcv onnick ueering #-ft.'grain binder; Case lorg to the Community club, so come corn binder with bundle carrier; grain drill with trrass seed ouLand ht',p Shoose the off«cers. u /i * i . _ ... , . . The nominating committee met at attachment; Mcl orimck Deermg mower, <-tt.; rubber tired the home of Mrs. J. Van Kanegan on wagon and box; rubber, tired wagon and rack; wooden wheel s?n<tJy aftei"'?0 i 0" ?nd chose a slate S00-Ib. scale; bob s],iKl1; double brwol.ini'hanieH.;^ " flv nets; single row cultivator; Stewait electric clippers; . w . • "Wheelbarrow; electric fence controller: DeLaval milking nia-1 Lea*gue Con^Mt «hine, motor and pump and pipe line for 16 cows; 1 single nnit Surge milker; Dairy Maid water beater; rinse tanks; 7 milk cans; pails; strainer!?, etc. ' . POULTRY 175 White Leghorn hens,"AAAA; 2 broodes houses, 500 electric brooder; kerosene brooder; waterers, feeders, etc. items too numerous-4e- roetfrtion. Some household furhitpiFC" Usual Thorp Terms. OSCAR BERG Andy Kunz, president of Wonder Lake Chanter of Izaak Walton League, called at Harrison School and presented to the children plans for a state-wide essay contest. The topic is, "Anti-Pollution," in which the Izaak Walton League is most con cerned. The plans also include a contest to provide the most suitable name fpr an "Award of Merit" Certificate which the Izaak Walton League pl^is to present to cities, town, and industries which are and have been keeping their waters free of polution. " Mr. Lathrop. the principal at Harrison school, is very happy to cooperate in such a worthy cause. More details on contest elsewhere in this issue. FINANCE CORP. Clerking W. F. Powers, Representative Phone Woodstock M0 2C JO Tedious Engine "Break-In Eliminated 99 Janet Van Kanegan, now appearing regularly over McHenry county's FM station. WILA, was the featured soloist at' the weddig of Muriel Butler and Alvin Benoy on Saturday of last week. The wedding took plaee in the Ringwood Methodist church. It's A Girl Dolores and A1 Kunkel of Bellwood., are parents of a girl bom on 1 Oct* 8, at the ^jTaiMila^s .hoapiWil is " V , :?•-' ' No tedious "break-in" period is necessary for new Dodge owners. With Dodge you can drive at a brisk pace right from the start. Dodge actually "speed-proofsw your engine . . . gives cylinder walls a protective oil-absorbing coating that guards against damage during the critical "break-in" miles. This process is exclusive with Dodge at no extra co^t to yox . Stop by your Dodge Dealer and look over today's luxurious Dodge. Check the many other big advantagies Dodge offers . . . All-Fluid Drive . . . Full- Floating Ride . . . Chair-Height Seats . . . extra-roomy interiors. Then you'll know why owners are so enthusiastic about their Dodge cars ... why Dodge gives most lor your new-car dollar today. ONLY DODGE "SKtD-PtOOFS" ENGINES. With this exclusive Dodge process you can start off , at 49 miles per hour. After 250 miles, car speed may be increased at the rate of 5 miles per hour for each 25 miles traveled. At only 350 miles your engine is ready to Mgo". LOWEST PRICED CAR WITH FLUID DRIVE A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. 301 K. PEARL STKEH McHIKEY, ILLINOIS PH0MI1M % 11 1 ' . .. 1 v V

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