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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Oct 1948, p. 5

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•: 4"~f V " V. vip ' • t - .«*>> TVT*" *v \•-.:' -"V „1«.,.1-".,V iny ^ I, >,H utM-u.^ • •»*' y .yjF ",^r' A-' ^ »• " < fT.Sr'^rW.i'^. j>% nwrw*- flff* • *', *.•* »* • *' * ' r •« *. *f>1 * ' ~ ? i * 4? '* tlmnday, Od$*r 7, IMS h|e Win beauty of grain, carved by hand Into a pipe of rare charm ... sweet, cool smoking! MARX MAN makes superb pipes te all shapes, standard Mid exclasive... In all price ranges, look far HtfllQORfe* on the next pipe yoo bay! -O^ "SO ] HEAR by EARL R. WALSH BEATS WARRIORS IN HARD-FOUGHT GAME WHITEWATER POWEBp JUNIOR SPORTS The McHenry Warriors played * very g-ood and hard fought game last j ••• 11 I• ! 1 H <M l 1 1 < Friday night but were overwhelmed by a strong WWhhiittwwaatteerr SSii ngle wing. LARGEST MEMBERSHIP BEGIN8 NINTH SEASON OF RECREATION CLUB #48 HOMECOMING Opinions by some of the town's leading business people on the subject of the 1948 Homecoming Celebration. 1 Need Rubber Stamps7 (Met (The Plahkdealer. JUNIOR FOOTBALL Xr_lr„„ . • , . j- x_ . The Crusaders and the Ramblers ' nut tho ^ Put two football teams on the high itll v* xxZT • °n-school field Sunday, October 3. The ~ BOWLING NOTES J™ /K ^hitewater made resulting battle left a large crowdj lSe.UX\,;«Xer51r„A°^ ^ Forty-five young adult men and women gathered in the high schol gymnasium last Thursday evening) Ray McGee, McGee'S Clothi at the initial meeting of the Young think FT P^NIO'I. .+HIO+;~ „I.,w * iv. IOJO r. srsi»„*""s r •xssrwwr*? JS • i ago that all such organizations inj PCv Kent Kent Real F«tg+» i "Ciu 1V1 llic I1CAI luur uuwns una c/»»onnt» lUtU I it- .P erejr . _ar,ve b™ou,n, lda to^ bvev weekI<nsv! | a /onsiisawnit ^cVHIVyJ , CeHnJjVo^y ^aa sStWroUnllJgf s5tUairrti ; know the 1948 Homecoming CdeSi- Had a fine time Tuesday night at'Henry took over on its own 40 .yard « » ?* ?,g b°wl,nK scores are getting but a short life. The organization tjon w;n the -n(>,t M(,up._. hn. the Johnsburg Community Club i line. On three plays the Warriors °" Q^ ^ " tLr ^^' rnn !*? the rule rather than the excep- was formed in the autumn of 19401 ever seen McHenry has meeting. President Fred. J. Smith I plunged the ball up to Whitwater's ji? ™ jl? I *°"- l°° bi« ones this week i and even through the war years had! phoned ,o 8ay i, «.» "Ladies Night", 30 y.rd I™ W, fc ball de.p in CtS'^wVMmerihoj *» "« "" ' «"* " apHvp'ent memt€r?hip t0 remain very j Elvira Durland, Toddler Shop--The -- PALACE -- ; active. students have gone to a great deal We ' 4"1t 1 er c!tiea «re Provided with of^'troublelo'maki'thT/H^mCTimiii'e tJ „ „ . • -it ,ure w wannraae, ine leiv fmt: pv conirratul&tions to all of t•h e 1 Spo ft. Bt>i«lilt Scc hlTi^itv? aMa«S : D# •I . Fn,? "'."?'!4 '®"ucIn cnanfi€ifl ai tn6 i. M, wC. AA.i -uamnd) ; ,he KRT. Don't mi5, it If you follow baseball, you will I end, but there was a fumble on the men behiiuf the league men who vi pi' 91« ' /inl Downs,, C. Y. O.. but visitors have commented low that the Tigers represent 30 yard marker and Whitewater re- w vve„ ^ th id for their work hv ?!?•' fl 91^ r"S u^o :on the fact that the ,ocal club is -ohnsburg on the baseball, diamond covered. th ^ucc'ssfill unveiling of Junior F,-Ia n!!' Z1' u ' uniclu(? in th^t il has no sponsorship! Clothing--I only wish I and have a habit of winning the; 0n two plays Whitewater picked football. 1 L,d, Srt'k^®"W"iL ™ and il ma'nt?ined "^e,y trough^^the; school during Homecoming. It's the thf T^rrWd W°Uld Kath€r W b0n°r i t n h n e °P^ftent'S a McHenry have turned in • surprisingly weU the Tigers. pass was completed over the center trained uggressive tea l ms. Ve offer, of the lirm to Wahnrade, the left ., „n yuu lonuw uaseuMii, juu win 1 1--' " * 11 - **- " know that the Tigers represent Johnsburg on the baseball (diamond covered. VIIC Ui UllTCllllig IJi. O UillUi | county league championship, jup"'a fiS SnTte^ oSn^O ^The^Crusaders won the game 13-0,1 S,ipping in 8 200 he> ; Tnterest* of^rVthrti5-min^ ; best time of the year and judging The w- heat tVwi MoHonrv «?h«ir« ' ?ar.d luie- 0n the first play the ful1* but the. score bv no means tells the1 ' people in the community. from the work being tfut this •roeki ift * nhiv off vLr and' carne,d bal1 over our feft story. The Ramblers Vrere never ; MrHFVRY HRTHF ATmv ' . Discussion of business took up a -t ought to be the best Homecoming. . play off this year and^ tackle, broke in to the open field licked 'and kept plugging until the * AJ RBtKEATION large part of the evening last Thursadded one more trophy. They no • an(j ran ajj the-way to the 10» yard last play. f »£S 1»Jwr»S«ti-j?n •t,lmer>ii* UP day, one of the most' noteworthy f - Harold Miller, Old Bridge Tavern-- i Vi? • SK^W f®r before Mark Hopkins, th# :fleet The first half was scoreless but 7" t-i okaa Morhei^tr Tavein! .changes being the decision to extend I. wciuld just like to tell the boys' . fflforts m the past eight years. yttle halfback, caught up to him and the highlights of that period caved ?. the, membership to forty-five due to on the_ squad to get out there and nr , .. . _ , made a nice tackle. the way for the final outcome. The ~lZ~ L. - »°f J^c*80'1 missed a buu the large number of people desiring give Burlington a good beating waYcf to tS^me^wherf^JTco^ld^^n-1 With Whitewater knocking'at tfie' Crusaders received and marched to ®^ |n i5 57V 'n S<X entrance. Anyone now desiring to and make this a most successful vite JohnsburiT^ down to lodk 6ver! fcolden gates, the McHenry line went the Rambler 15 yard line before they g Elsie W'nkel 1^-429- Stanlev ' XIn m-8? .h,s name on Homecoming. *• McHenrv's troohies • into action. Les Olsen and Henry were stopped by a determined de- Freund 216-569' Another tdn ladie*"i w.a,Vn? 1 y nPt,f?'nf the new-: •: T--_• . . Cross, right and left guards, stopped fense led by the Henchel brothers. ,^"">2^ 569 Another toP secretary, Helen Knox.' Hoi man Nye, Nyt Brugs--t think George Killer had a fast answer to ^ai^ll carried behind the line of Coach Jackson after the l?ame: '205-51 ? Other officers elected on _ Thursday;; VouJi nave a go< d parade, a good thfct one telling us that we had scrimmage for no gain. On the especially mentioned their play along evening were Adele Froeblich, presi- bonfire, a good game, a good dance, Anri tkere are a bushel nr mnw> • 4 • „ A » better get 8Urt«i or John»W» fhil? ,dow" the with th.t of back. ^ 'wfc* -JriMi^v ,l*"2 S°^ T"' ^ string of trophies would soon reach ^ac^ 'or a Pass but again Cross and Raycraft sparked a Rambler dnve them all' ' ' Volleyball tournaments will begin , ; r-- all die way down to McHenry. .Olsen were in there^and smeared.him ' back upleld but was^stopped when • _ ^ ,-r. next week,^^ with the following teams! ^ BARBER SltOP PROGRAM , i0 yards behind the line of scrim- Bolger at defensive left half speared . .-selected: , i When Rarrinvton RarW We were surprised to learn that, ™aSe- At this point in the gante Mc- a long jVass .and returned it to the QoVt FMM ExttdMinatiOII 1 ^ T T-- A-J Bill Kreutzer batted .500 during the Henry received a real break. Twenty- Rambler 3o. The first half saw one s^i,, Cv|An4Aa season. He was at bat twice «nd got"ve yards from a touchdown^ White- Crusader score nullified by a penalty. UnlOTi rrffwiion CXIVMVV one hit! Well, it was something like ^_ater passed into the end zone to and ended after a thirty yard run by, Jt js questionable how long the Jerry Larkin, George Miller, Bob quartets will be The Harmontzers, that. ; their right end who let the ball Red Stilling and a ten yard gain of a mourning dove (classed as a gam* Newkirk and Marilyn Reihansperger. international champions of 1943. A .stnlinpir out of his hands and McHenry shovel pass from quarter back Long hi^ h*t «ntitl^ tn ha ~ " -- - - - - - - - r - NRNIF AN »v.O of; ...»i . t'AIIUH ,N M.C). koii Dim, DUI rigniiy enuuea xo D« Team I--Joan Andreen, Ann Bol- pers present their second annual Ser, Walter Bolger, James Brooks. -Parade of Quartets" on Saturday, largaret Cruckshank, Helen Knox. Oct. 16, one of the featured guest .... Team 2--Charles Brda, Viola Brda, Cary resident, Leo Ives, sings lead Governor Green couldn't get to took ov?r on the 25 yard line. (failed to push the ball over. classed as a songbird), can with- James Freund, Adele Froehlich, Ag- for the foursome. Other featured I McHenry County until Thursday, but' The ball in their possession. Mc- 7wfff 'J1 firs.t -hal{. y°i,nS stand the mounting hunting ores- nes Miller, Leonard McCracken, Paul quartets include The Mid-State Four, Joe Frett filled that gap very ably. Henry penet^ted the left side of the Sihmitt, played^guard for the Cru- sure to wWch it beine subiecte<| Overton, Charles Page, Dolores the group which appeared in old- ! line for two plays until they reached sad^rs ^rokf throug* and nearly JowlWchrtis M,ng subjec'ea- Schmitti Donald Xonyan. Fred Wahl fashioned bathing suits last year; Doctor Silverman and his wife were Ramb er ^ vast increase na]an,} Williams. JA there and wondered when the league Jt accuracy ofmMern firearms the, ^ 3_j . ff . | and The j0hns0n Sisters> a women's PHONE 40 would release figures for the Silver-, In the second quarter, McHenry Pai't of Bennett, Rambler quarter- ease with which these birds can be . Ba^er Morris Crouch Joan Quartet man Awards. Maybe the president1 lost the ball on fumbles and. White- *>ack, which saved costly losses in shot from telephone wires, and their , D"' "" oau^» »°rrK ^™"cn» ,™"- __ of the league, "Guv" Bolger, can water took over and droT# down ^°tb cases. natural mortality and habit of Qrosbv j0hn Rogers Marie PaDrocki Ji UM« re- to the _30 yard line where they fum- , !"ad£. a*"rn__<^_a, brooding only two eggs at a setting, and Mary Vycital. ' line for two plays until they reached sa,ers;. • a", Th® vast inoreasa of hunters and 1 Schmitt, Donald Tonyan, Fred Wahl fashioned bathing suits last year; the 40 yard line. Thus the quarter stele the ball m the Rambler back- The ^crease of hunters %nd an(} Rosalie miUam* The Mellow Fellows of Park Ridge ended. field. It was cool headwork on the of modern firearms, „ land Th* .T«hn«n„ BOLGER'S DRUG STOKE MCHENRY, ILL stir the secretary up ^nn leases. bled. The Warriors recovered on the haTf^Ray^raf^eot'off8^ aU combine to spell the doom of the Te;m 4_Ann Anderson, Lawrence j 20 and marched all the way down ha"- Kajciaft got otr a beautiful punt, dOVes, despite their greajt value to : Anderson. Margaret Bolger Tom "Slim" Nixon, the tire recapper to the opponents' 20 where a long on« of several fine kicks. Stilling agriculture as weed-seed eaters. Bolger, Madeline Freund,' Edith man, proved to be a real rubber man pass wis missed by . Wpdinrade, the and Long alternated running foi a • . Foster Walter Low "Bud" Miller on. the dance floor. The old boy left end, in the end zone. The half drive which Hauck stopped by kmf- Shcaefer stiil has plenty of bounce in his legs ended with McHenry in possession of U1^ 1,1 to a C iusader backfield to th* Dominion of Canada and a 11 of li^niiir W^il ' * ** ' i and cah perform these new-fangled the ball on the 20 yard line. throw them for a five yard loss. the northwestern states except Illi- * ' steps like a teen-ager. The second half began with White- The Ramblers threw a score into liois have placed the doves under water kicking off to McHenry. the Crusaders by a long pass to Dan complete protection. But this pro- ; -Detecting Arsenic [ Sheriff Bau was on hand but had Becker received the ball on about the Green, but the play was called back, tective legislation is nullified and ' Small amounts of arsenic some- ' no troubles to settle. The Irish were 22 and brought it up to the 36. -Mc- Shortly thereafter coach Miller sent defeated by states that have an an- ' times find their way into processed ! -out-numbered so kept peaceable. Henry, tried several line plays but a Crusader substitute in with defi- nual open season, because the mi- foods. In addition to having toxic was stopped cold. Then Becker tried nate instructions. We heard them grating flocks, on which the North- effect on the body, arsenic also is a Just a nice friendly party. Johns- a short pass over the center of the on the ne*t ^play stflling broke west depends 'for increase, are deci- i menace in several industrial pr ^eiyTrth't"ti b^" -HM «. .point where not A traction of 1 per cent of procfor" a first down Whitewash's" d^ yard touchdown sprint. Blocking by Vle , P°'m ^ne/e not "ses- ^ ir.cuon 01 i per cent of an •ifSee was especially wljak in this Bolger, Long, and Merrery paved" the li2 1 LT LSl *?*' Billy Pries tells this one. Henry spot for the short pass plays. They i way. J^e numbers. In Minnesota, which jNisly ® the electrical conduc- Schmitt got in his cai: at his NortUj.moved in down to about the 12 yard The Ramblers failed to pain in the 15-day open seasons up to . tivity of copper Wir®. Microscopic Court Street residence, driving' hither line and Beeker fumbled, Whitewater; first of the fourth quarter and the 1840, the estimated kill fell from 1 traces ol arsenic lurking in food and yon, then stopped at John Still- recovering. Using its powerful single Crusaders took over. Stilling sliced 41,118 in 1939 to J7.377 in 1946, al- now can be detected by a new ultraing's gas station to fill 'er up. They j wing backfield, Whitewater ran1 °ver Schmitt's guard for 85 yard's, though the hunters increased nearly sensitive laboratory technique. The noticed a pan on the fender. Upon thiough the McHenry left tackle all Coach Miller mentioned to us that! 80,000. Even in the far South the same technique permits detection of inspection, they found two dozen the way from the 40 yard line. ! these two deserved special credit, peril of the doves now is recognized i as little as one thirty-thousandth of eggs in the pan and not • one Whitewater kicked off,,,to MCHS The Crusaders scored on a twenty, and hunting is being curtailed by a pound of arsenic in th# presence broken.- Muslr have been nest eggs, j and from there on it was a see-saw yard pass from Long to Bolger in game director*. --" ' ot tin, lead and some other metals • battle until late in the third quarter, the end zone after Long gained first t ; Watched the Junior Football boys Whitewater started to move. With down on a well executed quarter back ...... play last Sunday and had our eyes their fine end, Olsen, and their plow- sneak. . opened. Those kids are picking up ing backfield, they scored again, but Strong Rambler line pfey held the, the game fast.- • missed the conversion by a bad kick. Crusaders and play ended as the! « , The last quarter began with* the War- Rambler took over the bali. . There seems to be a tinge of I riots on the move. Hopkins, Paluch. The Crusaders guard four first | disappointment among a few of the I Becker and McCulla, the* McHenry ('owns to the Ramblers one. Thel boys who are over the weight limit, j backfield, pushed the ball down to the Crusaders, however, were penalized i We think this problem will be worked 1 yard line. With 1 yaYd to go. i three times to the <laitiblers two. out. We'll ask Ed Murphy, who is' Becker was taken out because of an i For t^hose who may have missed j doing a bang-up job of reporting injury and Hopkins took over the this game the following schedule! Junior Sports, to give us any late de qirrterbaek spot. The Warriors: wiH be -interesting. 1 Starting Saturday Afternoon, Oct* $ SKATING SESSION 2 to 4:30 Dorothy Weber at theOrgan Admission Price--Under 14 years 25c, tax incl. Over 14 years 46c, tax ineL JUST FOR FUN ROLLER RINK --) West McHenry, 111. / velopments. This sports program ifuribled again and Whitewater held! for the younger boys has just taken 1 the ball 'til tithe ran out. i root so let's give those in chargc' The Warriors will travel to Har-; plenty of co-operftion in vmeeting vard Friday and expect a hard game. 1 such problems. RECORD OF GOVERNOR IN COUNTY TOLD AS HE PA/YS VISIT HERE The Harvard line averages 189 and the backfield around 180 lbs. ^his game is Harvard's homecoming and Will be broadcast over WILA, the voice of McHenry County. 1 With Governor Green and two KIWANIS PLANS # other G(^ candidates paying Mc- j FOOTBALL PICTURE Henry county a visit today (Thurs- FOR OCT. 11 MEETINO day), the following information concerning the accomplishments of the governor since he took office may v,/ g°°? number , of Kiwanis metn- Ke nf ;nt„, m„, us # • J beijs and their wives enjoyed Mrs. , _ r Jf tlfu fnendsI William B. Fyfe's .discussion on the'** shown at a time and place to b« McHenry "county's share of the 1 objectives of the League of Women " ^ " It* ft,nA L.. «1RA«Q "! Voters last Monday evening at the clubs regular meeting held at the Rolaine Sunday, October 10, 2 p. m. Ram-- biers vs Crusaders. Friday, October 15, Ramblers vs Crusaders, preliminary to homecoming game. Sunday, October 24, combined teams play at St. Mary's Woodstock at 1 p. m. Monday, November 1, St. Mary's Woodstock at McHenry at 4p.'m. These games are really good. Ask those who saw last Sunday's game and then come and see for yourself. When you're at the next game watch the grade school cheer leaders. They really do a fine job, and their outfits are certainly colorful. Color movies of Sunday's game wilL IT' FOR YOUR BEST BUYS IN P ANNED FOODS state school fund was $160,695.65 for 1947,48. Under Governor Greren each session of the legialature has increased common school grants. The present appropriation is 165% greater than 1939-41, the last under the Democratic administration. The first 1,916 veterans in McHenry county to get their bonus received $726,467.85. There are still objectives of the League of Women determined by the quality and speed} with which the films are returned egulai from the developers. Grill. At the next meeting, Oct. 11, Kiwanis club" will entertain Copra McCracken and Capt. Willo McCullk at a pre-banquet meeting. The program chairman has arranged •with George Halas, owner and coach of the Chicago Bears, to show the color- .tout 1,642 vrter.n, to b, in the county. When completed some: rfsume of the season * Mother*. Club COMING EVENTS October 7 Bast River Road Pinochle Club--Mrs. E. R. Sutton, hostess. C. D. of A. Business Meeting--St Mary's-St. Patrick's School Hall. October 8 a um I resume oi ine last iootoaii season' i«"iner». uuo-- Legion Hall -- 2:80 SSS4 Octobcr 8-9 . -- *s OT T™1?, AISRTV. "'VR bi nd and Mothers pensions and Juet next month win ^ ^ die. 1iq9#jn0 . scttja»tte* ^cnonntrtirhibi.ut?ti«o«nLs , ^in cil uding Play at the Noonan Je*eliT stoie for t _ft#r . «•«„!., du. 142*07 oilvta205'"^t0ia^2fi7S29V8!rl*y at Fox Riv«r ^lley Boat K! . , $267,822.39; Co/ . y ] Columbus Day Knights of Columbus general relief in ^fcHenrv omTntt Tickets for the banquet are telling) Dance--Neli's Ballroom, Johnsburg. A total of seio fiM kq in fast* Those who desire to attend are Circle 1, W. S. C. S. -- Mrs. George construction a1w1ar dHs' Uh ave Ib™e enh llFet ^fo,yr i advised to pu«rNc hase theirs in JthI.e McHenry county since 1940; $678,- id PvnonHpH ~.oappointment. ....... STOULrS FINEST CLING PEMHES 29< Sllcw or Halvei ia HMvy Syrup NO. r/, CAN CANNED JUICE VALUES October 11 Wonder Lake Area Kiwanis Meeting 1 --Rolaine Grill. • I October 12 841.66 expended for highway maintenance l $920,643.53 Motor Fuel Tax; $199,143.03 for Township roads (the first ever appropriated by anv administration) a grand total of $2,409,- 297.81 for McHenry county roads. The Post-War Planning Commission has allotted $24,551 to McHenry county, its cities and school districts for plan preparations of public works projects, which will cost $1,689,19© when completed. Approximately 12,673 pheasant* and 5,830,436 fish were distributed, as well as 220,000 trees and shrubs, costing approximately $60,000. HE SHOWED HUH# First "First Lady" t Abigail Adams was the first lad> j to occupy the White House In WasV [ in^fbn, and the only woman having j the honor of being wife of one presi- ; dint and mother of another., j w X W. Reiker. October 19 Lecture by Celeste Carlyle, Stylist-- McHenry High School. October 19, 20, 21, 22 Rummage Sale--Located at Blake Motor Sales--Sponsored by Christian Mothers and Altar Society. » November 2 Election For Sale pf Lincoln School , --Grade School Buildup--:7 to 9 > p. m. i Noveaiber 4 PuWic^ Party--Sporisore^ by C. D. Deeeiber 5i4r-.. '• P. T. A. Christmas Partlfe Flowaw Nightingale Florence Nightingale, who'was the flounder of the modern profession of nursing, led an organised revolt against physical and environmental dirt. In the face of strong opposition, she demanded cleanliness of the women who worked with her as nurses and her first orders to this group were for cleanliness. She died tb* age of »1. front Fishing j Best bait for trout, v.hcn the watei ' is cold, high or n.uddy, and they won't j j take flies, are worms and minnows j j Worms should be allowed to drift »".a- r turally with the curr.nt, bumpinf j . ... along the bottom and :umblinj | 'Here, boy, said the man to a, the spots where such food settles na- : aleepy-looking lad who was loung- • turaily. Minnows either mcy be drift- • 1 ing at the entrance to some apart- ed Wlth the current or pulled against j ments. "Where does Mr. Smith lt They ahould be fished deep; Big ' I . . . . . , j I t r o u t h a v e a w e a k n e s s f o r t h a i n . ] "I'll show you, sir," said tiie lad.; I And he started to climb the stairs, j Up six flights he went with the] Olty of Hills visitor following breathlessly. j ®aB Fraaciaco la built Ml hills, Finally he paused at an openj toP!?f?ve' •«» f' in«Pif door. "This is where Mr. Smith ^ the bay, the Golden Gate Complete Htaa of Lee's pooltn tcbmAm at Wattles Drag Sfana, Me Bmxj. ft-cf lives," he announced. "He doesn't seem to be at home,*' remained the visitor. "No, sir," replied the boy. "He was standing on the doorstep when we came in." and the ocean. Golden Gate bridge forms a background for The Shades", a momu^pit by Auguate Rodin la memory of a beloved San Sufaftcciiis fitw £IaittlMisr 246-OZ. CANS BO*DO FINEST GrapefraR Jsies •OUDO FINEST Blesdad Jsios.. 2 39° IORDO FINEST Orange Jsies .. 2*5* 43* HALVTS IN HKAW STRUP ENOTEC M NM. I Amem £ c*m 999 WHOU PSSLSO IN HIAVT SYRUP CHOICS M N«. I MM*. AFTTCOTS € CM* «V€ SLICCO IN HIAVY SVRUP SSSt 2^35c HAlVtS IN HFLAVT STRUP enoici a H*. i mm- PIACMSS I CM* WHAOTOO RICH RIPS RAWT OMKTJM. .. RAA *• CRJPOWSRANOIN HBAVY S«UP SWK wm . . 2^.126* NiW IMT PACK W • » • • • • CAN HHP|a LANC'S NEW IM PACK SaMrkraat... JOAN OP ARC Kitfiiy BMH» rc%rtu- D«l Moafa, LIBBV er N«tc« R«d AIMIM Stlmoa noicars FANCY QUALITY NO.2% CAN TACT KIN* >52*T 2*»'tie PCAS C CM IVC PBAS-- B CM IN STOKarS FANCY QUALITY NO. 2ft - CAN 322W" mm- 2$ NO. 2 CM £99 MM STOKELrS CHOICE FRUIT Cocktail STOKSLrS FINEST NO. 2ft CAN STOKELY'S FINEST STOKEtrS FINEST OUT WAX No. I 2|| STOK ELY'S VACUUM PACKED WHOLF Zcm 38e SCANS . CM DOLE OR DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE «*-oi 89c JUICE mons ... -C«n 39c APPLE 9 M. MM •#MtaWC jStc? ... 17C EVEREEADV OR HEART'S DELIGHT APSICOT NSCTAS CM SUNSWEET FANCY SMAU Shrimp NORWEGIAN*'** SartfiMt ' MAINE SartfiRM %S9c •^ajwc STARKIST OR CHICKEN OF THE SEA 8rat«4 Tna WSHC2N85C fiOLDEN 12-OZ. CANS SWEETGIRL ' ^ W c i CUDAHY'S •SEP MAVY IKP_P0R* OR VEAL ^ WILSON'S li-m IK* MOS CM HOLSUM SALAD PI"« 9AA DRESSINO MR AMERICAN ECAUTT ELSO-TONI or ELSO • 90* SPAGHETTI * PKGS. JUNKET CHOCOLATE QUICK FUDGE 12-ox. MA MIX PK" PET, BORDEN OR CiriatiM Pkg LARGE SWEET FANCY FREEN HANI PEAS 2S:,25c IS.3k MILK 3 CANS 45C FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES BANANAS 2 - 25e NO. 2 CANS FIRM, GOLDEN RIFE, PRICED LOW AT NATIONAL DAWN FRESH FRESH MUSH- SA. OCEAN SPSAY <a« ROOMS Pint SVV CRANSSSRUS LI. I»% CALIFORNIA HOMEGROWN SSSs lLb.1»CKlf"« FANCY GSEEN SCANS HOME GROWN YELLOW ONIONS DELICIOUS OR JONATHAN M APPLES . .C 44-02. CANS 2 ILE 44-OZ. CAN RED M«CLURE || Lb. CS. 25c raTATO° '* tag OvC CALIFORNIA ; 5c SESU «&5Si CALIFORNIA 4C* PASCAL LARGE <96 CELERY .. . STALK EVE9SEST SWEET CANDIED CUKE 9fEfk CHIPS Mr HAND PACKED "ATC° ZS.,:35c or JARS S»o ^ARS* 20C TOMATOES VAN CAMPS POCK mm* SCANS • 3^:S5c •EECH-NUT JR. VARIETIES BABY FOODS FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD U» AJAX CLEANSER FACIAL OR SATH Cashmere Boirancf Sow 2 SARS 23c REGULAR SIZE BARS PALM0LIVE SOAP 3 k>. 27C 2'^ 23c TmatsMce 2 NATCO TamatoJuin 2 NEW PACK UMa. • • NIBLETS, P Mexican FANCY " / Tecaie Wecrie Peas-^r-23' BUDDIE EARLY JmPe&.-2 sa 21* NIBLETS. NEW PACK ; ** I '* 45' 35' ^22' SATH SIZE BARS Palmollvc Soap 2k» 27b FLOOOS-O-SUDS Sapar Suds LARGE M« PACKAGE BLUES WHILE YOU WASH BLU-WNUE 22%-OZ. PKGS. m REGULAR SIS BARS SwaafhaarfSaap a FOR *7* 2££ZIc MARVELOUS NEW SUDS WITH VEL LARGE 4|C PACKAGE WF CHIFFOM Saap Flakaa LARGE PACKAGE FABULOUS SUDS FAB

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