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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Oct 1948, p. 6

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'"* A if- ?'..v t* ' ' ' *"«*• • -'SiC* ^--ling i • . -i ..i.-v'--~-----i. . > i, .,---L. .-- -i. i--; r -, a -- -- K •-• '• " -- - - hgtit y , - ,* V • •>»# ^ , » k ' ;,V » ' - - ' ./« I- ' |r 'T,(?"l[ * ^ ^ yy- •• "fc^1 »"» 5 'J" •'»•'*>• , •/ '* v -. %* '•> * ~ 4 % * ' ' ' C , •' ^ ti ]V"\r'U^W" * *>.<.-;••• ,"&Wih ,ftjii ,,n,.,.MW. -.iS,.^..,. n J>' !->•.., if-.n '.Ai ,**. . U .if. ,,. ... »rf A..i^.,.*^,. ' " " ' ^ •-V 'V:' Thursday, OeUAtr'7, CL0^5 tFIED SECTION MISCELLANEOUS WAHTED Pkotic of tin (Ml daidfitd ads which »W PlflndeaW each ill l&pQlt WMLW9 • to keep NOTICB of In tho kan found it impossible on lodi small accounts. ««• fore, in the future, only ads whkfc are paid for before this section of tho paper mos to prees at 10 •'dock on Wednesday will be printed. FOR SALE--Electrolux. two years old; upright Hawk cleaner..Call Mrs. _ 'Louise Schwerman after 6 p. m. 21 if YOU WANT TO DANCE the win* J HELP WANTED---Kitchen help; good ------ ----- --- ter months away, call on Mrs. Wynne hours, good pay; full or part time. FOR SAJLE--1937 International stake j0jjtz {or piano playing and drum- Nagy a Restaurant, 138 N. Riversi<fe body truck, good tires and motor,! in_ Call McHenry 608-M-l. Prices j Drive, McHenry. Tel. 422. 21 $225. Ideal for farm use. Phone *sonable *21 -- -- Grayslake 4571. *21! ---- HELP WANTED -- Year-round job »t £or 8jn^ie man gooJ |,ome- w. A. Stewart, Spring Grove. Phone Richmond 517. *21-3 i ELECTRICAL WORK--House wiring FOR SALE -- Large size 4-burner 0ld and new buildings, immediate tabletop gas range; large oven-wuninstallation according to inka* ana broiler; also timer, for bottle gas,{local codes, lighting fixtures sold and like new; all copper pipings and fit- j installed. John -Adams, McCullom tings included, $75. Also 42-inch j Lake. Phone McHenry 633-J-2. *21 kitchen sink with all steel base cabi- j nets; pipings and fittings included*, $25. Tel. MccHHeennrryv 663388--W-l. *211 HELP WANTED--Trouble shooters. Increase ybur income; part or full time; day or night. Wonderful opportunity; good proposition to right party. Ap| ply iimmmm eeddiiaa tely at 507 SPRING GROVE mm A1 Thornton were greatly shocked! BARBER SHOP QUARTET j to hear of their tragic death Mon- j Plenty of Woodstock citisei jday morning. They were both killed especially those who have a mark' •* i'l-- i«i imm jML j in an automobile accident which oc- bent for "close harmony," «ither /v_ M_ r"K.ri«« cur red on Route 12 near their hnm* ! singers, or listeners, will be intrigued (by Mrs. Charles FWd) j Mr pa,«5 awVy'at The i to ^arn that a chapter of Society Ben May hat been a natient at St.1 Woodstock hospfcal Monday mornint for the Presenration ?nd Encoura«e- Elgin. Those Our hu--ear tfelt sympathy i* s extended" I r1*1^ of ?^bfr Shop Su5rtft S,inffin5 who visited him on Friday night f»«»Uy and relatives. wv ln America, Incorporated, is planned - - - - • *- ' \ : £T^ "ici- for their community in the immediate Joseph's hospital in Elgin, night were Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller, Mr, and Mrs. Charles May and Mrs. Ben May. On Sunday his visitors were *"d J°*n M,> «nd iUJUttit I. U» AAl Cnjrflik 's^:. eyes are dark at .night Steve Schmitt. Mrs. Charles Freund entertained; FOR SALE -- Six cu. ft. Maytag freexer, new $195. Carey Electric Shop, Green St., McHenry. Phone McHenry 251. 21 BUILDING MATERIALS Frse Estimates FOR SALE ^ $5,000 and up. FOR SALE--Gas stove, left hand small; CHOICE X FOR SALE -- ALL YEAR HOMES, FARMS, large and LOTS; LIST oven, good condition, $20. Icebox to .INGS, AS^RECI.VTED; be given away. Call McHenry 529-J-2. NATO S UZ F KNOX Mc- R.i«n,m *21 111- Call CECELIA b. ^tc- HENRY, Tel. 421-J. Write or call McHenrv 106-W FRANK GANS 300 Riverside Drive, McHenry Representative for SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO, Elm street or call McHenry 470 for j members of her club at her home , on appointment ' ' r"1 J~" Corporation in the evening. Admiral j Thursday afternoon. A luncheon and°$^att?es Drug ! 'future. This remarkable organization of singers and would-be singers operate on an international scale and is fast approaching a total of 400 chapters scattered throughout the United States and Canada. « 19-tf. j was served and fhe afternoon was spent at cards. Prize winners were Read the Wbnl Ads> Baltrum. FOR SALE--Steinway Grand Piano, .7nn Vv i V'p^rehred Poland China!and rePa T irs of all kinds. F r^ndiH«n#id: •' like • new.- Can be *0!* SALE--!Purebred ^ ^e. Lessard & fanza. HELP WANTED -- Laborers. Apply i Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. George W. Lv,arr F^2Jlricksen' Wonder Lake. Tel. May, Mrs. L. L. Kagan, Mrs. Charles W. L. 221. : Freund and Mrs. Ray M«y, Mrs. Ka- ' HELP WANTED--Short order cook'f*" WlU be hoste8a at the next weet- I and waitress. Mi Place Restaurant, I J. , I Green St., McHenry 13-tf , Members of her club met at the '21»4.'i -- I home of Mrs. Jake Miller on Thurs- -- | HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND day afternoon. Cards furnished the 21-8 CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling j GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPOR* | enteitainirTent and prizes Free esti- iTUNITY FOR THOSE INTEREST reconditioned, like new. van oe..- «nn Hva bought at bisr saving. Gall Elgin ^PnnK • - \j-cHenrv *691-R-1 780, or write David E. Stark Piaho -? Co.. 21 North Union Street, Elgin, Illinois. ', % 21-4 Robert ^E. McHenry 634-R-2. Phone I ED IN THIS TYPE WORK. *17-5 PLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO - RIVERSIDE DRIVE, * SHEET METAL AND FURNACE ]»HONE 39T FOR SALE--Westinghouse- rfefriger- work -- Gutters and furnaces re awarded to Mrs. William Engels, Mrs. Frank May, Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Charles Gillespie, Mrs. McHENRi. j Jake Miller and Mrs. William Britz. 10-tf | Refreshments were served aft^ c^rds. Mrs. Mike Freund and Mrs. Math AP- 200 g RY. i J tor, six cubic foot size, perfect con- raired John McDonald,' Bowman St.,'HELP WANTED--Men and women,! a"d M»th P8R SALB-^p«a^oo«s. »He,ry .21 . McHenrJr, lU pho„e Mcllenry .nd (M. of «. or| ^%,»' 1kmi" undies, sizes 48 to 52; regular size poft SALE--Two Quaker oil burners, - 1 ® y-- i »r- . »» . .. .<• ladies' dresses, coats,,suits, formal*. one standard size, one e*tra: large. MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING fur coats, children s clothes; men s 14-inch pot; *lso wind driven battery SERVICE -- Records installed and suits, top coats, sport coats. (Th^ chargei . Seaco Sales & Service. 'Tel. | maintained. Elmer P. Adams; Cerclothing in good condition.) Antiques, McHenry 183. 21|tified Tax Consultant. One mile north old clocks (running), marble top tables, per lustre, , _ port ware (signed); several beauti- shells, $ 1 .-"0 box; electric refrigeraincluding large one; old cop- FOR SALE -- Well insulated' i La^m ^Pho^FoJt1'Lak^'fiSOL tre, early Staffordshire, Daven- dog house. $15; 12-guage shotgrun ^ " 8-tf Admiral Corporation, 507 W. Elm. St., McHenry, or call McHenry 470. 12-tf ful old pieces; chinaware and glass- tor,. needs small repairs, $10. Pho'^ PAINTING -- Interior and exterior. \ Illinois. ware, drapes and linens; riding boots; McHenry 575-M-2. ™--li-- a :-- --xl Mrs. R. HELP WANTED--MEN -- Cleaning and maintaining buffing equipment 3rd shift. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Steady work.'ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO., Woodstock, 20-tf w»iT, u.aiTO a.™ iuit«», -• Plastic tile; rubber flcoring. First mjscellaneous items. Mrs. R. Diet- c a i f hales first cutting (class work. Insured. For free esti- "• sSbSir-McHenry 652"w-1- ^ Road, M mile west of Terra Cotta once. ally GarreltS. Phone i c J * ' i <A . ^ Honrv Kfi3-M-2. vu 4 n nnnim , WANTED TO BUY (factory. Open daily 1 to 10 p Satllras m. Henry. 563-M-2. • in Sur^a>" a"„ ,n^- FOR SALE--Four-room circulating to 10 p. m. Phone Crystal Lake 134^- coal heater; perfect condition; $25. Phone McHenry 667-R-l. 21 FOR SALE--National cash register, FOR SALE--Best offer takes like new; 2 drawer 4 total electric cords 8piit wood, furnace two size; YEAR-ROUND GARBAGE HAULING Regularly and courteously with, the best of service. Also rubbish hauled in loads or half loads. FRED WIRTZ. Tel. 758-R. 7-tf bar and food checker. Black and store<i inside for two years chrome. Half price; will take smaller, McHenry 533-M-l register in trade. C. F. Epley, R-l -- -- Crystal Lake, 111:, Phone C. L. FOR SALE--1934 Chevrolet coach, 1S03-J-1. *21 in good condition; radio; wheels; seat covers. See 16-inch Morris FOR SALE--Walnut dining room set Ketchum at Clark Chevrolet or call and large white kitchen cabinet. Tel. 277 before 6 p. m. *2l Richmond 488 or write Box 26, Spring! ----......--;; : Grove, DL *21! FOR SAI<E--Frigidaire home freezer, i 6 cubic ft.; used only short time. Call FOR SALE--Eight dozen brand new! Wonder Lake 571. *21 Phone!CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK •21 j Cement mixer for rent, J. M. Stangarone, Emerald Park. Phone McHenry 661-J-l. 50-tf *Z' M"0"-]*". ^ "* iu.>tt?;lFOR SALB--Sut-bumer Cro»m H»rv «126. C«r,y Etectric Shop. POR SALB -- Four-roll New Idea Henry 251. I Green St., McHenry. Phone Mc- 21 oon» shredder; used; excellent con- poR SALE--1947 Frazer Manhattan JJlon" '* ' Grayslake, 111. overdrive, air conditioning; reason- Phone 7911. *21 FOR SALE--Two oil burners., heats able; terms. Call Wonder Lake 586- •21 4 to 5 rooms; Servel gaS refrigera- FOR SALE--Five-room, year round tor, good condition. Five houses from j home; lot 50x150; two bedrooms, tile LLaillyymmoooo r school on blacktop. Phone bathroom; automatic oil heating; McHeennrry 578-J-l. *21 FOR SALE--1948 Harley-Dtfridson motorcycle, sport shield, carrier. beach privacy. Emerald Park. 634-R-2. Reasonably nriced. Phone Mc:HH«e nry *21 saddkMcs, low mileage, perfect I FOR SALE--New wheelbarrow, all condition. Phone 184«l(, 105 Court | metal, rubber tire. $22.95. Gamble's, St.,'McHenry, I1L *21; West MCHenry. 21 FOR SALB--Link Belt Stoker, $100.! FOR SALB--Walnut bed and dresser, Carey Electric Shop, Green St, Mc-1 innerspring mattress and springs. Henry. Phone McHenry 251. 211 $40. Tel. McHenry &66-W-2. 21 FOR SALE--4 stone jars; 1 20-gal.;|FOR SALE--Leaving cityr must sell 1 15-gal.; 1 10-gal. and 1-6-gal.; 1011937 Plymouth; new motoc, new tires chairs; 1 coal heating stove and and springs. First $850 cash takes washing machine, 1 ironing board. I it George Pansa, Emerald Park, Phillip Schaefer. % mile north of j McHenry. Tel. 661-M-l. *21 Jehnsburg. *20-2 | FOR-- SnAi,L„E---- Twenty good --1iT0T0T-lub . FOB SALB .Wool braided, rags. 60S, feeder pigs. George Witt. McHenry. Seminary Ave., Woodstock, 111. 20-2; Tel. 619-M-2. 21 COMPLETE TILING SERVICE PORCELAIN TILE FOR WALLS AND FLOORS Call or write' for estimate FRED KUNG 618 W. Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake, 111. Phone Crystal Lake 490 6-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN, WATER SY8TEMS--We sell, repair and install pomps. Bill Bacon, S06 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 93-J. 10-tf V-j., if, CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK As beat ue Shingles and Insabtioa Free Eetimate ARVIOSON BROTH ER8 Tel. McHenry 653-M-2 50-tf ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Floor furnaces. Let us estimate your next job. ROTH KIM EL ELECTRICAL SHOP 804 Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 700. SEWING MACHINB REPAIR--Repair all makes, all models. AtUna Slewing Machine Repair, Elm aiM Hillside Sts., in Burton's Bridge. Ira L. Atkins, Rt. 1, Crystal Lake, phone C. L. 1364-R-2. *20-2 PIANOS--40 miles from high p rices. I PRICED TO SELL--14-in. fuel oil Factory Warehouse. New and used heater; kitchen criMnet; gas range; pianos, nanoe. Spinet, Grand and Studio'Cable upright piano. Many makes to choose from. I baugh, 202 vk It will pay you to visit our place.! once Call Elgin 780 or write. DAVID E. James Clay S." Green St. Ring bell *21 STARK PIANO CO., 21 N. Unoin St., Elgin, 111. 18-4 FOR SALE -- Five pair of Urge White King pigeons. Young. Price $6. Tel. McHenry 127-J. *21 REAL ESTATE Bring in your property--we will furnish the customers. Bushels of 4% money to loan on farms. A business that reputation built far oi one-half century. QUINLAN LAND OFFICE. Woodstock. *20-4 EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL--INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Bn 163 Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry. IB. . 46-tf POR SALE--Registered Cocker Span- - iel puppies; white, white and black,! FOR SALB -- A complete line of buffs and Macks. George W. Reiker, i Nursery Stock available for Fall R-l, Box 218, McHenry. Phone planting. Plant your Evergreens now. Pistakee 638-J-2. •18-tfiPlace your order for Shade and j Fruit trees and shrubs, etc. for FOB SALE--Generators, armatures, later Fall planting. See oar stock fuel pumps, distributors | and get our prices before yon buy, for Ford Sales gvoboda. Prop. TeL McHenry 183., D1I_ , A. ... .. 41-tf FOR SALE--Circulating oil heater, • 1 10-in., special $84.50; 13-in., 904.50. FOR SALE -- JORNS-MANVILLE'Gamble's, West McHenry. 21 TYPE A BOCK WOOL HOME IN- ------rr~ 8ULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. FOR SALE--Packing and slaughter Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or house, near McHenry; all equipments write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl with refrigerator and freezer, in- 8t, Tel. McHenry 18. tf eluding all buildings. Price $37^500. 1 • - i For information call (Frank Nell) FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD*. JACOB FRITZ, REAL ESTATE. IMG MACHINES. Service on all johnsburg »tpl McHenry 87. 18-tf ;es: •/-- r . C. J. H.D1EHL Woodstock Piano Tmer Phone 208-W, 526 Washington,St. 30-tf Woodstocfc, At Brunswick 9022. GENERAL CONTRACTOR for cement, plastering, and brickwork. Nick 8, McHenry, DL Phone -R-l. Also 2826 N. Chicago 18. Phone 14-18 HAVE YOUR CE8SPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddied Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOB_ FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 2-tf WANTED WANTED -- Plain ironing in own1 home. Phone McHenry 77-W. *21 WANTED TO TRADE--Have clear 5-flat brick building in Chicago, two 5, one 6 and two 3-room apartments; automatic oil heat, hot water. In vicinity of Damen and Monroe sts. Price $16,500. Will trade for heuse in McHenry area. No cash needed as owner will assume mortgage on your place and take back mortgage on his building. Roger Parelius. Phone Wauconda 5242. Route 12, Box 648, Wauconda, 111. *21 WANTED--Consignment and resale Second-hand store. Gen A Is's, third house from state bridge, going south on East River Road. Open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 to 5 and Saturdays from 9 to 9. 18-tf W ANTED--Watches and Jewelry to repair. Antbony_ Noonanx 800 So. £8 SOC Green street, McHenry. <#rant of Claire Bataty 8hoppe.) HOSPITAL BARRIER Aaother barrier was thrown in the paths of Harvard citizens who hav». b**n seeking means to build a new War Memorial hospital when news came from Springfield recently that the state supreme court held invulid an act of legislature permitting communities of 5.000 or more ner*ons to organize a Hospital Authority, levy taxes, and issue bonds. F»t IWHwd to Ptart anMHac RmmnI Tho plant breeder lhree In a bright workl of hit own and sometime* the sun shines too bright A recent example from the U. 8. department ot agriculture iHuetrates how thia can %e~anff taflr (ftatrt breeders have used fog to improve their proa* poets. At Tttton, Ga„ the bureau of plan! •ai en* Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner and son, Biily, had Sunday dinner with Mrs. I^egina Schaefer and sons in Fox Lake. Mr. and Mrs; Charles Grisso and Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern were supper guests of Miss Hansen at Alpino Camp on Sunday. . The Community Club held it's regular meeting at St. Peter's parish hall on Monday night. There were also cards, and refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Straub and family of Chicago spent Sunday with Mrs. Bertha Esh. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. I L L I N Formerly Barnard's Mill ^ # North End of Wonder Lake at Vie Bridge Clo^ed All Day Tuesday During W; TELEVISION COCKTAILS LIQUOR -- VGSPVM t-:&: COMPUTE DINNERS SERVED From 6 to 9 p. m. Daily except Monday Saturday 6 to 11 p. m., Sunday 1 to 7 p. m. FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY WE CATER TO PARTIES Frank and Jerry Wiedeman Phone Richmond 312 • j. .g. if ig i|| ig . i|. i|.i f |. i|i .| ill Hi Will Mil HI I t i Hi I III IK I M»i 111H I1 I t 1 1 I I I » tkey weajr like leatber*" for hay Md pasture. WHh many of the grasses. «ooah»< under deee centre! ft dHHcuh at beat. In most grew the male and female tower parts are sanoH and packed doee and tight. They are net like the grain grass, Indian corn, which has its eilks end tassels distinct and widely separated. DEAD ANIMALS -- fligheet cash paid for cows, horses and no help needed to load. Day Also ribbons for all makes; caifeon paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St.,! FOR SALE--Used cars and trucks. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf, Downs Nash Sales, McHenry. 44-tf FOR SALE--BARGAIN -- New, 4 FOR SALB--Beautiful inlaid walnut rooms and bath, full basement, fur- dining room set, table, sideboard, nace, automatic oil heat, on blacktop cabinet and six chairs. Would cost road, near store and bus line. Price new today over f1,500, sell for $876. $7,750. For information call our • Phone Pistakee 652-R-l. IStf ©lfice. JACOB FRITZ. REALTOR, -- 77 .. Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37. 18-tf Nee<1 hubber -»tamosT Order at The Plauideaier. Helen Weber Says: Leopard Spots . . . can't be' washed off . . . But our Scientific Cleaning Method eliminates the spots in your garments. For sure "Quality Cleaning and Pressing" make it a habit to depend on us. All garments cleaned by us are insured against moth damage for six months. No extra charge. iip nee and night, Sundays and holidays. Calls wheeling Rendering Worn, Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. 86-tf CLOGGED 8EWER? -- Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging, no lawn mess. Septic tanks and grease traps cleaned, built, repaired. University engineer on ail construction. Lake County Sanitary Co. Tel. Libertyville 1846. 48-tf The paapahmte have heads made little towel in the pre bloom stage up of towers (terete ae tight as to give the hybridizer a Job that would try tie skill and patients ef a raicre- Jeweler. This is oepocioWy true en dry daap when very slight pressure may tear the sweOang anthers. To make such a cross, the shelllike cover of the small, swelling floret first must be then the minute hi ems i||l art* mi wt Gmmt'Bhu Vtttims TirHoifS NOW WITH ZIPPERS-~tbM.rMi.utbentic western denims are the moet practical •very-day wear for boys. Made of 8anforised LANE denim, copper rtv etitched with heavy orange thread, and imida -swinging pockets. Gladstone's <Phone 182 McHenry, Illinois % < » i t i 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 ' M 1 1 1 1 1 1 m * i M 11m11111n1111nnm1111111111 A McHenry Gleaners y FL> IM M ' 108 Elm St. Hole* Weber. Mgr. ALTERATIONS--Call Vincent Schiavone for alterations and repairing on men's and women's clothing; also cleaning and pressing. For service call McHenry 615-R-2. 18-tf BARN SPRAYING -- Whitewashing onro nC.tanrbt' ac uDvt DT (forum ertltyn dA.l .^Ph. a«ni- 1i !a*u.'!t• omatic "kh.uTm^TW l4i«nUepr tweezered off witlKmt allowing any of the ttMiisanllftWpollen gSfcs to escape. These biological bits of dust are touchy, but the breeder must make sure there is no self-fertilixation. Dry days increase the possibilities of the escape of pollen. So theee scientists hit upon the idea of making their own foggy weather to keep the florets rubbery end tough while they take away the fcnthers, leaving the virgin stigmas to be fertilised later with selected pollen. To make the foggy weather they adapted an ~ of the sort nenatill s) 607 Front St., <5n Route 81, j j • _ ji .: -- gi* f^oisture in across from McHenry Sand ft Gravel' Y*?6 m adjusting the eir iromuxm «> Co. Wm. Ahrens, West McHenry. ttibacco warehouses. Phone 148-J. >144 GARBAGE COLLBCTING--Let ue dispose of yeur garbage each week, or eftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 866. tf Peanat Fasts Like cotton and tobacco the peanut is a 150-day crop, its culture, reaping, curing and marketing extending* from early spring throughout the summer, and up to nearly BARN SPRAYING-- Whitewash or Chriatmas before the 40-bushel bags DDT. Frank Henkel, P. O. Round become cash in farm pockets. There Lake, Volo. Tel. McHenry 643-J-l.! *• no waste to a peanut--only the 8-tf | hard stems being useless. Besidee ------ -- ---; ---- the hay which sells for $15 s ton, ^ *?>d , !2?5' shells sre ground into fine meal Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St..; whjch »ellj a9 fertilizer to manufacturers for $90 to $04 a ton and even the skins of the shelled nuts are useful. After they are ehipped to the oil mills for extraction of their oil, their meat sometimes is sold to dairy operators who use H as bedding material for cattle. The Nation9* Newest CW*t IT'S EM1N6!! The Jfetf Exeitiwtg Thimg Wheetet , mi NASH JUL NASH!! McHenry. Tel. McHenry 60- FOE RENT FOR RENT--5-rm. cottage, modern, insulated, automatic gas heat. Reference. Call Pistakee 194. *21 FOR RENT--Two professional office rooms and share reception room in Pries building, corner Green and Elm Sts., McHenry. , 19-tf Buenos JUree, the capital ef Argentina, is the eeventh largeet city te the world. Wautgsh FOR 1949 "Keep HoeaeOree Bemfag" The Second American division entered the Une on the Marae on June 4, 1918. DOWNS NASH SALES 408 ELM ST. V TEL. McHEMET 4M Complete Une of Lee's poulb7 remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mettsnnr. 9m

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