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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Oct 1948, p. 3

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'••> f-y Thimdmy, October 14,1W8 DIES BY OWN HAND [Gravelly Point, Va. An Army bond The body of Set. Robert Dale >8 inveatigatng his death to determine Ditto. 24, of Genoa, arrived 1„ Genoa'L,'^ J™"1* ™ Mcktantal, tart Thursday night, accompanied by a military escort. ^ Military authorities said Sergeant "" died of self-inflicted wounds Boiled linseed oil, given Internally he was on guard duty at the to animals, can cauae fatal lead potair transport service at • soning. McCullom Lake i* On Farado ? im>< II I4MMH IIMH '#• thrai daughters,! M r s . N e l l O l s o n .i Joseph, Jr., and Mrs. Ann Peters, and Lillian. , | Funeral services were held at 10 • a. m. Monday at St.. Simeon's church | in Bellwood. Interment was at the: Queen of Heaven cemetery in May-1 wood. We join the many friends andj neighbo r s 6 f t h e L e k a v i t c h f a m i l y i n j their expression of deepest sympathy, i CHAMPION RETIRES won It was announced last week that eighty Nttherall Swanky Dan, 13-year-old READY NOW FOR WINTER DRIVING SNOW and MUD TIRES WILL DO THE WORK Drive in and tot ni cheek your ear - .etc. tires, battery, FIRESTONE Passenger Oar Tirta «.Mxl« Thee as low as $11.95 plas tax - Everyone tracks money by TRUOK TIRES operating ill save buying one or more considerable at our sale FIRESTONE T» flt every car, BATTERIES truck and trac- Wo allow battery. $3 to 15 for your old SEAT COVERS To fit all cars. Good materials and reasonable. $1.95 and a p. ACCESSORIES . Pumps, Jacks Look over oar stock. Complete line of Belts for Refrigerators and Water Systems. VULCANIZING Tires and Tubes Bicycle Repairing Come in and inspect the new FIRESTONE BICYCLES AND REFRIGERATORS WALTER J. FREUNI> Tiros -- Mas -- Batteries -- Aeeeaaeriee Tire and T«bo Vulcanising Bicycle Repairing All Work Guaranteed Phone 394 -r~ Want MeBenry OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS (By Yardstick) Greetings folks: •>' i This week we sadly report the Mrs. Irene Sales underwent surpassing of Joseph Lekaviteh at the gery at the Woodstock hospital last | Elmhurst hospital last Friday morn- Monday morning. * ;ing. Like many other before him,1 A card 0J a cheerful note from a i Mr. Lekavitch decided on McCullom < nejghbor would help a lot in speedj Lake as a spot to enjoy his reclining jn_ irene»8 recovery. ! vetfrs. He made his decision about 1 five years ago when he liquidated his. ^ SawdcHkfinally convinced that business interests at Bellwood, 111-,1 the telephone is here to stay and and moved to our community to;win haVe one of the gadjrets in_ establish permanent residence here.:staUcd any day soon j His pleasing personality and cheer-' jful outlook on life gained him many: Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Magoon j friends. the new owners of the Vernon Mc- There is no end to the nice things. Kinzie property on Orchard Drive, I we could say about Uncle Joe and the and to the Magoons we say, "Weljmany contributions he has made to come neighbors!" i promote this community. ' I ---' 1 After five years ot retirement, Mr. | High honors were again bestowed Lekavitch was taken ill about a1 ™ % Personnel as well as stock of month ago, and after spending a few *he ?,c£ory V (' i weeks at the Woodstock hospital his 1™ at the Waterloo National condition improved and he was moved j ^ show Waterloo, Iowa, last to the home of his daughter in;^*®*- „ ; TT. , Bellwood. Two weeks later his con-1 r £ Thompson of Hickory dition took a turn for the worse andi0™* F»™8, " the # he was taken to the Elmhurst hospi-! Ending Holstein herdsman of the tal where the end came. . Mr. Lekavitch is survived by his widow, Mary; two sons, Charles and Curtiss Candy Compay, ow;ers, made the announcement at the dairy congress in Waterloo, Iowa. The Bull GET FRESH CANDY EVERY TIME from our WHITMAN Refrigerated Candy * Department nation. The Hickory Creek Holstein exhibit' was awarded first prize by the! Waterloo Dairy Cattle Congress. | Considering the large- number of, entries from all of the States, com-! petition was very keen, but in spite of this, HSckory Creek as usual came through with flying colors. Odr congratulations to herdsman •Whitey" Thompson and owner- Frank C. Howard. When better Holsteins are pro* duc<*i they'll wear the Hickdry Creek Farm label. jSrs. Vrank Rourke came k>ut victorious in her battle with enemy virus X., The potent remedies concocted by her hubby had a lot to do with speeding her recovery. M. C. 1/c, Willard Kiddelsen of the naval air force, stationed at Glenview, 111., is enjoying a two weeks' leave at his home on Foun tain Lane. He hopes to crowd a lot of loafing into the next fourteen days. We'd be more than glad to you a hand, Will. Yeittevii Sanrtaitr FMIJ MM It Hlsterieal Parlf Scenes of one of the most impor- Ayrshire Bull undefeated in show aptant events in American history has pearances, since^l937, is retiring. The become part of Colonial National ^ ~ ~ Historical park, Va.f with the recent purchase by the national park service of the site • on which the British army wider Lord Cornwallis surrendered to General Washington's armies in 1781 following the siege of Yorktown. On October 19 of that year. British forces marched out to the area now known as Surrender Field, between a column of Americans and another of French soldiers. With their flags cased and furled and to the tune of "The World Turned Upside Down," they stacked their arms' and gave up their colors, becoming prisoners of war. With the surrender of Yorktown, British military effort to suppress the rebellion in the American colonies virtually ceased. Parts of Yorktown battlefield and the Moore house, in which the articles of surrender were drawn up, already have b#en included in Colonial National Historical park, in addition to the greater part of Jamestown island^ Cape Henry, where the colonists landed en route to Jamestown, and a parkway connecting Jamestown, Yorktown and Colonial WiUiamaburg. The Surrender Field purchase covered 12.88 acres at a cost of $5,280. the grand -fourth. championship* - : to;:ft >.:»• Complete line of Lee's poultry * | remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Mb-' Henry. S-* i Read the Ads Ri-adv HOMES FLOORS BASEMENT* MACHINERY Tfce Mater ef Yewr Car er TriNk Op? MM Air CMRFRNW WIM IN NM OeM MMM/ATIS W0*t • MAKES YOUR tklNT JOB HtOnSSIOHAl Wwal «MMM a NIMTAINI Cm>lm Una e# iff Spray Ortfkt-Uw SMM PtOVW MUM ef OpeifSaa.. John J. Vycitai Hdwe. Co. GREEN STREET PHONE M-M give Subscribe tor The Plaindealer ~ -- ~i -- i-- i--11-- i- iri~ ---- -- -------- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -f-rn'**--i-- -i--ii-"1- rri-r* *vpry fyr-nnri-trMtiDnnAwwaiiw MOGKSI TELIPHONK "HAM1 Len Jensen is feeling plenty chestf these days, after pushing the Baumbeck's "Black Maria" over the T^rrai Cotta hump in high gear last Satur-i day evening. A truly , remarkable, feat of skill and 'daring, according, to Len. Mrs. Peggy Derr is convalescing at Derrwoods after her recent illness. In Our Whitman's Refrigerated Candy DepartaMat Every Bex Of llieae Delicious Confecttone Keeps ; Ita Rkhneee and Taatineaa the Way You Want Una • Freak. BOLGER'S Sw^«th«ort, W*rf«i Shttr, or Mother mill HER THIS CHRISTMAS with a lovely LANS Cedar Cbest Position Wanted--Middle-aged piano player, available after Jan. *5. Familiar with haberdashery business. Also some experience in politics. Write or wire. Box 48, White House, Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rudin had guests last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jacobia, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jacobia, Jr., their children, Bonnie and Margie Jo, and the charming Mrs. Margaret Kleppin, sister of Mrs. Rudin, whom she hasn't seen for a year. Mrs. Kleppin returned i cently from an ektensive tour of the west coast. Congratulations To Sandy Pasalqua on her fifth birthday anniversary, Oct. 18. ADIOS. , Good Look lh nature, jade forms--Jadeite, called true or imper* lal jade, and the tougher though not quits ao hard nephrite, which is considered leas valuable. Orion vary from deep green or black to pure milk-white or cream tinted, with nre? finds oC yellow, r^ msstva and mottled. When polished J»ds taksa a silky, oil-smooth finish, and Is rated by ekperta Inferior If dry to the touch. Carved into a thousand and shapea, of valuable or cheap quality, jade through the oeoturtee often has besa aasigned magical properties for bringing happiness and to its possessore*. It has in knives and aaheads. and alao worn prou<#y by queens In neck- NOW SERVING YOU 13,750 NW Mipfojrees h tkrm* ymmrt Fmyrotl >p $65fiOQfiOO / ImpfvtI MtfMs cat trmhl*§ Hrnm Operators, linemen, installers, office workers ... more skilled people of all kinds ... are moving up to the telephone lines to bring you more and better service. More than 13,790 have joined the IUmois Bell team since V-J Day. With training methods, they're ready for doty* in a--A lass time than it used to i Addition of all these employees ha* boosted Illinois Bell's "family" to 43,700 people and increased our annual payroll to ^134^000,000, a ^65,000,000 rise in time years! That's a lot of people and a lot of money. It takes plenty of both to provide you with the kind of nuke youVe toU us you want and need -- and which we iee you shall have! MY • V ' A U C T I O N CHAS. LEONARD ft ED. VOGEL. Auctioneera Join our LANE Christmas Club Now 0 AaJ t# Swrt Sh§ Hat Ihr I mo f«r Chrlstm&sl l»*t the Real Lovo-Gift--tho Gift that Starts the Honwf Having decided to dissolve partnership and quit farming we will sell at Auction on the Thonneson Farm, located two miles South of McHenry, on the East side River Road, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28TH commencing at 12:00 noon, sharp, the following described property 90 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK ~ 88 head of dairy cows; 21 head Hoi* stein and IS head Gueraaey; of three 8 are done Springers and 1C new milkers, balance now milkliaagg ggooaaid ; . bred; We have on display a complete assortment of gorgeous Lane Cedar Chests--finished in finest woods of the entire world, in styles to harmonize with any other furniture! All have Lane's exclusive, desirable quality features! free moth insurance policy goes with every chest. :£ome in today. Act Now! LAY-A-WAY a LANE Todayl TAKK YOUR TIME TO PAU Peter M. Justen Furniture Co. Phone 63 Ma!n St. West McHenry Open Evenings By Appointment, year old Holstein heifer, heifer calvee, 6 moe. old, vaccinated. Holstein ball, 2 years old. 5f HEAD OF FEEDER PIGS--wt. about 85 lbs. FEED--600 bu. Clinton oats; 760 bales 1st cutting alfalfa; 16 feet silage in 16 ft. silo; 760 bu. good hard ear com, in crib. MACHINERY--John Deere Model A tractor,' high compression; Ford tractor, with cultivator attachments; Fond 2 bottom tractor plow; David Brad- I ley 2-bot. 14-in. tractor plow; John l Deere, 2-bot. . 16-in. tractor plow; 3-sec. steel drag; Oliver corn planteri. | David Bradley Manure Spreader; 8-ft. | tractor grain drill; John Deere Corn binder; David Bradley farm trailed i new; fanning mill: 350 gal. elevated | gas tank; Surge double unit milking machine; 2 solution tanks; elec. hot | water heater, new. ! 15 geese; 100 White Leghorn hens. | TERMS: All sums of $25.00 an<J I under that amount, cash; over that | amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone de- ! siring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. Na property to be removed until settle# j for with the clerk. FRANK HAMELITZ A SONS McHenry State Bank, Clerkiag * Dm# let winter *Maic up on your esr Rough weather ahead! Play safe! Protect your car NOW against icy blasts to come! A Personalized Fall Change-over will do it. This Standard Oil Dealer service is featured in Standard Oil schools... which thousands of dealers already have attended, while hundreds more enroll every two weeks. They learn "Personalized Service," become Service Specialists, give better car care. TODAY AT YOIM STANDARD OB. DEA13t on Deiore com yoor art mnMl-- . . . Car pnatfem-phie litbricatioa. Standard's flaaat motor oiLfte- --nvee the "OOfe" Improves the Got Free llowiin at lew temperaturae. QUAOt STATt--America's favorite 100% Fmneylvania motor oil. ISO-VB--Highly refined, loag-l coat lubricatloa. flwsonalized Hill Change-Owr

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