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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Oct 1948, p. 6

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•Jl# -- -:- TT ' - * 4 _ " ^ L -H 5! F i E D ^ r. C T10 N NOTICB Bm>wi of the mat number od duiifiM ads which appear in the PlaftndeaW each week, we have found it impossible to keep hooka on such email accounts. Therefore, in.the future, only ads whteh are paid for before this section of the paper roes to press at 10 •'dock on Wednesday mornings will he printed. ACREAGE • ffelTY NOW BUILD LATER ] The Kelter Trust is now selling ! acreage on the blacktop road, j „ THINK OF IT I Vi to "l acres fronting on black I top road, Zi mile frppn stores and i depot. All food tillable land. Ready? to build on and raise your own food.; f i BEAT THE HIGH FOOD COSTS s Why live on a city lot when you can buy a 2-acre farm for $1,900. IT'S A GOOD INVESTMENT See us today and take your pick. THE KENT CO.. Inc. Selling Agents For ever 25 years. McHenry Phone McHenry 8 22 FOR SALE--House trailer, 26-ft., -- insulated; equipped with all furnishings. Priced for quick sale. Kenneth Pratt^ Connor's Trailer Camp on( FARMS FOR SALE--Write for free Route 31, north of McHenry. *22 for SALE UNUSUAL, BUT RIGHT FOR RENT--Retail store on Main st. in heart of business district, next to postoffice, heat and light furnished. Ideal for retail business. Available Dec. 1, '48. See THE KENT CO., McHenry, phone McHenry 8. 22 ) ,«;a ' >rg family hoifie in in the P ry on So ENTERTAINMENT FOR THB -1SNTIRE FAMILY , Bring your friends to pity SHUJIF FLEBOARD at CLUB LILYMOOR located on Rt. 120 Jumbo French Fried Shrii Fried Chicken and ..Barbecaes farm catalog. L*rge and small farms poR SALE--Truck body 'for 1*4-ton Offered for sale. If your farm is ' k h d d /25 Geor(fe lor sale rlnis t it with us, Farm Sales „ to *22 . I Reiker. Tel. 22 HELP W. for single Stewart, S mond 517. -- Year-round job good home. W. A. Grove. Phond Rieh- •21-3 HELP WANTED--Trouble shooters. Increase your income; part or full time; day or night. Wonderful opportunity; good proposition to right party. Apply immediately at 507 W. Elm street or call McHenry 470 for appointment in the evening. Admiral | Corporation. 19-tf. HELP WANTED--Short order cook and waitress. Mi Place Restaurant,1 Green St., McHenry 13-tf HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND| GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPOR TUNITY FOR THOSE INTEREST- \ HD IN THIS TYPE WORK. APPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. PHONE 39. 10-tf office. Elbert L. Phillips, Realtor, Woodstock, 111. Phone pQjj SALE--Two-piece living room *43*M- 21 set, l\i years old; deep blue moire, FOR SALE - Five-room modern SJcX^Lak^Rt. ?^>sf McHenry! home, electric range and refrigerator, j>2 automatic oil heat; lot 120x12 BUILDING MATERIA!# * Free Estimates Write or call McHenry 106-W '• FRANK GANS 900 Riverside Drive, McHenry . Representative for I pfy tSS;-"^®EARS' ROEBUCK * CO. 31-4 STO K"S\LV'?&MW-1M7 Stud" Schrader, O.khurst, R-3, McHenijr. 3700 oversiied 6-ply 8-ft. combination grain and stock FOR SALE--Used Mueller hot air rack; perfect condition. Call Waufurn ace with hot water coil. Call Me- conda 4214. Henry 66-W or 666-R-l. Can be s^en Z^ToTT® a. ur t-v._v».r!SHEET METAL AND FURNACE at 405 Waukegan Road. 22 FOR SALE--At Wo^er Year WORK -- Gutters and furnaces re- 1-- 'round home; two bedrooms, living '•'Is- FOE SALE--80 ACRE FARM . room, full bath, large modern kitchen $14,000 v-ith built-in cabinets, and rlass enroom house, barn, milk house, closed porch full width of house. chicken house, electricity, hog Automatic hot water; oil floor furhouse. Elbert L. Phillips, 100% Cass nace. Insulated; double flooring. St., Woodtock, 111. Phone 243-M. 22, On large wooded lot one block from -- -- ; iake. priced reasonably. Phone FOR SALB--Hiawatha motor scooter,; Wonder Lake 373./ A *22 in excellent running condition. Don-: -- aid Wattles, 406 waukegan Road, por SAL Phone McHenry 320. *22 HELP WANTED--Men and women, boys and girls, 16 years of age or over^ to work nights. Apply at Admiral Corporation, §07 W. Elm. St., McHenry, or call McHenry 470. 12-tf paired. John McDonald, Bowman St., McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 772-M. 10-tf , year. mmons baby crib, five Phonef McHenry 696-J-2. *22 FOR SALB--Girl's storm coat, size poR SALE--41940 Chevrolet pickup 10, like new. Tel. McHenry 54-W truck, overhauled and painted, $650. after 5:30 p. m. 22 Richard Matty Phone McHenry 606-M-2. *22 FOR SALE--3-hp. gasoline mower; new one-half hp. Copeiand com- poR SALE--G^s stove, $10? high sssor; 2-hp. electric motor; new chair, $3; childts auto; 2-yr. Springer PAINTING -- Interior and exterior "Plastic tile; rubber flooring. First class work. Insured. For free estimate, phone McHenry 562-W-l. Bert Engstrom. 5-tf press large canning pressure ceoker. H. F. Spaniel.-' PhoneFo* Like 4218. *22 Zimmerman, Box 186, West MeHenry.! -- *22 ANOTHER GOOD BUY %* houfle^ zsrilsz™ .hflls, *1.50 box; ekrtric rtfrifSi-' 'l*ctricity, *"• SjH."^"54™M2'reP"W $1°- "'SS'SSS. Ite.8on.bll MCtienry MS-a-J. , terms. THE KENT CO, McHenry POR SALE -- Circulating heater: IH- Phone 8. For over 25 years. 22 heats from four to five rooms. Tel.! McHenry 581-J-2. •22 FOR SAL£--Three barrows and one gilt, about 150 pounds each. Tel. FOR SALE--Five-room house* full McHenry 622-M-2 •22 ba-ement, with garage; furnace heat; nAn g a t p all modern conveniences; m block F . , Superior hog ******* fftm I.k.; privacy; rcuon.bly «?;. *622 ' "'."Si priced. Phone Wonder Lake 378. *22 McHenry 622-M-2. 22 ~ , " " . . FOR SALE -- ALL YEAR HOMES, FOR SALE--Ten cu. ft. Fngidaire $5,000 and up. FARMS, large and electnc refrigerator !n good working small; C H O I C E LOTS; LISTeondition. Ideal for large family pr iNGS, APPREaATED; STOMPOViS** 1 nght ** NATO'S REAL ESTATE, Woodstock, Call McHenry 739. *^1% Call CECELIA E. KNOX, Mc- FOR SALE--Six-foot Frigidaire »nd H^NRY' Tel- 421-J- *21'8 Si^ "T5' b?t,l,jn D exr!FOR SALE -- A complete line of cellent condition. See at 415 Park Nursery Stock available for Fall ^i?r • planting. Plant your Evergreens now. 213-W. E. S. Buch. ^22 Place your order for Shade and MB oa«i? u • . ._ .. j Fruit trees and shrubs, etc. for F!lL^TnM^T„dUCkB' *<*9 'ater Fall planting. See our stock tins Farm, Rutgwood, I1L *22 >nd ^ ^ before you buy, MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE -- Records installed and maintained. Elmer P. Adams; Certified Tax Consultant. One mile north of Fox Lake on Route U. S. 12; Fox Lake, . 111. Phone Fox Lake 5601 . 8-tf YEAR-ROUND GARBAGE HAUUN6' Regularly and courteously' with the best of service. Also rubbish hauled in loads or half loads. FRED WIRTZ. Tel. 758-R. 7-tf CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK Cement mixer for rent, J. M. Stangarone, Emerald Park. Phone McHenry 661-J-l. , 50-tf COMPLETE TILING SERVICE PORCELAIN TILE FOR WALLS AND FLOORS Call or write for ertimate FRED KUNG 618 W. Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake, 111. Phone Crystal Lake 490 6-tf FOR SALE--Gas stove left-hand' WEs5mAN EVERGREEN N'URoven. In good condition.' Bnltrum.1 SERJ'T+)^(5f mil! ^!st Call McHenry 529-J-2. *22 on South Street, Phone 232-R. *21-3 FOR SALE--Exceptional buy in a fOR SALE-Packing and slaughtet fine Kimball spinet piano; tone cham- h<?"se' nJar McHenry; all equipments wrf*t finish; ®<^wmr construc-!^. *£***?& JST tion; like new; complete with bench; j eluding aH buildings I^ice $37,500. ex^Uent tone. Tfii. spinet rates i A^l in small tt-note pianos. $650.1 v^ , i/r Call McHenry 739. 22 JghTwbtrrg Tel McHenry 87. 18-tf FOR 8ALB--Generators, armatures, j and tnJ^; starters, fuel pumps, distributors Downs Na*h S*1®8- McHenry. 44-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN. WATER 8Y8TEMS--We sell, repair and install pomps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 98-J. 10-tf CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK Asbestos Shingles aad Insulation Free Estimate ARVIDSON BROTHERS Tel. MeHenry 653-M-2 50-tf ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Floor furnaces. Let us estimate your next job. ROTHERMEL ELECTRICAL SHOP 304 Riverside Drive. McHenry, 111. *46-26 Phone McHenry 760. REAL ESTATE Bring in your property--we will furnish the customers. Bushels of 4 % money to loan on farms. A business that reputation built for over one-half century. QUINLAN LAND OFFICE. Woodstock. *20-4 vdtage regulators and ignition rts for Ford and all other ears. 8ales ft Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel. MeHenry 183. 1H8CELLANE0US pianos * ; 40 miles from high prices. Factory .! Warehouse. 3 spinet pianos returned FDR SALB -- JOHNS-MANVILLE from rent. One slightly used Stein- TYPE A ROCK WOOL H0ME IN-; way Grand Piano. All can be bought 8ULATK>N. Guaranteed not to settle, at big savings. Call Elgin 780 or Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or visit DAVID STARK PIANO CO., write Leo J. 8tilling, 200 E. Peari \ 21 North Union St., Elgin, Illinois. Bt, TeL MeHenry 18. tf ' 22-4 • FOR SALE--T j j'wnUlBfca, ADD- CABINET WORK--Cabinets built tojment, plastering, and brickworiT.1 Nick OiG MACHINES. Service on all order; also carpenter work wanted. I Hasler. Route 3. McHenrv 111 Phone Also ribbons for all makes; Call McHenry 674-J-l. *22-41 McHenry 654-R-l. Also' 2826 N. EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL--INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT. P. O. Box 163 Phone &98-R -- W. McHenry. IIL 46-tf C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Plane Tnner Phone 208-W, 526 Washington 8t. 30-tf Woedstock, IIL GENERAL CONTRACTOR for cecaifeon paper, Woodstock. Phone 549. L. V._ KQtx, Clay S^ FOR SALB--BARGAIN -- New, ,4! rooms and bath, full basement, furnace, automatic oil heat, on blacktop soad, near store and bus line. Price $7,750. For information call our, office. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37. 18-tf Subscribe for The Plaindealer ' FLOOR COVERINGS Asphalt and Rubber Tile Linoleum -- Carpeting Rockwell St., Chicago 18. Brunswick 9022. Phone 14-13 «» U , M , * _ - -- | . HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch 8ink and Table-Top Work ; basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned I^P a card for estimate-- J4>v EddieV Sanitary Service. Eddie or Phone 699-W, Woodstock, HL Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf ..... HAY IRION FLOORING I 22-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash ; -J- : , prices paid for cows, horses and Need Rubber Stamps? Order at anr^r^ht^Lna!^ Th. PUindeakcr. wtK', HELP WANTED--MEN -- Cleaning and maintaining buffing equipment 3rd shift. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Steady work. ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO., Woodstock, Illinois. : WANTED WANTED--Ride to and from (or one way) Woodstock Mondays through Fridays. Tel. McHenry 451-J. 22 WANTED--Consignment and resale Second-hand store. Gen ft Is's, third house from state bridge, going south on East River Road. Open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ft-om 9 to 5 and Saturdays from 9 to 9. ' 15-tf WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan. 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beruty Shoppe.) lfe-tf SPRING GROVB (by Mrs. Charles Firagd) Mr. and Mrs. Edward May are the happy parenU of a girl bdm at St. Therese hospittl on Sunday, Oct. 10. A nine pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lewis of Fox 1'flke «t St; Therese hospital on Monday, Oct. 11. Miss Lillian Sanborn returned to her home this week, having spent "e summer months in Colorado. An evening of cards was enjoyed at Mrs. Charles Freund's home on Thursday by Mrs. Walter Brown. Mrs. Danny Miller, Mrs. Marilyn Ford. Mrs. Ruth McGown, Mrs. Shirley Dawson, Mrs. George McGrath and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer. A lunch was served by the hostess. Sunday guests in the Jake Miller home were Mr. and Mr. Nick Miller of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. George Reinmueller and son, Richard^^nd Mr. and Mrs. Lee West and sons of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Huff and twin daughters of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the Mike Huff home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rauen-and Mr. and Mrs. George Kattner and family of Chicago spent Sunday wnh Mrs. John Kattner. Sirs. Lucille Nebson and son, Bobby, of Sharon spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern. Many of their friends attended funeral services for Mr. and Mrs. A1 Thornton, which were held at the Ehorn funeral home on Wednesday afternoon. Interment was in Cole's cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brits and family of McHenry were Sunday visitors in the William Brits home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and % firemen held their regular meeting at Town Hall on Monday night. Thei*ie was also an evening at cards and refreshments. Plans for a dance were discussed, which will be held in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders of Rockford spent the weekend in the George Sanders home. •-^vy Cobb and Bush Ty Cobb, born in 1880, became a , big leaguer Li 1905 and quit the gam* | after 1928. Babe Ruth, boeq In 1895, became a big leaguer In 1914 and ' quit in 1935. j A new vending machine, one which brews coffee and keeps tt hot, and, at the same time, refrigerates the cream to be used and then dispenses both, plus su^ar and a spoon, is described in "Die Castings". The new machine which presented many mora mechanical complexities for lta builder than the ordinary vending device, at last makes possible the traditional American cup of coffee In the factory , o'Tice. hotel lobby >and transportation terminal at the drop of a coin. Toni PermanenY vrave Kits. #Ltt and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 35-tf FLORLUX [ \ H R ! i ' ) R • ! 00k { NAVh FOR FLOORS INDpOK wowooofts Fast Drying BOLGER'S DRUG STORi PHONE 40 HcHSKlY WANTED--Corn picking and wood sawing. Herman Dowe, 208 Richmond Rd., McHenry. Tel. McHenry 241. 22-tf WILL CARE FOR CHILD in my home for working mother. Phone McHenry 095-J-2. 22 FOR RENT FOR RENT 1 -- Four-room house, modem, just finished, all year round, in Lilymoor, on blacktop road, one block from Route 120. References. Call McHenry 615-R-2. 22 FOR SHARE REfc'T--133-acre farm, located 4 miles S. W. of Richmond, 111. Possession9about Nov. 1. Mrs. Le- Roy Conway. Phone McHenry 207-M *22 FOR RENT--Four-room cottage, oil heat, electricty, water, at McCullom Lake; available Oct. 16. Telephone, daytime McHenry 638-W-2, or after 7 p. m., call McHenry 638-M-2 22 FOR RENT--Two professional office rooms and share reception room in Pries building, corner Green and'Elm Sts., McHenry. . 19-tf ogs ana night, Calls Wheeling Rendering WorL Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. 86-tf Helen Weber ooOOQO CLOGGED SEWER? -- Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging, no lawn mess. Septie tanks and grease traps cleaned, built, repaired. University engineer on all construction. Lake County Sanitary Co. Tel. Libertyville 1346. 48-tf Did you ever dream of how that old favorite suit would look after being Dry Cleaned? You'll be amazed at what we can do in rnn-king it come back to life with our Quality Dry Cleaning. All of our cleaning is Mothproofed and Insured against moth damage for six months--No extra charge. McHenry Gleaners Fhsm 104-M 10* Elm St. Helen Weber, Mgr. ALTERATIONS--Call Vincent Schiavone'- nfor alterations and repairing on men's and women's clothing; also cleaning and pressing. For service call McHenry 615-R-2. 18-tf GARBAGE COLLBCTING -- Let _ dispose of your garbage each week, or eftener if desired, fftssrniahls ™tes- „ R5IP?Ur round root*. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 866. tf BARN 8PRAYING-- Whitewash or DDT. Frank Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, Volo. Tel. McHenry 543-J-l. 8-tf TRUCKING--Livestock and Lime. Alfred .Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St.. McHenry. Tel. McHenry 60-R. 15-tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOB FkITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 87, or -Chicago, Lincoln 1383, ' f-tf Hybrid Corn It requires from 115 to 120 ears of j hybrid corn to produce a bushel of corn. Ni|« Strait Chamfer Twts Svptrsonlo Fligh. Conditions Tht wraps are about to be pulled off the world's largest and most modern stratosphere chamber, recently completed in Great Britain. It will be able to test flying condittons for planes in the era now unfcMtfc* of. svparawta far above the weather. This chember consists of an allsteel cylinder SO feet long and 29 feet in diaoieter. It will be able to reproduce temperature and pres. sura conditions up to ah altitude of 70,000 feet The complete structure, built and welded throughout with half-inch thick plate, weighs 219 tons. It is reinforced wilh external rings six inches deep and threequarters of an Inch thick. A powerful refrigeration plant can reduce the temperature inside the test chamber to 70 degrees Centigrade below freezing point (--94 degrees Fahrenheit) and even lower. Special fans installed within the chamber can raise the temperature to at least 70 degrees Centigrade (199 degrees Fahrenheit). The vast range covered by this test chamber can be gauged from the fact that the lowest temperature ever naturally recorded in the world was --56 degrees Centigrade (approximately --67 degrees Fahrenheit) registered at Verkhozanak. Siberia, in February, 1892. Uncle Sam Says Painting Ceilings A ceiling of dark color absorbs light and a shiny surface causes glare. Therefore, a light, flat finish is recommended by lighting specialists. Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. i Onee again we salute oar Newspaper bovs, honoring their thrift and enterprise. Nearly 500,000 of these boy* are carrying on that sense of duty and responsibility which brings the papers to our door every day til the year. These nephews of mine are training for success, aad a part of that training u in thrift. Last year, newsboys enrolled in Newspaper Thrift Clubs invested 92,000,000 in U. S. Savings Bonds. These bond* will pay them 94 for y*T 93 invested ten years hence. Every bond i* guaranteed as the safeinvestment for everyone. j "* V. S. Tnmturf D*Prtm*wt : Complete line' of Lee's poultry remedies at WatUSs Drug Store, MeHenry. CANNED FOODS Saadwlck Sprmmd ^ lOc Fnmck Drossfig WRH TOMATO SAUCi Fork&Bmam* Am* Pag* Kmtekap »«•.•*.g|e ANN PASE Strawberry Pratarvt '•**• ^ 41 e Ann fog* Sparkla ££££ J^fDe 4m Paga Grope Jolly iw,,ir 13c ANN PASS Prmparmd Spagkattl Ann Pagm Syrup m-ob.*. Amnfag* Paamat toff or ,4^ 37c lama Pork & loom 3,w>, n" t5c Solfooo Kid*ay tooos t 21c loma Uma tooos ,4"0t ^ 10c A** Paga Gordon Koffsfc IM|- *" 11 e SofotfftroMlog ^J-37C I "SUPER-RIGHT9 HEATS $ ] FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Bmokod Picnic b. 53c Imported ' Mixed HOLLAND HERRING leg. 2.1* Swift'# Oriolt SUOKD BACON lb.66c Imported looker HOLLAND HERRING t keg. 2.29 DAIRY CENTER & BUDGET AIDS OaHforaia U9to> TOHAT JONATHAN GRAPHS 1 ^ APPLE8 3 lb*, for 21 bo. 3.99 Wiioouiiii Mote CHIPPEWA POTATOES 88 lb. bag DELICIOUS APPLES 0 2.W .v;;,.,;*, 3J0 ] OVEN TREATS AT SAVINGS CkoosoFood u «c MHckCkooto uA5c Ckod-O-Bit a--l^^tfc Ckoddar Ckooto ^ 75c Pklla. Croam Ckoo$o l1^^ F*r Yomr WcsWs W E L . . . . . . . s n . RlfekMi SpmrUm Kitchea Klmzor 2 ncos. 17* ••Um Lov* It libfliy Baby Fod %tromgkmari Do? Food • • • • 3 29* Amer. Fam. Flakes ^NT9I* kiitto Whitm--RIas« BrlfW RINS0 • • 34* _ Stops t. O. | Lifebuoy Soap 3<^28* It Floats Swan Soap • •• • 3««33* Upfoa's Noodle Sovp Mix ) PK»S. W Gold Loaf Cako w** f^c Donvt* n*<"' Cl""*n"*' fie- «fii | Ckorry Twfsf CoWooCako 35c Boston Brown Broad ^ 19c Morvol Dlooor Rolls * a I Oc Lax Toilet Soap 3 LakeSboreflooey "<«34* SeewMtf Ugkt ly Power Taoalis '^21* Spie aN Spaa ^ - OtAHt • | • SOS 71* Flavor Kist Sattiiii^ 2f For WUHrClotkm LIX FLAKES* • • ~ 34* A mow Stl--Wit Wmwk Soap FAB • • n» I INiv-ilo Soap 34* • • o 3 CAKES 23* t 'W. iiifj.i

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