M, i .<»{ jUU: Jr, ' * "• % •* ~ > •*r «»' t'"<«Vrt>, JP" ••" <ypr(:.** f 5» fj!*,^°";/',^w'! •**" ' ;t. iir :& T^yr:;'-' 3 ^\tcl « ^ *'~t--r^"- ~ r----rrr~- --,3?-- •'vtr.-n "~-'~+'Z >r., •;. >: •••'• •"-• , •> 'T' '/ '- • •.• -v. •<• ft'Vf - "" ,V;'V" '•" ,••? *m "• ••'» fci ;^:Si * A ;•' it'-,"', "••.'.J.lat Z * i ,, ff K-hrM \ : V ' " i**/ *sv'^7 ••> ' 't-y-jrw * r*j?j7f * T1 v* -• '• - «jv#; > , '"•5"'.•••*'• •*-fi i ' 4t*,'> *A .. ' <«" "v u 1- « » -V ?• ' : .„. - •'«**£» • «v * " 7;: Volume 74 MeHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1948 No. 23 Record Crowds Attended City's Biggest Homecoming Hip itf* parade. A description of the complete 'line of march was broadcast aver WILA as the various can and costumed individuals passed by the corner of Elm and Green streets. There the three parade judges, Mrs. Roy Kent, Ray McGee and Harvey Williams, selected the prize float*, the decisions being announced at the Friday night game. The Sophomore float, which included students in old Warrior uniforms "washing up" Burlington. won the prixe for the best class float. With one student -/ ' Only memories remain this week of homecoming in McHenry. Bot ey are pleasant memories «wn though spirits were deflated to tome At tent when the Warriors lost a hard fbught game against a strong Bur- Mngton team on Friday night. Even ip view of this defeat, homecoming proved to be just what it was advertised to be, the biggest one ever to Jliikf place here. iV,s Without n allowing pre-celebration preparations to Interfere with regul| r school aoteodule, students worked noat. with in late eael^ nlnit W dieorate floats the uniform of a Burlington player which weps described U the most | in a wash tub, and another with his Original Md iMt attractive of any head in a wringer, signs outside the local bomteoming. Led by the broad- j truck carried the vtords, "We'll aasting car, two Students riding ; wring Burlir.gton's neck" and "We'll jrees and p color guard, the various wash Burlington up." The G. A. A. I float, with girls in gym suits using I bows and arrows as they aimed at a ! target, won flrst in the organization floats. The girls announced on the outside of the truck that. "Burlington » our target." King and Queen A huge crowd gathered' on Elm street Thursday night for a bonfire pet> meeting. At this time the names of the selected king and queen were announced as Marita Williams and Iipslie Olsen. an announcement which was enthusiastically received by their many friends. SSKSTTP YEvATK ^Vr rCLONrVrEtRlAT!^T H BAUER>, Lm0N 6 ' The many relatives and friends %of the former Barbara Williams of McHenry, noW^Sister M. Jerome,, extend sincere congratulations to this beloved nun who on Oct. 13 observed the sixtieth anniversary of entrance to the convent. Last August 11 she celebrated her eighty-ftfth birthday anniversary. Sister Jerome entered St. Pious Mather House Convent in St. Louis, Mo., in 18S8. From 1907 to 1914 she served as superior at the convent at Denver, Colo., during which time she ^vas largely responsible for founding an orpnanage and supervising the erection of a home for Photo by A. Worwlcfc. Mciienrv MARITA WILLIAMS CITY MOURNS SUDDEN DEATH OF "UNCLE ED* Native of McHenry Stricken While At Work On WednoidAjr "Uncle Ed" is dead, and when the news spread through the conniunity there was general sorrow, for he WBS beloved by everyone. Edward M. Smith, 57, died raddenlv of a heart attack about 8 o'clock Wednesday morni'nfr, Oct. <7, just a few minutes after he had begun Ma day's work on the new gang1* under construction in West McHenry fof R. I. Overton. Fellow woifcers saw him collapse and immediately summoned a doctor, but he was dead before aid arrived. ^ The deceased was born on .Oct'. 15. 1891, in McHenry a son of the late »efHln,1 th«r aiding in thi* community. Mrs J his entire life here and WM a frien«l | Rath st'offel, Mrs. Eva Weher.i !° S70hTs ^une^ StiUi., .nil H,1Ty; P-^ tW?>,tyveve 5 m, yeI hp.S r^" A solemn high mass was read in' sided with his niece, Mrs, Pa^Ger- . honor #t 9«0 oVloc4( 0n Wp,,npsJ ascAi.- •» • . *• I day morning of last Week. Those Active In Sports j who attended included Fr. George, "Uncle Ed" wag active in shorts, j Nell of Effingham. 111.. Fr. John! his special interest centering injKrieg of West Alice, Wis.. Mr. and Following the bonfire activities,[Wlin*:. He belonged to several: Mrs. Charles Stoffel of Milwaukee,; probably the longest snake dance i leagues and was considered one of j Wis., Mrs. Martin Williams and Miss ever ht Id iri McHein-y made its way I the fcest bowlers in the city. Modest j Eva Williams of Chicago, Mrs. j through ritv Greets enriinir nt the! concerning his accomplishments, he Eva WTeber. Miss Julia Stilling and i school as weery students happily! was nlways willing to help less ex-; Mrs. Louis Stoffel of McHenry. called it a day and prepared for the j perienced bowlers with sound a^v'cc: I . nB.Tvmia VAmn« • big game the following night. j He was also fond of fishing and had ^©R. DREIKURS, NOTED ' During intermission at the game ^ 8 tnpj AUTHOR, WILL SPEAK Friday night, the usual awards were nt M nTTV ftN" AflT OR presented as follows: Mrs. Earl Prior to becoming employed at .in U11X U« UUl. Tonyan Construction company several | vears ago, he had worked in _ the j Mlany McHenry residents have girls in Pueblo, Colo. For a number of years she was at the House of Providence in Chicago, from where she went to Milwaukee's St. Joseph's hospital. Last August she left, there to make her home at St. Anthony's hospital, St. Louis, where she may well reminisce with pride the great good which she has accomplished in her long lifetime. She has three sisters and one bro- HERE, IS DEAD Forty-Year Resident V K. • Operated Ice House > ••f'• '.'For Quarter Century AfWther of McHenry's "old timers" is dead. Last Thursday afternoon, Oct. 14, Mathias Baur, a resident of McHenry for forty years, died at" his home on Elm street, having suffered a stroke the previous Sunday. Mr. Baur had been in failing health for several years but was able to be about until a week before his death. He Was born on July 3, 1870, in Rhineland, Germany, and came to Chicago at the age of 21. He farmed in this area for a few years and after moving to McHenry forty years ago successfully operated an ice | Walsh, oldest woman alumnae present; Paul Doherty, oldest alumnus "riin i poi iir f»T <ITCN I present; Herb Freund, oldest alumnus i Smith Brothers store for a long ghown great interest in anticipation L.&bL.i*' yL.SJ' with go|. 0n the tcam. ani the class I period of time. 'of the visit which Dr; Rudolph Drei- « 1 ."V £ A. I I -- . _ at._ a I • i l_ i.L»-. Lma^Lamm ! Iftitta a/ Oil ino ma i> nl)n il nn4L<\^ a/ foats passed through local streets of ls»47 for the largest attendance. Which were lined with hundreds of All alumnae cheerleaders 'received people eager to see the colorful candy. • _ : . . COUNTY COMBOTTEKS OF CANCER SOCEBTY1 NAMED BY CHAlRMAlf C. Russell Allen, chairman of the executive committee, of the McHenry county chapter of the American Cancer society, announced last week the full membership mittee as well as the WE OFFER YOtf CONGRATULATIONS Survivors include three brothers, j kurs of Chicago, notled author of! Three Local Couples Wed More Than Half Century ^5? \ up to St. John's church in horse and buggy that fall day more than a half century a^o. They were attended at the wedding by Rose Huemann and Mary Niesen, the latter of Kenosha, Wis., and Frank and Jacob Huemann. The Huemanns, both in good health, have eight children, fourteen grandchildren and one great grandchild. The children are Mrs. Eva Haglund of Chicago, Mrs. Margaret Smith of McHenry, Mrs. Ella Knorst. John and Mrs. Theresa Olsen of Chicago; Joseph of Johnsburg, Mrs. Rosemary Olsen of Chicago, and Prederich of Johnsburg. Frank J. Wagners „ o The "babies" of the long time mar> ried couples are Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wagner of Spring Grove, who were married fifty-five years on Monday, Oct. 18. They celebrated the occasion, however, the previous day when their children and families* could be with them. Miss Mary Thelen of Johnsburg the Wilbur Benoy home in Elkhorn. | and Frank Wagner of Volo were mar- Present besides those already men-! ried at St. Peter's church, Spring tioned were Mr. and Mrs. Charles! Grove in 1898, after which the festivi- Smith of Crystal Lake; Mr. and Mrs. j ties included a wedding dance at the William Wurtzinger and family and! old Joe Heimer hotel. For the past Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benoy of Wood- j forty-eight years the couple has stock; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek j resided in Spring Grove. and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benoy of Both Mr. and Mrs. Wagner are in Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Harold i Quit? good health and find a great Stanek and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth j many activities to occupy their time. Swan and family of Ridgefield; Mr.[Even though their own family has and Mrs. Lynn Hanford, of Long j long been grown, they have continued Lake; Mrs. Fred Jackson and Sheila I to have young people about the house iof Maine; A. W. Smith. Mr. and i having cared for two grandchildren Mrs. William Hoffman and daughter since the time of their mother's death Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Tonyan and' several years ago. (family, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler, fffee couple's five children are ! Jerry Freund and Miss Catherine! Mijehael of Chicatro, Mrs. Philomena Freund. j Heinle of Janesvill », Wis., Joseph J., The previous day Mr. Smith had of Oak Park, George and Mrs. Julia It is noteworthy in a community so small that three couples should observe their golden wedding anniversaries in the same week. Certainly, then, when these couples are observing anniversaries well beyond the fifty-year mark it is something in the unusual class. Longest married of the three are the S. W. Smiths , of Ringwood, who on Oct. 20 observed their fifty-ninth anniversary. They were married in Kansas, the home of the former Jessie Inman back in 1889 but soon afterwards moved to Ringwood, where they have continued to make their home ever since. The couple has five children, all of whom, with their families, spent last Sunday in helping their parents observe this anniversary. The children are Mrs. Andrew Hawley, Lonnie and John Smith of Ringwpod, Ralph Smith and Mrs. Lillian Hopper of Chicago. Sunday's celebration was held at Peter and Fred of Johnsburg, Arthur!the book, "Challenge to Parenthood," house here until his retirement. His of McHenrv, and two sisters. Mrs. j will pay here on Tuesday evening, waf one of the early and important Margaret Steinsdoerfer of Crystal (Oct. 26. He will speak in the high businessess in McHenry, one which Lake and Mrs. Lena Mullenbach of I school auditorium at 8:15 p. m. on Adams Minn. the subject "Understanding the He was a* member of St. Mary's i Child," a lecture to which the general church and' - had . belonged to the "« » '-- un irum vanuuB ifcui uiuiviuunis and can be obtained at the door. vivid in the memories of old time was observed his birthday anniversary. Joseph H. Huemanns Married just one less year are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Huemann of Johnsburg, who are observing their served the needs of residents during the first part of the century, before _ electric refrigerators replaced to a public is invited. Tickets are now (great extent the demand for ice. One on sale from various l#cal individuals of the favorite winter scenes still Gabe of Chicago. Last Sunday's celebration was really a triple celebration, for in addition to the Wagners' anniversary it was the silver wedding anniversary fifty-eighth anniversary on Oct. 23.jof their daughter and husband, the Mr. Huemann and his bride, the Walter Gabes. and the birthday anniformer Miss Barbara Niesen, drove! versarv of their son, Michael. Catholic Order of Foresters since he W*Vr"* manV «. An Austrian, Dr. Dreikurs was residents Was the men supervising The body is resting at the J®cob from the m«djcai school of the work of cutting the ice, their JMten Sons funeral wwne until j the University of Vienna, after which sturdy horses providing the power for Seems just a short time ago that, Saturday morning at iu , .'(he spent five vears in internship and',the cutting machinery and later con- - „ „.L~_ ""ii r , • y the blocks of ice to the stor- BEAUTY EXPERT GREETED IN CITY WITH ENTHUSIASM iFOUR FROM COMMUNITY SELECTED AMONG TEN {OUTSTANDING 4H GIRLS inced ween . ' • Ml « 1 spew inrc yenis in mirrnsnip snu i ip of that com-1 her; .many ftriends were extending | when last rites wili ** | residency m psychiatry. Since 19391 veying the personnel of the^rthday felicitation* to "Aunt Nell," j from S^v JJ""*»wyhas been practicing in Chicago and age house committees of thfe McHenry county whose real name is Miss E len nn the church cemetery. * • • * chapter of the American . Cancer ,but. today. Thursday. I society, announced last week the G°t. ?1, she is observing another an-1 T>ii»|,ERBST HIGH, full membership of that committee niversary, this one her ninety fifth .as well as the personnel of the com-1 Talking to this cheerful and lovely T1CJ&.JEID LOW JTUH mittees on public relations and mem- j lady on Tuesday, we asked if she felt gership. The chapter is now com-: as well as her alert and resonant pietely organized and there will be voice would indicate, to which she an announcement soon of the first promptly replied that she felt better, meeting of the executive committee. She is in good health, helping with Committee appointments follow* the work about her home on Court Executive committee, Dr. F. L. Al- street, where she resides with her ford, Dr. J. C. Purvey, Dr. A. L.! niece? and nephew, membera of the Lindberg, Mrs. W. M. Fencil and Mrs. i M. J. Walsh family. Cathcryne Breytspraak Lake; Dr. W. A. Nye, Green, and Mrs. Gertrude *11 of McHenry; Dr. J Mrs. Margaret Dingley, both of Richmond; Dr. A.' Leschuck and Mr«. James Rawleigh of Hebron: Dr. C. C. Schuyler, Dr. J. H. Goodland and Ralnh Forester of Harvard; Dr. E. £. Kunde and Claire T. Carney of Marengo: Dr. W. J. Copeland and, Mrs. L. Revnolds of Cary; Dr. H. W. -Sandeen, Dr. Saul Burton, E. M. Phillips of Woodstock; Dr. J. C. Scully and Mrs. Marion L. Peter of, Algonquin; Dr. J. C. Hanson and; Miss Mary Keating of Huntley; John Buchte of Union and Mrs. Julian | Dvorak of Fox River Grove. ! The public relations committee in-t eludes Mary Yates, Sam Howard and] _Vanesse Sells all of Woodstock;; Rrlph Boyle of Crvst^l Lake; Lowell! Nye of Harvard; Hugh Dowel of Ma-: rengo; A. L. Johnson of Richmond! and A. H. Mosher of McHenry. j The membership committee hart Dr. J. F. Harris of Richmond; iMary' Yates of Woodstock; Mrs. James Rawleigh of Hebron; Dr. W. J. Copeland of Cary; and Dr. J. H. Goodland; «f Harvard. j ' Assisting officers of the society are Dr. O. E. Nelson of Woodstock, vice-chairman; Mrs. Raymond Guhrke of Harvard, secretary, and Donald Stiil of Woodstock, treasurer. A.THLITI0 BANQUET Interest continues to run high in anticipation of the Kiwanis football banquet which wiTl be held in honor of the local high school football players at the Villa Hotel Rfesort at Pistakee Bay on Monday evening With everv seat taken and stand-' Four local 4-H girls, Carol Harrising room at a premium, Miss Celeste' son, Charlotte Hoy an and Ferol Carlyle, noted beauty expert, pre-' Martin of the Ringwood Haonv sented a very interesting talk to Mc-: Clover club, and Sharon Sells of the in* in (Jhtcago and 1 age nouse. i Henry ladies and visitors in the j Busy Bumble Bees, Wonder Lake, fr now professor of psychiatry at Since his retirement, Mr. Baur had school auditorium on Tuesday after- j were among ten selected last. w«*k. as the Chicago Medical School. found pleasure in working about his 1 noon of this week. i county outstanding 4-H girls. Selec- With more than twenty years of lovely home. His garden and beauti- Miss Carlyle opened her remarks. tion was made by the fom\ty 4-H •experience here and aboard as a ful flowers were a scource of great I with the sage advice that cleanli-t committee and Miss- Florence Kumclinician in child psychiatry. Dr. j P«ide and provided recreation during j ness stands out in importance in good , melshue. ®tate 4-H sj^ialist ot Dreikurs h»s a deep understandinrr' the summer months. He was devoted. jrroomihg. In line with her topic "°rthern The 'MIM of the problems of parenthood. He! to his large family and their frequent "Grooming, with Emphasis on ^J explores the reasons behind children's visits ar.l concern for h^ wclfnreiand Make-up," Miss Carlyle added .outstanding members recognition, behavior and discovers what lies! were evidence of their mutual feel-1 interest to her talk by sketching on As a result of the recent scoring beneath the "symptoms"--the thumb ing. • a large blackboard the various shaped . 0f all county members, eighty-eight sucking nail-biting lying and dis- Mr. Baur was a faithful member faces and the hair styles which were i^jrls were announced as county proobeHience. He doe*' not confine him-! of St. Mary's church and was a fifty most becoming to each. . ject honor members. They,included self simply to tellin* fathers and' vear member of the Catholic Order of Following her Ulk, which was in- joan Dornbush, Sharon Sells and mothers how to get off on the wrong i Foresters. | tently J^ened J;^by every Jady Jn Peggy SeNHorf of ^Wonder Lake; 1 "" *** ** ***" * * ** * *ulauser. Ji K. -^'1 'v. MISS ELLEN DOHERTY Probably the greatest interest ofj Local parents, as well as those! Lar.en of Chh:ago."Mrs. D wid" (I.il-! individual problems «nd will no doubt d,-ey Andreas, Darlene Andreas, all centers among the football play-, meralv interested in Dr. DreHfiir®'! li-n) Be-tMT of Villa Park, Joseph!^ niore chaiming in the future e- Muriel Butlei, Caiol Harnson, Charers, for the name of the outstanding j p-pri^ml advice, will vant. to be sure at home, Alvin of McHenry, and Ber- j °' * e exP9I"t advice given lotte Hogan and Ferol Martin of tha tudent aiid player will be announced \ and attend this lectuie. at the banquet. The name of the j young man selected will have bis | name engraved on the beautiful i CHILD PRODIGY TO trophy which ^e Kiwanians a^e do-| AppEAR jN pLAy nating to the school a _ P. "glfifi a un T1PT T "--~ possession, to prove an inspiration to JV-JLDO Aflu 1 nlili football players for years to come, i " As was announced last week, the! ^lan Nelson, who is nard of Davenport, Iowa; also twelve j them. grandchildren and two great grand- i 22SZ. S wife Mantiret died DEADLINE FOR OVERSEAS Jultc°n funeral home until Monday HOLIDAY GIFTS NOV. 1.5 I Ringwood Sunshine Girls. \ THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL ! R. N. A. CONVENTION IN McHENRY ON OCT. 27 mornmer, with a host of old friend'.' | and acquaintances stopping to pay __ , doing] last respects. A requiem nlass was famed Charlev Trippi will be guest movies for Atlas Productions at the sung at St. Mary's church at 10 - . . . - ----------. -- - speaker, and that alone should assure, age Qf j] will play in the j o'clock, with burial in the church I the county^ men wh^registerea rejcamps at the thirty-thjrd McHenry unusual interest in the dinner. As, ^odgtock players' first production1 cemetery. is well known, this popular athlete | an<j Tell" Friday, Saturday and j is now a member of the Chicago, Sunday, Oct. 22-23 and 24. Alan „ . . . Cardinals and was formerly named i gtarted acting in his crib some ten Election KeglStratlOll Riverview Camp, R. N. A. will ba Although it is doubtful if a*y ot • to members of the ten county e county men who registered re-jcampg at thirty-third McHenry cently for the draft will be sent out County Annual Convention to he three times a* an All -American, an(j a ha]f years agojind has been Jm flnnntw Is Record Hifh player. ^ ^ %• j acting professionally for almost that i - ' ; j long. Alan has a background as BENEFIT AUCTION I Interesting and varied our veteran The total registration in McHenry two years who are still serving on 1 county was announced this past week foreign shores. Because they Ore v«i --j, v».v. , | by Clerks Raymond D. Woods as 29,-: anxious that families not disappoint 12:S0 o'clock, there will be a public^ BeVior- __ ... n._;_.„i« 241, this being the highest registrat-; members who must be away from auction in the village of Green-! p J^*8 1 tion on record and one that is ex- home at this time, Postmasters Ray wod for the benefit of the Greenwood payers, a _ summer STOCK c pa y- pected to bring out a new high total McGee and Elmer Freund ask that of the county during the Christmas (held at gt. Patrick's hall, McHenry, holidays this year, there has been ajon Wednesday, Oct. 27. The aftergrowing number of young men who i noon session will begin at 1 o'clock have enlisted their services in recent; days. Also, there are a few who! joined the service during the last I On Sunday, Oct. 24. beginning at | who are many y#ar8 church. The auction is being sponsored by the young adult group of the church, with many valuable items to farmers being offered. family. In recent years she has| 1 • - J .IU her daiiy trips to' on Oct. 16, 1864, ana with the ex Kiwanis Club Prepares •For November Election Monday evening in what was said to 8*0/ w h hen t0 McHenry to be best meeting of the year. Guests!make her home- , L, greatly enjoyed the fine chicken! Truly a remarkable lady is this ^vhich was so well prepared by the nonagenarian, whose conversation is j host his wife and assistants. The|®s bright and lively as one might c hickens were preented to the club by expect who would see her walk Kiwanian Earl Whiting, who is briskly down the*, street. She says greatly interested in the welfare of she enjoys life a great deal, her the club. " I only regret being that she misses | At the meeting to be held on Oct ! the daily visits of old friends who are i 25 at the Rohine Grill, a nominating here no. longer. However, she en-1 committee will be present to an-|j°ys visiting also with the younger J nounce their selection of a slate of I generation, and it is true that a few • offiofrs for the coming year, which minutes spent with "Aunt Nell willj will be voted on in November. I lift the spirits of one of any age. George Scheid George Scheid. a lifetime resident iof this community (in this case more ... Paul Yanda have i than three quarters of a century), nu-ved from the upper apartment in observed his eighty-fourth birthday i gwen up K . -- # ! church but walks there on Sunday j ception of a short nine spent |and sometimes during the week. I Much-of her spare time is spent inj , reading. | "Aunt Nell" was bom on Irish in residence changes 34i. and Mrs. in Chicago that he was offered a part . in the touring company of "Life I With Father,"which he had to refuse I because he didn't want to neglect; pftUj Yancla Will Serve On his education. Alan hails from _ _ _ „ . Aurora, 111., where he is just another' County Red Cr088 Uommiltee kid who is incidentally a prodigy, j All his friends think there is nothing i The quarterly board meeting of the B^ri Bauer home south of Mc- anniversary on Saturday, Oct. 16. The iin<irr tA the former Cleary house on! cielebration of the memorable event, Waukegan street. M**." and M*n. I.eo i ho«*-«»vn'v «•«-<, h id tn.' oivv ons Su:i- , , „ Kerber and daughter. vVo have VH-' -V. when !.i=-oi^.t r il i-en. twertv^lhas lived on the fan i where h% now -- - - .... j t-.ventv- lakes his home with ns son, Leo, Route 14, two miles east Lake. Thursday, Oct. 21. on "Fractures of the Wrist aind Forearm." Dr. Kilbourne is appearing under the auspices of the scientific service compivv'ons Su:i-! nhic«gn has always 'resiled here. He i mittee of the Illinois State Medical ' Society at the request of Dr. J. H. Not only is Alan a TOteran stage f votes, cast in the November elec-1 Christmas gifts be mailed in the very actor but a radio actur as well; he | ^ u ,g expected that the board of, near future K oaLed"auditions with the Chicago ^ supervisors may have to create morej Holiday parcels should be mailed stations ThispagT'-ummer heap-' precincts inthecounty follow.ng thedurinfr the period of Oct. 15 and KaS wrth the Fort Dearborn Number election | Nov. 15 and preferably by Nov. 1, avers at the Eleventh street theatre ! to ° t' I? registered locally tjiey stated. It was pointed out that in A an was M ponular as follow8: McHenry 1, Ml; Mc-1 the y postoffice department cannot !" i Henry 2. 1.290; McHeary- 3, 1,231;! guarantee delivery of gifts destined! McHenry 4, 677. . jfor Japan, Korea or the islands of the Pacific unless they are in thej mail by Nov. 1. # { Christmas cards for army and air j force personnel serving overseas j should also be mailed prior to the, Nov. 15 deadline and all such cards out of the ordinary in being able to)the directors of the McHenry County n?ust sealed envelopes at first [memorize an entire script overnight; j Chapter of the Red Cross met, 100, c,aj?® ™t®** . . ---tinpntai I just like playing ball or makine | ner font Pttendance. last week at (?hf unitpd States must be .model planes; it's ail so simple. If j the Woodstock Country Club. The|h.m,ts..of the UnitPd States must ^be I you don't believe it, try. j county I If you want to see the tops in (pointed I entertainment visit the Woodstock work with mm on mann s «»»•;,. __ • «„ „ui„ __:QiQ oro --'• I Opera House Friday, Saturday or Sun,! emergency. Thev include Rex Wright! h^uor- pl«e. dav, and see this Teat child actor1 cf Fox River Grove. Don Still ot j warned by the postmasters to change; Mrs. George Worts will art as | with the Woodstock Players in the! Woodstock, Mrs. Lois Ashbrook of!then: Tnds.they W,U not bounty oracle for t ie evening, Mrs. ! hilarious comedy "Kiss and Tell." i Crystal Lake. Mrs. David Smiley of j ren A c,h sn th^n r lUt are RA freund as county recorder, i I Harvard Mrs Glavds Bowers of .Als0 on *he Proh,b'ted 'lst. "r,e Bfrs. George Lindsay as county DR. KILBOURNE SPEAKER Richmond, Paul Yanda of McHenry f'Syrettes and tobacco through APO s ch&nce\\0r and Mrs. George Kramer Dr. Burton C. Kilbourne, Chicago, and Henry Garlieb of Huntley. !ascounty flag bearer. will address the McHenry County! Receiving'considerable attention at! ^ .Ita^ y 13 an | Guest of honor at the convention Medical Society at Fiesta, located on the meeting was the water safety.0 imnnrittnr€t be Mrs. Margaret Gorman of " - - - nrocram of the oast season. A sur-' Officials stress the importance of Chicago,• member of the board of 'iMi Hi. MRS. MARGARET GORM by A. Worvlck, McHenrr GEORGE SCHEID c^airrnan, Fred Ferris, ^ | Wronger than gainers used for: ^ ^ , of jnstrttcUon, ^ at a personnel committee to I Parcels to be mailed 'withm the U. S., g 0'clock in the evening an irawith him on matters of I „_^°nLVitiation service will tsiie cated the Cleary house, have mow' • f"i'r . to the new Weingart home east seven gi-eat-^r nd^'H'pn wrv prest0wn. rt eriiov a pot-lucg dinner and ... ' , social alter noon in his honor. The NOTICE children are Mrs. Catherine Wichard , Property^owners and tenants using, of Fall Creek, Wis., Mrs. Laura Kencity water are notified that water • nebeck of Chicago, Joseph of North service will be interrupted during Chicago, Mathew of Solon Mills. Mrs. time fiecessary to clean standpipe, i Delia Freund and Leo »f McHenry, Friday October 29. I George of Wauconda and Mrs. Lillian 2S-2-fp CITY OF McHENRY. iLahoda of Mundelein. The celebration was held at the Lahoda home. Subasribi for lha Mj. ^J|eid was barn in this vicinity fo" th- -ist forty years. In 188^ h« was •learned to Miss Kathryn Gloss on of McHenry by Fr. Mehrine at St. John's church, Johnsburg. Had she lived, they would have celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary this year. Mr. Scheid is still quite active and is able to do some of the lighter wprk about the farm. He finds, great enjoyment in listening to the radio during his leisure time. Goodland., Harvard, secretary ot McHenry County Medical Society. SORORITY PLEDGE The Iota chapter of Alpha Phi announced the recent pledging, of Nancy Cristy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cristy of Ringwood. Nancy is a freshman at the University of Wisconsin and is majoring in journalisa. - Read the Want Ads needs throughout the county, includ ing the beaches and pools that may entertain active swimming programs. AWARD MEMBERSHIP .Having done satisfactory Holstein calf club work during 1947, Clarence Thelen of McHenry has been awarded a Certificate of Merit and granted a junior < membership in the Holstein- Friesian Association of American Brattleboro, Vt. He was recommended for these awards by the State 4-H dub leader. All privileges of the Association except voting have been given to him until lie is 21 years of age. plete addresses on the packages; i Neighbors of America. PRIZE SPANIEL I A very lovely picture arrived this) REPUBLICAN PROGRAM week from Mrs. Walter Manning, th^ j On Wednesday, Oct. 27. C*. Nell's former Miss Evelvn Mav. of Oak j Ballroom, Johnsburg. the Young Re- Park. The photo included the Man-, publican Club will sponsor a dance ning's two sons. John and Robert,'and program. Guest speaker will bo and their pet dog "Skipper." Recent-; Edward Holtxberg, president of the 1> the doc won, for the second year. Young Republican club of Illinois, a blue ribbon in the Springer Spaniel i Conn's Troubadors of Harvard will class at the Oak Park Playground j furnish the music for dancing. Foe pet show. He is 2 years old and is j invitations, contact your Republican liver and white in color. Tlie picture, precinct committeeman or Chadt should be popular as a magasine1 Miller, McHenry. cover, the attractive ahimal sitting •between t masters. his wgde eyed, aidoring Need Robber Staaapaf 0i4» flft The Plaindealer.