;;V j,' - ***- »• - - r r*f , :V "k? ^ , A *~ f II, wmm^mmmmrnsmmmmm r 1,1V i ^ 11 ^ • I THE HfHyMHW tmmmmnfeanaMM*** ~ fS-inrf. V^>. _ * " S', v- ' - > - • * v ; _ ^ ; *1 , I'xj-.i: # -M»« -m.**' *> •V* • t l l l l l l M I I imiimiiimii RINGWOOD MMH n I m n t n H I I II I*I IBf Mn> GMOM 8hw>TT TFCE Home Circle met at the hotae ef Mrs. George Shepard, Thursday. A one o'clock luncheon was served by Mr*. 'Louis Winp, Mrs. Crulckshank w«i Mrs. Shepard. In tbe afternoon a program in charge of Mrs. Collins was enjoyed. The plastic tablecloth was won by Mrs. E. Vogel. The November meeting will be at the none of* Mrs. Mitchell Kane. The W. 8. C. S. will meet with Mrs. Kenneth Cristy oiv Thursday* Oct. 21. The W. S. C. S. will hold Its bazaar and cafeteria supper In Mossy's hall, Thursday, Oct. 28. UMIC will be plenty of aprons and fancy mods for sale, also home made candy and a K'U GET FRESH CANDY rm from ©or • %HXTKAN*S Refrigerated Candy Departmeat & . fc Our Whitman's Refrigerated Candy Department Every Bex Of, These Delicious Confections Keeps i lis Richness and Tastineas the Way, Tea Want Them - Freeh. BOLGER'S •A WA A WA A VA AV VA VA VA AV VA vA fish pond for the children. Cease and bring your Mends. The new lingMfod Home Bureau Unit wm meet wtth Mrs. Mitchell Kane, Friday, Oct. 22. The ^Toung Adult group ^njoyed a pot-luck dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington, Sunday. In the afternoon the men worked on the church lawn, raking and burning grass and getting ready to gravel the parking lot. Installation of new Legion Auxiliary officers of Wonder Lake was held in Muxzy's hall on Friday eve* ning. This was open installation. Mrs. Alta Schmeidling of Richmond was guest speaker. Her subject was "Child Welfare?" Bie Youth Fellowship group met at the home of Jade Pearson Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldson enter* taiaed at a familv party Sunday honoring the seventh birthday anni- •entary of their daughter Carol. A oot-luck dinner was served at noon. These to make up the group were. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dimon and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Larson and daughter, Sandra. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nottoli of Fox Lake, Mrs. C. Linassi .Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Marchi, Miss Elaine Linassi, Mrs. B. Carr. and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Linbald of Chicago artd Edward Klein o* New Jerwy wer* Sunday guests in J^rmhopff. Mrs. Perry of Algonquin spent the past week with hef mother, Mrs. MaHi> Wegner. «• .- Mrs. Louis Hawley Was a Chicago visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Haberline and Mrs. Wm. Heine of Chicago spent Thursday in the George Shepard home and attended Home Circle. Miss Virginia Jepson, R.. N., of Hines hospital visited her mother, Mrs. Rose Jepson, Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy was a caller in Elgin Wednesday. Mrs. George Shepard spent Tueseday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alan Ainger, and family at Hebron. Mrs. Frank Dix and son, Donald, of Salem. Wis., were callers in the Ro" Neal home Saturday, afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington returned home Friday evening from a month's visit with their son. Davis, and familv at Phoenix, Aria. Miss Marion Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with her mother,, Mrs. Lena Peet. * Mrs. Mae Harrison is very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Glen Treon. at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Genevieve Dodge and son, fib. of Woodstock were callers in the George Shepard home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Normnn and of Ev«nston spent 'Sunday nt their home here. Mr. and Mrs Geo^«?e T?acon of Aft.ioch wer* visitors Wrp Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oliver of Ports- GRAND OPENING 2nd, 16-play winter season COUNTY THULTB* GUILD presenting -- stock Players in "KISS AND TELL" FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY OCTOBER 22 23 - 24 Opera House, Woodstock Curtain time 8:30 p. m. -- Tickets 55c, 90c, $1.20, $1.80 tax incl Seats May Be Reserved v BOX OFFICE PHONE 1290 Open Tnes. - Wed. • Thnrs. 12:30 - 5:30 - Fri. - Sat. - Sun. to 9:00 p m. SAVE 20% -- BUY A SEASON TICKET 16 admissions $1.20 seats $16.00 or performances $1.80 seats $24.00 NEXT WEEK "FAMILY UPSTAIRS" Fri. - Sat. - Son., Oct. 29 - 30 - 31 mouth, Va., and Howard Sark of Kenosha spent Saturday with Mrs. Nellie Blackautn. Mrs. Wm. Laurence of McHenry and Mrs. Anna Tenyan of Fox Lake called on Mrs. Jennie Bacon, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and son, Bill, of Waukegan spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pagni entertained members of their riding cluh at their home Saturday evening. Those to make up the happy group were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E iuis of lit. Pros•ppeecett,, Mr. and Mrs.' Izard of: with Mr. and Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Friedman of Glenooe, Mr. and Mrs. John Dobrey, Marian Cole, 'Lois Johnson and Laures Krist of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. 8am Desmoin of Benaaim spent Monday with Mrs. Nellie Blade man. Jack Brennan of EHchorn rpent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, JrM home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kane, Sr., of Mundelien spent Sunday evening in the heme of their son, Mitchell Kane, and family. Mn. Fred Jackson and daughter, 8heila, of Maine are visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. . ; Mr. and Mrs. John Blaekman, Jr., of Antioch spent Saturday evening with his mother, Mrs. NeUie Black- B. T. Butler, Mm. Andrew Hawiey. Mrs. Albert Oonk, Wayne Foss, Wetdon Andreas and F. N. Muxxv attended a teachers' meeting at Aurora Friday. Mrs. Ed Bauer and daughters, Lu *nn ard Joan, and son, Marvin, andj Miss Georgia Sehmitt spent Sunday; at Mundelein. Mrs. Irving Becker of Milan, Wis. I is spending a week visiting her| sisters, Mrs. John Hogan and Mrs. j Alan Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman and i family of Belvidere spent Sunday in | the John Hogan home. ! Mr. end Mrs. Ralph Clay and1 Maxine and Mrs. David Porter of j Rock ford spent Tuesday with their: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. Mrs. Ed Bauer called on Mrs. Fred i Walters at Woodstock, Friday after-. noon. I Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wagner of, Walworth S|K»nt Sunday evening in the John Hogan home. Miss Annabel WaflpfH^wi* ha* t«* ^Siting in the! Hogan home, returned home with them. . ] Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Churchill andj Mr. and Mrs. George Churchill andj family of Grayslake were callers in! the Clayton Harrison home Sunday afternoon, .. ^ > ! Mr." and Mrs. Charles Stevens of Milwaukee and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pstise and family ef Barrington spent Sunday with Mrs. Agnes j Jenclcs. ! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Caldwell of Waukesha, Wis., spent Sunday W- h FILK8 SUIT Rose Petrosky filed suit in circuit court last week against Atlantic and Pacific Tea compftay. asking damages for personal injuries of $6,000. She alleges as the result of soap powder being spilled on the floor of the A. and P. store in Woodstock that she slipped and fell while in the store shopping, causing injuries for which she aafcs the damage. Kenneth Cristy. Miss Audrey Merchant, R. N„ of Elgin spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet and Mr. and MA Bern Font and sons spent Sunday in the Ralph Clay home at Rock*' ford. Vita mil gfcetsey .Rumen of the cow is really t vitamin factory. Bacteria in the rumen work on the often low-vitamin feeds and manufacture B-complex vitamins. Mrs. Anna^ Phalin left last week for Chicago, where she will visit friends _ prior to her, return to her home in Thorsby, Ala. | Mrs. Carl Courier and Weston pnd Mary Lou, «f Marengo visited relatives in MtBiH on Tuesday. •^«r •i&siiX Protection against IgMning for Bveetodc can be provided by eieund* tag wirs (Uncee every MS yards. Metal poets plaeed at hM three feet la they are adequately xwtOe. The prtadpel >te eve, used largely of titanium pig. and Norway, hut were cut eft 4*r> the whr the 1MT and 1M7 ef the titanium pig. ef the UMted. ttatae three and « half times, yet nt .of the Mhovt^ge In the ef the pigment la net In sight mtaed ln New Toek, Vir. North <V«tna »^ the «me ef Pled**.' CLARENCE'S SHOP . SELECT YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOWI Barnyard sets, garages, doll houses, table »eU. writing desks, toy chests, kitchen cabinets, ironing bwds, etc. ' Full Une of lawn furnitm*. , Men's and ladies' leather b&s MW WTolds, #Mh baskets, market baskets, etc. I CLARENCE SMITH tA McHesiT MS-J-1 Jakataf, SL ' '>;tp m. W: * >r '•! 4 -rj i',' - rOR SALE 1 One MoCormick Deering * All Steel, 4A, Corn Shredder Nearly New Priced for quick safe \ E. A. LUSK Yotr McCormiok Deering Dealer Phone 3821 ^ LAKE ZURICH, ILL. Select yours eariy from our flnest assortment since p r e - w i r d a y s . • • Beantifnl^scenlc bard*. Cheery b^Udihy greetings -- Special family cards >a well as attractive o • f«r individual members. N Make your choice now from our reasonably priced selection. The McHenry Plaindealer McHenry, III Our Policy on PONTIM Deliveries and Prices •I Despite the (act that Poptiac has bc«t tmr a half- ate among the many people who feel that Pondae million cars since the resumption of production after represents an outstanding ralue--and wish to order the war, demand still exceeds supply. In the face of this a Pontiac for future delivery--you will be interested production record, those who place orders now in the following policy on retail distribution which will still experience some delay Ja delivery. If you we, as Pontiac dealers, will observe: Wl WANf^rOUR ORDER And die sooner you place it, the sooner you will gat , delivery. So if you want a Pontiac, order it now. WE WILL ESTIMATE DELIVERY DATE Due to conditions beyond our control, we cannot give you an exact date of delivery. But based on anticipated future shipments from the factory, we will, when you place your order, give you an honest estimate of when you may expect yoor car. Such estimates will he reviewed any time on request. ORDERS FILLED BY PRIORITY A definite proportion of the cars we receive from the factory is set aside for preferential delivery to users whose work is in the public welfare and to others with certain occupational requirements. Otherwise, «U •rJtrs will be filled em tbe basis ef tbe time wbem tbey are received. YOU PAY FACTORY-SUGGESTED PRICE Due to changing economic conditions, we cannot, when you place your order, tell you exactly bow much the car will cost when delivered in the future. But, at the time of delivery you will be charged only the factory suggested price on your model-- which will be shnwn in a published list of local prices. YOU SPECIFY ACCESSORIES While most of our customers order their cars equipped with accessories, we do not Jerce accessories as a condition of sale. Yon specify what accessories you want when ordering your car, and these are the ones (and the only ones) it will carry when delivered. Some items may be lacking due to current shortages; but mm will be mdded. REGARDING TRADE-INS Naturally, if you have a car to trade, we would like to have it in order to take care of our regular used car customers. Our appraisals are fair, based on current conditions. But if you do not have a car to turn in, we still want your order and will accept it for delivery based oa the conditions out* lined above. ~ ~ The Dome Restaurant and Lounge Konte 176 -- Iilftnd Ltln PHONE WAUCONDA 4234 COMPLETE DINNERS SPECIAL FRIDAYS Complete 8-course fish djfnner • M't UNCLE LOUIE, Prop. |iace this is oar "home town", our business and its irtute is based on our good relations with -the people |f this community. We are most happy that so many here--as all over tbe country--have made iheir number one choice as a aew car. Nothing pleases us more than to turn over the keys of a new Pontiac to one of the many people whose orders we have, because we know they have chosen well--r for Pontiac is slweyt m thoroughly good car, smd m tberemgbly good omhte, this year, next year, smy year. PONTIAC RBTAHL DELIVERED PRICES IN McHENBY Torpedo Models tcyt. • eiL I Streamliner Models Cmmpm • • < Cmsjm :•# w tCyl. scigp: m $1543 $1591 m 1595 1642 • U1684 1738 • 1826 • 1657 170|l m 1747 1794 f 4684 1732 1774 182| *• -f'bm 2118 a * »CjrL $1792 1811 1772 SGirl* 2413 4859 1820 1909 SMI The faregetef are facteryeaffteated local Jellvtiai pricte far eaek ef the IS aidtli available. Accessaries, spllonal aealpmeat. Ifccuae. St*te and iecal tixta--extra. Pric<* are auhject te chiatt wltheut aetfae. TTANDAMD WQvtMlmNT 4 m Ifass (he, w|w i ; deal tail kufii dasl hocaa; Sal ana «awi D0 LUXE EQUIPMENT iortrndtt, im tHHitm to obooot ; decsric deck; dnae hoot hda • ' "fr It I. OVERTON MOTOR SALEJS 403 FRONT STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS - ,W>.- v.1-