•ditasjAdeleFroehlteh fatind as second-class matter at the puatoffice at McHenry, I1L, trader 5a act May 8. 1878 Tear .$8.60 M' (DnORIAL. SSOCIATIOI ed wedding Anniversary Bondi; of I)m msstiag wiH be Mw. H>Ua Mauch, fbinui urirtel by Mrs. Helen Thorns, Mia* Mary Kianey, Mias Frances Bauer, Miss Margaret Blake and Mrs. Ann FeF V*'MT W . S C . 8. To Ha rtrr T.srlr Luncheon •vw. • •* Members of the W. 8. C. 8^ will meet at the Methodist chnrch at 1 o'clock on Thursday, Nov. 18, for a pot-luek luncheon, with Circle 4 in charge. An American Flag will be presented to Lone Scout Troop No. 2. Itnrrtow Oaa» Plant Card Party Riverview Camp, R. N. A., will hold , an early meeting on Tuesday evening, •Nov. 16. The 7:30 o'clock meeting will be followed by a'card party in the K. of C. hall. « * • « • ' Shower Honors ; Gladys Ekholn Thirty guests were present laatSan- ! day afternoon at a personal shower Mr. and Mrs. Harold StefTan of Me.jheid at the home of Mrs. John R Justen Iftenry observed their Redding artm- honoring her daughter, Mrs. Gladys Ek^ 'tmary last Sunday, Nov. 7, by enjoy holm, of Elgin. Mrs. Emma Leisser of lag dinner in Chicago, followed bv danc I McHenry was co hostess. Games protig at the Aragon ballroom. Thheeyy were vided entertainment for the guests. belped in their celebration by Mr. sad Mrs. George Krickl. FtaMie Reminded Of Card Party f---••-j'-•'..• •• The public iT remlhlM' Mrs. Miller Hostess ' At Ptnk and Bine Skewer . Mrs. Eugene Miller was hostess to twenty-four relatives and friends at pink and blue shower held at her tie cake walk and ea^ partv which J J--^ on Waukegan street last week the mothers of the Cherry Valley school 'or M™- Jerome Miller !L«i. «,<, nionninv for Fridav evenina ' J?ro™ ™.cago, Fox River Grove i pi)? are planning for Friday evening*' Z. 12, at 8 o'clock st the school.; and McHenry to enjoy buneo. folfcwed ere is no sdmission charge. i ^ the of lnnchltlitcirt »lno<l Banco dab Mrs. Nick W' Freund «n*«¥lalned Lutheran Ladies' Bazaar On Nor. 19 The Lutheran Ladies' Aid will sponsor its annual fall bazaar and festival Tfcp IfffMt ' Data ' By IULALH WEEKS HY was ahc on this train? Why FktiM pembers of her bunco club at her l^me ,at ^ chureh ^ next Frid Nov> m Waukegan street last Thursday ; There ^ be an attractive dia. afternoon. winners were . j Qf fanrv work and numerous other Oscar Berg and Hrs. e" er , " -litems suitable for Christmas gifts. The nest meeting will be at the howsof j,«,« win b in at 10 oVlock in the Mrs. Viola Low in Ringwood on Dec. «.an SJ, when the chib will hold a Christmas party. morning and will continue until 8:30 at night. Refreshments will be served throughout the day. Bhcwer Honored Bride of Today Miss Catherine Nye was guest of honor at a pre-nuptial shower held sit: meetjng on Friday afternoon in the tie Walter Carey home last Sunday Legion hall Mrs; Harold P. Dunton afternoon, with Miss Nancy Carey as|0j Wheaton, head of the eleventh dishostess. Games provided entertainment, j trict of Illinois Federation of Women's after which a tasty lunch was served. I ciui,8> wj]j j>e guest speaker during the Attending were Mesdame6 • Ercell, hudiness portion of the meeting. Mrs. Biehardson, Jean Reed, Phyllis Rasmus- pjarence ^nglese will present a book sen, Marie Huntington, Grace Stilling, review and a girl*' sextet will offer Bernice Diedriea and Louise Sehu- numbers. Mrs. Roy ArfM - •tacher and the Misses Helen Weiser, Nancy Rudin, Leoda McCarthy, Catherine Schwerman, Eileen Smith, Phyllis Bolger, Joan Weber/Joan Durland and Sally Mary Nye. , was sha taking this trip that was bound to end In heartbraak? "The scenery in this part of the country Is lovely, isn't it?" Sheila turned to the little person beside her. Certainly there was nothing outstanding about her companion, except pel haps a pleasant expression. Sheila was surprised to tiear herself asking*.: "Do you like travelling by train?" "Oh, yes, replied the. woman. "1 like watching the outside and the inside both. People are all so wonderful." . Suddenly Sheila felt like keeping the conversation going. "I bet you know a lot about people?" "I like to ihink I do. I guess about them and wonder where they are going and why." "Where do you think I'm going, then, and why?" "I'm not sure. At first I thought you were going home to visit your folks for the week-end but you're net happy enough for that. I do think, though, that you're going some place that has some connection with your home." "Why do" you think that, Mrs., er . . I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude!*' "My name isn't Mrs. It's Miss Dolly James. Eves? one calls me j Miss Dolly." "Oh," continued Miss Dolly. "I | know you're familiar with this countwo numbers. Mrs. Roy Miller chairman of the social committee. • * • Fox River Valley Camp Card Party ' Fox River Valley <?amp, R. N. AM held a public card party last Friday evening in the Legion hall, with most members and manv friends in nttend- C. D. Of A. Plans Tm Installation Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 878/ Cstho- anee. Prizes in cards were merited by Hie Daughters of America, held a most; Mrs. Jerome Bueli. Mrs. Christina Blake. Mrs. Fred Bienapfl and Mrs. Eleanor Foley, and" in bunco by Mrs. William Hagberg snd Mrs. Helen afceeessful party on Thursday evening of last week at St. Mary's-St. Patrick's kal^ with a good erowd present. Several prise* were given away, with a special 1 Hartb. Special awards were given award going to Mrs. Harold Phalin. ' to Mrs. Holgar Pedersen,_ Mrs, Hairiet Chairman Mrs. Elsie Winkel and her Fasse and Mrs. Lillian MHI& --mittee received the eoagratulstioas •f all who attended. Oirl Scout On Thursday evening, Nov. 18, at the Leaders Meet -H. of C. hall, at 8 o'clock, initiation of j The McHer.ry Girl Scout Leaders' •ew members will take place. Mrs.] club met this week Tuesday morning Bthel Ronaa? district deputy, of Elgin, j for breakfast at the V. F. W. clubhouse, will be present. The committee in jit was disclosed that there' are a charge <tf refreshments after the busi-! limited number of openings in the ' ^ s e n i o r S c o u t g r o u p ( g i r l s o f h i g h s c h o o l age), and no openings at present in the younger age troops.. However, a waiting list is being kept and those who wish to have their names placed on |hese lists may contaet Mrs. Jeannette ranee, Phone 51-J. Mrs. Elbert Buch, Mrs. A. J. Wirt* and Mrs. George Stilling were in charge 3>| Tuesday's meetiag. The nert wiH USUI! 4be held on Dee. 7. ^ ----^ Etttnt PLASTIC Mrs. Boy Miller »<'"ir.^T1r„y0a "eT ?'"nce b,ck or ahead. You seem to know everything that's coming next." "That's right. I've made this trip to Ganesville pretty often but not very lately. There's no one there for me to visit any-more." "I'm sorry." The sympathy in Miss Dolly's voice seemed to be all Sheila needed. "Four years ago today I said good* bye to Dannie Ross on the little platform at Ganesville. Dannie had things figured out pretty well. He didn't think he had any right to tell me how he felt about me then but he said that if he ever came back and I wanted to hear how he felt, he'd meet me on that same platform in four years' tiThe and tell me." "So you're going to meet him?" "I'm going to Ganesville." "Didn't he come back?" was the, soft inquiry. "Yes, he came back, Miss Dolly." "I'm afraid I don'f understand." "Well, it's simple, really. Dannie came back and the very sight of him thrilled me so that 1 was on top of the world hut Dan said, b* thought 1 had chaoced a tafc He said I wai sophlstiefftfd Ittd^tfti&ed and he paid me lota of love^f oomptiments but he never one* mentioned the subject we had discussed." "He likes the city?" "He never used to. He always said he wanted to corpy hack and by ker daaf A very pretty autumn wedding was seleaualed at St. Peter's eknreh in Volo at 9:80 o'clock last Saturday morning, Nov. 6, Bev. George L. Bohark officiating. Uaitod in msftiage were Miaa Mary Att feagner, daagbter of Mr. and Mrs. Lao Begner of Lily Lake, and Mr. Frank Mas% son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mass of Woodstock. The attractive dark haired bride chose • satin gown, with net yoke, 'rad mmmed in lace. Hsr headpiece eoaslsted of pearl orange Irfofaoma with blue centers and her long Veil ended in four large lace hearts. 8he wore as her only jewelry a rhinestone necklace, a gift of the groom.< Miss Theresa Regner acted as her. sister's maid of honor, attired in an aqua-eolored taffeta gown with matching headpiece and carried a boiyjuet of white and bronze mums. Bridesmaids were Luella Obenauf and Cathie Wagner, friends of the bride, and Lucille Begner, her cousin. They wore gowns, styled similarly, in dark rose, dusty rose and aqua respectively. They had matching headpieces and carried bouquets of white and bronze pom poms. All wore rhinestone bracelets, gifts of the bride. Alferd Begner, b&ther of the bride served- as best man, and LeBoy Fitzgerald and Bay Spizzirri, friends, were groomsmen. Little Carol Ann Diedrich was the lovely flower girl, wearing a blue taffela gown, trimmed with net, and tives and friends. Mr. and Mn. Harold Phanneastill and daughter, Terry, of Kenosha, Wis. ^ i&tffi1 Barttian, accompanied Mrs. Ifayue Conley, fornia, will remain with her mother. They are making their .home east of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson waited for the election returns before closing their home ih Oakhurst for the winter. Tbey are at present en route to their home in Dade • City, Fla. a leisurely trip was planned with* stop-overs in Kentucky and Alabama. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Diedrich and Jfra. Jacob Bickler visited Carl Bick- \ | ler at the Presbyterian hospital in Chic-< ago on Suuday. Mr. and Mrs. John Reed and Mrs. Mary Dibler _ of Woodstock spent Sunday visiting in the E. H. Nickels home. Mr. and Mrs. Alfonse Diedrich and children of Chicago spent a few days last week with hill mother, Mrs. Jacob Diedrich. Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thill, and family of Aurora. Robert Frisby and daughter, Lenore, visitor in Waukegan on Sunday. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Frisby, who had spent a frflr days with relared roses in her hair. She earried a basket Of red .roses. The bride's mother c|iose a Paris blue rayon crepe dress and a gardenia corsage. Mrs. Mass wore a green erepe dress and a similar sorsage. Fifty guests enjoyed dinner at St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school hall, McHenry, following the service, and in the afternoon and evening, a reception was held there for about 200 guests, with music and dancing at night. The bride received her education at St. Peter's school, Volo, and has been Mr. and Mrs, Robert Kralowet* and daughter, Karen, Kathyrn and Thomas McLaughlin spent Sunday in the O. C. Murray home in Geneva, where they helped Mrs. Murray celebrate her birthday anniversary. Others present Were Mrs. C. G. Frett and Mrs. Brickell of Aurora and Mrs. E. J. Murray of Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zimmerman and sons, Gerard and Frank, were weekend guests of Chicago relatives. Mrn. Nick M. Justen and daughter Dorothy, Mrs. Carl Martin and Mrs employed at home. The groom attended: Ben Justen were Evanhton visitorn St. Alphonsus parochial elementary and high school in Chicago and now farms near Woodstock. After a short honeymoon trip, the newlyweds will make their home at Woodstock. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES Have you driven past 604 Center street latelyf At last there is activity there and we hope in the near future to have a building on the foundation. This is one of the first steps in our new parsonage project. We owe our thanks to Dr. Smith and all the others who have been pushing the project along. Last Thursday evening representatives from the different communities in ycHenry county met at the court house in Woodstock, for a meeting to organizo the eounty drive for C. R. O. P. Those who are acquainted with the Abraham Lincoln Food Train of last year already know about this organisation. CBOP as the Christian Rural Overseas on Friday Mias Marie Nickels left Thursday for New York City, where she will visit ri-iatives for a few weeks. Mrs. George Thall of Chicago is spending some time visiting in the Wallace Dobyns home. The Harold Phalin family and Mrs. Mollie Givens were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mn. Harry Lawrence in Park Ridge. Miss Virginia Williams, R. N., of Hines hospital, Maywood, spent a few days the first of the week with her parents, the Jo«?ap'n Williams. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Thompson of Wonder Lake left Wednesday for California, and a week later wili leave for a several months' stay in Honolulu. Mrs. Wiliam Bockman, Sr.. and daughter, Dorothy, Miss Joyce Huska of McCullom Lake and Miss Catherine Wilson of Marengo saw "Brigadoon" at the Scheubert theatre in Chieago one recent evening. Mrs. Sue Adams has returned home YesI. Bank* am snaking sound business loans for all productive purpomi. * n Eyery loan that helps to increase the supply of needed goods and services helps to stabilize prices. We welcome applications for loans of this type. If you want credit lor this purpose, call at our bank and teU us your needs, McHENRY STATE BANK ;.v Member Federal Eesenre Systemw, bleaker Federal Denoait Inaaracee Corporation m 11 n n i u m i Hiit ii i h 1111.|. 1118i nun m i i i i n Sunday visiting her mother, Mrs. Jack • la., last Sunday. Enroute home they Walsh. called on Rev. Clarence J. Thennes at 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Altaian^ and family arrived Saturday evening from their home in Pontiac, Mich., for a visit with her parents, Mr." and Mrs. James Sayler. They are enroute to their new home in Toledo, Ohio. his parish in Warren, I1L OOMnro EVENTS November 12 Legion Auxiliary Meeting - ship Night--Legion Hall. November 16 Mr. and Mrs. William Saul and son, i MotUe-s Club--Legion Hall. Billy, of Chicago visited in the home. of i Cake Wa,k a,,d Cfcrry her parents, the C. H. Bomeisers, on j _ Valley School. Sunday. Miss Nancy Carey, student nurse at St. Francis hospital, Evanston, was a'-o * *«• 10 jweekend visitor »t hor £?reft?r M«etin« Hard Tirae Party. Riverview Camp, R.N.A., Meeting and Card Party--K. of C. Hall. 'November 18 Fall Festival--Just For Fun Roller® from Hot Springs, Ark., where she had Program is known is a project spon- i been undergoing treatment. She was sored by Catholic Rural Life. Church 'Met in .Chicago by Mrs. Michael Schae- World Service, Inc., and Lutheran | fw» of Crystal Lake, who had just World Relief, Inc. Their task is to get, »™ived home from California, where together a trainjo^ft, of foid ~ weekend at her home here. Mrs. Doyne Hoover of Indiana spent ! a few days last week with her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey are en-1 joying a trip to California. ! Rink--Sponsored by Mothers Club. Miss Theresa Mergen of Cook County] C. D. of'A.--Reception of New Canhospital, Chicago visited at her Mc-; didates. Henry home last weekend. W. S. C. 8. -- Pot-Luck Luncheon-- Mrs. N. J. Justen has returned from' Methodist Church HalL a week spent wita relatives in Edison Party Night at Downey Hospital. Park. November 19 Clarence Whiting of Elgin visited Christmas Sale--Zion Lutheran McHenry relatives on Sunday. December 2 Mrs. Catherine Murray is visiting Bunco Club--'-Mrs. Viola Low. her sister-in4awy Mrs. Kathrvn L. i Dwmber 5 Freund. " P. T. A. Christmas Pai<;y.V1' f Mrs. John Molidor of Mundelein, was I December 7 tnir.* t a visitor in the home of John Scheid Girl 8eout Leaders Club Meetings and daughter, Rena, on Monday. Among out of town guests at the Regner-Mass wedding; last Qaturday were Mr. and Mrsi.. SSabm Harbst, Mr.c ^ , and Mrs. Joseph Harbst, Mr. and Mrs. for the!"be visited her daughter, Loretta, a|jaCob Regner and Eugene Novak, a» folk of fo; from the at1 11)Anf filin hIsa «mniln ilt1 m ^ -m Mppfe of Uli _ Although this UK church project, the service ehibs,Ahe estensioa department of tke 'University, the Farm atid Home Bnfeanav F. F. A. ifnd other organisations have joined in this worthy task. _ . A goal for tthhee ecoeaannfftj#f of three carloads | illiam Smith of Chicago of prepared milk afa Deoember 12 High School Choral Concert--Sfkfol Auditorium. . ' NTB-BOIAEB NUPTIALS ^ Miss Katherine Nye, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nye, and Thomas F. . 0 . . r --i --- Bolger, son of Rep. Thomas A. Bolger^ whoin Miss Schaefer was married re- j Charles, and Mrs. Albert Miller of both of McHenry, were married this cently. >/ Rockford were Sunday guests in, tliej (Thursday) morning at St. Mary's Mrs. Howi|rd Phalin of Wilmette Elmer Winkleman home. c.hurch. Complete details concerning visited in the John Phalin home on, Robert Sutton of Chicago spent 8un-! the wedding will appear in next week's Niay with McHenry relatives. j issue of the Plaindealer. was a | Mrs. Ambrose Schaefer, Mrs. George i medical student. She also made the j 0f Chicago. acquaintance of her new son in-law, to j_ Mr. and Mrs. Joel fcerquist and son, i Ibtkm Otab •* aBDD8t#8SW'" The usual lovely pri|idl "'tiie een spon THE MBK COLD WAVt MoeSt,iitt Regular KM, tim Mtmtk curlers . |ber curisn At Party . party McHenry Mothers club has t>« goring each fall as a get-acquainted Social evening for local school faculties, ' toeir families and members of 'the Mothers ehib- and their families, took plaee last week. An appetising potluck dinner was served at 0:30 o'clock on Nov. 2, after which eards were enjoyed, with very beautiful prizes awarded the winners. ® *, The committee in charge included Mrs. Ota Gygi, chairman; Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. Ruth Barger, Mrs. Keith Foster, Mrs. Norman Eggert, Mrs. Lee Gladstone, Mrs. William Ensweiler, •Mrs. .William Green, Mrs. William ^teai* and Mrs. Mable French. ' MlfrimMmtm MABBIBD MOT. • Mrs. Ellen Stickanf and Stanley iKolodziej, both of Lily Lake, were "married ih a quiet nuptial service I solemnized at St. Patrick's eknreh. on Monday, Nov, 8. ^ I Free Speech tai 17ft bolger s Drug Store: |,H0NB " - «.McHEN"T' ,LLi^I^XS,dbtSSnSi ^ ,m • i'iiigir •' repealed, un/' ICE CREAM FLAVORS FOR NOVEMBER , CHOCOLATE CHIP TOASTED HAZELNlJf41 - ' VANILLA CHOCOLATE- ? r- • ^ - MINT ' BUTTER PECAN BOLGER'S DRUG STOR^E PHONE 40 - : ' -• V rvvsH MoHENRY given as the goat accepted during Thanksgiving week. CBOP asks your sunpott. At our morning' jjfcwhip service Sunday, Miss Nane/? Batftn sang the lovely solo "A Ore# OMtedral." The Ch^gjiit Choir, wi^l ^iailAa^eeping Sun day find we ho#| thjp aB the parents wiu^^mke tlieiiraapor hy-keiag at the seryise/ The choir#*ave been doing a line job and the Jireetors .are to be ftcon^tulated. ~ • ^.WOrd has just ^M^fllpiilved that Urv Barbara JoiaKS^plSaid Park is. very ill at IfiMti^Hppnal hospi l^-Cl^eaco. pray for one of corn was weekend visitor in the Clarence Martin, Worts and Mrs. Louis Stoffel visited I Complete of Lee*l Donations will be ho™®* - j the letter's daughter, Mrs. Roland Ek- remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- Miss Joan Beihansperger spent the | strom, in Elgin on Tuesday afternoon. | Henry. Wf weekend with friends in Oak Park. i ' Mr. and Mrs. John Freund and Mr. . . . - - . M.r.. a.nd M. rs. Geor»g e Miller an-dI |»an»d» Mrs. EEuuggeennee FFrreeuunndd a«n»du swoinu,! Buuuyj vt»o»u'r -Christmas Cards at tke family of Chicago spent Saturday and visited Sister M. Victricia at Dubuque,. Plai.idealer. "Dm, ek, Daa! own hla own shop and raise a fam- Uy In the country." ' • niigpened upoi But you dont want to wj,moreV\ pjgadealer an •Of course 1 dot fm the #»me* fnt. Sears of girl inaide that he left four yeprs duct the high ago. I want the things now that we both wanted then hut he ddean'i seem to want to find that out."* "Yet you're taking this trto today?" vr "1 Just had But it*« no use." • » "What makes you think It's no use? Don't you believe kgD be here to see if you have changed or not?*' '1 did until last night. We were all at a party and 1 kept listening for him to drop some hint about out secret date for tod*y but right ill front of me I heerd him malts a date to play golf thia afternoon:** 'You'd better powder that sow ot yours We're nearly to Ganes ville." The tapping at the window atp- epted her and as (fee train, atoned slowly to move, she could main out Mies Dolly's worda: » "He had to be sure! He tad to be sure!" Sheila's puzzled thoughts about the little lady** last words were Interrupted. Two strong arms enfolded her "Dan, oh. Danl How couid you?" "Sheila, dearest," she heard him say. "I had to be sure I h*d to be A. few Sebaettgen ned _ Hybrid Can From 20 to 30 man-hours are required to ddassd one acre of hybrid seed corn. As long as the whole tassel can be removed without removing more than one leaf, there is very little danger to the plant. The tassel should be developed sufficiently to permit' removal of the whole tassel rather than the tip of the branches. Buy your Christmas Cards at Plaindcaleri - --•; ., ; the Marie Subdivision i the fact that to con-| this year, husband 11 be with department thi<< f Now we can a little, of t ie e spent, at their Slit nl>d wf can inand 'the Frisbies who "Oh, sjie exe] "You're friend Mr. Dukor's year. tsn'<t th return a to the lovely 'evenings home not so long aid cU>de the Smitbs were there that, same evening. I'm sure they would like -Very much to meet Mr. Sears." ,t .That's a swell' Idea," said Mr. ifcaMttgen. "Shall I ask Mr. Sears and, kfi Wife for next Sunday f" He he did! And Mrs. Schaettgen SMTShe* ears are still burning because Wj|en .She "re read the item she noticed tnf it appeared in the "Twenty Five T«ui Ago" coloma. Mrs. Rchaettgen tells this one ort herself and suggests that we institute a column entitled, "Aren't People Dumb!" . V M .i •> CARD OF THANKS In this manner I wish to thank the many kind friends who sent me cards flowers and gifts during the time I wa« confined to the hospital: also those who visited mc during my illness. . -- fm f, EDITH HEDSTROM CABD OF THAHS8 I would like in this way to express my sincere thanks to friends for cards visits and other remembrances during my recent illness. They w*re very mush appreciated. 28 J08IE'LAW80N. 8tUVness in Pigs x- Stiffness in pigs that are not aick is usually due to a nutritional deficiency, chiefly calcium, and occurs among swine that are fed almost entirely on grain. Grains j are low in calcium even though they contain plenty of phosphorous. Feeding a supplement to give, hogs a balanced diet will usually over* come this trouble, and a good supplement can also save grain for the hog raiscry -- zttt."."-- IS READY FOR HRISTM bayill mm DRESSER SETS A stunning addition to any woman's boudoir Sll to 139.75 p DIAM SOLITAIRE glorious diamonds 4p£ |gold mounting 181 Scheatfer and Parker P«n« and Cosipanion PencttiT { * ferom 19-95 to $36 1^47 ftbger Bros. Silverplate SILVERPLATED BABY CUP W4.75 ;^rn Mtrnf Terms America's finest tilverplalU ^4^# Handsomely silverplated cup for baby's m i n a T f a y ]MAO use Our Obrlstmas ;jst Terms at Mo Extra Cost i.. m m •it