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'• '.,>•% • *ML4*?*b * •„• • > . .|f«'f' o ••-_*•&. -X McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1948 Md.sr mmmmM TOLD ;*s ef Interest Tkkea the Ffle. of the •til 'ITWBHTT- ITVB TEAKS AGO »nr TSAB8 in this city ander the name of the Me- j "will be glad to welcome^ old mad mew Henry Sales 4 8erviee company, have {frienda. closed their eAablishment. i MeHeary ia to have another shoe repair shop and will be opened by A. Gritwnacher in his building on. Elm street acquired sometime ago from Mr. and Mrs. John J. Barbian. 80 far as concerns the east section of If a boy wants to be spider-legged and weak-kneed, if he wants to be short winded and sunken chested, if he route * 20 " no^ . under "conltraTtion "w |wants to be thin jawed and dead on his tween this city and Volo, there will i feet.if he wants to develop into a scrnb be no more cement construction "this ; that no business man cares to employ, fall, and of the men employed on the ce-' let him be a cigarette fiend. ! wnt gang having been laid off for the i There is some talk among, the young winter. j athletes of McHenry to form a basket j^Sarl Monear and George Phalin. who} The Agatha Shop is now settled in'ball team liere. ,ve been conducting a garaga bllim it* new quarters on Green street and The west end of the mill, pond in the vicinity of Borden's ice house is being dredged from its weeds this week. • George Meyers is doing the work. | The West McHenry 8tate bank and the Bank of MeHeary have installed j adding machines. They are both of the ! Burrough make and of the very latest I type. FIFTY YBAM AGO POULTRY a AT MILLER'S CORNERS 2 miles JBart Richmond on Et 173 OA TUESDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 23 .* 0 \ MB5SED fTTItfcEYS, DUCKS AND OCTSE Come and get your Thanksgiving dinner GET FRESH CANDY EVERY TIME 1 frwn our WHITMAN'S % Refrigerated Cand^ Department A. Wegener, the west side harnsMl maker, has closed his shop here and moved to Cary where he will open.a shop. TTie store building occupied by A. P. ' Bier, West McHenry, is receiving a cost of paint on the outside, and the ' front is being very handsomely trimmed in colors, which will much improve its i appearance. ? ( At a meeting of the Tillage board. ! held on Friday evening, it was voted ' to accept the water works system, and ! they are now fully in the hands of the j village authorities. . Lute Lincoln is now engaged at the j Hotel Riverside and Alls the positio'n lately vacated'by Harry Fa J, SIXTY TBABS AOO Safety for Night Drlvm Aa a safety measure for nigM driving, two flashlights are better than one. One flashlight Is a must for use in changing tires and making roadside repairs. The second is just as important for use by a driver's companion stationed 50 yards or more to the rear of a stalled car, to warn off approaching cars. The lack of a suitable warning light in the rear is a frequent cause of accidents to tirechanging motorists who could not be teen by approaching cars until too late for them to veer oft. Importance ef Valve Caps Automobile valve caps are more than Just dirt shields; in fact, they are the only positive protection the motorist has against air leaking out through the valves. The delicate "insides" are only check valves, whereas any standard valve cap with metal plate embedded in rubber washer will hold air pressure up to 260 pounds. Never drive without them and do not tighten with jljppt Need Rubber Stamps T Order at The Plaindeaier. SpeOed Cawae* Feed Any canned food that shows signs of spoilage should be disposed ol where it cannot be saten by humans or animals. BENEFIT OOAI. A goal of $5,000 was set by tM Woodstock Civic Club to be raised dw> ing the month of Becember for tht benefit of the Woodstock Children's Home. This was decided last week at a dinner meeting held at the homsb Roland McCannon, vice-president presided in the absence of the president and introduced the various chairmoa who mrde their reports. He also announced that Floyd Eckert would head the fund raising campaign. Mr. Eckert^ in accepting the chairmanship, said be «ou)d appoint committee heads foe every town in the county and that he Cxpecved every member of the Ci Club to etVist in this tremeadons durtakrng Subscribe fcr The Flaindsalsr The village board will hold an adjourned meeting at the new city hall, on Friday evening of this week. As we go to press, divers from Chicago are working to rescue \he body of young Hendricksen, drowned at Pistaqua Bay, on Sunday last. , A new broom adorns the liberty pole at Went worth and Cristy's, indicating to passers a clean sweep for Harrison and Morton. "Ike" says, no free trade on that hill. Rev. A. J. Brill, is the name of the new pastor of the M. E. phureh ia this village. . fchu t In Oar Whitman's Refrigerated j Candy Department Every Bex Of ; These DeUdoas Confecneae Keep* i»9 Richness and Tastiasse the Way I Tea Want Them - Fresh. j BOLGER'S I Washing Nyfoif Sweaters j Big advantage of nylon sweaters is, they can be washed and dried ! without being blocked. Some tips ! about care of nylon sweaters come m>m Miss Edna Gray, clothing spe- : cialist, University of Illinois college j of agriculture. Wash the sweater ! in sudsy, warm water, having water I the same temperature used for wool 1 sweaters. Rinse thoroughly, thai i roll it in a towel to remove excess {•moisture. To dry, put the sweater on a smooth wood or Mastic clothes hanger or a padded haeger; this will shape the shoulders. Nylon is damaged easily by heat. A nylon sweater will dry taster thaa wool, but not as fast as nylon hose. LARGE SELECTION OF *- Ifemtttfitl (JUrriatmaH Cariia ;• '/ aft The McHenry Plaindeaier Distinctive business cards as well as a wide variety c£ personal cards. Select yours early and be .assured of the type of holiday greeting which exactly suits your taste. •" ... iirU '•' °; 102 N. OREEN STREET McJQOiBY, TT.T-TwpnTq MM Need Rubber Sta^lf Order The Plaindeaier. - -• ... . ' • ••V ,v., X-;- ':7W: ,vv- • --1v fe-, LARGE ASSORTMENT 07 /'• sui xs $29.50 $39.5(T $49.50 SHIRTS WOOL AND PART WOOL ~ Large Assortment of Small Sises $3.95 , , SCARFS WHITE Formerly $2.95 Now $1.65 JTINE SELECTION OF $1.50 and $2.00 TIES 79c WORK AND DRS8S PANTS - $1.95 and up SWEATERS Nioe Selection From > $1.95 and up. -1 » " • • BEDROOM SLIPPERS per pair $1.00 OUTERWEAR 25% to 50% off LEISURE COATS ALL WOOL • A • Formerly $16.95 Now $4.95 516 MAIN STREET •s PHONE 19 WEST McHENkY, liXINOIS f