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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Nov 1948, p. 6

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mm m FOR SALS -- ^4-hp. Ceatary moter; wire feaee ud gate, 4-ft. high; f"- uee blower; set of golf clubs and bag; 2 pr. create faucets and other fixtures. P. Garner, Sunnyside Estates, 1 mile north of Johnsburg. *2? ef 13M paperMM to pern* at 10 o'clock on Wednesday maniacs will b« printed. FOR -- Beautiful dining room table and si* chairs, $75; piano, $50; 2- piece parlor suite, $125. Will give away three nice puppies. Rowland. Regner Road, Box 289, Phone Pistakee 654-W-2. **T FOR "T.l!--Alcohol Anti-freene, 188 proof, $1.20 gaL value, 89c in your own container. Gamble's, West McHenry. 27 sf'W iripjoTTdum .. THAmatomwo ' Donm .•7 ai ART ft LBE'S • RS8TAT7RAXT .|N RIVBRSTOR DRIVE MeHBRRT ' BINKSR8 SERVED FROM NOOK ' - UNTIL 9 P. M.-i-- TOR SALE FOR 8ALB--One 9x12 rug and pad, oae 8x10 rug and pad. All for $10. Phone 451-R, McHenry. *27 *4 -- ----- I typing service: billing, letters, etc.; by FOR SALE--Boy's fingertip overcoat, • ^ *r Te, McHenrv 797:R. *27 sise 14; excellent condition, $8; girl a ( i STENOGRAPHY lervit day. Stenography and SALE--9x12 rug and pad, oak i re<J guitt A.j condition; size 12, $5;! CARPENTRY--General carpentry; re- Tel. 525-M-l. *2i | plai*ted skirt, $3; girl's coat ^nd ski: modeling or all kinds. Northwest Build- II ft Tiff HOCTB ON M"frrrrT-nll>* pants, $8. Phone McHenry 575-R-l. *27 |erg> Phone McHenry 674-M-2. *27-2 «Wffet, dresser. Tel. XAKE; 4-rooms and bath on first floor; _ft_ Nine-room house, two1 : I rooms in cement basement. Price K«fh rnnnic HMO. Owner will finance. Call Mc- • •P-rtmeat.; two wmpleje bath rooms, •HUT 229-W or see owner at 311 River- d<>uble P>ra?e side Dr., McHenry *27 Best offer. Located in) Richmond business district. Bertha j Peet, RichmOftd. 111., Phone 143. *27--2 j FOR 8ALE -- New Coronado console! nea-in-porcn; run oasemem heater. 5 rooms. $89.50; for ; furnace heat. One-quarter, TP f99 50 Gamble's, West McHenrv. 27 TOR SALE -- Five-room year ro&nd k««M; screened-in-porch; full basement with garage block from lake. Call weekends. Tel. 'i Wonder Lake 378. *27 2 FLOOR COVERINGS Asphalt and Rubber Tile 4 ' Linoleum -- Carpeting ' Sink and-Table-Top Work v Drop a card for estimate or Phone 699-M, Woodstock, IH. RAY IRION FLOORING mfkwatf FOR WBKT -- Modem 8r6o* km with bath; located in Emerald Park. Call McHenry S30-J-1. *27 if ARM FQft 1IIT--133 aeres southwest of Riehaioad. Mrs. Leroy Contray, McHenry. Tel. McHenry 207-M. s 27-tf R RENT--House at Wonder Lake; immediate • occupancy: 4 rooms and bath; basement garage;* oil furnace; two blocks from business section. /AOOB FRITS. Realtor, Johnsburg, Tel. McHenry 37, 26-tf HELP WANTED . HELP WANTED GIRLS FOR WORK IN PACKAGING DEPARTMENT OF ONE OF AMERICA'S LARGEST PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICAL SUPPLIERS. GROUP WORK. INCENTIVE SYSTEM. VA CATION, SICK LEAVE, BLUE CROSS AND GROUP INSURANCE FLANS PHONE OR VISIT THE EDWAL .LABORATORIES, INC., RXNOWOOD, ILL., PHONE RICHMOND 5. 27 ~~-- ~ ; FOR SALE--Simmons Hide-a-bed. regu- " FOR SALE -- At McCullom Lake. larlv $210, now $198. Peter M. Just«n ; Pianette set; kitcben set; city gas stove; Furniture Store, West McHenry, TeL 63. tags. 9x12 and 8x10; easy chair and » 27 foot stool, nearly new; occasional .-- ' ehairs; bedroom set. All cheap for quick poR -- Three purebred Poland •ale. Phone McHenry 568-R-l, 27 8pring boars and one gilt; av. " wt. 200 lbs. Sired bv "Unique Model," VpR SALE--Ranger light weight road prize winning boar. Tel. McHenry kieycle. Call evenings after 7 o'clock. 5a3-R-l. Bob 8herman, West MeHenry. Pkone McHenry 247-R. 27 *26-2 FOR SALE-Ducks and^eese, dressed p0K SAItE__c&pe Cod 4-room house, *We s>t hM.v.ceH,„ednehryvf. IP?h<oLn e 687-J-2. 8chm^t„ j located on South Green 8t., near high school. Stanley Schaffer. SALE -- 4 roll New Idea corn Henry 124 M" Tel. Mc- 26-tf Shredder in good condition. E. J. 8hel roR *AT.18 -- Registered Yorkshire 4m, Grayslake 7911. *27 boars from 12 to 16 litte ! Creek Farm. pig litters. Hickory Phone McHenry 670-M-2. fOK SALE -- lit MeHenry; 6-room 27 taae house; eement basement; hot 'water heat; garage 20x20 ; 2 chicken FOB «*T.B--Oil burner, heats four to 10x20, 10x60. Orchard with 65 gjj rooms, used only one season, $50; aamrted trees. Lot size 230x264. Price Electrie room heater, brand new, $20. #16,000. Owner on premises. John Celia Smith, 414% Main St., West Mc- Samec, 715 Center 8t. TeL McHenrv Henrr *27 mr. 27 tf _n„ -- 77 ---- * FOR -- Fresh Holstein heifer. S£is^^£" US free te" meat Phone McHenry 616-W-2. *27 »rket type; also bar. Box 297, McHenry, 111. HELP WASTED -- Ambitious woman of character, education, refinement, 26- 22-tr 50. Prefer one experienced in teaching, club, or church work; tie type who does not usually answer advertisements. Must have car. Must be willing to .attend training conference for one Week. Must be desirous of rendering service of national importance. Nothing to buy. For interview write fully, stating age, education, phone number. Address Mr. Nelson, Box 4, Care of Plain MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SER- dealer. *27 VICE -- Records installed and main-. wiwven w.„ A_ - tained. Elmer P. Adams; Certified Tax ™. WANTED - Men or boy. for Consultant. One mile north of Fdx! Part tmne work as pin spotters. Apply Lake on Route U. 8. 12; Fox Lake, 111 COMPLETE TILING SERVICE PORCELAIN TILE FOR WALLS AND FLOORS Call or write for estimate FRED KT.TNG ' W. Crystal Lake Ave. J'7 Crystal Lake, 111. 'Phone Crystal Lake 490 6-tf Phone Fox Lake 5501. 8-tf SULFA-DU -- We now have on hand Sulfa-Du, the amazing new proven liquid Hydrochloride sulfa drug for colds and coryza in poultry. You simply add it to drinking water. McHenry Mills, Inc., phone McHenry 92-K. West McHenry. 25-4 FLOOR POLISHER T- Ladies, polish your floors yourself, the easy way, with our new polishing machine. Rent by the hour at a very low cost. For further information Phone 38 or 63. Niesen's Floors, located at Peter M. Justen Furniture 8tore, 521 Main Street, W. McHenrv. 27-2 Address P. O. poR SALE-- 1941 Chevrolet Special WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN *27 Deluxe 4-door sedan. Phone McHenry j WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair 793-M. *27 an^ install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main at Palace Recreation, MeHenry. 27-tf WANTED MAINTENANCE MEN, AT ONCE STEADY WORK GOOD PAY THE EDWAL LABORATORIES INC. RINGWOOD, ILL. TIL. RICHMOND 8 •T HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. PHONE 39. 10-tf FOR SALE--At all times, good dairy «ow•s>; 1n,ce*w* muaiiilikvce-rios aainidu cvliovsser sBppriiinuggefrrss,. FXOAJRJb •g**»T«.*E• -- Hnoommee ixnn MJiccnHeeunrrvy,; 6w • . . Pierce, Crystal Lake, on Kt. 176 rooms; oak finish throughout, floors and lb7' TeL Cyrstal Lake 413-M. *27-4 woodwork; hot water heat; large basement; 24-ft. living room; building suitable for remodeling into two apartments, or can be used for business, such Street, McHenry. HELP WANTED--MEN -- Cleaning Telephone and maintaining buffing equipment 25-tf - -- EXPER ATTENTION, HUNTER8! DOG LOV EES! XMAS SHOPPERS! Irish Set puppies; 4 best of litter, 11 wks.; YEAR-ROUND GARBAGE HAULING Regularly and courteously with the best of service. Also rubbish hauled Xc S^exceptional field'and Thow " tea room: vacant lot adjoinin« in |in loads or half loads. FRED WIRTZ. ! eluded in sale price. Located on Route | TeL 758.R. 7-tf 31 and 120. Mrs. „ Ann Feltz, Execu 3rd shift NECESSARY. NO EXPERIENCE Steady work. ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO., Woodstock, Illinois. 20-tf •lacks. Richard von Bampus. Lake 556. Wonder > 27 trix Estate of Math Baur. Phone Mc-1 CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK FOR SALE--Trie ripened, teste tested i Henry 235 R. 27-tf j Cement mixer for rent, J. M. Stangafniit. delivered prepaid by ex.p ress. *$55 rnn «AT.r. _ i.rn„m per bushel, oranges, grapefruit, tiaanu- FOR RENT OR FOR SALE -- 4- room gerines. All of one kind or aborted. rear 'rou"d i°®e' '?" he^' Send check with order to D. W- Mallov, I . At r^f W W™ MVV Rafter Lake Helen, Fla. 25-41lom L*k.e" C*1! MeHenry 638-M-2 after L 7, any time Sunday. *27 SALE -- Eight-room home, im- •liiate possession, near high school. > Make offer. IFOR SALE--Vacant; 66-ft. frontage Ion John street, garage on James street, _____ j McHenrv; nice building site. (Call Six room, and bath; year-round' "»nk w Ne11) koine; gas floor space heater: Fair John«burg- Tel. McHenry 3«. 26-tf ^Ll_"ub--p.fl1 <Ha"k NeH) JACOB roK BALE--5 rooms and bath; glazed TeLMcH^y^7. Johnsbur^, p0rch: utility room; oil furnace :_Wiek- Emerald Park. Phone McHenry 50-tf CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK Aabeatoa Shiaglea and Insulation Free Estimate ARVIDSON BROTHERS Tel. McHenry 658-M-2 50-tf : line Bay. Wonder Lake. JACOB FRITZ, FOR SALE - Generators, armatures,! BBALTOE» Johnsburg. TeL McHenry starters, fuel pumps, idkistrtriihbnuftno*rs.: 37. voltage regulators and ignition parts poR -- ar.r. YEAR HOMES, jsjPoId "d. aU ?^er c"' C #5,000 and up. FARMS, large Sales A 8erviee, Lilymoor, Fred J | m*n, OHOICE LOTS; LI8T- 8voboda, Prop. TeL McHenry 183. APPRECIATED; STOMPO- -- JOHN8-MANVILLE TYPE A BOCK WOOL HOME IN- EENEY, TeL 421-J. SULATI'O IN . G.Lu-a rnanTt.eiiemd i n»o t to settle. I w» n ., ! « VB 47 tf NATO'S REAL ESTATE, Woodstock, B. KNOX Mc- *21-8 . K_ ». w „ 11 -- {x va rawu« -- Packing-and slaughter fi.. J HfMi- 1 a?' hon"e» near MeHenry; all equipments TA McHenry 18 ar ^ | with refrigerator^ and freezer, including all buildings. Price $37,500. TOR ,*T-g TYPEWRITERS, ADD- formation call (Frank Nell) For in- JAOOB Johnsburg, 18-tf ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Floor furnaces. Let us estimate your next job. ROTHERMEL ELECTRICAL SHOP 304 Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. *46-26 Phone McHenry 760: EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL--INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J, W. RAYCRAFT. P. O. BOS I6» 298-R -- W. McHeswy, In. 45-tf C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Plan* Tamer Phone 208-W, 526 Washington 30-tf Woodatock, m. St. MI80ELLAHE0XJB MACHINES. Service on all makes iFMTZ. REAL ESTATE, ribbons for all makes; carbon' McHenry 37. 52®' ®t*' Woodstock. • HAT.T. -- Used cars and trucks. , Bc * | Downs Nash Sales, McHenry. 44-tf ACREAGE RUY NOW BUILD LATER The Sitter Trust is now selling -- -- acrsage en the blacktop road, EXF®?T P1A*? *U?®ro AND RETHINK OF IT [PAIRING -- Work fully guaranteed. y* to 2 acres fronting on blacktop j McHenry 681-M-2. wad, •/. adle from stores and depot. All good tillable land ea and raise your own food. BEAT THE HIGH FOOD COSTS GENERAL CONTRACTOR for cement, plastering, and brickwork. Niek Haaler. Route 3, McHenry, 111. Phone. McHenry 654-R-l. Also 2826 N. Rockwell St., Chicago 18. Phone Brunswick 9022. 14-13 » ^ » x. PIANO# Ready to build 40 mije9 from high prices. Before you DEAD AN1MAL8 -- Highest cash !or cows, horses and needed to load. Day ight, Sundays and holidays. Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. 86-tf H E L P W A N T E D SEVERAL MEN FOR ^ SHIFT WORK In Production Department Of Company Manufacturing FINE CHEMICALS Interesting and Steady Work GOOD PAY Opportunity For Advancement SICK LEAVE 9LUE CROSS AND (OOH INSURANCE PLANS 6 PAID HOLIDAYS PAID VACATIONS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY " Call at or Shone THE EDWAL LABORATORIES, Inc. Ringwood, 111. 97 TeL Richmond 5 UUW AX<U1AI prices pii^oi hogs; no heip&i and night, Sui NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals for the construction of an American Legion Home, Post 491', located at McHenry, Illinois. Bids will be reeeived by the Legion Building Committee until 7:30 P. M., December 13th, 1948, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. The proposed building is to have coa crete foundation and floors, masonry walls and frame roof. Plans, specifications and proposal forms may be obtained from the building committee chairman, William Meath, c/o McHenry Mills, Inc., West MeHenry, Illinois, on or after November 19th, 1948. The building committee reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. , AMERICAN LEGION POST 491. , HeHenry, Illinois. • * 27 ;T:W . - BEE-FUDDLED CLOGGED SEWER? -- Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging, no lawn mess. Septic buy your Christmas Piano, see u« fj tanks and grease traps cleaned, built, Why live on a city lot when you can j Jj^118 n T e^.:®u». %' i repaired. University engineer on all tay a 2-acre farm for $1,000. IT'S A GOOD INVESTMENT See UB today and take your pick THE KENT CO.. Inc. Selling Agents For over 25 years. McHenry and Uprights. DAVID E. I construction. < STARK PIANO CO. 20 North Union j Co^TerUtert^Ie *1346; 8t., Phone Elgin 780, Elgin, Illinois, j £ Lake County Sanitary 48-tf 24 4 GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of yeur garbage each week, or oftener if desired/^ Reasonable „ „ _ . ^ rates. Regular year round route ^Phone McHenry 3 Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff,JJOHN g p Q; 274, Mc w 27-tf prop. Tei. McHenry 290. 29 tf Henry. I HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch ba- 1 sins, septic .tanks, cisterns cleaned by! rjj .'. W,li0 Huff , Henry, Phone 866. Helen Weber Says: A mighty man is Butch McFizz. His chest expansion is a whizz! The,pride 0f Dad's declining years. He drives his poor old Mom When bounding thru the opponents turn. He surely looks extremely fine. So t happy note ere Mom and Dad. they've found the.service to! / McHenry Cleaners W4-M lMEbaftt Bel-- Weber, Mgr. TRUCKING--Livestock and Lime Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St., McHenry. Tel. McHenry 60-R. 15-tf WANTED W ANTED--Watches and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan. 200 So Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Bet uty Shoppe.) 16-tf Forptal Address . /v IT WAS • formal banquet, and the 1 hands of the clock crept round toward midnight as celebrity after celebrity sought to be entertaining. "Mr. Blank will how give us his address; which will, I am sure, be a pleasure for all of us," said the toastmaster. Mr. Blank rose, with his watch in his hand, put it up, and then said pointedly: "My address is 29 Clifton street, New York City. I wish you all a vary hearty good-night--" And departed to catch his train.; after Sunday were '^r. ~ aad^Sv*.. lUnl Johnson iad teadb, lilt and' Mra. 8tevo , Sehmitt and fami^r, Mr. and Mrs. Be Die May and daughter aad WiUianlj MUler and daughter, Patrieia. Firemen who attended the count netting at Algonquin were John Shee vsr&mi* friends to her hdatlt bn noon to help eelebrate her anniversary. Oames were I Arthur Kattner and Charles Freund played throughout the afternoon andl Quests in the hone of Dr. and Mr# eve^nthlng was done for the pleasure I Duane Ford Saturday evening werp' ®, .,:°® *««"»•. A lunch; including Mrs. 8hirley Daweon, daughter, Oinnys rC- ™ lc® erean, was! Mr. and Mrs. George MeOrath and M#i S - , U iWa* V1" h»PPy recipient and Mrs. Miekey MeOovern. il er many lovely gifts. Those to make; Everybody is weleotae to the Poult: up this party were B4tty Lena on, Don- Show, which will be held in St. Pete na Lee Burrur, Bonnie Holliday, Marie! parish hall on Monday night, Nov. 2 John«>n, Lorraine 8teadman, Arline! Turkeys, geese and ducks, as well Langdon Barbara Woodbury, Shu-ley many other valuable prises, will Townsend Phyllis Covell, Danny Shaw givei away. Refreshments will Marvin Elfman, Allen Buehert and'.erred Fred Dueey. ' 'I * Batter Up! It was a bright fall day, and Eddie was looking out the classroom window longingly. The geography teacher wanted to get his attention. "Eddie, Where's Cleveland?" she naked. "Cleveland's in New York today," came the prompt answer, "and Bob Feller's pitching." TO Bob handed in his composition with a long list of dots and dashes at the end. English Prof.--What is the meaning at these marks? Bob--They're punctuation marks, and you cqn put them in to suit yourself. Daytime Visit An old southern planter was discussing the hereafter with one of his servants. "Sam," he said, "if you dif first I want you to come back and tell me what it's like over there. If I die first I'll come back and tell you what it's like." "Dat suits me, massa," replied the old Negro, "but if you dies first, Ah wants you to promise dat you'll come back in de daytime.** Mrs. Frank Wagner entertained members of her el«b at her hone on Thursday afternoon. Games of five hundred were played and prize winners were Mrs. Mark Pierce, Mrs. Charles Gillespie, Mrs. William Engels, Mrs j Frank May and Mrs. Peter May. A lovely lunch was served to complete the party. Mr. and Mrs. James Keach^nd son, Tom, were dinner guests in the Ben May home on Tuesday evening. * Miss Shirley May spent the weekend Visiting friends in Chicago. j Mrs. John Hines, Jr., was guest of! honor at a shower held at the home of Mrs. Deutsch in Grass Lake on Friday' night. Bunco furnished the entertain ! ment and a delicious buffet luneh was served. Many beautiful and useful I gifts were presented to the honor guest.' George McGrath and sons, George, j Jr. and Kyron, attended the Norte! Dame-Northwestern football game in Indiana Saturday afternoon. __ 1 Mrs. Ray May and Mrs. Albert Britz were among those from here who attended the plastic party at the home of Mrs. Arthur Klein in Fox Lake on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pittges of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern. Dinner guests in the Jake Miller home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Arthnr Thelen, Mr. and Mrs. Niek Miller and William Miller. Sunday evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrison of Chicago and Jack Ehlert and daughter, Mabel. Mr. and „Mrs. Richard Esh and Mrs. Virginia Zeller, Kathie and Joe, were Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz on Sunday. Mrs. . Bertha Esh is spending this week with her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Sftbscribe for The Plaindealer Gill a McHenry Gab Phone 723 STKFOfrXT! That's the signal for spe^fly. efficient esh service. W* take you where you want to go in record time and absolute safety. Cleee-Graiaed Weeds Among the woods that are particularly close-grained are beech, paper birch, cedar, crabapple, slip* pery elm, shellback hickory, holly, persimmon and white pine. Indastilens Mole Te perform a work equal to that of a mole, a man, in size comparison, would have to dig a tunnel wide enough to permit the passage of his body and 37 miles long, in a tingle night. W Your Doctor and We are Teammates Your doctor and the skilled pharmacist are a team that combat disease. Our druggists are competently efficient and well trained' to under- ' • take the responsibility of filling your pre- -- scriptions. We use only fresh, potent drugs to , assure the results the doctor wants. For pure drugs consult our druggist today. NYE DRUG STORE Walobbin aoshot brlve, McHenry Tdiphone 36 WANTED--Corn picking and wood sawing. Herman Dowe, 208 Richmond Rd., McHenry. Tel. McHenry 241. 22-tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--Large garbage burner or hot blast heating stove, suitable for heating and cooking. Write Box "F," care Plaindealer. #27 An irate visitor darted angrily up to the beekeeper and complained: "One of your bees stung me, and I want you to do something about it." The beekeeper answered soothingly: "Certainly madam. Just show me which' See it was and I'll have it punished." WANTED TO BUY--We pay $7 to $25 for crippled horses and cows; also dead animals. Alfredi Rendering Service. Call Round Lfike 2228 or 2296, reverse charges. 26-tf WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOB nUTZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1883. 2-tx LOST LOST -- Refrigerator cover, between Lily Lake, on Rt. 120, aad Woodstock, on Monday. Frank Maas, Rt. 1, Wood stock 959-W. - . 27 ComfSsit Use of remedies at Wattias Drag Stare, Me> •-tf PRICE OF STEALING Husband--If a man steals, no matter what, he will live to regret it. Wife (coyly)--Te« ased to steal kisses from me before we were married. Husband--Well...? iMA Salt Talk Two fishermen named Smith, living near each other, had met with misfortune, one having lost his wife, the other, his boat. A visitor called by mistake on the man ° who had lost his boat, thinking he was the widower. "Good morning, Mr. Smith," she said. "I'm sorry to hear of your loss." "Oh, it don't much matter. She wasn't up to much," Smith replied. "Dear me!" exclaimed the visitor. "Ay, she were a rickety old crock. I was always in danger of my life with her. Indeed, I offered her to my mate only last week, but he wouldn't have her. I've had my eye on another for some time past." ST. MARY'S ANNUAL FEATHER SCHOOL HALL, McHENRY ^ SUNDAY EVENING NOV. 21 8 p. m. TURKEYS DUCKS CHICKEN|| (all dressed) ^ LUSCIOUS YOUNG BIRDS BE THERE YOURSELF AMD BWHO YOUR ntlElfDS

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