ji i • i iMIHMiiK 'M«C«lloni Lake s' :- Ob Parole J •.it.... nis»Mi>eee» (By Ysrdetkk) Greetings Follu: • As we take oar place at the festive Aboard on this Thanksgiving day, we Jthank Almighty God for the privilege of being an American, for peace on earth, for family, for friends and enemies, for health and fortnne and above ^all for giving the huge turkey before us the courage to make the tapreme sacrifice to make this day complete. Amen. George Baumbeck, Jr., underwent surgery at the Edgewater hospita^ 5700 N. Ashland Ave., in Chicago, last Monday and will be confined for two weeks. A eard from Ills many friends mad play elp speed hi* on the road to recovery. Get buy, you'se guys. This is one fella who really needs a friend. The 8erewy Dozen will Md their regular monthly meeting next Sunday at 7:30 p. m. at the usual place. All members are urged to be present as plana for the elub's annual Christmas party will be made. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Edmonds enjoyed the weekend at their cottage on Maple HilL It will take a heap of bad weather to keep these folks from making their weekly pilgrimage. Mr. and Mrs. Or* Magoon and fanv ily spent the weekend in Chicago. Mrs. Olga 8cheubert is now comfortably settled in her new home, the War reii Barber cottage at Orchard and Prairie View, INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES off *11 sort® will be ; presented to thoeewb© attend the great CARNIVAL ' at the Roller Rink k on l DECEMBER 9 7 to 12 midnight Entry fee 25c Miss Mildred Magoon was a guest of Judy Struck for a night out in Mc- Henry last Thursday. While Messers Frank Groel and Engels are out hunting deer in Wisconsin, the two dears they left behind made T a big night of it last Saturday accompanied by Ma and Pa Tony Miller at Alvin and Boys little nook on the Midway, where the Adams Broncho Busters do their bunion busting every 8aturday night. Grandma Miller is keeping a few birds on ice for their Thanksgiving dinner just in ease th; boys scores turn oat to be 100 shots all misses. This week we extend congratulations to Mrs. Elizabeth Rudin, who is celeberating her 35th birthday anniversary today, Nov. 24. It is our wish tk|t you enjoy many more such happy day* in the future Mrs. Radii}. ADI08. % Q*w Pm and Mmri^ Cow pox can be contracted by farmers while milking, and one of the "staph" germs which affects cattle also can cause sinus trouble in human beings. ft M Wert, *•!*»» In starting fires in the most common -types of stoves and beaters the National Board of Underwriters suggests that these steps be followed: 1. Remove all ashes and partly burned fttel from the grate and ash* pit. Clean the stove thoroughly. 2. Open the damper. 3. Using a metal container, bring in the coal and wood. Place it on the metal pad beneath the stove. That metal pad is important--if you don't have one, now is a good time to get one. 4. Twist several sheets of newspaper together and bend them in the shape of a horseshoe. Place them in the combustion chamber and put dry kindling on top ef the paper. 5. Light the fire from underneath. * 6. Shut the ashpit door and partially close the side openings. Open the draft in the ashpit door. 7. After the fire has started, place several large pieces of wood in the stove and cover them with several shovelfuls of coal. 8. Remove all unused Mel aWay from the stove. And remember, no kerosene or gasoline! Protein Leaders a third of the total tein in the food eaten in the United States is furnished by cereal grains. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mc- Henry. 8-tf MORROCO WASHED STOKER COAL For clean, economical end carefree stoker operation, try a load of this specially prepared stoker coal. Washed and sixed properly to get the utmost efficiency from your stoker. A trial load will convince you. Call your local trucker or phone us at Morris 80 or 90. The following sixes are also available at attractive prices; FURNACE LUMP 6"x3" SMALL EGG 3"xl" Morris Goal & Mining Go. Box 311 MORRIS, ILLINOIS Mine located at junction of U. S. 6 and HI. 47 YOUR .CAR • IS BEING WRECKED Vep'W _ lltMMUl _ _ UNDIMKAL Russasixio MOTKCTIVI COATING 0I mstf caned** vmv Every mile you drive, the underbody of your car ie being attacked by flying rocks, gravel, corrosive road chemicals. They cause nut, rot fenders, make your cpr rattle and squeak. Get carprotecting "UNDERSBAL." the new apcayed-on coating that repels rocks, rust, corrosion, and muffles body noises.. .keeps cars new ana Quiet-riding longer. It'sgmrmnteed to protect for the Nfs =Slf your car. A. S. BLAKE Motor Sales m E. PEARL STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONB 1M Quality Meats Free 77 Delivery DIMACAAORKQKU 'EOCTT W'SWj CpLe*^ Mc M EN RY 3 118 S. Green St., McHenry MEAT MARKET UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Frei VP SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY •Us Ocean Spray •, 16 ox. tin ORANBEKKY SAUCS •'"< 2 for 8^ Richellen 18 ea. Jar BRANDIED MINCEMEAT 29c None Such * Vo. 2V, tin PUMPKIN 2 for 33c . OMMestak Geld Meilal or Pillsbery 6 lb . bag FLOUR - 45e Carnation - Pet - Borden's 14V, oe. tin EVAPORATED Ml LK 3 for 44c • - Oranolated 5-lb. bag PURE CANE SUGAi 47c SWIFTS BROOKFIELD BUTTER lb. prints 66c LIVE ROASTING * CHICKENS Dressed on Orders lb. 65c ' Native Beef POTROASf 69c lb. FRESH GROUND B^IF (All Beef). 98c lb. % Native Beef SIRLOIN STEAKS (Tender) 98c lb. FRESH FISH FOR FRIDAY White Fish -- Halibut Bull Heads Cleaned -- Trout -- Salmon Delicious Smoked Fish -- Fresh Oysters By COLLINS STAN JACKSON owned the aerv- • ice station beside the pine grove a few miles outside the town. It was a good location and Stan made a fair living. He was a happy- go-lucky sort and. everyone liked him, but he had"^one great fault. He loved to talk/i Once he got started it was hard to head him off. Mice were has pet subject at that moment, and he claimed if everyone started to catch mem systematically, fne country would be saved a million eV€ry year. , This was Saturday and he'd been busy all day, and so had the cash register. MMe ftctiea "What's going on now?" Highway Patrolman Clancy asked as he stepped in. Stan looked up the corner where he was bent over fixing something. 'Tm trying to %atch a mouse," be answered, "and having a time of it, too." "Trying to .save a million dollars, I'll bet." Cwncy laughed. "Utttn, S/rt," Ctmtey lurnttl trriomt. TW«r tm • 1st •/ «mW lUtiom robbed Itirly. Dsml Imw too much mi .Batteries OK far Laying bens kept in batteries will ley Just as npany eggs the first year as in conventional laying^houses, if the battery room is well insulated and ventilated so as to control temperature changes, according to results of nine years of tests at the Oregon state tollege poultry department. Hens kept for the second year lay better in commercial houses, the tests indicated, when comparable flocks kept in batteries the first year were divided, with half placed in commercial laying houses. Battery hens make satisfactory breeders the second year if released into normal floor tions, the tests also showed. ef Maay Ten flags have flown over Louisiana since Hernando de Soto the territory for Opsin in 1541. Texas has flown six flags, including its own,, 'After revolting from Mexico in 1196, Texas became first a republic and then part of the United States in 1849, and it is the only state authorized to subdivide into separate states whenever it wishes. Improve^ have ing one-fourth leas than the fashioned Wide, and averaging per cent more round trips. Complete line ef Loot remedies at Wattles Drag i Henry. When Roe Is Ordered Average serving of roe in restaurants is half of a large shad roe, or from 10,000 to 15,000 eggs. The total number of eggs in the roe taken from a single fish is from 33,000 to 32,000. , European Viewpoint A visitor from Europe had taken his first trip across the United States on the National highway, which is U. S. 40, running from the Atlantic to the Pacific. He was asked how he liked the trip and how the foads were. He replied that it was fine, that the fellow named National, head of the National Construction company, was certainly a great highway engineer, but that the Frenchman De Tour was no road builder at/all. WATCH FOR THE OPENING OF A NEW STORE December 4th Subscribe for The Plaindealer lead the Want Ads • - ' £* fr ' * " w WILLIAM B. SULLIVAN and WILLIAM H. BU88ELL, Auctioneers "Oh, they'd never bother with e place like this." Stan's mind wasn't on Clancy's warning. "Now if I could only catch that mouse." Clancy fled. The next few hours were busy ones for Stan. The farmers, in town for the evening, were his main customers, but now they were gone and he could close. j Hardly had he settled down when j there was a "snap." "Ah," he cried. "I've got you ; this time!" Jumping to his feet, he rushed. back to the corner. He pushed the box aside, but the mouse was gone, and, so was the cheese. Perplexed, Stan scratched his head. This mouse had out it over him for almost a week. "I'll get you yet!" he muttered shaking a fist. THE CAR grinding to a stop woke him up. Hardly before he was out of the chair, the door opened and a man stepped in. "Good evening," Stan said. The man looked hanjpand grim. "iStand where you arel" The voice sent chills up and down Stan's spine. "Put up your hands." An automatic's snout was pointed where Stan had always considered his heart was. Right now it was pounding in his mouth. His hands shot up with all possible speed. A flashy girl came in and stood beside the man. "Wise guy," the man sneered. "Yeah, wise guy," the girl said. Stan's eyes stole toward the cash register. There was almost $20Q in it. V-- If Clancy were enly here. Stan's ears were straining for the sound of the motorcycle. , "Here," the man said curtly, "hold the gun on him." She took Bocauae ef Ulneas and being unable to! operate the farm, I am compelled to] aeU at pahUe auction on the farm known as the Henry McAnllffs Farm 6, miles West of Woodstock, following the Jackson Street Road, one-Half mile West of Evergreen Bchoolhouao. 6 miles Northeast of Marengo, 6 miles North of Union following Vermont Street Boad, 2 miles Bast of 23 following the Wood> stock-Belvidere Blacktop Bead, on SATUBDAY, NOVBMBBB 27, 194$ commencing at 12 o'clock sharp, the fallowing described property, to-wit: 58 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK described aa follows 24 choice Holsteln milch cows none of of which are over five yean old, and a good producing dairy of cows; 2 Holsteln spring heifers; 12 Holsteln open heifers, coming two years old; 6 Holsteln yearling heifers; 5 Holsteln heifers 6 mos. old; 6 Holsteln fall calves; 1 pore bred Holsteln bull, 18 mos. old; 2 Holsteln bulls 6 mos. old. The above described cattle have recently been Bangs and T. B. tested, and anyone desiring replacements will make no mistakes In buying them here, i (Were it not for my physical condition* I this dairy of well raised cows and | heifers would not be offered for sale at | any price. We have kept good bulls and only raised the heifers from our {best producing cows.) I Hay, Grain and Farm Machinery j 1200 bu. Forbick oats testing 38 lbs..! I good enough for seed; 500 bales mixed |clover hay (wire baled); 1250 bales! Istraw (wire baled); 250 bales mixed |clover year old hay, (wire baled); 30 I acres standing corn; 30 feet silage in 14 ft. silo. Woods Bros, one row corn picker; Oil- |ver 80 tractor; B Farmall tractor, 1 yr. I old, lights and starter, hydraulic lift ] and cultivator; 200 H McOormick Deer- I ing spreader on rubber; 999 John Deere 'corn planter; 1948 Mc. M Case pickup {baler; Case side delivery rake; John j Deere 3 bottom plow; rubber tired iwagon and rack; Case 6-ft mower; 9-ft. I Oliver tandem disc; McOonnick-Deer- : ing corn binder; hay hoist; McOormick Deerlng hay loader; 1939 Chevrolet lVt .ton truck; 1935 Chevrolet sedan; 3 section drag. j Milkhouse Equipment Hot water heater, cans, pails, strainers, wash tanks, etc. __ i 6 cu. ft. Prlgldalre refrigerator. Many other articles too numerous to mention. TEBMS: All sums of 825.00 and under that amount cash. Over that amount a credit of six months will be extended on bankable notes, 25 percent down and balance monthly. SENECA OBANOE WILL SEBVE LUNCH O. A. WILLIAMS, Owner First National Bank of Woodstock, Clerking SALE FURNITURE ED VOGEL, Auctioneer The following personal property will 1m gold at auction at 104 Broad Street, McHenry, on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 Begimlig at 1:00 p. m. shaip. The following de s c r i b e d p e r s o n a l p r o p e r t y : . . . " j 2 Piece Living Room Suite ; i; 3 Occasional Chairs Studio Couch ^ £ Floor Lamps End Tables - " i «. •. R. C. A. Victor 2 Rugs and Pads * Radio Cabinet Dining Room Set ' * 4 Beds and Springs Inner Spring Mattress (New) ^ 4 Dressers *•'*• r. .v'••! General Electric Refrigerater Tappan Gas Stove v Washing Machine ' 2 Burner Gas Plate Sundry Kitchen Utensils Sundry Dishes Day Bed - ' Table Lamps Rocking Chairs Kitchen Tables and Chairs Pillows Chirtains and Drapes Sewing Machine Hoover Vacuum Cleaner Gafdepk Tools KftchenCabinet iiurd^ress -Lawn Mower Frame #*v"; Tash Tubs and Copper Boiler 12 Gauge Shot Gun Iteel Combination Sato . , Estate of Hubert Freund, Deceased McHenry State Bank, CkrkiBg The man looked hard and grim. it while he emptied the register. The sight of his vanishing money made Stan see red. '*Don't try it, sap!" the womaft' said coldly, motioning him back. A pair of small, beady eyes staredout of a hole in the wall. The moust started to run across the floor. The girl screamed and, dropping the gun. scrambled up on a chair. Cursing, the man turned. All the fury in Stan's fist crashed into his face. He went crashing into the wall and slumped. In the excitement the sound at the motoi cycle had gone unnoticcd. Clancy stepped inside, surveyed the. scene and quietly asked. "What goes on?" Stan sighed with relief. "You'rf: just in time." "1. think so," Clancy said, dryly," taking the gun out of the shak? ing hand. "This might go off anft damage someone . . even you." After the two had been take!,, away, Stan served Clancy coffee it) the rear. Clancy asked. "How did you get the drop on them?" "TTW1," Sit* ttphrd. "bt btndti the **« to tbt girl. Mi-gosb, wait!" bt fried, 'utbi*g out front In * irconii bt •>« bod "Look *t tbh." bt critd, holding up the lup Tbt mmat um pinned by tbt toil. •*Ah! Success!" Clancy chuckled "The mouse proved my argu ment," Stan beamed. "It saved th» country $200." if?" Briancd by WNU ftwtnrw. New Kitchen Planning Center ftOW AT ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE Wondering how to have that dream kitchen! In spite of shortages, and other delays it may'not be7too far away. Come in today! Let us hdp you plan the kitchen you want. When we know the size of Youngstown Kitchen aider apd cabinets you need we can help you make th^t dream kitchen a reality. No charge! No obligation! We've installed this free service so that you can be sure of having exactly the dream kitchen you want. Use it np*. AT vowa siavics The Director of o«r MV Yomgstowa Kitrhm Planning Center has completed the tkoroogk Yowigilsse, training in planning and installing noden kitchens. Be is fair qualified to *i«t_ yon in an yeans ef kitalsn 'Strictly Fresh' Eggs To retain the original high quaVf ity of eggs, gather them frequently, atore them in a cool place where the humidity is high and take them, to market every two or three days. 9Y MVLUNS Wrought Farm Mlraele From the pre-historic forked stick to the modern tractor plow on rub* ber, from the flail to the combine, modern farm machinery has trans* formed a world of scarcity into one of plenty. SOLD AT ALTHOFFS HARDWARE Main St. fPhone McHenry 284 ; West <• V. ' \ -