•f «t f TO* Mil* rrw Tiiim Tr eottag* at Weat Show Beaeh, MeCttllom Laket na be used for yearround home; lot 190x128; Coleman oil floor beater; running water. W. C. Zinter, 9024 8. Ada J9t., Chicago 20, 111. Phone Ced. 7942. *28-2 FOB BALE--SIX BOOMS AXD BATH. Automatic oil heat; full cement basement; lot 100x150; 1% blocks to stores and bus line, McCullom Lake. For appointment call (Hank Nell), JACOB FBITB, BBAXi ESTATE, in Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37. 28 tf FOB SALS--1941 Packard 120; 4 door sedan; motor just overhauled; upholstery like new. Priced to sell. Phone McHenry 528 M 2. *28 YEAR-ROUND GARBAGB HAULING Regularly and courteously with the best of serrice. Alto rnhwih hauled in loads or half loads. FRED W1RTZ. Tel. 768»R. r. 7-tf CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK Asbestos Sbfaglas ail Innbtiw Free Estimate ARVID60N BROTHERS Tel. McHenry 668-M-2 50-tf FOR SALE FOWOfFlUK HOLIDAY NOTICE Thanksgiving I*ay. November 25. the ;*i*6ies of both postoffices, McHenry Cad Weat McHenry, will be open from «• f :t0 A. M. to 9:00 A. M. and from 5:00 jk M. to 6:00 P. M. Ther^ will be no %indow service or city or rural deliver -lea. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Floor' furnaces. Let us estimate your next job. FOB SAltE -- Beautiful dining room ROTlER)llH< HiBCTRlCAL SHOP table and six chairs, $75; piano, W0; 2-1304 Sinrjide Priye^ McHenry, 111- piece parlor suite, $125. Will give 4S-2S Phone McHenry 7ov. away three nice puppies. , Bowland. Regner RoaJ, Box 289, Phone Pistakee 564-W-2. f. M. FOB SALE -- Nine-room house, two apartments; two complete bath rooms; double garage. Best offer. Located in Richmond business district. Bertha MaVl will be dispatched at 0:00 j Peet, Richmond, 111., Phone 143. *27-2 i FOB SALE--Cape Cod 4-roQm house, EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL--INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT. P. O. Box lO Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, I1L 46-tf C. J. H. DIKHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St. fOB SEVEN BOOM BESI-1 located on 8outh Green 8t., near high 30-tf Woodstock, I1L r&BNCE, on Main street, Johnsburg;' school. Stanley Schaffer. Tel. Mr . furnace heat; garage; also suitalbe for j Henry 124-M. 26-tf j DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash **'• 37 ;--__£!!' I S"L flf g£ "ttS; BOU8E FOB SALE--Five rooms and WM, APPRECIATED; STOMPO-j Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. bath; enclosed porch; full basement;, NATO'S BEAL ESTATE, Woodstock, larnace heat; inlaid linoleum in bath j 111-, Call CECELIA E. KNOX, Mc- 86-tf •nd kitchen; garage; chicken house; jHENBY, Tel. 421-J large lot, 66x250; 12 fftjit trees. Jos. -<I. Brefeld, N. Park 8t., McHenrv. Fhonc 151-J. *28-2 '§OR SALE--TEN (10) BOOM BESI XMOTCE on Fox river, near Johnsburg FOB SALE Downs Nash Sales. McHenry. •21-8 j CLOGGED SEWER? -- Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. Used cars and trucks. No digging, no lawn mess. Septic MISCELLANEOUS bridge; automatic oil'heat: fine fire EXPEBT PIANO TUNING AND BE- •face; lot 60x150. For appointment! PAIRING --• Work fully guaranteed. •II (Hank Nell), JACOB FBITZ,! McHenry 681-M-2. 2&tf il"AT E8TATB, in Johnsburg. Tel. MeHenry 37. 28 tf ; 4*-tfi.tanks and gTease traps cleaned, built, repaired. University engineer on all construction. Lake County Sanitary Co. Tel. Libertyville 1346. 48-tf For expert' C. OLSON paper hanging. interior JTOB SALE--Table top Dri gas stove, painting and cleaning, phone McHenry Victor Kocourek, Pistaqua Heights. | 528-M-2, *28 Pel. Pistakee 551-R-l. *28 UPHOLSTEBINO SEBVICE--Done in #OB SALE--One 8-aee. Areola boiler,'your own home. Victor Kocourek, Bke new. Call McHenry 196 R. *2S Pistaqua Height*. Tel. Pistakee 551-B-l. fOl SALE--FIVE LASOE ROOMS. -- -- fjTDBATtt. furnace heSTfull cement! ONE STOP SEBVICE , feaseeMnt; garage; large lot; near St. :r You've heard this about autos. Now ^Patrick's church. For information call i w® offer you this service for Beal 9ACOB FBITZ, BEAL ESTATE, in Estate. johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37. 28-tfi office in McHenry, for over 25 •:> • : years, can ITOR 8ALE--Eight-piece dining roonr 1--Locate a lot for yon; feet; one walnut bed and spring, very! 2--Arrange to have a house built Seasonable. Call McHenry 235-R on ! for yen; : Sbiday. 28 3--Finance the home for yon; 4--Insure it for you; • 5--Sell it' for you; If it's Beal Estate, Financing or In GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or eftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular .year round route. John E. Ml. P. O. But 274, McHenry, Phone 866. tf Mshtf* Mli flab and gamedepartment has inauguratad a' unique SVQfram a| parachuting boa vers man an airplane. A major rasouica in Idaho, not only for the 7,500 pelts marketed annually, beavers are regarded by the game department as nature's k little hdpwi because they build dams that prevent soil erosion and retain water In the upper level streams untQ ft la needed in Mia summer. v But beavers, when they get the Idea of a dam> don't always build it where it is most needed. Sometimes they divert irrigation waters. So the state of Idaho took the matter in hand and is giving beavers a little directum. The beavers are dropped by parachute from an airplane over inaccessible, primitive areas, at an altitude of about 900 to 600 feet. Each beaver is placed in a clamshell box which is hinged at the bottom. Two inner tubes are pulled around the box and tied together at the top with a string," the weight of the beaver holding the box shut during the descent. When the beaver strikes earth the box springs open.- Male, and females are dropped, because the game department is also interested in propagation of the fur bearers. To keep the air lift going, the state fish and game department has developed a program with every caretaker trapper to provide alive during the summer at least 10 per, cent of the number of pelts he is permitted to take during the wtater. TRUCKING--Livestock and Lime. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St., McHenry. Tel. McHenry 60-R. 15-ti WANTED WANTED--Watches and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beruty Shoppe.) 16-tf WANTED TO BUY :yBB SALE -- Five-room year round menae; screened-in-porch; full basement _ With garage; furnace heat. One-quarter i' <um ns Mock from lake. Call weekends. Tel. Wonder Lake 378. *27-2 THE KENT CO. Biverside Drive WANTED TO BUY--We pay $7 to $25 for crippled horses and cows; also dead animals. Alfredi Rendering 8ervice. Call Round ^j^ke 2228 or 2296, reverse charges. 26-tf l«B SALE -- In McHenry; 6-reom | :frame house; cement basement; hot STENOGRAPHY -- Stenography and Water heat; garage 20x20; 2 chicken typing service; billing, letters, etc.; by Waaee 10x20, 10x60. Orchard with 65 jj0Ur or <Jav. Tel. McHenry 797-R. *28 assorted trees. Lot size 230x264. Price ' -- .$16,000. Owner on premises. John CABPENTRY--General carpentry; re- •>i$9aa>ec, 715 Center St. Tel. McHenry*j modeling or all kinds. Northwest Build- JBTOJ. 27-tf jers. Phone McHenry 674-M 2. '27-2 ' I * SALE--At all times, good dairy ; new milkers and close springers. Pierce, Crystal Lake, on Kt. 176. |*eL Cyrstal Lake 413-M. *27-4 WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes Phone 8 - McHenry a"d farms. JACOB FRITZ, REAL- 28.6! TOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry '37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1338. 2-tf FOR RENT iyPOB BATiF--Tree ripened, taste tested |yfnrit delivered prepaid by express. $5 f* ]per bushel, oranges, grapefruit, tan- I'jaerinea. All of one kind or assorted. 5®end check with order to D. W. Malloy, tiLake Helen, Fla. 25-4 >B SALE -- Generators, armatures, * rs, fuel pumps, distributors • Jveltage regulators and ignition parts Ford and all other cars. Sea6o A Service, Lilymoor, Fred .T Svoboda, Prop. TeL McHenry 183. FLOOB COVERINGS Asphalt and Rubber Tile Linoleum -- Carpeting Rink and Table-Top Work, Drop a card for estimate^ . or Phone 699-M, Woodstock, llL BAY IBION FLOORING 22-tf COMPLETE TILING SEBVICE PORCELAIN TILE FOB WALLS AND FLOORS Call or write for estimate FRED KLING ^ 618 W. Crystal Lake Avp. Crystal Lake, 111. Phone Crystal Lake 490 BOOM FOB BENT--For girl or woman; in McHenry. Phone McHenry 157 after 6 p. m. 28 FABM FOB BENT--133 acres southwest of Bichmond. Mrs. Leroy Conway, McHenry. Tel. McHenry 207-M. 27 tf HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--Old reliable company wants man to represent them iu McHenry and adjacent territory. Experience not necessary, as we will train yon. TeL Woodstock 480-J. - *28 Many Mwt Nvrsts NmM, Nursinf CfiMll Rtfsrts A shortage exists in adequately trained nursea, according to a report, "Nursing for the Future," prepared for the National Nursing council by Esther Lucile Brown. Far reaching changes in nursing practice and in nursing education are recommended. The expectation that the nursing i shortage would be relieved at the expiration of wartime demands has not been realized, says the report. In many hospitals, wards and even floors remain closed because there are not enough nurses to permit reopening. Planned expansion of health services has sometimes not been possible because nurses required for such preventive programs had to be assigned to the care of those already sick. Nursing with its opportunities for helping others, has a deep intrinsic appeal, but if enough young women are to be attracted to this service it must be supported, believes Dr. Brown, by better salaries, more stable working conditions, and an environment freer from authoritarianism. More men nurses are needed. Nurses who have married and whose children are now gcown should be retrained and returned to useful service. Students and personnel should be recruited, recommends Dr. Brown, "without regard to sex, marital status, economic background, or ethnic, racial and religious origins." 47-tf | MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING I VICE -- Records installed and main _ ~ ^ tained. Elmer P. Adams; Certified Tax •A BOCK WOOL HOME IN- j Consultant. One mile north of Fox „ ,N- Gn*™nteed not to settle.! Lake on Route U. 8. 12; Fox Lake, 111. WalMll Co. Call or ;Phone Fox L*ke 5962. 8-tf ,%rrite Leo J. Stilling, 200 .£. Pearl St.,! ' McHenry 18. tf j SULFA-DU -- We how have on hand HELP WANTED GENEBAL CLEAN-UP MAN FOB CHEMICAL PLANT. 25 TO 46 YEABS 6-tf OF AGE. NO EXPEBIBNCE NBCE8- BABY. MUST BB WILLING AND SEE GOOD WOBKEB. BOMB OUTSIDE WORK. STEADY EMPLOYMENT. THE EDWAL LABOBATOBIBS, INC. BINGWOOD, ILL. 28 PHONE BICHMOND 5. uds whkfa gtva.tf» income. 'M Uncle Sam*s Boy , ' "IITALKING along a streot to a small town, a man waa attracted by a series at screams from a nearby house. He ran in ta investigate and found a frantic mother whose small son was choking on a quarter he had swallowed. Seizing the child by the heels, the rescuer shook him until the quartef dropped on the carpet. The grateful mother was lost in admiration. "You certainly knew how to shake it out of him," she said. "Are you a doctor?" "No, ma'am," the good Samaritan smiled grimly. "I'm from the department of internal revenue." . Death in Comfort Th6 doctor's waiting room was very full. Every chair was taken and some patients were standing. There was a desultory conversation but after a while silence fell and the patients just sat, waiting. Finally an old man stood up wearily and sighed: "Oh, I guess I'll go home and die a natural death!" IHMBP TONGUES Probably nowhere in the world do women have sharper tongues than in movieville. Witness the remarks of two filmites overheard as they discussed a mutual friend. Said the first: "She certainly has developed a big head." Said the other: "She needs it to support her two faces." On Saturday aytteraooa at 2:00 p. _ November 21at, a very beantiful wedding was etienudsed at St. Peter's <*nreh when Miss Catherine Mol«n«lli, daughter of Afctoa Molenelli of Spriag Grove, became the bride of Harold Appel of Biver Ttaest. Bev. John L. Daleiden officiated at the eeromony The charming bride was given ia marriage by her father. She was attired in a custom soft of peaeoek bine, her hat and accessories were of the new blanehia shade. She wore a rnrnae of camelias. Mrs. Albert Segale, sister of the bride, waa her attendant aad sba wore a custom soft 9f brown with accessories to match. Her eotsoge was gatdeniaa. Harold J. Staehle, lifelong friend of the groom was best man. Victor Molenelli, Richard Steimeta, Albert Segale acted as ushers. ' The church was beautifully decorated with various colored mams. Soloist Catherine Ginoeeio of Oak Park sang "On this day O Beautiful Mother" accompanied by Miss Anne Spindler as organist. A reception was held at the home of Miss Bose Oinocchio of 8pring Grove for about fifty guests. The newly weds will reside at River Forest. Bev. John Paleiden and the ashera of St. Peter's Parish held their regular meeting, at the Charles Freund home on WIHOATB A U C T I O N WmiaaH. William B. SalUvaa, bo fans being r--tad for cask, wfil son at pabUo aacttsa «• the fhaa t vOas wast of Barton's Brldga, 4 Mttm northeast of Crystal Lata. • artes'. , . • sealh of McHenry aad 4 alias north of Our, being on <ho foar eornecs oast v of Boots Si SB Boats X7* ea WBDNBSDAY, DBO. 1 Coaunsnetng at 10:00 o'clock sharp, the following assertbsd property, to- V wft: 52 HEAD OF LZVBSTOCBf'. Consisting of IS Choice Dairy HMstein Ctafi ^ 5 Bbbtolii heifers, J8 num. to S yrs. old, brad; 6 Holstain heifers 10 to 15 mos. old; 4 Holsteln calves. 3 to 9 mos. eld This herd has been Bangs tested sinee 1946, and. have had no reactors since > starting the test Oar Bangs test Is: I nnder County Plan No. 1. This is a choioe dairy of Stbteia cows, together wfth some very choice *:'v' . • ^ ~ ; Holsteln heifers, and anyone desiring ~ . .... replacements or additions to their pres- Tuesday nighfv Lunch was served and i ent herd will be well satisfied if theycards played. | aiake their purchases at our sale. We Mrs. Bay May was hostess to the {would be pleased to have any prospecmembers of her club on Thursday after- j tlve buyers come aad Inspect these catluncheon was served and tie at any time. Hay and Grain 300 bu. oats, SO tons alfalfa hay, wire noon. A cards were played. Prize winners were Mrs* Charles Freund, Mrs. A,rthur Klein, Mrs. Edward May, Mrs. Arthur Kattner and Mrs. George Mar. ' The Pinochle Club met ar the home of Mrs. Harry Myers Thursday evening. Lovely prizes- for high scores went to Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs. Harry Myers, and Mrs. Arthur Kattner. A delicious lunch was .served. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith of Johnsburg were visitors in the Jake Miller home on Wednesday night. Sunday night callers in the Jake Miller home were Mr. and Mrs. Bay Benoy of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller, Don and Jackie of Bingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Miller and family spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Condon of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner are the happy parents of a baby girl weighing 6 lbs. 11 oz., born at Woodstock hospital Monday morning, Nov. 22. A large crowd attended the Feather Party held at St. Peter's parish hall on Monday night. Winners of ' special prizes were Mrs. Ben Smith, Jerry Miller, Peggy Ann May, Arthur Klein. BALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDService on all makes HELP WANTED -- Men or boys for Sulfa-Du, the amazing new proven! part time work as pin spotters. Apply liquid Hydrochloride sulfa drug for at Palace Recreation, McHenry. 27-tf - ribbons for all makes; carbon eo?™}n Y°MeSnX *»• h.y- <*>• *. . J* 549. : McHenfv. 25-• BOY HOW AOBBAGE HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPOBTUNITY FOR THOSE INTEREST «imnT*m!nAOI POLISHES -- Ladies, polish HD IN THIS TYPE WORK. APKalte Trut U SAW -- i your floors yourself, the easy way, with j PLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 «T£bu5£« roir new poUshing machine. Bent by RIVHtSIDE DRIVE, Tmm or ™ the hour at a very low cost. For fur- PHONE 39. ther information Phone 38 or 63. Niesen's Floors, located at Peter M. Justen Furniture 8tore, 521 Main 8treet, W. McHenry. 27-2 t K to 2 acres fronting on blacktop read, u adla from Mores and depot. , MM |Md tmahle land. Beady to build on Md raise yoar own food. « THE HIGH FOOD COSTS McHENRY. 10-tf HELP WANTED--MEN -- Cleaning and maintaining buffing equipment 3rd shift. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Steady work. ELEC- 'Best Buy' Meal "Battle of rising meat costs" is being fought by every homeftiaker. And one way to save a little is by buying veal and certain pork cuts. Extension meat specialists say that in general shoppers will find veal more reasonable than other meat. Veal rump roast, boned veal shank and other boneless stew meat are generally good buys. Pork "best buys" are probably the Boston butt, which has little bone, and the picnic, fresh or cured. Often called the picnic ham, this cut is sold With or without the shank. Pork liver is usually the lowest priced kind of liver. With high food value and little waste, it's a good buy. Tongue is one of the most economical beef cuts. It has little waste. Stock from cooking tonfua' makas good soup stock. Canny Scot, young Scotsman went to ttte telegraph office one morning and wired a proposal of marriage to his sweetheart. After spending the entire day and part of the night waiting, he was finally rewarded by an affirmative * reply. "If I were you," suggested the operator who delivered the message, "I'd think twice before I'd marry a girl who kept me waiting all day for my answer." "Na, Na," replied the young Scot. "The lass who waits for the night rate is the lass for me." RIDICULOUS © McHenry's Popular PEARL MILLER rwill enchant th» crowds with her ORGAN MUSIO . at the McHenry Business Men's CARNIVAL HOLLER RINK DECEMBER 9 T p. m. to midnight admission 25c baled; 20 tons mixed alfalfa hay, ' baled; 300 shocks of corn in Ml Machinery J. D. D tractor on rubber, late model, J. D. 1947 B tractor, gasoline model, with cultivator; J. D. 3-bot. 16-ln. tractor plow, J. D. 6-ft. 12A combine mounted motor nearly new. J. D. wire tied baler, aearly new; J. D. 8-ft. tractor disc, new; J. D. 50-ft. elevator with lift, for baled hay and grain, J. D. 4-bar side delivery rake. 2 yrs. old; J. D. 6-ft. mower, J. D. 7-ft. power* mower, new; J. D. 2-row tractor corn planter on rubber, back rake on wheels, IT. S. ft-roU corn Maker, Vfepec 1MB. silo filler with pipe, New Idea spreader on rubber, 2 J. D. rubber tired tractor high speed wagons, one with 6 ply tires and one with 4 ply tires, with racks; grain box. McD. power corn binder on rubber with carrier, U. S. grain blower, Papec 13-inch, hammermill, 3 section drag, buss saar with 3 blades front end tractor mounted, cultipacor, 2-4-D weed sprayer with tanks 24y, ft., new portable air compressor, 30 boxes baling wire, drill press with stand and set of speed drills, Stewart Clipmaster, 60 ft. hammermill drive belt, 100 ft. Gange drive belt, 30 ft. rubber drive belt, set harness, rubber tired wheelbarrow. 1937 Ford *4 ton pickup truck. 1,000 lb. platform scales, Estate 2-oven electric stove, Continental 2 compartment refrifurator. Extension ladder, Savage hydraalic manure and dirt loader, fits any general purpose tractor. 18 cubic foot deep freese. IV2 tons of 0-12-12 fertiliser, 1 ton Swift's 2-12-6 fertiliser. ; Full line of milking equipment. Including Surge milking machine, complete with one unit, together with pails, strainers, hot water heater, mfflc cans, sterilising tanks, etc. Also a two-room cottage on a one acre lot to be sold as a unit, or separately. Cottage can be moved. Guarantee policy with lot. j As this Is a large sale, it will be started on time, and all small tools aad machinery will be aold before lunch. _ Lunch wagon on grounds. TEEMS: All sums of 125.00 aad under that amount cash. Over that anMMint a credit of six months will be extended on bankable notes, 25 percent dawn and balance monthly. LeBOY A. WINGATE PRESTON B. YEOMAK Owners First National Bank of Woodstock, Olofklng Corinth Canal Ssmrati -- First major rehabilitation pro)- , WELLS DULLED OB - - . » city lot when you can! WATEB SYSTEM -- We sell, repair I Illinois. bay a »acre farm for $1,000. and iMtllll pampa. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, ' McHenry. Telephone 167. 25-tf DRIVEN j TRIC AUTO-LITE CQ., Woodstock,1 ect of the U. S. foreign air program 20-tf i was reconstruction of the Corinth Officer--Did you know you've been gtring 50 miles an hour? Speeder -- Impossible -- I've only boon out of the garage SO minutea. ITS A GOOD INVESTMENT Bee as today and take your pick THE KENT CO., Inc. Selling Agents For over 25 years. HAVE YOUB CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Phone McHenry 3 Eddie's Sanitary 8ervice. Eddie Huff, 27-tf | Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. . 29-tf Hel n Weber Says: ahtlm WtmnfMsaU Thankfuinns we must Mas le/l a terry is aot to 'Wbn Thankpmngdar i«l you caa pJLt^ wJL a,.,n.1n,#/ mif #P*e yeaintf 0* McHenry Gleaners 1S4-M Helen Weber. 10S Mgr. St. * E L P W A N T B D •EVBBAL MBN FOB - SHIFT WORK In Production Department Of Company Manufacturing FINB CHEMICALS Interesting and Steady Work GOOD PAY Opportunity For Advancement SICK .LEAVE BLUE CBOSS AND GBOUP INSURANCE PLANS 6 PAID HOLIDAYS PAID VACATIONS NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Call at or phone THE EDWAL LABOBATOBIES, Inc. Blngwood, 111. A Tel. Bichmond 6 canal, one of the world's largest sea channels, which was closed for more than seven yefcrs by wartime demolitions. A lockless cut nearly four miles long through the Isthmus of Corinth, the canal shortens the route from the Adriatic to Plreaus and the Aegean sea by 202 miles. The Corinth cut is 75 feet wide and 26 feet deep. At one point it banka rise 250 feet above aea level. It can accommodate vessels up to 10,000 tons displacement--slightly larger than Liberty ships. The canal has been reopened. Easy Way Out "Wall," confided the mailman, "mfr wife has four nieces and a nephew getting married." "What in the world will you do for wedding gifts?" asked the policeman. "My wife," aighed the letter carrier, "has already solved the problem. She opened a new charge account yesterday." ' Rocky Newfoundland Newfoundland, a rocky, cod-rich North Atlantic island, has about 318,000 inhabitants and covers 152,- 734 square miles. The latter figure includes the 110,000 square miles of Labrador, Newfoundland's dreary coastal dependency that stretches northwest along the North American mainland to Hudson Strait. Long Distance Vision A person can see about 5,220,000,- 000,000,000,000 miles with the naked eye. This is the distance of a hazy spot of light* which can be seen on a dark night , in the constellation of Andromeda. Actually it ia a great galaxy of' stars like the whole Milky Way system, of which our sun is a part. Its light takes about 870,000 years to reach us, so astronomers usually give its distance as 870,000 light years. Enrly Champion of Freedona For hundreds of years and for all nations William Tell has symbolized the age-old fight of freemen against tyranny. He was a typical Swiss. Whether William Tell actually shot an arrow through the apple on his son's head and later killed Gessler, the tyrant who ordered the feat, is open to historical argument. Legend says that Hermann Gessler, a cruel sheriff, placed hia hat on a pole in the town square of Altdorf, with orders that his hat receive deference from all passersby. In punishment for ignoring Gessler's hat. Tell was ordered to shoot an apple from the head of his son. Later, Tell shot Gessler. Complete line of Loom poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, MeHenry. S-tf Ray your Christmas Cards at ths Plaindealer. i <• When Auto Accidents Happen Most automobile accidents happen on Saturday or Sunday. A great life if you don't week-eat*. FALSE IMPEBSONATION The fancy-dress dance was over and the local gossips were comparing notes. "Mrs. Smithington-Smythe looks upset, don't you think?" said one, gloatingly. "Yes, my dear. She eame as a Hawaiian beauty, with grass skirts and all--and they awarded her first prise In the humorous section as 'The Old Thatched Cottage."* SUPER PYRO $1.00 per gal. in your own container PERMANENT ANTI FREEZE $3.50 per gaL $3.00 to $5.00 allowance on your old battery " A liberal allowance on tires HOLLY'S SERVICE STATION Imagination Prevails* * "If the greatest philosopher in the world," says Pascal, "finds himself upon a plank wider than actually necessary, but hanging over a precipice, his imagination will prevail, though hia reason convince him of his safety." Sweet Revenge "I'm surprised your mother let you marry Bill, when she dislikes him so." "She said she just wanted to be his mother-in-law for a while." Lumber to Europe America's forest industries will be called upon to supply nearly three billion board feet of lumber during the next .four and one-half years under terma of the proposed European recovery program. Baaed on July 1, 1947, prtcea, the value of the wood products asked for* in the European aid plan approximates 377 million dollars. The plan also calls for the United States to supply sawmill and woodworking machinery and. ty^pment worth 63 iwiniow dollara. r WE FOLLOW ORDERS I A friendly skilled druggist is essential in filling out your doctor's prescriptions. Our well trained pharmacists are authorized to take care of even the most difficult orders, and each fresh potent drug is combined with the others just as your doctor wants it. Rely on our slrill and precaution for outstanding service. Drug WALGREEN AGENCY 1 • \ - Riverside Drive, McHesxj X Telephone 26 /