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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1948, p. 2

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|m4mt •# Bar-. «*•| ta the pleaaare hone IM lateraatWaal Livestock , JVWay night. She j a konc belonging to Iter .Marshal, of the Ten Pin at Marengo. Min Gardner, |du|kter of lb*, ail Mr*. John Lea- ; ley Gardner of Hawtkorae road, is '» graduate of Barriagton'high school land is a freehssan at the Univeraity of Illinois extension aehool at Elgin. I Order year rubber stamps at The Plalndealelg, i. i i ii 11 it i f i i min i t i i t • (by Vanessa Bolls) MICROMET 1 MICROMET FEEDER * J.2%-LB. BOX MIGROMET • 1 SOFTEE AUTOMATIC POR**ia* vli WATER SOFTENER w. Jfi %' .i ' ':rV-- ALL INSTALLED ?OR $35j:g WONDER LAKE KV: HOME APPLIANCES; One door west of Standard Oil Station^ t *«L Wonder Like 388 ' The board of down a request this morning from the Wonder Lake Improvement Association asking for a foil time deputy sheriff for police work in that community with the county paying the salary. In the report made by the fees and salary committee it was pointed oat that althongh there is a great need for a police officer of this type the finances of the county would nol£ permit this kind of an expenditure. The committee further reported that every other unincorporated community in the county, whose citizens are all taxpayers, eoald and would be eligible for this kind of protection should the request of the Wonder Lake group be granted, and that it would bo impossible and not within the scope of the duties of the There will bo .ap uppsnasi open of MHuHrtei**f the - rt.bdiJhoo O. • mom- Ing/Dec. 12, 'nt the Mia of Joitoph KiegeL Th* mooting win start at 11 a. m. A subject of great importance is to be fltwpuC ' 'sTTv Everyone is iiittted to the big smorgaeboard dinner which tho Bod and Gun Auxiliary is hayiM on Saturday night at the LakeTiew Inn. Between tiio hours of 8 and 3, there will be a party for the children; followed by the basaar which will feature many fine items; then the smorgasboard from 6 to Sj and the Christmas party from 8 until *11 in! This is the annual Christmas party and memhera are asked to turn out for the fun. To Donate Panda A " Last spring, following tne of the tax bills in (ht area, of protest were filed, alongwitfc io nations, to a committee whtatha* been appointed to take the wero to bo aeel far )«*1 aivio* aiaiiwry. Barn* of thetuda net* to seearo this legil advice ail ttapaymt flit tbtir <l|Hp vidaale, «i&*r-t*aa~aa m th»t ia tte way * which thaee com plaints are haadfad. Than is a balanae in the fund of approximately $100 and it is impractical to return this money to the donors, duo to the fact that some of those named on the po&iBii ffei Mrt indicate the amount donated, tad some persona signed the petition without making a donation. It has been suggested that this ftand be turned over to some worthy organisation to be used for the benefit of the community. Suggestions aa to the organisation which should receive the money will be appreciated. Any of the signers of the petitions who will help are asked to write the name of tho organization on * postcard and nail it to Jim Pavlik. a Wotadot Mke. fallows are interacted M that a good team they will eater the aa aaiffe ha m* ataft to M(#»ar tkmfr materfeL Ooreoran's telephone number ia ill ft'tC*•d>'> . ' f- •" - ' ' ' • ' Oar toyland's all a glitter ... it has gifts to gladden yotmgsters'hearts! Toys that walk, loyi that talk, toys for every age. A CUDDY DOLL in frilly dress and mohair Real snow thrills Streamlined, sturdy A BABY DOLL to Pm PHONES with real dials, teach telephone manneriT"""""" FAVORITE Igebts $15.50 < I >y-i-s$£ i " IRONS fsS'if#*.. Ii. &• W. B. BJORKMAN & SON • McHenry Phone 72$ Turkeys,' Ducks and Geese * $• . STARTING MONDAY, DEC. 13th AHD ENDING SATURDAY, DEC 18th Recreation 119 8. Green St., McHeniy r- |»UNOH WILL BE SERVED mt&ry ome in Selection" GficniM Cams AtdoHiotA Gandial It's Fresh, It's New and ICade Especially For Yo* 806 Weit Elm Street JicHenry,m| • %£•'! • ';iT ••• • ' y i ' £ .-v. ^Gift Problems Portraits make the prefect Christmas gift. They span the distance of time and space.* Make an appointment today. photogTaph"i ^a^noymthyinaMg ry otuo paintings. ; CAMERAS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES If our large stock does not satisfy your needs£ we can obtain anything in still or movie equipment. PHONE 275 7* -J- i .. • :J." ' V STUDIO McHENRY, ILL. Legion Auxlllarjr To Meet Thursday J The American Legion Auxiliary i will meet at the home of Mrs. Karen | Widen in Indian Bidge on Dec. 16, I at 8 p. m. At the McHenry Oounty | Legion meeting, held in Cary last ! Friday, nine sun lamps were distributed to as mpay of the Legion Auxiliary units to be used in the various districts as needed. These lamps were purchased by a countywide magazine subscription sale and they will be placed in the units to be lent to those who need them. The lamp for Wonder Lake haa not yet been received, so further details will be published After the -meeting next Thursday. Leaves Scone « •: Of Accident ? Cleveland Morris was brought before Justice Charles F. Hayes on a I warrant charging leaving the scene of an accident. The complaining | witness is Theodore Wickman of Wonder Lake. Morris also resides in the iWonder Lake community. Bond was set at $1,000 and the case continued until tomorrow afternoon. Simone Fuller was hostess to a group which played bridge at her home on Wednesday of last week. Present at the party were: Velma Sinclair, Grace Sellek, Lillian Forsbprg, Greta Weisenberger, Helen Mauch, Del Tallman, Louise Behrens and Esther Chase who was visiting from her home in Michigan. This week, onr ehapel ia being painted and decorated, thanks to willing! haads of men and women, who ara gladly giving of their time and strength for this work in the evening. It is a very much appreciated serviee. Thanks to all. W. Glenn Naslund and Evelyn M. Steinsdorfer were united in marriage at G. C. last Friday afternoon, Dec. They will reside at Crystal Lake, their home town. We sincerely wish for them a truly happy wedded life, with God's richest blessings upon the home they are about to establish. This Satarday, Pec. 11, is the date for the McHenry County Youth for. Christ Bally, which will be held at the Free Methodist Church at Woodstock at 7:30 in the evening. The speaker is Bev. A. D. Zaniser of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dean of Chicago will bring special vocal and musical numbers. We are glad to remind everyone interested in old faahioned midweek services of prayer, Bible study and testimonies, that such meetings are conducted at the Center every Thursday night. Join in these meetings. For next Sunday, Dec. 12, we cordially welcome one and all to our Sunday Bible School at 10 a. u. Morning Worship 8ervice at 11 add Evening Service at 7:45. A group #»% H' «r««| fork Of the <or- iter aeaaon he probaMy Waai't antfadpatiag what waa jjmng to hoyj>pn, Tho aurpriae of the hunt eamo one moraine aa liovoland and hia aoa waited at their stands for deer. SttddOaly the Quarry • > aji yti •potted by LovekadL He trod a bad tfeaa tewird AMan. siiaod, alii 'iei weU ylaood shot buck weighed 170 It with a. Oe ear. TW To laalT L t e o r ' ft Mbm to poadod. apidy time of tto year wttfa Knp limo dry bote* evroaitag. r ia boat to land. Complete line of Beebe liveatock remedies at Wattles Drag Btoi^ At a general meeting held in Harrison School on Friday to discuss the acute need for relief from the congestion, Architects ' Ganster and Henninghausen and Harold Warren from Benjamin ft Co., a bonding house, were present to answer questions. A committee waa appointed, conaisting of Tony Groaao, Sr., John Feyerer, Del Tallman, Alice Noren and Tony Audino to investigate the possibility of securing another plot of luid upon which a school unit mighf be built. This committee will report back at the next meeting which will be announced later. The Township supervisors allotted t $200 to the local American Legion | post this week to be used for indigent veterans as provided under the Bogardus act. Peggy Selsdorf, Sharon Grace Sells and Joan Dornbush were among ' the 4-H'ers honored last Saturday night at a banquet given by the Woodstock Chamber of Commerce. Leaders, Mra. Betty "fflnlnrf m4 V Sells also atended. Christinas Party At Christ The King -t A Christmas party McHeflry Business Men's' CARNIVAL JUST FOR FUN ROLLER iUNK 7Jj||Ll» MjdnisM W< Santa Olans with presents Honrs of entertainment,^ music, fan, prises. -Admission 25c, proceeds to benfit fund 52V. $99.95 TIU a Speed Queen, there ace no long setks of "cycles" to wait for. One load after anotfaer cenbe turned out at 5 «o 10-minute luttTak (No need to throw away your hot %awr alter each load.) While your second load trashes, you can rinee the first and hang it out |n (fee.line. The m 9WfM'9 or so. No ioc succeeding batches, b cam be fmssbtd m Speed Queen makes Inch a rhfillinsw«w^sise sift!. Stop? _ . ^ " T > *' * . * i . • ' "-ii CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP VBLBPHOME *51 tCeHEXTBT, OL PROTECT _ . for ail tho children of the community will be held at Christ the King church on Friday, Dec. 17. The party ia being sponsored by the Altar and Rosary Society and the Holy Name Society. Thoae planning to bring their children are aaked to register their names on or before Sunday, Dec. 12. Those wishing to telephone their registration can call Vince Adams at 198 or they can see the ushers at the tehureh. »> The Isaak Walton T.sagas of Wonder Lake has a most distinguished member, no less than Governorelect Adlai Stevenson himself. Andy Kunz, president of the local league^ is in receipt of a letter from Mr, Stevenson which says, in part, "thank you for your letter. 1 am very happy to be an honorary meqfcber of the Vender Lake League. With warm regards, Adlai SteveKson," iW) WITH PONTJAC SERVICE Tt;-Tvtov Briefiea . Cecich had his tonsils out on Saturday--John Kinsella is a medical patient--Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davison have just returned from a flying trip to California, where they attended a family reunion-- They flew both ways--Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coburn are house guests at the P. L. Cormier home. Mrs. Coburn, who is Mr. Cormier's sister, and her husband, returned from their home in Cedar Bapids with the Cormiers after Thanksgiving weekend which they had all spent together--Mrs. Velma Sinclair celebrated her birthday on Nov. 27--The children of Harrison School will sing Christmas carols over WILA, Mcllenry County FM station, on Dec. 14 at 2 p. m.-- Sharon Grace Sells and Mrs. Dorothy McEachren were among those present at the Civic Opera House in Chicago to hear "Carmen" last Friday night--Jean Selsdorf, 10, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Sefsdorf of Indian Bidge, underwent a tonsillectomy at the Woodstock hospital on Wednesday, Dec. 1--Joe Montelcone has just returned from the medical convention held last week ia St. Louis. "Bod" Oereoraa "Sargo* VT« " , (-hi Where jtreallybetoii&il There's only one sum way to know that you're always giving your Fontiac the kind of care it deserves and that la by giving it regular, authorized Fontiac service by your Fontiac dealer. We know every inch of your Pontiac--as only experts can. Oar mechanics have been factory-trained to spot troubles accurately, to correct them with sure-handed skill. We use Pontiac Factory* Engineered Parts whidi are txsctlty the smn as the original pacta installed at the factory. As a result, y&i get expqt, authorized Pontiac service at a CMt no higher--often less--than you would pay for ordinary work. > If you ate driving a Pontiac, you are driving one of the moat dependable, one of die best performing cars ever built To keep it that way, have it serviced regularly in the one place whess It really belongs out authorized Fontiac service MCittBT-sMamsBasa 'Mart aas asauv bmnti jfan can be sure that every Pooliac Factory-Engineered Fart is «Mr A* aaaae aa that originally I near car. Naturally it fits forms properly, gives yot OVERTON--CADILLAC : ; 408 nONT STEEkk r ' ^" Yv""5"* 7+ >* ' f:-"•*« t•! • .. . . - v rtz tnkJ^^^mcmdZuaSoal PONTIAC CO McHENRY, ILLINOIS

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