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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1948, p. 5

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**"*€> " I < M l II111 lit M» «m>p 75-51 VV..;3 IV The MeHenry Warrior* played • «uie of basketball here but ™*y ni«fct ss thuy beat Wkite- "iter 4« to J7. Tke game was marred by what appeared at the time to be a serious J3®1? to McHenry'i ace, WiUaxi tfeCulIa. MeGnlla has made a quiek |eeovery, but will be los t (o the team w awhile. A eraah into the wall NMred WiBard sad Jnt about loored everybody in the jjym. The home boys carried through to nn the game and showed that they re improving with each game. >The Junior Varsity boys won their ame from Whitewater 31 to 26. SJMUAnOM-- Thais. MIJIX . Knue, 208-581; Sartete, 234-20&- 20S439; Bennett, 281-588; Snyder, 215-505; Josten, 231-586; Cynowa, 542; Bteffea, 541; L. Bacon, 505; T. Bntton, 212-551; Mortals**, 210-510; V.' Irani, 521; J. Larkin, 510. Wee#* Uh • . • A Bepan, 483; Chris, tttt' B. Ornbb, 200; Steinke, M0 ; B. SeSm, 215. (cHenry leeker ""eiereiset .. V. MeCuila Mures _ i. MeOulla .. feGee filler 'Isen tawell kennd Totals ^ Hiitewater rdiit .mbrose ...... krdy latner toerst , (eLeaa 1MB otten ,• < . » . e ' • 4 ' £ a 9 > : I 4 If * 1 0 t I 5 3 0' 9 , I 0 0 I J 0 9 0 $ w 0 1 i t • 9 8 0 •# F 3 o- 2 4 2 0 2 1 0 15 * 1 0 1 • 4 0 0 at I 4 1 .2 Totals core by quartan: MeHenry Whitewater: Jf t 14 [4-14^38-40. 8-15-19-27. UMAX. TIAF shoo* The MeHenry 8portsman's elub is ponsoring the final trap shoot of he season at Sportsman's headparters, south of the city, Sunday, 12, starting at 11 o'clock. This nnouncement was made by the viceresident of the MeHenry Sportslan's elub, James Oeier. , •acly Btoi*-- V. Freund, 427 ; 8. Weber,174-472; B. Freund, 212-180-534; B. Buergler, 174-174-461; E. Band, 442; L. Kuna, 185-426; F. Dean, 170-455; A. Grosso, 165-434; M. Kama, 210-454; M. Stilling, 426; B. Justen, 428. Friday Lsdiss-- N. Larkin, 468; M. 8*ith, 430; M. Hettermann, 453; M. Weingart, 428; J. Rosing, 160-432; B. Miller, 176; L. Miller, 420; N. Larkin, 173-495. BnsfnsM Halley, 505; Stoller, 506, 1JL of O-- 4 D. Slightbm, 199 524: O. Barbian, 197-510; L. Stilling, SM. D. ef A. -- M. Kinsala, 166-427; Bette O'Brien 199-534!?!; L. Hobbs, 178-444. Wonder L>ki B. 8ulHvan, 514; EL Dean, 208-580; Geo. Gutxman, 500; B. Chudik, 533; Kraloweta, 528; Coalman, 235-550. Oomm'L-- 6. Kleinhana, 240-554; J. A 1thoff, 512; B. MiUer, ,J$8;567; H. Weber, 506. Uta \,7- .. - ; v'\ .A , >'4- Followers of MeHenry'a high class Co-op basketball team saw the home boys boat the Woodstock Legion 75 to 51 here last Sunday night; If you didn't see that game, you adased some of the hottest shooting seen in many a day. First, it was Woodstock boys who were hotter *han a firecracker. They sank'sn from all spots and stole the show until the Co-ops could get the range. Manager Joe Jackson switched his lineup often and each man was able to contribute his share toward victory. Joe was in and out of the lineup himself, but managed to eontribute 20 points. Oo-ops . ' J. Jacksdii-jJu^fefe^O Neise> . Larkin . Peterson Miller . Miller . Jackson 8mith Totals Woodstodk B. Rang*) Shean .... Hunter D. Gibbf L. Ohlrieh Guy CurtWrighf - B. Kausal Hahu Totals -- % 23 f, a 10 ABB YOU ALWATS BSOXS ' AT OHXI8TKAST Do you have to borrow money for Thristm^s shopping! Are you always short when the bills come in at be end of the yearf Save the easy way -- Join our 'hristmas Club. McHENRY STATE BANK. 30 •. F. W.4~-r: Conway, 50%,^ .' 1-- Johnsburg-- * B. Martinec, 520; B. Miller, 506. -- PALA0B -- v Ladies-- M. Powers,' 177; M. Donnelly, 485; G. Barbian, 181-515; M, Yegge, 160 427. Complete line of Lee's poultry emedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mclenry. 8-tf Subscribe for The Plaindealer, MeHenry Gab Don't got wot call a c%bl "Whoa there's rata «r ttav la tfco alx, don't worry about driving your own car--Jot Mil 788 for a cab. We'll relioro yon of winter driving wonrios. , Match-- . MeHenry, 2655; WaueondS, 2589. Sonny Miller, 538; Tom Sutton, 222-516; Bud Miller, 222-541; Morrie Crouch, 515; Dick Rosing, 200-555. City-- Steffaa, 115-546; D. Sehaeffer, 158- 220-204-587; Holt, 200-504; Britz, 199-500; Conway, 202-553; Kreutrer, 214-562; Behnke, 511; Weingart, 516; Wheelock, 533; Hagberg, Sr., 180- 209-200-589. Old Timers-- Downs, 213-517; Miller, 218*520; Rogers, 509. IO*JonH-» Wheelock, 222-592; Cristy, 520; Crouch, 224-608; Budler, 521; Rosing, 08-200-186-594; C. Thorsell, 215-553, J. Thorsell, 508; Schlitt, 509; Steffes, 569; Miller, 210-559; Bacon, 512; Tonyan, 533; Barth, 610; Rogers, 501 Hup Smith, 567. MOBS BAMDBTBAXtL 8CHBDULB Fri., Dee. 10--Harvnrd--Here. Tues., Dec. 14--Burlington--Them Fri., Dec. 17--Marengo--Here. Dec. 18-20-21-22--Co. Tournament at Woodstock. Fri., Jan. 7--Lake Geneva--There. Tues., Jan. 11--Woodstock--Here. » Fri., Jan. 14--Clkhorn--Here. Wed., Jan. 19--St. Mary's--There. Fri., Jan. 21--Delavan--There. Tues., Jan. 25?--Whitewater--There* Fri., Jan. 28--Harvard--Thffre. Tues., Feb. 1--Hebron--Here. Fri., Feb. 4--Burlington--Here. Fri., Feb. 11--Marengo--There. Tues., Feb. 15--Lake Geneva--Here. Fri., Feb. 18--Elkhorn--There. Fri., Feb., 25--Woodstock--There. , J. V. games will start at 6:45 and Varsity games at 8:00. Invitational tournament at Mooseheart Dec. 27-28-29-30. , €. BuseeU Allen of Cary Imu bom re-elected assistant state's attorney of MeHenry eounty, the appointment having been made this past week by State's Attorney Don A. Wicks. Although a Cary resident, Mr. AUei condnets'his tew praetlee la W< stock. He has had about eight years ex perienee in the prosecutor's woi having served as an assistant to the late State's Attorney Vineent S. Lumley as fai back as 1931. He was first appointed under Mr. Wick's in 1945 when the latter was named to fill the unexpired term of Judge William m. Carroll, **»«•?» ptnever seen men of a community so unselfishly interested in the community's children. These men are doiag an excellent job and we know Would appreciate hearing from any- ; one interested in helping for ez- ; ample, the eoaches, or officials, or .. „ „ , , j aiding in any one of the numerous At a recent meeting of the central jjob* The pay is above nnlon scale committee or the Junior 8ports pro- in the satisfaction involved. SPORTS mm m mnn immt -rgram semi final plans were discursed for the forthcoming basketball sea- Bob Kilday accepted the post eo-ordinator which was vacated Lay when he moved to Keno- Wis. Close to sixty boys hSve submitted applications to play under league supervision," so one can. easily see the work involved in arranging physical examinations, selecting coaches and officials, and obtaining apace for practice; and the aundry other doings that are necessary to make this ao small job. This above mentioned central com- SAVE FOB CHRISTMAS The safe, easy way. Join our Christmas Club today--50c, $1.00, $2.00 or $5.00 a week. Stop in or call atad ask about it. McHENRY STATE BANK. » 80 AV OBDDfAKCB 4MENDINO AN 0BDHVANOB OOJfCEKNllfQ VWIW.S LICENSES CLAJHUFX-1 Hnttee 18 c°mposed of business men OATIOk - FBBS. SECTION 418,!an<* '*thers >» MeHenry. At their OHAFTEK 17 OF THB MUNI-1 ****•» meeting a visitor was present Cry AT. CODE OF THE OAT I OF an^ reDiarll«^ later to us that he had MBBBNBY, McHSNBY OOUNTT, XLUNOIS. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of MeHenry, MeHenry County, Illinois, as follows, to-wit: SECTION L That Section 418, Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code of tho City of MeHenry be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: *The license fee for each motor Vehicle to be paid annually to ths City Clerk shall be as follows: Passenger vehicles for private use " and trucks of less than one ton capacity $3.00 Freight or merchandise carrying vehicles-- one to two ton espaeity $4.50 over two'ton capacity ....$7.50 Motorcycles .$1.50 Public passenger vehicles having capacity of seven or less $10.00 Public passenger vehicles with capacity of over seven persons $10.00 Automobile dealers ... $12.00 SECTION II All ordinsnces or part* of ordinances now in effect in conflict herewith are hereby repealed,' SECTION III This Ordinance will take cffect with the licence fees payable for. the calendar year of 1949. Approved: •. > B. I. OVERTON, « Mayor. Attosft , ; EARL R. WALSH, s City Clerk. Pawed. November 29, 194b Approved: November 29, 1948 ' Published: Dec. 9, 1948 In next week's paper, or at least in the one following that we hope to publish the pictures of the two football teams and a list of all the boys who played. The pictures have been printed in volume and are being given to the boys by the committee. Others who would like to have a copy will, we are afraid, have to use the,photos they find ill the Plaindealer. MnmftTM BtnuHfro STAND ABD6 SET TJP TOR CM-LOAN HOUSES administration this minimum building The veterans' past week set standards for Gl-loan houses. They are designed to protect home-buying World War II veterans from shoddy construction or from being cheated by unprincipled eontractors or salesmen, the agency said. They go into effect Dec. 15. The rules speeify ' the minimum quality of materials, construction techniques, workmanship, equipment installation and structural details necessary for tees. The GI minimum of the Mbnral tion. The veterans siaed they are not standardize house plane eourage builders extra features. Complete 11m of Beebe ttvi remedies at Wattles Brag Ston. Henry? Order Plaindi our rubber staaqps at OAKD OF THANKS '. ;JL*rlsh to thank the many friends who sent me such lovely cards, flowers and gifts and who visited me while I was in the hospital, 30 MBS. WILLIAM PBIES, JR. Subscribe for The Plaindealer. NOW'S THE TIME When yon ahonld be preparing your oar for winter driving. One very important item if tires. We h»ve your sise in SNOW and MUD TIRES Let us check your ear or track, especially yonr battery. We have Firestones--none better. Oome Ik and inspect the new (TlMS8tbHE BICYCLES AND RXFBIOSftATOES WALTER J. FREUND Ursa -- Tubes -- Batteries -- Accs--oriss id Tabs Vulcanising Bicycle Repairing All Work Gaaraateed West MeHenry OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY8 Announcing > _ i . ^ -.V. • brand new banking . - P E R S O N A L © I F T C H E C K S 1 ^ It's called the Personal Gift Check Service and it will solve your "giving" problems all through the year ! Personal Gift Checks are distinctive fullcolor checks specially designed to represent every occasion and holiday throughout the year. Bach check has its matching greeting card and mailmg envelope. a i The cost of a Personal Gift Check wfth Greeting Card to match is only 25c. You need not be a depositor to use this service. Solve your gift problems this easy, new _____ way! wGive a Personal Gift Check ... the gift that's suitable for anyone on any ocear sion. " k : -:N r;m *.h; •i *• • M J4M M 1. Graduation 2. Special Oocasidtt 3. Birth 4 Birthday 5. Wedding . Wedding Anniversary 7. Easter & Motbar's Day ** i ' 9. Father's Day « 10. Christmas t/m Home in and see them today. . ' 1 , - * * McHENRY STATE BANK ^ Member Federal Reserve System % • ^ t Member Federal Deposit Insurance OorpesstiMP m m Subscribe for The Plaindealer. Need rubber stamps t The Plaindealer. o. o. P.-- B. Kreutser, 526; O. Weingart, 200; Meyer, 504; Winkel, 522; C. Stilling, 516; Thennes, 167-217-214- 508; G. Freund, 213; Herdrich, 207- 534. RESIBENOE OHAMOSS Mr. and Mrs. Victor Miller have moved from an apartment in the John Blake place on Richmond road to the .John Schaefer farm north of town. The place they have vacated is being occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Bolger. Maehlasi Aftftve The first real inventions at crude type of 'milking machines and the first suction machine made their appearance in 1878. ..-..Z"- . ; COOL REFRESHANT for the Weil-Groomed Man Y AMERICAN An invigorating rabdown with Eady American CHd Spte Cologne, after your morning bath or shower, will pep up those tired musdes, and keep you dapper, refreshed, and well-groomed throughout the day. The bracing Old Spice odor is a masculine favorite. A reproduction of a gallant Early American trading ship adorns the pottery contain#^ Early Amertom Old Spice Sbtvtmg Accessories crnm if p*rtbtsmi tmgfy, or n sets mp to $5.00 h$ omr Toiletries Dept. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. v..-,- - • . season Sonta Clous. popperaiM cones and Christmas Cards. Send your friends illmarfc Christmas Cards for they reflect the true spirit of Christmas! And remember, when you send a Hallmark Card, your friends will know you cared enough to •end the very best. When choosing your cards take time to see our beautiful gifts suitable for your family and friends. Green Street ; ||fcHeBry, HL CWFFO* SOA* J LGi. 34* tet 34* ±j**s 27* GIAKT gf* bar fMW- TOP taste WHITE SLICED GOLD MEDAL PILLSBURY FACIAL 3REG »A*S veeu am fet H0IIMT BMDN 60UMM M.M Ift. minus cm IIP WD SOUS k.2 Keyee MarfanM MTaN MJkfiw Blaatf LaH Pare LH n*Asptw , ft can 33* Is hm Ms. W ae( SNmsSMIIM CM 29 MarftriM 2 57° G I FTS UTIL IT Y ELEOTRIOAL MM** , FACIAL SOAf ItATH Yr •AltS _ •sin w 0UI _ ftRl W® iVORt « L©t 35* 1 IARS IVOBt S0BB « m8>. %y IVORY WW 3nR. IO* lAts 17 25-LB BAG ^ 85« •wHSil 10-Lk. tN • Natee Flear NRICNED--9-LS. SAC *•. NATC0 FLOUR... 35 SOFTASILK SWANS00WN OS M0SNCES 2H-LS. nc&. raja,. CAKE FLOUR.... 3SOSKOARV iVOZ «t*. White Bake Mil.. 33 -MtOWEOARV 14-OZ MC. Devils Feed Mix.. 27 '"MMCOARV 14-OZ "K6. Jfc «li(trkrM« MU. 25 ^OHEDARV 0%+_a, Cap Bake Mii2n»37 Am «o-oz-JL9e SHcsit Mhi Pk«. riAKOPIE S-OL • .RUST MIX I / • Cam OCCIDENT CAKE BAKE V£ 33e JUTS •aftartf Napkla 2-^26« OroMMrr Clan FRUIT 4 * A*. «u . 2 nw.24 Hoot Sack C. Ml I «« MINCE MEAT PI*. I / FmfePack 2-Ot 10c MlMt Halm Pko. I T 4-Oz. Pk».. J5c MS CM Britee fharteaiag Color r-- LS- Ms. Bwkae Marcarlae 37 frici'i iVVOt 90s Vaaill* Ext. SIM. 9* Vr-SZ. BOTTkE. 1* Star Foil Yeast Natco < *2Y*i 9*0N J3 %Can!s ** iMMNE SUPER SPUN •r IDAHO RUSSET PY-O-MY BROWNIE Mil *52" 29* 3iiitawri Hot Ml 14Vk-QL % Mil.. PI*. 2 Toasters Mixers Waffle Makers Hair Dryers IVORY 34T 10-Ot « Pk« 2 -r^OSBMT1NEL PORTABLE TELE VISION Radios l<ools Sleds Skis $ Basket Balls and many other itmpi ' .>"3 NICKELS HARDWARE Phone f/'/ Main St. West MeHenry BAStlLE LAVA BBAP SUNSHINE KilSPT BRABKiSS LB. Potatoes I0S5S1 43* I0i49€ 25' FtorMi firascfrslt Olif. Sno-Ball Lst. I OS CaslifkHMr .. 12 Siv I * Calif. Frwli 4(k •s* 0at«.. .Ik. 2T" Florida JUICE 0RAKCES ... California £ ** beta. La*. Stk. 19* 19* .u. H#"* 8^39* Kas4y CarroU Cat Kara la Pascal Mary Fftik >aporai«) Milk' Pet ar ) Tail :'a 3 Caas I Mates « Tall Mint . J Cans J/ [ COLOEN SOY Brittle Bake Mb /SS'JHV - JWIF *«. 34* ANGft soft FRESH PACK WHOLE ALMONDS SS 15* ^29* BORDEN'S e CONDENSED MILK..... ZV OCCIDENT k. CAKE BAKE 33 oxtoot •OWOtR -34 SMALL PKG LGE. jilt OCCIDENT COOKIE BAKE sz 31 NATIONAL U-at CAN if • r:'.- ' .* / *" J; 'J • >• -F _ S:stw. . • •

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