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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1948, p. 7

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^ . =. /.*" ' iy & 'v«. tBABS A0# manity HFCH M&ool* KU BOW ntched top floor. Although- workmen • i&y "* «'**•f* "f ' *\ ' •" TALK? H» brawny team took a little orcisc on their own hook, one day it week. They shook Bp tie wages roly for a few auHiients hat BO :« w done. inles * Smiley is the name of a iw law firm in Woodstock, C. P. rues and David F. 8miley being » principals. P. Conway has leased the farnf of iOa. Lnmley, on Bingwood Prairie, for a t4ha<f i*e yeai*} aad wUl take jiaawilftft of the aame MOB. ' v¥. H. Fori, formerly of tho Hirer- Vide HOMO, ia this Tillage, has leased ihojtejysa Hoase, at Vintoa, Iowa, ai| »orod with his family to that - - * i ^ ' r - - nrrr YBJJ* AO» ivml' ' ' Lewis Nihls, of Daadee awl Miss Bertha Nickels, of tfcls Tillage, were married at tho Lathoaa «&nrch recently. J. J. Bishop has jast pat ia a handsome new barber chair ia his •hop. It is of the latest style aad is a fine addition to his new room. Milo Howe sold a fiae Harrington piano to Xr. Land, of Xunda, one day last week. v Prof. R. D. Scott will eloso his lint term of singing school, in this village, oa Thursday evening of this week.' • 1 • oi Saturday night pot a f to tho ice staling that so much enjoyed by the yoaag people tho latter part of last week. Tho Chicago 4 Northwestern officials have at last complied to the wishes «f oar people by beautifying their property tore by the addition of a aew walk. Mr. aad Mrs. Martin Thelea have removed to Waacoada. Here is hoping that Santa Clans will bring a new depot for MeHenry. TWEMTY-PIVB YBABI AGO Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ehle, who daring the past several months have occupied the flat over the Walter J. Frennd vulcanizing and tire * shop, have rented the M. E. church parsonage and will movei into same, soon. The brick work at the new com- •SPEEDY" by NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE WILL HOW AFFTOUT RTMT5TEA MOW ABOUT rr? St « %/f 08 FRONT STREET .ROUTE SI fei' PHONE 106-R with *e it is my hope that they will SO express themselves through tike of this paper. Peril aps if the Plaindealer con Id give ns space, wo Might engage in a friendly disor debatb throagh its oolamns. I will give tho reasoas why I introduced the bin I men tlaaud in the state legislatore aad also try to show that a substantial sum might have been saved if a different method of handling the bond issues had been followed. It my privilege to be a member of our local High Sehool Board of Education some twenty-flve years ago when our present high school was built and the bond sold to fi (AH eonuaimteatio&s fo* this do- *!*"" !!" c?n8troction- 1 remember partmont most bo siimsii br tha i d,8tinctl>' that th^ Ootids were not -tht. ooSwto. «»T win b»i^ °n"z "r pabliahod. Tho Plaindeakr in-! : , gnve *he board the ad vites it* roadors to exproos the***' °! feveral thon8and do,,ar" trnknUetm in thaae cohxmna.i M m BCCrueQ intere#t- ln addition a .. , premium of nearly $6000 was re f/;:^ii««iTod on the $125,000 bond issue. tars aador roof hgr tho first of tho year, this appears i^k« doabtfal at this time. Alderman Joha B. Knox aad A1 Krauae- staged their "aanaal" stag at the MeHenry Pleas«M elab rooms last Saturday eveaing. Tho Jacob Jaotoa balWags ia tho business section of Green street have boea newly painted aad proosat a decidedly improved appoaraaft , d Public Pulse iL ; \ r; f AP Holiday CANDY TM ia* ns5 A&P _ JANE PABXEB , FRUIT CAKES 31b. 12.45 m »>• $m WARWICK^ ASSORTED CHASE'S SENSATION TUFAB MTT It is my opinion that one of the great needs of this community is a taxpayers' .aaaociation. It should, of course, be organized along nonpartisan lines and not for the purpose of opposing necessary public improvements. But rather it shonld be to see to it that when said improvements are built and financed that the taxpayers get the greatest possible return for their money. It is unfortunate that such an organization has not been functioning here for some time, as I believe if it had, a considerable sum might have been saved in interest on school bonds. There is now outstanding more than three quarters of a million dollars in school bonds which I understand were sold, or rather a contract was entered, into, to sell them^in ad vance of their approval by the voters. I am unalterably opposed to this practice, and for that reason! I voted against the recent $295,000 grade school bond issue aad also ngninst a high school bond issne for the same amount at an election just about two years ago. So strongly have I opposed the practice of "selling" bonds before the election that I«introunced a bill at the last session of the legislature to prohibit it. Although my bill had the support of many legislators as well as Illinois Taxpayers Association, it was defeated in committe# 1 through the under cover work off certain bond- houses. It is my firm conviction that a bond issue of any size can be mart keted to far better advantages aftef , an election 1 where it has been ap< ! proved by the voters than it can if it is "sold" before the election. If there are those who disagree It was a source of satisfaction to the board at that time that we wore able to build and equip our present high school without asking for a seeond bond issae. There, is of eoarsO, no question hat what more room is needed in both our grade school and high school. There is ao argument oa that score. The argument, if any, is oa the methods of marketing the bond issues that have been sold to fiaanee the eoast^oetioa of the seeded additions. - While I may seem to question the judgement of our school officials, I certainly do not mean to question their integrity. I bear no grievance against them either as a group or individually. As a taxpayer though, . think I have the right to qovsvtuu a practice that might mean higher taxes than are necessary'. Although money and credit are rather plentiful and cheap* now, there is no guarantee that this situation will continue indefinitely. The time may come in the not far distant future when it will not b» so , > ' 71A T siy utility to pay the tax bills thai are inevitably coming. That is why a taxpayers' association might n6t be a bad idea. THbS. A. BOLGEB. 7XB8 DAMAOB Sixty-eight Antioeh telephones were oat of ordft for more than two hoars Wednesday forenoon of last week as the result of a fire whieh burned a telephone cable in front of the Charles Sibley residence, at 701 Main street. Burning leaves set fire to the creosote on a telephone pole and the flames quiekly mounted to tho two fcmall cables above. Manmal Citr Baltimore has more monuments, per cspita, than any other city in the United State*. x flpartm rroBs _ Two car manufscUBia aai spark plug maker gave I fercnt answers to Mho ; "How many sparks does a j plug make when a cat is i miles an hour?" Answers 500.923 and 2,000 times a The spark plug maker mathematical proof that his mate of B2S times a minute is >j.' -C-s. * allf SP St on Route 120 EVERY NIGHT Saturday nights special entertainment featuring Bob & Vera WHY HAKE CHRISTMAS DIFFICULTY WtRieiFT IS HERE mm h Lovely Pieces of Coro 1 4 $1 to $20 Alio* lai^e seLection .<£. Table Lamps. ' - . Shilling's Town 6* Country Stadia " Five blocks north of State Bridge, 4^r-> r Riv«r*ide Drive, McHXHKV 7 ^ Tel. MeHenry 297-J " ; Open Sundays and Every Evening Until Christnaa C mrFEMNWI NtKIES ^ ate IAIMN MAID NFFEEMKC inm mini " : rtUITSTOUJN 80FFCE 8AKC «ACH IMUSM PIUHTMKit MTT.1T CHOCOLATES cMannan 3 lb. box $1.19 Colony tiM Sparkling Hostoss Ware SERVING SETS .EXCITING andXHRILLING" k EPICURE'S TRAT eal for Qift/ 12.96 MIXED NUTS IN THE SHELL XeHXmtY. 1LZJXOZS 14-in size **• FBI. • fAT., DBO. 10-11 Story of a horss VOHUI Bishop - > Virginia Vatton (I). "BLACK BAOltB Johnny W ICaareen OWlinn (t) "TABEAITS TBBABTJBV #C lb. BIG, JUICY ORANGES SUN. • MON„ DBO. 12 • IS In Technicolor Dannie Morgan Jack Oareoft TWO OUTS 7BOM TEXAS Pins • World News a Cartoon 80 sire 10 for 39c TEXAS SEEDLESS Grapefruit WASHINGTON JONATHAN Eating Apples„.3 lbs. for 29c A Chrlstmas Gift BhaPB TfWt e^ \ ^' I 4 ^ M- TUBS. - WBD Aline MaclCahon - Montgomery THE SBABOBT Plus Short Subjects ELECTRIC THIS 0B*% MENTi AND STANDS CALIFORNIA Carrots 2 bunches 19c P TREE LIOHTS COLORAIK)\ED McCLURE AND .BULBS STABTXNO THUBSDAT In Technicolor Esther Williams - Jimmy Duranta Xavier Ougat •ON AN ISLAND WITH YOU" Pins Novelty k Cartoons Potatoes 10 lbs. for 59« Champion ,| Flexlblo SH I riyoc es Folding Carts and Coaches - a THUBS., FBJL, ft SATn DEC. 9-10-11 « 2S* ocssan ASSOKTCO * to please the little w mother Priced from £ $5.95 to $10.95 it-oz. BRENDA JOYCE JACQUELINE deWIT JTUNVERSAL PICTURE co-hit "«MUEAN AND THE UEOPABD WOMAN" RESTa FRY-MASTER Ideal gift for mother $15.95 ( CREAM CHEESE tjgfejf* HAIUT WTTES mVEmtHEOt fWATOKETCHIff SWISS OttEttE ^ kN( *»* PME SAMROB mnESHrMl k'on IM-O-MtSHEESE FOtDt J^tlC W*BICLE8EL SHARP MEBDM CHEESE SMJWDRESSMt ^ HACKiBUlT, AMUCOl AH# fiACH « NUTLET NMMMINE S^.ITs PRESERVES SCHULZE tlUltCH IATH SOAP fK^62. 9* 4^cakbM* rBmMA*K MMM rFwAmSJ AsMooIAoT 9 itti-nasz . 97s * MP COFFEE MILO AND MELLOW EIGHT O'CLOCK ^11.11 VIGOROUS AND WINKY MlUR COFFEE MCH ANO FULL-IODIK MSMMLE .... tn&tn Lakt Sbsrt iMMf ^ ' s ~ ' ' * , f t • \\\ \vnvh\ i SOAP 3 IA*$ 30° KIMTS USTUSUP 3 CAKES 27* :'A, . BAT. MAT. ONLY KIDDIES' SA&TOON CABNIVAL SUPEBMAN at all shows SUN. - KON., DEC. 12-13 „ miEnm smiumn tQKE MMBMU kmummrnsmtiusi Electric 5-Unit Freight or Passenger Train Approved Transformer 10-pc. track $12.95 POOL TABLE for growing boys and Dad|| $17.50 • 4k r% f ^ ' " r-: TUBS., WED., THUBS., DEO. 14-16-16 4SBiSp>As »:."X - . USE OUR CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN JOHN J. VYCITAL °132 So. Green MeHenry VHONE 9S?^ * Open All Day Thursday, Dec. 18 " Open E verihgB TTntfl

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