writing dado, toy Ail^ kiUbiB cabinets, booing boards, ete. ^Foll line of lawn ftnuitiire. Men's and ladies' leather belts and billfolds, wash b a s k e t s , m a r k e t b a s k e t s , e t c . x . - CLARENCE SMTTrf» 1 ^ TeL XcHenrj 583-J-l ^ Johnsbnrg, HL pS': . A: A M' m NATIONALLY ADVERTISED^ FOR IUPMIAT. Blended Whishey 96 proof $3.47 ' fifth .13. SCHENLST RESERVE Blended Whiskey f SI proof $S.M ffti 92.48 pint A SCOOP IN MeHENRY-- Give that man in your life PERSONALIZED XJQUOf A fifth of Sir John Schenley Whiskey WITH HIS VERY OWN INITIALS Only $4.90 5th v TOUR ROSES Blended Whiskey * ' Kli proof • Tory chtflee blend H25 fifth P. M. DELUXE Blended Whuka^r 86 proof ft.45 fifth $120 ptot Mini FAMOUS BRANDS UQUOE 86.8 proof 7 COtOWir 86.8 proof UU1V1T OLOI86 proof MWIWil CLUB 90.4 proof OLD flSAXB 86 proof SAJS 5th . |SJ( Ah .ssjssth : SUB 5th *4.96 5th «th Me 5th Me IULUI swiss OQLOVT 5th 79e sba fehaeidor Wt iMt for Ifaatthiroe, Wl»^ where •he will spend several weeks with relatives. Miss Lad* Bauseh of Chicago •pent last weekend ' visiting McHeary friends. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sehmitt are spending the winter in St. ; Petersburg, Fla. Miss Helen Stevens and Mist Frances Hughes are spending the Christmas vacation visiting relatives in Tennessee.. Mr. and Mrs. P»nl Boyk and family and William Herdrich were weekend guests of Mrs. Cora'Herdrich. r Mrs. Eleanor Phalih 'and family are spending the holidays with relatives in Cleveland, O, Miss Maurie Taylor left Monday j afternoon by plane for Arizona, jwherj she will spend the holidays, j Miss Helen Schneider left last i week for Manitowoc, Wis., where 'she will spend several weeks with | relatives. ! Miss Marie Paprocki is spending the holiday vacation , at her home | in Chicago. Mr. am! Mrs.: Stephen Sehmitt are spending the winter in St. Peters burg, Fla. Paul Boyk and family and Wm. Herdrich were weekend guests of | Mrs. Cora Herdrich. , Miss Edith Foster left last Satur day for Chicago, where she will spend the Christmas and New Tear holidays. Mrs. Nellie Bacon left by plane Tuesday afternoon of this week for California, where she will spend the holiday season visiting her dangh> ters, Mrs. Robert Ulrich at San Carlos and Mrs. Merle Davis at Norwalk. Mr. and Mrs. Henry NeU of Woodstock, formerly of McHeary, left this past week for Lake Worth, Fla., where they will remain until spring. Their addnss is 1629 N. street. Mrs. Bernard Bauer returned the first of the week from St. An-', thony's hospital, Chicago, where she had been confined for ten days following surgery. a tm as compared with S16^16,48aglS for the correspoaStagjiefiod la INT, an increase of 16.93*. Salee for the MOSEY INN , , , , m.™ . TELEVISION PRAOER BEER - % FEED BOWMAN, Prop ' . KDFC&TF ' -A ' XV • RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL Randall Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bay Hughes, returned home Tuesday from the Children's Memorial hospital in Chicago, where he had undergone major surgery for a kidney complaint. He is recovering nicely and he appreciated the many nice cards he received while in the hospital. Mrs. Hughes commuted' to Chicago during Randall's illness, OHBXSTMAft CAROLBBS The holiday spirit has truly reached' a nuftber of children on the north part of McHeary, who have this year decided to instill the same spirit in their ae^phbers by singing Christmas eardls on Thursday evening. All grade or high sehool aged young people residing west of the' river and north of the creek, who enjoy singing, are asked to meet at the Herman Dowe residence tonight at 7:30 o'clock, from where they will leave to dag carol* throughout that part of the city. | BIRTHDAY OBLBBRATION The twin sons of the £rwin Laures celebrated their first birthday an niversary on Friday, Dec. 17. Guests were Mrs. V. J. Knox and children' of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Ed Gitzke, Jr. and children of Cary and Mrs. Wm. Heimer and Mrs. 1*Verne Bund. > *|J» „ nail »ci oiiops of McHenry ? WILL MMAIN OPEN OK THURSDAY, DEC UP TO 6:00 P. M. •C at December 4,11948. * yy J V Bnbecribe for The PhfaidMM » -- {- % . •1X > ~<y _ f ..•oM GALA ART. & LEE'S Riverside Drive, McHenry m*t n i 11Q11 OPEN HOUSE WO RESERVATIOHi Noiseinakers and Favors 0 w' UdteOASBOaD Thit y»of, whw Hf CKri$tmo« eondtw or» tgfcUd, Hj|' trees hung with ornaments, and the carols are being sunJL ; • • • • • - - v . . - v y - ; '• nHy the Spirit df ChHitmas remind us of our many blessings. let it mean an extra sense of appreciation and ^ sratliudi W4 Mh imm ^ ?. btV thara wir M »* with friends and foyed ones, and make an extra effort Its live by tht Ooldeo Rule. A MERRY HOLIDAY SEASON TO ONE AND AU|| Complete line of Bee be livestoelf remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Mo» Henry. 8-t# Subscribe for The Plaindealer. f.A *;L 117 S. 6RCCN ST. iAcHENRY, ILLINOIS Wifm- 40? Nthwork* «wry Mondoy •vMlnfl Timi a cut wlm pttknn pmy$ XX and how! GIVE HIM A MARXMAN PIPE Let him enjoy the cool, sweet smoking of choice Brian, carefully •i'"1 1 $3.50 f* $10.00 :-J£- BOLGER'S -Vs. .-:v . 'ite'o-iaiil-O'. 'i'lSi For if you're one of those who have tieni waitj» loft your turn on • Buick dcaler'ilkt-lM) folng to reward you handsomely . Look over the sleek carriage that win roll uf to your door on D-for-Delivery Day. Take in the grace of it, the sweeping lines, the bold, gleaming chrome, the pradee and perfect Step ott the gas treadle and thrUl to the lift and ef Fireball power, cradled on Hl-Potoed i mountings for velvety smoothness. hen note tide: On every IW ROAPMASTEK that swwrtonil snglnssring success, Ihrnaiow Prtrs, is standard equipment. On all SMMBuj this super-smooth driro is yours as optional ulpment at e»tr« coet. And wherever there's Dynaflow, there's o. ^ ^ ^ Take in that big broad windshield, gracefully '•ct0<T ^ curringback to narrow corner posts, end thjr. Cleariy, this ell meansyoo get more thlsjta new vrtbUlty of definitely stepped-upwind«nfy hacgaiiMd for when you first placed your order. ***** • More room, more visibility,-more ease, more Slip In and alit up the room--room for araoll V ** •wi3r and legs and elbows--room overhead, cunningly Just check the price tags up and down provided by super-soft cushions you sit i§ 'Automobile Row-and you'll congratulate not an. m vm. iify R. L OVERTON MOTOR SALES 1QB nOHT STREET JteHSIWT.ILLIHOU^^ mi li fill !• MiM'i •OsiitiidM