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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Dec 1948, p. 2

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MICRO WET ihmi «HNy nph £«nmMrS yi f4* Intforitffctofy Offer 1MICR01IKT FXXDEK il 24S-LB. BOX KOKOKBT * 1BORIS AUTOMATIC PORTABLE wATBsomm ALL INSTALLED FOR $3li ^ . , jWjf - , V- : •&»** WONDER LAKE K P5 HOME APPLIANCES a? -,:i« »i< '• O. ne door west of Standard Oil fljtatioft A . ' T e l . W o n d e r L a k e 8 8 8 ie >V •1^%;?'. m YOUR S*y;- Christmas AT THE OLD BRIDGE TAVERN 140 Riverside Drive . McHENRY (by ^umf Setts) Annaal (Mm For tiw OtlMta* Br bMM ftil--iinfty OMb Again eomee the Christmas yiiwii with UidiM 1> the heart* iriid good will toward men. Again Ike sparkling of colored tight* areiht season's landscaping, aad carol* are on every voice. The Community Chib Christmas party was held at Muicy'a hall on ,On Batarday afternoon, the Brownie Sooataeata : mother* at a Chriatmaa Wt the primary room of the Harrison SehooL "The Brownie Story," a playtet baaed oa the story from nwh the name "Brownie" wai taken, «u given by a group of the youngster* among whom were Cora Jean Hen- , thorne, Suzanne Miller, Barbara Sunday, Dee. 19, between 8 and 5; Regard, Jean Seladorf and Sandra p. m. The party was in charge of; Joe Monteleone. Saudi Sell* was the the Community Club president^ Mr*. Pauline Grill, the secretary, Mrs. June Morin, and the seventh and eighth grade mothers headed by the room mother*, Mrs. Luey Bett and Mrs. Ethel Van Kanegan. Carols, under the direction of Mrs. Berniee Blount, were sung by the children of the different grades, with Mrs. Jane Richards a* accomnapist. The arrangement* were by Mrs. Marjbrie Latkrop. Scripture, between enrols, telling the Christmas story was by: DorofSy Bott,*Wade Cusiek, Bobby Cormier, Jean Hay, Larry Larsen, Helen Tronsen and Bob Vanderstraeten. A mural of the nativity was greatly admired by the capacity crowd who learned that thq picture was the work of tlTe seventh and eighth grade students.. An amusing mural of choir singers had been made by the fourth and fifth graded, under Mrs. Lathrop. The Brownie Scouts, directed by their leaders, gave their little play, director. ^ The girls sang a number of brownie songs which were very effective as they were all in uniform a* was their leader, Mrs. Olive Tallman, Mrs. Virginia Monteleone, coleader, eeaompanied at the piano. Under the direction of Mr*. Charlotte Mayer, the girl* made quaint little Santa Clauses with round red apples for bodies, and fat, white, arms, legs and heads of marshmallows stuck on by cocktail toothpicks. Faces were package Stickers. Three of the girls wire initiated at this meeting. They were Cora Jean Henthorne, Karen Meyer and Lynne Sue**, Mid a new little member was accepted, Susan Bathe Spuehr. - Announce Engagement Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lawrey of Wonder Center are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Kathleen, to Lloyd Harvey Behrens, son of Jessica Behrens of the North Shore, Crystal The Brownie Story," and sang two i Lak<s and of Qeorge c. Behrens Sr. of their songs. j of Brookfleld, 111. Mary Kathleen A highlight of the afternoon was j attended Senri high school and is einthe arrival of Santa Claus and Mrs. | ployed at the McHenry Title Santa Claus in a gay little cutter : Company in Woodstock. Lloyd atdrawn by a pony which looked re- j tended the Crystal Lake schools and torie# Beoort ent Mrs. Mrs. In TmQm? Mr. CfcraneeSt^ffr. and Iftiuwty, ifoOSsd Mrs. tJrbaa Ba*er, Mr. «ad JIm. A1 Ms--l>t,l>» <nd Mm Bojr Korea, Mr. aad lfm* William Hoeft, Mr. and Mrs, fraak Cheney, Heaury Sehan, Van BM thorne, Mr*. Henrietta Selura and Joe BoUtirai. Dr. and Mr*. W. 8. Gnthman of Chicago were present at the dinner a* were Mr. and Mn. Bxold of High land Park, and Dr. and Mr*. Khody Irani of India. With The Blgkth Amy In Japan First Lt. William M. Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. William K. Wright, Wonder Center, has just been appointed the post engineer for Kanaoka Barracks, the home of the sixty fifth Engineer Combat Battalion and the twenty-fifth Quartermaster Co. Bqth units are part of the 25th Infantry-Division. Lt. Wright has newly been assigned to the sixty-fifth Engineers. He is a graduate of Lane Technical high school in Chicago. Joining the army on Jan. 6, 1942, at Chicago, he was sent to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., for hi* baaic training. Hi* wife, Mrs. Monica A. Wright, livea at Elmhurst. * gaaats efMr. and Mr*. Warren Till- Mlajsst weekend yon know that Eddie Cannon, KSt 'Krtflfr aBd two children have boo# permanent residents here dnee Nov. Wf ' Eddie i* the sen of Ed and ^Marion Cannon--Lama Wank el, sophomore at Woodstock high, is third to the marathon swimmers trytag to nmI »the 500-yard mark. Laura has aJtfeat swam Slg yards-- Have yon aeon Huel Von Bampas* elegant ae# far eoatf She vaya it is her Chriatasaa, New Year's, Valentine's, Mothers' Day, and birthday Jpreeent for the coming year--B. S. Edmonds of Los Angele* is a holiday visitor at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jane Setxler, of Indian Bidge. Nancy Edmonds, a student at Orinnell, is also a guest at her •later'* home--By the way, the Setaler* got thfeir dog baek, due to this column'* kind friend*-- Mrs. Mattie Died rich was a patient at Woodatoek hospital this week. 8he was dismissed on Monday-- Beamtiful Mary Jane O'Neill 21 ia confined in the hospital at thi* writing. Hope she will be-out by Chriat- Alao hear that Mr. Wickline Don't forget the big party for the children which will be given by the local businessmen on Chriatma* eve at Wonder Center. Chairmen for the party are Harvey Jones, Carl Jervia, William Fiala and Victor Milbrandt. The names of businessmen participating in this program will be published next week. 'f ' ' j&sft * " - • • Tiff WHISKIES -Fifths-- Schenley _ 7-Crown „L 4-Roses : Imperial ^ P. M. Gorbeyg ^ 3 Feaiberi J&M . 3.97 .. 425 . 3.39 • . 3.45 . 3.37 . 3 JO markably like Judy Troxell's Danny. The gay old gentleman handed out treats to all the children before going on about his holiday business, i ,Coffee and a grand selection served in the U. S. navy. He is now employed by a wallpaper company in Crystal Lake. The wedding will take palfee next of j summer. I Romwfcerel Dutch Miller's Back In Uniform After tea dan la tfci dtp, Datdi !• back ia nriferm.1 doat Army khaki or Navy Mae bat a Afferent aalfm, tkafa twj bit aa patriotic aad Americas. Blue jeans aad a denim drift, for aoifc aronnd Mm yards and barns; noot boots for tramping through the fields; aad a straw bat when the son gets Ugh--a uniform yon see from.Maine to S-h-h-h-h-h-! This is for grownups only--Santa Claus will be calling around ' in the neighborhood on Christmas Eve in his little sleigh. He already plans to call on the Cannon children, the Johnson children and the grandchildren of Tom Stanley. Would you like him to stop at your house t Call Wonder Lake 391 and tell him your address. raey that guard mm eider. the bitter «ad Welcome Stranger I Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Deaq are parents of a girl born on Friday, Deec. 17, at the Woodstock hospital. The Deans have a little daughter, Bonnie, 17-months-old, who will welcome the new little sister who will be home in time for Christmas. The new baby weighed 7% pounds and will answer to the name of Sharon Lee. • Mr. and Mrs. Boy Meiswinkle left on Thursday for Massachusetts, where they will spend the whiter with Mrs. Meiswinkle's folks. Their home has been rented to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker. The Parkers, who came from Dixon a few months > |ago, have been living in Woodstock The Gold Seo/ fe//f you there's no beffer buy , The barf bey le yewsf Beautiful cabinet. Packed' with exclusive G-E features lor outstand- Jag perfnrsMMirie. G-E aefmaf stfer faae. SoasMve, powerful jgisker.. Improved recaption. tubes phrn rectifier. AG $22.95 Carey Electric 'Shop fiLECTBICAl OONTBACTOB8-- Telephone Sfil McHenry, I1L HI i #<• Ull 11111IIII1111 Herat aad Vine, Adams, a« L com^ ffe. ^ be pro^d of the ^rKas,party which they held at ga/atawh on »riday afternooa. There were sixty-five chfldrea preeoat aad thirty-fire adults. , Owtar News May we of the Gospel Center eonrf to til of ear friends and neighbor* tht greetings of the season. • nneerely wish for you a very W®l,<*fistmas and a New Year of P8" blessings from God. We cordially invite one and all to our Christinas service in the earliest hour of Christmas Day, or at 12:01 a. m. The youth chorus will sing mm* the pastor will speak on the subject: "Unto Yon Is Born A Saviour," On Sunday, Dee. Mth, the Sunday 8chooi will convene as usual at 10 a. ft and the monriag worship service will be held at 11-o'elock. In gilMi wffl be given--a an* Mi^. ful evening for yenag aa# eld, wi^ the children of onr Snnday Irteri. We are ptanaia^ for a Wafteb Night service on New Year's Xv^ from 11 p. m. until midaight. Mrds ef fW V Birds «f prey bava at laa^aaae ecoooaak Importatoea. H--y af Mwii bata a taste lor mett«Ml ntf«a. tm maadav flatea br am-atad** wffl destroytm and, ons bsfftsnaal bar te a yaar. *n«er at ttaltaia ' wfaala la -bwwB as "Rmte e( the Saa" and is afraltf a( neiflhr man nor baast It «fl| attack anything that swinfcs. Bnt ma eat the tongues of living wtisl**. lite male Ubr has a bnga scimitarshaped dorsal fin six fNt blgb Ml a. tiw baast swims, jnst at tta surface, tha waving fin looks Bka Am neck *f a serpent TMs'ls bit for most of tha sensational i serpent stnriaa. It la not afraid af boats or small ships. Complete liae of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drag Btore, Me- Henry. ' t i-tf Bead tha Want Ad|(, Gifts For °r ' r • ,v'V • I •ipi* ' The Doughboy Feeding Guide pictured above has been mailed to you for your exclusive use. It contains valuable information for using Doughboy Feeds for your livestock and poultry. Included in this book are illustrations and information on how to obtain many valuable nationally known gifts FREE. Save the coupons found in each bag of Doughboy Feed. fe* yovr Heng this book in seme convmient place bendy reference. If yon heven't received i *«--w«K. | svjp *ye. . * IcHavr Cwnty Faram C(h«p AsSL PHOHE 729 McHENRY, ILL. Where Mr. Parker is employed as an ! advertising lay-out man and sales man by the Woodstock Daily Senti neL BONDED WHISKIES Irs Ibe nnifocm of an army-- f]ie great army of American farmars who, by their productivity, are Grandad Old Taylor Brlenes First Graders, Susan Buth and Lee Ctrfrigkt, 1948, Vnttm SMn If iOld Fitzgerald Did Forester Xentnckv Tav«n Xmaa Package YOUR fLOWERS pilbr'i DeLaze ROM Colony Port, Sherry, Muscatel FLORIST Yes, you'll thank Santa every day of the long life of your beautiful, automatic Tappau Gas Range, h wil| make cooking so much easier, simpler, with these Tappan time savings 'work-sarin SCOTCH Teachers In the Heart of McHenry WEST ELM STREET White Horse Black & White 4 To Cheer the Home and Oive That Extra Holiday Spirit CYCLAMEN POTTED PLANTS BEGONIAS AFRICAN VIOLET PLANTS J. Bavet &49 :S< \,-I" • .»o CASE BEER good assortment of cut flowers for home Sehlitz, Budweiser, Blati, decoration and to wear, including ^ ^ ; $ 3 . 7 5 p e r c a s e , p l u s d e p o s i t Prager and Meister Brau ^ ^ , $3.10 per case, plus deposit CHRISTMAS CORSAGES A full line f Christmas "Wreaths, Door Sprays, Candle Centerpieces, Holly, Mistletoe, etc. DOUBLE BALSAM TREES Assorted Sizes • "TOM AND JERRY 6a Christmas Day at the Old Bridge V Stop in and see TELEVISION Boxing, Wrestling, Football Every Night CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP a*. • U,HAROLD (Schmalz) MILLER FLOWER PHONE 401 r-\ • ;.MZ. a.... .r - JJ. .. L ** . J

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