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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Dec 1948, p. 4

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, ss*sal'«l*ss amttor si >||1ICB«H7, 111., wider Mlef May «. ***»• $2.50 xrtoN .S : OOJUNO HUB Mitchell Kane of Siafwood «n elected president of the OoBmiitjr byrirm of MeHnuy eeaaty at a •tiHl h«U ai4h« |mmm %f Mr. and Mr*. T. J. Sweeney at Wood* liotk tkii week. Mrs. Shirley Reed was elected riee-prenident and progran ckainm aad Mts. Bobert Buarard of Richmond whs elected secretary aad troassrer. JHaaS Sg'-^NWW U bO iaJaawary, date to |L & & Meeting. Jaaaaxy 4 Ihgiool Hone Bureaa Meeting-- t:M p. K. of C. Hall. Legion Auxiliary Observe HoUday The American Legion Auxiliary of Me Henry held its Christmas party ) for members on the regular meeting aight. Doe. SO. Oifts were exftArfl, Meetiag. • ,I,d "***. ^ * - ? * !c a r d s w e r e p l a y e d , w i t h a b o u t s e v e n j tjpi>u>j j.., piny PHniv««N a««M _____ j the winner at sack table. A 'tolled ! tioa of randy bars was ute tk( tree for hospitalised Vetera**. A te'fciajfcrief besinees meeting prweededthe fm a T«7 Wl|>J j party feetiritieei with eleven aew members saasaassd. It was voted to contribute $10 to -Laaehaaa was served by Mai. Albert BaiWu and ker eosunittoa. Hostess, MM. Harold Vaace, eeaepleted O# Christinas than with Yuletide QUI * V .,^"s ZM Put? The Girl tertained the eombinod troops of the eommaaity at a Christmas party at the gMde school anditeriam oa Saaday afteraooa, Doe. 1$. Before the party, seventy girl seopts aad Headers walked * from Riverside Drive, down Green street, to the 'West McHenry bnsiness area and back to the* school, singing carols en route. Each seont brought a toy for the Children's Home at Woodstock. Games were played until refreshments were served, whieh consisted of doughnnts, cookies, milk and tee cream. Santa Clans was present and each seont mdvod va gift, eandy and an orange. The committee in charge wishee to thaak Robert Green and the police department for their services, the Children's Heme at Woodstock. atao Mar«® Thompson, Betty Bala Several, other donations to needy families were discussed. A thera- •wajpeutic heat lamp was showa to the group and instructions issued that will be dsaad TkMay, j it is available to anyone in the Ihw ta order tor Itt mm-, community by calling the auxiliary ta ^eat the tfapa at fcoase president, Mrs. Wiaield Pietseh. families! ' • This was bfought from funds of th# ILLDfOIS bat. mat. only XtDSKBT "SUPERMAIT* A* All Safe. Perform •DP. - MOV., DBC Samphrey SAT., DBO. 86 tttUday Mittm at 2:90 p. m Oontlnaoas Bobert Walker IMck Ava Gardner Eve "ONE TOUCH OF VENUS" -- •--; i SUN. • MON„ DEO. SB - 27 Fred MacMunay - Madeleine Carroll Alaa Mowbray Baddy Sogers "AN XNNOCBMT AFFAIR" boldt and Chuck Miller for their donations' aad iatoreet in the girl scoots of their eommuaitiL _. 0 f 0 •irl SeMrt Activities The Girl Seoat Leaders Club entertained the combined tfroop of the community at a Christmas party at the grade school auditorium oa Sunday afternoon, December 19. Before the party, seventy girl scouts and leaders walked from Riverside Drive, down Green street, to West McHenry - business area aad back to the school, singing carols eo uoute. Each seont brought a toy for the Children's Home at Woodstock. Games were played until refreshments were served whieh consisted of doughnuts, cookies, milk and ice I eream. Santa Claus was present and each scout iee«ived a gift, candy and an orange. The committee in charge wishes to thank Robert Green and the police department for their services Also Marge Thompson, Betty Reinbold and Chuck Miller for theiT donations and interest in the girl scouts of their community. t,4; tt' {f. VK' 'J.-S-'ii:. SJ&k "X*: should mean, woriffeght hatred and .TSTTS^ *•» • -y' . & * • .V - (by Marie Schaettgen) as well, the bfrtfrfcf freedotp. (^rfst^WnfO be free--free ftom tyranity, ftrefroniccertlvfM false pride. Christ was born so that all might haye thesefreedoms--not just a chosen Is#. The most significant Birth the world has ever known occurred :%:a manger. Nothing conld be more* unpretentious than this, yet for twenty centuries we have celebrated it each year. His birthplace was just a manger, yet beauty was there and grefct dignity. No' need to herald His coming with silver trumpets, no need for glitter or show, nor for pomp and ceremony. His birth was unadorned and lovely. His life was simple and beautiful. ^ How far we have strayed from this precept of simplicity presented by Christ. Christmas no longer seems to mean beauty, simplicity or love of mankind. It no longer seems to mean kindness, the true kindness that emanates from the heart and inspires us to lend^a helping hand or give a comforting word to those in need o£ it. It has come, instead, to mean ostentatious display of the power of money. Too often we we impressed by surface glitter and entirely miss the ethereal beauty of the thought that inspired the act. Once Christmas meant love and appreciation of the homely,1 modest pleasures of our own fireside. Possibly, if we were to scratch beneath the surface of the thin veneer of sophistication the world wears, we would find that same passion for simple things, home, friends, children loved-ones, still struggling for expression in a world gone mad. ^ If nothing else comes out of this turmoil and upheaval of a chaotic world letn& hope it will bring a renascence of the simpler forms of pleasure. A few years ago we found it possible to live without thtj, luxuries we- have come to consider indispensable. We would gladly give up these luxuHes again in return for lasting security, a feeling of security in the hearts and minds of those of us who Still have vivid •memories of the last war. Our prayer for this Christmas is that it may remain a White Christmas, the whiteness untinged with red, the red of the precious life-blood spilled on far-flung battlefields. Let Christmas always be white, white with the brightness of peace restored, white with the cleanliness of remembered ideals, white with the happiness of out returned-soldiers. Let our hearts be filled with the thought that once more there shall be. ' f 5 s "PEACE ON EARTH--GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN^^c s .-V." i McNENRY STATE ftanbtr Federal Sascrvs System Mll»» I We will be closed every Sunday ; until further notice, starting Suajday, Dec. 20. John J. Vycital Hdwe. Green 8t., McHenry.. 32 Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies'at Wattles Drag Store, McHenry. . .. 8-tf Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $1.25 TUBS. - WBD„ DBO. 28-89 Pat O'Brien Una. O'Connor "FIGHTING FATHBB DUNNS" Walt Diaaay Oaxtaoa THUBS^ DBO. 90 Abbott and Coctello . jIlBBT FBANKBNSTBOr* Woody Woodpecker Cartoon VIBRATION NOISC 'FBBB1 FBEB! OMij >«r farts CDRoaha "SulTALO BILL OLDII Eastern Star if ;. Begins New Tear The McHeaiy chapter, No. 547, Order of the Eastern 8tar, met in regular session last week, with the aewly installed officers filling the stations. Mrs. Elsie Reiker, worthy matron, and George Reiker, worthy patron, presided. Ethel Holly was appointed on the fraternal welfare committee and Chancey Harrison on the endowment taext meeting, committee of the grand, chapter. The following were escorted and introduced: Valeska Hoppe, grdbd, representative of Maaitoba, Cana-1 da; Ethel Holfy, grand chapter eom-! mittee member, and Lillian Gilbert,1 grand lecturer; also nine past worthy auttrons. The worthy matroa appointed her eemmitteee for the year. Befreshments were served I^HBaa Cox aad EMe Reiker. There will be a. party and Bass and the committee are to be complimented for this fine party. The'next meeting will be held oa Thursday, Jan. 0, with the following committee, Eleanor Foley, chairman, assisted by Helen Weber, Dorothy Weber; Catherine Wagner, Celia Pox and Carolyn Justen. "**"v Fr. Baumhofer, chaplain, will speak on the Sacraaunts # ^he lethdist Chorck Nttes I| khdoubtful that the carpenters working on 'the Methodist parsonage back in 1879 ever gave it a thought that the building would one day pick up tys timbers and movebj This will be the last set of notes written from this location at 306 Main street. Next week it is hoped j versity thange of gifts at the meeting of that the building will be settled on j at this service. .. V«v Y«as*s anwiTK SHOW IIDU, DM. tut, 11:10 *"£ Damrs Open 11:15 p. a. Boy Tickets In Advance At the Box Office To All -- 60c HMumtHmnunHNiiimwiiuH '•?^p ftwvmtss>|iisal»aaJi tlaslroai loosa nsm i cradu. Oat afflirarina lasts «h« Hit of yoar cau S** for this low big valac samlcsi WITCOTS ••Ufciaoi UNDERCAR PROTECTION »f: A. S. BLAKE " v Motor Sales *01 E. PEARL STREET. .^McHENRY, ILLINOIS % PHONE 156 Dw, ?«. OfReers eoadaetod funeral services for EUa Felt* oa Dec. 17. Miis Beaa 8eheid was hostess at a pink aad blae shower held at her home on Green street last Saturday afternoon, honoriag her grandnieee and grandnephew, Keith aad Kathryn, twins born to Mr. §nd Mrs. Elmer 8eheid of Hebroa on Dee. 7. Thirty-tve guests were invited from Kenosha, Waukegan, Spring Grove, Solon Mills, Woodstock, Johnsburg, MeCullom Lake and McHenry to enjoy an afternoon of Wor*l"P WM thrilled by the Cherub games, with the novel idea of select ehoir " th®y "anK "Away in a ing prises of attractively wrapped ^anger " The Junior and Senior gifts from a prettily decorated tree. eh®iri "nK "The Birthday of a The home was also decorated in *>y Neidlinger. Gordon Scholle kee^ng with the holiday season and Ptay®* "Largo" by Handel, and a a delicious lunch served. The babies *rouP ot carol> " v>oKn »olos for were the reci^pnts of many lovely P'elude and offeratory numbers, gifts. t (At 4:30 the primary department The twins were baptized at St. Pre*ented their annual Christmas Joseph's church, Richmond, by Bev. Pr°gr*m- This was the first time Frank Miller, last Sunday. Sponsors ^ been held in the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Freund and aUo the initial program preof MeHeary aad Mr. aad Mrs. sented by the primary department 1 without the help of the juniors. Everyone agreed that it was a success. The little folks recited their pieces and sang their songs, holding the audience's attention as only children can do. yThe presentation of the Christmas Story in pageant was well done. And 8anta was there even Mrs. MeCracken was invited to give Santa a big hug. She didn't, later explaining that she didn't hav$ .that planned for the program. Maybe that will be included next year. : r The junior department invites you to come and hear the Christmas Story in song and picture on Chris* mas Eve at 7:30. We hope you will come and worship with us. This is the first in what we hope will become a custom in our church, a Christmas Eve service. The following Christmas, Dee. 2$, is Student Recognition Sunday. We hope that all our college and unistudents will be with us At least two will its new foundation on center street There has not been a dull minute for the last two days. Two good {stsed timbers have been shoved under the house and the process of talslag will sooa take place. "What are they doing nowt" is the question that "Bad" is eeatiaually asking. Pire^the^faa, then the water, and it will 'not be long until telephone aad electricity will be off. We have moved before, bat never quite like this. It is a new experience, one that will aot be forgotten right away. Everyoae attending the Sunday have part in the serviee. Gordon Scholle will play again as he did last Sunday, and LeBoy Scholtz will is in Scripture and Prayer. Come out and worship with as. MSee you in Church." , "Merry Christmas to AIL" The Sister* #* St Ma>y'fr£t. Patricks iehosl wish to exto%d their gratofctf T. A., the Chriptifa Mothers, 'the Junior Forihtofc the Winder Lake JU$ar ani^Roiatjr soeaMg^ to.. tibe aSifol cUMsaik aaA aU who have v^y gdti|rswy Hiow«red the Sisters with so many good tilings.. Ifay the Babe of fieihlehem tUkly reward all nn Aritadi wjbo jby thSir kindness have added grdhtly to the jStfeMrS* Christmas joy. IflT. '} • - ' |K)TIOB,^- ;:"1' -* We will be closed every Sunday until further notice, starting Sunday, Dec. 26. John J. Vycital Hdwe., Green St., McHenry. , S2 Subscribe for The Plaindealsr. fcpfH '4< JOHN ADAMS ELECTRICAL WORK MoCULLOM LAKE Georgfe Sfl of Spring Grovie., • • • £. D. of A. fbaas Party About ninety persons attoaded the Christmas party held at the K. of C. haB on Thursday evening of the last week for the members of Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, Catholic Daughters of America. At»the first party of the card tournament, several gaipes were plajed and prizes were awarded to Bertilla Freund, Eleanor Strache, Anna Hay, Helen Heuser, Marie Vales, Clara Stilling, Elizabeth Schoewer, Marie Oeffling, Clara Adams, Gwen Smith and Gertrude Stilling in pinochle; Margaret Simon, Clara Stoffel and Helen Weber in auction bridge; Mrs. Brandon, Helen Dobyns, Rita Martin and Marie Powers in contract bridge; May me Jackson in five hundred and Susanne Maishall in five hundred rummy. This being a "dress-up" jjarty, prizes were awarded for the best costumes to Elsie Winkel, Eleanore Btrache, Helen Thorns and Elizabeth Pich. Santa presented Ella Buss, grand regent, a gift from her officers and she in turn, presented them a gift. An exchange of gifts took place among the members. The table was prettily decorated for the occasion with the spirit of the season. Befreshments were also fcggybgg Yriifc thff S)|| Tear End Clearance Sale BEQINNINO MONDAY, DEC. 27 ^ JV BARGAINS GALORE , DONTMISSm GcimiMbA The friandhr S*ara Ksxt to the Bank .4 \ Co«N|iocta tsjf Bolger's Drug Store PHONB 40 McHENRY, ILL. Show Place of the Middle West TaIth Geneva, Wiflconain * Make Tour Reservations WW To Celebrate NEW TEAR'S EVE at the RIVIERA PAUt. and his celebrated LUOKT STRIKE OROBfRSTRA • ' • ' DANCING ' ~ ' . • -&• • -•^.WQvKLTife. . GATETT v FUN FOR ALL ; Admission, per person Including Fed. Tax $2.50 Mail check or Money Order to THE RIVIERA aad your tickets will be mailed to you. No reservations held unless paid for in advance. PHONES 245 OR 419 mgjm Subscribe for The Plaiadeafet. aad $2.00. Wattles Drag Store. 35-tf BOOKKEEPING and TAX SERVICE * Records Installed and Maintained Income Tax Returns Prepared v?: By Appointment Only ELMER P. ADAMS Oertifled Tax Oonswhant jPoz Like 6962 1 mi. No. of Fox Lake on Rt. 12 Witfc genuine appreciation for patronage you have accorded us during the ,pwt years, we wiirijjr -. you a- •*•••• V Me«y Christnws, JhORE HILLS U vf" V FOOD SHOP ""PW Nfflf Yew as gifts mean many Bights of dandng or llstonlag pleases in the futare. That's why oar records are sash gaad gifts--they lu*» We're got a wide enough --Iscttsn to satt aayooe's taste tos popalsr or cUsrtc. Ootns in, that «ffl always be IOTSS. -r /• ! apro oMnr album PBBD WAB1HO ALBUM PBBBT OOMO ALBUM LOBBETTA TOUHO'S "UllflSl JUNg&L* ' OBBISTMAS CABOLS, BOTAL OHOBAL SOOIBt# OHBOIT1CAS OABOLS, WITH OBOAN AMD CHXMBS, BOBBBT BHBXNS CHRISTMAS OABOLS BT THE HOUR OF OHABM AT.TrGlBL OBOHBSTRA CHRISTMAS OABOLS BT BASIL BATHBONB "THE LITTLE OBOAM BOY" BT E. POWEB BIGGS : smaLEs . ' W f - i.< *st., >;•:#"« " "ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS MY TWO FRONT TEETH" by Spike Jones V ' JjPHtl COMES SANTA 0LA1T8M J; byQteeAntry v LAROB SE1BCTIQN 0F 0HILDRBir8 NOM-BBBAKABLB BBOOBDS '•>4'- ',9. and op • •• - i ALSO CHUsDBElTS ALBTJUB Oome in aad bear the Columbia Long-Playlng . i • 41# r* .. , ' . L - 914 Main St. Phone 123-J

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