SMgktar, mmr ***,< •* Grove mi Mr. ni Thelea Of Johasbarg. $2.60 CDITORIAL. ISSOCIATION Mn. Xm Lavas* «f )T«- • Lake uiotiMd on Christ D»y tk« ««Mmt of their daughter, Lwtto IImmm, to Bleh- »rd (5. WiUifll*, mm of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wilhehn of Wonder Lake. No wedding date has bem set, ;i i| To Sold WoetlMi The Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church will hold ita next meeting on Monday evening, Jan. 3, at which time election of officers will he held. This will be the organization's holiday party, I with a fifty emit gift exchange. M SlMt Iib, 4 j Theresa CataM and Marie Powers The Itiagwood Bom Bttfeaa will j will act a» co-chairman, to be assseet at 1:30 o'clock on Tuesday, | sisted by Florence Doherty, Agnes Jan. 4, la the K. of C. ball, McHcnry, Phalin, Mary Powers, Mary 8tenger, instead of at the Legion ball as ^ Alice Brooks and Agnes Sehaffer. pitiiwily anaonnced. " ' • • • V f LOyLake Kiddte* ;• Z fciMiam OwiimMy <#•& - Tatas Fatty fto'MMt *s«* Week x gay tiae was h»d by *11 wlw . Clu\of ,#f^.*it«»dea the children'* pirty held at tmrg wiBhold their regular meeting ^ UijmooT OM ^ 2L for awmbors ' Mrs. James Simons placed the Stephen H. Freund wait feted at a family gathering held at fcit JfcMM last Sunday, in honor of lite AfaaM Day. Dinner and snpper were served, with the remainder of the day be* ing spent in cards aad visiting. Present were Mr. aad Mrs. H. E. Bueh and son, Henry, the Anton P. ChAstmhs Day guests lie the Clarenee Martin hone were William Smith of -Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. William Martin of Sterling. On 8unday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Collins accompanied - Mr. and Mrs. Clarenee Vassaa of Wiueonda, to Chicago to to* them celebrate their tenth wedding an- Freund family, Herb Freand and niversary. They attended' the Chicfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Freund ago Theatre and afterwards had and family and itr. and Mrs. Frank dinner at the famous Isbell's res- Blake, all of MeHenry, and Mr. and taurant. Mrs. Clarenee Frees* 6f PlattvlHe, | Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Wells aad two Wis. children of Los Angeles, Calif., • • » , , . [were recent MeHenry visitors. OMriek Malt * 1 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Collins Baptised Sunday 4 J i#«nt Christmas Eve in the hodfc The little daughter of 'Mr. ancT of her brother, Frank Lumber and Mrs. Charles Diedrieh was christened family of Xngleside, I1L "Patricia Ann"_at baptismal services Holiday visitors in the home of held last Sunday at St. Mary's J»ek Walsh were Miss EUr church, Bt. Rev. Msgr. C. 8. Nix •' South Bend, lad., and officiating. Sponsors wore Miss Ma ^ Watoh of Chicago. Smith and Hoary Diedrieh of Iagle- Mi" Williams, R. N., of Mr. and, Mrs. I. H. Fish of Wood sUrfir spent the hoHSay weeksad v jftal last IvMay. Ha with ttNM for the holidays iftw being confined to tfa# hospital for tea days. Mr. aad Mrs. " Elbert 8. Bueh wgrt l««t» for Christmas dinner in the boms of Mr. aad Mrs. H. S. Bach. Other guests were Jerome with the Albert J, in IfeBealy. Joining them oa Christ mas night for sapper aad the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Fraak Adams aad son, Edward, of Riagwood. On Christmas evening Mrs. Evelyn Hart had members of her family ( Buch and his family and Miss Helea as gnests, including Mr. aad Mrs. Bueh from Chieago. Alex Jnsten, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold j Mr. and Mra. Howard Collins e£ Anderson aad family aad Mr. and tertained at Christmas dinner, hav- Mrs. Jacob Jnsten. , ing as their guests Mr. and Mi* Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson had j ®®y Dalsiel and daughter, Jnne and the following house guests over Fri-'Mr. sod Mrs. Lyle Stickels, all of day and Saturday: Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ingleside, 111. Badali an& daughters, Patsy andj Christmas Eve guests in the homo Bonnie, of Crystal Lake, Mr. and; o{ the Howard Cairns included Miss Mrs. Leonard Nelson of Wonder j Wily Unti, Gregory Cairns, Mr. and Lake, Mr. apd Mrs. Bud Oxtobv of | Mra. Harry Conway, Mr. and Mrs. Bingwoodj Mr. and Mrs. John Gra-1 Martin Conway, Mr. Earl Conway, nath and daughter, Betty Ann, ofjMr. and Mrs. Lynn Smith and so a, McCullom Lake and Harold Nelson,of Rockton and Mr. and Mrs. E. of DeKalb. A delieious 'Christmas j C. Holle of Oak Park and Mrs. Celi* Day dinner was enjoyed by all. On (Knox of Cryatal Lake. . Hines Iwpltil, spent the holiday j Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Gas Granath | Mr. and Mrs. Liale Bassett, - ... ^ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. *nd daughter, Helen,^'of Harvey, III.,)daughter, Ilene, and son, Homer, Following cas eeresboay, *r. ana WPM dilltlAr ffllAllj fllA IfaMMs ' IMIll Hll*(af«Maa • A.% Jtfrs. Bernard N. Siaith, -the a»fttar~ Joaapl Williams. I ^ Mhrtin Conway had jwere dinner guests in the Magnus "P«nt Christmas afternoon in the . I* . ..v., !»<>•?<» Aowii by Ed fteadman, Edj^Dn4PDi^rieh*nd • 4"^s of tke teh«laW ^ Lannei donated gifts for the 160 j i « • aiitee are Joha-M. Freaad, John R- children. Others who made the party isatartaiaod Oa Frenad, Joe E. Freund, Jo^JPrett' -- aad Harold Fox. nal gmndpaMnts, enteriained at ditt«*», , u. » Christmas dianer guests as rollows:: A n«BH imeu w»d cauuim uu ?"• ^ C. H.1U, O.V p.,C'„.,d«1,1nre. to ... d.T. ™ the program for th* Be% JVstent over Friday aad Saturday. Home for Jaaaaav 4 at Nell's Ballroom, at 8 ™ , pianneo wi.Nitk Diedrieh of Volo, the paternal u ' - ' ' ' _ ' . JWWy * »» iwuroom, at the entertainment with j ^ndoarenta. aad ^Mr. a«!l Mrs. C?hf. Kb.ox ot Cr7^1 Lim. possible were Mrs. Mary Schiavone, Mr. C. MeDermott, Ssarek's Tavern, Charm HoaM, Boeky's Tavern, J k a* -- ----- «»t« a K Tavern, Laadl*s, Mr. Sex and " *wy Mr. Hoppert. Mra. Wagner played Mr. aad Mrs. Gorshom Welle* the ^ of ^ -daus. Sadth held a dinaer party in their Biver Forest home last Saturday, ^ Clara's Oout at which time they annovneed the j ohxistaus Party Bald SSr n".^Uw ,ff.t^ >"»»«» »' St. Clan*! OwiTt, Walten OTJeill, to Willia Nq ^ held tkelr a»ul Chriit- Daeriager McNelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Clyde McNelly of MeHenry, formerly of Oak Park. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Wellesley college and her fiance remas party at 8t. Mary's school hall oa Dec. 23, in tye evening. After the regular meeting, refreshments were served by Mrs. Helen Smith and her , committee. The evening wa« spent in exchanging gifts and Birthday Anniversary Mr. aad Mrf.; Lyaa Smith aad son, (Dennis of Bockton, Mr. aad Mrs. 'Harry Conway, Mr. aad Mrs. Earl Conway and Mr. and Mr% Howard auTr_T]iitiL_ Cairns all of MeHenry. Miss Bena Seheid to Mr and Mrs., Donald Blount a group of friends at a party held ik Mattoo In at her home on Green rtreet Monday 6 ^ ho vaeati<m. evening, the occasion being her a>ri|tmjl|| t, ^ the John birthday anmversary. Games were pfcaIiQ home were Mr aDd Mrg. played, with prnes awarded to MiSS Jamet Mahoney and family aild Mr. Bert ilia Freund, Miss Juha Stilling, and ^ Harry Anderson and ehil- Frank Blake aad Nick M. Justen. 0'j and Mr. and Mrs. A tasty luaeh was served and the Howard Phalin of Wilmette. guest of honor presented with love- Mr and M„ A p Freund had ly gifts. their annnal Christmas Eve celeffelson home. A house filled with children and home of Mr. Bassett's aunt, Mrs. C^fcrie Mansfield ia Woodstock. |fr. and Mrs. Balph Bennett and thildren, Balph junior, Zelinda Ann, Christopher aad Jeremy were Christ the hoUdays were Dr. and Mrs. Paul;m8s dinner «»«•*• 1,1 the Kosinski- Justen and danghter, Debby, of home. Other guests present 1 v'r 'Ah / Wf . •- ' V; n (fK ' wen Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marshall and son Dennis and Mr. Clyde Carr of Bingwood. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. 'Bienapfl, aecompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Dal* Dixon, spent Christmas afternoon in the home of their daughter,"Mrs.) Mr. and " Mrs. LeBoy Conway'®0^ ^ \ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kralowets,1 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Dohert|f i . a»d son, Jimmy, were dinner guests George Lindsay j>t the home of McLaughlin Chieago, Dr. aad Mrs. J. W. Justen and sons, Jerry and Jimmy, of Momenee, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bkow and son, Charles, of Woodstock, and Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Krenger Qnd children, Sharon Ann and, Terry, of Williams Bay, Wis. visited relatives in Janesville, Wis., on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. spent the holiday in the Boy Sutton ton christmasDay. </ e. t"** it, J- *!•<• ,• •5% iavery wish b» granted thi^ coming yeai# & t , • \ . . . I , A^cHENRY STATE BANK Ibnibtr Ttdtnl Raterre SjvU^t ; , Ibaabor Fodaral Pspoaitytnsnraiioa nwpsnlloa"m. Attending the party were Mr. and bration for. their family. Among^ home in Richmond. Mrs. Sutton and! Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller HAPPT HEW TEAR ¥o AZJa OF OUB FBIENM The Sisters were remembered' telephone OUIt the members presented a lovely gift stilling, j to the chief ranger, Mrs. Helen Wag 1 jner. 'with a pantry shower. j T h e f o r t h c o m i n g a n n i v e r s a r y j party was announced. It .will V) a pot-luck at 6:30 in the evening on Jan. 13, in .8t. Mary's hall. Mrs. Frank Blake, Mr. and Mrs. those present were Mr. and Mrs John Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Art Tonyan and dsiughters, Jalie Justen, Miss Clara Stoffel, Miss and Terry; Mr. and Mrs. Wallie Mayme Buss, Miss Freund and Miss Brown and son, Tommy; Mr. and /Mrs. Ralph Freund; Mr. and Mrs, / Irving Freund and daughter, Dar family were MeHenry callers Sun-]and danghteT| Terry, Mr. and Mrs. day afternoon. j William Morgan and ' daughter, n'e Kathleen, the children of Buy Tickets NOW! OAU HEW YEAR'S EV» KDHITE SHOW FRIDAY MITE • 11:90 P. M. GET VP A PARTY Gary Cooper WOOD SAM" With ir» Mnramaif AMata Doors Opsa iOc 11:16 p. m. FML - flAT„ DEO. SI - JAM. l Christinas Eve Parly At Hennance Hoaaa The home of Mr. and Mrs. Bay Hermanee at Richmond was the scene of a gay party on Christmas! Shirley Patzke, Clara Miller, Hold Xmhs P|rty Mr. and Mrs. Do! Freund of Wau- Employees at the local telephone eonda and son's, Denny, Michael exchange enjoyed their annual and Stephen, and of eourse Doro- Christmas party recently at the thy, Marion, Margie and Donald Town Club, at which time an $x- were on hand also. change of gifts took place. Attend- Daniel and Martin Cooney, college Ing'the party were Loretta Budler, students at Grand Forks, N. Dakota, Leo'da McCarthy, Dorothy Freund, have been spending their holiday va- Dorothy Buchert, Lillian Stilling, cation with their parenta, the Martin Grace Kuns, Eleanore Edst^m, Cooneys. ler. Tier Dr. and Mrs. Clarenee Reinfried, Jeanne, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller their son, Donald, were confined to and Dr. and Mia. W. R. Reinfried J and children and Mr. and Mrs. A1 their home with colds and so had and daughter, Carol, of Madison,' Purvey all spent Christmas Day in to miss the fan of Christmas visit- Wis., were Christmas Day visitors (the home of Dr. Puryey and family ing- , lene; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 8mith;,in the H^rb Reihansperger home. > at Crystal Lake. I • • --f- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrenee of| Mrs. Cecelia Knox entertained Park Ridge, Mrs. Cecil Minneau of | the following at dinner on Christmas WOWliBK LAKE GHUbD Chicago, Mrs. MoUie Givens andj Day: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geary SHOT THROUGH HAND mcom} Eve. Santa Claus in person (Allen Pieree of Ringwood) made his appearance and distributed gifts to ! all of the following gathered there: | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller,- Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller and son, Phillip, Mrs. Anna Miller, son, Robert, and daughter, Mary Aan, Louis Huff aad Mr. and Mrs. Jaeob 8toffel of MeHenry; Mr. aad Mrs. P. C. Leiser A turkey dinner was served on nice Blake, Midge Michelsen, Betty Christmas Day in the A. P. Freund 8mith, Eileen Smith, Gladys Stilling, home to Mr. and Mrs. Art Tonyan Emily Simon, BoVena Marshall, and daughters, Julie and Terry; Mr. Carol Switzer, Betty Heeht, Irene and Mrs. Wallie Brown and son, 8aleo, Winnie Palnch, Bozella Car- Tommy; and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph lia and Phyllis Smith. The only Freund. •AT. MAT. OMLY CARTOON "STJFBEMAV At All Performances one of the telephone girls missing Mrs. Curtiss West fall of Chicago was Gwen Knaack* who because of and her daughter, Doris, of New illness eould not attead. - .York City, spent Christmas Day with • • • |the former's mother, Mrs/ Simon HlfV**1 Jastons Stoffel. * and son, Peter, snd Mathias Leiser, Family | Mr- an^ Mrs. Raymond Albright of McCnllom Lake; Mr. and Mrs. ^ holiday party was held st-tbe oatert^ned relatives and friends William Miller, soa, William, andjMieiiaei jngten home for their chil- on Christmas Eve. Gifts were wwwwwwwwwwwMAMAMtAMMMMA I dren and grandchildren oa Christmas opened, cards played and refresh- •••••••aaaananannnanmaaanaaaaaaaaM! day and evening. A delicious baked menta were served late in the eveham and roast'duck dinner witli all nin8- Among those present were the trimmings was served, the home Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Potter of Elmbeing attractively decorated appro- hurst, Mr. and Mrs. James Albright priately for the Yulctide season. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stearn of The day was spent in the good old Chicago, and the Peter Schaefer fashioned observanee of Christmas, family of MeHenry.. with exchanging of gifts under the Mr. And Mrs. George Kane and gayly lighted tree. A special gift Miss Mayme Buss spent the holiplaced there for Grandma da7 weekend visiting in the Mike Justen by her children. Lavelle home in 8treator. p„r esen.t t.o enioy .th. e d,a y were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kosinski and n . ' ' ' son, David, were Chicago visitors sons and Miss Ann Frisby were holi-! and son, Nornian, of Grayslake, the Q1T fflfPTIITlf AII KVK day guests in the Harold Phalin j Jack Gearys of Volo and Mr. and _____ * h0™e- ^ ^ .. . . Mr8- Henry Sehaffer of MeHenry.1 Christmas Eve was very nearly Miss Kathryn Kortendiek of Bock- Mrs. Kathryn Boger spent the the occasion of a tragic aeeident at ford visited th" p««t week in the | holiday with her daughter and fam- one Wonder Lake home this year. ily, tjie Timothy MeClareys, in i Fortunately, however, little Ruth Chicago. . Wenkel, 7-year-old daughter of Mr. Mr. tnd Mrs. Edward Finaegan and Mrs. August Wenkel of Wonder of Chicago were Sunday visitors in Woods subdivision, was not eritithe Walter Brooks home. j cally hurt when she was the victim Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson of an "unloaded" gun accident, spent Christmas with their son and , Her brother, Lawrence, 16, had family in Evanston. used the gun in target practice on Mr. and Mrs. Carl Martin of Dec. 23, and in bringing the gun Wonder Lak$, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph int° the house thought he had com-, Justen and son of Richmond and P^tely unloaded the .22 rifle. Ap* Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kennebeck and, P«M»tly one ballet remained, and »on, Earl, were Christina* Day guests wben b,rother', J in the Nielt V. Juaten homo. |£*r, old, P'^ ""P ">• «<"> -- -• Holiday ia the ,Toha Blake i ' JJ« aad Mr. and Mra. Ch.rle. J. Preund home w<,« the J„h„ Eciuort Sfh.'nd The little girl was taken to the Woodstock hospital for treatment* While Christmas celebrating was home of Mrs. John Bolger and fam ily. Corp. Carl J. Milinac of Lily Ijake, who is based at Newport News, R. I., has been spending a holiday leave visiting members of his family and friends in this community. Christmas Day dinner guests in the Charles Michels home were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerasch and children, Leo, Mary Jane, Barbara Ann and Suzanne, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Freund and sons, James and Bob; Mrs. Helen Weber and daughters, Lucille and Betty, all of MeHenry, CARS OF TKAHXS We would like in this wmj to thank our neighbors and friends ia Lily Lake and also the MeHenry Girl Seouts, and the V. F. W. and Legion Auxiliaries for their help and gifts in our time of trouble. MR. aad MRS. GEORGE NIELSEN *33 AND FAMILY. Colony McBBHRY, ILLINOIS FBI* DEO. SI "MEET Also - Woody Woodpecker Cartoon •AT, JAN. 4-6 Ti'^TT Ooorg* SUX-^AV. 1-2 2:30 IB Technicolor ( Jans Powell Frauds QHfford Xavier Cngat feaarits "UOTU&Y UXSE* ' > - Bags bonny Oartoo MON., TUE8h WED., JAN. 3-4-6 Wayne Morris Lois Mazwall (1) "THE BIO PUNCH" Wm. (Hopalong Oasaidy) Bofd Andy Clyde (2) "SILENT CONFLICT' iiitmiHwiiniiiiuiiiHiHtuiiiiiiiHiui 1 mmnimiiiinittiiiiHiiiiiiiuiniitmiiitiiiiuiimaHaiiiiii & ^I4e Ritri&uz Bhow Place of the Middle West Xsake Oeneya, Wisconsin I ' : GALA HEW YEAR'S EVB&r - CELEBRATION - Fftday, December 31 170HX IB GOING TO THE TO CELEBRATE NEW YEAR'S Ducing to the Mn^ gf -gj'fSP'l "TOASTY" PAim » r 7 5 4 - and his Celebrated Orchestra IMMTOiNa, wteetainment, favors , ^ Ever7thinf for a full evening of C Fnn aad Entertainment at the GAYEST SPOT IN THE COUNTRY on HSWYZAfc'SEVE Plenty of tables for everyone. •fe Plume 246 for reservations Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jnsten, Sally . . , , a™ £ „La w. dunnK the Christmas weekend. Visitors in the John Scheid home Ann, James and Tommy, and Mr. and Mrs. George Jnsten, daughter, Patricia and son, Jerry, and Marguerite and Joe Stilling. . Spring Grove Man Broke Leg In Accident Friday ; the ther, on Christmas Day were Mrs. Mary Cook and son and John Molidor of Mundelein and Mr. and Mrs. Christy Burns and Ray Marre of Waukegan. Out of town dinner guests on Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller were Mr. and Mrs. ~~~~ James Arms and their daughter, Last Friday, the day of Christiaas Joyce, of Denmark, Wis., Mr. and Eve, meant gifts for most folks, but Mrs. A. W. Anderson and Mrs. for Arthur Oxtoby of Spring Grove Therese Horn of McCullom Lake, it meant a broken left leg. He suf- William Herdrich, student at fered the injury when a tree which Navy Pier, Chicago, is spending he was cutting down, assisted by his holiday vacation with his moll son, Robert, on the John Dorden Mrs. Cora Herdrich. farm near Wonder Lake, fell on him. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller eu- The accident occurred about 3:30 tertained a large group for Christin the afternoon. Mr. Oxtoby was Day dinner in their home, intaken to the Woodstock hospital for eluding Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller, treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller and son, Phillip, Mrs. Anna Miller, son, Robert, and daughter, Mary Ann, Louis Huff and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Stoffel of MeHenry and Mathias Leiser and Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Leiser and son, Peter, of McCullom Lake. * Mr. and Mrs. William Hergott Christmas Seal letters were asked "P*nt tfce holiday in the Walter Rosto do so as soon as possible in an home at Round Lake. appeal made last week by Mrs. Mr- and Mrs. Paul Yanda left James Lang, county Seal Sale w®ek for Winnebago, Minn., director. where they are spending the holiday "A number of people who received l««r parents, the Robert Christmas Seals in their mail on Ritehies. Nov. 22 have forgotten to make William Charles, R. J. and Thomas their returns thus far," she said. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Peterson, "Since we understand that i« .the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoelscher, Mrs.' rush of other Christmas preparations John Bolger, Miss Shirley Weber they may have overlooked the Seals, Miss Genevieve Knox were anions cards are being sent this week to those from here who attended the ^ISJnSTflL « a,,,,Ua, P**y ** the home Returns from the Seals will «- 0f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sutton n a n c e t h e 1 9 4 0 t u b e r c u l o s i s e o n - i n p n . Q * , trol program of the MeHenry County Sunday ^evening. Tuberculosis Aviation. It would lrl 1 e*t.°,bb8 BPent be convenient to have returns at the b relatives at Ma er.iliekt possible date because the °w " , _ work of the association depends on ' a"d Mrs. Harry Minteer and the Ruceeen of the 8eal Sale. a Mrs. William 8utton of Last week Seal Sale retaras Ma^wood were guests in the home totaled $7,248.85, or 72.4 per cent of °' Mf#* Eleanor Ny« on Chriatmifc the county quota of $10,000. We are Day* certain that we will realize oar' Miss Marion Graee Coaway and quota because we are confident that Miss Mary Jean Doherty, freshman the Seal Sale will be backed 100 students at Rosary College, River and children of Spring Grove., 0f Eigjn> the Harvey Nye, George Callert, in the Michels home later lB]ake> . Arnold Blake and Albert in the day were Mr. and Mrs. Rich- j jjiafce families of "MeHenry. ard Fredericks and Mrs. Lillian Lfet- j , Mr and Mrg Elmer Winkelman ! marred for Ruth. ber relieved"family owitch and the latter s mother.^ spent Christmas Day with friends at j that her safety was a real Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Q'»n'aD | May wood. In the evening they holiday blessing.- spent the holiday in Chicago in the witnessed the Sonja Henie Ice Bevue * ~> home of Mr. and Mrs. William in Chicago. CABD OF THANKS Pabst. _.r _ .! • Mr. and ,,Mrs. Michael Thill of! j wigh' in this manner to thanlt Mr. and Sirs. Vales and,Aurora were visitors in the home the many kind friendB who Albert Vales, Jr., of Chieago ^18lted 0f her mother, Mrs. Jaeob Diedriehr Christmas and New Year's card* GOOD LUCK! Wishing all our brides aad grooms success for the coming year. MRS. MAURICE CROUCH, MeHenry Floral Shop. 33-soe p luuiuiiuuiiuiiniTitiimiiiuuiuiimitt ELM STREET FLORIST 300 W. Elm Street their parents in MeHenry on Thursday evening, Dec. 23, when the family enjoyed their holiday gift exchange a day early. The two young men, appearing with Carl Band's orchestra at the Oriental theatre, had to report early on the j ^eAndrews were called to Minne morning of Christmas Eve for re-1 Rpolia, Minn., last week by the eritihearsal for a new show. I <>*1 illness of tljeir sister, Blanche. last weekend. j t0 me this year. Their remembrance^ Pfc. Bernard Doherty, stationed jwere greatly appreciated. at Scott Field, 111., spent the holiday i >33 MINNIE 8CHEUNEMANN. with his parents, the William F. J • Dohertys., Miss Mary Kinney and Mrs. Earl 72 PER CENT OF SEAL SALE QUOTA REALIZED LAST WEEK MeHenry county residents who have not yet answered their 1848 Miss Eileen Fitzgerald, a teacher in the Oak Park schools, is spending her vacation at her McHcnry home. Her father, M. F. Fitzgerald, of DeKalb, spent the holiday with her. jttr. and Mrs. Charles Goodell, Warren Jones and Miss Ethel Jones were entertained at Sunday dinner in the home of Bev. and Mrs. Clarence Kerr of Woodstock. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kerber and j0nes was guest soloist at the Bapdaughter, Barbara, are spending the holidays with relatives at Odell, 111. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Duker have been spending the past week in the home of their eon, Guy, and tist chureh in Woodstoek on Sanday, Word has been received that Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thonneson have i arrived safely in 8t. Petersburg, family at Alton, 111. During their j after an enjoyable trip. absence Rev. and Mrs. Wayne Price j Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Justen have been staying in the Duker | had a family Christmas dinner, with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Justen, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Anderson, Marcia, Ronnie aad Gary, Mrs. Evelyn Hart and Miss*and Johnny aad Nancy presents DoBr home while the Methodist parsonage is being moved from Main street to Center street. Mrs. Glen Robison per cent in this county. NOTICE fl« Nye Drag Store on Btverside Drive will close at nooa Saturday, Jaa. 1, New Year's Day. 33 Forest, are spending the holidays at their respective homes. Sunday dinner guests in the Walter Walsh home were the Jsaaeti Costello, George Wsstemaa aad E. C. KisuMl families of Elgin, Mr. DANCE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31 NELL'S BALLROOM KLOK HEtJSER'S MUSIC MAKERS Fwors Dancing Saturday, Jannary 1st NELL'8 BALLROOM JoimstargBridge 3mUeaNortbof MoBaary SyaOwtio Waal Synthetic wool is made tool casein. This wool ia capable (| taking the dyes used ta coloring real'wooL Complete line Af Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, MeHenry. I 8-tf NEW YEAR'S EVE nMULAaw* ORCHIDS -U GARDENIAS„„„, CAMELIAS ROSES CARNATIONS Please Order ' Early . \ v Plunw t MeHenry 401 iiiiiniiniiiiiiin Main 8M * v .A' elk'* m