, t . ' *: -h 1 < J-' v *» r#B sale--suafe, so *t., i4-ft. silo; aim one frwyler Ironno, 12x14 ft. . Artbnr Hergott, R-2, .Bound !*», «* J '33 * iriaqraaewkioii m ftl« MMtiMI to fmi at 10 Tm MI.B low Zenith console radio; OK rrfi(|erttor, 8 eo. ft.; d«p freese; bede,dressers; chrome I kitchen set; 6-yr. erib, and miseellaneous household itjeras; also small eemeht mixer, power mower and large hog feeder. Must sell immediately. Phone MeHenry 622 M 2. *33 of basin-- a r hektiag qn- HHW* fivea htsft JT mm iM'Tllrtll 4 P*" the etty h«0 repaired* %k Bead the Want A*£ nmtr^ivimiiMQ e3*. K. **2-8 Jroasau {FOB BAL8--10-room cement block ; house and cement block bsr^, latter !suitable for apartment; house insujlated; on large lot; near churches. jCall MeHenry 140-R." Ernest M. I Bohr, Exeevtor, 115 Broad St., M»*- baas accordion,"two ! Henry. • . * > ' a ^3 Menai model; never ^ gAIJB--29 head of Hereford aeil or trade. ^C»Ii heifers for slaughter at 25 to 26 after 5 p. m. *33-2 cents per pound; extra good quality. _ -- ' See L. Bitta at Volo, 111. *32 2 IBALE--Girl's white rink skates ---. •,<*; tne, very good condition, sis? FOR KALE •-- TAVERN WITH "* 16 gauge Winchester pump MOMBN KITOHEN-Benutifully », l»ammer, also good cOn- ^decorated dining room, tap room 33 Wiil sacrifice. Imm. jkm*. HUBBY STOMPANATO'S Lake T~rZII iHVMT1UATB. raw «HGH majU[t nun OFFICE, 227 BEN -Tremendous savings on TON or 9M MAX*, FHOKB J«*5. new and used--Spinets, or BlODlOrOB 97t, WOODSTOCK, aad Uprights, i« our Jaa- m CALL CECELIA B. KNOX. Iavontory safe. CaH Elgin MeHENBT 421-J. 32-3 write DAtfD E. 8TABK 10 CO., 21 N. Union St., Elgin, 33»tf -- 1M« Dodge enstom aedaa; radio; twin eonheaters; plus additional Phfne MeHenry •tt iplH mui Call M. Bohr, •, US Bread St, MeHeary. ts ng machine, per- #4»£0. C. F. Bpley. Idn 1S03-J1. *33 l i l O A I V OWNBB UAT1TO FOE wawwiur, most nil AutoamHeoU (furnace) heat; feH cement baaement; lot 100x150; near atores aad bus line, MeCullom Lake; •ear beaclMMSO. For appointment eall JAOOE raiTI, BBALTOB, . Tel. MeHenry 37 31-tf 4MB STOP mVlU TUTm ImM this 'CM* aatee. Wow «i «C«r in tttt eerrlee for Our etloe te MeHeary, fir *vor 25 janes, can 1--Looets a tot for yon; a--Arrange to have a ko» talltf far you; 8--Finance the home for yon; > Tasnre it for yea; 6--Boll it for you. If it's Baal Batata, Financing or Insurance, see us. THE KENT CO. Blverslde Drive • Phone S - MeHenry M FLOOB OOYEBINO Asphalt and Rubber Tili r1""."* Linoleum -- Carpeting^ ' " Sink and Table-Top Woxlt «-• • Drop a card for estimate or Phone 699-M, Woodstock, 111. BAT IBXOK FLOOBXN0 31-3 TRUCKING -- Livestock and Lime. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St. M^H^nry. Tel. MeHenry 00-R. 15-tf FI«ABTBBING--Old and new work. B. Bartaick, phone Waueonda 2501. •33 - AXA YBAB HOMB8, 08,000 aad up. F A B M S , Urns and email; CHOICB LOTS; JJW& INOS, AFFBBOIATBB; UtefO. NATO'S BBAL ESTATE, Woodaoetk, HL, Call OBOBLIA B. BSTOX, TeL 421-J. *31-7 FOB HATiH -- Tree-ripened, tastetested fruit delivered prepaid by 4NJP" ftf j^rigidaire, I express. $4 per bushel, oranges, land wahat spinet j grapefruit, tangerines. All of one Ud bench, like new; i kind of assorted. Send ^cheek with aM«or «H-hp. used! order to D. W. Malloy, Lake Helen, a i f f c t h o m r a . V e r y r e a s o n - ' 3 1 - 7 PkoM IffBoary »9. 32-tf i FOB SALB -- Bebuilt generators, automatic elec-1 starters, and distributors for all fcaaters. Vycital's, makes' of ears. Good stock of re- 9L, MeHenry. 32-3. placement parts and accessories. Me- - ] HENBY GARAGE, 004 Front St., Bt. "31, MeHenry. TeL 4McHenrv _ . . ,108-B. 30-tf a«a aCoring for inuaodiate; „a aasber of, our excellent j FOB BAIiB -- Tear-round home, hoifers, artificially bred;modern; four rooms and bath; ented. Phone or write I closed poreb; lot 77x140; in city Tenyan, Iagleaide, I1L Foxjii^itg of MeHenry, Country Club *00 32-tf i^ubdivision; immediate possession; ttUtB---Tea with mica 1 e*B ^ seen anytime. Price $6,000. # lsatheretto ehnirs (new); Holt, Park Pub, corner Pearl " i eeoler aad deep freeze (new) and Green 8ts., MeHenry. Phone dryer and all tubing and MeHenry 462., ' 29-tf (new); dishes and kitchen Hoot's Tavera, 202 8. i FOB MLB--Cape Cod 4-room house, ilt TeL MdHoary 300. 30-tf located on 8outh Green St., near high ' • • • ' . school. Stanley Sehaffer, Tel. Mejlf • WnrBN BOOM BBSI- Henry 124-M. 26-tf oa Main street, Johasburg; --- • garage; alao suitable FOB BATiB--Used cars and trucks. For appointment call I Downs Nash Sales, MeHenry nrantHBHMM 44-tf BABOAXK , -In MeHenry; 6 room, Owner must sell fit less than half I; awiaoig, basement; hot1 replacement value, at Colmar, Spring t; garage $0x20; 2 chicken 1 Grove--Fine 7-room residence, ,ex- 10x20, 10x60. Orchsrd with 65 ceptional large living room; autotrees. Lot size 230x264. matie oil (steam) heat; large wood- $16,000. Owner on premises. ed lot. Beduced price $14,500. For Qamec, 715 Ceater St. Tele, appointment call JACOB FBITZ, 278 J. 27 tf BBALTOB, JOHNBUBO. TeL Mc- ; Henry 37. 81-tf Hll!--Generators, armatures, fuel pumps, distributors regulators and ignition parts rd and all othwr ears. Seaco FOUND--Bing in snow on Bicli- & 8erviee, Lilymoor, Fred J. mond Boad early this we^k. Owner l) Prop. TeL MeHenry 183. may have same by identifying at *7-tf Gladstone's Deparment I Store, MeiBALB -- JOHNS MANVTLLE iHenry- ^ 83 FOUND OABFBNTBB WOBK--Specialising in store fixtures; alao lay linoleum1 and asphalt tile, and odd jobs in homes. Phone MeHenry 734-B. *33-3 SMITH'S BLBOTBTOAB BBFAXB SBBVIOB House wiring and geneiiH Electrical repairing Old Bennett^ School House at Mnl*' Boad Lain Enrich MIS. *38-4 WELLS DBOUL8D OB DBIVBH WATBB ft STEM -- We sell, repair and install pump. Bill Baeon, 206 Main Street, MeHenry. Telephone 167. 25-tf HAVE TOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie'a Sanitary Service. Eddie Huir, Prop. Tel. MeHenry 290. 2»-tf TEAR-ROUND OABBAGE HAULING Begularly and courteously with the best of service. Also rubbish hauled in loads or half loads. FBED WIRTZ TeL 758-B. 7-tf CARPENTER and DEMENT WORK Asbestos Shingles and Insulation Free Estimate JLBVUMON BROTHERS TeL MeHenry 653-M-2 50-tf BXPBBXBWOED LANDSCAPING--TREE SUBOEBT AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. BATCBAFT, F. O. Box 163 Phono S98-R -- W. MeHenry, m. 45-tf C. J. H. DTEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, HI. DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cask prices paid for cows, homes and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Work*, Wheeling No. 3; reverse 36-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Beasona-Me rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. OV Box 274', MeHenry, Phone 365. tf STENOGBAPHT--Stenography and typing aefviee; billing, letters, etc.; by hoar or day-. TeL MeHenry 797-B. 29*ttf WAMt^piMHrl W woman to do minor repair work. Gall Local Cleaners. Phone MeHenry 20. 38-2 WANTED No layoff 0m to woatiw| v TXB EDWAL LABMATOBZBS, Jm. BDTOWOOD,. ILL. TBL. BICBMOND S S3 HELP WANTED--Men; die easters and plating room helpers, 9rd shift; hours 11 p. m. to 7 a. m. No experience necessary. Apply in person. ELSCTBIO AUTO-LITE CO., Wood stock, 111. 33-3 twice told i V : ItOM of tatorooi Jnkm frm r; mo Vioa of tkr PlafaUoa^r , •f Toon Ago % i ?<• ' " < MXTT TEARS AOO 1 ' Frand Ward has moved will htif family on to the Abbott fana, between here and Woodstock. Jerry Smith, who lately moved from Bingwaod to this village, has opened a jhoe shop in the rooms adjoining the furniture store. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will hold a "Crasy Sociable" at the residence of Mrs. W. A. Cristy, on Wednesday evening of next week. We understand there is to be exercises in both the Univeraalist and Methodist churches, en Monday evening next. FJTTT TBABS OLD The Chicago long distance telephone company are this week patting phones in the depot, in this village, also in the power house of the water works system. Workmen are now engaged in putting in waterworks at the new German church, this we believe is the first job of main t*ppiug, bat wm understand there are several more who have made application. The ice harvest has commenced in this section and some very fine twelve and thirteen ineh ice is being put up. H. C. Boswell is patting up a new ttetiwMi, the poadt '< hae been lying in and flaet fnTHng into decay. Batter weat up one cent on the Elgin board of trade Monday, the market being declared firm at 81 eeate.' Jobs JT. Bueh and E. F. Matthew* CHABLU 8. PARKER, Attoraoy (1«N * Parinr) , OIIm Bom: WeAseedar Aftsrasems l.W-liW Owco Koohr SaMrfy Caaipaay, M2 Street, Weot McHnry Fffofts MtHeei / 488 Woodblock 1115 --rmmmr-*- EARL R. WALSH Flro, A^ Parai ft Life Inaaraaoc lopreoenttag UBUABL1S COMPANIES ;.7 4 Whoa 7*0 aoodL taoaraneo - . of arty kind ; ;; PlH«e 43 or 118-M ^ MeB«>yy FARM DRAINAGE THtagWork Done WHIr^^ r . Isodora SndpaMnt' Ow Fandak Tile • , LEOX. ZIMMERMAN Coatractor 1«M-M-1 R. F. D. 2 Woadbtock. IB. . VOX JHJ9CTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKB R. 1, RINGWOOD, ILL. •wiili Wlvfag Motor Pantfo Bald aad Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 4M YERNON KNOX I"?'. Attaraoy-At-Law Onek aad Bha Sta., MeSei^y Taeoday aad Friday Aft am seas Other Days By Appeintawat Phone McBeary 41 AUCTION CKABLBS LEON ABC AND ED VOGEL, Anctioneenr Having purchased a farm in low* I will hold a closlng-out gale on the T. W. Ames Farm, located' 6 miles' south of MeHenry and 2 miles north of Crystal Lake on Route 31, being the first farm north of the Terra *>etta factory, on MONDAT, JANUABT 10 starting at 11 o'clock sharp, the: following described property, to-wit: 55 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 53 A BOCK WOOL HOME IN- LOST LTION. Guaranteed not to set- Iitalled by the Wallfili Co. Call Z-- r MeFfteeeon. Fhone cryefc Tite Leo 1. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl LOST Brown 8prm«er 8P»B,el 321-M or Woodstock 540-W. Tel. MeHenry 18. tf Wlth white 'ron* *•* white spot1 FLOOB BANDING AND FJLH1SHIN(^-- Dependable work Aa» By lip' 6 MeFbeeeon. Phone ClrynttA Lake 295 | on hack of neck. Answers to name, AD- "Duke." ChP.d's pet. Beward. Halm, 711 8. Jefferson St., Woodstock. *33 BALE--TTPEWRITERS MACHINES. Service on all A*> ribbons for all makes; j Phone Woodstock 10U-K. V paper. L. V. Ktltx, Clay St., (k. Phone 549. 7-tf LOST--Black Springer Spaniel in switches, professional model; nsed. Ideal Christmas gift. , .eeU or trade. Call Wonder after 5 p. m. #32 MACHINE: WORK TT ANTED--Ail types of machine work ai»i_ production jobs. Ko job too lavgp or too small. Open daily, 1 p. in to 4:30 .. ' Lilymoor subdivision. Answers to P- m- nnd Beturdays, 8 a. m. to 12. is ^ccordion, name «Nigger.» Reward. Bov MeHenry Mills Machine S6op, West model, Qt Bt McHeta .3V MeHenry Phone MeHenry 9^R. ' Home pliOM, Biennond 3tMtf WANTED being- 40 bead of Holstein dafty cows. This herd are cows large" in sin and mostly springers, a large number to freshen by sale dirt*. One yearling Holstefn bull. FIVE HEAD OF HORSES -- Bay team, well matched, 10 yro. old, wtt '2B00 lbs. a real team; roan team. 9 yrs. old, wt. 3200 rbs.; well broke;. anyone can work with this team; pray, 9 yrs. old, gentle, with saddle and bridle. EIGHT HEAD OF SHEEP--6 ewea and 2 bncKs. FEED--1600 tm. dry ear corn crfb; 1000 fm. VTcIand oats; 1000 jg^l' ff fyy bu. Clinton, oats; 20 tons clover hay; j 12 tons bared strew; 12 ft. silage lb itf-fl. silo. MAC HINERY--Case "CC" tractOr i and culltvator; Fanfia^ "F20" trac- JOSEPH X. WAYNNB Atteraey«at-law Hfuktm Road (RPD Bo* |) WBST MeBENRT, ILL. Nmm McBeary 492-W BELL ft MALES latartor aad BiterMr Paintiag Paper Baafing Abo Spray Painting rN. Green 8t^ MeHenry eL MeHenry 2U-J or Crystal Lain inS-M-l WILUAM M. CARROLL, JR. Attorney-at-law lWYt Benton St. Pfcaaa WaaMoefc U Woadsfoefc, VcBEmry FLORAL CO* • n one 4 M . WSt South of DfcBearjr On Route 31 FXvwera fiar aft eeaaeioae! Jaeob Justen, the hastling Center- •We furniture., dealer, has just had Ttf. Weader Latke 418 •,-^ilDR. R. Hi WATKIN8 A Ds^il | M Sat. U 5 p. p. ji2i|hraidiiga by Appafatneat Loafcaat Point Wonder Lake, HE FRANK E. LOW Inearaace Writing Fire, Accldeaft ft Beatth Auto, Ciaaalty -aad Life in ReliaMe COmpaniee % Pfcoae 9S-J Ml Walkegaa SC MeHenry, I1L WE1NGART TRUCKING Saad -- Gravel PHMag--Black Dirt--Uiootoae Tracke for Biro Tree BMnattac TeL 6S8-R-2 McBeary, HL WELDING Mabtoaaace aad Coaatractiaa PortaMo EyajpaiBal H. B. TANCB -- McHsory Bl-J 909 Sea tli Groea St, BleBeary, IE AM WBLMW AMfr WAlft SERVICE Ml Mala Si, MfBoary Bketrie PortaMa WeMhig Acatyloao Woldiag aad Cattlag AlJRX W. W»F8. Operator Pkeao ClS-W-l or 4M M*HBNRY. ILL, DR. B. 8. FIXE Veterinarian Oa CDgfaway SI--Office aad SU. MeHenry SI Office Hears: la. ai. to 2 p. m. Except Tharadaya Evealags by Appointment DR. R. DeROME ' ' -- Dentist -- 12* Groea Street Phone 2P2-J MeHenry Office Boars: Tues. aad Sat. front 10 to 4. Eveaiags by appointmeat. -- WANflD TO BUY -- Wo pay $6 to f35 for Old Boraee, leae for down iMrsea aad cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Jofcaabarg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johicsoarg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOG&, BORSES AND CATTLE Wo pay phowii ehargee CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird Houses, Lswn Fnrmture, Lawn and Etedli SwiagB, PEcr snd Park Benches, Picnic Sets. Windsw Bexes; IDreBEses and Picket Fences, Sand Bexes and Play Pen&. Kitchen Gab&iets made to erd«rfete.. Waslk Baskets andjBhoppiag and Hacket Baskets1. <tanni» Leather Kin's and Ladies' Belts, Billfold*, ette: CLARENCE SMITH Jo&Bslrarg, IE Phone 58SJ-1 A. P. FREUND SON8 F --ROAD BUILDING-- Tei 204-M ^ McBeary. PL Saa# TERN THELEN Traddag Gravel Maek Dirt v fU. U„£Sf 6»M« 8SS-W-1 Bos 172. Rt. 1, %Heary Tilepfcoae No. SM STOFFHL ft RBIBAN9PERGBR taseraiae ageaU for all claaaea e( property la the beat ctapaaM. Weat McBeary, Illinois INCOME TAX SERVICE 25 Years of Experience ^ FABM BEFOBTS • B0SIMBS8 BBFOBTS .. BBTAB. WHOLESALE MANX7FACTUBlNil ' h J . NEUHARTH1 TO, MeBtary M&J-2 '*!;i I- • • . fr: T H E K E N T C O . ftUL ESTATE -- INSTTRAKOt IATTQY MM? DON'T FROWN! REMEMBER Helen Weber Says - Toni Pefmane'ht Wave Kits. $1.25 T . i f t- --- and |2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 35-tf ! ^^r ^^rtonv^oontn^OO^So0 ^ JUSt overftanIe<!- cuWva 'epair- Antnony JNoonan, ZOO 80. ^ Mcl> 2 bottom, 14-in. tractor ss ;?r:;,<,ta dT: Md cho,>p*r 1 tfcally new with corn and hay at- WANTED, REAL ESTATE -- 100- i tschments; John Deere blower fOr 150 acres of vacant wooded land : corn, hay or small ^rrain, with 40 ft. 1 with approximately 20® ft. on good pfpe; Cssi model "G" combine with 8U 1 i r t*ble *or Must motor; John Deere No. 5 power! iwithm 100 miles, of Bacine, Wis.. .. . .. Arthur B. McDonald, 228 E. LaSalle, u 2V/t" sinffIe Chicago. Phone Central 6 3740 or dfok; °*®e 6"rt- m°wer; McD 0-ft.| Lake Villa 4541. 30^^4 grain binder; J-D corn binder; J-O --< ------ 1 corn planter with fertilizer attach- WANTED TO BUY jment; rubber-tired wagon with ------ steel grain bo*. WANTED TO BUT--We pay $7 to| BCcD 4-roII shredder; 4-sec. it ^ witt tie spirit •f swemgMd rw feat J949 w? Hour prw Messed by threes* Happy Days! Fruitful Days! Friendly Days! K " :• .1 MeHenry Cleaners FJkapa W-U 10S Elm St. Mi|- ing 8erviee. Call Bound Lake 222> or 2296, reverse charges. 26-tf WANTED TO BUT--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms, JACOB FBITZ, BBALTOB, at Johnsburg. TeL MeHenry 37, or Chicago, Lineoln 1333. 8-tf WANTBD TO BUT--We pay $7 to $25 for'crippled horses and cows; also dead animals. Alfred! Benderlag Service. Call Boned Lake 2228 or 229#, reverse charges. '2M " r FOR RENT FOB BBNT--Immediate possession; modern, new 4-room home; 2 bedrooms, tile kitchen and bath; h. w. boiler; automatic oil heat; garage; Busco storm windows and screens. Phone MeHenry 674-M-2. Edward M. Lannes. 33 FOB BENT -- Boom, or 3%-room apartment to elderly couple' or men. Mrs. L. Bennett, Orchard Drive and Parkview, MeCullom Lake. Call McHenrv 533-W-l. *33 Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mc Henry. 8-t# haatmermlll; Case side delivery rake; McD spreader; Appletoa aN^ Slier; walking plow; Ford truer ^ with grain box and stock rack-; log waterer, self feeders and trou^sr X drive belts, 76-ft. and lOO-fl; % ton feitfllBor; ya ton mineral; B aeCa *»rtt harness; large greaae guar\S00 ft. hay rope; 5 rolls snow Jsaioe; woven win stretcher; forks, sleeps; elsctrlo fence, battery or eBsetele coatool; Stewart cow clipper; Slewart sheep clipper; 100 ft. hose; 180 ft. extension cord; fanning nd|I; ex* tension laddor; and many ottiar aiM. tlcles too numerous to mention. OBOSLgy DBEP FBBBEE AXT* WESflNOHOUBB ELB^TRIO BANOE 4 LUNOH WAO<m ON CHtOUNDS ALL DAT TEEMS -- All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash; over that| amount a credit of six months at # per cent will be given on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desir ing credit kindly make arrangement* before purchase is made. No propel ty to be removed until settled for. B. S. FETEBSON, Owner. f "vSkre Justen's Standard-- Service Station Starting is a "SNAP" wHli Mo Par Power Uk« Bttttwks st!T^ VLZ • Sura, Quick Twrnovar bettaty la food ooodittoa • Dopendable Fow# £££"££ • Long, Ifflciont Llf• Se^ Nbcfaarve! BAnmn for DODGC "/MoM" IRUCICS A. *S. Blake Motor Sales, Inc. 301 E. PEARL STRICT McHXNRT, ILLINOIS PHONE 166 Maytfus bright New Year bring you all the • V things for which you have hoped We're sure" it will. CENTRAL MARKET I* • • -«i Qpwns Motor Transport, fee. WAF Transportation > Sutocribe for pue Plaindealex f'iM^ rf
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McHenry, IL 60050
email: mplgenealogy@mchenrylibrary.org