count octfe* in the Woiior Well*, «« tn» |S.T8 to Or 8ells) fltf oortt runalae _ _ ftJS per «rt*ea foot, •nailtlMfiir trap II D# «Mi to mtMt «MP WlUl ISO tMt M ntoo* aTW wsu Pits iftmc* H25 and ptuap* ran Craft We to f if 6. This brine* tlM aTS*%*e cost of running water into a Wonder Lake lidme at f 1,M5. On mvii« systems, the costs also were as varied, with greaaetraps listed a* coatlnc between $:t5 and $50; sewer tile at M cents per foot, with the footage running from 25 to 70 feet; septic tanks costing from $100 to $1S5 and dry well* between $50 and $120. This means the average sewer womld run $?5l. One subdivision. Wooded Shores, Monty officers, their ditties and the 'has a central water supply and the ^iilaner of remuneration. ^ . 1 cost ( f connecting to the system Mrs. Jane Setzler gave an ac- 'was listed as $30, with a yearly ,' wmamams&mj y* pmup fir. a prtrai* ft la apparent tknt a aavlnsa rssalt la tfcls particular ield Mi tU tMatkm area* concerning llHVn or not wnral families eheiydst combine In driving one gMi mail and sharing the coat and Cwts In Axm - " tie League of Women Voters fMl at the home of Mrs. William on Thursday evening of last . In the absence of the president, Mrs. Dorothy McEachren, lira. Lillian Forsberg presided and Mr*. Olive Tallman was in charge et the program. Mrs. Tallman gave a list of the fflsr % $h* m. • T*: •" • s ;jyf •'i fiafo.,, Sive and Invest tbelnsuttdway :0" 4 '• CURICMT I*T( or AKNtNCt Kit '^,#V * 3f£?!+.v * f • ?'f"' : jp \ Beautiful aAt/ieqafte Don't let your dollars be like Autumn leaves..blown hither ««d yon..lost to you forever MARENGO FEDERAL SAYINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION jfaiab«r of tha Fadaral Savings and I^an ' - •*£' , : . • . Insurance Corporation iiSfc™ bt M*U Mumge.HL a%' v. Our Week-end Specials t^niDAT & SATURDAY, JANUARY 14th & 15th poaad peg. fackodfo he# fn*tr crtsper hag 8ap(«ane Brut _ ty> tin 13c Milk can 14c But •*" "3r"' _$L08 •m •t&x *:•% ,?r \ ' vWv- Rib Roast lb. 69c U. 8. Gorerameat Inspected, efcslcc \ Boneless Corned Beef lb. 59c Served with cabtay^ a meal everyone enjoys. Fresh Spare Ribs _ lb. 48c .The favorite when barfcefued or baked S. C. AH Beat Pranks tkaft taagy lb. 89c iiMko flavor Fresh Fish For Friday <a< food &to*ol Fhone 850 Phone 400 ~9T Whether you eat little or lots for loooh, yo^ji^5 And our luucheon menu is TOPS! Delicious sandwiches, crisp salad plates and tasty plate - lunches are on our menu every day--and all are quickly and efficiently served. Then if you want more than just a lunch, we\ serve dinners with the following specials eacfo day: French Fried Shrimp ""1 Scallops Barbecued Spare Ribs, Roasts, etc. SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL, JAN. 28 Roast Dnck with all the trimmings --"$2.00 -- "g1"."" u 1 ""I J* •• I" »'« Oar Pies Are All Home-made* MI PLACE RESTAURANT 121 8. Green St., McHenxg Phone 577 f"-* Sthdivlaion fees were also mention**, with the prices varying iioaUjt -Deep Springs I was low with oaly $6 per honse and lot and fSJO Cor an empty lot and Wooded Shores high with a charge of $10.50 for hqaae and lot. However, they make no charge In Wooded Shores for an extra lot bnt do have a $3 snow fee in the winter time. In checking the use to which the funds of the subdivisions were put, Mrs. Settler found that the greater amounts in every subdivision went tor roads. Another item paid by the Wonder l4ke householder is the fee for garbage disposal and it ranged from a low of $12 up to a high of $27. Following discussion on the program, an educational cohimittee was appointed to report on educational problems at the local, thi state and the national levels. ThO committee appointed will consist of: Grace Sellek, Esther Bortt,' Alice Noren and Ruth Redman. The nominating commftce, with Vajaesee Sells as chairman, was reminded that they will again select a .slate of officers for the League, They will meet for this purpose ait the Sells residence on Thursday evening, Feb. 24. The committee Is composed ot Ruth Woodward. June Morln, Vet* ma Sinclair. Inez Kreuger, Mary Pilch and Olive Tallman. The membership committee will meet at the home of Mrs. Gail Wrede on Jan. 31, at 2:30 p. m. The board of the League meet* this evening at the home of Mrt. Dorothy McEachren. . Joseph Fox Is New President Of Chamber Of Cenuneffg' ' Joseph Fox was elected to head the Chamber of Commerce at their meeting held last Week at the Lake View Inn. Carl Jervis is the new vice-president, Tony Orosso la treasurer, and William Fiala, Jr. is secretary. The Chamber of Commerce plans to test the siren on the Inn on Saturday at noon sharp. Residents are asked to listen for it at 12 when it will be blown only once and will NOT signify a (Ire. "Each Saturday thereafter, at 12 sharp, the siren will be tested--being blomh only once. This testing was found necessary when a fire was reported in Wonder Lake last week and it was discovered that the siren had not been blown for a long time and had stuck. If you hear the siren and it's Saturday--before you grab your fire extinguisher and rnn, check your clock, and If its noon--relax! Legion Auxiliary Plans Ham Dinner The American Legion Auxiliary is planning to hold a baked ham dinner at Muzzy's hall on Thursday, Fob. 3, with serving to start at 6 p. m. The Auxiliary hopes that this could be made into an annual affair. They wonld like to have tickets purchased in advance as much as possible so that they can judge their attendance and plan their meal accordingly. Adult tickets will be seventy-five cents and each child's plate will be thirty cents. Tickets can be secured by phoning Mary Swearengen at IN or Lillian Forsberg at SCS. The Auxiliary will meet this Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Karen Widen at I p/m. and will make fufthar plana lor tho dinner. •Ml tU* *tfetlNt Ms MtfilVI 8tromatodt • • Mrs. Thomas Jb qoran of Wonder Center la In Mercy hospital, Chicago, recovering from a oerlous operation--Mr. and Mrs. Wayne b. Miller have mora Into the little home they pnrehaaod on Dec. 4. The Millers and their small daughter, Gall Ann, have been living in Chicago but Mrs. Miller Is glad to beidooe to her mother, Mrs. Frieda Stron^skl, who Uvea Just two blocks away--Mrs. Dorothy McEachren is home again after having spent two weeks in Chicago working at the furniture mart and seeing some of the current shows, including "Brlgadoon," and "Medea," -- Speaking of shows, thO 11 H i l l 111 H +4 -MMIII H"P Buy Norens saw that gfcy sad "Pursuit of Happlaees," trhMk the Woodstock Players presented lost weekend. IJllfaai saw the Woodstock _ Donaah was In Chicago on Monday where she gave a pint of Mood to the blood bank--Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Cormier left on Friday for a trip through the South. They will be gone about two weeks. Their son, Bobby, is with them and their daughter, Geraldine, is staying in Crystal Lake with the McLeans, former residents of Indian Ridge-- P. F. Almond of Denver, brother of Mrs. Joseph Riegel, was one of those who endured the ordeal of MOW nonp •till dltstacovt lfr. In ' a«y, IWb. Mr. i of Mr. ant Mrs. residing in Dtaver, dents of Indian recently purch#«ed Millers -1 LHflitt among those present to hoar 8trolun lestur* on Sutufdar o«^ nlng in Woodstock on tho present state of Europe. ^ We W (Bdisi0 tilt fdia re- Gospel Center Sickness prevented a number of at our Atoday Ciiribt raeeo* ww tO-*eld at the Center in the beginning of Watch for further ants. " Next 56nnday, Jan. 23, we will tne«t si usual for Sunday Bible Rc-Uool si 10 a. m. and Morning Worshla Service at 11 o'clock. At to talc. nad sndJaSi becauso they waa|t» enportei«e Willi OambUtto Une of Beebe remedies at Wattler Ding Store, Me^! Hwry. atf ^ Noed rubber stao^pst Orter at! The Plaindealer. M; Attention Farmers WE PAY UP TO $8.00 par head for rrw !SqftH ' 'W DEAB OR DISABLE! HORSES AND COW9 Prompt Service ; . f " Phone Collect Crystal Lake 820 Harvard ttl-R ft 181 Huntley 2843 Marengo 8^4 McHenry S76 Richmond 8SS Mrs. Lois Turner Stedmaa xdian Ridgs was anon present at a reualoa of the glrla who graduated from Woodstock _--_ Jigh. school la IMS. rsaaioa 'was astdT af the of Mrs. Gordon Tkurow In 1 stock. wKh nlnotsoa present. An* other of the graduates living in this area is Mrs. Althsa Beaoy Walkington of Rlngwood. Mr. and Mrs. Jamss Belsdorf attended the funeral oa Tuesday of Clarence H. Bally of Crystal Lakd,. who was burled In Chicago froia a Chicago funeral home. Me. Ballr died on Friday afternoon fofe lowing an illness of several months. Mr. Pally was employed with Mr. Selsdorf in the statistical department of the Chicago office of tho Pul.lic Set vice Company. They had worked side by side for about twenty years. Brownie Capers Under Red Cross Instructor Maxine Hoenshell, the Brownie Scouts learned, at their Saturday meeting, the correct way to care for cuts, burns, snake bites, and other emergency measures. Almost the entire troop was present as well as=4wo visitors, Susan Spoehr and Martha Boldt. At the next meeting the girls are to bring babushkas, ropes, a piece of cloth and needle and thread with which their First Aid lessons will be continued. Folks are reminded of the Hard Times party which will be hild thlR Saturday evening in Muzsy*s hall. Ringwood, and which is being sponsored by the Community Club of Harrison school. Those attending are asked to wear old clothes and no make up--good clothes and a made-up face will be cause for fines. There is no admission although there H to be a small charge tor refreshments. High Notes Sally Fmale and Sharon- Grace Sells were among the high scho#- ers who sang over WILA at 9:16 a. m. Tuescay morning as members of the girl's sextet. Sally is a ft rat soprano and Sharon Gr&ce is second soprano. Wonder Lake freshmen really scored in the Warrior's !lst Of "Bests." The Warrior is the official paper of McHenry high. Peggy Selsdorf was chosen for best personality; Poul Marke as most likely to succeed; best chnsls wjm Woodstock 11&4-J Northern Illinois Rendering Co. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS (Branch of Northwestern Rendering Co.) i| igi |i |i (Ubite 6ood& Sale! LIMITED LOTS OH AI& SALE MERCHANDISE. WE ASSUME THI RIGHT TO LHOTQUAHTITISS. 80 SQUAKE ^ WHITE MUSLHI 36-in. wide Clipping prevsats dirt soot nllmMit In silflr nifjinf lowers bacteria count Mi& it man wholesome, Wags more aMnsy. For fast, easy an tho electric Wi km b am SUK1EAM STEWAXT BMhkCUnumK vycttal;^ i exceptionally lln# 80 square muslin at the new low price regular price 59c Kale Price Only 39c yard SHEETS 81x99 full sizes excellent quality slightly irregular .') . Sale Price Only a.i9 CANNON SHEETS 81x108 iiatqnaHty in 128 ty&-i made of lieavy sheeting pale Price Only a.7f .few :1 48-incli iAijKET WEAVE DRAPERYtan with Variegated stri regular 98c value . ^ *:> iale Price Only 49c yard ,• maim - FOXOEOFT SHEETS 81x99 1 first quality . " in 128 type heavy sheets Me Price Ox 1.59 ^ 36-inchj Unbleached Muslin , heavy duty muslin > first qnalit^ 5-- jUgnlar price tSc •^•PrioeO+y t9c •ss •' - 36-inch PERCALE . yard goods Stripes and patterns fast colors i9c and 59c quality Sale Price Only 39« • ^ yard 42x36 GOLD SEAL PILLOW CASES fine quality pillow cases ^ . •••; "'^|l.S0 yalne * Sale Price Only ' • 1.IO pair 16-inch iVr UltKWJE LT TUtIffiitlfl Toweling stripe borders, short lengths Sale Prioe Only yard PHONE 182 McHENRY ii ir1"1" i i most^smofiDasuflriis to two greetlinceofOMs--Jifln. Not arfy the newly slyM FuUaamie -but also a brand now Foturaasfe "76** with a new *49 Rsber Body that's lower, wider sad oOers ^p«Uter fisflbffly. And this year, Oidsmobile has struck a new bslanoe of pomp whh two greet engines for these Futuramic can. The new "Big Six** in die **76" is more powerful than ever. And the new **96** is powered by the revolutionary "Rocket" Engine. It's s higfr-wnprssilMi, •ahre-fcp* head eight--an engineering marvel that steps np horsepower to 13S, yet actually cuts down on gas costs. Words can't describe it. You've got to drive it yourtdf for Oldsmobife's "NEW THRILL!" O L D S M O B I L E If Arret** SUBURBAN MOTOR SA FRONT STREET ^ J. OVKWON * ' mmmmrn J:s • ^HENEI^imNWrS _^_4j mm