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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Feb 1949, p. 6

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AlbNtM Fr«eEstia<ate aMSMON TeL McHenry 65* M-g F * ^T- -vagv.- * - - 1 * > , v V , . " ' : §V It: «f th.« i--gn- a"t• unbet^ of we have tekO*bOOk* tfcerewAy adi which far before this section COM to press at 10 '« Wi*andiy mornings FOKSALX #•« SALE--PIANOS--I# MILES .fMI HIGH PBICBS 3 Spinet ptaaoe returned from rent; 2 Qraad Pianos. All can be bought It Mg savinga. Call Elgin 780. DAVID B. STARK PIANO CO.. 11 t w. gnion St.. Elgin. 111. 88-4 f*ft SALE -- 500 chick electric ' Inoier; practically new; Tel. MoHenry fOS-J-1. Call after 7 p. m. gr all day Saturday and Sunday. *38 VOR SALE -- MB *0I>KRIf GROCERY AN® MAlKEf at Long Lake, 111., six living ro$aa; furnace heat, also two cottages and garage; large grounds. For appointment call JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, in Johnsburg, Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 9-1333. -- 3$-tf FOR SALE--Three-piece sectional parlor set; two end tables and two lamps; console radio; Storkline buggy; all like new. Call McHenry 634-R-2. *38 FOR SALE--F-20 tractor, rubber in front, good running order. $250; McD. corn planter with fertiliier attachment, $35. Irvin May, phone McHenry 500-M-l. 38 FOR SALE-\Bulck '47 Super Sedanette, only 6,000 miles; radio and heater; 303 Waukegan Road, McHenry TeL 246. 38 EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE OTBOERY AND REMOVAL-- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYORAFT, P. O. BOX 16JT Phone 298-R -- W. Mcftenry. 111. 45-tf O. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano tan Phone 208-W 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, m. DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for eowa, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. ! Call Wheeling Rendering" Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. ! 36-tf FOR SALE--Mallard ducks; green hip boots, like new. Phone McHenry 5S0-M-1. *38 FOR SALE -- New Holland baler, used very little. Tel. Round Lake 4680. *37-2 FOR SALE---New Cape Cod 4-room house located on 8. Oreen St., near ffl SALE -- 1941 4-door deluxe j hiSh school. Stanley Schaffer, Tel. Plymouth in gopd condition; radio . McHenry 124-M. 26-tf MM b72r:McH«.l?"3?T ""uirOBSAU- AULTSASBOm f* Tel McHenry "7 J- I8 | $5,000 and up. FARMS, large ALL YEAR HOMES FOR SALE j £5* OARBAOE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf , v ^ _ A14**»der WooUcott wasi bmergtng from a theater ana night when a ptranger approached him and said: "Hello, Mr. Hammond, TM delighted to meet you. I've been wanting to tell you for years that I think your drama reviaiie are the bast Pve ever read." The man grasped WeeUcotfs hand and shook It effusively. "This Is a great pleasure. Mr. Hammond." ha told the , dazed aritic. A friend of WooDcott, who had witnessbd the scene, walked up to him after the stranger had departed. "Can you Imagine IBM!" said the friend. "The poor guy doesn't even know that Percy Hammond Is dead!" "I can forgive that," sighed Woollcott "What harts Is doesn't know Tm alive!" HCHKHKJr*S PERFECT! HELP WANTED At McCULLOM LAKE, six rooms, garaace. oil heat, lot lOOxlSO; full laseinent Price $9,500. AT WONDER LAKE, five rooms, i, running water, furnace heat, UroS, APPRECIATED; STOMPONATO'S REAL ESTATE. Wood soctk, 111., Call CECELIA E. KNOX, McHENRY, TeL 421-J. *31-7 IcHEXRT, Td. 421-J 98-6 FOR SALE -- Year-round home, ^basement, lot modern; four rooms and bath; enntmeut calV JACOR FRITZ, I [.lo8ed *?rcJ}: w ,ot 77x140; in city [iTOB Bf J0H1TSBUR6, Tel. ihm,ts of McHenry, Country Club NUty 17, or Chicago Lincoln Subdivision; immediate possession; -IHl J8-tf : can be seen anytime. Price $6,000. " 1 ' j Frank Holt, Park Pub, eorner Pearl SALE--White enamel modern and Green Sts., McHenry. Phone ||Mi^stove, $35. Phone McHenry McHenry 462. 29-tf HELP WASTED--MEN AHD WOMEN-- Several openings available for spray painters; experienced in painting manufactured parts. Hoars 4 p. m. to 12:30 a. m. Apply In person. ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO. Woodstock, Illinois. 38-tf SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED--Young follow of 45, able to do carpentry, electrical work, painting. Install stokers, etc., wishes to work in community. Formerly maintenance man in Chicago factory. Address Box "O," care Plaindealer. *38 FOR RENT M W* SALE--'Thar mangle. $100; Mahogany double bed, box spring |F0R RENT--Modern 4-rooiq year aad mattress new $90; mahog. .round home on lake tront\t at lagle hod and dresgr, $40: gray McCuUom ^ Art Tonyan, 2®Tn lP°,rch.,r c UB' *X}?- 112: fc ba"el! Phone McHenry 733-R. 38 pack chair, $35; studio couch, $50; SITUATION WANTED -- There must be a job for a reliable man, not afraid of work and responsibility, somewhere within reach of this paper. I would like to hear from you. Call McHenry 658-J-l. ^ S*.tf LOST Stratoliner stove, $100; plate MISCELLANEOUS this mirror, 6 ft. 8 in. x 3 ft. 10 in., < W number classical albums, j WATER >ANALYSIS--Well water automatic sequence; Lionel O checked for fecal contamination |llactric__ ,tr a„in „ equip„m„e nt John[and bacterial content. Specimen se. Tel. McHenry 699-W-l. 38 ! niust be transported in sterile container. Charge $4. McHenry XRay A Clinical Laboratory, 308 S. Green St., Phone 291. 38-tf LOST--Black cloth pouch bag with w a l l e t , c r e d e n t i a l p a p e r s and glasses; also $10. Money will be given as reward if other items are returned. Lost on Riverside Drive Saturday night. Call McHenry 569-J-2 evenings. 38 FOUND MPT FORGET THAT BIO SALE USED RECORDS at 707 South t Oreen St. Best records, best artists, Lbest prices. 15c each, 7 for $1.00: • M for $3.50; 100 for $10. Hurry while they last *38 *E SALE -- Five-room modern house and garage on large house Insulated; near churches. McHenry 140-R. Ernest M. , Executor, 11S Broad St, Mc- •38 AUCTIONEER SERVICE Farm or Hoasehold Sales 1 A. FITZGERALD Phone McHenry &S0-J.2 or Crystal Lake 886 *16-4 SALE -- Tree ripened, taste citrus fruit, by express $4 bushel. All of one or aasorted, oranges. grape- Bend check to D. W. MALLake Helen, Florida. 3Stf MI*--Year 'roand comfort lad economy with fireproof JOHN8- ffAfrVTLLE TYPE A ROCKWOOL INSULATION installed in the walls > Ceilings of your home. For free CLEANING AND PRESSING on men's and women's clothing; also repairs and alterations; will pick up. Call Vincent Schlavone. TeL McHenry 615-R-2. 36-tf WALL TILE--Plastic and metal in many beautiful colors. Eliminate costly, periodical painting bills; also rubber and asphalt floor tile. Call for feree estimate. J. M. Stangarone, phone McHenry 661-J-l 36-4 MODERNIZE YOUR KITCHEN OR «etinate, call Leo J. 8tilling, 200 1 BATHROOM with plastic or alumi- & Pqarl street, TeL McHenry 18. j num wal1 tile! also rubber floor tile. 35-tf } 3-pc. Gerity bathroom accessories free with each wf.ll tile job. For TtoMpMMs;I 40 leatherette cha.iwrsi t^(n emwi?)*: Ii free estimates call Wauconda 5252 or walh-ia cooler aad d««p freeze (new) 38-tf »r dryer and all tubing and FREE ESTIMATES ON ROOFING, (newt; dishes and kitchen SIDINO, INSULATION. OOMBIN- ^ ,°°«'„ er,n a'n 20L8. 'ATIOK WINDOWS, ROOMS IN SL TeL McHenry 360. 30-tf j ATTICS, OARAGES. ..CALL WONMl SALE--10-room cement block I^*E 688 AFTER 5 *. R 32*5, TRUCKING -- Livestock aad Uae. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St. McHenry. TeL McHenry 60-R. 15-tf an<1 cement block barn, latter aattable for apartment; house lna n l s t e d ; on l a r g t l o t ; n e a r Chanthes. Call McHenry 140-R. M. Bohr, Executor, 116 ! 8t., McHenry. *38 J WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN -- | WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair 181 SALE --Harris visible type- i and install pump. Bill Bacon, 206 Writer. Call McHenry 6il-R-2. *38 [ Main 8treet, McHenry. Telephone FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, Jtarters, fuel pumps, distributors Voltage regulators and ignition parts -fer Ford and all other cars. Seaco tales k Servioe, Lilymoor, Fred J. fevoboda, Prop. TeL MtHenry 183. 47-tf 167. 25-tf ; j' SALE--TYPEWRITERS, AD- . MACHINE8. Service on all Aho ribbons for all makes; Serbia paper. L. Y. Kiltz, Clay St., 'Weodatock. Phone 549. 7-tf HAVE YOTTR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned bv Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf YEAR-ROUND GARBAGE HAULING Regularly and courteously with the bout of service. Also rubbish honied in loads or half loads. FRED WIKTZ TeL 758-R. 7-tf FOUND--Brown, part collie female dog. John Loose, phone McHenry 699-W-l. ^ 3g The male half of a new danoe team was pleading with a producer. "You never saw anything sa sensational," the dancer raved. "At the finish of our act I take my partner by the hair and whirl her around for exactly 80 spins. Then I wind up the whole thing by heaving her through an open window." The producer paled. "Heave her through an open, window?" he repeated Incredulously. "Do you do that at every performance?" The young man shrugged. .. "Nobody's perfect," he admitted. "Sometimes I miss!" Ti ftfl ten Hi Whitw ' Shrubby lespedeza plantings on land that might otherwise produce little or nothing can give a great ~bdoif to quail hunting for sport-- and^for game that can be kept long as'frozen food. The soil conservation service recommends these shrubby lespedezas strongly for soil conservation and to feed quail. They are legumes, and after the first year supply their own nitrogen on infertile soils. For the South, the SCS particularly recommends lespedexa bicolor; farther north other hardier lespedezas will •do better, Lespedeza seed Is about-all that quail need to carry them through the season of short feed in the,wintar. Most other birds do not relish the seed and leave most of it for the quail. The SCS suggests plant» ing it in fence rows on the land, that is not plowed, in.thin spots and clearings in woodland, or at the edges of woodlots. It will yield far more quail feed than the weeds It will displace. A strip with an area of an eighth of an acre will supply a covey of quail and hold them through the winter. Eight strips at this size are better than a patch of an sere. As s hedge alAngva cultivated field the bicolor lespedeza has a season of beautiful bloom in summer, and bees find It a good source of honey. A fence row around a pasture will not feed quail because horses and cattle like it and will browse ontt, , WANTED WANTED -- Part time work' by young mother. Typing, baby sitting or what have you? Phone Fox Lake 4218. *3g WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Antheny Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty 8hoppe.) 15-tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--Used brooder house. Ph#ne McHenry 647-R-l. •88 WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms,-JACOB FRITZ, M*Tr TOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 2-tf Request for More Arriving at the river, a fisherman discovered that he had lost the worms he had dug for bait. For a half hour he searched for worms, but with no luck. About to give up and go home, he came upon a snake which was trying to swallow a frog. He decided that the frog would make good bait if he could get hold of It The snake refused to be robbed of its dinner, however, so the fisherman decided to persuade him by pouring a few drape of brandy into the side of the reptile's mouth. The snake dropped the frog, and the man returned with It to his fishing site. After fishing for a short time, he felt something nudging him. He turned around, and there was the snake looking up at him with another frog In its mouth. r*mi Subscribe for The Plaindealer. Helen Weber Says: Mo|8 And More Now OostooMKi Marvel At DRYCLEANING Qfe Waff Tkt VIZAkSBY la urttal I* i* tt»a apaelal so«p* ytmr trycUmr MM to flush oat itaiori grmmt la 41rt that tells ths eslors MM dnt(i« tfca fabric. Yftur clot bias will to mlM for a now Ufa, aad your pmeloos bou»« hold tblags nfrtsM to look Just Ilk* tboy 414 whsa bought tbaa through ovr skills* work--a ah lp Kodsrn dryclsaalng MMS Mgls... •aaas glaaour rsat or ad, aad ftM| I t " mm McHenry Cleaiiers T <fA* 8 urn's Dlttary Staatfartfs Raisttl by Mttftra Baktry Eight thousand American dents of the tiny Pacific outpost of Guam are, getting fresh enriched bread daily, plus a wide assortment of.pastries, thanks to the production know-how of the American baking industry and the "^esoureeftdness of a technician who built a modem bakery using miscellaneous equipment which weathered the Japanese Invasion. The technician Is Arthur R. De- Long, well-known American bakery official, who was drafted by the government to help restore Guam's dietary standards to * pre-war leveL DeLoag scoured through shoulder- high vegetation last spring to salvage bakery equipment still resting where it had been placed preparatory to the invasion of Japan in 1945. To this he added machinery originally employed In Guam's pre-war bakery, still complete except for certain gear lev* ers. These, he believes, the beleaguered marines used for clubbing Japs when Guam was invaded. Now operating at full capacity, DeLoqg's bakery produces each 4af l.JpD two-pound loaves of entidMtf bread, 1.101 pies, and a wide assortment of cakes and postrlegfiv;" KMX* XM FLYING! The air force recruit was leaving for his training base and his mother was very concerned over his safety. "Remember, son," she advised. "be carefuL fly low and slow." 1 "1 Qdck Results The old lsdy had lost her purse and she rushed into the station house and tearfully told her staiy. The desk sergeant was very kind and calmed hfr fear* aa best he could. Laying his hand on her arm. be said: "We will leave no stone unturned to - find your purse, madam." Leaving the building she noticed a group of city workers busy tearing the street for drainage repairs fend. ah* remarked to herself, "WeU, they don't lose much time. TO say that for them." Haw la Avart Daally %mg Rmalri at Okaailtt Maat Smogs like that in which 19 persons died in Donora, Pa., sometime ago, can be averted by a simple electrical device which filters factory fumes. Professor Frank T. Gucker, Jr., of the University of Indiana, declared at a meeting of the American Chemical society. Explaining that the smog found so frequently in industrial areas results when water vapor condenses upon particles of dust and smoke in the air. Professor Gucker asserted. "No fog or rein st all might form in an atmosphere which was completely free of dust." There are several methods of Eliminating am all particles from the air, the most obvious of which is passing fumes through a fine filter, according to Professor Gucker. N This would not be a practical way of removing commercial dusts, such as those put out by smelters and cement works, which may be a considerable economic waste and health hasard. These aerosols may ha removed rapidly and completely by means of a high voltage electric discharge, which charges the Individual particles and draws them over to one of the electrodes where they are deposited. Such an arrangement, known as the Cottrell precipitator, will deposit tons of material In the enures of a day. ; Carp have In -China lor mare than sUl years, much as l other .domesticated animals are raised for food, and oecupy an important place hi the economy of the country. Not only have carp left their impression on the eating habits of the Chinese and Japanese nations, but over the years have assumed a leading role in the art of those countries.' The carp has become predominant in the art consciousness of the oriental painter to such an extent thet, In their stylized prints end oils, any representation of a fish is almost certain to be e carp. The fanciful pa-" per kites and floats that play.. a major part In the exotic motif of 'an(i .oriental eCfebratidnr and pamdes are also likely to be carp. Sunday the congregation waa thrilled as they listened ° to the little folk of the Cherub Choir sing the "Twenty-third Psalm." They set the stage for ^the theme of the mormng as the sermon was based on the same Psalm Throughout the coining month the meditations will be based on the Psalms. At 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon the twins. Richard Allan, and Ronald»Arlen Repan, age 1 year, received the Sacrament ef Baptism jat the home of their parents, Mr. A1 Repan of Wonder Don't Shake- Paint . Shaking of paint, vartilth and lacquer products, especially varnishes and enamels, is Ukely to result in minute air bubbles Which may cause pin prick blisters on the finished job. Such products should be carefully and thoroughly stirred before use and then "boxed" by pouring two or three times from one container to another. Finally, straining the finish through a.i old silk stocking or fine cloth WHL remove any specks or lumps which may hsve been missed in the stirring, if the aser desires maximum assurance of a perfect finish. This procedure Is especially advised when a finish has been previously opened and left standing, with possible development of :a At the church board of education maetlnc the other evening the \)j*r6np voted to meet on the third Wednesday evening of each month. One of the important items on the agenda waa the need of substi- ; •' The Garden of Song At the northernmost tip of the northernmost peninsula of Celebes Island there lies s region of fertile valleys, bordered by coconut groves and surrounded by active volcanoes. It la the Minahasa, thf "Land that has becofne one," where eight original tribes, with as many individual languages, have In the course of the centuries become united, and where disruption and conflict are virtually unknown. Since the arrival ef the Portuguese In the 18th century, the Mlnahassns have adopted the Christian religion, which Is. now adhered to by 90 per cent of the population. Every town, every rural ares has its own church, usually small but charming and tended with great care by its members. Since 1934. the Minahasa has been granted an independent church pith a synod of its own. Miniatnre Cart Papular HH4UBI MAN Miniature automobile booming to such an miniature makers ara fcfntt}g out rsptteas ef real a«l»iiohll» I>y the tuna, ft la 1M some automobile dealers, Mm cannot get enough real cars to meet demands, ( are buying miniature cars and handing them out tiOwitoiners en "their waiting Mat W «*mind tbe latter that they haven't been forgotten. The little cars with the dealer's name slipped <n *** nx* also serve another good *U1 use-** toy* for youngsters, ' ' \*F r-«y Foxes Spread Rabies - In several of the southerasa$ates and In New York state, foxes ttave become a serious threat to rabies ' controL due to the fact that many of them have this disease. Dr. Raymond Fagan, veterinarian for the Indiana state board of health, reports that considerable progress is being made in eliminating this menace by shooting and trapping foxes. If the fox population is kept down by continuous hunting and trapping, rabies from this source wiU be less serious problem to human beings, dogs, and pastured animals. Dr. Fagan says. •I bed been fcisHaf Hg slary abeet Mb A» the eoadasioa 1$ TM a, seif-mM* man! Wfatf dtxoafj* #'*«*" A velae beeaMd ap from |fe| back ef the ream: "Yea kneekal Need raooer etaapeV The PlaladeaHfc OvAsr at Jl Meal Be worried-looking man rushed bOf, the florist slttfr and demanded thrie potted gsrsnhwns. "tm se sorry," said the clerk fWe'*a out of geraniums right pow but we have some lovely pe- "Nope, they wen't do." replied the man. "It was the geraniums I promised my wife to water e^Be < f h e w a s a w a y . " R>F: • V • " Home Repair Kit A suggested simple, kit for home repairs includes: SnaO cans of paint, varnish, enamel and shellac, selected for matching purposes. Turpentine. A three-inch paint brush. A one-inch paint brush for small work. Caulking compound. Patching plaster, Furnace cement Portland cement Plastic wood. Glue or other suitable adhesive. Shellac In stick form tor filling small cracks. Putty. Putty knife. Raaor blade and holder. 'Sandpaper "O" and "OOO." Steel wooL Wall eloaner. Metal polish. Art gam. Screwdrivers, Items can be added, bat thooo list* ed will be outstandingly iv, . Almond Halls ' Iteiefttlsts have found that almond hulls, which have approximately a 29 per cent sugar content can be converted into crude molasses for livestock. Baby Bala Bide MoAer hats cany their newborn with than during the first days ef Ufa. The yoeng hat dings to tts mother's far with claw and teeth pp she flies ab«*ln mmwMI jgp. Ceak Perk Thereoghly Out ef every IN begs that fa to market, at least one ef them la capable of causing trichinosis among meat consumers, declares the American Veterinary Medical association. Thorough cooking of perk Is the only home eaieguard against this serious disease, since cooking destroys the worm para sites which cause it Intestinal Irritation, muscular pain, and fever ere typical symptoms, although some people become infected without showing definite symptoms. Pet animals also are suscepoble to trichinosis, the AVMA says, and therefore should aot be fed uncooked pork. H-giriiiHil|ili niriiiin mw(riii|ijg»iiiiii • • Program tor Winter Driving Although traffic is relatively light during winter months, compensation must be made for decreased visibility and icy road conditions. To offset these hazards the following program is suggested: <1> Early starts to insure completion of trips before dusk and to minimize the temptation to drive at speeds too high for winter road conditions. <2) Moderate speeds at all times end sharp reductions of speeds at intersections, to compensate for the poorer tractions and viaibility for both pedestrians and cars. (3) A generous extra margin of safety in passing or following cars. (4) Make sure car is adequately ventilated, as a defense against drowsiness behind the wheel and the hazard of carbon monoxide poisoning. tele loiters W W fchar&i eehooL * The official board will awet at S O'clock Wednesday evening^ tfeb. • "Sea you iq church Sunday.* * * Farm Wages at Peak Average farm wage rates tor theA U. S. in July, 1949, were $109 av month, with board, which was the first time farm wages for the whole nation ever passed $100. "i V Sense Piece ef Paper Largest check in history was signed at the end of the govarikrftent's last fiscal year. It eras drawn for $7,900,000,000, and constituted the unemployment trust fund which had been invested in one-yea^ government securities, and was to be so re-investedL Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug "Store, Mi- Henry. S-tf 4§ TODAY AHD SATURDAY Oft #I»1 Linoo 39c ^ Silver Dast Washing1 Powder Sic (with CanT noa lace cloth) Helnx • Cream ofTotng&o Soup S for 31c Hollebs Pumpkin No. 9 VT can 2 for 23c Diamond Crystal Salt 2 for 17c " • '• I^ bats 'i •;> >•' * filHI Short Ribs .ty, 39c (tasty A deHcleas whoa braised) £ Pert; Butt Boast lb. 49* (lean, meaty A tender) - Oscar Mayer Franks Xllwaakee Franks SklalM# .... lb. 59c Sheep Casing lb. 59# (with the goed old fashleacl flavor) Golden Smoked ' Slab Bacon lb. 63c (far economy--bay it la the piece) Large Bologna or Smoked Liver Sausage 50c (always a good treat, for a qnlck snack) First in Floor Buffalo ranks first in the world in flour production and produces about one-third of all the linseed oU in the country. Oysters " Halibut Perch Fillets Fresh Ood Fillets SpicedHerring Telegrams to Mobile Units It Is now possible to send tele* grams to and from mobile units equipped with radio-telephones, such as automobiles, trains, airplanes, buses, trucks and inland waterways boets *7/te Ant SmiiU . fyood St&LMI. McHenry Store * Johnsburg Store Phone 250 ^ • Phone 40f I LAUGH AT CHRONIC1 MASTITIS* tBecaqaa I know of the Beehe G-LAC treatment that can be given in one minute.' MY boei doesn't nee a mfage ... he uses the new Beebe 6-LAC tube. The eaauy inserted gtvea me no discomfort and believe ma I get relief. I know he does not have to nap it in the refrigerator .. . he does not need to warm the tube. He knows that authorities agree Beebe G-LAC (tyrothricin) Is the most efficient treatment known. The Beebe WjAC remain* ac* tive in my udder for days. Only one of' my milkings needs to be discarded and that can be fed to tiie calves. Remember one out of four of tie has mastitis. He tests my pals, and me regularly with Beebe Test Pads. He gets them free at the stqpe with the Beebe Ball's <Sye on the door. •Due to Streptococcus agalactia* My boss buys at . . . BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. •OB the Bead' When your right wheels strike a soft shouldgr you should grip the wheel firmly and take your foot off the accelerator. Allow the engine to reduce speed to • safe point before applying brakes or depressing the clutch or attempting * ateer back onto the road. • MtlACAR IXIM'MIIMOI ! »«CtfWi J vptcANizme t Cross switchinc 1 * WHIll iALANCINO { WHKIl AUONMINT | r*« tire end ! wheel proWsms here-- t \ Q, MECHANICS Osr Ha44rabid Medmalcs knew ywriorbMt TralM4 |ib Mparts ^ Our Gewba-fc^ VMs* esa mmtm ^ . right Id flt right aad lort longer. Ihey nw yov IwAb ond noniyi lio^ EQUIPMENT Our Special Ford Equ'pmed fly yoer Ford the kind, el setviee tbfii. jM right for Fords. ' -75^Service HEADQUARTERS ^METHCrS Our Factory-oppr^. .. J " '"lodfs are up to the minute ond jjst right. Ihey're planned to give yC J better at a saving., a MartJeke & Nixon, he. II mRm DEALERS KNOW FORK eesri Keep 'Em Heparate Old hens and pullets should be MCHENRY 484 iUi 531 MAIN ST. MbBXNXY, ILL1HOIS PHONS 1 W:

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