RINGWOOD I (by Mn. George BbeoirJ) Mrs. Marie Wegner entertained »*a five-hundred club at Wednesday. A dessert was served. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Louise Hawley and Mra. R. E. Whitink. Mr. and Mra. B. T. Butler entertheir five hundred club at hopie Thursday evening, were awarded to Mr. and Attftraas, Mra^lLE. WhStins, HWhgtoa ant 1 low. Methodist Chareh News . We were very fortwnat* to have such a fine group of young people as the Northwestern deputation team to be with us in our morning worship services. They conducted a very inspiring youth rally j last evening for about three hunjdred and fifty young people. They I will also conduct a conference this | afternoon in Greenwood tor the IM. Y. F. They are Walter Wade, from Johnson City, Tenn., a student la N. W. school of music; Dick • .,v ^ .-.t .» SEED CLEANING AND TREATING Ottr iftttfpihdfit is Again' set job of cleaning* and treating seed. We are using DuPont's newest seed disinfectant. Call or write How for an appointment to avoid the rush or waiting Inline.' McHENRY MILLS, Inc. Phone 92-R West McHenry, Illinois * '4- For Every Member of the Family 1c to $1.00 •n ^ffius Pail W MAM A MIUC l:9 ia* It replaeea whole milk worth mors than twice its cost Inch pail cfKaffA replaces 2S01be. of whole milk. It is butter* •flk and vitamins, the only calf food of its kind on the markat With Kaff-A you successfully waan calves at 10 days. KaffA Amb completely replaces whole Just a little over 9 <juarts ef whole milk is all you ever need ted a calf raised on Kaff-A. If you're «.nk in any torn to a calf; replace it with f-A now. Look for the bright red and yellow pails in tho tens of lsaiti^f dairymen everywhere. More than half a mil. Hon fine calvaa have tew raised on KlffnA So ask your feed ' for a pail today. .... W.... . Dimmer Irapn If odpatq.Califstudyl^ ln the N. W. school of technology: Myitis Olotfelty, studying spera at N. W., from Lowell, Mich., and Betty Neill, a religious education student at Garreytt, from Hagerman, New Mexico. The worship service was led by Dick Kramer and Phyllis Olotfelty at Ringwood and' Betty M. Neill at Greenwood. Rev. Marshall will conduct tir vices at the Ringwood and Greenwood churches next Sunday morning. In the evening he wiH dedicate the electric organ in Greenwood. Everyone is welcome. Communty night, sponsored by the Sunday school at the Methodist church last Sunday night, was well attended. A pot-luck supper was served. The collection went to the March of Dimes. A party was held at Bowman's Mosey Inn Tuesday evening, the proceeds going to the March of Dimes. 1 The Wonder Lake Legion Auxiliary held a baked ham dinner in Muzzy's hall Thursday evening. In spite ot the snow there was a large attendance. The pupils of the upper grade of our school presented the program "Pioneer Days of 1849" on Radio station WILA Thursday morning. Mrs. E. E. Whiting and son, George, and Mrs. Edith Hayes were visitors at Grayslake, Tuesday. Mrs. Raymond Harrison and son, Howard, and Mrs. Charles Peet visited Mrs. Mae Harrison at 'Crystal Lake, Tuesday. j Mrs. Louis Hawley has rettarned home frbm Florida, where she was (called by the illness of her 'daughter, Mrs. John Woodward. • Mrs. C. L. Harrison attended [Home li'ireau at the McHenry high school Tuesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Tuesday in the Alan Ainger I home at Hebron. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of ! Chicago spent Monday in the Louise j Hawley home. i Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell "Kane and i daughter, Nancy, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kmet of Springfield, are enjoying a vacation in Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy spent the past week with relatives at Waupaca. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and faftiily were Sunday dinner guests in . the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fr-.nk Ercksteadt at Marengo. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brown spent Sunday with his father, S. W. Brown. Mrs. Ehlert and Miss Ehlert of Wilmot, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ehlert of Burlington and Mr. and Mrs. John Skidraore and family ware Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman and family. Billie DeWolf of McHenry visited friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison and daughter and Mrs. Wattlfes and son, Glenn, of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and daughters, Amy and Carol. Ringwood friends will be pleased to hear of the birth of a daughter <Tan. 29 to Mr. and Mrs. Dare Ramaker of Thor, Iowa. She has been named Linda Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benoy of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler. Mrs. B. T. Butler Attended a teachers' meeting at Woodstock Satuitiay. Miss Carol Harrison returned to Champaign Sunday after a two week's visit with her parents, Mr. Tend Mrs. .C L. Harrison. This community was saddened by the death of one of its beloved citizens Mrs. Mary Ellen Harrison, who passed away Saturday evening at the home of her daughter,' rs. Glen Treon, at Crystal Lake Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2 p. m. from the George Justen funeral honfe. with burial in Ringwood beside her husband, the late George Harrison. 'Ami* , SHOOTS AUCTION the *alryfa«d for Calves CMMIIMIIi PIOHCTI COMPANY p^vt^jWl4*Rjii ».Wi pm/w Just a Softie FROELICH * WICK, A art*. Having decided to quit farming, I am offering for Bale the following property on the farm located % mile North of State Route 22 and Kelsey Rd., 3 miles Kast of Cary on State Route 22, 5 miles North of Barrington, and 1 mile North of Cuba pn 1 TUESDAY, FEB. 16 Commencing at 12 o'clock sharp 11 head of Holstein rows, T. B. And blood tested; S cows that freshened In the Inst SO days; S heavy springers balance milking good and bred l»arkt Holsteln stock ball, 18 months eld; good team of horses and a sat of new breeching harness; 8 bred ewqp; li White Rock hens. 2 sterilizing tanks; Wright Way milking machine, portable; hot Water heater; 10 milk cans. FEED 10-tons of mixed hay baled; S tons ot loose bay mixed; 250 bushel of oats; 200 bushel of ear orn; 76 shocks of ear corn; 10 bushels of spring wheat MACHINERY John Deere model A tractor; set of John Deere tractor cultivator: John Deere tractor disc tJ-ft.; John Deere tractor plow, 14-ib.; John Deere side delivery rake, John Deere hay mower; John Deere corn planter with fertiliser attachment; John Deere manure spreader on steel; John Deere rubber tire wagon; John Deere sulky plow; set of Linsey 4-section wood drag with folding draw bar, new; 8-ft. grain drill with seed and fertiliser Attachments; steel wjieel wagon; International corn binder; International cultivator packer; International corn shredder, 4 roll. Little Giant corn shredder; International hay loader; Case silo filler ; new 100 ft. hay rope and pulley; new grab fork; 38 ft. x 6 in. belt; forks and shovels. / Not responsible in case *>f accidents. , TERMS -- All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash; over that (amount a credit of six months at 6 (per cent will be given on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly 'make Arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for. ELMER PICHEN, Prop. Cary State Baak, Ctatktef ULLXACE MITCHELL ILLY Kenyon pulled her last year's hat closer over her right eye and pushed ahead through the rain. Mflly was did enough to know that wet feet would give her a red nose and a cold In her head and also that a hat worn In the rain never looks like much In Its later life. "There's Fran Kord and there's D a i s y L e d o y t . T h e y ' v e h o t h b o u g h t s t o r i e s from me. Both of 'em. Fran Kord, good old scout! Many's the tin* her checks have come Just in the nick of time to replenish the empty larder." Milly peered near-sightedly at the street sign and turned the corner The switchboard girl dressed in tomorrow's frock smiled at her brilliantly. Yes, Miss Kord was in. Yes. The name? Yes, just a moment, please. Yes, if you will go in. Miss Kenyon. And Milly was standing abashedly in a swanky inner office glittering with chromium and glass. Fran Kord looked UP- She almost sniffed at the newcomer. "H'mph, so you're Milly Kenyon, eh? Glad to meet you." «CIT DOWN. I hope you aren't bringing me any haird luck tale. Plea-for-sympathy stuff. I've had three writers in here today begging me to buy a story because two kids are dependent on selling a story or Junior has to have a tonsil operation or the grocer refuses further credit. I hope you're not going to be Number Four." "Oh, I'm not," Milly said swiftly. .•I--" "Ooodt* cut in Fran Kord, "I used to be a softie and fall flatter'n a banana skin for that sympathy plea but not now. No, sir, I was left a widow myself with three youngsters to raise and I sure was a softie after they gave me this editorial Job. But papers aren't run for charity." "Of course not," said Milly warmly. *1 stopped in to--" "Not that I ever bought a poor story, you understand," Fran Kord hastened to say. "I was spending the paper's money and I never forgot that fact But when there are fifty good stories tor every one we purchase. I bought because of my big heart time and time again. "Yes, Ifi tbt beed kmt fa rml* tm hwhwo. Not tb* boert," Fr4m remsrktd, btr tyot mm tbt soft glob* of silver ligbt mbov* MiUfs b**d. "Well, I mustn't keep you. I know you're busy," said Milly rising. "1 Just stopped In to you--" "Glad you stopped. Miss Kenyon. Sunda Islands South of Celebes and directly east of Java lies 'a string of which, although dwarfed by the colossal size of the so-called Greater Sunda Islands (Sumatra, Borneo, Java and Celebes), deserve more ihan ordinary interest. These are the Lesser Sunda Islands, running in an almost straight line 800 miles Along the 'southern edge of the archipelago. Altogether there are about 60 islands in this group, not counting the tiniest of islets; of these, about a dozen can be said to be of consequential size, and only six are of real economic and social significance. These are, from west to east, Bali, Lorabok, Sumbawa, Flores, and, directly to the south. Sumba and Timor. Varieties ef There are more' than 40,000 different kinds of fishes in the world. Gadget Saves A new electric gadget for the automobile is a dashboard signal light designed to prevent wear and tear oh brakes. When the car's ignition is turned on the light goes on, if the hand-brake is set It stays on until the brake is released. PRIZE CATS ' Mrs. RAy Rtppy of Barrington has been seeking more laurels for her cats at recent Gat Shows. One of her entries, Murray's Jiminy Cricket, achieved a double champion rating at the Beresford Cat show in Chicago two v eeka ago. A red tabby which Mrs. Hippy entered in the short haired Per- PENSTIX CONTROL l*h» MASTITIS Mcks at active peirfcHSa sek *asy te vse--woffc fast - scososiltsl £3 w~m sian class also received a winner's ribbon. Kay Tee's Shadow, a brown Persian owned by the Herbert rppels of the ehaawtondkfp ing captured A the BeresConil exUthki SPECIAL FRIDA*\4SD SATURDAY and effective. No apparatus, wosohfHom to prepare. Harmless to cows and milk. Get Impoftawt Information folder -- ask w for your free copy right awdy. Bolger's Drug Store PHONE 46 McHENRY, ILL. GRADE A Pot Roast LARD 2-LB.' OOKTAIHKB lb. 49c lb. 15c GRADEA "Net that I ever bonglat a poer stery, yea understand," Fran Kerd hssisnei to say. I'm always glad to meet the writers." Fran Kord iropped her eyes almost immediately to her tablet of paper upon which she had been writing when Mildred entered. MILLY* looked in at the coffee shop but resolutely continued - along the corridor to the telegraph office. There she wrote s telegram to Daisy Ledoyt, Editor, Garden and Palace Magazine: "As winner of the $20,000 prize for a novel on the American home. I am asked to choose manager ot bureau to consult sympathetically with promising writers who fail to make the grade. Salary twice your present salary. Wire me if I may present your name. Mildred Kenyon." **I kind ef favored Fran Kerd, " Milly said to herself as ent back towards the coffee "Both editors have been wonderful to me but she is cold as ice. "No tfmpmtby wbtUwr. Amd writers wbo mo*f$ mmho tb* grid* lympuby mmd * lot of it. Fran Kord relaxed at her desk; "Hettie," she called sharply , to h< secretary. "Hettie send upstairs and have them put through a< check for--lemme see--there's the camel story and this one--and this on< make the check for four stories, Hettie. Bring the check down your self and here's pennies. Put a spe-,, cial delivery stamp on It for Mi£| dred Kenyon. Poor old gal--she's; certainly down on her hick, if evetj a writer was! Broien shoes and I that hat! Well, Jnst call me a softie.", Bskaeed by WNU feator--. I id C2 ft Industry Helps Keeps This Town Going. Take a look at the above picture, it's an averagt town like ours--one that depends on pay rolls to keep it alive and abreast of the times. Do your part by working close to home and help build up your own town. We are increasing our production and need more help. Apply at our office it your earliest, convenience, / RIVERSIDE MFG. CO. 200 N. RlTdrtid« Drive, McHcnry PHONB McHZN&Y 39 Sirloin Steaks . . lb. 69c T E H D 1« • . . . . . . . . . . . ' " 1 1 Veal Hearts . . lb. JjSft: FRESH LEAN Ground Beef • • lb. 49c WE ENCOURAGE FRIDAY SHOPPING We will give a half pound of sliced bacon for every it# star that appears on your itemised cash register NOW ON DISPLAY t 4 Ohms the nearest weight of ov Hnce Wheel of Swin Ohewe and wi> s 12-lb. Ham rree v ? OPEN THWBDAY -- OLOSXD snsntl S E T T I N G A NEW WORLD S T A N D A R D O f . L O W - C O S T , • * J* » S> ~,*\ smootier-fourtsmarfa'-/bi6f r E ifsi FEED PHEASANTS In an effort to protect and feed pheasants in this bad weather the Woodstock Sportsman League together with the Sport Center, effected an air drop last Sunday at which time food was dropped from a plane over surrounding territory. The Sport Center also has pheasant feeders which are available for th» aaking. Complete lias of Lee's pealtiy remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Me- Heaiy. ...Jrvm evey/nmt(fvfew ^ ^ and on eve/ypoint ofva/ue/ Come, see this newest of all new cars; weigh its ' exclusive features and advantages; and you'll agree it's the mod beautiful buy of all, from tcery point of view and on every point of value! Chevrolet u the only ear bringing you all these fine-car advantage§ at lowestupost! Completely new Bodies by Fisher • New, ultra-fine color harmonies, fixtures and fabrics • New Super-Sue Interiors Five-Foot Seats** • New PtoMramic Yisi» > fcility with wider curved windshield aad S0% more . " (lass area all around • New Center-Point Design Center-Point Steering, Lower Center of - * vity, Center-Point Seating and Center-Point Suspension • Improved Vahre4n-Head engine power, acceleration, smoothness and economy • Certi-Safe Hydraulic Brakes with New Braking Ratios • Extra-Strong Fisher Unisteel Body Construction • Improved Knee-Actkpi Ride ^ |g With new Airplane-Type Shock Absorbers • The ft rl Car that "Breathes" for New AU-Weather Comfort (Heater and defroster units optional at extra cost) •V CLARK CHEVROLET PHONZ 277 ' ' HodZNSY