' * v r r j ' ^ : v.. .: ,i. „, i *\ mmm •« HK-| don on "State Aid to Education r pwM tol and Federal Aid to Education.' <MMH • IMinilUHIIH* (by VaneMe Bella) Meeting .Beard ^ _ jtote and Federal Iw *w Dorothy McEachren. Mrs. Jane Setxler and Mrs. Olive Tallnuut of the Wonder Lake League of Women Voters were present at the gfoup meeting of all Woodstock Pi T. A. 8,. the Council of District 1p, the Woodstock Mothers' Club and the McHenry County League of Women Voters when all of the latter groups sporfsored a discus- 014 Residents Here Friends of Jerry and Mae Kubovy will be Interested to know that they • spent the night with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frost recently on their way I to Florida, where they will* spend la few weeks and will return, also 1 via Wonder Lake. When the i Kobovy's arrived in Wonder Lake, ! they were driving a '4ft Oldamobile which they had Just picked up that , day- . j - Brlefies I Nr. and Mr*. Al Horn and young Albert hayi returned from a winter vacation An Florida--Mrs. Lillian ; Itruml W the newest employee at i the. Woodstock dress factory. This is her first job; she didn't even own a social security number. Do i you remember way - back when • f --, PHONE 4214 FORREST R. GRUNEWALD ' AtTC'nONEER Pure Br«d Livetock and Farm S&lea a Specialty Thorough Knowledge Salesmanship Pedigrees Quality and Values Write or Call for Dates Ill--/,- WAtJCONDA, ILL. LUST-R-GLO Plastic Tife Installed at a Big Saving Over Ordinary Tile people didn't need a number to go to work??? B. J. Viola of Los Angeles, Calif., flew here to be present at John Viola's funeral. He told me that John was born sixteen days after their fatehr had died. As John's big brother, and twelve years his senior, John's death was a great blow to him--Mr. and Mrs Bernard L. Davla and theii daughter, Deborah Lynn, Were recent visitors to Wonder Lake?^ Mrs. Lillian Karr of Wonder Ljaflte employed for thirty-four years In I the Chicago office of the Bell Tele- ] phone Co.. has been transferred to j the Woodstock office of. the company-- T. P. Mathews and Victor Milbrandt have both filed intentions to run as justice of the peace during the April elections--Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wright of Wooded Shores and Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Watkins were among those who saw "Yes, My Darling Daughter" at the Wood^ stock, opera house last week-- Chickie James * Has Two Parties: '. And Is One YearrlW# Chickie James, son of Mr. and Mrs. "Chuck" James, who was 1 year old on Feb. 15, celebrated his birthday twice. . On Su'bday, Feb. 113, his grandma and grandpa Hor- ' ton, aunt Vi and uncle Clayt, and j cousins, Claytie and Cheryl Horton, and C. W. Wilder drove out I from Chicago. Grandma James j and "Unc" James, aunt Lou and 'uncle Fred Hansen, all of Wonder Lake, helped to make the day one to remember. Chickie received some very nice gifts and really enjoyed the day. Lncle Clayt took movies of the pre-birthday party, which was complete with a heart-shaped cake carrying one blue candle. On his birthday, Feb. 15, a kiddie party was held for the little guy and the little folks present were: Jackie, Mickey and Patty Hansen, Johnny and Jimmie Hansen, Rickie Ruzicka, Ruthie Wilson, Sandra Granger, Norma Mae Swearenger and Kathy Lawry. Ice cream, cake and cookies were enjoyed by all the kiddies. If Chickie could talk, he would undoubtedly thank all of his guests for the many wonderful gifts he received. v-- Aqo lowed the talk. This coming Saturday, the Brownies will celebrate Washington's birthday. A get-well card <, was sent to Helen Armstrong, who la ill at her home. Susan Spuehr, Patsy Kucera, and Joyce Schlmke were welcomed as new Brownlsa. The Mosey Inn at Ringwood has again turned in the higheatamount to the recent "March of Dimes." Elmer Murphy, chairman for the Wonder Lake and Ringwoo# area, announced that Mosey Inn turned in a total of |95. All the big eaters were again present at LaGreca's last week when his specialty was chicken ala cacciatore (aw-w-w-w-w, pronounce it yourself!)' Warren Tallman, Wallace Sinclair, Joseph Wurm and Roland Porter were observed eating THREE dinners! A double-dinner eater like Sells can't even compete. George W. May and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith and family and Eugene Meyer of Chicago. Mrs. Clarenee Miller and infant daughter returned home from Woodstock hospital lait Monday. Mrs. Albert Brits, sons, Terry and Tommy, and Bobby Klaus enjoyed a matinee at a Chicago theatre last Saturday afternoon. Sunday dinner guests In the Math Nimsgern home Feb. 13 we»e Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent and Linda, Mr. and' Mrs. Bernie Jordan and Bobby of Sharon and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nimsgern of Richmond. The occassion was in honor of Arthur Nimsgern's birthday. The Holy Name Society held its annual meeting at the parish hall on Monday night. Services in church preceded the meeting, at which time now member* were enrolled. Following the meeting there was a social evening at cards ard refreshments were served. The Christian Mothers and Blessed Virgin Sodality held Its regular meeting at the parish hall on Thursday night. TTiere were alio cards and bunco, and prizes went to Mrs. Arnold May, Mrs. William Brit*, Mrs. Martha Miller, Mrs. John B. Freund, Miss Evelyn Buach and Miss Charlene Sheets. A lunch was served by the committee. The committee appointed for i the next meeting Includes Mrs. j Walter Brown, Mrs. George Waspi, Mrs. George W. May, Miss- 'Enda | Hanford, Miss Arlene May, Miss I Mareeleen May, Miss Celia Miller | and Miss Gladys Meyer, j Mr. and Mrs. , Fred,.May are the proud parents of a 9 lb. 8 oz. boy, born at St Therese hospital on Feb. ®S«* • Hear the "01s", and "Ahs" when you show off your new LUST-R-GLO Tiled bathroom, kitchen and play room. Youll he thrilled with vour gleaming, colorful walls. And delighted that the entire job was so Inexpensive. LUST-R-GLO comes. in individual beveled 4%" square tiles. Don't confuse it with imitation sheets or boards.^ installed quickly without mess. Cannot crack or chip. ' Durable. Fire resistant. Vermin and termite proof. AVAILABLY! IFOW! Call for free estimate and samples. 16 popular colors to choose from. There will be an open Meeting at Harrison school next Tuesday for the purpose of discussing present needs of the school. Everyone is urged to be present and hear the school board present their problems. NOTICE OF MEETING AT f HARRISON SCHOOL " There wll be a public meeting at the Harrison School on Tuesday evening. March 1, at eight o'clock, to discuss the findings of the land committee, chosen at a public meeting in November to inveatigate available land for necessary school | building. * - , | At this time the committee wishes to report that & portion of the Martin farm is available, as is a part of Mrs. Benwell's and Mr. Cristy's holdings at our present location. Everybody is urged to attend. It is estimated that there are around 750,000 American volunteer firemen. Compared with perhaps 100,000 full-time professionals, the SET2-SJ w.T/re.Ty FOKfttt MAS MIS Dr< George N. 81elght, dean at Elgin Academy from, 1898 to IW, died at his country estate "Ifea Hickories" on the Fawn river nanr Howe, Ind., early this month. M was learned by E. P. Droste, hanAmaster of the Academy, last week. Professor Sleight was one of the most popular educators in Blgte'a history and under his direction districts, smaller towns muni ties. They respond In many metropolitan suburbs, howevsr, including soma of New Toafefa. - Complete line of Bee be livestock remedies st Wat tier Drag Store, Mofcenry. ' V'"'" S-tf WLS Radio Star "Artie" The Arkansas Woodchopper and Ed Vogel, Auctioneers GOLD MEATS BACON SPRING GROVE Etta Relnhard Celebrates Her 12th Birthday Etta Reinhard celebrated her twelfth birthday on Sunday afternoon and had the following little friends in to aid her in the celebration: Sandi Jo Monteleone, Sandra Sells, Jean Selsdorf, Cora Jean Henthorne, Dorothy and Nancy B o t t , V i r g i n i a A u d i n o , B e t t y Wright, Orva Tronson and Charlotte Mitchell. The centerpiece for the table was a bare twig, sprouting gumarops and with a white hatchet fastened to the side. All of the favors were red paper wrajiped, and each of them also carried a white hatchet. Individual cupcakes were served and each cupcake was centered with a maraschino cherry and two little artificial leaves. Ice cream and cherry pop .»ere also part of the refreshments. SLICED BACON lb. 45c SHORT RIBS.. lb. 29c SIRLOIN STEAK lb. 69c BEEF LIVER /; lb. 57c . Also rubber and asphalt floor tilfc J. M. STANGARONE Phone 661-J-l McHenry, 111. Brownie Capers Dr. H. S. Fike, veterinarian from McHenry, waa the guest speaker at the meeting of the Brownie Scouts on Saturday afternoon of last week. Dr. Fike told the little girls how to take care of their pets; how to recognise various ailments and how to give first aid to a pet. HBBS (by Mrs. Charles Freund) Mrs. Ben May entertained members of her club on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 10, at her home for an afternoon at cards. Prize winners | were Mrs. Ben May, Mrs. John Milj ler, Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. | Frank Wagner, Mrs. Frank Tinney i and Mrs. William Engels. A lovely ! lunch was served by the hostess, i Among those from here who ' attended the golden wedding Celeoration of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith j at St. Mary's-St. Patrick's hall on I February 8th, were Mr. and Mrs. 1 Jake Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Mel I Kutish and Mr. and Mrs. Charles ! Freund. I Mrs. Reglna Schaefer and Mrs. . Marjorie Henri of Fox Lake, Mrs. I Arthur Kattner, Mrs. Shirley Daw- I son and Mrs. Charles Freund spent j Wednesday evening of last week | with Mrs. George W. May in honor | of her birthday. She was the happy ; recipient of some lovely gifts. | Birthday cake and Ice cream were j served the guests. j The children of Mr. and Mrs. j Fred Meyer and their families ' spent Sunday, Feb. 13, with them iu : honor of their forty-eighth wedding j anniversary. They all enjoyed dinner together and spent the re- I mainder of the day visiting. Those : present were Mr. and Mrs. Anton j Meyer and family, Mr. and Mra. Smoked Butts • • lb. 69c Swiss Cheese WL WE ENCOURAGE FRIDAY SHOPPING SWISS CHEESE CONTEST 197 lbs. 4 oi. MRS. KATE WEBER 197 lbs. 4 u*. A 12 pound tenderized ham goes to Mrs. Kate Weber 4or the^closest guess. ~~ OPEN THURSDAY -- CLOSED SUNDAY •" The undersigned having decided to change from stock to dairy % farming will sell on the farm located 9 miles east of Woodstock, 9 mllea north of Crystal Lake, 1% miles west of Mchenry, on Route 120, then 1% miles BQUthwest on , ;..v , SATURDAY, MARCH Commencing at 11:80 o'clock sharp the following described property to-wit: - 128 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK . , Consisting of x , 18 Registered Black Angus Cows "Erica Breeding" Several cows close springers, all TB ^ Baagn fre#. • Registered Black Angus bull (Emeparor of Urqurhart) sired ly Eileenmere 501 Dam Evermere T2. (" , 4 Black Angus calves. * 10 Fall Pigs--Average weight 80 to 100 lbs.". 5 bred Hampshire sows, 3 of these sowsarjl registered--Oolden Jubilee and Blender special breeding. »" »• • • Machinery < McCormick Deering Super A tractor with cultivator, mower and corn planter (New); one ton electric hoist; McD. Model M tractor (1 year old); McD. Model B tractor with cultivator (2 years old); McD. 2-M corn picker (2 years old), McD. 3-bot. 14-in. plow, 2 McD. Hi-Speed wagons with steel boxes (1 year old), portable All crop hay and grate"' dryer on rubW (1 year old), McD. lime spreader (new). < JOHN DEERE 4 ROW CORN PLANTER ON RUBBER WITlt FERTILIZER ATTACH. (NEVER USED.) John Deere 8-ft. tractor disc, Bradley 7-ft. tractor disc, McD. No. 4 power corn sheller, portable 6-ton hoist for trac., l-section quack digger, j dump rake, Bradley 24 grain elevator (new), Dunham 3-section rotary j hoe, Continental 9-in. post hole digger for tractor. ! Dozen blades for front end loader, 15 portable hog houses, 8 hog I feeders, 8 hog waterfers, 10 automatic watering kits for hog waterera* : 20 pig brooders, 2 sets tractor chains, 20 individual hog troughs. ' Large flat trailer on rubber, 500 gallon Chevrolet tank truck, De- I Luxe "Universal 28-ft. house trailer with electric refrigerator, oil heat 1 and stainless steel sink (1 year old). | 1947 STUDEBAKER 2 TON; TRUCK WITH STAKE BODY, ACTUAL I MILEAGE 3500 MILES. - r~ I 1946 Jeep with power take off. ! TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under, cash, over that amount cash and *he balance to be paid in 6 equal monthly installments plus carrying charges. All property to be settled for on the day, of sate, i No property to be removed until settlement is made. SHAMROCK FARM Herman Lacy, Owner finance Gobp* W. F. Powers, Representatfchr Phone Woodstock 1M t Clerking. BUILT KM TODAYS SMOIR. TALUR. MOM MINI AMRRICANS SiPre WhiU YM Raise a Beautiful Calf! How you can raise a calf you're proud to own...and IMI l: > ably 18 lbs. of whole milk to do it. Sell all the rest of * your milk when you feed Kaff-A. 'ffe ^ Kaff-A is buttermilk and vitamins, the only calf food ,, its kind on the market. It is 25 percent protein . .. putrition so fine you can completely wean calves at 10 ; with full safety. • , If you havon't tried Kaff-A you have BO idea how •®sy it is to raise beautifhl calves, how easy to sell more your valuable whole milk. If you're feeding milk in any form to a calf, replace it with Kaff-A now. Look for bright red and yellow pails in the barns of leading men everywhere. More ^,n half a million calves bean raised on KsffiA So ask youx feed dfskr foe ^ of today.-- -- CONSOLIDATE PRODUCTS COMPANY r f / f •ft | HIRI'S WHAT Wl DO> = I Make >sapmiln test S. s 1» Oeaa mi 4"» wriwaalw *•/MNstfaaMl ^ 1. Oeaa aaridsd fuel imv 7. Ti^hleo aH base = 4. Cleaa aari space cparfcplags^S. Check water | 5 9. Check radtator, teafag sytlsai = IMMEDIATE SERVICE-- = SPECIAL LOW PRICE WW HKAO ROOM . . . NIW MOW ROOM. No danger ef knocking your hat off in either frent or rear seat... Wide, wide seats built for three passenger luxurious eaufoit NKW 110 ROOM . . . Reel stretch-out room for long legs and tall people ... and Dodge "knee-level" seats give than fall support for comfortable and relaxing day-long' trips. t«W NRPORMANCS .. . New "Getaway" en». cine, plus Fluid Drive, squeeaes extra from every tankful of gas ... gives yep acceleration for safer passing.^ s ^ Army phytkal mxatm rmvaM thai o* S fiodgm sforfac/ phntu'i our wartime gmifration wm far biggmr, inning this gnat new car 3 |15'S lower on the outside... higher on the inside! * Shorter, on the outside ... longer on the inside! .. . wider i Wa Ford dealers know Fords best! f? BUSS MOTOR SALES 631 MAIN ST. PHONS 1 McHENSY, ILLINOIS #/*' w Narrower on the outside. on the iniidel You will wonder bow it was done! Here's daring new design ... distinOtwcTiew style . .. natural beauty that flows from truly functional engineering. Here's new elbow room, more leg room and more head room -- plus the amazingly s-m-o-o-t-h ride of Dodge All-Fluid Drive. New styling. luxury ana comfort . new."Get-Away" engine . .. new „ >mfort . . . optional Gyro-Ma tic transmission .. . are only a few of the new things that'll thrill you. But see them all at your Dodge dealer's now. Learn first hand just what the daring new Dodge will do for you. COROflET * gyro/ Fluid Drivm plug < GYRO-MATIC fr--t you from shifting A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. 301X. PEASL STEEBX McHZNSY, 1UOIO* PH01TX 1M . '• • f ' w * h - • 'ikf >iv m...